18, no. 267. ^ s= s^ = s= s^ ss^ ^...

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VOL. 18, NO. 267. ^s = s ^ = s = s ^ s s ^ ^ ^ ^ = s

In fla tio ri j ==But^Sq«ee2 — Federal Tj

AdDiinistration Quartc Appeal To Congree

More R(By Tbe A u o

---------W ASHfNeTON. Jm i. O l^ Tnew tax program , coupled-witl

• -4 lonl8t8,'todBy brough t forcca battle over ways of paying fa n bpnua.

H igh ttdmlnlfltration quartcri w aa pondering on appeal to co much aa $730,000,000 m ore re ’

— th o u g h -fin a l-d ec la lo n s-w crc^ w ithheld i t waa tentatively planned th a t p a rt of thia sum w o u ld 'b c 'f o r financinjr th e ' AAA subsUtuU IcBltlatlon. u id the

. . remalDder for lujrlng Uu bonua by f pouring mora ihiai Iwo hundred I — m lUJoa-loto-tlia.tttuurv-eaclj-ycar- -untU'lMS.............. ......................... ..........

_____ yotln£jttw _tM nJ.?L 5B _el?£y?2year Benerally Ja trowned upon po* llUeaUy and It vaa this tha t brought

houao Innatlon group, headed by RepreaentatlTO Patm an (D«Tox).

- v - p i i tm « i - e a n M a m w u n g Wmor- row o( hla ufiotllclal ateerlog com* mltt«e. KU Idea U to merfe forces for new money paymeni of both farm and bonus dcbta. Benat« Infla- tloDlsU rallied around the banner of

----- B enat<»r-T hom aa--(I> -g^),--« lw

■" • monelary'quaUoiLThe chamber of commerce of the

United Btatca also had a p a rt In the inflation controversy during the day. A committee of lha t body pre-

— aicl«d 'U uire4Jiiinuatl6n-erT>rt*ent adm lnlstnllon fiscal policies might result in “unconlTolled Innatlon."

Pttah F a m BUI---------Tha ta i >allc was-anlmated by the

announced Intention ot senate lead­ers to push for action next week

—tha-teglsU tlon Mltlng. up a.aoU*— conacrvatlon subsidy farm program,

•nje general b e l le r 'w u r t la t - th e fan n tax would b« In the nature of recoacted proe«atoB iefiea under tba UUe of a d t e M e s . Poaslbly tbey would be «tro-acUTB to can-

— c e i-o n n K T irr te ra n u p re m rw in r t invaUdaUon.

Other developmenti; • . _ _ U L W « t a o e e - 6f-Piw ldiB t^»eeae-

TCirEcCTeULcy Bull ta d Jessa Jonea.

i \ ihrougn rtieuB >^l a ereB ls in 'n lli ' Uon doUan of credit 'froxen an

BrazU due to foreign exchange com^• plications.''

An anriouncemenl by Jouet: Bhouse th a t the Liberty league was ready for a broad expansion beyond ItJi present 7S.OOO membenhlp -K such expansion seems ^-Ise” was In* terprcled by pollUcol observera as the forerunner of an expanded cam­paign- against Ute new deal.

I tr^ l ttjW tttlw _ tU jj!ro ,u l(l_V M tlybroaden prealdenllal embargo pow­ers accumulated so rapidly th a t

senjite torelgn relaUoni commltteo conceded an administration compro­mise was ■■possible.”

I G H T S a n d ] S H A D O W S

___ Im D a y ’s E ven tsiBy The Auoelated Preu)

------No.wJ3hampion— ________ __MONROE. W ls.-Harvey ScW a'fu

of Waukesha ranlu as Wisconsin's butter eating champion.

Jle won by several minutes over his nearest compeUtor, Den Jennyo f-M oarofc-b» .^g-*w ay--w U h> ^

Lurking D eath— ____^ CENTRALIA, I l l ^ o h n Prels, H - h ' year-old Radom. llltnols, school stu­

dent. IS dead-Uie McUm of & World war hand grenade. The boy died of •avero wounds received, during a school recess when the bomb he waa

- — using as a ham tner-to-Jlx-hls-lce skates exploded.

InvesUgaUons of coroner's Jury showed the grenade came from an abandoned'museum a t Dadom.

Still*W ear8 ’E m S o S = ;SHZfUDAN, Wyo. - Hall August

BUU. He wears red flannel'under-• wear.

AU along tho timbered and mlne- Pitted, slopes ot llie, Hoeky moun- tains; Btell alone has been definite­ly identified with the one-ttme pop­u lar hue for eold weather under-

■ garments.B ut even BteU has lo resorl to the

------gam enls .'T he finished product Isa’lavailable a t stores a i^ longer, It

Tr~-'CJlJ0r"Crd~h5H ai'-UH R iraerts-fo r

Snowplow to th e Eoacne— ‘ WABtflNOTON. Pa .-A succcnt

whlrTT-r” su n le d state highway •T i:* « k B n jn n a s3f.w ijiato-a-saow dm r

« * road between McMurray and FinleyvUle.

Out of tbe 41-lnch “Igloo," rem it of a snowfaU-li days ago, flew more

----- t h u a -d o se n -q u a llr -n e -w o rk e rsc a rrled l6 mgrp_Uu[ljtocJxliauitcd.



Cax^Programr t e r s - D i s c l o s e s t u d y O f

r e s s F p r $ 7 3 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

R e v e n u e -

U locU tal P iaa l-^ T i) e a p p a te n ^ - ln in i i r t e D e ^ - o t^ w i th in c re a s e d a c t iv i ty b y in fla* •e c a s ts o f a liv e ly c o n g re aa io n a l f a r m e ra a au b a id y a n d so ld ie re a

• te rs d isc lo se d th e a d m in ia tr a t io n > c o n g re a a to p ro v id e p o a a ib ly M ; r e v e n u e th r o u g h n e w ta x e a . A l-

SlIillJHlI J l i l B I

Liberty League Sees NeedS — foii/VorktiirPresWenl’s—

___ __OpposilioiL_____by -------- ,• - W ASHINaTOV,.Jan. j l :(ffH w* D e O m ln a tB H n r - S S p a lg a - re ^

lenUessly against U>e new deal. ^ regardleu ot party. Ues, w u evt- ith deaeed anew tenlght by U»e bl-

parUsan leadership ot .lbe A n . of erieaa libe rty Uaine. ^

Iho —nnvtnir-lts membershlD-am>roach- w y » “ slcfc! j o u a r s h c w s e f ^ r ^ — preildent, tciwrt td ' i n ea dy fe r the broad expansion ot l u acUviUes

lo -If such expansion seems vise." He the asserted atUmpU by the president re- to ’'damn" the organlzaUon wertf ent -stm ohg •ev ldenee-onnjm eed"-fer jh t Ute league's “w ort"

Seen As Threat The words were widely construed

th,. a t Uie capllol In tha light of Alfred -ft-SmlU iT-noUce-at-U iff-oigBnl-- saUon's dinner-la it-Salurday-U iat anU.Roosevelt DemocraU w o u ld probably "take a walk" If the June wnvenUon upholds the admlnlslra-

Bpeculallon recurred as to whelh? ii,,v er he and oUier party leadera }oln-

ed In U u league might be planolni

sUtes or possibly to support a Re­pubUcan. Tbe general IncUnaUon v u a o t to expect a final answer

• tt- W U —betb—party-i)laU orm e-«r» . u a . kBovn. .

• The Shw so report, endorsed'uni hp th .

“ ft eommltue and aOtisuiV tinm lL-

(ConUnued on Page 2. Col. 4) le t: ----------------------

piLPiEBSTO; mimmmIf; Four Nations attoniloii'Coii-

t n L ^— f e ro n c o P u s h T o w o p d — i

;tctt . . . . • . ;ro- ' A g re e m e n t

LONDON, Jan. 31 (/D -T he four • ' power naval conference unanimous­

ly adopted a plan for anniial con- lldenllal exclunge of tbelr coiutrue- tlon programs today In a determined

' effort to diminish the Utreal o t a world naval race.

Oreat Britain. U)e Onlted su tes . France, and lU ly Uien-decided to

—» push as rapidly as possible toward a genenl treaty on limitation ot

. , sizes and typea of ships and calibers

» fu P>“' ' a d o p te d 'to d a y '^ I 'twjn.g Incorporated In that treaty. Then Uie

powers hope to f c l Japan. Germany

(Continued on page 2. Col. 1)

»-«• ......... .... '

Borah Among arid Funeral f o r '

R6 CK\hLLB. Md.. Jan. 31 tr > - . ] „ □.:0 .-Patterson, CO, Negro messen­

ger for the senaU foreign relations liiry committee slnoe World war days, an hurled hew today with Sena­

tor WUllam E. Borah {R -Ida),asone of the mourners,__“ T iltcrson , whwe death yeaterdoy

m»t. measagM of sonow from^ Chairman Plllm sn (D.Nev) and

oUier_membors-of U»e committee, ne - J ’ i ,C ra ted to Borah and ot UU u n . l!?** ‘*«iul»d frequenUy of the like- l(A. Uhood o t the Idahoan becoming ^ presldertt. •ler- «com panled ' by

two •commlttw a lU cho . joumeyrd the ^ p u home of Mra. wifa Ibo M U rso n . M. nt th,. >1 .l a ’t attended Uib funeral,, n AfUr Uie ceremony In th e modejl the rame h0U» Of Mrs, Patt4!r«nn wlri.


- to the oemeUry. A• ‘ » *n»wy *P«y In

Uie faces of Uiose present. n r *ho .w u picketed, by Ne-rin r e « L % B tsp K lia : th ia n re « ia o r:i* ^ m d P M f i ^ e CosUgan-Wagner anU-

^ e h in g bUl, la ju lrtd of Mrs. Pat- ju lt Urson whWher ahe had been bom icffc in »I*very. She replied no. aflerE«n Utan kjng-U>»-aroaUifyrofnaf1r f o rlted Itiro tU llfclbU iincttL — ---------m d Patterson. «^bo leaves a widow,

v e n i to Um comnlttM t a Uie dajs

. ’ TW

• HmiJraJs

> f r

____I, -V!«

J k K


: h - ------fStUM HUNDREDS o f men, women i He • tria l of-Douglaa Van Viack,

ia a View of th e overflow fn — one elaa-to le a w th e eourtro<

e r le ft, in fro n t o f his cell, ia to resum e th e relation o( hi

ued lower right. He waa callcd I«<* ___________________

liinvnE sI J M W I

Bemidji, iVlinnesota, Coidest J S - ^ o l J D L M i i t C t n t i n e n t ^ _

rCoal-SMpplies Dwindio. .un- r— ' 'live CHlCAaO, Jan , 31 (/Pj-Sub-aeron«U. .»ld_loo)c another bis blU tonleht— ■ atSidESsleiU L v h m . ------------ -

Temperalures ranging down to TH degrees under zero forecast for wide readies of Ihe snow covered farm belt as tts coldest January in many j'cars ended.

I P , In Iowa. Missouri and IlllnoU ( J l concern over fuel suppUes was IU evinced a t a, number of poInU.___ MlnfS workfri' full h>Mt riuring th>

,dW-..rn.iJ2ninOL««LiLM JM laDled. )n« In KlrksvlUe, MOh and In Peoria,

La Salle, Peru and Onhsby, IU.

fiomo Illinois miners s g n ^ to give up their Saturday holiday to dig against Uie piled up coal or- dera but the request for Uie extra day of work brought a dlspuU be- tween members of-the U. M. W. A. and Progressive Miners of America unions and operators empIo>1ngboUi

{ n as lo whether It should be granted.In Iowa, K. O.-Camey, DeA Molnea

tes. mine operator, told Oovemor Clyde K trrlng-that...lowa.-miners-.would' ard «ork Saturday wllh union apprttval,

ot d<*spiu working agreemenU llmlt- x rs Ing them to 25 hours a week. The ^ povfmor anrf t.M the unlni ^■Txr acU o iu jauld remove the threat of Uie coal scarcity;W Coldest spol on U » mldeonUnent

(ConUnued'on Page 3. Col. 1)

Ig Mourners at " Negro Friend

when' Henry Cabot Lodge of Mass- en- achuselta waa chalm un. When Bor­ons nh took the chairmanship In 1M4 lys, Patterson continued. The friendship na- d«-pened.• ” Under Dorah. Patteiaon waa more . . Uian,.n. messenger. Uc d ld n t Uko UO) o'ltsldera around tho commlltM w n room. wlUi lU tnany secret docu-

menu and papers of Intemallohal imiMrtanw, so he cleaned Uw iw m

I*'* himself.When Borah wanted, lunch In his

■ •' nfllce, Patterson went lo U u senate ' . kitchens to aeleet the food himself.

nnd to supervlsc''Ua preparation. lUft During Borah's lUnejs « fc« yeaw <tc ntro. the Idahoan sometimes would I, lik-Tsiifln-M ap, ih'-his’ o T f C T to lejl >'!'u»J>y luked Patterson to wake riri. him afler a cerUIn period. The ran- irt^ n g »r alw syt cBTcfiilly m'srkad

A K nstor o n .th e dot.In “Why d o n t you let him sIm s

rive minutes more?" Borah's seen- Ne- tary someUme# ulced. - '.£ * r Z--0 h rn £ C in « ,-^ d T a j6*.lt,'* 'P air iU- tcrson alwa>-» replied.« t- Borab raclpiocaUd. He worked to om help M ra.- a U a • P a tterson 'ge t a tier pension for her hus^)and•^ ClvU war

ow. n messenger afU r he became com- aj's mlUeo cbalim aa in l»33. > >

\ T E ^ ; a ^ i s 3 ^ k n s ^

i m mTWIN P A 1X 3, roA H O . aA TO B Pi

Is Jam ;Tw»w. M la (

n —

cn nnd ch ildren have been on ha i cic, chnrgcd w ith f i r s t degree mui from th e courtroom . Ench persoi

troom so th a t-h e may^have a sea t i . ia Douglas Van V lack who will to ! his life story.- D r. Royal B. lVac :d to Tw in Falla by defense cbuni

Mussolini < Id -T roops^e s t I t a l i a n s B o m b N o r I M

; h o l d W J i i l e P n c r i '

- - . V . ■ (Bt TTW AMM uasolini'a non-commisaior

wo and electriciana o f th e claaa oi «hi re n o rt to the rnlnr<<

cmcrgcncic.s."' w T hla decree wns Issued n t Ri

sion o f the Fusciat grnnii cou ' in tak in g every precaution again

of w a r in the M editerranean i wU Tho decrce le ft the reportinj

fo r II Duce to determ ine, o.x- p lain ing Um men were callcd

lted. »n view o l "llie ncccasity and rla, u rgency to p rov ide" foF'ln^

crcaalng the clflelcncv of » ip rcval a ir force as a precnulionary measure agalnat emergtnclcs." •

to Backed by ForteMussoUnl's mlUUn ot S14JOO cf-

focllvea and reserves, a volunury or- M - ganUatloD fonnally called the "vol-• A. untary mlllUa for national sccurl- ^ ty." wUl celcbrau lU 13Ui annl- oth ven aiy tomorrow. 11 wUI In effect ted. be a quiet assurance to .the nation ne« th a t n Cuce's commands can bc yde backed by force.lUld- -U U iU a . leadcrs-cald-.Uio-<lM,000 val. men actually m ranks would nol nit- p a n d e because of tho war. But there rhe 'f lu b e -a n unpretentious recognl- ilon Uon of "m ilitia day" tn barracks and , of ■ pati "as ■ Mujiolint~pnTmre8-.lorlell-------thiT'Brwicr councir nT Uic Palaao■enl Vepezia to m o r^ ' nlRlil whal he___ thinka of evcnU In Europe.I II Duco will hear reporU ot tlie— mllltla-oommandenir--------------~ • .RttBki’of m e mllltla arB-open to

t iom ier soiBiers anu ttic nuitdfca* of thousands of youths who have graduated from one or nnoUicr of the semUmlllUry Fascist youlh or- gnnbuUons. .

. U T a in Doo>UdS Duco bas already Informed lu ly

_ Uirough a cabinet'communlQue tlmt preparaUons nre underway "Inil-- fatlgably" a p 1n s t - “U u-pe«lU lc eventualities ol tomorrow."

■"'P H ieso-pn'iarailoiw -lncludo auii- menlnUon o( the nnny, air (orei'

ore and navy. Increased taxes went liiio Uko effect loday oii kos and electricity. LtM bachelora and tnrger duties on co;il eu- and l u by-prodi)cU.' h a l L ittle ucllon on ihe African fronu^ ion WM reported In nn otriclnl' coni-

munfquo bul Mnrshul Plclro B;itlo- V,, gllo, th e Fascist commnnder tllpr^ ",‘f u ld “sysUmlzlnR" continues in ibe

K U U itrn ,™ . :Acllon a t >'ront

I talian ' airplanes bombed' nnd nr- lUlwy shellfd- Ambo Amdani.

u l l nf.nax MlllftchftJ.. Rllll-He opla'a oorUieni commander, tod.iy ^ IS miles soulh of Makale.pie nctlon wmc i?” »??. KthiopimiU d. 4bond_itjErcn8cd acUvlty in (lie

ean ft)*d to Amba AUKl. brlleved to bcUie nex> Fascist objective.

A •correspondent. wntclilnK from fn . 'o b lw n ii ra iS lM r.ra w ^ fl 'W l^ borahs dropped- and many lll.•lls

, explode o w r the Ethiopian ranks. T h e . remainder of the front. Is

* quiet. Tbe lullans are' moving for- w trd alowly -toward a consolldailon

* ■ flU hflL U ne liLllir Trinhirn urea., T ba Une south of Makale nins to

na- —• .(ConUnued oa page 3, CoL li

ID A Y M O R N IN G , F E B B P A B y IT

; C o u riro o m , j

^and each day n t the Tw in Falla nurder of his form er w ife. Above aon isV a itin g eagerly fo r some- kt and henr the lc.-itimony. A tlo w - today return to the w itness s tand

racy, Seattle, is ahofl*h a t uuflel.-{Stnte.>iman a ta ff photos)

Calls More rto tveD lS yHiern Ethiopian Strong- eiTightens PffenBes-

ioned -officcni- o f the a ir corps 1 o f 1912 wero o n lp*-"'' H irecsttttC T in^m casu rc against

. Romo on tlie eve of the f irs t sea- :ouncil in m any weeks. 11 Diice ia l in st a possibility of the outbreak ,n over sanctions, ing d a te and th e length of Hcrvice

%DHIG'SWi f fO~i z m n e i

Louisiana Governor Announ- ces Appointment of

New Senatorbe --------

BATON ROVOE. La.. Jan. 31 fiOO -<y{v.Mr«.-!liier P. I«nr.- wHoir^rf- not the la(« K iiator, Ute today w u 'tre sppoiftted to aervo his nn n p lred -

senate term by Goremor Ja m aA. Noe. » -----—;------s---------lell '

uao Tlie oppolntinenf' ?Bijlt«l—from he the death th is week ot Oovernor O.

K. Alien, an assocUte of Uie lat« the senator, who had been nominated

for-the-unexpirtd-lerm.— -------------i to .................New to rellttr*ew Mrs. Lons had shown Uttle In u r- ove rst In politics during the Ions and

of turbulent pollUcal career of lierhus- bsnd.■ Two a-omcn wUI sit In the UnlUd States senate tor the Jlrst tlmu In

J»ly Wfltory when sho ukes Iwr seat l'!‘t ihere.

Senator HatUe W. Caraway, who

(ConUnued on Page 2. Col. 31Ull- -------------------------

“ Bonus A Boon To.■"'i Both BodnTdg-'

-glcrC Bankers •tlo- . ' .. r^ CHICAQO. Jan. 31-Looks like,Die' :he bonus boys have the Jump

1 on us two.hundred-dollar-a-I monUiers. They will get iheira

nr ‘ lust as quick as Hank Morgen-

nVi ' - in te re s t— o n -'I each, certlfl-

'lie fluure.then Uie big

,?u on for nboul th rty days. A lur , I th a t they'U drop back to normal

nnd we can sU rt figuring what Q..I to do to tearv Congres.^ next.

r i b . a n ' u s a s i K S L^ doggier down to the bunker.— 1 T O M _ p ^ Y . .

( M f P U O T ------------------:

w m i1, m s

0 Murder 1 “^Douglas

-L ifrF iSpeaking In Calm Vi

- Own Story Whil( -------- loCrosg-Exa

Father of Dead GD o u g la s V a n V lnck u n ree led

s ta n d in t h o d is t r ic t c o u r t h t esca p e a c h a rg e o f m u rd e r in g 1

R e s t in g h id h e a d on h is h a r ca lm , c o n fid e n t voice, th e b lue n n t r e c o u n te d th e n a rra t iv e i all L eo T e a ts , a n d to ld p rev io u s ly hj.<i boy h o o d a n d y o u n g m anho

H e to ld o f fu lls f ro m b ia h lcy

: i l i E S i z- J t l Z l M l

Prisoner’s Attempt to Warm Hands " Blamed' lo r''

TragedyaconsBORO, au., Jm . si

d<>e" of *. motorised cage. 20

lla u u r iifK today by flam n from VC an aecldenUlly fired gasoUne e«n- le . lalaer.w - • -A l l- bul two of- Ihe prisonertrhud-

died together U) keep warm In the 'weaUier, perUhed as

a t tiia conveyance was converted Into s ) • a blazing pyre.__ The victims wero burned beyond— recogoHIoiT T" T

Burned so seriously they were ex- , peeled lo die, Paul Dawson of ; Dem6pdlls,'A]a., atid~John Btokes'of

Birmingham, survived tho holo-— tmiJi.— ___| T TJiey were rescued by H. M. V Middlebrook and C. R. WassoU: y while guards._____ Mlddlebrook_Mid._Wftsson_wei:ftr, burned oq the hands and face u S they snaUhed the two prisoners

from Uie fire and rolled Uiem In ^ t ^ anew - bfalilfl Uia lee,.^laMd

were r id in g 'in 'l5 # ■ps cab of the transfer truck aod fUmss fn enveloped Uie machine before they

, Ah. doon a tm t the rear. • '

DeseHbfi Tragedy '•I* Dawson, suired from head to foot, i s gave an account of Uie tragedy,

n)r which he said resulud from Uie ef­fort of a feUow prisoner to warm

, his bands by llghUng a pleoe of icc p n x r .— Two conUlner* of gasoline were

In the cage, he said, a large drum___ «n j ft nmnll run ____________

Mw _ n

I T Uie front, away from the gasoline, llll but Btokea and 1 clawed a t Uie

"1 . Middlebrook slopped Uie truck quickly and flung open the

in* door. Me and Stokes Jumped out and they rolled us In the snow, caUlng for the others U> Jump out.”

FUmea Col O tt EMape The gasoline flamed and explod­

ed, throwing the burning fluid over , , Uie panic-stricken prisoners and o f - cutltojt_qff^ M cay . J ^ e j r ^

** (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1)fd---------- - -

— - Another Treasuryom — -jQiflcial Resignsate WASHINGTON. Jon, 31 W K T he led ranks ot long-time ofncials a t the— trm ury -w orn thinned further to-

day with the reslimaUon fit V. - p .er- Await, senior deputy compUoller ot nd the currency, who helped guide is- nntlonsl bank dv.itlnles during the

dark days dr the bonking holiday, ied Await wtll leave on February IS, In a fte r sixteen years of wrvlee, lo

;a t reentor tlw private procUco of (aw with T hom u Hewes. who also 'held

ho V hlgh treasury ponlllon early In the— Roosevm-adm lnfctrallotr— th a t of

u s ls ln n t secreury. Hen-cii <iult a fU r being relieved of moat ot his duties

~ when Secretary Morgenthau suc­ceeded Uie laU WUllam H. Woodln u . treuury-ch ief------------ .■.------------

. Little Girl W ; For Dog Senn SANTA ROSA, CiiIU..’ Jan. 31 («>-• '« U tllo N adlne-Vahntlne'w on-a re--

pHeve for I w Wmlemncd German shepherd pet here ye.^terdoy on ber

^ plea he waa-not-a-liUlcr even If his

f. e r T lin -w aa granted Ufe until Sal- g urdoy noon by PoundmssUr Homer K Cak«, who had previously eel the c - «x«ouUon-by-ahootlRg fo r today.—

Flvo-ycar-old Nadine's moUier,‘ Mra. AUcc ValenUne. mtanwhUe,

signed an order for transfer of the ij dog from the pound to custody of

the Bonoma county um ane society.Mrs: Valentine, who consulted ttr.

tom e}t and announced ahe w u _ J eoflitderlng coait-acUon-to prevent

. m u Qy.MaOClA3»OPIIIM - -

Trial Ju rj rV air^kcl 'fom WitliVoice,'Defendant Tells \ile State Prepares t a m i i i e J a t n t B B ________^

Girl Gives Testimonyledhis-U fc’rK tD rjrD n'thirw itncro

hero yesterday in nn e ffo rt to ig h is fo rm er wife, Mildred Hook, band a t tim es and speaking in n luck haired and youthful defend- ; a lready outlined by his a ttorney, laly by h is fa th e r and m other, of ihood.ilcydo a nd in a g y m n a a iu m w hich —• h o said resu lted in periods of

- unconsc iousnesa-"and" w ere follon'cd by headaches.

— • A gain in tho U niversity o f ,11 Washington, which he atUnded for 'W a Ume. Uie. headache* recurred, be III Mid. «ithouBh be <Ud not eoaeult

a physlcUn a tou fu iem ;

rm -He told of being *llred“ from . sex-craljoba. oncc."becauM.the boas

and I didn't get along” and again because be "got inlo an argument with the boss over anoUier boy working Uiere."

The audience, always ready for 31 comedy relief, burst inlo a hearty K t- litith-irhen-he-*dded-the-*rgvmenl 10 involved some glil employes, and

m m ore'd rag Uian 1 did and T g o t n- canned."

The day's proceeding* were not I d . wJUwut U ie lr .c lu h of alum eys. the ono of Uiem over Uie tesllmony of ^2: MorJey Barnard. Van Vlack's Ta- nto coma aequalnunce who previously

had denied he loaned him Uie weap- on with which Miss Hook U aUeged

~ to-havB-been-ahot.-----------------------Attorney T eau , recalled him and

„( sought to read a newspaper arUcle I . r quoting B am ard -u -u y io g -b e -b ad

loaned Von Viack Uie gun. Tb« st«U attorneys InstanUy objected

w and Judge Adam B. Barclay dl<

newspaper article aad then u y w hether be had been quoted'cor-

' ' t f re c u y .-T li in W a 'd to ra n J 'B a ra a ri insisted he w u mlsquoUd. '

In Another Clash

^ deteo i« .attuai)ted_i;galn_la.latip- t h t ducB a letU r vilU en by ih e def<o> mas dant'a niMher and left wltb Bberlli hey S. F . Prater for deUvery to Altome)

a t B. V. Lanon. The evident puipost

ofdcUls. Judge Barclay rejected 3 ’i* Uie le tu r again wlUi the asserUon;

“There Is noUiing new about it.- irm AnoUier letter caused an ex-

“f change between attorney*. - wbeo Joseph F. Hook. faU ur of UiQ dead girl, was caUed to Uie aUnd ontl uk ed If he had not w riiun a iettei pq>usllng against Van Vlack get-

Jpn»*Tmim*^to vs“'>e p » e t e ^ - ^ ^ letUr If Uie evidence were to b< g f - admltud.

QaaUtle* BU U nent the Concluding his croas examlnaUon, the Carl Van Vlack, ihe defendanfi out father, endeavored to withdraw a IOW, staum eni th a t he could think ol ut.” ’no Intunce when his son’* acUons

had nol been dominated by reaaon. He explained he had no t reaUzed i u full Import unU i.he.bad read It in ft newapaper.

“u“ When D ougiu Von Vlack U»k__the •und-and'Lanon.quU Uy-stsirt.

cd hU quesUonlng, specUtora and

(Contlniicd on Pago 3, Col.'8)

ns Girl Widow Denies “ Intention-To“ KiII

DENVER.-'Jan.-31 v r r — -MnryEllubcUi B m nbr-lS .-c tnn jrtjw lth

’ ert. 10. aald on Uie witness' sUind '*5® todsy Uinl she "dldn'l mean to - the jiioot him and Umt "It wasn't In

my mind lo kill him."1*. She cried wllh lier face In her to hands u she related she and her

(aw young husband were married aJUr ield they learned slie wns expecUng athe baby. __. of I i r lie r 'siaU m ait to fwllcc, she fUr said the sliot young Smith i u t No- Uea vembrr because he sUrted suit U uc- annul Uielr marriage and she feared d in il would deprive Uie baby of lU le- ___ gnl nnmr.- ■____ j _____________

Vins Reprieve jfitenced To Die> -• 'tlie.execullon. said the^UansJer or- Tf. 0. precaution against anyian -T n jn ip 'T in n irrep r ttn :— :----------her "Hex Is no l.a killer," Mrs. Valen- hls line lii.ibted. "Naillne h u just cried

___ .her t.-ycs out thice_Uity. took blm

N ^ln e by grabbing her d r m and dragging I17 from In . front of an automotllc.

was rnndemncd by Pounam uler Cako for killing commercial ilre- ttock-rabblU , aheep 'a n d calves-^ I t randies,

of He was tcUed by llie poundmu te r

a t- from Ihe Al Moyhora ranch, where w u Mayhorn ihol a l a killer dog Uie e n t night betore, to-UwValtnUneroDcb.

' i - ' -

^ . i - P B lO E J n V B .C E N T S g

y Hears kfeyiew : less Slaiitf'“ llNDBlBili;

Imfiyyftmtto ____

''‘j Girl Reporter, Horojne of id- Spectacular AKray, Sum- 'li mons. Police and Pistol

Team to Holdup Scenech - - -

_ . (b j . t Ih _____LOS ANGELES, J a n . 31—

T w o bank bandit suspects o f ■wero-'kiUed.-a-poHce-officor

w ounded and o th ird suspect uit c ap tu red in a wild gun b a ttle

today a t the Southern Councy— b& nk-ia-tuburban-SU U o& ie.:- “ The dead men, killed b y th e n s dcad ly -fire -o f nearly a dosen- m t ex p e rt p l s to r m a r k s m a n . »y membera of Uie San Oabriel 'M t t

p isto l team, n r e Clar>„ for enco H. Smllh. « , ot Lot Angelea, rty and g. O. Yatea, 42, of Beverly HUli.

■nd 44. of Olendaie^ w u a p U y td ' u b»

got Policeman Josetm Fritcb w u abet in tba rlgbt bond, Icalog tbree fUif-

not era from the b lu t of • u w e d ^ ff lys. abot«un..T l»_ofticcn .la ter. dl«e«v^ of e n d Uiree automaUo pUtoU, two

ahort.boireled plstoU and two aato* tsly maUo shot«uni In posaeuion of tb* sp- trio.

____ Seporitr SBauwos felioa ;tnd TUUe Irwln: girl reporter on an B Icle MonU newspsper, w u Uie beroio*' u d ot-Uie-*pw tacular-attr»y^~-w hlcb Cbe th e Uves o t nve bank employeea tnd^ ted more Uian a docen p a tn u w tre im*' dl- periled.the M |« : I r e in - m - e * U 8 r - t i» - 1 I5 r u y wben Uie holdup men enured. Sbs o r- waiTUlklng io Alloe vrUUamo. aa r t leUen------ ^ -------------------

-‘■Ohr «3canUd Miss wtUlami^ ' r iv s a bo idupr tly. . y *.

% Ues o fftee a .o r a h arifn depuUet, wiUi tbe ir plsudi d ra«a , lu sbed 'to

^ tb a aeene.^ A t Uie door of thn hini^, r U JlMiia l i i i a Ullllllli. kIw upened

tlr« tipon Uiem. He w u captured u )w a tuftipud to nee. Tbe oUter two

' m en sought to fight It ou t irtUi the oftieen, and wera shot te reral Umes a fte r an exchange of buUeta. Bank

gtA employeea and custonert, -mean* ^ WbUe, tougbt proucuon behind

(leaki and parilUons.L t. Olarence Smith, under tbe name!

n ..n n . h .a W n .

(Continued bn ,p8ge a. Col. 1) ’

-wiiiizlts i i n n i i ion.ted --------"• Schwartzkopl'Promises Re-J* quested Reopening ot__

___ investigationTRENTON, N. J , Jan. 31 W) —

A ttoraty Oeneral Dsvld T . WUenu

mjelunUed-today-hli.£oavlcUon-tbaL B nm o Richard Hauptmann atone kidnaped and UUed Uie Llndbeigti

HO' b*hy. :

,nd Houpimanii alone wm Involved, to - Colonel H. Nonnan Schwarzkopf. In supcrlnUndenl of tlie New Jersey.

s la te iwllce. promised Oovernor Har* tier old G. Hoffman lo comply wiUi bU. ner order* lo reopen Uie mvBstlgatlon. U r The governor'*.office announced ; a receipt from Schwankopf of a le t-

_ te r promising to do_u he was dlrec-' nhe ted almost a t tho. same tUne th a t 'lo- ,WUenU took publ|o nou of ihe gov-

to em or’* order*, issued yesterday. ‘sitnaUon Uneiunged

^ l th«_Tvldenee has pointed to ibo guUt of Bruno'RlcKard'HaUliti'

— m ann alone," Wllcnu said. "Tbat ' aUuaUott has not been changed , by

tbeorles, published reiwru or s ta u - ' m enu."

WllenU ,spoke nfter a conference r t w im Schwankcvf. Ho did no t dls- . C cioau ’what Ui;y'discusscd, but he

Cthe pollcemaa had not aaked anj- ttdvlee.

I''* By GovBmor Hoffman's ordect. £ L m nm tnxl In « If tlfr In Wfh»artknpf

>*GStcnlay. th e -su te 'p o lic e m u tt£ l Tw.lfi. « a-ftfVly rypnrl. jn writing of^ Uie progress ol thclr.inqulry.


a t '^ ie UUI were met In court when, aa th e defense applied for a writ' of

b a b a u corpus which w u denied.nitf malrw

lei' ^ b t lo Uio lext of Sehwar^koprJL re- letU r.s-^ -Koffman', In a sU um en t. nearly-

- SOOQ words long which occoaipanled U r bla iftU r. ga.-.^fth.Torlou* fac u be red u tia id s W * fn ) lta m an r tlb tcp te s r t’ t re lh a t H a D p ti^ ''« u > n b t.o lo D 0 ia the th e isdinaphig and coUecUoa a(. th l ^

a y . ; ,

i'jQiMVAnibatsailo'rDefendi ' | ;v7-TpkypVAttlli«to::on------■■■'■; ': ■■ ■ ■' Armament—— ■■;. n w tO B X , J U . u ' w p j i w ,'

' ' • e o t u d t i 'w u ’tc w s to a iw a u jM * '• ' T M a ttr B tf ~ w iiit ry - | - iu iw g r -o f f —^| '^ n X -* m u ^ :$ B A 4 U -o o a m M ~~

Japaa tcatty t i iU u u iu il olaiMr • tha i Mippoo « « o u to u u b u tb a { «Ul« o i.aoQ 'M Sraaioa ana noo* •'{

a tv al p o m n . u id .v» UUU ix r c ium for pouifiu ptaiy ' . I t m n ^ ontf M f y M t y •

bMpuK to r la u oi p u r ^ b a i 'i j . fimp>y tn a u ta M y dUtieuk b*« ,. I

t u n ol UM quuUon.-'•*■*»«»> .e u w w e .a l Uia LonlQii . uavai eoolareooe waa w tuaud , tn v. M id .'O f Her e a ise n dflSlN (or n s *

.eeabulnaucU oao{n«vici.„ .B lm p< .1 . ly 10 auam tu (o seal*, dovn aU oavaj s tre n tu u uodsr a m lo i r s e a W0U14

.Jb a -u a ls lr .U u ..n a ile a . auokUjr ... am iiiif u K renrtb.’*

T H .iailu ra «u u u propocaU "dou BO. raean u ia t aay u U s th n s

.U am an d . Japan and Um Oolisd _ flla ieti conuniplals war wlUi alUxr - I

.o t-ltM oU isn.iw raivnaU onoutaM « — Um iroup. nor doea U n s a a Uis prospect of any naval n e s amtmf Um U im ," Mr. Salto addsd.

MERCURY PLUNGES — ^ o-3vbeLow-zero - |

'tCeaUnusd r n m ^ Oss>. • ; |

-«is-Bsmidji.--JiUiuL.-.^«ltb^lkbSow-th ttm e ra to f.----------- --------------------

— o a to fn itt-g»w «a prsdlctsd Uw stw i^^eold would n in l t la b ttT j lostss to ttw psaeb d v p u d b u rr

otbsr trulta. Ohics(o I

a 9« .s n iK t i a o t a d aniTsd Mfors ~ |

v M i ' l a 'W s s t t e .OUataoaB, tb s ~ lTMwltamna ajwl mrHnw| Mf^

T O aE POWERS to ;- ir -CONFIOE PROflRAMS ]-■ ^ O B B tlin isd - r rD a -n c s -^ * ) -------- >

aad^R aB la to t m s Istsr. by for* ^ s a l s tc a a ta n oa voluntary adhsr-'O fi<rto 'U u'eeaier«D os a|TM Bsat.~ a

; wblob wiUidraw r t o t b s H

” ** BbttDdini p ro m m s unlsis Uwr for* .a a U y S n 'U w MTCCmut. I

II x olo u r { M m to rsetlTS sie ti oUur'a Sat

•^netaTeoiistrueUoitproitaffliL-Uuss mn JM M MiUsr than 'now U t ^ e a s t .


, m a J U M r n L E g' r r o n p a fs oae) M J

otfiolato said. v' ib s . i b s t l f f s dspartm sat aald Uw wli

t h M awn lu d M sa seo ib t ror n » .-auB tlti in.GoaaseUoa w U b.ssnral -'feuk-hOldu|w In Les A aistss aad -

^ 1 ^ % ’ to k s and oiit o( i Job,* T <


-------- wu• (OonUBiwd P ro a P a ts Oos> um

tb s aorUicm « d |s o t StUeet, froct* ^ t a i Amta A radam ..wbeis ItaUani ^ IWTe taken over Uw l i u i n of D«(rL ^ U U ie n r m w r o i t th ly ^ U w e d g o ,

“ B f U w a a ta t r t w ' i a TenJhiea wiwre Uw lUM JuU lawaid.

a r s s t BrlUtQ.’sd sfe s iilu lM o m * " S l S r o f U w eaEnsk n e t for Uw “ P . .tm U i Uma.wlUiln Uiree weska to -prepsie a procram itrea|th«nln« ^ Uw empire's defcnics. .

Pm ntsr Albert 6a m u t ot Prance. ^ wbo woa a TOte o t coafldcoos ftom . j

a bops for ai) early end of tbe war. ^


^. -.(O oailnuea Ftom Pace dae>— jffl

pleai (or help arose aboTO tbe roar im t f Uw flafflea.

UlddlebroQk said Uw truck's gnaUpplni and illd ln i a loaf Uw rouih rw

- road-apparenU y-A llied som e-of t b r c a s t l e to ilosb out on Uw Sh

t lm i Tt m t r i n j I Sth ln i T U wrong w u wben we Shbeard Uw Kefroes ahrltking In U r- ^

...ror,-Mlddlebrook aald.. •• m“Aa Moa u I could stop Uie ^

truck, T daihed to Uie rear and ua*locked Uie door and attempted to r »pull Uiem ou t Two near the door U we could MW. but bom were badlyburned..T lw rest could aOt be ' r e a d i e t f - ' ■

OoroBtt ,W. R. Word, atter ques* ^- tim lo i Uie iiarrlTOrt, retum td a no

CndlBf ot “acddeatal deaUi." ot— . ed

“ Moscow- Wontah'B : ^ r Death InvgBtigated ^

osT-ol L a ^ c o « ^ * ^ l ^ a n * 3 i I i *« ttl |ttio a loday tnto tbe deaUi of ^

l a Jobaaneaion. about *i. ader Tl ■ “l y W W M a m ~ w m a m 1 r B T r

b ia ted Dpstatis niatnitreet room. ^• Om d M yest«rd«7 ot pneumonia, be

. . ‘Dm asUiorlUei aald tbe apparenUy 'W been In a bad tsJl or

n h t l t o . t r t ^ .or.tiafpl(sl a ttc a l- >«i aaU Uw source of ber la^lry.^^ wl

—. J W J O T M J m u U i r o t t l a u w

- v w S iiw

ON E o f the t«hn!cfl1 wltn«sM8 In - «tt^M.-Sweeley> pictured abov«.

w ith pictures and measurenwu ’ th e ffun which Van Vlack cAtrlei

26. Cipt&in Sweeley la obown h< m a n -s t t t f p h o to )____________

r o f t s o A iT r o B t o d a y a n d —

S a tv d a y and Bandayi local wows loo sm U i poTtlSB Batarday. _ j

m ent weaUier obMrver ware 11 d»> r te s 'sb o y s '- 'a a d 7 ' d tfrses ^ w - c u r o ; tb a n w u aa e u t .wlsd aad u it

a u tr l e 'p re t iu r t a t 5 ^ a .S v U , 'o C T M.18 lacnes and tbe humidity ran te . Ha n to «T per cent « t laturaUoa. . i r

WeaUier a year a |0 w u clear ■ w ith temperatures ot M and 23 de-

te t............ •— >-■ • , the

T e m p e r a t u r e s B e l o w -

Z e r n I n S o n t h I d a h o , ni

O ensral low premirs oVer Uw southw est aad plateau retloni, w ith ailaor eeaten located over / California, (outhera Wyomlni and Lot SU tem Colorado, It InteracUng i m , wUh b l(h preiaure o w Montana Ib u W d norUwra Wyoaupt to produce tlU cloudiness over tbe enurs weit. Bx* >»] cspUfii on Uie DorUiem PaeUlo i c o u t. Temperatures remain below tero In touUiera Idaho.

Light rain U oocurrUig la Call* coi form a, (rom Saa Prasclaco to Los tio Aagelse, Uiere wai icattsred pro* • op itaaoa-m ~ Wa»hunton.~But 'sklet Yifi h a ts cleared over meet ot Uwt !,« lU ts . fiaow flunlea are reported Jrom Montana and aorm em Wyom- p,*

t ii l lh t upward ctianiet In temp* erature have occurred la Uie cen* tt» l-iiole»-aad-lalie*-r*ti«>n».-aa ^ h l(b preuure centert over I l l in o is . '^ Tne weather It talr in thoM areas

_____ ■ ' Jai^ Mlo. Pm . w**. '

I t M f{!!I ’i H.EU t ADteln M M -41 lUlnr - w j i i . - i ! •¥ a ' “ j s s . . — ¥ -a s S S I g ;iw u a d ------ u a . M - - a mSI. U u ll _ l t >4 i t cieadr ie1M t Uk* - _ u u ^ a « n e rI t a Okto _ U U .01 Btin

— U— ,11— ItatB---------SHtU* ____A* iX M ClM? f \Spohan* It- J l CUndr Kj

-iV -^5 -a s& -

D o l l s ’ S m i l e s M a s k _• 5 '

- S t b c k O f N a r c o t i c s o^..................— ------- -— th:

LOS ANOHJB, J tn . 91 W -I b * en nooent-looUng tmllet on tb i '(aces ca ot a clonttul of Cblntie d ^ m ask- 'pr ed a itM k of ntreoUct worUi sev*

- «ral-th«u4nd-dellart.-.chrlailansenr iA , U. S . antl-nareoUo :tiUKau head. Ut 1 ta ld a(ter a raid to6jr. .•|tr<

- A ^ U - lw o U d - t ir e r C h ln e ta -o n . pr

: .................. ......... ' s=------------ITBAB IIC^NSBB COSTLY

I J0HANWE8BUR0. 8 a Africa M>) d t r T hs price ot liquor Heeniea a t K t(sl.‘ Uer ■Twwmnrajwntrm*thiT!iiM'»n-ir‘-ai- f ta te r o t a ' |o ld* tle ll h u n , been te t a t tu,OOO. d

[ . GOOD-BYE JACKBAB8IT8 J ~ M < » u a .-A ltj- tf^ -M rrrM a 4 u l-^ -*■ . Isn, a f tr a e r. u ttd to hare troubh co

w ltb crop*eaUni Jickrabblti. He «r t * a lt€ (L W iJl< lit»_K iih-ja ja lt'aD d_ia

atiTChnlac mlatura aad killed 1.000. jW

Deaft BuU

j In th e V an V U ck m urder tr ia l at ivo^A -ballaB tics «x p ert-M w ell t iw nta th a t th e bu lle t V^hlch kill< t i e d w hen he yras cap tured south i 1 h e re w ith bullets disehArged fix

( o N G ’S W ID O W T O ' N


(Ooallnued Prom Paie Gael ~

Znforteed a t New Orleans of Uw ^ appointment, Mrs. Loni tU dT T haftJlns.*ThaVa-Tery-flnei>^-Mw^'eo(- of-comment further; ■ ' ______Uii- < io « h w r >»oe, who becainV Loii* H"

Ulana's ohk f exeeuUre upon Uie ^ ^dcath of Allen, p e c t e d Uw Dem*

dealria te Mrs. Ziong for tbe unex* plred term when It m eeu Pebniary s. ®“*

edTbs sppolntment oorer* the In* (

tertm between the p retsn t data and ao' th e general elecUon la April when del the eommlttee’s designation would w be eJfeetlTt. • rei

" I have talked with M n. Long w d .<

Q orem or W oe.^d._ - ' y?,Relr t« P n n a m toi

As Senator Long's luoeeaior, Mr*, eoi Long WlU carry wlUi her to W uh* trc

I Ington legal poueulon ot her hus* Un band^ "share Uie wealUi" program, tlv UUe to whleh recenUy w u vested ta h e r wtUi IU details. t

U w u not b o u n c e d wben Mr*, l u Long would take her seat la the mt senaie, but It w u beUered th e ; to could do so before Uw geseral elee- ad tlon AprU a i. •

“This .t|JJw .p .« j. JPl llte," Q om aor Noe ta ld In an*!ke: nounclng Uw appointment, "for It I tld ha* g litn me the opportunity to ,re l play a part In paying a tribute toi«>; the greatest Amerltan ef our times . ' and Ute beet friend t ever bad." ^Senatorlong.w aa8hot_and f tU lly i"*

; wounded in the ita to houte h e r e '^ last September B. n is term In Uie 1

Jahuttry: i ,The appointment created mild U .

lUrprlM In political clrclit, although the poutbUltv th a t U r i Long might bo appointed to serre out her hut-1 band 'i-term u a result ot Alten’a .m i death had been mentioned. i d<

Many tn otfleial circles h td id e tbooght Uiat Allen J. Blender,nom* he tnated to Uw regular_term, weald get Uie appolnim eot ve

________ ' : ________ Mj

Communists Move "! — ^Toward--Nanking S

NANKINO, Jaa . 31 (« -A p p re . \ heiuion over the ta te of Kwelyang " heightened today «iUi receipt by Chlneee ottlcUl quarters of advlcei th a t coihmunlstr had eaptured-num* _ erous points wlUila 9» miles of the capU tL of soulhweetem Kvilchov. ~ •pnjTIiiee. . • . i S

A communltt. army w u -r« p o r tcd ;y i 0 :jia tt-cu t-0fM he*piflrit ttlMi: » ;te7T7 Ital from Uie outside world, oon*!*^

’{trolling Ihe highways from .Hunta-^*'

Amerlean mlsaloaarles wlthia U w '« I danger area were bellSTed to num* | y

» tr t ig h t -United Stales-dlplomaUo<;^' r* auW ertU M TllW iw anted th s t n h e y ^ » i j r e uaable to aflcrd Uw mlielon* *

' t* S M m iS MAKE NEWS |«

"I SALirlAfi, C«Wt W V -m t“6fThff~*‘ ■ .couples to taks out a aarrlage Ue*> ease here In » U aad t in t to apply U L ta.lO M -conilst<d o o r flm lU ii-p .jo o n e relitsd to anoUwxk lb>

[^N EW S. T W l M - f j U g B j ^ ^ j t B O "

a U e t - : \ |

H i F jBu

' in*i

..I. ■

' var

ip t


cal■y,'„ ci$r


r -

................... CM


' ' ' Insk ^

1 !v : COBma

^ ot• ■ of

I a t Twin Falls Is C ip ta in Ever* “II as an -a ttom ey t he-tefltifled ^ (illed Mildred Hook cam e' from ted th of Twin Fells la s t N ovem ber tto from th e sam e ju n .— (8tatea*

___________________• • Ud


_______________________________ on.(Continued Prom ^ g e Onel

when prctcnwd lu t week, revlawed ^ acUvlUet tihco Auguit. IM S.,and «« laid! ^' T ortunately now Uw people bave Ini awakened. Portunately .a large part

Uie Insldloua u id dangerous Ihiag “ U ut WM being sccomputbed uoder « « Uie guise of reUet and reoovtn',•** The tanlty ot America U be* P«<

wf»» T""*^ ‘“i nlmt'* ~ Bomb L ln lti Ceatest ^

I t cllmaied another pollUcaUy *" evenUut day. Derelopmenw Includ*

Benator Borah of Idaho decided not to contest In PenntylvsaU (or ; i dolegaUi to Uie RepubUcan coa* wntlon. Bcpenie w u given u Uw * r

Ireawn.I . Oovemor Landon of K a u a i pn* ^

on farm reUif. Atwr eontem ni r s i r o r w praw nauve w p a c t O S'- — t u here by telephone from Topeka, he endorsed the whiat^ cotton; com*bet, tobacoo subsMy bul in* troduced by Hope yejterday u one f | Uwt would not require “an extea* I tive bureaucracy to idmlnUter." |

Bee Good In Speecti IS taa to r Norbeck (R*SJ3.), work* I

Ing to r Boralfs nomlnsUon, com* I mented th a t Landon “doeto't teem I I

: to be against Uie new deal but the M I admlaUtraUon of the now detl." H

"There w u mueh good la b it I i p ^ / l N o r ^ . s d d e d , "but_tti« .H

[key w u th a t rettoraUon of con* m fldenee w u more important U ua I reform of abuies. T hat souads-Uka I I Uie Uberty league.” H

Colonel Frank Knox of lUlnoU. H slto an ouutandlng pottlbUlty to I head Uw O. 0 . P. U c k e ^ t D ut<% IOhio, Tslterated U ut Uie new deal I

I w u out to "capture'' what prlrata 9 bujlnets h u buut- ' W

I Oovemor Taimadge of Oeorgta « t MA U anu Uughed o tt a chaUtnge by I

iRooievslt eampalgner* tbere to nil I :h li i tr e n itb 'a fa ih R Uie preildent H ila a ' ^ t l d e n u a l preference pri- H .mary. lU m adge contreli Uie tu t a | ( I DemocraUo committee which m utt 9 , ^ c ^ WheUier a primary wui be H held. n

Tiw United Mine Workert con. i ventlon bere gave U i~e-p re«nsm r ‘1 ovaUon when asked by Edward P. I Menrttfig Blabor, wbeUwr Uiey lupporUd him. l l

P residen t'John L. U w li o ( ^ ||!

Montana Cowboy- m Named As Slayer I

, ~ B » M A B C K .irD :, Jan. 31 «>)_ B. Ai a ceioneT’s jury opened lnvsiU> B

gaUoa today, Wo..Uie__<lMth of 8I oeorge -Knowlen, painter vboM 9'body WM found In i t th tiitw pn , |

'iauu ioriues 'disciowd new in(orma> s ' tlen concerning movemenu ot Hew* if

, ard u e a , M w tana cowboy, ch iried li^ jg lth toe d a ^ ^ y . t t

, seen here January 3 T hra he mads ^ . I arraniem ents to accept bick u la ry ■] ..d u e -fro a ^ Jo rm e r-sm p lo y er-a t-a — r llg w o - fa s^ to iH iU wevloosielstm- — iiKnowten's— antom obtle,--om ettls ~

found, w u sold te a wrecking con* cem December Si by U icu . who told friends g a o w )p had gone to

r “conmer. h. ,W. u i o a said be be* .r Uered Knowlen had been deid' ap*i..B K « lm atily -a_ jn a n tb -« h ea —b is - -

ibody W |s found Tuesday.

o r t o T O M ’A T t i o i t i i m q , ^

ittwfflisr-;g O IB fifjBuslneu. fgenoy Predlote J

Dangtr In ContlnuatKn-v .t _— o(,Flical Pollolet.-,,^ J

W ASainOTOK, Jan. » IUw fibamber of COB. I

S S « o (th o U n lU d B ta te s p re 4 W « t I

" ? * 2 d S i t i t u S “ ' S c ^

tS S " ^ — . ' IT he coBualtUe'* tlew* ware p re . I

tented to and n ie a s k by Ibe r'sd irpetors.aow iaiss iioa ..T lw r I compiiNd ene of u re rs l r tpo rts-b r I vsrioui eoounittw m w m n t epd* I

J> uil4nfc biiC 3

sn sppreaeh to gnater d l s o w to I iinancinf," iald U w -rnort, v ittU a ; I by n e d n. etauMn. IMOOA. WSs* I coRtln, manuf*cturir. I

lanaUoQSrr Becrewtaf. IPresent ty y a ol f in a n e ^ U aam b I

{latlonarr,” Otiuien ssld, addtPf . Im a t while "tbU meUiod of WlatloQ Id iffen iron), ths iHuini of paper Ieurrency, Uw uiUmate result of Ua IeonUnuaaee n a y not differ." - 1

"AC ch< eoaoIuiloR ol ihe oert fts* Ical year, there wUl haw beea, ae* Ictfrding to present outlook, sstsq IconseeuUve years of heavy budietaqr ■ Idaftoiu,'' tw continued^........... I

"XI m utt ne t be overtookid th a t Ierery n suoa whleh b u permitted ■detielU tn any way comparabla for « t lUch periods of Ume h u found the gresteit dltfioulty, If not Uie tmpos*Ht«lUty^ol-aseapln|.Uw.d8TSStaUat _ |consequsnoes of ucconutued tofla* ^

Two oUwr reports were made ^imbH5.t24sy..OTM,ur|ed_the « c U |^ _ 3 ot fOTeruaent ipbUdles.fQr.bous*

eluniaatloo ^ axuting ocesa n a (lcoatrseU, Furthw reports «1U b« _ _mado iborUy. Q

-SUggeriag-BipeodUarte ’ M^ O K u m ^ d ■

of l l t .000.000.000, a probable deficit of t«,000.009.000, and a federal debt u ot June aoui. 19S7, of «S9,000,- 000.000. -

To what w en 'u llM '^ tU g ie rlag" R ' federal expendlturss, the report said. tto.WO,OO0,(M'ai spending by i t t te s . sod local futMUrliloni must be added,

'T hoie to authority should con* iider w dl wbeUier Uw oountry ca a ___

turet." Clausen warned.'.‘Tho.eoastaatly.iecuirlsg deflclU . 81

have not been flnaaoed by the la fe IS in d co n * tm U \i Uithod ef drawing ol g U h t-m la e s-e t-U w -p e o p te i-A iH -U pnx im itily s out of every 0 delUrs ct of borrowings since June SO, 1930, , have bw n f lM u t^ by the govern* ^ IKiht'S ilung to Daok* lU promises to psy sod then checking oq result* ^ Ing depoilU. 2 s

• PredeaeelUadermlnsd of '» re e and-heavy-spending of gev-

em m ent tunda*ln excess of r^Vtnucs tends to destroy on uw ’part of tne ^ people the prudent atUtude toward ^

keep gorernffl'ent ^ n d i t u r e s with- ' . In reasonable bounds.'^-

Clausm called upon butlneu men a ad Uttlr ofganUaUoat to stimulate P « "an InteUigent public undentandlng o t the menace inherent in unbal- anoed budgeU and eMcislve u * . pn' atlon. An alert public . senllment alone csn sueoeaituUy reiljt lueh f “ Uxatlon and bring e x ^ d llu re s into

Hughes’ Friend S!



t . '|01

'■<*’ MuM - n u Mj

i 'I ^ H V u r '

. 'AW i r > - t f




n D T iu l l . . ^

dll r e Q ® l . v * w w B ^ ^ B Cl

l2E siS S 2 2 S2^ ^ B S - S t t L _ _ J

BD CnbH*7IAB>0U> G L O R IA B< —»A K «tr-tabeT ^ e f - W e i ^ Y t ^ g

w u Rpertea Um object e t deret* vl ad atleaU sa a t r a t a Sprtogt,

, CallfeiBla. f t» « a m r t H a g h e a ,^

.(Uan I f t t lN i J i w e t f i u * w * Cm B ee^:bB t aSmtttad be planned B.

- - 'v ed M n d -T k lu .to .tb a .d ise r tlx e 'x ^ a e i C ^ P b t t a . T »

S T A R witaoss fo r th e s ta te In tl: V an V lack a t Twin F alls ia Walt

— (ured-Bbov<r-B«eBleyr«n-A9so _ j 3e a c r lb e l la ja > !U th D 5 L y jm _ Y li

t b e slaylnsr o f Mildred Hook _ 5 e e s le y _ : : i C ( ^ d :L U w je r i f a r ja i ! . . le a s lo n .« ~ (S ta te s t^ s ta f f phc

m i l . III.

R; E. ShlpKefa 'Calls. lor Pu Reduction of Govern-

mental CostsUOSCOW, Id ^ o ! Ja& 31 CPH 1

8ta;e.pU anlng.w aa.U w.U w ffla.D C-£n ISO t)uloeas aod eeoaomie leader* me of Idaho a t Uis opening sbdon car

-m ia^auraew t-oM lw -tw o-diyHsts <Ug d u m b e r e t comSKrce conreaUen. gat A ^ from Prealdent B. E. shep-

tax unlU and redMUon ot.govem- m to ia l cosu marked Uw opening session. He reiterated the w aning ^ of Uio 1827 and MM sestlont U ia ; ,y . gre'aitF 'efnciH iJrTJrTitiw ic 'operi* r " tiOtt-ls demanded By Uie reoeastonof “ the.«tate:a.asseuable vealihT asS a ""J popuUUon^m ^ w lett Uwn tbe

- Traces Tax Tread Shepherd said Idaho’s founders "

planned lor a s tste capable of tup- -yc porting teveral mllUon people. a rt

“Slnoe 1920." he declared, "taxable hei w ealih b is depressed 3i p a cent tw< and the populoUon b u been sU - tlonary. McanwhJ.e, govemmental mli co su havo Increased SlOO per cent kg la the fUM-s me o t lett Uian haU vai a century."

H6 CBguat nacU the-trm d ' of - th a 'T er pa it four years*** reduetloa In state are and loctl governmental expehoitures'rea and relief of property through new p ri forms ol taxaUon. me

The>Uietna w u reiterated by WUl pec Simons, Boise, chairman o t Uie ita te 1 planning board; O. E. McKelvey. got public works commissioner, snd of John W. Condie, superlnwndent of nea public InstrucUon, In discussions o t wU tbelr respective fields. he

Uncle Sam Uorca I n UU Tonight’s speaxers were WlUlam —lJ

E. aweet, Denver, Io.Tner Colorado soi governor and now of Uie resetUe* fy)i«nt nnrl T, L.M artin, BoUe, wbo discussed u n - A■•mplojmenl insurance;--------------- , ' '

•'Uncle 6am h u moved Into your nelghMthood." declared Sweet In reference to the reseitlement pro* i gram , "and I do not think be wUl Ati toon move'out.'' f n

Simons reported studies of Uie to planning bowd to solve northem "Je

rSdaho's-floodvi>rol>Um»r-*o-utlliM, Bo Uw icate's phosphate deposlU In the l souUieasi and to analjte education, mf taxaUon, land usage, highway, and u t pollUcal subdivision problems. t o

Auvbutes hitKways ' McKelvey sdvocated building of J

aU arw rwi highways by Uie tederal b» government, with su te -responslbU* ^ uy for feeder roads. Planning, be u ld . must play a greaUr part la the ^ highway program. He ta ld -ta» -ttB M ^ certainty of federal fuads w u an

The commissioner crlUcttsd "Uw ® off.haad way la which roads have “ been-buUMrl{heu»-«onilderMloa-«( ^ W U t i r " U i» 'w 6 f f l r B e n 5 5 in « r ' ~

superloundent c o n ^ ouUlnsd a ' r proposed su u w td s school survey, for "reappraisal ot .the purpoee, scope ■ and - procedures" ot pubUc educa* r ' tlon. School llnanolag would be la* ^eluded In Uw study. • ------ £5- M ..B . Y eam an^daho Falls, pras* H Ided a t Uie altemoon session: L. L-O ray. of NaiBpa. tonight.-----------2{

CeoveoUen C ooaittew Ootivuitlon coomittees-named'to*- —

day were: Resolutlou-D onald A. „ Callahan. WaUace, cnsinnan; Lynn D r t ^ . ^ B ty e! Windsor Lloyd. "

R . s! Erb, LewUtoo; T. L. Martial - Boise;, W. W. Pltnt, cottonwood: Perry Mltehell> Ww- Perce; J. M.

Orotino': j . a . ^ n l g a a , Qrante*‘ Vllle: Alvin Smirn. Idaho PaUs. •

N om lnauons-a. o . Mooa, Boise, chalrm aar W alter Clark. KeUofi;

Speakers t o m o ^ wUl Include.B. L . Spreat, Boise, eouneiUor to Uw t't


- j f ^ W r - z S M S



i u SbB B e^ ^ ^ B I beSSSI **■lb <



I the m urder tria l of D ouglas n Walter V. Bcealey of Boise, p lo s so c ittted -P ress-s la ff-w rite rr —I Y lw k J> J ia 5 r!t9 i ly ja a} t$ .« eA Jii _ _ 3k when Interviowed in ja il. _ cement officers with th e con* jun photo)

' '■'■!■ . . 'I ', , = g Ute

l s j j b i : e1 K * K “


P u b l l s h e P S i ^ 'T H r e a r t o p j

Private Enterprise in - New Deal Policy ' ^

DAYTON. 0 , Jafl. SI W h -C o lo ^ m £nm x _ K a o x ._ C b le s |o publlstm gn oiesUoned aa a possible RepubUcaa i canoldau to r presldeot, asserted to* bet Blgat Uis. adm ln ls trs tlon -te-tnve^ u a gsung private enurprlse "to dls* he credit, U pottlble, private buslneu coi ana private ouslness m t t In Uw eye* Ati

Ba'spoM a t the saaual McKinley ins day dinner o t the Montgomery coun* y RepObUcan conunitue, renew iat i

have got to got Into poUUcs*>or ga t tn out'Of business." ^ hll

XI w u bU UUrd addreu la Ohio asi during receat weeks._____________ m

A lto g « .u « « Si" if u a business man." said K nsx, (

"you doubt tha t these Now Dealara to are out to capture wbat you hav* j helped lo buUd, then let me ask yeu qu. two quesUons: ne

"W nst Is the purpoM of Uie ad* m m inistration' In condueUag all mese n legUlsllve Investlg^tloas Into pri* ' vate enUrprlset Uii

" It seems to me the purpoie ta tel very upyuiem: T hen m vusuusuiuu g ; are

irlvate business and private buslneu vo men In the eyes of -Uie American itj pedple."

Knox asserted "business men have wl got to get into poUUes-or get ou t se of business," and that "unless buat- a t ness mea do. Ui«r aad the people u wUl be In bankruptcy. How can thia be avoidedf Xa but.ona way: S jr « tflUng tn actlve-lnstead o t passive ^ —inUrest tn Uw atfslr* of your own goveromsnt."

A p E e C S h a p e d l n ; ; gS

‘J e a l o u s j T M u r d e r ’ ”

MEMPHIS, TW n. J in . s i .W — Atwrneys shaped an appeal today „

o a 10-year prison term for th e . "Jealousy m urder' of h e r husband.

^ M ^ n ^ c e , voted Iw a jury o i ■? married men yesterday after a ten* u tlo n s l tria l, w u among the heav- - Mst ever levied on a woman In ehel? _by county. ’ • .......... ■

Mrs. Koot w u free under S7M0 bond pending hearing ea her new trial moUoa rebruary JO. I

LucUe Underwood, red •haired night otub "clgaretU girl" ever whom Mr, .andUse slaying, l u t November J. s a H r .

"NoUUng 1 u n u y could alter n a tte i s u iy . Out I'syinpathite wltli~ her because of her and Uw cbUd.


- MOSCOW. Idaho, Ja n .-91 UP) •* Unlvetslty o t Idaho regenu vot«d final approval today, to plaiw tor tb* now. llts^OO unlvertlty Infirmary, m e projeet wUl be uaaneed by a PWA i r a a t and Uii sale of bonda.

by W btuhouse anaT tlce, Spokane arehlteeta.

reetor ot Uw eaergeney eounoQ: ctata directors j> L. 'Hood, WPA:

ffiirr- - ,“ -1. -n 'r r- r ra w m tF m w r

T o b L u t e

r d ^ C i o M l f y

1 I'O A RSN T--Ftm m 8R tD H 0U 8I,

in o iir ^ T lfo la r^ T T f" '" ' Convlot’i Clalni ol

Seli-ProteotlpnJO U ST . n L . 'j w . ’ l l m -P n b U e

nriUara Director A. U Bowen o t SoTsraer H om ert caMnet Joined

a to -------5 5 e t f l 5 5 t tn w tndO T to Uwa i e r r Uwt W ebart Loeb waa p re - .......medlUtedly *»*'"-

Beium ing her* "to .clear np a ' au abar ot Uilng* to Uw govemor'a ■aUafaeUOQ," Uw sU t« diparU aeat iM d laJd;

" I am . tacUaed to support the theory th a t Loeb w u ddlberatcly

S c w S ^ K ^ w S d b e t i u b e dsway a t Uw ChJcaco -u iru i k lU er in a fr«a« ad effort te protect him* n l f - ^ "not plaustble."

Bew*a« however, aaw Uttla poeri* UUty Uwt NsUwn Leopold, Loib'a M rU w rlnU ie 1934 ilaylag of. Bobby PmUES, bad kaowiedge ot tha sup- poaed p lot to e ra u bU more popular irlscp m ste, MoOabe, earUer la tba lay, nad 'aaaouaced his* lief U w t Leopold's alleged Jealousy might bave eoniUtuted a motive for ^ prison bathroom slaytng Tues*

" i d o n t believe Leopold b u very Duob to offer la the way o t solving > ^ tha slaylag," Bowen cwnme a te d .^ 1

Murder Trial Jury Hears Douglas Van Vlack Review I Ifu Frnm Wltnaia .StanH ■ -

“ ( c a a t f f i u « T r w s 'w s r o f in ~ :—

again Ustaalng-to the dsfeadan t 'a___Ute history.. W ben court adjourned. Van-Vlaok— aad bis attorneys bad. progressed to the polat where the w iu e u waa -

laal-BaBaiiltrcirMildreA— ^ ^ — crowd Iidpatle&t

Tbe crowd, wbleh had expected Van VUck to uU hU story of Uie aUsg«d-crisM,.-was-op*Bly ~ dU ap- polated whea it w u assured direct qUIsUonlag would be coatlnued Inthe mom lng. ■ - ---------------------- ‘

I h e StaU probably wiU bave Its ehaace to erosi examine Van Vlack tomorrow w hen . elUier Attomey O eaaral'B ert-H .- MUlsr o r-b ls -a » -— slsu n t. J . W. 'ny lo r, begla UwlrgrUUng. - - .. ---------- ----------- -

MUler said last b ight it had no t been decided definitely wbo wlU . . w n B T w I& e M but It mw -‘Ukely" he would. In any event. Uw sta to ' counsel, augmented by ProsecutingAttorney Edward BabcMir, wtit ba-----p fepa redB lireak down Van Vlack’s Insanity plea. I t w u Indicated.

Calm Under QoaUealng Thua far, Uw'defendant J w r pro* ..

JldtdJa-lM w ls Jor his Plea and con* tr a ry - to defense siatemwS^^lHSV— his m e o w rr-w u Impaired by his asserted accldenU, Van Vlack h as , ■luwftrnl «ll nt IquesUons wlUiout hssluUoo. g lv l^ minute deUlls of hU life.

Oaly occaslonaUy w u he forced to pause aad recal certain tncldenta.

H e remained calm during th e questions aad gave co evidence of nervousnea exccpt-when he con* iradlcted sUUmenU made by hU Tacoma friend, Barnard.

Vaa Vlack said he hsd borrowed t ^ M n ^ f t t o B O T ard 's^ 'i^^ t o t«

to borrow Uw gun. For the o i / / Ume during t h e % he r a ls ^ ' K s— voice WhUe denying Bam ard'a lU tem ents. . . .

T e a u said hU only remaining w luesses are Dr. Itoyal B. .Tracy. SeatUe poychlairist, and Dr. A. Blair o f Tacoma, who wUl testify u to Van Vlaek'a meiiUl condlUon.

Figrures Computed On Birthday Balls -

' KEW 7 0 ^ Jan . 31 («>-Annual b irthday daaee* sUged Uiroughout — the country (or three yean to hon* or. the 'p residen t's blrthday~1iave netted $3.IM.000, an offlclal U bu- UUon showed lonlght

Xn 19S4, Sl.0ie.000 w u raised, ttio satire proceeds going to Uie Georgia w a r tn -8 p rm f» 'F8UBd4tion^to~W B— for lufterers from InfantUe paraly- Ila. L u t year Uie toUl reached $1,* tfU JO fl^uepasiedwl u t alghti^by::a==anet o t 11.100.000. I


^ B ig — “

2 5 cE a ts

- • f l

to 9 P . M- ~

~ B u l i l e i ' V ~

G rill-Cafe -


G e i iu in e C h ixBy


I f you havo a yen fo r Chine — £ S k T n iT re c I^ « "o rH c rb « rt En{

chen domain a t th e hom e o f Mra w ith them f i r s t if you Inck conf p aw them , and then glvo a Chl ia lk of Ih e lo^vn, o r a t V friends -for several days to com nese foods Is t h a t cach rcclpc Is r

■ dish, served . w ith h o t ro lls ,^

preserved f ru i ta ,- e i th e r on -,* •• ental brands, o r those you:*

eandy jrourK lf-U w a you h#w «; perfect food Unmp for & »upper J

w m t of h is (avoTllej ChlncM food*, which ho I n m n i (0 - p reptre In hU n ttlve Itnd. Ens; sune ilcd . *'y>ns W ar Oul O o i i a n d ; tmlled when lie ta ld le. 1 half-

__ im ll«d.-n_Kiunded_um fic*lly..ln.^ ,volved Mid coropllcoied. When be _ uan»Ui«d "Vlng W ar Oul Oon" ’ info laigltoh. "Blrd'a Nest S o u p ' '

. 1 laushed.oul loud.-l-had..vUion».of-4! thOM dwnrfed tre«s th a t >'ou tee ^

' tn oriental- l&ndacapes, clustered ' irUh Wrd'a n e iu . and wondered where outaide of China they could be found. i

Bird's Ne*l»-.In Boxes Herbert explained thn t I wst otl

wront . sfld th s t I could concoct b W s neat soup m my nalw T liind. |

bird's nest U really k certain type of n o u . th a t .can be purchued a t

— stores-handllng fancy, groceries and da ChlnsM line oC focidituffi. And :I t eoaiei in boxes. And here's how cyou brew It. . - .

Soak one-haU box of bird'* ne tt f,moss In water for te v e n i hours, tiDrain, cover well with water and c

^ ^ e l i o p p e d ChlheM t > a ^ eheitnuU, clUier can- u I I m ^ ned or fresh; one*half n

___ /f tw X cup each of diced tI j l r ^ lN c h i c k e n atwl boiled p H |P h a m ; two mlnccd i, '1 1 ^ U e tcs, (mlnclns while U U »nd J'olks aeparately). f ' W ia iid one>fourth cup

Iiam boo shoOU, 'bIjo __ __________,_m_lnced.- B encs six.

U r h e e C n ir a n ■. . Another of Jferbcrt's favorites la

Lichee Oul P a n . 'a n d thoH who _ jia y o -e a ie n i t . t e r m J t . t o . bc-"dcer ..

Ilelous." Sauto ono boned chicken (between three and four pounds) !o and one«quarter pound dlcud raw a

— t» r ic - in -b m tt r un til brown~ A g ^ one-half pint of chicken broOi. l' one-<iuarter pound Chinese muili- I’ rooms: one dozen chopped water t chestnuts and one-half cup ^iced bambof? shw U . Poll 20 minutes, n

'"A O TT 'isi bciore removing front the “ fire, one-half cup celery iie aru and

O anilth with one bunch of small a onions diced fine, and aeh’e cither ( In Chinese bowls, or on a larse n platter, lettlns (he guests help si tliemselves to Individual sertlcu. T his recipe scrtes six. • 7

Chew Mein . .And now for Uie mysteries of a io w Mein, particularly the nrt of garnishing. In butler one-hnlf . pound ot poric sliced In ihln squares, u AUU miu can Dc;n iprouu . ono c u p '» muabrooms, one large sweet 8pan- d

■of celery diced, one doien chopped 0water cliestnuls, and Uirce-quorters aof a p int of water o r chlckcii broih. VBoll one-Ualf hour. si

Beat two eggs until light. Fry lit elpan. When properly done, {lie CH» dwUl cook to form a th in wofer ath a t cover# the bottom of th« utcn- aslL Remove, roll tho wafer n.i you nwould'* Jelly roll, ond slice fine, as nw hea pieparlna.noodles. ll

Oami«h each aervlng of Clio»- pMeln wlth the thln-sllced egg, por* nUons of cold iolled ham shtcdded „In anoe ^Irihgi, ahd oh top plaee ll

. ft «m ng_of.hea te« l-d ry -nood l« s. 1»ea*on with soy sauce, about a Csoup S ^ n to a serving, ecrvcs six. 2

II imported preserved frvlta ■a r t n t available fo r the dessert F

pineapples, now found a t local li

: In-The White 1 It’k WhiteSSfc

I. J r ■ t^K aw W iB F

-“ W Ju t does th e N ation ’s fm \ fami — ^Tuna f o r o n e n h ln g t : ? %-i'hc-«fai

llo w b a ip b o a r J , in W aJiinB lon , 1 an iu n e o f T im e , th e w eekly new* “ « j Tamoua W h ite S ta r T una i i tl M X i2 £ .d e U s to .m _ iu a t:q a « lilj '_ i toO fons o f A m A ic tn EouscwW ci.

k, . ................... _ ■ - •

i n

i n e s e R e c i p e

By . .


i ln e se fo o d — and* w ho d oesn ’t — E n?T \v1io /ireaiB ds' o v i r th e W t- IHra. H . W . C lo u ch ek , e x p e r im e n t o n f ld en c e Jh y o u r a b ility to p re - C h ln ea e s u p p e r t h a t w ill b r t h e s t t h e c h a t i 'c r o f y o u r g r o u p o t . com e. O n e th in g nlco a b o u t CW« is a m e a l in i t s e lf . A h o t C h in ese

8 .^ '

ip su tu ie* .- ifh T h 'm ; lyrxjp unill eandied.

" j H o s t e s s e s R e l y

; 1 ' O n L a m b C l i o p s

Lamb chops are the hoateu 'sland.'■ by. and rightly so. Ersrj-ooe lUtes

tliemrUioy-enJoy-^a good-npuUiUoa . !! with Uiose who keep thoughtful

count of calories, and Utty m ay' be »rn-ed In so many ailracUve way*.

“ --Hcrt-TU‘<T 6nrd-isu jtc iironrror-tne - J hostess'K ho seeks lie'w ways with

a n o i l tavoclK.1 PUnked English Lamb Chop*{ English lamb chops, cut l ‘i to 3 I • Inches Ihlcic

DruMel sprouts Mosited poUUMS

ct _ L « g yoi) t_ ■!__________________HT 1 tablespoon mUkIs i-B a lt -------------------------------------- — •» Pepper .• t Enitilsh chops are cut from the )d double loin, and are boned and

lolltd . Brott . u dttw lbed ib o v t w Chops c u r v.i to a inches thick re-

quire twenly-flve to thirty mlnuies for broUlng. Transfer the chops to Indlvldunl wooden planks. Place

>d cooked nnd seasoned B r u s s e l i5 {:»preuM _on-piM it _ff»fl gno{n. yipe[

K sroond each. This Is done by forc- Ing mashed potatoes through a

If pastry tube. Brush the mashed po- « U lo border wlUi egg yplk and milk. • :d Return planic to the broUUig oven » long enough to brown the potatots. ic U rab ra tt le s With Preneh Fried

Onion‘P 1 pound choppcd shoulder of » lamb • •. 2 . tablespoons Bi^>Kd onion

Slice* of bnconb '■* teaspoon.paprika_______10 Snli. . __Peppcr________________.!(i ~ ^ d ' sait, pepper, paprika and s) I onion to chopped meat. Mbc well ,v and form Into small cak csJ lacc jL . ijriliC F crijucon arouna each and fai* ll. ten wllh ft small skewer or tootit- ) . pick. Cut polnls In the top edge of er the bacon sllecs. Plsce on broiler rd rack and broil for ten or flfleen rs minutes. _ _

Id Slice Spanish onions Jn ?i-lnch Jr slices. D ip m m ilk, then III flour

ill and pepper. Drop In hot deep lard <cr (about 350* p.) and frj- until o 'te medium brown. Serve a t once while :Ip still crisp. IJ. — ................ .............................I



It , KAaERMAN, Jun. 31-A ToftTl. ! S. tend club meeting was held a t tlic . ip' lu'untttnweu u u. e ' ciiurcli. Mon- '< I- day evening. In the business mtsft- ‘

id ehalnnan o t the finance committee rs and advisory board hi place of Fred ; h. Vader who resigned. II was also

stated th a t since tlio last mceling in elghl new members have Joined the , ft club, Following the buslncM meeting , >r a musical prognun was given v lth , I- o soiiK by Oeorge Johnson, tnstnj- : IU niemU selection by Albert lloHman ‘ IS nnd John Reed and a miulcai selec*

lion by Ihe Townjcnd bnnd. com- ‘ V posed of George Johnson, John Reed ' r . and Albert Hoffman. *rd „ M u ,_ E ..L . .Chaplla. ind.M rs, M, , ce 11. Allen entertained the Methodist ‘ IS. L ad le* -A td-a t-tlie -hom c-of-M ni, ■ a Chaplin Wednesday aflemoon wllh : X. 20 members prewnl.Is ■ Members of ihe Hagerman Odd rt Fellows lodge iteld a regular meel-

h.>5_ J W e ^ ^ a y _ m n lp g _ j , t _ lh c Jih t.O.O>. fiall. Tft’enty*elghl Odd Fei- al lows of the Quhl lodge altended. The

i H o u s e . . .

S t a r T u n a T o o !

r m i l r . t i l ? ’’-.'.-. T t U ; W u ” ” s ta Ir . b m _ p h J ! 4 j r . p K 3 d S r . W R S :jn , D . C., r ec en tly w as fea tu red in icw um aR axino. . , d e a r ry «howins I* tlio cho ice o f th e N ation’* F i n tU -U -w d X -u jU -S ttU e lio itg -o f-tc i. . ^

s s


I- /

TODAY’S-FASffl'r w U IT S are good for yoo to eal . r all year ronnd. bot. ctiriously enoQch, fuhloDS a* well u Dane Nalnr*. play a pa rt in dielatlBg

i® -w b e n partieuiar tm JU -»liall-be ^ ealta . aeergs Wasblngton would " b t ' surprised, for fasUaee, if He r*. _ c « ild kn o jr_ th a tjh e tale,of bis f>5 yonlbfal tm c l iy aboot tha cherry th trse still eaoses lb# contnmpUon

o t an lam tttM <t«aaUty ot cbei' r i u dnrlag Febraary. bis natal

3 mootb.Bat ib lt 1* true. I t bas bees tb*

fashion for year* to * e m eberrlei dnrinc tbls mootb. ao oaeb ro tb a t the eberry RTower* ha»»

------- »d6pt«4-tbe-prah~orbbidH ik"» '____ na tlOTal them r week whleh n io*

tbla year from February I F l o February 22. Fortuaalfliy there I* a good niippiy of cherries on band. Tbe pack of red pitied eberrUs

! r alette ts some 100,000 eass larger I t o l u l w r . ^

■“ Cherry CocktailsI t Is forlnnate. too, tbat there

are pleoty of recipes nowaday* for ■I V..1 r .n . . . . . I . n . .pe a e a l with a cherry cocktail. Her* *» a ra ac o u p ia :'C* Ohtrry CoektaU: -P it oae cop af

a c a n n e d R oyal0 - A as cherries and

qae-CTP-ot-caft-en y p fS S K ' Bed btaek* cbe^ es. He*, aad dlrlded I amoBK 'tx eoek*

I tall gla*ie*. Cen-

pineapple Julco *11^ lha aynip

• from tho Royal Aon cherrle*. add one asd a half

■ tablespooB* suga r'aad jw or oter ehfrrles. Chill. Serres six.

i flplced Pfcerrv oad fJanana Cock- ta « : Drain eonltnls ©t a No. 5

^ ean red pUted^clim^lw. k i In

fourths cup water, one 3 lnch itlck h - elooamon aod ooe-halt^teupooo of ' cIoTcs to tbe cherry aynip. boll ler ten tiy for Hr* mlnuten. strain aad en chill. Dice two bananas, aad' a^

rasge li'llb tbe eberrle* In eock-

eh syrup. Sprinkle one-third cup fine- ur ly sliced cetifty o rer Uie tep. r i f -S a m s -a lg h l_________________ __rd

lie Hagerman Odd Fellows pul on the second degree lodge work nnd Duhl members pul on the third degree

; work. Eurl AUen and-Horry Frith ’ of Hagerman look, the third degree M In Odd Fellowship and Harry Bell

of Blifs'took the'K cond'BD d'thlrd degrees. Following the meeUng an

IJ* Saturday erenlng for the purpose of ^ -pm m n -e ii tilt in ltluuiu Oigii. . ~

eecd ALASKAN 0 0 0 8 AT HOME so IN COLUilUIUS BLIZZARD^ COLUMBUS, O. (/D -Three frisky , Alaskan dogs, accustomed lo sub-

zero temperatures and ooow drifts , of the northiand, are flpdln j a wln-

ler In Columbus not so dlffercni.Owned by U w ls Wheeler, the dogs

arrived In town'C hrlslmas eve and J next moming looked oul on a Wlr* "* tard.

Wheeler brought a sledw ith him and can be-aeen daily werclslng the dofisoversnow .covercdcilysutels,.

tli '■ - —



I. J H

l i ....... ................Ofl


i _ B U X B A I

: = = p

HIN D Q U A R T E R S - Per p o u n d ......... ..........

- - = ? ^ ^ B E T T E '

r H E W 8 . i ^ ; P A U a j i P ) A g (

fflONS IN FRU ITS'* l .A Cherry Oak* • .dy rtolled Cherri/ Pptid* Ocien ne Cake: Malt one-fourth cup batter, ag In an obloar flat cake pas. add ta tbree fourth* cup in g a r 'an a then lld cover with Uie well drained coa- t>e teal* of a No. 3 can red pltt«I i>* cherries, B«t In oven to beeom* fy hot while p repados tbe cako mix.«< tore, n eat four eg r-w b lte i'sU iT "

an i fold In earelnUy one-louTti ^ cup iugar aod tbree-foortha cap

psilry floor, alfted tocetber. Add b* oae-hslt teupoon Taallla, and fold e* in four egg yolka beaten until to thick and lemon colored. Spread

cake batter o rer the bol cberriet '»■ a n a 'b a T b t< r v H o w = J 8 r d e f n i^

^ i ^ r ^ ”m in u t e s ^ n n tlf imei. 1 *1“ I* cool one mlaute, then ta rn ont 10- upside down on a paper duiled «* wllh eoafeetloner'a »ugM. Roll up

a t ooee llko a ieUy roll. Cool t o - J&it warm, eat la slices aod serre wltb a niee creamy eoilard poored

n over. Thla dessert does not lm*Of prove w ltb long sUnding. Serres

— — A-Fa»hloTrtrom“ F r*n«---------of frencft Chemi Coke: Scald two a t caps of mUk. add a re ubiespooos id dour. two-Uilrds cop *agar and > «a*-*l|bth-lea*pooB—sa il,-m ix e d -

to g e th e r a o d de cook In a double ;k. boiler unUI thick, ^

eo f o u r ^ s l l g h l i rup besKn egg yolks, cook.ooe m lnnta.. >sl longer, cool, and add ooe-half taa* lit spoon ranllla. D rain eontenta ot er a No. 2 ean red pitted cberriai,~

and add enough w ater to tbe syrup •k' to make oae cap. Add one-foarth

: cup mgar and tOMtteaspooM cons* - In »tarch. mixed together, and cook. ST i r o W y V r T rV lS W - f lS ^ llh l e k ck and clear. Cool, Spilt one roand of «Q layer cake (any standard recipe} oil Inlo two larers. spread the custard nd thickly betwern, aod d o t.w ith

about one-fourlh of tbs cherries.:k- Spr**d tbe Uilckened ^6e rrr »yrop

ie> of the cherries, and gamlsb wlU »p. whipped cream. Cut |o elgbt _Lwedgea. Serrea elghU ________

he CHINCH BtKi ‘HIBERNATING' I’e WASHINGTON uV, - The grain ;.h field’s old enemy, the citlncli bug. Is ■tt reported b>- tin drpsrtm ent of ag- lell rkullure to be hibernating In " d a iif

gerously-larRe-itumbfra"-ln south- an eastern Iowa nnd w csK cntral 1111- !r-. Mta- , ,,

of - bALLA.S-rfANS-?tCSECT1-----DALLAS. Texas A museum of

natural history lo Include hundied.\ of specimens of native vegeUbfc

ID and animal life will bc one of Dal- las' conlrtbutlons to the Texas cen- tennlal next summer, under dlrec- Uon of P. W, MlKcr, curator,

"■ - HUNTS END ‘UP A TBEE',gs 8T. .PETERSBUBO. Fla, UD - nd Fox. hunts In Florida UAually end lz> a t ttic fool of' a trc«. The animals

here ara able to scalc trees, hunters lm say beeause their claws are not he duUed-by-Toeky ground as-ln-other s. - habitats,

I . T

P h o n e s

» f £ e r * A t l D a y S a t u r A

l A L L O W P- J i i l ^ u t s ^ C h S S c e i l e a t

IBT.BEEF B T THE S = © i R j i r 3 i ^ Y f l F I . I k e

F O R E Q IIA t ........... A i b C r P er pound ..

« f t^ lm W C E ANfl < ^ tl

g o , , 8ATUI1DAY MOBlTOlililf;*!

Home Econoniist S Variety 1

Nearly everyone knovt aom« per;- w n whom he considers U« b e rt COok

... in.the world. U may be a-m o tlte rra chef, a wife or a best girl, t o my c au h ll & teacher of hom ti eco* nomlcj, TliU woman_»»_abaolutc proof that n dleUtUn can cook not only llie fancy recipe* so o ttta «t* trmiii»d lo the membera of-tWla pn>- fruloii. but Ihe good eKiTday foods as well. One of h e r hobblea U Uie vesetible plate o r pUttec and her advlcc is to vary Ute meUioda. dt

Serve um rtiilng boiled,' aomethlng b.-iked. Mmeihing fried , and 'aom e- thing crrnnied. This Uuurea variety of color, ifxture and f la W d W will

, suit every ,usie.. The .\egclab\e combtoa U o n t. a r t enrtlTM m d mng« from U u ones which are simple and easy lo those Which require time and patlenca lo prepare. Vegetables.are cooked w p-

• araicly nnd arranged oo a p latter- or-i>UiikrO ften^eif9-oreheeee-are

u x d to bnlnnce tlijs. type of meal oml .vfiieiinics green peppers, on ­ions or tomatoes arc stuffed w ith a hiKhly tel^oII«t-mt«u^B and topped

- with gratcd-cheeje.-Thfl'Platca may be s tu tfl iTom th e k llch tn ta lh ei lhan from tlie dining table.

Here are some suggestions for boUi lunclHroi) end dinner combln- atioiu, Ihu U tter being heavier and sometimes Including a small amounl

----------- ---____________ Savory. Rife-----------------

In the centcr of a plato p u t a small mould of savory rice and arouiid the base u r a a t s alked,

- cookcd, buttered carrotA. Compleui the pUie wlUi grUied sllcca oii tomatoes, raw oelcry hearts ondj stesmed splnacli w llh lemon to Ktve| a'p leasing color arrangemvnt hndj

-"rcon tnu n n fiuvory a na isnuTM. J

I brownmg cooked rice in onion and I fa t and adding chopped green pep*1 per and plmlento. Press Into a cus- l~ lard-cup, turn ou t and le r re with

cheese uuce. I ^ p a ie Ihe cartp ts by scraping ttnd sUclng, Uien boiling. In as llltle water a s possible. Dres.v them with butter, sa lt an^ pepper. i The tomsio slices may bs seasoned and broiled or dipped In fine com

- flake crumbs and baked-in-a-w ell oiled lan . scl In a h o t oven. T hti

- combhuUon is . heav7 enough to; dlnner it served with a hot bread of some kind. Bran muffins are good

- and It Is easy to stir them up and bake them, especially if j-o'u are us-

* 1DB~ine'6Vcinor Uic tomaloes.A piste suiuible for luncheon may

be a baked half of an acom squash, French fried potatoes, cabbage and beet sulad and buttered onions. Ba.{ con com bread U good with thisi oomhlnatlon. 1r-.Tliere“ n » - 'u u m e F o u s - pUtcsl dwnlnaied^by curr^- powder.-Currled j eggs, a -p e e le c ^ n a n a . steamed'ricc! and a relish S a d e Irom'ground ap-;

g m 'tniimi flf n r yi t i 'ii ,in!|)inv n im i'an unusual menu for the penon a I

i' lltUc daring in food experlmenis. j


g. 2 tbsiu. shortening . .'!; cup sugar

tl. 1 egg (weli beaten)11. cup sour ntllk

I cup nM-bran j

~ - 1 - i y b a k i iig pon g .i

c( ii tsp. salt d.\,1; Cream Uie shortening and sugar, i[. add egg and sour milk. Add bran n . nnd let soak unUl tiie moisture Is c. taken up. S ift flour with baking

I«wder, soda and soli and add to llrst mixture, Mirrlng only until flour dlsoppears. Fill greased muffin tins two.Uilr<ls tuU and bake in a

” moderate oven UOO* P.) for 30 to 23 minutes. Yield: 8 largfc'or 13 SmaU

^ muffins.

ot Note: If sweet rollk Is used Instead *r~of-sour milk, om ll-lhe H teaspoon-

io f to d a a n d u sc a 'i teaspoons baking

Ihe:PENDENT IT CO.i s i 6 2 : . . i 6 3 ; :

‘ j o y ,


V t ' — —

A R T E R S "

I V A l i t Y - —

W B B E U A W y . ^ a S ^« g g g = f a = S = g g 5 = S = B M

S u g g e s ts Z Z L ____ I.

r In Vegetable Plate j)t- powder, and allow t ^ b n n to soak ok for a t le u t to minutes.^ • BRAN BACON'CORNDHEAD'* ' ^ I egg ullghtly beatent

li cup sugar . ~ '* ” cnp bran--- -------------->1. 1 cup cornmeal |.Q. V cup milk id* 1 .cup flour lu U ttp , saltigf 1 tsp, baking powaer---------------- --

pound diced bacon

n s Iy. Add brail.' cornu^aT' ttiitTM lK ' Slfl dr>' Ingredients and add to flrtil

•ty mixture. Pour Into greased pan. ,Ul Sprinkle bacon orer lop. Hake lor

about 30 minutes in a moderate oven (400* F,), Brown Ute crust ami crlup

“ * Ute bMon by placing the'brrad under ^ the broiler for a few m lnule. Yield:

1 pan B Inches square.The batter may be baked as com

sUcks. or spread In a thin layer[Jj and..eut..lnto finger.lengths..................cai . --------------------------

! i What Do Idahoans ;J -E a t Besides Spuds-

EastWantstoKnow[or .In- W hat ate Uie dishes as localnd to this community as Bostonml Baked Beans are to Boston?' 1 !* question being ask .

--- New»-by-Uonart-8—Dsvldnwr 'one of the publisher* of the Pennsylvania Dutch Cook iSook,

“ o cook book th a t U local to every • comer ot the enrUi wliere Eng- Ibh reading people are Inlereited

®j in fine cooking.Will you homemakers of Boulh-

•'® em Idaho in this research M .in in m lim nl nxHlnn M M U -nl- .

tlic nation? We dnn't mM>n thr . n y new tnngied inventions of the n d presenl dsy — r e ore interested :p* in Ihc trsdltlonally famous dLih*IS- ej tha t have survived the y e ars- llh which aren't so many in ihe case pis ol tills section of Idaho, atg W hal ore Ihe tj-picaliy westem e u dishes, favorites of the pioneer* <r. of southern Idaho, whlcit you. led your mother or your gnuidmoUier »m have found reliable •■*landbys7"•ell —Bend your suggestions to Ihe tits Homemaking Page Editor. Tivin [0.- .-Falls N»»», a onc». -wlU-you nd please? if possible, supply tho rec*«d ipes tor preparing these dishes.

is . e>sary .^WB!i_lt_wo_uTr b t_ n a ^ preciatea because ol the regional

i j j vsrlntlons.Witnt hate we. besides "Jdnito

- J Baked Potatoes" to offer Ihc n i- non as typical Idaho cuisine? :

hts ______:________ ]

m t'.^ V B R S A L m ra E K p itn m N G " led AUSTIN. Texas w v-T he finger^ i Icc print is coming aa ihe universal i >P-jmeans PfJdenHHrattnn tn n C. n l fm McQraw, suiwrlntendent of th? i

» Texas bureau of criminal Idcntlflca- i tlon. He adv.ocnies a law requiring every cllUen to bo flngeiprlnied.

MIs I ................

u F re sh C round tin P o rk Sausage23dll

Rib Boll Beet,ad ■■■«— .o n .............

™ K C o s tsN o l

Choice P o t Ro

^ Rolled R oast, — L a m b ^ ^ h o l

r o u W ill A l n i o y

■ " t ^ K i r r a

- [ — S h o r t e n i i i g 4 1

Groceries and


A New SJ10 lb.^ BnK

—W ^ f iiz e - e a h f^ - f tu * - . .....::r.'C orn , S tri ifi : B cnns o r Pea

• ' .*5'f o r—i r i i l o ^ ' a s l i i i i t t Poiviler^

42 02. pn c k ag c .!........... „.,

y o g e l’s “Perlec i ' A New Produe

I - -JFourid Jn Trunk


s tn.or


TH E ^ y of Mr*. Dolor** Naecar. m a to faboTe}. Zt.year.eld wailm*. fr w u foond crammed into a Irank |

-In -i-SpokaaB .-W ashlngton hotel She waa believed to have been alaln (wo n o n lh i ago.-<T) Pholo,


■ flF C O N S T IP W *

j “ B u lk -’ in A L U -B R A N lsG cn tlo

i ' ' in A c tio n

d • - - ■Common conitlpatto'n Ii largely

1, due to Jnsufflclent "built" in meals.} Y ou fail to cet y w r infernal oxer- . ^iae.~Mllllotta o t pw ltle liave founJ , th a t Kellogg I ALb-uiuN suppiiea a a o f t "b u lk " w ith la tlsfac to ry . reaulU .

T eiU In nutrition laboratories donw nilrato th a t th e “bu\k" In ALL.BaAN can bo u » d with the

" utm oat confidence. N aturally, those* few indlvlduali with diseased or

h ighly sensitive Intestine* *hould i io t ta k e “bu!!c"lnanyform -eiiher

9 In leafy vegttaWea _or_ln, bra_ni__

n Unlike cathartics, AU/-BtUN ia “ n a tu ra l in Its'aellon-^nor d o tfth li* food loM its cITectlvene** wllh cen* >■ tin n e d use . W ith in th e body, i t

*~i^s6riy»~Tno^»niro artd'c^ektistB th r ' t:_ intcstlncii prarootlnc norms! and ■' ht«ltM nrcllm ln.lli>n.

10 Two uhtespoonfuls of this ddU I* 'c Io u i cereal, served with milk or

! cream , t r o usuailfaufflcient.'Enjoy I I tsJsoInecokeddlahea.

“ V i S l S K V .u l I by >U n o c n . M i l . M H k )

s ^•C9<uHp*lU» A.4 U ‘'tuU'”


I d H a m b u r g e r “ R e t a i l

g e - M y O w n M a k e ...........

e t , V e a l S t e w ; L a m b S

> M o r e T o G e t T h e B e t

t o a s i o t B e e t o r V e a l

i t , R o l l . S h o . L a m b , L e

i ( r f c e ..........' , . r ..........................

l y s G e t M o r e M e a t F o i

^ — i 'O R K - » —y s t k a i c A / T Z C

4 l b s . . . . 4 5 C ' P u r e L a i

id M e a t s A l w a y s C h e t

t O ^ R Y l D E P A R T M e i

Store — Selling^0 |W j | - 1 4 ^ i e r c e - T o m a t i

/ V can. 3 for ....

P en s, p . & G. N aiith Z y C - ^ C f o r ......

r, Q ^ J a r S n in t A W C Dressing ......

i c U o n ” C h i l l - M y O w n

n e t ....

-----------_ = . = 4: - .


, WASHINOTON UT) ~ 8 o M »I yean ago two aobiUousymutc men.-

began tha lr newspaper- c a i t t r r . u r ; cub reporters on Ute Or^nd Rapids, Michigan. Herald. They started m i th-: lam . . ' ‘-T Jow -lhete amblUaitfyoifarhM tf^^are naUonal figures, each meaUon*. '

• ed prtrm lnen tlyu tbOTMasiblo-'Re*— h nabllcan-PresldenU al-noalnea---**-

Cokmel Frank Knox of Chicago and I Benuor Arthur R. Vandenberg o(

Michigan. .I Tlirough the years tliey havo —I up the friendship started la tha

^ llo r ls l offices of the Herald.-bi -

piper editors, one a publisher. , i


lUtle-eaUafacUon in r e c e n f C h lh t t t ' civil Krvlce examlnallonii. Ot the

r . 240 successful candidates, only threeII -*re women, although sever^ hun*

' dred of them were among ths 3009^j^lasplrsnu. for government Jo^_

rn ' ■ e, -

" - AfttMOOH, WW. MTtS.^ . _> IU IMKIHO A $t«vice tNlPtCnCM J ( Cf WASMIK6 iAKHIKtt SOU) tv /

f me MAaitNC worn rwe u r k t vmhS ' tanUMCWtUWKNtlMKMNA/ '

\ w t U«S Twe iWE w S tJ- ^ - ■

X /C /fW M a um



M AWFnREwtinotvtsj or ntETHICKfSTSUDS Id IE V fR S A W >A H O M (F sV ^W er \VMW IS MUCH WHntR J


i* ~lU ----------- ------

i t IJjJ \ t o WASHnt? Thea you simply MUST

“ iN TiM R lnlfi. lU dfcm y lively sods” m k out d in without bstd s c n b ^ ot

11. boiling, aothescoote. real Mowy sad or b ti^ t— Rlato*]one.witbo«the

! oomeodedlrttienulcersofSJfiunous " n -T O te ic p rf lta ro ra m B fiB rtird B iP -

I iag. £ u y on hsndi. Cct tb e ^Q box.

jT T BICCBT-5nuil'6\ t i / W # 7 »

^ = = = s s s = = ^ s ! : ^ = s ,


i U O n I y ” i O c I I >

.........-..................1 5 c » b

S t e w ............5 c I b .

e s t A t Y a g e r s |

a . . ^ .......................g c l b

< e g o t I

..........: .............. 2 2 c l b

Bl* L e s s A t V o g e P s

a o a s t ^ . ^ t 6 c » H -

I ..tOCa r d , 4 1 b s . . , ( ^ 8 c ^ | -

e a p e r A t V o g e P i

g - j j i j — r - - : ,

r f o r i E s sa to -J tiicer-lflrf!< — —

ljth^So*np, g ia n t

^ ^ Z Z Z T i s i c "n M a k e -

^ c a n d l S c P k g - :

^ '^ m i i r ' c t f t i o B -ciH«iM - tf -< M M ~ < iu in B e a = - ^ V r n t t t t ADriS B.-UU >t tbo poiteniM « t T

.. j j i l f c id « to BBdtf ttie t t t Ot M uth 8 .1«7». J

r V . .S U B S C R IP T IO N RA T E S^ t :>: B t O A B B in \,i -. ' 'n r W N k ----------- ----------------------- —~ i oo-- ^• r .’ f e r -Mooth — ----------- -— ..............— I: . • ' _ n v M A I L 'f

^ ■ i • • - M U a, M dS lko couniy. NcTuta: _ o— f-rtraif.^p<iyrt>to-to * a n n f « ..... . .............«

, n m Wonthi. P«T«bta to «aniie# — _ « . 1 . _ 07 nuU elienbert In KUho:r a r m . Fi^a&le tn id n n c e - - ....... , . — ,,48.00

• t:t -OQUWo-Stntc o£ Idnlio:X Yetr.TFAr*l>l<i .to td v tn u

!■ ' , ■' UESBCB OF AS80C1ATID nU tSB

-A th T u ie (or p iA U cJt^ ’ il, eitdlled lo n . o r no( otherwlio'cwdtted to tW i . ,■"mper tnd lo Qie leca) n e n puU i*}^ Jw eln . „

t AU 1»hl« ot npuWlcaUon of ipeeUl dUpatebM “, hereto tlio r a tn c d . . - »i

' O li'm ttn i Attorfiitea P im ;— -*------ -----------—

Monber Audit Burtau of OtoeuUtloM.


_ - Yoriu Chiwgo. jB an^^c tK O . d

The Newt Mtumei no (totneUJ retpoulbU iif ^Jor m o rs to #dvertU «n«U but to e u e t where klb » w e tii-* t4 a u lt.s -« o rre cU 6 0 o L U u t p tr t u

-------- of tb«-idTerttameiil to-wWch-to* «trof occu r# - ■,WlU be publUhed wtthout chergt. “

A« noUcei required br I tv or by order ot court of wrapelent JurUdlctlon to be publUlwd

• * weekly, will be publUhed In the Wfdnewtaylaue e f Ihli paoer.pursuant to 6 kUod 6l>t08 I. »

' C. A. }03a, u added thereto by Ctupter IM, i n s pi _ i ' B m lnn^r j y a jiL IrtfthQ.-------- l ,------------------ ------ -- 41

n B D c n o s s W A R N IN G «fo

'T h c .B r itlf fh ih a rg e .d X ff f l J re jL ln H om e, ttc - fp c b rd ln s to r d p o r t , ca llod on th o Ita lian > u n d G r- qu M ^ t a r y f o r fo re ig n a f f a i r s , a n d to ld h im p o lite ly th e c x a c t loc u tio n o f th e B r i t i s h R o d

p r o te c t h o sp ita ls a n d R ed C ro s s s ta t io n s , t h o B r i t i s h In te n d to do I t. T h e y a p p a r e n t l y b®. liisVo t h a t a iJoIntG d h in t \v iil b e e f f e c t iv e i n ^

' k e e p in g I t a l ia n a v ia to r s f ro m b o m b in g " E n g H sh f ie ld h o sp ita ls n s th e y b o m b e d S w c d - « fsh a n d A m e ric a n Rod C ro s s u n i t s a s h o r t n t im e a g o .

I f t h e I ta l ia n s a ro w ise th e y w ill chooHe t o ^ - i i r f M - it ^ f e w - le g i t im 'B te -w a P - ta rg o ta - E a th c E .■ th a i i h i t a n y m o re l)08plto lB .‘I t m a y b o II- ^

Icfgleal to e e x p cift n o n -co m b a to n t f l ._ ^ o j i c k . t> -and th e w o u n d ed , to bo s p a re d In a rm e d c o n - u

- f l lB t r l r a n h B T d v i t iz m h m r ld T t i l h ro g a rd s - th e i r -« a l a ^ h t e r a s u n ju s t i f i a b le . Italy^ o r n n y w a r* ^ r in ff.ip o w o r; w ill p a y h e a v ily in .w o r l t l d i s - ]\ a p p ro v a l f o r r u th le s s a t ta c k s o n h o s p it a ls . Vi

_ 4 ^ t f l x h iu , a n d m o n .^ M ^ r d lc s s o f th e c irc u m * a................ ' _U

e s ! ^ s s 3 e s ^ = 9 ---------------- ;--------^

r - M O R B P E O P L E -W A N T IN G W O R K d G e t t in g peop lo^to i w k seem s U k o .ch a s in g , f

th e e S d ^ o f th o ra Jn b d w . T ho ro«1 re c c d c s an ^ y d ii m bvo to w a rd i t W hon m illions a ro g iv e n em p lo y m e n t, th e r e se em to be j u s t a s m a n y t m tlllon ii le f t . u. A so c ia l s ta t i s t ic i a n n am ed H o w ard W h ip - ^

~ i n g -m c th o d to g- c i ty ' vl tg n n n o n r p c o p lo n ro “ \ r a r k ln g t h a n a t a n y tim e s in c e n in e te e n h u n d re d th i r ty , y e t ih e r e a r e to d a y b y a c tu a l k c o u n t a b o u t f o r t y th o u s a n d m o re u n e m p lo y ed 01 th a n th e re w e ro in n in e te e n h u n d re d th i r ty - m T h o e x p la n a tio n i s t h a t th e ro a r c m o ro M 'ork- o r s p o r fa m ily th o n th e ro used to be .

T a k e n n o rm a l f a m i ly w h ere th e re w a s o n e - g a in fu l w o rk e r ,-n a m e ly fa th e r . H e lo se s h la jo b a n d so g e ls In to th o “ unem ployed” l is t . B e cau so ho h a s n o w o rk , m o th e r s t a r t s lo o k - m g f o r “ft^oB ^'^ncIr■ m ayt^e'B -g^oT O *boy-t)r• g ir l . o r b o th to g e th e r , t u r n In th e i r n a m e s « to e m p lo y m e n t a g e n c ie s . T h u s th e r e ^vill b e « tw o to ^ fo u r p eo p le in th a t fn m lly ‘‘a t a t i s - ^ t lc a l ly ’’ un em p lo y ed , n n d so rn tcd In th e c s t l - |J

_m » t< ^fc;jV £ iU Jd .l)0 {i,n,C35cepUoimliamily, b u t th e te n d en c y la e v id en t. I t m nkcs n b ig d l f - ir f e re n c e b o lh fitn trsU cnlly nm i fioclnlly. N o %TOnder th e h o m e Is n o t w h n t i t used to be . ! b

• : h------------- --------- .......................................................... - •"'(j

W E A L T H A N D D E B T ' h

- T h e N a t io n a l w e a lth o f th o U n ite d S ta te a * In iiln e to cn h u n d re d tw e n ty -n in e ; n s c s t lm n t - "

• B o a rd — n n in d e p e n d e n t re ie a r c h o r R n n li- h — i t t io n - p f - M g h - r c p u te — w i i - t h r c c - h t m d r e d — v — six ty - ono WItfon d o l l a r s . . ! " “ T " ,'ln 'n lu c tfc cn h u n d red th ir ty - tw o , th o lo w e s t i “

y e a r o f th e d tip rcasio n , th e . 'a m c a u th o r i ty ; ^ ’T s a y s i t ' f e l l t o h\TX h u m irc d jfo r ty -s e v c n b i i - ,

l io n d o lla rs . ' i-

____‘T h e d lf fe re u c c .J ia jm c J iU lid rc d -fQ u iilc c iL i.— b ill io n d o ija r s . 'T l ia l rn iich -w na lo-st in t t i e "

m a r k e t v a lu e o f th e to u n lr y in th o so I h rc e- - y e a r s o f eco n o m ic s lid in g dow n h ill .

.W o h a v e c lim b e d b a c k q u ite n d is ta n c e [' — r o n U l io - n ln e tc c n J iu n d r c d - tiiirti-- tw o IrvcI.

, A .w u g Ii.g « c S 5 _ JW u Id Jx :_ p e ch a p 3 -Q D li’d-;-p

_ d r p d tw e n tv » n in e . I f ho. wc h a v e vcg u ln cd a b o u t f o r t y b ill io n d o lla r s o f vn lue . i:

— - " W hat-of-4^7-W c‘ll,-m o» tH > f-tnm r» th in k i n g — n o w a d a y s aboU t o u r ia rc c und r a p id ly grow * '

• ^ r i i r T O t i o n a H c b t . - l t j a . n ow a b o u t th ir ty - tw o : J 1)lll io n d o lla rs , sU il r i s b ^ u n d w ill so o n b e ;

. ...■ { h lrty -five FiTlion do irarii. Bo/oFe’w c T r e 'm i t " ’ . 4 )f th c -d e p re s s io n I t m n y ran c h a to ta l o f f o r t y s •fb lU lon/dpllprsi L c t u s a saum o t h a t la th e p ro a - _ ,

^ ’ pect, »Ithougi» io in » « ^ -lT ir ilI w p m t o t » • 1

. . .p a y a b le . lo a n s jf i lH a v i i^ e n ta .- — ' ^ y fftt.U dQ -w ith

person m o y ^ ^ T ir in c r e M O In o u r govern- . :n ( ! n t d e b y r < % iU h « K f l n i j i u n d r e > d J v in ty ? : ::

nino to'V ts ulUmat«” lop — w hich m ay be * reached two o r th ree y eaw i ie n c ^ w o u ld be J twenty-three blilioh doUarp. T h a t m eans the

[depression cost to U n d e 8 am . I f o u r national < ^ - j^ e a t l r r t ie fH h ir a - to i t rp fe ^ e p re s a lo n level. ]

which m ay be a / a i r guesa, tho g a in In na- i tional resources m easured fro m th e bottom ' o f the^ep ressloh w i l l ] ^ lv o . t J m c 8 aa m uch' <

- a s th ia incrcaae.ln t t e ju iH o iian ic ljtr . ..I J____•- J --------------------- ____________________________________^

EINBTKIN TO L tN D B IM U t (Portltad OregooUn)

Oeienel tlndbe rtli-and -U i-ftm lly h»Yln* t*kaa upTtildnic*, t l le u t Ior t ttoie, id Bitrope, I t U ofttu rtl 1

_ , thiL wa t^iould bluth m Europe p d n a tbo H n ic t c t *ih tm t. YeVit U T « i'w n T » ru rw T )e c o to e W ih ^ -

• t i to f n t t t lh t t not OM,raaUr, but mlUloni or fun- , Ulei. htve nude lt» fU|h( to (ho oppoilt« dtnottoo. <

, from Sunpa to Amerlct. O nriout h o v » tto |t a u a - ahippy euxpiion tend* to blot out, fo r the aum en t, tbo <e^ tu rte i.lo n i record. *When Colonel Ltodb«r«b a ad h i t cn tourtce l i f t New ,

Jeriey they ptticd, lo to i p ^ th o door of AUmt Xto-tieln, who ponden mighty m i t te n a n d .p lty i three- jdtmeniloniil cbea wlUi hU coUetguei fo r r e lm tlo a . IDr. tto i te ln 'm iiil htve detmed I t eurtou* indeed to ^

lee itie colonel M hurriedly letvtog a p ltoe whero he. '' the doctor, h td but rtoently to hurriedly tm re d . KLl t t t r in ie world, w ith m e '( ^ Ic 'e iu p to i to p ltm ~ ~«hlch o thers.tre C M tpln itf^m . ^

Amerin u itcentlj; p e o ^ w ith r u fJU m -fu fid re i ^from reUstout pen«w U o£ from R u u l tn pogromi, ,from BaUun and XUOltn poU U ctl'uphetvtlt, from the aFrench retoluUon; from tho O erm tn rflvoluuon' of C

- - -IStB-tmio h u n d r^ ^ itf -

and d tugh ien ot th M n fu g e tt . aro no t required to ^forget th li hlitory entirely when pne of Uielr num bir e

> (cell ctUed upon to depart; I t U u lilu itr iiU o n o^ tha br - quintumUieory to tM effect t h t t one eleptroQ may le t : m comrtry to the m tu .

id -----------------

JJ ™ r~ X F o c ttd lrT r lb o n c i |

9. T lu New Doal U eoiulderlng Intently th e u d ty i Klicmet for curtaUtog the Supremo Court—th* t U mctna lor changing the fundtm snU l .bttU of Ibeie

' • UnlUd B itle i trom t republic of federated ita te i to <1* a bureaucratic Kate with aU power centnUxed a t r t Wtihtogioo. Tb bring th li about, tbe oonaututlon ii

must be changed. I t U weU known th tt 'P re ild e n t j ^ RooMveU wanu to go on wllh- hU "now deal" u d g

th l t he doein'v like the rullngi o f the court, holdtog ■ ilf tr ro u n a ro o n rw -p H m ta w • a e t i - uncuiu titu t to n i r - ; The queiuon U how to ctunge th a t, whether by direct §

:k . couUHttlooal-tmendroent o r tqr curbing or packing, e n - the court. T)icra U a direct way to change the coniU*

Uie propoKd cbinge to wordi, lubm lttlng It t i n t to I congreu for a Iwo-thlrd* vote, aiul then to ths ila te s I for approval, of 39 out of tbe IS. Tliere are, tUo, de- I

Is. vloui wayt of bringing about the tim e reiulli. Mr. [ n - AoOMtelt could havo congreis p a is an ac^ requiring. I

Uiat all juitiaei MUtb at' t h e 'H e 'o t 10. T h ii w ^ d I tako off tho bench fivo of the nine Juitlcea who de-- IdtaU It-w ould remove four of tlte alx Ju itlc ti uho de- I

, g elded agalnat the new deal wUb reapect lo trlple'A . I jj j ' The vacanclea'vi-ould bo filled by oppolntmenl by I■ Preildent Rooaevell. The perfectly valid ouumpUou |

la th a t Mr. ncoie^'eli tvould appotot only Juatleea known by him to advance to be m en who »-ould holdthe MM deal ccoiUtutlonal. There w « aUo otber way*, ti

p . Mr. RooieveU conceivably could have congreu enlarge un . thb court irom a pre«nt nine to perhaps 15 or 15 I'

‘or moro. tad flUJlw td m o a tl t t t u witft jm ooci of ;

make no mliUke, II Mr. BootereltU reelected thla fall, a l tome plan wUl bo worked out to ffuten the “new deal"!d on tho country, and Uie comtllutlon, by direct amend-, j; . ment ,or bjr ln terj«tatlon, will bo ahaped te IU Uie Ij . bureaucntlo ayattm frcun Waalilngton which the "new

deal" cOBtemplatea. '


(Portand Oregonian)‘ ' ' i t w u Colonel Theodors Rooaevelt, th a t vlgoroui iitd

tortbrlgbt leader of American optolon, who coined the ) t - * p K a a r* « e w * l;« r te d “.- It f in d s 'p t w n t '& i r a p ^ - - BS ciUon to tbe addreu of Benator Itoblnaon, who u - j e terted lh a t blatory and the record will ntleal that J ,, FrankUn D. Rooaevelt "never advocated Uie adop- ,> Uon ol a atoglo neauire dealgned to curb Uie Juat

liberties of tn y man.’’ Tlie trouble, the dectit, tlie

f* Innocent. The weasel n-ord b "Ju»t.“ fo We reallw, who nrc grLil lo r tlio nuu 01 e*pcn- "

[ mentation, tha t m part our conatltutlonal llbeiUu ha\e been aiaauUtd. and ue-deprlved-of^U ius. J u t

"*1110 aciuitor would lElfiittlc. lo all w ho 'dd not read ' him haatny and approvingly, th a l no “Ju»t“ liberties

«erv taken aa ty . So wc tonio n l l u l lo thla—tha t Ibo . eonatruiblloa .of American liberty, I tt dellnlllon and

pracUce, u o left to the delemitoaUou of the prealdrnt.c c ___ y , t AmnriMni know oiittt liberty U. Thoy compra- _I - h e n d 'lu eomponfoli. And they a r t awakening agiln ed — to-*b > 'iplr» 6t Fmnklln,-U>e vUe. nid ear ly Annrlc ta . -

I who ati^ "They »M*t give up eaacntlsl liberty to oblato 1 : a lltUe'temporftry Mfety deservo neither llberty' iior

• I aafety," More Uwn thla. tt mtiy be added, they ilisll ‘ V > eventually be deprive of both. 'i l - , • :-------w -------------- ---------

- _____: 'B B E a K m T : F O O D : : . . . „ , V ' : . . :

‘'“C ' TIIE 8I7.E'■ The cooduotir tlirough l l i O u a collecting,

fares and atopped before a paiaenger whoM arnia « r e extended to front ot lilin,

c l. ___-'Your fare. plea.'e." he aald. .: ^^V ou 'iiTTn o “giWcnfeTn r 'CM t- pocw t r - n m -t h r •

------ l'Qh.,Jio," camc_(l»LJX!Dly, -T he.w td ih between mvhanda La the alae ol a pane of gliM I'm going to buy.’'

Iifr-— ----------------D O l'O T F tF c O tirp n M W T ----------^ •W- ' -Speeding the iiirlln j gueal" m lih l be deaerlbed'ta'

. one of the negtdve virtuea of hoipltatKy. A «-omanraUwr overdid llie-pari-rw enU r.-------------- -----------------

b e : She was.aaytoi bood-bye to aome \-laltora who had,7,r-long-etiutayW-Thelr'M!e6me':------------------------- - .......

"11 w u ao awee( of you to k t ua ita y ao long/.' Uiay r ty said, with etluilon.

ob ? o t t s * ^ t* '

,Y in 5 W 8 ,-T W m r4 « W r tD j^ H 0w e s s s s s e s S S B ^ ^ H S S t ^

• C e a s e l e s s S j l ^


hold on Ihe keya lo her Worth Alrl- ® canetnplte.B nevoli ai’ttada quickly from ihe 1 d ;.v n to the Arab elUtt. Tho gor-

emmeni U determined to-|>w wB> -J » North African aympithy w llh tbo

LMopUa eaufo Inm f l tm U f Into . revolt agalnat lho Curopota n ilen .

-M sre e L A x m u to iL -t tlU e n lsm i J^ eral m Tuniaia. whero h tU .tho for- \

»ltn population “ I ttl l in .. ncoBtJy ^ pi^rw i~lo~Prem ler~Pl«T> L a n l j

afler” a‘'m nuarylnipectlom Jt—th e - protectorate, j

Berellr SU rt to D o in i ' | p 'F rench auUiorUItt to 'jfo ro o co , .. i AlgerU and French Weafe AfricaJ w n J

' ’ M ucir5f“ lh o " U Ic o te 'i" l« 0 W 1• aquare mWi.of emplro north of the • >. equator borders on tbO 'S aharft e r- amaller dw rU . Offieera o f tbe For- 1 B elgn LfRton know well th a t orer- lino-E urupeaa.occupation .dfovo ,

Ihe treedom-lovlpi Artbo Inltod re- r• rolls are bom to Uto deaert

To conquer tnd hold tbe deaert w• Frince haa concentrtled on w iteb- oj L Ing tho water holes in d o u o i b»-B tween the AUu m ountttoi of Mo- ,y

rocco and Hie JungJea o f M g trti. ‘J I Ualenliig FeaU tfW e U i '

r -■ TKe' ejei Uifl e iij-o f ’ F tanee 'ln ?.!tha Sahara are lone Arabs who alt „

, by the dcMft waler Moles. Some of JP, Uiem are charged with keeptag Uie

• wtlla or aprlnita clean and they ex- }„ 1 act pay from paaatog. c trtv tn a , “ ( Others hate no duty t t lU t t r o to aqual dlently. v^ateh tn d Uitcn.

- --W hnrftrneh-m lllU ry auUtorlUe* It. T u n r« iB a ii-B r ia ip ec rtn jo b !B -i i t r

’ brewing In a certain aecUon of Uie mf Sahara the»o lane w atchen are niI buked by Arab sharpshooters m dt ^ = s = = s s s s s s s ^ = s =

. N p w Y o r k |i Uay by. Uay 1

» — •• - ’ It; By 0 . 0 . M cINTYRE - ”

t NEW YORK. Feb. X - 1 peekedi In on a producUon of Romeo andI Juliet some weeka ago. Romeo sug-I geated Elbert Kubbard to Uio W a, a Hubbard In leg of mutton aleevea ^

“ m ieiIy'’^*leitr?c.‘" K o ^ ^ g y ^ ^ n d |jj I gimbaled with Uie grace of a gsz-

[ ' Now snd then he' would'land with 2

I g r e a c bounds.■[[ ^_ft—ftiianlan —

dancer leaping * for butter-cupi. u 1 ^ front ^ f the [J

A n d ^ ! la l l* ? r t jiuro white Tolce

to r e v o i r a cl rm llrg nf fibii^ ;«The ^ nauir- Iral acUng w u by Ita Metcutlo. dj

One a l n o j t d<felt like scratch- bi

‘ <Y A atM M ,» “Attaboy" ma O .M c ln tr t* on u , j ja vlalUng card and dUpatchlng It bl

■ to hla dretalns room. All of nhlchi la A prelude 10 a conviction there 01i liaa never been a natural love iceiie str ■ b

I f " ' " Maybe YB u t I t ’ i

i L - —' " ■ .


> 'V \ w v J K


h , . . ■

» 0 , - e A T t T O A Y - W B W y O / «

itelrffiDeseri lens French Gri

.The “deaert te legraph/ measaget r w alehert alang ib* caravan m u s t« rreneb celontal anthorllles of North Al Bfflonc the trtteo ol Ih* Sahara. Beeait war to Ethiopia, th* system h u been i open tronble.

the gsme of watchtog and lUientog di goea cn. th

Al the aU rt of a minor campaign cs agtanst an iniurgenl Arab chief of wi the Aii’ teSbach-iSU iironnff-A U u m mountalna l u t year, the first word th of them avem cntio/lherebelaeam e pt from an old Arab squatting by t well th In the desert.

SbrUI Belay Olrea A laru of Two thirsty rebel acouu ctm e to “|

Uto-weU ._dnnk,and. left, taowtog w tnttrto-ktU tho old watchman would tti meti) int«rruptifig the chain of alg- ec naU end btlng certato rapture. th

When Uiey had vanished over the Fi

on atage or screen. Nearest X ever In u w WM between M elon I>ouglu w and Helen Oahagan. hi

BUI tljej a e ie in love at the ' tlnw? -ft in d e ed - m a n ted - o nly-o - few- hour* tb before tho curUlQ rose. Even ao, te wiui gro'aao p tto t. spotllghta, etc., m K did jio t teem IOO per cent real, wi Making love la an emotion of te - r i elusion. Any rovealment beclouds * ' like a pinch of bluing to clear water.


I am vatch tog wlUi inteneat an lu experiment In farming by proxy ot tho photographer Ewing Otjoway. »( He h u acquired a slseable farm In tt fatt-nattTo-Kentueky- and w ith -* » man to manage on th e scene he tt expects to spend two months t year, tt nro-wtekr-afTrtJm® -|J8Ttl{ipliiritr qi There Is an element ot vanity to ^ the quIxotiB experiment. GaUoway j ;

ipeclmen In hla lownihlp. the local yi Buck Finn. And now reap^nds to the eall few country boya raaUt — shoKtog the folk U ek home.

A friend In TuUa sends t silvermnimltd rhiM .yfnr mchh!Il^Ho~gokmnly■ftT^^»■tt-»^ne H W t hind" roo t-trem 0 rabMli killwIn a grave yard on Friday. Dee. 13. «1836 a l midnight by a one-eyed btdarkey wlili the miseries. I wn be- todeviled by r t r y lltUe aupentltlni labui somehow today when a taxi K ni dime hlrpllng to tho curb to hep skip niI ihoushl In my eecapo ot ih si rab- feWt's fcot. sc

There are no i many adults «1th- mout a t least one unshakable super- ttstltlon. Ntlnc U ralstog an umbrella ai

You Can’t Dodge Lightn t’8 Nice To Be Free To Tr;

* ' f

J' "

OBwdghl 1


Springs- ril) On Sahara


B T I l t M liiK ifilf i M K i W M '


/s relayed by word of mooth fren to Ih* •en trto i a t deseH ferti, keep k

I Africa toformed of w hat U geinf so "t u u e o t th* teaalen ailabig fro n tbe S< IB UgbUned up leai na ro tt flats lato le

*■ ' betil

dunea the w atchman ran 13 mllea to ^ ( U footnilts w hert hl« Mgh-pitcbed caU to Arable, ayllablo by lyllaUe, w u picked 'up ^ tba nest watch- " mail,-T^»-^de*ert telegraph''carried — the newa te Uto n e t ru t mUlUry out- poet and brought FK och I r o ^ lo P< the old watchman'a weU.

feIn French Africa theao gutrdUna at

ot the deiert waters aro known u tl: •'goum watchmen," Although they fli i-ear no uniform and carry no iden- in ttncatlon-of.thelr.toyalty-to-tho trl> «i color, colonial authorlUee credit « them w ltb. holdtog tbe desert for in F ra n « .

indoors. My Scotch grandmother. who often aeemed fey. had one of hf f prw nttotenta a i ^ toy momlni, “

th^mtoh*ft-i&^iat'^tf-Xov-aehool-ba^ terror Inereaaed. Bhe .made me tt- m tln home. At nooa we recel\-ed word of Uncle Oeorge'# unexpected P< Biasing, . Vi

A le tte r: "One was a ccdumnlil, diPerhaps the othera were. I wouldn't atknow. Anyway three o t them hsd niyou on tho pon. You were high hat, olyou wero th is and th a t and msny si:things. I thought of th e days X lived biM ro sn h e 'h a U ‘iriheT w r6rav« ."or «th a t Ughi under your door and the siateady click of your typewHter so a often until daylight. Perhaps you are all they u ld . X haven't aeen youIn y ra rt and penplft change. Yet I 1,have a hunch Uial whon t do aee « you 11 w on't be to a dive. chlaelUi*drtoka. telling how good you ar* and .1 knocking your fellowa."

Few succeuful novellsU have so much tenulito fun a t parties u 81ii- “cleE^l/ewBPHeFSVobl^prllo-WtiiT =

c^*^lomar>-^ji^ exac ted d^^ No burlesque Is too~broad nor caper “ too Idiotic. W hen the usual bemused

, lady trlca 10 grow matey and to- “ duiRe a literary coo, b u euggerated ^

, naivete becomes alloe of screaming “ . farce th a t would make a corking

scene to t aioge comedy. Ho la com- ft , milted to th e , tlm oat lost notion “ . that parUcs aro for relaxailon and I an unrestrained flaU for caper. For |||

tning SFry S

r _ ---------------- I toUl

^ c n :

^ w .

. m

■ J m /f/i/A t bli ^ r _____dlW ^


W uW

' -t

W B m ^B B a S B kS S S S O B i t\

> U N .b y TtuN ew yartTTlbtto< .& w . '

tKBwiliBBHIND(O onrm b t. U e t t t » H«

WASHIKOTON r----------— B r * » r T o 5 & r :— r----------d

FUSION. RopubUcaa a u to ra of t ceremonies wlU mali« U u p te u - Ii a n t u poaslblo fo r A) Bmlth to bow t tilmielf out of th f DffBooraUe party t: next Ju n b . . t

So f i r Utry h tv e a t frasMd tha Z kind of tov iuuon thoy wUl forward d

te him and hla «^ ....... anti-New Deal

’ 'TJlwajat**.— B a t -^ " • ^nrtog ’

'o u t a o w r a i u w t B i ^ i i S S S Q f cn th o to n o re lr* « 6 ^ ^ ^ cloofpoUUeUns. ^

Ttio n n t calls W i '2 x S m m tor a sung Utt g K ^ B b S b I finlth-By-I>avU t,

faction te aerre . a a ex.-jiiftlel0 I

nittoo . Anetb- e r T troD osea

V k m o s.tHiTH adoption of ihs 1, I 18t3 DemoeraUo „, « t of-prindplM -'whlcb-Al ehargoi , I "the old pouto" wlUi repudlattog. ], I Some O.O.P.-«rt suggeat U u t a t I least one Cabtoet office be dasgled

before tbe tnsurgenU. They ar« men­tioning ex-OoT. Jooepb B. Ely of

, Musachuseltt aa a prospect f e r At- a ! tonie>' Oeneral. Ambasttdorihlps « ' would bo doled ou t te Jouett ShouM a ' and h li wealUiy contributors. *

WlJMt_O-0.P.*<rs faver thla sort b I ot fusion^qver r 'T iim p - DemocraUe J , party. B & em benng tbo Coolldge- b

Davls-XAFolletto f r a c u of 1M4. they fear a third party more would en-

. able the admlnlstraUon to rovlvo 1 the warning th a t '» three-for.aU 5 ' fight would ih ro if the final choice ti■ Into the House, create political chaos *;- «nct-Tetard-^ooov«ry.—X fa-a.. nolo: 3 ; which usually advonUgw the party «■ In power. ^

- n

! nO V R lN a. l l i osUmattog — and .. planning against the etfoct o f v; Al's defection, lho Prealdini's than>- ,‘ est aides a ren 't lostog sleep over .■: what ltJ tlU m ean in UM B u t . Ex- ^ I cent fO T ^ w York, they f t t w ^ J, vtteiy c 'ouhteS'on ioalng inoai 01 TI the AUantlo Ooott sUtes. Thoy ex- .,

pect to win in tho Middle West, ^w est and South. r

But a restudy of ID3S returns re- |veals th a t Uie m an In tbe brown ^

„ dirby w u especially-suong to such > t s u i u u wtsconsto, Ohio, XlUnols 1 -and Indiana. H e d idn 't.carry any, of tha t territory but he rolled up ^f surprlslfig totals. They abo remem- .1 ber tha t_a Judlcleut shift of 600- *r 000 A-otes would har*' d a c M 'U r . ,t Smith over Herbert Hoover Should ,> Al be the tie which binds C an and ,‘ Middle W esl-fn -g m m fiR d o se H J r fc I compact. It Is p ^ b S e for the O.O.P ^

• House.I FDR'i friends don’t coneeda Uiat

the fthlte.halred SmlUt of 1838 car- ^_ i 1.1. , — . ^ — 11. ^ i.j I

, the eventog, he -ls back a t a natlro ! . Sauk Center U ffy pvil ; ' i

J I frequenily wonder It'bofn T I ^ j

i Uiai 1 do. There’a acarcely a day to ‘, town Uiat I do no t walk or motor •I there. To vlall the park U u muoh '• of a day's roucirio m eating. I t Is ' , bejl when wimpled to furls of sn o v «

and a gold-drained moon ihlmmera * ; a bfoodlng, horertng. vanUhlng lore- I , llness. The wind ahrlsks a joyous r

im ie whbUe under the foot bridges, ' . Ilk* a sudden unteUabSo exhllara- ' tlon. A cTMkle overheid roveal# a e• ju m m i tiUiilas Itom • beugh- i o <

bough. Somewhere the cry of a da rt- t

bride path auggest glanl rocking i horaes In genU* away. H ert and there { lho chuckle o f » waUrfiU. u though i Indulging a so f t mocking laugh (or < the dangtroui whirlpool th a t U i Broadway, Be c lo«ryet-»oom lagly ] so remoiel j

foepyrlghl. ISW, <McNaught em dleatg) . |

, . ' . I■■■ I

G u i d i n g Y o u r '

.............. C h i l d ' I. By 1


---------- flE c n B T -c ttn rT iin re * -------- \The frying pan w u gone from |

the k ltchen»ao one could Imagine ; where. Xt d ld 'lio t occur to anyone ■

■ -to ' suspect- Tum m j ' of - taWng » i J Tommy woa 13. and u far u h is ' mother knew could have no need - for such an article.

■ ‘ H ad n jin n B O rer— thought she . might have remembered an occasion

a few weeks before when Tommy had asked her fo r on old rug. He did no t aoy why he wanted It. and she refused th e request. A fow

. j m J i t e r j h e J t t d - f e ^ t n J i j m to , . rummago tb o u t to Uie ator«.(oom.

‘■What did at boy w ant with house- .- th lp ^ » " _

^ m y tn d hi# friends h td a 'aecret aoeleiy and h td reoenUy to - '

- sttn*d“ U )» m w iw I n '’a p ' empty 1 shad. No ono anew ot tbelr bide- ' out. and U w u tn l i i s l th e TUlet ' U )t« i;.M lihooU )irle llow ih«deon- 'trIbuUd towards lU lumlshlng wtth old furolturo in d e o ^ g 1 u tm U a begged from their parenta. ■Tommy alone h id boen unable te 1 brtog hl« th a ro until he had pro- 1 duced the frytog pan.

garenta are ap t Ui forget thb i sUges of Uielr own chUdhood. Moot boys and girla go Umiugh Uia club­house. stage. I t may be * form of .

7 <? adu lt The bey '- w ha-U -coU M U nff-houuhB ld-iiun: ^- sUs U Kn<H>UJ s1aaing tixeSi an en - ‘

• always la,- n o t n e < i5 a ^ j \> c i iu o

tnio m outer who respecU thla a l ­titude to h e r son. and helps him

- WlUiout- u k to g embarrassing ques­tions. to e re a m ber popularity and tollaence w lth-hlm uid-hU-frlenda. She m ay In thla way keep to touch irllh him through Uie dlHlcult

k "gang" period. 1

r k t tha puneb of ^ man ' dreppid U lthalr prlTate npo rla a h « r U u t ha h u slipped wiUi Uw p ta la i fo fk . In fact, they eootood hi* “e e m r r f t i w swing wUl driro tb a P i« tm « a im - Nonis, tbo LaFollaUea, Hl-ram JohPt t " - -Jm ** t e Uu. ------dent. Bnt they must figure on U t*— w m t while hoptog fo r th a b w .-

—n i tn r - ln i ld o fliu ru g . h a t t re- Tlsod Uielr ongtoal dsUmitw th a t th* bonus biu wUl>r*qulr* an im-madUU caih ouU ty*«f-eo ly -g l,-OOOW. Now Utey put I t a u re f - to double th l t amount.

Since the m euure soomed aieu n d o t passage. Ute retorant* bureau h u boen beslegod wlUi roquosU of Uto namea ot btneflclarlet. These hare como frem notorloua frtm era ef “aueksr llatei» f w a - p remotewr. o<— phopay.4to6k Xlsta d - to - th e - a a C a - .- rogue'a gallery and from almoat orery get-rleh-qulek group In tho land. Somo hare ceme from rop- uUble firms aoektog" bustoeu and iom«-col>eetiott-ageBelo-'whieh-«el-- loct bad debu.

XJndar Uto la v tha n a m u t n con­fidential No request h u been granted. Includtog thoco from wlvea who hop* .to cash to on tome back alimony. But coplw o f tbo Congres­sional Record ahowlng hew much bonua money wUl bo paid out to , rarioua clUaa, counUet and .a ta le t—N hare been gobbled up by Ute aharp- ahooUng salesmen.

WINE. Treasury higher-ups arequleUy exploring - th * . poaalbUlUet__for- expanding the acreage deroled to the growing of grapea for wloe.n w m u ;w j> u h t - W e & - » a y u M _Supremo Court knocked ou t Um AAA but now thoy w ipoct thero might bo lomoUUng tn tha Idea.

n>r a long Umo w to a -m ik m h iv e argued Uiat tbe lr product ahould be considered a food ra ther than an alcoholic bevirtge. They aet forth tha t a redueUon of ta x u on wtoo srmilil .papuliriM It and IntTMin. tTMp>nilQu«lT itj consumnMon In tha United a u to s . They pictured the acreage which would bo plant-

’ ed In grapea t n d the IncreaMd em­ployment which would bo proTlded.

' But ttx-gaUiertog offlcUli regard- ' ed these argumenU a t propaganda I dealgned to obUto lower ta x u and I larger protlu. .

Then camo Uie Supreme Oourt ' decision in d a grand moro to solve ' Uio'problem of exeeu tc n ag e tn d

producUon. -T ha-w lno-m tken_,got : t hurry call to reproaent their eas«

and they have made tha m oit c f I Uieltjiew.osDottunlty*,Wlnfl.mejrft.:_ ; be cIusKled u a..Tltamln Instead to f "Uio cup th a t cheera.''___________

FAT.' MinUry experU a t Waah- ' Ington make light of lu ly 't recent ■ vkstoriea to tou them SUilopla. de- ? aplte tbelr Bweoplngchtracter. They . regkrd them u paper triumph*’ whUh will ha re jio rea l effect oii

Uto outconv of tho w ar. ..J = a e n m l “ a n * U n l l : = ^ T e ^ * a 3 —

f and <ril aonctlons a t Geneva, to the [ Opinion ot -well-pottod obeerrort. U , also came i t » time whcn pnHSure f elaewhere w u needod to re llen tho I Bihloplana' th re i t against lu U in . positions around Makale In the I north. In oUter word*. It w u a dl- I, version abd n e t a m ain thrust.

The Uxory U borne ou t by a atudy e t Uio map, a ra d tn l 'a advance h u

fr Vnriigh* ^ ''n f*'“* «»—w• mountalna and untracked foresta.» Obaervera aay i t U Impoaslblo for.t him lo-piwieM u)im lUI luu lu iused .- a fotoes to his real objective ~ AddU Absba. Hsile Selatale'a Capital,

r Oddly enough. Just u Uw newa o t a Italian suceeucs reached the White r House, President Reooerelt pro-

moled our charge d ’affaires a t A d-' dU the post ot-M tolsler. RU elentlon a t UiU parUeular mo- jnepl amounted to a quiet p a t on the back of Ut* Conquering ijon of Judah.

NOTES. W tlcb-H filL C K M )W »/_ Lehigh vnfoasor. bloom u a politi­cal orator. He'a good. Harold Jckea h u reeelvod no thank-y6u Wlter from H eitert Hoover for the for- m » 's letter of apology on th e num-

. olsrcd unconsUtutjonal. Uncle 8am , will aooti heeme Ihe a a ^ a n M I JS&JWO galioni-of S t .; Croix mm., JLwllLnel a nice JB illL for_ ltie_Is-__ J land's exchequer.1 • — —

; H M corn’s:s lEETINMSEO•I

“' RUPERT, J to . 31-rAldlUPnal « t- ptnaos Ior weed copUM M d elw -

- ~xl6n^^Mu^ea' Itate a dded te - t a e— : tentaUvi 16M budgot for <w«»>eJ, eipensM of Mt o l d g * |O O ^ MjMt

i w e??B iak to? * *'*a»W» J 5 S- w u adoptedB UntaWvo budgot |a “g a n to a t <U.fllS for _I. DeduaUng «W

. ■It Ute 1«W budget I t w u- h» Albert W. Frleko. county audlt- i S . ^ m t fer 1»SS i r e ^ a ^ - ^ t o l i m ffi^b y d ie t

• ■**i^h5i7i«il~rar 'general achooU - “ t i i i n o r •M.060! f « county mni-

A exoensw for the dUfetcnt offices Z ceun^ , tocludlng UOOO for h « e k oontfjl w httt^ '^ 'w pected to '- I t brlni In 130.000 In federal funds, and

1 tiw o for elecUoQ c ^ i u t t .


- S i m o - O p e i n - P W I » M l » - <m In!

F iv e P r o l e o U T o ta l I n o S !

' | S

* 0 1 B t J ia : « «VB

- S l l O M « l . o n & e U « o « ‘ « * W< loot a u t i and eeneret# MWw tn d *1ApprotabM to U 00 th l lU m wii h lH iiriy w ttt ot BUeWoot in D ln i- am Jiam ecuRtr. Tbs e e iln e a 's e*UmAt«»aa |l(n,TW. •

T onr m f r u w of 8pok*nfl w « the low buidfr 'on w nnnieueo ot thetnri .

_O T rt« lroe ltiu rfie ln s .en8JM m llMor the K it lUwf Wihway lnj0h<^ j *hono county. O * offer w u $00fi»».The enfm eeri M tim to w m IM.47J.

. W ith w offer o t WO^ll. the Mm ^J.-K uner comp«y-ot-Bpok*ne-WM ?,v Jo* bl4dtf (or oonstrueUoit o ( » 195< toot eoacrete* QTcrheid K tucUm ovsr Ute o r rfo a Short t la e rtUwey _ ' •n d prtpMln* •pprqechei to ll on the Xdih»>Monun» hUhwiy a t _ MocUdA m Clwk county. Nie Burg* ^ • ra r-a lid J . W. Brcnnen ot Idaho M t » u i d Poiatelio bid W M Tlie . en rlM cr 'i e itlm tle was lU J l l . *

T h s Trianile Cotuiruction com- -jwny.oI.flpoi( t i S M on eon* . >

airuMlon of tne roadbed end grtTeU ^ surfaclni 1401 miles o t the Coeur d'Alene'Vellowitone lYall highway S (rom M ^len e u t tn Sho&hono couo* S

tnglneer'i estimate was Ha

J> .'K oneno (K w W on .Idaho ,b ld ipe U l . m tor conitracttOR o t tha road* 1

'•-bed f^ ra tiia tr itn ic tan tw K H nuK H ' pr* rock (urfsclng on 3.723 miles of the LenTlUe-Oorn«tlI road lo U ta h OA couniy. The tM lneer's esUmste v u 139,750. Re-

------------------------- IrOCATKLU) WlIOLEflALCRS C


I'lost, Slate law enforcement com* s n -m tsaiijm f. n p u m a-g n i |n r mit~iwg-

wholesalcn have been refuicd 1B36 beer Uctnits a t PocateUo. Ue de*cllncd to nsm e th«m. 1

Action of the depariment w u the jhloutgrowth of persistent refusal of ]the w holeUlrn to comply wlUj legal suerequirements lh a t they file a re* chtport each month with the depart* 7ment, Pfoat explained. vot

^ W i d o w I d e n t i f i e s —

P u b l i s h e r ’s S l a y e r sm

M T N m P O l-ia , Jan. 31 Wv-Th« 1 ^ d w of .W e ll^ L )n 9 tL -tf8 it I ta l

t«day tha t a '“Hemlng gun” clutch* ed by Isadore (Eld Csnn) Blumen- " (eld. kUled he r husbend. mlllUBt '‘°’- publisher, last December 8.

U n . U ggelt suooee^ull; (ou ih ; c i back emotion u she identified the liquor ulosm an. o a tria l 4or m ur­der. a s the am s t l i c —

Herf"Us«thofly, w u regarded by I * Ulft p rw fn it toa ei ■ lilj h u etm 'lw aie It* effort to prove tha t Olumtnfeld, >»< angered by caustic critlclsmB U g- t^>' gett had publUhed againit a Uq* uer Abdicate, participated In the " f iU l ambush. . ^

n o N E w r n v s i a A N d ib s •

IDAHO VAXJM. Jan. 31 (A ^D r. byO rant Wallace Pendleton. 71, pl* TUooeer physjelan of Uils eommuplty, Hei died la u n lch t tolloclnB a Unee*

'■} T » n im tu . -----------------------TurI urd

CAROt- i»i»Al«gB R n w s n n Am

PARIS. Jan. SI W VK lng Carol i d , n a t Rumania, In Parish enroule home following the funeral ot the ' { ]at« O eone V of England, today bet described PrlU ln's new king. Ed- Jar ward V in , as “a man o( unusual o o poM , of etiaracter and ot eitra* me: ofdlM jy depth o t thought.” u s

m a k e t h i s m o i

T w i n F a l l s D a i l y !

•‘■ ■ r 4 /

m i J i M “' / 1 1 * 3 ^ ijl ho

~ ' ^ ~ / a 1^ M Ja- J<»i

iliW s

'.S I »U1• n / - ; . r . « I ' ;-'M -wii•iO T V .ii. ■ui___ .. . ft<=1 1 *; -pri!

• S J a .V-j. - / («»B i t / * / Ini

_ ® > L L - i j L ^

____* ' ' U - r ■

■ 2 3 6 7 n \ V s s


c o n i o n ■V . 9 . B e y n d d t m ln littf

u n . T ttn k n if ite n . suB diy le&ool

JO a. r a ^ n d a y idhool. U ora* Lln rT B * M g e -g iitn - f o u a w n r '- th * ^ sehool seisToo. T ^ c , T M B eart.o tthe OccpeL" Asother o t tlw eh art cclenaon t. Basket dinner feUovtng uthernon)lnffserrloes.Thsl««ln|/iId« J 'In tho ite en t conteit irtU prorJda ^

*t« i n ' r t t g . g j tj^ M

side are u k e d to hrlng basktiluneb. „No afternoon program h u -bMn %

pIana«d.-XtM- l l ^ - « I D— vU ulr pUylet but wlU not present U JcuntU feb n u rF fl. emoit vttet<e« en M Wedneeday owning. -

I The Plsherman Club mem ben ^' will be prMcnttd with their lleenMi ”


CHURCH ^ ”L c ^ . ^drOT-s, p u to r ^

l a y tor,- aapertfltendent. - — ■ - J f ' - -n 10:00 a . m. M om lni w onhlp. jj,

- Sunday Mhool aisembly andchurch ^ ' eerrlce combined. The eerrlce cloees m ; a t 11:10. S em en subject. ^ M ' ot Being a PToduier versui U u B»t< c . ; IsfaeUon o t Recelvlog Wages." r . i 7:30 p. m .-E ren ing serrlee. Set* r , roon by the pastor. u' — O' CIIOBCH OF THE NAZARZNB U ; K IM BE U T m

3. O. f lc h u f t p ttW r • or10 a . m^>Suoday Bible achecl. ar

Classee (or alL »11 a . a . —Worship. Subject, “The

8m ym a-Church‘a Meaaage.'^— 35c: r third of Ujo series from Itevelatlon. Tl

8:15 p. m /-T h e Bose Buds.6:45 p. m .-N . Y. P . 8 . W lltam wl

Hannonlng. president. M—7 ;3 0 - j i J ^ - B « r —V H flattJrW tsa. fiispeaker. ^

7 ;S 0 fl.m .W ed t« idM -P rayerand ar.pT»»*ffniiwtCig.------- ■ ®

OAtyA RT EPISCOPAL CflCBCU Jj* Jerome. Idsho "

Rev. V. B. Newm»n. Prt»»t In charge « Pourto Sunday after Epiphany. “ OhHTCh eehool a t lo a. m. ^ Oooflrmalloa instructions to r ad* ^

l(A K 8K }^H 9IC K IT VE d |a r I^'W hlte, minister ”

10 a. m<—Begular moming wor* ^ ship ^ U t a sermon by the pastor. P'

11 a. mv-Bunday school wlUi C( superintendent Harrey Fom walt In ch an e . . - - .

7:30 p. m.—Epwarth League dc* voUonal ser\-lee. «

MURTAXJOn COMMUNl-nr -- --E dgar-L .-W hite, nUnlstejr----- «10fl6-a.-m ,-Sunday echoel-w ilh -

Superintendent WlUUm U ndau in i *'

11:30 n. m.—negulor m ornlngI*“ worshlD with a sermon by the paa* !K fT -^ ------------------------------ S -------rtt

7.30 p, m.—Epworth Lesgus de-,< i Totlonal « rvlce. j


_ iIA R 0 A ._ Jan 3 n -M lM -V lr8 h » itf -^ Lee EnnU et^tertalned Saturday eve- j

and Mrs. Lee Ennis, wlih a dinner tor a number ot hlgb school s iu - ,' dents. A theater party (otiowed,

Miss Eileen Haag entenaUied S a t* ! urday evening wllh a bridge iwrty. Decorations and favors earrled out i h, the Valentino moUt. High score w u ,!?,' won by Ulsa Bemadet Pink nnd low | by Mtss M artha Holmes of Tw-ln;L° pails. AlUcut prise went lo Miss i ' * Helen Potter. A lunch w u K n c d . : „h

u rd ay 'fo r a month's visit In L os|«^


■ B O ISE ,'Jan . 31 («V-The Idaho “beer lax law produced 134.130 In ^January. 163$, compared with »30.* , 430 In January, IflSI. law enforce*ment department rccords sliowed i_ tonlght.

------- ....................D.------— - In.

O D E L A T H O M E |

ly News Pattern r

- s c n i - i iN E l io u s E j i o c K i FLATTKRINO TO WIDK RANGE


S y c f i t n c d J a m S ~^ V ha t^ f you do wear a fo rty -•

sU? No need to sacrifice femlnlnlly on th a t account, for a frock with youUiful and slenderising lines | csn make you look ns young u you-i teel. Take one look o t tills sm srt I houso ■ (rock end yooll know Ifs

. Just-the* one "fo r- you. You’ll- te*-] Jolce over the elenderlslng pow fltTftgh^~)lnrs«-eep downward ' unbilled (rom .

• shoulder to hem. Bejolcc loo. at their w ork-uvlng qusllUes. Saddle* ahoutdtr slws-es a re 'so easy to ill. and eo grand and .free when yoiiTe

..rtaftilpg for th a t top-m ut shelf. Adjusable ties a t either side as* sure you a slender waist, no matter .wliat the. scales ahow. Any bright canon is n ite « pre-shrunk.

^ .• ^ a t te m 3S87 Is avallabj^'ln alzes ' ^e. » : » . 34. SS. 31, W j j B l ^ n d

40. S lie 3« -tak« 3 H ' i l S K i % h fabric. Illustn ied s te p ^ y V |n se w *»ng Jnstnictlons Included. . ,.j

. ^ B d .n tlE E S CIHT8-{iie> In toIm -

■T r 0»». prscuul to

tumM>.ctu« .sitDdm uoi iiTiM. p s t 'i

T w m r A t M P s i t r K i

IsOCIITYa~ ■ P h o n e 81

. . .A t te n d e d b y rc p M w n tA tiv c a co u n ty , th e b e n e f i t c&rd p a r t y i W o m en 's T^\•in p a l l sL eg io n K lem orla l H&ll. w a s o n o o o f th e w in te r s e a so n . E i g h ty ' t a b M cC oy Ib c h a irn u tn o f th e L eag u e g e n e ra l c h a ir m a n o f a r r a n g e m c n ttm ,'M r(i...C ,_Q »H K elley_aD d. Ral) J o h n Soden , lo w ; p in o c h le ,♦ - M tiff Ray. S m ith .: a n d : G to t s f t o W . F r a s e r , h ig h a n d M rs . • ' W a y n e H udelnon . B u h l , lo w ; h eonUact, M n. E. N. Petlygrove, Hansen, and E. M. Raybom. Flier, r high, and Mrs. W. T . Leslie, Twin t Palls, low, .

Commltieee contrtbuilng to the ^

- P aiiiT -M n.-j< tiner-« in jd ir juhioi-; 7: ’ Buhl: M n. W, A. Coiner. H ansen: H ' M n. H m im Pickett. M urtaugh; ^ ‘ Mrs. Buwnrt serem s. Kimberly: „ ' M n. L. H. Brown. Maroa, Mrs. W.' C. Brown; CuUefohl. and Mrs. o : £

r . Worceiter, Rogerson, UckeU. M n.■ 1C p . Pany. Mrs. H. C. Edmunds.

Mrs. Kenneth C. Beach. M n. E . E. Ostrander. Mrs. J . Paul Thomaii, M n. 0 . A. Bailey, hall arrange* ments. and M n. J . W. Robertson- and Mrs. It. E. Leighton, Twin Falls.

, and Mrs. H. E. llsmmeniulit, Pller, refreshments. ^ ^

r 'P U D U C -tX V rT^--------------------- «, TO >tlLITARY D A U p|

Leading February social events g- , will be the annual military baU c

Monday evening, February third, a t -‘j . R a ^ lsn d , members of Company o

E ronm unarfd 'H tx tc tim ren jinK M ,'« ; and the medical .^ c p a r^ e n t dc* et

■ guTshed guestsT ^O T or WlU h i Ad* ec I JuU nt aeneral M. O. McConnel. Hi

Boise: Colonel F. c . Hummel, com- ol , mending officer ot the company,

and Lleutensnt P. D. Berrlgan, in* ji iln ictor frdm tlio reg u la r. army.

, Captain J. H. Seaver aimounces. vsThe publle U invlled to attend the 2

‘ ' of the com|)any will appear In un i- o

NaUonuI guardi) and their g u u ls only will intend the banquet a t d,

. American Lejlon Memorial K ail g preceding the dtnce. Lieutenant

, Colonel 11. o . Laulerbscli. Hansen,I will pm tde as toastmssler. ,

S taft Benteant W aller B. Swope f . i l chAlmmn of the Ucket sales. ^

Second Llcuiennnt Ralph E. Leigh­ton, Junior, and P in t Lieutenant W. H. MumjMncr are In chargo of the dancc nnd.muile eommltlee. .

I . . Prom ds Irani the ticket sales "II will go into tlie compony m tss tund ,. —lojK.UKdjlurlng-llie.iium mer, c « t ._ j[compment. “

'-ftifftTU ifnrn-u tT .vrm 'rr}--------- : z. \A T I'VTHIAS'S' D lNSBn ^

r}-tlilan SL-iters attended a . two* ? 'courjc dinner n l the home of Mrs. fl : Albert PiiUler T hunday evening.-iJ

I [The birthday anniversaries of Mra. ’ i Do.-ene OotrUen, Mrs. P. H. Hlg-j *'

,• bee, Mn>.-Nora Zachartas nnd M rg .|;' ‘ "0.“ H ;'a d re d - were celebrated. A | . I miscellaneous shower was arranged “ Tir r Mfi.. uw rm f ii.------------------------

■ C.tni. KSTEHTM Sa « ,|/1 7 ' niU W nA Y .V A tlT Y■ M lu Ei-elyn Oueti cniertahied e

• At a blrthdsy party last evening n t » I her home on Highland D;1Ve. A t a I; buiKO, M lu Lols Reat won Uie prlee'! (or high Kore ond Miss Mary Oab* j hart. low. Dinner was served pre* ^ .cvdlag Ulo games. The guests. In

i;»ddlljon^to the prise wlimera, were

■ I Mildred Broic. Margaret Shown! ■! I A nbtlle Brott-n. Margaret BIms, J

‘ ma Madding. Peggy Terry, M arion I , Lee, Mary DcBtty ond June Nord*i “ n«. ;

I o m c i : i i s i l ^ i u h w A T 3 it: f:T i> \a o rc L U B

Otticcrs were Installed a t a m aot. ng ot Ihe Oem State study Club

iMt evening ot the homo of Ura.• p . R. Johnson. M n. Evan T arr was ,

^*Ulllng. officer and Mr*. B. P.' Oardner, marshall. M n. c . A. Bick­ford Is president ol Uio club; Mrs. ! R. B.-Klmbie. vice president; M n.'

— w d J i e t ^ f - s i w i n r 'A r M : —

: — Don’t FaU lo Join O ar I “Bring A Friend Club" . . .

Ask Ua AbOBt HI j

LAST TIMES TODAVl , Rising Wllh New Speed!I I ShooUng WlUi New Daringl

[ Coreedy Cartoon - Newa.

•i " s lw U T O M O R R O W l :

•- A l ~ 1- T h a .a w M la M .lM w - -

ijilO w uSlDPaolhie Lera * Basil B a th b w i

•i _________BUne-Barfce — ' .

' i NOTE: It's AU la ^ r, snd 1V«“I - - " i r e n r Balse O or Prieeal . KIDDIES lOe. — ADULTS ZSo

. id a u B s 's82 ■■

-----------: Ic s f ro m e v e ry s e c t io n , o f t h e y sp o n so re d b y th a R a p u b lie a n tils C o u n ty l u t e v e n in g a t t h e fl o f t h a m o s t s u c c e s s fu l a f f a i r s ta b le s w e r e a t play.^ M i s s r ^ t t a gue . M rs . O . J . C h ild s , F i le r , w a s s ic n i s .P r lM w in n ^ ra -^ e r e : A u c - ^ ta lp h T ^ ig h t o n , h Ig n . . a n d .M r s . p

. a.I O. «'. and Mrs. ‘ftrr.-reporter. Mrs. t n n . Lincoln. Mrs. B. L. Patrlek .%nd f ' M n. J . L ..9 eny . a re .m em b en .O t <■ ;■ Uie blrUiday committee} M n . H . H . P■ Jeiiten, Mrs. Oardner and M rs. " ' June KIrkman, the year book eom- «

mlttee. Delegates'to the Rural Fed - >' ' aratlon are Mrs. Johnson, U n . S

I H fl ,-------------------------------------------- p ;• report. A blrUiday gift was p ra- * : sented to Mr*. KIrkman. Mrs. U n - » : coin, reUrta# preHdant. w u pre- sented wlUi * t l t t ' from tbe club, C'

pnsent«d-hy J ln . .B le k fo td . . .U n . y '- T srr woo Uie white elephant > :.-------------------------------------------------------n

------------------ - h

I r - r - --------------------,E; C o m i n g E v e n t * "

B. P. W. CLUB .. pmfesnlonal |

Women's club will meet a t the Park how l Monday ew n ln f t e c » -

I 6:30 o'elock dinner. Mrs. H. w .1 ClouchKk wm live a rerlew of• "European. Journey." by PhUlIp ^ ' Olbbi, English novelUst. joum aU it ^

ir rd 'l^ e rT M U rM a rg iie t-IU e c h « ^ li■ e n w ltrolay a plsno aolo. A m tdley. n

■ countries. Miss I te tu McCoy, pub* r . Uo relaUoni chairman, is in charge <• of the prognm . * • _ 1

• JCNIOB W. 0.’ W. •. The Junior Woodmen of th e ,• World wUl meet this ottcm oon a t 1 9 2 o'clock a t. Uie Odd FeUows haU. I

• DE:^10CRAT10 WOftlKffS CLUB .I'win Falla County DemocraUc

» Women’a eludy club will meet M on- . f dsj- aJicmoen a t 3:30 o'clock o t tho ‘ Baiitlit bungalow.

; G r a n d J u r y B a l k s

I A t M u r d e r C h a r g e

’ PnOVIDENCBcB. I , Jan. 31 W ^ .'• A erandjuryhere todayucondemnt. . ' od police for “bungling" and ro-

(uwd to chnrfto a dark>cj-ed young ~ -nune wiin'lJie"HUrfltr o f i ie r p a l^

lent.- - P o i l r f }nipccloc.lim Vanaaee.-Ot. •

Wooiuockell. announced a m onth ago Uiai ilio luin.-. :s*year*old

• Marie Sevlgny. told him the admin* ! , .Istered a csuitlc sgenl to Mrs, L.;■ Valmore Normsndin, 47. lo end lie r ^ suftenog.? - . 1 ^ grand-jurors said that.. In i ^ 'in e ir -o p In lo n rU ir 'p a ll le t iir 'M n r i I an .auditor (o r

mission, died December i l of poison which she sdmlnlstered to heraelf. '

M lu Sevlgny w u freed immedi* i ately by Judge Philip C. Joslln. She t sobbed as she w u told of the Jury’s t action. 'B


'■ B r l t l ^ one Italiati and 33 Indians were kUled In a fire and eiploslon

■' a t Ujo Loyabad Colliery In Jharla •“ Hlhar province, an official an* .• nouncement ssld loday.


k W ' 6l»ru [ ’^ T O M O RRO W !1 ^ _ _ T 1 IK J1 Q D E U N ______ -

M I l t A C L E . I ., K M C S I C A n --------^

I nythingI GOES4■ ring CROSBY Jk■ ; O uksU M lB W ■ e IBA lu r iH o l l a

- SIABUT . ■ p

■■P*** _ J n ic *oso ««Tj —• .

I - . - S S S ? "

SAltmPAY wyjjpfSfeWffl


- D H I e r e n c i r B o t v r t W - l n t ^ w ^

; anii A g ricu llu ra l Depart- ! . m a n ts Ai r « d . . “

' — ■ . PI WA8H1K0T0N, Jan . U o h I Sharp dlKereneei betwwa tb * acH * « . culture snd laUrtoT ^ tp S T ta ^ ta u

•nrr alileh should adffilnlMM’ g, ‘ pvbH e-tirnitinnkrm 'Vm 'y m a■ ^ * h w M .P irtl ia Jw d i M, eomtnlliee {nuing.......... :__ :__ ..I In)KiM i^to the ooom ttU * die- u t cusjion WM an mterWf W parttM Dt t) f Impllcstloii th st Ibe m tJcuJHu * d*.. partmehi, through 111 t n m m n io t. gi . was lorring Mockmen into approTlng ei . ‘addition! or nubiio land to na tional » . fo re jia ressbnhn iM nW gtO W O k* h ,

. was lold by Rufui Ohe«to,UulM «m n

. aollcllor o( the intaHor'dtpaHxnent. (1 The commlltee w u neiitlnc dla- t

, cuulon of a bill by lUpnMOtaUva . m ile .lO - Id a b o ) .|o tru a { ir .4 IU 0 e

acres of publle land to t h t 8 a lm M ^ natloma tocut In Idaho. T t* WU • has the agriculture d e p aH ttc n tl ap*

r ll, but Ills been d lupproved b ; ' Interior department, wUoh ad* mlnUteri thn Taylor g rattag a e t la . the public domain.

t C a n c e l l a t i o n O f

1 - T ' XJ. S . L o a n s X T r g e d

\ WASltTNOTON, Jan . J l ( « —( BlUs iniroduocd In Uie-hotfso today ri-lncltnled-oi»e-by-Aj«»-<I>'M onl»- - t -

. ments. »n outright g n n t in tt*ad t t I subiect to repejment by beaaOelar*



Kathleen N ontfs“ N A V Y W I F B * *


RALPH BELLAMY — a l s o -----

“The riianlom Empire- No. 7

T O M O R R O W !

w B M W ,‘'t B S i *

I ; «

I H B j iMI _____ Wcwa


i l - n

D n w M T 1 , i w i — : . ■

P a n s , “ p r o p o s e s S

N e w " L o n g - L e g g e d “

I P r o f i l e F o r 1 9 3 6 ;

7 .. -------tbBy AOKLAINE KEBR 1*'

-tA M W gM a-piw g-ito re lg it-B lanr ". PAWS, Jan. J l ( « - A new long* S legged P a n t protUi (or J»>9 made , IU debut tonight u tha f ln t week

’ Ohanei isunehed ipring modeU mi ; WiUt wartimes hicbcr to Uie front 1 ‘ Uian In the back. P a y . aeckUnes mi

' Mlhouetu.8U na-w e»-iU a))U y-;ong tr,-a j- —

■ Uiough many remained short to r . .t aporu wear. V‘ ’Hi* QoUtcUon featured boyish K• gu lu wlUi ahort and itralght isck* " [ eu , while pique shlrtwaUU w enI accompanied by -pert s tn w AUor '> h a u and boyUh cape.

TTM arenlng mode «tressed black.

I nlng w np# wero short, bright U f . w• fet* Jackets or Jong vtlvst capes, dr• leU iared lo circular ;c*» i. • se I n i« isu i cesutry u id j u a t

‘ ■ i r x u i - n x ^ . n . n ^

; anEDUE iis j AH ^

, I t W IM K N O C K A t ’

Twenty-_ E V E R Y W O M A N

w l H i S l i m i y E a s n a l T a

Y o u c a n g e t y o u r s (

I s u p p l y o f W h i t e II

L e a ^ again w ltli th e w aaher fo r iW tt—no o ther all t&ese fea tu re s found In

- t - Q U E E N - r - r r t i M r e y e r a U c ! I d r iv e tnmainiaalop . . . “ a H i p ? 3 T 5 E T T T T H r i 5 e r

atraetlon w ith double wa] w ater b o t . . . and th e a n SPEED q U E E N SA FI WRINQEB.The eomblnatton o f the« featuTM meaoa faa ta r wash

I clothes, g rea te r sa fe ty aod- u f f a im fun t e tHfB d u tte u w \

-1 — i l i r u u i i i J U U i c j i B . nirAIIVAnUE llrY E T

The 1 S » 8P S B D Q U EEN la y o u n f o r o n l y ...............


A H B Y O B W I i

I r P m .M a 1


Drain Tubs

.Enameled .Table Top

i < #n n K o a a Enstoe

• . S P E E D Q U E E NW aaher fo r homea wlt^*

' o u t e l e c t r i c i t y . Coin*

.■ S l I O Q * ^


dai.'tba««tltt^cQUietM.. o( -<Uy « cloU>»i.N;;fMca..4«Phailaia::\iroS b n i t t tn -browni asd runet, and b ta tta ad w U taao d n an andvblM »eogy^mUeos, . . _____ <

Tha.d6dJiUt.ot a « n y TOt, » a Baeuma buttoning d o u to the tbroatf- inspired wautcoau, fitted ^ laokeu and spring suite. k“ WHI* «® ftrJuchei and" o m n - * dl* blousM viUi blgh niched neek* Unas aooompanled oUier aulta. ^ . Tha entln oollecUon of moming “ to dinner oloUua w u narked-by -

Imueb u (brea inchak. . I

StrUIng aecanU were ehlieUed ' metal chains, swung (rom shoulder

cord lame paiUettei. |

S B E r t i s - ^• TOlSEiTMfKmBBRI.Y, Jan> Sl~"Aud Let

Wbo WUl Be 01e\>r," a comedy dranta. wUI be preientod by ths ! senior class ot idmberly blgb school • at t to echool audltorium_Prlday _

0 1 0 ,

t Y o u r D o o r O N L Y D u i

t y - n l n e D a y s o f F E B R U j

l n w h o s e e s t h i s s i

I TWIN PORTABLE LlT a b l e T o p O o v i r T h a i F H i

se t and a season’s

King Soap . . . . . . .

ODtataodhig . ler washer has in the S P E E D ' lU e n tn in H n B ts

. the t^ l- ■ / id chaaala con- watla to keep amazing N E W L F E T Y -R O L L .

lieae exclu sive ' a sh in g . G leaner' ~ n d e x t r a y e a r* / i r a a n ----------------------

HfRICESN \v ith a ll th e U te s t Im p ro v em i

I I L L ^ ^ ^ ^ L

pp a m

^ Y o b D i i l n ^

^ Y o u M i y U n O a r

o s o - E 'ZP A Y M E H T _ P L A H .........S

T o B u y Y o u r . ^

^ S P E E D ' O l l B E N ■ f l

!■ i<i I

I . '___ E e b r i i a r j r - ------------------

_______ _


' T w b i F ^ s , I d a h o


m s aim iisfwn jnaiu.■»«i> t t 'c M iM a r i iM . 'g

l u r i n i r L e a p Y e a r ’s

J A R Y .

3 E T W A N T S I T . ' _

ft Sugli Over Taks,




r a n u l c l e d P i y D


Tourtrealag - -


— —


r A S H B B S ^


"■■" - ■'■ • — — S T N O m : V M T i«w * w»«.. • '

r m d d t D tT v n t w t i f r t x W 7 tni

• * * * * * • " * 'S l S S S n w i f c - ’ *’

C f S T . T d l ' S S ^

M n (eri«« alMol I te csM. M tb*T

.^ .h M _ T « J r t* « ,U > e mtn't _ »(hat hi'W M hMKhgnUnr. » S r ^

• «(W ll m uB i^r tbe pollcf lo»pee- „ «w.

— owC l« p t« I< . v'’ '*

ABOUT THK BISROF . ^ ~ u ^ Ope-^ Tignt, - m a .uiC-uupeegC jSH

-pholoFupJi of hlJ slitcf, t t w u . l r Stw CUM doim Hnd tdnidded him." trli

"Hoir *b*nrd U> w U«ere nw # *t h n e r n i

■ ~0h. tb » f i tu r , your Udyihlp. I J D tfM M w tptptr reporfMtim ei m n e n t e . and HmeUma u ii UieriwtUMwiJoJeUiJfWBronf.-.; jas

“T icftow," u ld m nW e. T w w i h r trd the «1tdMt BtorlM." 8b« n «

. -pm ied-fc momtnt. ihen drew freely *■ on her |m «ln»tlon. ‘r l'tT h e in T " Oval hit pocJMU w re ftu tM ti-Uh - pt{)cnprnTlnchloi(obe*BoUhtTlk " ■lent. And Iherel tnotber ito r r too

- tlwit hU poekfU w re Jull of dope7_ to d »neU»r (w in sbout hli h ir tn i “

tun oC coanfcrfrit bank- ' I

~ T lic 'in ipfc lflr liiighed h ^ l i y . thli“T lu f» ft food one." C

- I RIDPOM leillj- he had JiUt lh< Amu u a ] Ih ln p In bU pockeU»'* mel

------yAmHwy-few-«t-4hal.-A-b»o<U. -vUvkerchler, not marked. Some loose den chanse, a packet of clgorota and a

.coupla of Treasuiy.nolea — loote, vilis o t In « eaae. No reCCen. We'd b a n rhad A 'lob to IdonUty b ln tt U tl|» h a d a t been tor the pholo. Provl*desUal. you might call It." Noi

*1 wonder," aald Frankie. try— Itt-TlCTr nf h f f prlTato tnoTteflCT, a a f

ahe conddered ‘'prorldenllal'* a tica

d ia s ie d Uh eonTemUon. con*1 v e n t to see Mr. Jonei. the a

V icart 800. reeurday. The ooe ' <•:who'a bw n pottosed. What an e i- » »

- inw rd lnary thins U u t « u t"“A h r aald the Inipeetor. “Now

• -that la-extAordJnary. If you nice, ulaJTcTtr heard ot anythlni iOtt It hap . Meveslnc before. A nlco young gentle* staa a n without as enemy In the world, coio r ao you’d u y . You know, U d y ff-

' rrtscea , th tre a rtaom t-^uaer-nu* tonto o e n to ln c about. AK the aaaa I b n

' a e m heard e t a homicidal manlae ••who acted Jo it th lt way.“ «

‘l a there any d u t a t all to who Th

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T T O n B t to r to - h B s r ^

The iBipector awelled with graU* tieattoa. Ito enjoyed thla friendly ^ eonTttaaUon wltb an b r l 'a daugh* uwter. NouUng ituck up or anobblih i t

- Ity." aald tba Inapector. ‘‘Daik*blue hai TUbot.' A m an on Lock’i Comer dri reported dark-bloe TUbet No. 0 0 . . i

.« lay dUectlao St. Bo-

“And you th ink-." • JS* 0 0 tM3 U tb t su n b e r of the

Stihop of St. BotOtpht ear.” _ r ra sU ttO }« d to ram 1 n u teo rtw o ^

' w ith the Idet ef & homlddal btahop ^ « w l»off« ttd i«rltle*aofc!erfynien‘a . a o u b q t lejocted t t wllh a. ilgh. -You doDt luaoeet the Blahoo. I 7,1•uppoeef- a j j r a i ---------------

— ^ t V o fo u n d -o u t t h a t - ^ c a r nerer le ft the Palace

*^^Bo*ltw ^*fSw *Bum berr> ^ ‘’Yea. W e>t j o t th a t to go « t all

tight.*' m' W ith expre«toot of admlrUlon u .

Ptankla took her letT t. She made no d iap Ing rem ait. bu t u e thought to henelf. "There m u it be a Urge _ number o t dark-blue Talbota tn R uland ."

On her return home ahe took a in directory ot Marehbolt from lU |1 | plaee on the wiltln«*tabte la the

• .llbnay and remored'U to her oim ' nom . 6he worked orer I t for aome

— hOMK-The-wmlt-waa-not-utUlac- — to tr . There were lour hundred and elchty-two Cranaea In UarchboU, i

"D am n f laid m n U e . ,She began to make plana for the

future. Mt

------ jt-^ k 'Ia le r -S o b b ir -h a d -Ja lM d uk.

ed m c ra l enlgraatlcal eemmunU 99caUona trom m n k ie . noelly tn. of•ueh an UleglUe acrawl tha t he w u }

. gult« unable to do more than guea ex<a t their meaning. bul

Mtanwhtle the. young man re- <>e i&Alned n o r atrlcDy on lUi guard.

-‘-T T se-T fftw ro r-K jh fg n in n .n n ef-phla WM lo rm der their laker a - J®*tremelynitplclcua of tood at\d drink ‘*'Jand had aUo Inducvd him to bring /lo London a M nke rerolTer. the f“pdfsnjalon ot Tlilch w m ‘extremely ! "Irkiomo to him, C

He »-aa ju « bpslnnlng lo f«'5 that , the whole thing liad been an ex*travagant nlgbunare wben Frank* „le'a-SenCey roared da»'n the m « * . «w d .d rew up alonwlde llic garsEf.' j

Bobby. In greaae-stalnrd ovfnUij.- eame out to reecln* tt. Prankto was■ ■ a t the wheel and bfildc 'u i a tin

rather gloomr-looklug >-ounK tnui. .. bu“Hullo, Bobby,’* aald I'rankfc. ra

•TTiU la Oconje Arbiilhnot. Ilc'a a i doctor and 're ahall nee< :hlin.” bn

Bobby wlnred allghtly M be'and ' ye.

• - . “Are you sure we'r* need _.i— a

him U tha t way," aald TranUe. “1 nn’ 'n e e d 'b lm fo ra K h e m e th a tI 'r e g o t sv

•~~oiir~lk»lf h erc.- 'la -therwanywhere' — r e das fO tn d la lkt"

Bobby looked doubUulIy round zr. htm. "WeU; there'a my t i ’droom." ae

be w ld doubtfully. cu "ftoellen t.- aaid m n k le .

' and OeoTfC' 'ArbuUinot iolloited^b aoM v up ta n e «uu ld i ilepa and >'<

......... '

lnU i-* « l c n ) i ^ bedroom.• -X d e a t know,- Mid Bobby, look- b lf round duMoody, "If Uwre’/^uiy> where to alt."

T hete w u not. ‘Hm only chair w u leaded 'w ith ,'apperrn tV , the — whole o t Bobby'a wardrobe.

- n » bed WlU do.- Mid •FfankJt.She plumped dows on 11. Oeorge _

ArbttthneHltdHhe aame and thn bed -

- ■••■ ■IjiannciL oul" j .

aald T nnkle . « ro begin with we w ant a car. One of > w n will do/"

"Do you mean you want to buy __ one of our can ? ” —

"Ycfc- ' . ............ ■"T haJ'j reallr rery n i« you,

^ M e . " aald Bobby wtth warm ap*

ly do draw Uw Kne a t itlckbV m y ' trlendi."* “You're fOt tt all wrong." »ald n a n k le , “I t Un't like tha t a t all.I know whal you m e an - tfa like

V y i n g ‘perfecUy-appftimit-clolhea - and hats from one't frtrnds whn are }u5t alAftlnf In b tu lnm . A nu})- ance, but It'a got lo be done. I really need a car.”

"W hat about Um BcnUej?’“ ‘T ho-BcnU crm o-B ood:----------------

-You'n mad." M id oU>/.'•No. I'm not. The Benlley’a no

good for what I want It for.“‘" ’TThal’ tMTftU'wanl It for?"---------

“Smaahln^ It up."' 73obb)‘ g^An«d Uld put a /lan d 10 h la .h tad . t’t.d o n 't seem .rery .well .. th is morning." ■

Oeorge Arbuthnot apoko for the t i n t time, Bla voice waa deep and melancholy. "Sho mean*." he aald, •“ ’’Ihftt'f **’" g"*"f «w «i4*i. •dent,"'

"How doea ihe know?" Mid Bobbywildly, ------------------- - - -

Frankie gare aa exaaperated tlfh . ’’Bomehow or othe^^.ahe Mid.“we « e m lo ha re atarted w nng.Now Ju a t llaten quietly, Bobb>'. and try and take In what. I'm going to

tically negligible, bu t yofi ought to be tb le U> uiiuefliuim U IUU nuUy — concentrate.'*, She paused, then resumed.

‘' I am on the tratl of Baaalngton- ffrench."

"Hear, heart"•’Baaitngton-lfrench-our panic*

ular.B aaatngton-ffrench — Urea a t Merroway Court a t the rlllate of SU rerly tn Hampshire. Merroway Court belongs to our Baiilngton- ffrrach'a brother, and our Baailng- ton*tfreneh-ll»ea there wlUi the b n th e r and hU wife."

"WhoM w»e7''“The brothefa wife of courae.

T hat Un't Uie point. T ie jwlnt ta. e

going to w rm ounelvea liito T houaeholdr I've been down and rc* J . connoltered the ground. Slaverly’a a mere Tillage. Slrangen arriving there to itay would lUck out a mUe.I t would be the aort of thing tha t aimnbr tm t done, ao I've evotred . a p u n . T n f r iT “what U w ln g ^ o ^ happen. Lady Franoea Derwent, *|* drtvlnr her ear mora reckleoly than J** well, craahei Into the v U near the

■ gatea ef Merroway C w rt. Complete £L w reclute of ear, leaa complete ‘ wreckage o t U d y Francea, who U » carried torjhe houao lu ffertn i from ^ c u ta lo r a n d ahock and muat em* p> phaUeally Tiot be moved." I?'

- W h o ia y iw r ^•Oeorfe. Now you aee wl>ere *“

Oeorge comea-ln. We can 't rUk a

noUitn* the m atter wlUi rae. O r per* U® hapa-ieree offlctoaa-penon might plcfc u ^ ^

happena la UiU. Oeorge U p ^ n g , ' aUo In a a r (you’d better aell ua a aeeond one), aeea the aeddent leapa out and takea charge.

(Copyrtght, 1SU3*U.)«,A W M ChrUU.1 “

(Continued Iti Neat latue) ar

i i l f f l i s I H K f f l i s j a i ’s :

_____ orBOISE. Jan. 90 o n -> Stocka of ^

wheat tn Idaho mlUa, elevat«ra and , warehouiea on January I, INS, w«re Mtlmated by Rlehard C. Baaa. fed* t« eral agrtcullural atatiaUclan here Iti

.y Bftff hlilhfTf I ' - itt'

99 per cent o t the 19U producUon ot of 30,1M,000 buihtU. he aald.

Parra atocka January 1 UiU year, sr excluding wheat owned by farmera, br but being held tn warehouaea and vn clevalon ..« reeattm ateda t4 J3S W 0 ar busiKU; compared wlUi 9,U3,000 o buahels-Vanuary—lr ^ » 3 1 r im d -e ,r — 401.000 buaheU, averace for Ute ct five >-care from » :b Uirough 1U2. i«

Combined tarm and warehouse ^ stocks were Indicated to be 13.0M.000 bushds or nearly 9 per cent larger ‘ f Uian combined atocka o t ll.OU.OOO bushels a year ago.

Fnrm atocka o( both eom and , , oata were reported to be much trea t- e r than a t ihls Ume In either aw r- ,* Dge or Isat j-ear. m

Farm lioldlnB% of oaU were call* ” raaiert a l 3.2M,O0O b^sh^l^ com* ™ tiiurd MUl 1.Q75.000 bushela a t th li time a year ago and wlUi a.wi.oiio buihela the average for 19M*1MJ.

• Farm ho’.illnas of com on January I I werft esllm aled 'M 1038. #07^00

builicLi; 1P33. «3.000 buaheU; 5- - 1 year flfcrnee, 4>?;ooo buahelj. , “

■ nJ6L D nsjl" !«nR 'iV E T ftB 6S tB " ^1 -.BPA RTA N BU RQ.a.CJa’l-O old* -

i eoatwt-hlfl poel-for-a-HHiay'pertod- -I nnd discovered hl» goldftah itlll I swimming a ^ u t . • _

C«llate Darber .Shm otered Trem 1 i n :nd A rt. W. <0 137 to d Ave " a e m t trem Und Garage. AU balr

CuU JJc. H. J. Wftkfc-Ailv.

?. daj!7_ t«d .Ji_e)if»Prt .1 (ban bran. ^ il.' Globe Seed A > 1 Feed Ce.-Adr. ■ ■]*(

■ f S « / - W H O ' >

J U S T K I D . S -

' i : I R i a + - V ^ E E L ; ^ *

1 JESf UKE A r .M S i

^ B S H i W e A M —

- I / V-VOU AREN’T TH' I X (HANASER HERE. J / m ^ a r e : w u ?

— ---------,1— / MIhWT* ( a FRIE

IM T O S fae^ As Italy I

••^CA ino . r g y tifW T = T m n ay a r6 r * alxty centuries, center of evenlA In the clrlltutlon of the dim paat. finds liielf again caught In a mnebtrom ot world forccs. _ . —

MUSH 'JIJW* Ih 'both tlie tgj-ptlan and EnglUh p reu here U devoted to the poaalbtlltlei growing from Eg>’pl‘a atratcglo position a l the Juncture of the Mediterranean and Red Maa, and the Importance of the Italian population tn tbla country.

The long and friendly aMoctatlon ef high ranking Italians and BrttUh

developments. An obvloua feeling of mieaalneaa. and even hoitlllty, haafounrt KTTir^iuInn_________ _. ’There have been a number oT street brawU, one In Alexandrta re* oenUy Involving BrlUsh bluejackeu and llallana.

Unconfirmed reporla of ledlttoua activity are rtfe. One wldely-ctreu- lated rumor U th a t a achool in Alex­andria wna uaed by faaclsta na an araenal. A police ofllelal aald that MOO llallana In Alexandria are known U) poMdM arma, a aerioua problem tor the Brttlsh guardlana oftbe nation, ■ - ------ -----------------

More curobusltble even t iu n rela- tiona-betwean Itallana-and-BrUUlir - or Itallana and I^ypllana, are thou beU'een lU llans and Greeks.

’The Oteeka. who comprlae Egypfa larjeat European element, have pi two openly aUted grlevanca agalnM 31 Italjr~the bombardment of Corfu In jn ' dejlauce>e.Leacuc.ot.NaUoni javtral yean a g o /an rt- .lhc-ae ltuK ^ . ot the Drdocane.te Wanda. ^

An offer of ml]Uar>- w rrtce " agnltut Italy tn behalt of Britain br the league, w a unanimously ” w ied a t n Greek nieetlnr'ln Alex- andria. where the re ' a n BO.OOO Onvka anil 43.000 lu l lm i . . n“ The~jynip4int#* Vif Itallaiu In li; Calm are uncertain. Some hare n taken out naturalltatlon papeni M atnc« the atart of the Italo-Eihlo- ;iUn dL'pute, while othera ha^T gone { ■ o r n ( r n s w r 6 n n > Q c .r - n — —

Th*.. lm port*nee-o f_U » ,-iu ll* .v4 l colony Is none the 1<« reco«nltf«l and loyal Italians. It U agreed, be- ’’

[ rauw of the l a w niunljer holding . Important potta In banka, polln' luid r< . communication spr%-ice.i. eould do si , niiiPh lo embnrraaa the BrltUh. ' ni I Or orflcl.\l o f 'th e Katlanat Hnnk A ) ef EKJ'pt aald the banic "w iild br ] b ' unable lo carr>’ on wlUiout ital* I n r law ." . . I llJ Tlie Marconi and EMlem Tele- [ V \ i'— ■ ■ i _

J — a i t U J H - r f f F F T T

‘ rnO.MPTLV Respondi to My Vta . -XlcctrlcalJrcdinlqBC. Q u k k ,^o c U i

~ « t in n * T n r t r - t l f h t Jlanrs. A Tr ' Method.

DR.H.W.HILMain Weal x «

t U « - l |O u r Twin Kalli Pair

y W Ew a . i w iiT


^ M E ? r - u H - m L M r na w . '- ja c o u e s -O fO .vau e v eTCPPEO O U TA / INSURANCE C IUt E 1 I M JUST / V CLEANERS BIEND OF H lW ^

l i w | |

8ways-I-o Dout Plays Against (


- M lwHE

i King Foad ot Kgypt, ihown wbUMbi I practice, faeea beth penonal and gov 1 aiedlterrmneao altnUloo. He ipen l h b t Iiold many high peiU In his regime, t L foreign rtla llana and aialntaina Ita ataC

. ro]>e, have large Iiallaii t'erfonnela. )]M otl of the lower tank a((lc^ra In |j

. tho Alexandria and Port Said po- q; lice are. moreover, Ilallaiw. p1 On Uie more personal «idc th e J. rompUfaUona begin ol iho wr>' top. hI Ini-olvln* even King Fuad and the -‘ nrltU h high commLiuloiirr. S ir< Miles Umpson.; Tlie klng'a affcelldn- for-Tlaly-Ta

!n»ll fcwftgm iru y in InIu b '. trained In the Italian a ^ ‘

, r.>id had a morganatic u u . m

r The private happlnf.*.« ot E?j'p{'a 1 real ruk r. lh« prlUsli lilfih canimls- I sloner, h llkowL'e InvOlveiV A j-ear'

nco he married thrt dauclufr ef S ir c Mdo Ca.ileUanl. who both n Brit* '■l.<h-knight and head of th r Italian • I army health service 4n Erlirca. He

I luied to lectiiri at Tulane and the . [ U nl«rally of llUnol;i.

S’tw T M lm en t of ''-I— —T

rroTcn Selenlllle

I L L % g i yTwin Falli. Iil.ha g l j l M / .

[■iUnt jh 0 1 m Cb.1 ' ___J

BO, m T O B P A T M o w n w i . ^

: ^ ! ! F l i i ! J r a E E U N ^


' 0 f ® N 6 V m B E F o S r ^ n ■ T

me; mister N / iohatNI foVCR SELL k /AREWU A ORVACUUn) / DRIVING ‘ 35 7 ,— AT VOUNS V

rbte=Trare=- ; Great Britain >


" T ^ v - q wll

■ w g M 0 C u £ g i | ^ ^ t»(



J o f a pair ot hla machine gnnnfm at fovemm ental dUemmM in the l<i»c itb atudent daya In Italy and Italian* e, 6dI England preteeta hli eounlry's’ itttCe'ef aenil-lndepenaenee. ’

: - '-T ;ie o 'ff lclat'«rehHect- ler (ht- kn»'ff -• I j an Italian. Artgo Vanuccl, and 1;-■ U alio one ol FiUd'a clweat trifncl*.■ o ilie r high iilaced Italians Include

Plelro Curclo. head of the Alexan-,, dria trnfflc police, and A. Horlo, 1

bead ol the crtmlnil InvcillgatlonjH

- P U B L I C: -= -A r '1 haT e rtmtcd m y ra n c h ,: : -•n-the-plaeerIoc«tfld-lli-niilcf

end of Main Street Cily of T'T U E S D A Y , F i

: -Sale Will s ta r t a l Noon. Ume 6 HOKSES—Tcam lilnck .Mi

wciRht 3000 !b8.5 Ilay nnc! 1 m arc ’6 find 7 years old, wcIr^

yea rs old. 'vcighl MOO llis,;' weljthl 1300 lbs,

10 H E O T OF HIGH (iRADK• 11 head of jrooH vounjr Cm

- 1 year old-Ht t (fi: r l- onc "Six o f the above cows iirr niiw

- -esJflle r.-A gc and n u m b cro f k

■ " 5 5 f f i o r s U H l N j n i Y - - A '" c D• ch lnery th a t I have used

- - te rn lr itt c lu d ln g -p o Ie -d e r r lc k Htollfl, .HARNESS—S selfl o f work hi


I J . N . C L A A ]- I -Co!rM m»yonrAo«llonwr-------

W L L r t S e ' V ^. ......... ..................... -

DID.YOU EVER S E L L )A P P L E S OM TH E / i / | . .^STRG ET-’ r “ - ' ^ > V H A

M O P TH' r /F lO O R S H E R t ^ M ’ ^ CHA N C E ^ /

M E E IIU G S f T E J i l A i i G E D , , ^ ;

n ^ m ^ u r a i o u x i c i A R Y -

------- I ,FILER, Jan. 31-D ue 10 condlllw I

■ ol Chc roads, the Anicrlcitn Leg(on'..„

will bc held nt tnc-high rchopl thci same cvcnln? w llh a no-host lilnntrl o t seven o'clock.

^ 3. Uum>Amj]QH>- of Pccalcllo;

llic home of her aon, O. W. Anihony. | Mr*. Ed Reichert entertained her

contract bridge Club' Friday wllh a desacrt Drldge lunchcon. M n. E. H. Snyder receU'cd high icorc. and Mrs.D.- H.-8howera, low acore. Ouesta


Ynnr Dividend Checks Arc

Ready nnd W nltlnff Al The


Comc In and. C ct Them.

CdVEY’S' ___S c n itc W llh A Smile

I 2 l 'l lo n r

Corner" | Servlee

C S A I E .h i I wiH sell nti)uhIi(;'aucl!on ilcK-8o»th-of>the S o u th -E ast- 1 Twin Falls, on— i

F ' E B R U A R Y 4 ;inehA V aR onO nthejG rounds. Slnrcs. 7 nnd !) -years old, ind lllnck Team , honw and iRht 2900 IbR.; Bay Horso* 5' s ,; Bay. S lare, 7 yea rs old, |

1)K fiUERNSEY C . m f i E — ; '1 eigh t ycjir old C oy; ;

iiw milkinR, o th e rs ^>'lll'fre8h'*” j T-Kallons o f m ilk o f cach cow, j

cDmpicie ime 0 J a r m ^ I i^:d to fa rm m y 120 acres of k -com plet«,-«nd-othcr-em ail- i

: ha rness and collars.SALE CASH

A R , O w n e r---------- Phone4& arT*lit-Ftn«»-

/H E R E I - m E j □


P E R ^

a i (horsi

By J..P. McEVOY an>

H A / )

IAT.7 IHO.'ho! HO/i

1 M i u- B 1-------- ------------' W P ---------------

o | j ’

U cre M ejdam es'C . R. Fox. D. H. wl f6liow«re-end-Bi-H,-6ny<l«rr-:-:--------- Uu------------ ------ i------ r.- --------------- - ,0

LASSOES PEUCAN tl;j OAKLAND. Calif. (ffV-Alvln Mor­ion saw a large pelican tn hU front

I yard. The bird, w hkh had a bnken er

I-- ' ' —


W e a b s o l u t e l y

t h i s t o b e a n n m

a l s o o n e o S U t

c o ^ & D o n ’t l e t

l e a d y o u , o r d e i

a n d t h e n s e e U

s a t i s t i e d .

F a n c y L u m p ................

S t o v e ....................................

J f u t ................................................

P e a ...............................................

S l a c k , l y g - l n c h ..........

S l a c k , l - I n c h ................

W yom ing prices 40c pci

f r e i g h t bclntr 40c p e r ton th a n U tah , delivered Tv

Ageni5 T O R Q U

tiI f you a re p lanning on I no t do so .un lll firsl.looki m any hom es in, and at satisfied, users.

• $245


W p M P 1 f e j S S S X —

- v Iz£ u t I eU « VItfM. r • ____


nfl J. -H. STRIEBEL/ '-O O H -T H A T / .SAME LA USH L

) rCTU^/— L E T 'S >/ (Se t OVT O F H ERE,

M IC K E Y -l- l-F C E L

' : K & B f l - .......

wing. Jabbed a t blm viciously when

l o ^ J ^ and hauled the capUve to tlic elty piound. - . - —

Glabe A*1 U ylng Mash U cbeip- er. Olobe Seed A Feed Cof-Adv.

C O A i ^l y g u a r a n t e e

m b e r o n e c o a l ,

r t a h ’ s l e a d i n g

i t a n y o n e m i s - -------------------

B r a t o n t o d a y , ____________

I E y o u a r e n o t

Delivered WIthiD Ctty

At Tard UmUa

$ 9 . 0 0 $ 9 - 7 5

8 . 7 5 9 . 5 0

^ ^ S . O O 8 . 7 5 J .

^ _ 6 * 5 a = J 7 . l 5 - -

...... 5 > 5 0 6 . 2 5

5 - 2 5 6 . 0 0

per ton less, cxceptinK

on less, from Wyoming,Twin Falls.

lis ForS T O K E R :n installing a stoker, doik in g o v e r. th e .S T O K O L . - - _

around Twin Falls a ro .

) Installed

b i r c o r -

MSCOLL. M gr. P h o n , 36'\


TwillGreat KansjA»rayJn MiHriM

G l e n n C u n n i n g l i u n S e e '

------------ T r i u m p h I n W a

F e a t u r e E v e n i

I r e wn l i u h i m , w o rld 's f a a t« « t a i l e r , t t r w k u d f}eM n t h e r i n g o f t h i f o rm W o r e a M llo u t c ro w d o f d « s to m o r ro w n i g h t

_____C u n n lw b a m w ill e««k h w fou iW w u u n tV e r m ile , fo * tu r « e v e n t g e m e i. ♦ "

T h o lU n e m s h o u ld 's « t~ a t r e r t » n y id e a t h e r e w m s “ f lu k e " In h U d i ip u t e d v f c

, tcey o m » a i i |» a . Jw m e r c e r i i^~U(U~a|)UJn, trS M to B l i f t BAtur>[. . ........... .... ................ '■

8of(oo f u u te o « t CunnlD«tum j VlMB ) u bM t U an<an atter • ii«nnn | in trottt-i)f h U rt i» io n th# c

.... UA t a n . I t a n n t iU o a thk t Olenn tn i*^ tin filr v u no t upheld l

_ _ g ^ g c o t f l ^ bu t M iP tin 'ih o w . j B

f h n a Nevoooien

' U n |iB ,*1 iR inH 61 h li veU known « tlntiblB i ’■kick" a itjr tiu n lib Uiach ltt oppodUon. Thb perennial fnuu»r>up, Oana vcnako o t Penn- t*)TlTa«U, VlU tM tba m irk , a loni a v ltb thrae neveomers to ibis par- ^

o f - tba K w u i 8t*l« Teacberaf col- j ■ -)aca -« t-S m porla ,-D onal(l-L ash -« f i

iBdlana and Komuui B rlsb t ot tbe 6«n F n a d ie o Olympio cldfT

All told, 4»0 A thlitas from :o I (tU A , u vaU a* C a n ad i 'a n d tbe c

— D U tilo ro fo e iu m b U ; w m '-pirtiei- i pat* ia tba MUlroao camlt-a). c

Xndlana'a CBuck Hornboat^l, loinf ft favodt* o t c u u m board In e k ftna, vUl o a te b t t r id u v ltb Eddla i CB rten. ejm ctua'a quarter mils ace, c tb aM m ro a o reo o ." .,-.. ......

Sulioa Peacock,'rem pinfegro and t aatlonal loo-oeter cbamplon m eeu i O oium blat'duiky Ben J o b u o n and < BobbT Packard. Gaorsla'a treabman ,

— la UW 6U.?ira i W Hl.----------------- I

JRicks_SmoAers_! ' A l b i o n P a n f l i e r s

vikings " SHcs!o f C o n q u e s ts W i th 6 5 I

■ Iq.23 V ic to ry . t

ALBION. Jan . 9 1 -R Ic )u "m 1 1 ^ ( VIktnga added another Tletory to ’

— Ih tlr atring ltr ^ t ,v^hW ’ n a ni-Bf their aoutbem Idabo campaign bere ‘ tonight when tbey avept a bevlU

- ■m iad ABiiuu a u t i f r uimm j u u uim ■ aobmiaalon by » landiUda 0» to 33 , te m . I

Albion, v ltb tv o regulars out of itba lineup du« to severe colds, tailed ' to itet up slcam during the forepart o t tba game aod a t tbe ba it the in>radara led, S4 to 4. The remainder 'o t iha game also a av tbe Vikings <ean y tha bm nt of th a attack, but itha P an tban shoved algna ot life ' In the UU mlnutw.

~ ~ P acfir~vtiH~l<r~PtrklM OH~and '

t ^ ^ r e nasd B ergstnu , v l tb alx each, top*ped Albion a e o r l n g . _____ l

BuRunary:n i ^ <W) Alblea (U)

« < «

- t ita i Albion CWTin W . ^

New Heavyweight Sensation Wins

fiAN PRAN0I6CO, J a a ~ PbU Brabaker, young heavim ight

___ boxlng .iirH peciJrom .S lnuba..cau-tom U . projKted hlmaelt into the top ranks ot Pacific eoast rlngmen

. tenigbt when he knocked out Pred L enhirt, Tacoma, Washington, vet* eras, in the first round of their

— acbaduled 10-round bout a t Pream « land auditorium.

Brubaker, vho gave up atudlcs tor the n lnU lry a t the College 4>t the PacUlc in* Stockton a year ago, ell- maxed a tv lf l climb to the top by tla tun lng hU opponent v ltb a right to tbe Jav tn one m lnuu and eight aeeonds._ a u m ontha .after.h^JtartM bO T . Jng, B m i t o ’ moved ^ top iUgbt In seniaUonal fashion. He «l*aned out the ranks of local heavy-

; R ig h ts recently and .easily sto«,'ed

W est d S tag the luV eeveral yean.

— - — Jn ,R B r i B n t r o a . m s _____

JEROME; Jan . 31 •» Jerome high •cbool'i putum p ^ u - b a ik e l b a U

» u vlcUra of a 14 to 3 troune- log here tonight a t the hands of

y . P . A. coft.

.................- J

l i i i i i . » » • _

»Ils B aslsan Leads ~ 1 4 5 0 S tart V «e Catnival-t e e k s F o u r t h S u c c e M i v e |

V a ; m m a k e r M U c ,

e n t O f G a m e s

gnftt'Glenn c u n - ' er, th e b lffseet and m ost ta len ted th o n ew Olympic y ea r i rtll pcr-

>f 17,000 In Madlflon Square Gsr>

fo u rth lucew ilv* tiium ph-ln th a en t e f th e annual Milhrose A. A.

^ a n g r u r o S h o o t s

A c e - I n C a t a l l f l B - i B l a n d T o u r n a m e n t |

- AVAWN. Catalina Ulaad, Calit., ] I" Jan . 81 M T-A sparkling hola*ln.” Qjie suppUad tbe puncb today . as m nevcomera to goU tame c im U oi^W to 'b o ld iba lead io the colorful t4aanti^K >alallneH iland-open-toam -

_ Bay Mangmm. ehoottei.tbe aec- ond aoe In a career th a t began 10

” ye an ago In Plttaburgh, dropped Q. tbe baU In the cup on ibe iStS'bolB lg ot* iba glorified pttch‘and>puit 5 : courae b t th s VUltors’ Country club.,1 H ll t*a ebot dropped into the gretnT .{ aB5.ya«dajivay».hounoedavlce.anl. be roUed ft toot Into the can.

The abot landed Mangrum In a 20 iroup of run&en«up vbo flnlthed tM one atroko back of Ralph Beacb of a . BaHtmore,-former -mlddle-Atlantlo

champion, making bla tlrs t cam* palgn on tbe Pacific cou t.

QgCk Beach clipped tlv t atnkea o lt par lie to r ft 61 and a total.36*hole acore » , o t 134.

Brilliant shooting by Tlrtual “un- ad knovns"' puihed tournament sU rs ita Into the background. Tied v lth 13is n<l v lth Mangrum vere Rod Munday.

_ L o n g so r th ,.P p r tb ^ , o ^ «»dH er-man Barron, Wblt* ^ a u u , N. y .

- - T w o J ! e a m ^ A n n e x -

g P o - N u £ _ C o n t e s t s

Bum upa v o n tbe Olau B Do-

eS overs w ith H 4 lo B score yesterday afternoon. Howard Phlbbs vas hlgb point m an for the vlnners with alx counters and Homer D unn'high to r the loeera v l tb five.

In the second game tbe Huskies n rh le iU d the Floor Havks 3416 l i :

Don Petto ld l acored 13 for tbo^ winning t«->m with Ki-nnMh Blovtr^ leading tbe losers v ltb ilx.

11- ■ aummary:_____________________

II. Fbiabs (4) __t r _____ Univertbreitnnsn (2) _ C — . (i) W aitn

** S u B i^ V * -------

n> Hnikiet {U> n»or i u « b ( in h r iw ? ia t (Ul <» i th >gs Spukf ( i> _____ c _ (i) / . nmltbmt Urw n (i) -------KQ,.............. rultfr

a u tk u : n««r IU«lu - X alibtnd — — —.............. — - - — ... ......

tS hosIiw ieT T unr~ s. Filer Wildcats^ inaianrscww^WTfiii/iir

WhilB Girls Conquer by I , 62 to 33 Soore

I B BKOBROMe. Jan . 31>«hovlns » abaolutaly no respect for the sup­

posed supremacy of C lau A hoop “ teams o w r the outfits rfrom the

Shi smaller schoola, Shoshone's Class B Ul- Indlaaa seo w l - a- palro riiu id slld e Jna vletorlea hero tonight o\xr the in ­i ' " vadlBg Pller aggreiatlons, shosJ\one ” * boya von . 40 to 33, vhlle the In -

disn maidens scored a 83 lo 3J vlc-iPl- — ........................

The Sboahoniani broke Into an f « early U ad Jn te e boys* game and

held a a 11 to 1 advantase o t the hi C oach 'U m bert Dolphin’s

ffhi I” to lead. IT to IJ. a tSht ven t to thean* front, 23 to 31. during the th ird ,,

________ T .faJ ,a t Q o ^ —____

Hb At Ihe beginning of the llnal vy- frame, ahoshonee led. 38 to 72. and ‘•ed l^te mlnutea o f Uie.tb« taBM*a*eW IM ati-Mn'Mlta|He(«li'^ the Mbdued b y iha 'S boahanB latiUU. n . DurfM ond Berrlochoa led scoring

for Bhosbone v lth U n polnU eacb _ ipdJU m saF-U d-H W r-w llii-eeven.-

Igh T ^ girls’ game v u aU Shoshone, )aU quarter Korea beelng u to 1; 38 to ne. 14. and 64 to Jo. Berrlochoa and of Carey of Bhoshone eaeh acored 30

ie tX e S i-Kimber (limt v; Subdn Waidell

- " — e Bulldogs Store 20 to 16

Win But Troian Misses ' Lead Throughout to An*

5 -)rtl(-3H»^S5-DKfsl5ffid -----f . m »I»E E i.y , l u . I l - K t a b t r u . .BalMegs, tresb fren a victory over

tba touted Twin faOa Brvlni. eon- U n a d their winning airtak here

1« -lon lgb t u d ebalked u » U to 18 k Ifiunpb orer tbe U ih ly raUd 1 Trajans f re a Wandell hlgb acho«L

WendeU (Iris wan ibe prtlimlnary• - f t « n - th e K im bartrna ldens , M

to w .

Tbe Bulldogs won Ciielr gaoia tn

t ibo tlrst balf, holding a u to 9 ad- ra a u g e a t-the close o t the Kcond J (juarter. Wendell gradually crept up durtng tbe U u Immei, but the Klm- berly defense w u too powerful to

* m w t to Ih t top. Vlrgsi M iataa led a i Kimberly wllh 13 polnu and Parr id v u blfib tor Wendell v ltb (Ive.— »i The Wendell girls, ranked high in

.4tel9L.tQniPtUtlan,-stapped. o»t-ln front early m the game and beld

— r b a lt 't tm e le a d ot J o to i l . WQUima . and Peurson scored 18 and 11, rea- £ l Mftl 't ly . for Iho wtnr-rtt m d 10 Bucban and Mlntun ahot 14 and 11 ed to r Kimberly.J , Bummary:'^ Xiabtrlr (» ) WMtiU (II)

C T S S 5 ! W 5 s s ; f e e = : f l «UortU ( ] ) _____U»____ (11 lUwki—Bttb«llltitlei<i;-KtmbtTt7-wTelk-(»

. u a IlUllaboiiumi Wtadcll - t a t (I).

U la in a .o i) ----- K r _ '( i i » wiiusmiOf 6odunaa-(U >-.^J .t-,^ ltM ^«i« tw eUe r.n - -------So = l

a iju r ------------LO— _____ HswlnSubtUtutlBnii KlmbRly - McC»l',

U n<an Uld nnEih; WtadtU — NltlwR, AUlour, FrtDcb'iDd J. ffud.

i Last Second Win ■£1 — Scoredat Hansen

Eden Uses, 22-21, When -t-firesn-WavirSlnkrTwo—

t s ..... in Quarter Minute------->0- ' HANSEN, Jan. 31-Dropplng In t» r 'flnif' pumt8"in- HiB''tm t ' t a-'secoiiar' lay of play here tonlghtr Hansen high gb Khool's Oreen Wave countered a alx 23 to 31 victory over ihe Invading ror Eden Orlxzlles. Eacb leam had

previously .defeated tbo other this J season.

—After holding a 13 to 0 lead a t ;ho halt time, Hansen dropped behind

vere traUlng. 31 to 18. Wilh ft des- _ perato effort. Fomwalt lonaed a

basket and Venion Ball scored dl- L recUy a t u r the next Upoff aa tbe rtb vb ijlle sounded, en Pennington with seven and Ver-

non Ball with elx led Hansen acor- [“ Ins. WalkUu, Hogue and Bodw -

hamer lied for Sden with live eaehr ] . Eden reserves won a preliminary

over the Oreen Wave seconds, 33 jtb to 30. lirr Summary:

ro n ,- .i t ( i r Z ^ ” % w itw Sa ilK r-( t) ..------- C , „ ...... «t>- Hetae

__ P« nln| ton ( » (i)

fe Heyburn Defeats D ec lo .J5_ la jlfl

/IfT IIKYBIIRN. Jan . 31-Heybum basket ac«-n lpped Deelo bere to­night by a 5S to 30 score a lte r a fast game.

Heybum led 8 to 4 a t tho ckwo . . . of .lh a .llr tt quarUr. IS to l i a l tho ^ hiU and 38 to 33 a t the end ot

the third. Osterhout of deelo Ud J l scoring v lth 13 counUra and S U v-

a rt of Heybum made 11. »JJ Hej'bum sophomores von a pro-

m e _ .

S : T i m e s F i v e W i n s

O v e r I n d e p e n d e n t s

a d K I M B ^ Y , Jan. 31-AUey Oopithe o( Ihe Idaho Evening Tlmea servedin's notice on 'southern Idaho inde-. o l pendent buketball combmatlonsthe lieri tonight wlien they acored ■*1,, surprise 39 to 34 vietoh' over tho

highly touted Savage IndependenU

^ the halt. ' •Dick -Serpa led scoring for the

Uio '3 polnu and AI West-

^ made nine for lUmberly.

I X 104,000 TROUT PLANTED -M O U N T A lli J fO M 6 J a i u a u c -L o ca l sportsmen cald today rep.

me, resentailres of the Idaho SUtc game I to department and the torcitry serv- in d Ice planled-tOIMO flngerllng trout

ao in the south foric of the BoU« rirer Uer i J L M r t l ^ j O m t i n - ^ t B ^

s e i i i l i l e■-■-■-*,.'4 ' • : ■ ■ ■

America^ Bi Win OlUmpi

If —AfterrThreO A RU tSO K -PA RTnnaRO aC T,

. O erm anj, j a n .< t (/PH'Wbat ib rw t-6 ened to b« Iba U n t tarlous row of

tho Vinter Olymplei w u avertwLJS a t l e u t taaporftrdy. today, v ltb ft

ha lf.ljew U d promlM. lo America*!

national v ln ter no>«* tUrUng nuct Thursday,

y The A a trle an ileds hava biucb T slu rpe r r u n n tn than Germans • really like to aaa ^ tbelr couru. « A near storm ov tr their um arose .8 w htn uw . Olympic' chut*, tbouth d still in poor oondlUon from the <L eontlnuoua thaw, vas opened short-7 ly a fte r daylight for a fev practice 19 mns. ----------------------------------

PenstM len Pealed , Several compeUton from otber ^ coutnriea made the desoent but d- vhen tbe Americans, Alan W aah- nd bond and "Ivan Brown ot Keene up VaUey. N. Y., brought tbelr aled to n - the s ta n in g -iln s they vere denied to permission to go.Ml The calipers disclosed the n in - « n e n on the American sleds vere


... Whisky ByMADISON, W is., Jan , . 81

Spears, football conch, condc It) co ffee -s tlm u lan t-b y -p lay e rs-t '>■ and a denial b y tho coach o f . I f ires o f W isconsin's a th le tic ci m> D r. Spears, Informed of an i JS y ? n it5 : lK a rd :o ] f w g e n t s .h a d ht na Fallon , t ra in e r o f th e footbal

th e s tim u la n t ^ ‘a9 used a t tho* '*'■ coach’s order, (luickly denied!

' it. •___A t Falion’a liomo today It

w said the trainer would mat e no 1

I Dr. Spcara said he had iio 'cr or-, dered liquor given a pinyer “in a n y

__ vay. shape or maiinrr" dunng hi»i

n.—King.Hill Teams Defeat Hagerman

--------K XNO-HlUs Jan .-8 I-K ln r-H illhoopaters captured the biggest two- thirda o t a Itipleheader buketball

la p i y ^ here thto ewnlng.^JU ng

l |h ped th e llsgerman (tre, 33 to 18,. ft and tbo HUI malderu von orer Hag- tng erm an gfrls. Si to 19. CurUln raiser I d boners went to the Hagerman re- bis aerves with a 30 to 33 victory..

A fter a close battle during the .> t i n t ha lf which Hagerman led, 11

inrf to 10, th e Pirates held a lead unUI the la s t tv o minutes of play when

m ! w ith^m w **bajuw u '* l^rap id -suo l ,.o esslo n . Bsiker led King HtU wltii

(U. e ignt ftnd Dennis ecorcd seven for the Hagerman.

K ing Hill led the girls’ game er- throughout, holding a 13 to S ad­or- vanUgo a t ttie half. Bradshaw ot en- King HIU leoKd 31 vhUe Panons ichr k d Hagarmait-shoollpg wltb 11. sry

33 - =

FOOTBALL STARI ) '..............



jiei.rep-ime " " ' "■ 'err- BO nBY OflAVSON. SUnforJ'i AU'rout th a foritier Christine WlllUms 0iver FruK lseo s f l t r *. hoofymoon «nl

| ! ^ j M 4 u n u A i

:ure B ottBob-Sledders tic Argument e a f % r b ^ e -

V, only ;iev»n,mllll«eUrs tbick oon* X’ pared »-lth 13 » U l to t t i l | c t 'W t*

2 tutloS** ***“*ft Alitiouiih no more bob* war*' al-

k‘a lowed 10 lijo the run a tte r i b t Am*

if» eeptaln of ihv AUINICU H U ldi.ll)' * i vadcd Olymple baad q u u ten ftOd

demanded a showdown; A f one cb time he threatened lo cable- A n ­ns crica (list hU enUre squad v u le. pulling up ttakea and taU ng ibe « • neat l»a i hotne.^ - - - Te u se Own Bobs ----------rt- German Olympic btneUla finally lc« agreed reluctantly tha t tbar* vould — be-nom ore -p ric tlcem jtU tb iw nna

was (roun so hard It eould with- ter stand the ratored A aerleao bladw IUt without damage, h - —At.-the-snne~tlm ar^at«*cor^«x* ne tracted a promise tb a t bU n e n to couW u u their own bobi.w hio.ib# ed comwutlon bcglna.

Thert> nothing to prevent tbe ;n- commutee Irom changing l u mind, rn bowever._________________________

MhUhverified- arging Use of f Grid Playersil ( f f )~ A rep o rt D r. Clarenea idoned tiio uso of ^vhisKy-and- s-betw een-hu lves'o f-^ id^-gam es )f such tactics added fuel to tho ; conlrover.'^y today.;n unverified re p o rt t h a t th e unU ; been g acn-affldavitsby-W illiam ball team , in which it waa said, h o » - - ■ ' - - ■cd 30 years u a coach.

Dr. Walter E. Meanwell. atbleUc director, testlfleffUKOTnha regenU Tuesdsy th a l he offered John Oole-

no mkeske. football captftln-elect, a drink of wHUky alter the North-

or- vcatcm game laxt' fall on Pallen'a my request for a stimulant to r Uie hlalplflver----------- ^ ^ ------

Favorite Horse Wins -ijHuntington Handicap■“ LOU A H U E U O i ll. 31 'WT= n it~ tm. Hotel .HuntlngtOD. handicap for

th ree year olds and a purse of 11,300 w u won today by Hs Did, the favoriU in the betUog. Owned br^M m . f l l l f H. Ha Pirt

‘.‘I, With Charley KlrUlnger up, took tho lead a t the atari and Itnlsbed

>a* tour and one half lengths ahead “ >■ of Pjucky Jack., Doran v u Uilrd, r«* He Did paid »3S0, ISaO and I3J0.

Plucky Jack rewarded wlUi tt.40 the and |3.40. a n d Doran paid oft vlUi 11 $3.40.

lUl •______________

len T ,r |||ii^ ,.' riTTTMn m iimm n i nTjr

—m 5nroracrJanr8 i-{ff)= .T hom B stil L THrUy

for brother o f ttw putm uter-general, today v u appointed deputy boxing

me commlsiloaer by the New York sUU id- atbleUo commission, of Parley succeeds John McNflll who

5BS Is TMlgnlng. clfecWvt February 15, i. I to go into business.


t ' , ' ;

I; r se J S S B Mn w i ® "

l i i i i ® '

AU.Ameri^ football star, and hU bride s of IfoDolala, aa they an ired in Sac cruise from Hawaii whleh foUowed theli

, ^ -------------------------------------

a d i s o r T♦ __________

h Ends aRupert Pirates

. „Defeatiobc(te— : ~ ^ ? 2fScliia* _

« s t a l e C h a m p io n s R a lly In

J ; F in a l F r a m e B u t L acy -

J . m en L im i t A tta c k to T w

j j ^ o l n t s r r C r a n t r S c o r e r t t ^

SI B u r ta T , J u u JJ - u p M i 1 u b u to lU ll i i f P ln u « , l i a T h r I be perhaps iha Ungheal athadale

t< gt*e« aaaib tm Idaho O u a K 1 eontsfMce .tbls^aeaaott. su p p e d -- e « last night and took tbe wind '

Uy ovi o t Ibe aaUs of the invading ; lid B orier BobwU. 33 to 14, In ft ' r u fast boop-gWBf.'--------------------------

^ Rupert led from the first and (ba IU U (lUeboIdtra feU by tbo

ra iu e d 'to o 'u ia in 'lb o n a u 'e f f i

ii8 - BurUy traUed 8 lo ♦-at the qusr- ^ U r and IB to la t the half lime. By

the close ot tha th ird period the count w u a i to 14 tor the Pirates,

— X m le -O ranerrace -o f-tbB -au rtty ‘ a tuck , came back In Uu fourth

Z . j r u n ^ ^ . i o m L ^ a u t l a n t U h a u .lhal nettM blm scoring leadership

— w iu j 'r i4 -c o u B t« r tin i i ':o f 'R u p e r t ' scored 10. <

I-------Rupet l le s e u es dua a etl- th s-Bur i Iley second uam Ui Uie curtain n ite r , 10 .to 18. <

'C aum m aw :” " 1Sartey rW)

ucciof m , s r — (I) LnehBB>B m ... C -" , VJ) Kmwb

hi! u a r a ; i ! ‘ u * K ; ! S . w g a a:

I Buhl Hoopsters Defeat Gooding

I n d ia n s R a lly t o W in , 31

s ; ; t o 2 4 , B u t S e n a to r M Is-

--------------s e s 4 r ! u m p h ^ 1 '1 9 —

T GOODINO, Jan . 31 - Buhl'a touted Indiana got the scare ot

m their Uvea beta UiU evening, but ^ came out wilh a aensational l u t

n , J Auart«f-drt viMbat-swep»-oppo»lUon f „ before Uiem as theyroU sd o n 'to a

31 to 34 Vletory over'Uis Ooodlng Senaton. flooding girls vere i | >

% cisstul In the preliminary, downing the Buhl misses, 31 to 10.

^ k Buhl broke Into an earlV lead, icd 0 lo 7, a t Uie end of the (Irst quar-

tm , boi t h . n n d ! n .n a Ooollng tra, s tu c k began to click and Uie aolons Jp. pUed up Uie points to take an 16

to 14 lead a t haU time. Ooodlng l il l v u sUU In tront a t 31 to 30 as

the third frame closed, but Buhl's superior stamina told vlUi a b a ^

IJE “ collapsed. a g j ------------ ^iVebb-nigh-Polni— -------

tack v ltii 10 poUiU whUe D IU At> kins, Winegar and Morse acored nine, eight and seven for the In-

rho ']5, Bul^l girls th rea u n td strlwuly

UU In Uio game. Ooodlng led 9 -to - 6 a t the quarur, 11 to s a t tba ha lt

= and 30 to 17 u the UUrd ended. Uilngs ^remaining on eveo Unns after tho tlrs t quarter,

a u n n er o t Bulil and Knigbl ot 71 Ooodlng led scoring vlUi 13 polnur • each.- ■ ■ ■ -----------------;---------—^ au mmary:

f c ! i ~SBbillluitaRii Oohl — 'B .'AIUn$,

a --^ ir ° '" ’ ------8kWBIT*(l*i ._rLr_H _'*(^> t e wy r y t ;— ---------- c -------------w , t i ^

i • . - r z i z i o Z = .• Wnllni ----------LO_________ piBli

I ■ suaiiiiuiisnii Babi — a iim it ana■ f f i s a ’s a ^ * " •

I Patty Berg Wins I Golf ChampionshipH PUNTA GORDA, PISh Jan. U (/HI - P a t ty Berg. l7->-«sr-old Mlntjesp-U oUi s lar, came from behind to de-■ feat Mrs. Maureen O rcuti C ievs e t■ HUmI’ today and win the cham-■ plonshlp of champions golt to u n u -■ • ment. •H Five do«-n a t the end of tbeH . momlng round. Miss B ert rallM■ and enaed Uie match on lha next■ tO 'lu t hole «1Ui a twg.up advan-

I . _ j ^ . .o n jh < ! iinplayed.hnlc f ttild ■ . ^ v e .« l» n -M l» s-B e rg -a H P J ,- ttrB■ strokesundervom en'spar.

F ttuskies^iVinrOregonH EUGENI, O re, -Jan. 31 (flV^nie

H - -unbeaUn march toward Pacltlo “ coast baskeUjall honors tonight by ride, defeaUng tbo Onlvenlty of Oregon San 43 to 33. T he Huskies led a t balf

! t u

S D o u MBoys befeai J 3 7 T ^ l i l

In B r a i n s Romp To De.......Magic ( ? ! i y G i r l s (

in - • j t »ideniJn!rhr* ■ Bnilar^a Brulmttefl of IV

fa e t tv o h e re l a s t ^ v e n l n g a s 1 > v ic to r io s , m u c h t o t h a c h a g r in o ' b a ll ta a m s . T h e B r u in s s t« a m -n ^ landflU de a n d th o B r u in e t t« s ed] 1 - . . . O u tf io f f lo w u n e m In .d o u b t . 1 F a l ls f lv a to o k a 1 2 to 8 le a d a [ in c re a s e d th e m a rg in t o 27 to 4

» _ _ H I G H i C H O O L . J


[? Twin FaUs JT, Je m M I I

S Bapart 34, B «iey 14 j“ -- T a p w -WHwurTa g ) » ; Bwwy

D eybon 31, Oeeto 30 He y b ro jaeoeaS^U aal H Pae;

to BueU on M, C ulU fohl 14 (over- tloe ) .

BanlloB Olrls » . CasiU fori Olris IS

1. King m n U . B agem aa 11 K ln t n u t Clrls 34. U a itn p an

rrt Usgennan (ateaad U u n l_ » ,___" P U n g UUI (m olid u i i^ ) S3 ^ Q anaalt tg. HaUey U

llaUey Olris 40, G annett Olris 3gHansen 18, Eden 11 ___

- - E d a a ' (aM »nd 'iem )' t i , Banaen- - (seeond teuB l'lO --------------r-- :------

I Sbeeheoa 40. FUcr » flboabena Qlria FUcr Girls S3

^ Bohl 11. Ooodlng M U Ooo(Unr O M i U . Bubl G iili 18 b K inberly M, WendeU IS

Olrls U , Kimberly

_ H a i l e y r G a n n e t t —

:________ S p l i t J C w i n J B i l lil's _ _

OANNEIT, Jan. 3 I -H a lle y and O annett blgb acboOl baiM thaa teams split a doubleheadcr program

MO’ * 38-to 33, In f t ^ gasM a n d tba In* ^ vading mlssea seated ft 40 to vlo. 2 ^ torycver tbe OanneU su ld e o i.

I BO W LINGIS --------

ing Brunswick bowlers v o n three as itrolght gam « from Dines Quality

U 's Coal arU sts.U st'evening, s . Mc- ing Cracken ot tha loaers led seorlng i _ with a t l n ^ g a rne bf 307 and 885

a u 5 “*1 i f i i n iS

t i T ^ = i s m i s snCBbii ___________ >n IW iM Hi

Touti ......„ tu i« l I t l t iS tul'f niBH cm B. Hccrickta -»«t m M mS S 5 . « - = = — ! 3 ! 3 a sled. Alntmrrth m SS US nns DBramy ■ , - l ie iw 40 u s

^ n u l l .........„iH 7i» : « m i

^ Marcus Wins InI Salt Lake Arenais —

Hsw .York- Oranoler Down; J — John-F-ollowJ-Ostrolt- K In Battle RoyalMM ' ——

SALT LAKE OITY. Jan . 31 (A>~ U), Jerry Marcus. 170, New Y ork Oily,

detested John PtUos, 173, Detroit, in the final event ot a battle royal

^ wrtsUlng arena

■ n The New Yorker used a rig h t croM • P and'a“ ddu b irah n n d Q c T o n iJtr ilii


W Dsn Ssvlch, IM. S alt U k e City, Vi won (n n Balk EiUs, 178, Honolulu,

by taking the first faU tb SO aecondi witii a drop kick and th e third In

jg ’ 14 minutes wltb a body press.

— -^B tdr-M cD oniiei.. is s . .JJpSSkaSe: the Washington, pinned Lou Mueller IM 174. Salt I4ke City, and Ked Tay- lext lor, 171. Jackson. Mississippi, with u , . two strslghC falls. Ha juied ft rlgbl

lo the ja v on UueUer a s d ft bodjItiji press'on Taylor._________________tiTB

_ Bonura And Sewell OTm e CHIOAOO, Jan. SL<S>-Cblcago'J MU. -WhlU BOT..deepar cagToacd In tba :lflo proWtm of (Indlng an outfielder tc

by replace Al Slmmoni, e n coun tm d a gen pair o t holdouu today v b e n Pligt u l f Baseman Zeko Bonura and Catebet irk- Luke Sevill demanded th e princely

ilJe irom e,'B ru in e t^ i^

23»l7 S i|re a) e d s l v e V i d o r y ; \ w i l l l e : "

s O v e r t a k e N o r t h - '

I n ^ l i r r i y G s M e ‘

i w n M T H g i r j s f ^ ^ p r8 they punchM over^a p a ir o f n o f th e invading Je rom e baske t- ' i-rolleted the ir way to 'a 87 t o - l l e d n d o u t a 28 to 17 w in .; . b t-U tb a boys' gam a.aa-ib•^^■ in:^ I a t th e end of the f i r s t qoa rte r,> 4 a t th e h alf and held thlngs'on*- m ore than-even-tenna d o r in r "

th e U s t two cantos. Score a t the close o f th e th ird p ^ o d

- W M-82-to-lO. ------------ : -

U i b e a b s l » a j i e 4 i _ I Z l _

J Elmer Leaubepbelni. d a rk b m e! the B niln a m tg a tio a . .cUskel o tt Ilx tu id goal! and tbraa-tree U M aa- to lead aooring v ltb IS p d a t i . No'

n S T fw tbrowi,

■■■?!* I ! ? ' '^ traUed U to 7 -a t tb o 'q u arU r aild^

Jetomo IUU bald ft 14 to’ IS ftdraot- age ftt b a it Uae. The Tw tn PaUi maldana tban be«ta to them tbalrv varea.and by tba ead of tb * tblrd

~ tn i r in iS » h ^ )^ M 1 n 7- acoteleak-MargtoTineraaaed-ditrUif-

the tlnal canto. ‘ -u Pw ii k lrkm an of 3trta'"PU la lad ‘ ^ a co riM jr tth JJ j» la ta ^ E tn .B a Iia a r- _ o f Y i l& F a ll ia n d B u rk ie f Jm m a " aacb H i»di..«lght.and.B innm 8t.of-

J c r t a u aoorad l e m . Srutnattes u made aln* baikaU and tb iM t m ** UtrovaW bUatbetnvaderanada •IT- 1 , eabaikatftft& dU uM lrea.tQ W ft.:


Torsw ( » - f ............ b ta a' LiubdtbtiM-di) n o - (a).itB tto ius

‘ l 5 b « l w i l « u T ^ ^ F ^ ^ ? ‘ t a i £

U (V 7 "w »"j^«ka inT )

W n m oiJ5“ j K » s O M

Hazeiton Noses i Out Castlefordinga j - ________ ■

S time Battle by' Score liS ol36to34

OAffttCTOKD, J U . ' n l o ' , . „ tlirllllin ortitlm . w » . B iU to o '. U7 Invading hoopsten scorcd:» 3S to m 34 vleUry over Uie CuUeford ^ Wolves here tonight. 0cor* a t tbe

end of-the regular playlnff period ' Mt v u 84*all. ’

- Haselton.broke Inlo s 'U lo 8 M d a l Uie quarter aod v u In fronti 18

■■ ( © " ic iit Ulk h flf ro u U eT o rr tM it- iba lead momrnUrily aarly la the

- ■fourt t r ^ tr o ir a n d-froin-then onl t -

T S o m a S n ^ o t t o s i i ^ ^ m a S S ^d his tesm's peinu vbUo-Olson snd ^ Hansen of llattlion each countered

13. - "Hazeiton glrU downed tba CasUe-

nS ford mlaes. 31 U 18, in ibe praUm* ^ T Cr^ r o r OBI W W M .

led acoring vlUi 13 polnU whUa Drury ot the Wolves made e igh t..

S: Johnson of A’s - Demands $12,000

ina _• TACOMA, Wash, Jan . Sl' Cn -

tlmea during ISU, today returned bis unsigned contract to ,iha PbUa-

*|J'- delphla Athletics.!>“• The rsngy cuUlelder, ftssettlnf

.“I'm worth .Uiat m ucb rft* .ft.b aH . *“ player, regardku of vbero the elub

standa In Uie league,” la id be-bad iHe*-»Tltten a demand te r .»13,000 aal« j«r ary, an Increase of some Im O over a«.' hU UiS (igure. He said h e b sd » • riui celred the contrut, made out a t tb t Iw i y w t rate, asturday, bu t kept ody It unUl today, and then dedded to . ___ ^ u m It to y m y tf a e i t . ’ /

v ha t he says," J o h n ^ aaaerted.*

f l f

m M e e t O i a m i H o i i i

’ to NEW YORK. Jan. 31 W >-Jlm tty i f t Johnston, Madlioa Squara G ardenl m boxing ptmotfT. aald .ioday W a ber trying to lure Jbom yU etam in from :ely reiirement to 'u e i i T our Canaoneri

--------------------------------------------- r - 'v- r

5-IIIEWIIIGi'LtVtKI.'..: .

- S l i a r e j R i o S f e f 'O i n i B T I f f i

■ '• F r a c t i o n s to T h r e e o r . . J g

: . M o re P o in ts h

. . — !SM A R K E T S A T A G U N C E r

J f i o e l a ; . B tro ^ ; . ! « . iTbrt*dJ^* ______ .

Bond»: Bl«idy: »overtmi«nU | Io«tr: r»lU bought Jreeiy. , -■

Oiirti: IH'fni 'oil ihiTt* t t Jheavy d^nutul. _ .

m t l c n a ch iiw H : H l|h « ; ^rrcnch fnne* ibare foJd point *>*

. Gotten; B u r ; untawntbte cot- J “ loM» « w i ^ gn u . ' — g

au» ir: .‘ M i« r : ,a».npi.uiU «i j fpot dna ind . .; , cmCA O O: , ®

W heat: Uigben p e n b ttn t In- “ flaUon ta lt.

Corn; F inn; lympaUir with> h e a t ; '— -------------------- -----------

Cattle: fltearfj' with r«t«fd*y< ^ U ta treak. S' H oe^ :^9■to » c hijhcrr top '• IIOJS-

- « „ £ S 1 ? 2 . S 2 : a S « w■------WEW-YOMCr Jan.-31-W -O alM

or imeUona lo 3 or mow pclnu todar carried ihe ilock matfcei up *r. to the M sbn t areragfl .ICTCI iloce

' . 'aepU 1.1931. , 'AU major group* participated In •*;

ih s advanee vlilcli lifted tlw Ai* ‘ •ocUled PrcM average o< M aloek* *«■

— J Bt a poln t- to-W-«rTraMaotloiw i ^ t g atalM t 8jai.7SD on ‘

Oplalon Dlrided- -OW alon-ln-btoken*e clrclea w u

dlrided' oo the force bade o( lb« ^ adrviee. Some held U wat pro* ^

■ vUed by rarioui evidencea ot bet* f ! . te r bualneaa. othera aaid market . ’

■entlment eoatalned ,a rcneroiu■ «m h of InfUHftn n^rhn lnw . "

AlUiough railroad new* w u — counled-by-Mm«-aa-aboul-^4 tand^

oa, there w u a good call lor rail , a b am .

ypwn ,trad<..cainfl.!lhe report of . S i t t and Briulitreet U u t retail tum arer had ezjMmded owing to ,

' a f l e r ’ ■ w aifier’to~»bmo‘ leittoni;IB th s foreljn excbangs market ^

tb e pound ita-ling waa up u of a Clin t tB W JftH. -nw - rr e neli ftaim S c lo « e d .^ l. Gt a cent higher a t ^ U.69K cenlj. ^


quoUtloni: 7T reaaw y

. . .4 H a 47J3 ------------------------ U5.10 ehi\L» _________ —u T u m ' — ■ n n r -5

■ 3K» 40-43 J u n o ____________ 1072S U

; 3 « a 41 ....tniia 31

3hSV«-4» , „ , m «_ S } i a « ^ _ - ______ :-------------- lOWO ..

3a r t ua ^ - : : - t me ru- 3a 81-88...... .................... 1«J7 »»

2 « a M .a f t- —‘_____ L -IMU Cla«B 454« _________________ lOUO *

. H iU iat Panu M iH ga i i -8» il 4M 7 __________________ 100.11as 47 _____________________ 102.

— 3a-4# .............--,1014- “n o f u OwDer** lo a a "

3a A 83 -------------------------------Wl.. • -3Sa -SM B- . . ....M J) -


■ Mihangv flno :— H u h c v ^ e n U l^ O 649U; cablea 84BU: Montreal la m Hew York 100.HU, New York in m

' Montreal N.B1U. . . a


■ i 2 ; ? S f M " ! S , s s r " “ •‘ T

1U<1M pOUDdl .................... w a

. T w ila i i M n h T n i Z j J ! * WfiSo ■- BpnnilUDta —«.>n U | t »

RuMtU. No. , ______ Me a

u s ^ u e w m . . , ,.,.ioe “ l.e«bors tirour;i ......... !»o ic j? 5 s? b 't S u ; ....................... — iS •

. Celend rr>cn , , — ■ IX 1 lua icm - - ^BtAp :

- CtpODI

Tutk»rt. No. ll ,, — IteTutKryi, nnllumiTutkn*. 'Ho. I t »Oueu, (IroMM I

____O ttit. UTl ia«Bn>. cuh Bile* - ------ Hto u iTo 1nutl«f»t. jJe. 1 _____________J6eilu iurftt, Vo. 3 ------ ---3ie 1

V. 8. OfMl Hofl?M!*Ho.’U e.U.U.40 n . a. Ortae Honn'iu. Mo. » u^xs.rjj ■;Bmill R«si. No. U ____ tl.M to II.TSfimall a«5». Ko. S i______ IIM tn ii .u :n n t o i _____ '________________ lUO

Cr«ji IBd MU Fwd jn n s , 100*pouD(] l o l i ------- «i M Illrtfl. SOO<pouBd l e t i ---- «inn jQtoek rood, loo-pouad lou itfiock foM. soo*peuad laU ,

1 S \

Bti«n rriMf

cI b pyCirroti — -

( ■• T>inHpi.-bttBHi-. - ------ to

> M se tButUr. er«in—T ’, T’- —■

- I T ip U4 UIM .,1' , / , iM tM in c

- 2 a 6 m . " C ! S b 2 L _ . . . «' fAtaOBa M ti w u ai h » ” 1

■[ ■ y t o H a r l a t - A v t n i i e i •

;n (O w nrt^~bfT li«A i»odiy4> rii^| | tDOli lUU'dl VUl’i Bw<U

'P^*«s-5i s a S i 5 {IS V l-K J K ii! Mi»M W ___i u • » j « a « J - -

■ aaa IIJ

j ! S r ? i f } J _ S J - ‘!! i '! ! i

L ^ i e n d Of— I I S t a p l e P r i c e s

NEW YOBK, Jan.-3t — TTie Ai- •oclated P re u wholewls price In* ^ dax o t 3B bailo eommodlUef today declined to 7047.

P n rioua day. 77J», week ago

Range oT recent yeari;I W - je 193i '1833

H lfh _______7848 74.94 69J3L o w ------------71J4 61.63 «.44

(1938 arerage equaU 100)

.......... ... COTTON iiiNEW YORK, J»n ..3 l (/T) - The

Ipneral cotton mark«t d w td 5 to ^ 39-polata.DeUower._____________ ^

MCTAS • aSNSW YORK. Jan . 31 iJV-Coi^per; Aa

, qillet; electroylUc'spot and future ^ |9 J3 ; e«POl} 18.70 to » « • « • _ . i *2

T in; aieadler: sp o t and nearex lu ; 848J7H: future 848.7S. » J, Iron: Quiet; unehanged.

U ad : Steady: ipo l New York on , t« M to M i5: E u t SL'Xoula t4J8. ^ . Zinc; Dull: S u l SL LouU ipot , and future 1449. g

Antimony^ Spot t l 3.7}._________

MONEY ■ g j~N B W -Y O !U £r-»f*nr-9l-<«-O a» m money iteady: K per c«hl all day; oa prime commercial paper ^ pcr ^ cent; time loans sieady; 80 dayi* cw 8 moe. 1 per cent ottered; bankers ou accepUncci unchanged: redUcount »J, rate, N. Y. ReK rre bank, I ' i per ^


NEW YORK. Jan . 31 - Bar ^allver quiet and unchanfed a t 44 \c . o«

- . ■ ■ a i‘ anC A G O PRODVCE ss\ .-O H IO A O O ,-Jan ..3 t-M >-eoultty oc; reoelpts, Uve, 17 trucks; ileadr; hens '[ 33 to 34Ue; lie thom bens 30c; Ply* iI m outh and White Rock sprm p 2Sc, ur colored 24c: Plymouth Bock broil- n‘ era 38, wnil8 l n d colorRH8fr^L(«• ^

hom chickens 18e: rooitcrs 17c; tur- e:keys 18 to 33c; heavy whlta and >t«colored ducks 32m, smill wblle 18c, Kj

1 snuUl colored 17o; gcete 17c; capons S,7 lb. up 38c, le u lhan 7 lbs. 34e. u:

D reued turkeys steady; un* HI0 ehyiged. " • J{|

- o S B m w c i E T n ^ r n ^ S s U c; exttaa (M> 3tc; extra IkriU u! 4 IB0-91> 33K to 33Kc; flrsU (U*S9l «! 9 3i% to 33KC.- te e ^ d f <86*87) d ie : N<

3SUc. N<0 Egg receipts fi«M cases: easy; extra n<

r u iu cari'34U c, local 34e: fresh S 7 graded UtiU cars 34Uc, local 33)ic: ^ t current receipts. SSe; refrigerator - g standards 30c. ^

7 ------W ~AWUEUft I’ROPUCB------ JcLOS ANOELES. Jan. 31 (/F>-Be* ,

eelpU:-auilei.S3400.pounds; cheese 38.600 poundid; eggs 500 cases. b

Buller: #0 score 33c. ‘ *[S g y p unrhiingyj,

Poultry: Old hens, turkeys~19c.— P

■‘ ONION MABKET________il0 •lao! a i irt") tu aoA )— ^<> O nlSKirss- cars on track. Supplies “ Uberal. No early trading on account t< <> of weather, receivers not opening li

c a n for InipccUon. Late Thursday _ -dem and Ught market about steady. . ~ Track u i u In le u than carlots,

lale u le s Thursday-Colo. 80 ib. HCks. yellow danvera. OB No. 1,

•• 70 per cent 3 inch and larger, l l i Inch n ln , few sales 81.10. Mlim.: -

»i 80 lb. sacks yeUows. US No. 1, me- M dium, mostly t iM ." -------- Ia BAN FR A N asC O BROOCCB t » SAN PRANCISCO. Jan. 31 yp) - , g am ierfiP37c . Squaba.33-34.______ r00 Cbceae: CalUomla flats 18c; trip* 7 » le u 17Hc; eyis uneh8o«ed.' I

0» SUQAItNEW YORK, Jan . 31 &?> - Haw

sugar w u QuIet today and unchang* i M ed a t 3.38 (or apou with a aala o f I « » M bags o t Puerto Rieoa for i

March arrival to a local refiner t »e Ttportett'a t 'th in e r e l . -------------------*

is a Ultla trade support,- futures re* | :>« acled under increased llquldaUon

and seUlng by com nlnion houses. u Tha rolums of busUMU w u smaU. '

1 T i m e T a b l e sK lebtenl* al PauM iir T n lu asd i?a r5Slr TMonifc TwUi^ o r iw o t^ a n ^ t m m 'l« (KfieUT* Jtnuiry Jl, l»M) ’

TtUn SM ItiTn ---- t, IB.176 Ttila STJ iMTM______ p. m. ‘?* Wwlbaiind

" ' S l ! S K ; = f S p T S ' L« ” K f . s a s s ! - ^ 'IJI Tnto » • i»T M _______ p. m. 1I.TS NenbbgBBdi.« T^rilo OO uTlTn p. n .L» tIMON PACIFIC STAGU

i w m ___V ia t S :IW AmtM — 0. m.a !a v — £ g

. is a iui«m »a. _ - : . j .

2 ; A f r t i « e - = = B l ? ! ^ f l : : 5 6 5 n r ' t t s s fcSt.V?-

■lE■loa OTunt arAnB~EiKta '.

T*ta FiUi’SUUn'Xiuiiaass« .....

j r w w j A i M P M t r :

, , ; , S C O T O T l L S J q a S r

^ ■ T H n e w B mP g J W T jW C B K K



N E W ^

(By T b t AMoeiiUd P rw i r III B Lov Oom r

Aliiki JunMU — IS k l»U >a)( rAlllM Otum H Djr* JSS I iS3)« ISJ nAllU -Olialintti 41 k 40 -41 n AfSftleao CiD ..*.1)4 120 i»> i 11A n OiT * r a t r ___ u t i u> . h

Am * ror i<o««r ... » %U Sl< B Am-too«wo«T»-si=-3t u —«• »— aAm R M IiW r-------21^i 231. HAm Bisiii A funa ~ eait » '.• nAm Til * T t l ---- IS} l«0 U IS ftAm T jBmoo --------JOMi J » jo«< »Ara WiWr Worki ... 23U u u 0<ADseoiMU Cppptr . . 30U 3S^ MU aAtaU*oa-T * N* 14*«—n ---- V41t SDilUraor* * Ohio „ is » is u BB«M» AVIiUOO---- 23S Zl »>k t>Bitaitbtra BtMi silb so*« ii'/t aQUIT Add Micis ___n u - » 7)U aOillt PieklnB ------34U 34U 311* TOalusiit * iite li _ TU IU 7U TCaudiao Picine _ 13U I2U n • TO iii Thm U Bi ^ l o s u IM tu i UottTo d* P iM o ___u u 11% u <i u

a R I Si i ; -------- - H i___j*j___3 1 uOoe» Cola _______u>'« S4 b t ; uttiu m Omj h Klw ■ 18]| » u u u «Ooa Souibtm ~ ~ 4U 4U 4U vOOMOlldiMI OU ... HU u u . u u VCont o il DiliWitt .. :st* 3«lk 3<u Voora Product* ___Ti*i TCH. lo u vourwii WHsht ...... O t 4U 4UD tlivtra Nudten . . 43>i -4M« 4)Du pent d i Xtm .. Ul U4)i I4«<>

x°u!i.i:'~'*ui! 'VuL 'V** ‘‘Xrii R R .........u i , u u « n nplriitoni RuUbtr ... 3St. 3Ttb U S Ca ra tr ii Z lK lr to__3>U 3SU 3S > CO iom l Pood*'------ ,31 3<u 34U *

. o«nm l Motor* — sen S7!k asu *alMdta Co ______ u u 49U U ti XGold . D u t l --------- im ; u u u u ^ooed}Mf RubbOT „ 3SU MU a u «

r OMdfMf Rub pt » M«i .»4«« »44« ^1 Oribira P i l i e ___3U 3U 1V| V

O m t Horih R pC _ u u 34U U u B' arM t WNt su t i r _ 311* b. Hupp Uolort -------- 3U 3U 3U ^. lUlnoli CtQUil ___ 33U 31*1 33>t, iB l Nickri s u a u 4»u

lu t T il * T»I ___ n l ISTk -IIU• JahM U i n m i .___I i’* los 111 • K1 Ktnoioott C o ^ . .3 J i i 33U 3314 '

» MeXtftporl Tin .— IU |U 114 UluBl OoptMr SU 6^ C

“i'‘ Suantcvmtrr Wird _ 3TU 3Stb STU S

i y n w ^ . ^ n i ' -..v .. 'ii ::~ iT » » n y _ . .I N it Ciih R n a 'T I 33U 23U >3^ ^• K it 0*17 ----------- J3U 33'i 33) N it D lltllltn ____ 3ST> 2Slk 3SU t: H»i Pew * U fht ... ]19( 13*. )3Jk A

:3i s.!;!II Pickird Uoton s ' n I . Ii. P»nn»r Oo --------. . l l l i 10U 1114 *'ir — ^

Pinal prices ^Yre 4 to S points net <_ ,ln*'rr. R«Jm 8SO0 tflns. *. Closing: March i J i bid. M iy 3 3 f <« bid. July 3.38 bid, September 3.41 (

bid. November 3 ,4 1 'b id ,' J u iu u y *• 331 nominal. !

Rellned was unchanged w ith nil ; rtfiners accepting buslDess' lorprompt-shlpments a t 449j although ,

= enimcnc-win"n jrw t t tliiers ;m w ss laxes which would have b ttn due , It tomorrow under the AAA Is restrict- , Ig Ing business. 1or • -------- I

1 PflTSTBMlETS ^li I __________________


DA) — PoUtors: Fairly food Slock* ten Borbanks |1.7S ewt., beit ftOO.

- ordinary 8Ufl-t0; US No. 2 Idabo -- m se U SL10.ewL,.local white rose >• 75-8S Ibc, San DIeco lo new m p l

British Queens 6*7 ib.

^ C A ff lT P O T A T O K S --------W CHICAGO, Jsn . 31 (/r)IUSDA) — t* Potato receipts 79 ears: on trade 160; Jf to u t UJi. ihlpmenU 778 ear»i stip- )r piles ttilit: p m tlra liy n»early lnd* gr tn t aefonn t ot w eatbtf, reMlvtri

A- U wt » 4 h i n w t t5. banks U.8. No. 1, |13S to t t : Norih

DikoU Red n ire r setUon Cobblm V.R. No. I. 8tiO ; Colorado M canres

U, UJ{. No. 1. $1.40 to 8140.

I| liSTICKMlETS I---------- P0BTLAN©-UVE8T0CIL—_ PORTLAND. Jan . SI (U 8 D ini A)—Hoes: 3M; early s a in driv'cln.

.Iteady .w ith Thursday's Reneral ^ tracttf; early top 18c below Thiits*

dsy's rxliernei good to choice lUht weights moslly llOiS: few llxlit

“ • llBht.^'110.50: packing so»» I8i0: B». no feeder Tilgs otfered early. Kood

to eiiolM kinds saleable around $10 _ W 110.75.m; Callle; 35; calves* 30: odd Ivnd

low culWr aiiii cutler cew vjw yly s t 240 to »340r olher claMearicsTce.

m . rw < f*«< i.p tn -« «n/<above; top beef coan M 55;'bun.i Isntely $440 to $535: good to cholee v#*lo«'qiiot*bJe-88-l<>-$9.— — r —

ml Sheep: 33;'all direct, m arket nomt

m. saleable around. $8.75 to 19; cholee ^ losd lo u Quotahjo to $940; good to S : tholci'-ewes quoUble U 2S to $J-« r — --------------- - .li— \----------------

O npE N UVESTOCK. OODEN. Jan. SI (fli (USDA) -

m. Nogs; J^18;

(Q steady to 18 higher th sn Thursdayi tn! top ’810.10 on best drlvelns; mixed

kinds $10.00' down; pseklng sows$740.8JS. ------

CatUa.i » J ; lU Ior aork tti^iow ,

,T N E W B . v w * n

g g g g g ™ — —

f c = L , - ..........

H o to o M ,


i p S l i l :t “ on®“ S s 2 u S u. flM nr vuuum UU UU UU B' ’ HoutJi Ctllf kduon ..ISU TJU Ti floHthttn Pitine MU MH #]

! BuSd o “ c*lt ..--44U o O S : aSSS S i H J - « 5 i Mji MJj Ic; -:K ll: T i*t T»i»* Corp . . . « ' j 34 34Jj, lO ; Tlm«n noil n « r . 8SU JT SSU

! ,» U, u i^ n g y ----” , ii!; a,, *i Vinidlum .. ------WU l»U -t.! K s « . s r .S'- ,"i!i Woolworth . ■ S3U M MU Ic ’ {'Uan MARKETi NKW YORK. J»a. 31 iT)-Curb quo* t<

T nunker IHU & B ullltin ------------CIS ^, CfDl BI* tlKtrto ____ _____ JUIj Cllle* BfrtlE# ........... ................... 8S 4,

ISM Dond St B lu r* -------------- UU,t n»c Bond Si Btltfi p f --------------W r-' HKli Mlnlni .............................. i ; i “

t s : t i r - . u . . v . s v . = = | ' ;

E B.11 Cf c o n --------------------- — i n II

I .rECIAl WIIW ^ T Budi*r.-wn*n*r wid e«mpinr. b ' Hold 3S P*T «B l dUi IHI .— »>’.t PFMC 3 p»f r»nl dut 1947 ..JOlU-103* .. . Idibo PtUUM , ; UiTth n u to N . . .....< m to Sl.W 8* IntH. TtuiU t

1; »li5il'Ad"'J^nd.' l ' l - '” _____ 4300J (

i snd -------------_

^ W i W ' C f E r r r : ” ■..

II ,M ly u l a Wld lale T hunday ‘

Ul ^ l icit : i‘!f? ni? iiji TO and J,1 pa rt load Idaho feedeM teen $5.60; 'V common-and medium local siecrs . ' and he lfen $440-8J»; car good„ Utah cows $5.00; few out $440;. ‘„ load Plain Idahos 8340*7S; odd lo ts ;’f medium and good .cow $435*78; '” lower grades down to $3.78; bulls ^

‘0 caUf” m i r ^ t i i d ^ l 5 8 r ^ M M ^ market 729. O m aha . market 200; ' nothing done early: few «-elghty truekedln fa t lambs Thursday $9.00.

— Abora quotations .on mil ship­ments reflect variable freight bene­fits on cattle bought for rrshlpment.


S D A l-H ogs; 350: fully stesdy; top and bulk ISS to 310 pound CaU-

M fomla butcheta $10.85; few pack- Ing SOWB $840. -

K CatUe: tW ; load medium S30 ,B I poiind "Callfortila s teen $7; good

under lOOO pound steers sbsent; quoted up to $8; part load common

— llght.Idaho Steen $G; package com* _ mon meHlum TSDTvnmd-Idaho-helt- :q. era $5.78; few bulb $S. CoIvm: 30; p l cholee vealcn quoted un to $940.

Sheep: 100; limlvi sboiii steady f t a t week's_decllne, choice undrr 80

lo $10; packa$e plalJi'47 iwundi ih 10; ewes absent, quoted $540 down.


H o n ; 7.000; cloMd active, 15-38 —I higher than Thursday's aversge;

under-welghts up more; toii tlOJ5: bulk 170*380 Ib. $10.00-30; 3()0-SSO lt>, $9.75*10.10; belter grade 140*160 lb. $645*10.18: most sows $0.00*

— 35: holdover 1«0 .------- C al»ler-3,600i-eaiv«--w 0i— fedD Mcera and yearlings broke shnrply Isle Thursday; some sales better

grade light cattle 60 ccnts oft; to dny's market a peddling affair about

],i In lino w iih Ti>ursday's downlum; b e tte r Brades-absent.-beat-around $10.00; buUt $7.78-9.00: co«s ilfsdy :

^ lielfers steady to weak bui scnerally ^ 25-50 under high time ihli week

comniofj and medlunj frades; o iiicn steady lo 35 tovcr; cows ^iliy steady; bulls and vealers un* ra n g e d : bolh classes ruling con-

^ siderabiy^low^ t h a n ^ t v.ftk.

>n.i iteady on. all classu, spols stro n i lee but seUcn fafUng to rrallw the ad-— % ineer~ukttf~rtn ^ t t t r Y r t d o ^

lee nround 83 lb. to 107 lb. $10.33-50: to bulk 81045-50 with top $10.6Q paid

— ‘’y ahlpp e n for odd siriclly choice

yearlings $940-75 ' mostly; shorn — ^ arllngsj& 80 ; jood around

ayi - ' ^(ed , OMAIIA SHEEP)WS OMAHA. JIB. 31 ( « (USDA) —— Sheep: 7,000; clearance not com* tew plei*. com iw «4 TKunday Umbe;


■ »Sales Of Domestic I

BOSTON, Jan. 31 MV-The com­mercial biflletln of Boston wUl u y o( the wnol market lomorrow:

"Salea of domeUle woola a t lh ^ *] seaboaM markets have dwindled ' perceptibly. There h u been-a-fa lr movement in foreign wools a t about parity prices, wllh a slightly' firmermariiH.- —----------------------------- - -

"Foreign markets have oontlnued Benerally firm. London closed Thursday generally-8^ l » T » r cent above the previous sales closing-rales,------------------------- — I -

"M anufacturen have a fair back* * log of buslneu for future delivery, ■

I although some mUls - sre running f lower on orders. i

"In the west, the oustlanding de- > velopment h u been the turther contracting of uiuhom wool tn s

_jaioh*lr_bcrftils_m oderBtel7 ac^ i tlve in small lots to w o ^ ' m ilh. A litUe contracting Is reported I j TfXtti a t i

The buUelln will publish the fol- ■lowing quotations: •

Domestic: (Q uoutioai on terrl* .. tory*Texas wooU nominal.) '

OWo and Pennsylvania fieeccs:- -Byhihw-unwashed-M.a tiii U blood - ; combing 34-35; \ blood combing ’ . 41-43; U blood combing 41*43. )> Michigan and New York fieeccs; ‘

Delaine unwashed 3203; ‘i blood ■I comblng'33-34; S blood combing ‘ , 41-«; Vi blood combing 41*43. ‘> -W lfconshv Mlssourl aDd-Avenge . I Indiana and New England; 4 blood ' » combing 31*33; \ blood combing < ■ 40-41; U blood combing 39-40; (

comnton and braid 3I-33; black, burry,~seedy .colts 39-37. I

• Scoured basis:Texas: Fine 13 monthi (selected)

g 88*80; fine short twelve months . 80-U; fine 8 months 81-83: fsll i } 77-7D. i

Csllfomla; Northern 78-80; Mid- ' i I die county 77*78: southern 78«76 fine . ; l l C T u red l7^ '8Q :,ca rl»n i^~ f[n r80 - .

‘‘ Oregon; Fine and F. M. stople ,• 84-BS; fine and P. M. clothing 81* !- » . I i —TVrritoryr-Jwourwi-Uuls;-------------,

MonUna and similar: Fine sUple jchoice 88-90; 4 blood combing 85- i

! M ;'*i blood combing 80^83: U'blood ,comblnf 74-78. ’

= . Pulled: Delaine 97.100: AA 93- jJ 95; fine nnd A su p m 87*00: A sup- >J c n 83-87; B supen (choice 81-83; J

r: Mohair:A ' .'Domestic, good original bag, Tex-

as spring 45-57: Texas kid «5-a7;. ' Arliona and New Mexican 50-53; '

Oregon 62*53.[1 Domestic graded: First combing •

^ 68j^ o o d -« a rd ln B -88-80M lrsv -k ld - i. 80-85; second kid 75-80.' Cape winter f in ts nominal 20-21;

g summer fin U 38*38! cape summer : klds^2-53: Turkey best 34-38; Tur*

. . key good 23'-34: Turkey fair 20*21 nominal. (Foreign prices in bond.)

n and yearlings steady; aged sheep weak. Bulk fed wooled lambs $9.76

• to mostly $tOJ5; top $10.35; fed yearlings up to $8.00; bulk load lots fed ewes $440; two loads fleshy

^ la ^b s 84 lb. average to counlry

ST. JOSEPH SUEEP “ ST. JOSEPH. Jan . 31 m (USDA) J* -S h e e p 4500; asking steady or f* w m m d-$im 3:so-tD rbest^cdnam tu: >; Talking lower early.

ly' d e n v e b " s h e e p^ DENVER. Jan . 31 W>) (U8D A )- ‘P- 8heep-8 ;000r-im nt8 t-talk lns-w rat fa- 16 lower;"askmg i w a y -DT-inRTO n- $10,15 freight paid for best Colo-

rados; 100 lb. ewes $445.

- WOOL38 BOSTON, Jan . 31 l/PKV 8 D A) e; —A slseable weight o t twelve months 8; Texas wool w u mn-ed a t 88 to BOc 55 scoured basis for average wool and W a t 00 to 91c for good to cholca wool. “• OrlBlnal bag llnes.of bulk awrepf

, to good French combing 84s and ~ n n e rT e rn to ry '* o o u brought-ssTo

89e scoured bu ls . Short Prench ,1 'combing staple of similar wools sold ^ in original bags m 86 to 87c.

!d Judge-Jails-Author Jj Of Threat Missiveek --------•m; NSW YORK, Jan . 31 l/TV-vyii}) m S'S boitred head, Austin .Plielps Pnlnier, n* SU jvar-old retired business man. 0* today heard a senteoce 'of 00 days

Imprisonment ImpoaM upon him for :iy aem lliM*>kresttning-ieU«rs-t»-PtfciU □1 (lent Booserelt.

JB iVf^ndinL h n l n lfn lfd tnr "eatrfmrg T^HOitF|r*— r-------- > ------M): ' ’T h ere most be a deterrent to sueh lld aeUvltles." s ild Federal Judge Rob* Ice a rt P .-F altenan . Imposing sentence, e d "T h rT eeetter^*saeh-a-liH er-nevir im knowi whether the w ilier U serious n d or a o t"£(t 77 niM/llnp l»nlf»ngr. Batils tnM

tM court th a t Palm er nerer had nco re red trom tbe ahook o t his wUe-a death In 1930, and that

- d w ln d llu w ealth had caused him m* to Nam e the jovenunent for hla t te V - ; - - ...................

HOM RX V O U ^ ^ r t l A


; T t i r e a tc n e d M ove t o G o t

; C u r r e n c y In lla t id n

' ■ H o ls ts V a lu e s1 ______

I By JOHN P. BOUOIMN ^Associated Press M uke t Editor)

^=LGH IOA aO ._JaiL:.31~Ttitt*teaed - . coallUon between.Washington farm r, and bonus blocs to get cun tncy In- . g nation did much today to hoist

wheat p r lc« to $1A0U for Chicago■ May contracts.r Adding to the stimulus o r per*I sUtent U lk about likellhoc^ o t In*‘ n a tion were official adrlces u v ln ^ . I. 118MO.OOO bushels out of 358,000.-I iJflaJ)iuh£k_JM}_C8M di* n _ JK lM ..!• wheat crop Is grading below. No. 4.

and Is only of- a.quallty fit for feed i Ipstead of bread. An abaormaUy

large quaiiUly ul U v w lm t -■ In Canada h u been expected, but

the otficial figures revealed a toUl* decidedly greater than In general . was looked for.: W heat closed firm, but a t aome , , rtacUon from tno doys lop. u * u .* cent above j-esterday’s finish. May 1 . 99-i-l.OO;, com unchanged to H , ^ higher, Msy 60-60',t. oats unchang* <- ed ^o S upi_.and_provJslons un - ,

eh n g ^ to a rise o{ 15 c ^ ts . ,B _Q om and_oats_ sympathized with , i wheat market'slrenglh.'R>V?UHires , g advanced- owing to large purchases i; Of cash rye.

Provisions tended upward with hog values and .with grains.

) ailCAOO. J in . 31 <T) —, . . - . Optn Ultb Low 'Cloit

w htii-»i> Miy H<i-ni.oou «t>'i »ati-i.oo

juiT S9.S9U VU SIS n * n u . Bcpi- «7’i u n s i7?i

Cotn—e iu»_---------3aU'% _doU -S»S-eM oi;

s;!-si-ia»‘Mir H S ISS ISU 3SH

I* Julr 37Tk 3SU 37T 3SB«PI.^ 37S 37S 37!> MlV

~ « iy ----------- jen-^S7»k-B *s-S7^4—

I- Jin . 11.13 1130 11.13 lIJOI. Mir. ............................. 11.3S,. M*T «I-JT IIJ5 IlJS I t J l■i I » .n 11.30

« i r ---------- ^ ... 14.47


w heat: No sales reported.* Com : No. 8 mixed 84 to 85c; No. 4 g yellow 57U to 58<ie.

Soy beans: Samule yellow 734c.I; B srleyt 75 to 82c; nominal feed :r SO (0 45c; malting 54 to 85c. r* Timothy seed: $3.18 to $325 ew tII Clover seed; $13 to $18 ewt.i.) Lord: TIeroes |1 U 0 ; lodso $10.65; _ bcliirs $14.75.

EP WINNIPEG CRAIN75 WINNIPEG. Jsn . 31 OF) — Cash ed wheat: No. 1 northern 84Vi; No. 3 Id northern 83’/ , ; No. 3 northern 78U: ly (>iu, No. 3 white 34U; No. 3 white ry 29>4.

■ ' fla-x ~DULUTH. Jan . 31 W v-Flax on

track $1.63; May $I43; July $143H.

M -------------POBTLAND-HAY------------PORTLAND. Jon. 31 (,TV-Hay,

steady, unchanged.

X 5 i f t i s e _ t f t u t l c A d o n t a _ w — R e l i g i o T i O f O r i e n t

'sA N FR A N clicO . Jan . 30 (ffV- PrancU Ormsby. Boise. Idaho, youlh who left America tlve years ago /or tho Orient, returned here today

hs a Buddlst monk. Among th e Bud* ®C dints he u Shaku Koun. of "Lone nd Cloud."■Ol- OrTn.-*y and U A. Colburn, also

ot Boise, traveled and studied in nd Mveral countrlM> Ormsby took his ■ 0 trslhing In monuUrles i f T ^ o l o , icn Japan; Peiping, Chins, and In Slam >Id nnd India.

"The religions of the O rient w e spiritual,- aold the eonwrt, "not m a tcrla l-u -I-hav* .found th e n - ln thU country. Meditation Is th# soul

t e ot mnny ot them and It Is restful and cleonslnjc to one's feellnBS.**

') a . Ormsby will go for » time to L » , ler. Angeles, lo be In the Tlblllnn U m a an. temple there, snd then wlU return to ays Jspan.for — -____________

Death iJalls former

ueh s h ^ * * t ^ v ^ O « O T / ^ e w ' ^ * ob* dylb' eHotl to-prevent formation of ice. a new. gowemmtnt .under., the .bon*.ivir Mr-of-hls-iioUtlcal-«»mleiV----------ous The former'-strong man" died ot

a h eart atUck, com i^cated by

had suffered. He w u 85. hU King GtoTfe, ruler of th e m to re d h a t Greek mo|iarchy. led hts naUon m Um m ourn ing 'the tormsr regent who h is plu-ed a leading p srt In tho mon*- - l u ^ 'a - j m U - s u tbea -spUt-vUb

" H K W tw rA y o

'S5!35j« %e5d

miuil., 141 — ^ ^ M M B

Sunday at the Orpheum


^ r - i ......

ItL - ' V - ' ' ^ ^ * 1 ^ 1kV '/ J m W m

Jg % s lo p in o ~ » o d m S g 'C w i^ M*

■> " to to e M w ite m M d S ^ M ^ -Anything Ooea" which come* to

^ tlie Orpbeimi (omorrow. CbarUe RDgglcs, Ethel Merman and many other* are lo lha east-T oday for the U st tlmea the Orphetim Is tea* i tBftng Jsne_W ithers _la •Taddy

U oD ay."

“ NAVY PICTURE PLAYING ■ LAST TIMES AT IDAHO*'Navy.Wlfe," which is playing f o r ,

the U st~tim cs'today 'ac the Id ah o ’ theater Is a story taken from a no>'cl by Kathleen Norfls. I t teUs for the first time the woman's sido.ot

lU navy-llfe-a-dramaUo storyr-rtch-ln- « 7W tftlW -8 iia -m iH t-com«oy - . . i l g

c u t U headed by Claire Trevor. Ralph Bellamy. Jano Darwell, War* rm Hymer, nnd Ben Lyon. T he pro­gram is compCeCed wtth Chapter No. j_of-aphantniTi Emnlre.‘; a cartoon a h d 'th s latest news nashes., . .

BeBiniilDg Sunday is Zane Cray's Istest WWtem thrlUcr, "Drift Pence" w ith Biisler Crobbe and K atherine

I DeMIlle. This Is a f u t moving story , o fthecatU em en 'sfeud ln theN orih -

, a novelty, comedy and news.

* Woolwbrth Scion ‘Angel’ For Revue

NEW YORK, Jan . 31 WT-Back* l i t lisy e Broada!ay-f«>nd a jiow “ingrl"

P. Donahue, scloir of th e Woolworth— ismUy.auLeousln of C bunteu B ar­ed b a n Haugwlts-Reventlow.

Louis Shurr, theatrical agent, v u authority for the rtatem ent tonight tha t Donahue wUl re tu rn hers Irom

S; Palm Beach in ten days to sU rt cuU ng for his show, T h e . Felix F e n y Revue."

Originally scheduled for London ah m March, the musical comedy re\-ue

3 will open In the English caplUl on (I: Ju ly 'l. 'ite P a r t of ths flre-nnd*t«n fortune

will BO to hire tha show's headliners------- U pe_V aI« and

actresses: Hat l i t lw . dshcer7the on Y acht Club boys a n d a huge cost H. ef American chorus Blrls. ~

T he younB millionaire wUl foot the— bllls-and~aet-a«-co*producct_KWU. xy. Perry.

••Yes,- ssld Shurr, "Jimmy is real­ly going to work."

^ Roaring-Stromboli— Vomits Ashes. Lava

Iih ROME, Jan. 31 (/rv^llie volcano ^ or Stromboli, on the Uland of th a t ? v name, erupted spectacularly a t 7

o'clock tonight and frlghUned vU* U gen . The erupUon w u accom- panled by a terrific roar and gl- gantlo bunU o t r td h o t ashes and

StromboU erupted In a similar m anner durlng-July.aDd.AiiguaLol

IShim OD pollUcal Issues.

^ , T he mllllant royaUit. under "P; whose direction of tho bloodleu coup

o r-lu t-O c to b er ended the teptibll'- ^ can government, h a d been ac tiit •*“ * poUUcaUy until the general elec-

. tions l u t Sundsy. T hen he u w hU party ^ down to defeat betore tlio strong gained

i w control of a majority of tho par- Uamentary seats.'

— . 7 ^ L 1

on* ' • DIRECT « 0 a 1 of _ *n*. ......... ANY BONDED WAREHOD

‘ g W A REH O U SE-K EC Sipm

iwwf tttb CHAS Di» » i i. ’ ' B‘ TWIN FA

Can a t 131 Sbosbone S t


' '1 ^



Lovtral Betote you k lu again, ae* the sweetest lore story erer toldl

I t ' Is Columbia’s pipturtutlop o^ I . A. I t WiUe’s noted aorel. “A- Feather la Her Hat." sta rtb ig to* morrow a t the Roxy theater. ftu U n e

_ l^ ,_ B a s ll_ R s^ tw n e . Loola Hay* ward. Billie Burfe, Wendy Barrie, ’ Vietor Varconl and o th e n are In ths c u t . .

A fter seeing this picture, young lovers will sob u tbey kiss, many will amUe—with tears in their eyes.. Ken Maynard and Buck Jones In

~ Ing West" respectively, wiU close a t _ Uncle Joe-K 's Roxy tonlgbt.

-scioSisiijiiit-STM IT JWE

* _____

Jt —JB R O M B r»anr81-*R im e-O hi8n^ to ber of Commeite met In the Pres*Ie bytcrlan church basement Monday

evenlng.% he Presbyterian I s l e s ' JT Aid served the dinner. Dr. C .r..ZclT.. I* I ler presided. A decision was mada ly to continue the Jerome O u in b e r_

of Commerce. H. Maine S h b u n ^ t^ ed lh a t constnicUon of additional grade school buildings wllh gorvem*

. ment aid funds hsd been discussed U snd wss belng.lnvestlgsted. a n 'c ra l .

{other proiecu were discussed a t or length but no decisions were made. 10 ‘ MethodUt Ladles' Aid m et a t tfie It home o t Mrs. E. J. Bruce T hu rsday .

or afternoon with a good {ittendance. o t Mrs. O . L. Thomas of Ooodlng wns ln -a .-« iiH t-1htni -nlv l-K onrtiill t ie lo h ^ d e r o tlo n a l i- J i^)r. presided In the obsence of th e pres- r* id e n t A farewell pnrty w u planned o - for next Thursday evening In hon*

or Bev. and Mrs. Joj-ce e . KendsH. ” J_H h o .Ji« Ja irtn g „ tb » _ ls« t_ iiL JI> i^

-week- (or-^lllam et(e , O regm . to ' H. 9iake their hom e.T la program, coo** listed or a contest-and game by ^ Mrs. W alter White, the reguUr pn>- P gram committee being unable t« th Mra. John Fry .assisted the hos*

A shower and bridge party w u given a t the home of Mrs. FayetU

' Nelson,' Wednesday evening. In hon- , a o r o f-M n . Gladys T um er. Tbe

guest of honor received m any Bitts. . . . iT h e bridge prlxes were hlah . Mrs.

Fay&Parbee; low. Mra. H arriet MU- ' w ri ' tfavffliig, -■■in. LCB JW tuuii;-

g - n U ^ t ,~Mis.'H uitgi r w eisei. A t-ti n lunch each guest recei>-ed a favor.

I Wednesday aflenioon the Pioneer M bridge'club w u entertained a t the h t home of M n. George Glillspte to a >m one course luncheon. M n. Nona ir t Towle received high and Mrs. Ilx George Hawbecker the oonsoUtlon

. ‘award.'M n ; A..D . McMahon en tw ta ln .

ed tbo eontract club a t he r home. Tuesdsy afternoon. A one-coune

I luncheon was served, prlsea going " to M n . GUbert White and M n.

Chic Fraser. __________________ ^K oT -B ert-H artshom WM host t«-t{ie is( pitch club Monday evening. Guy --HDelllnger w u a guest, ho 1 M rj. Floyd Beddall leaves Ftldsy ltlX,.toJilalLhcJL*l«srJn.Oal^nd^OiU:.

fomla.The Wednesday bridge club' mem­

bers entertained their husbands Wednesday evening a t th s home ot

— -Mtb. R. W -W U l la r ^ .- C o - l |< ^

Mrs. L. W ^^Sa^nr. Mr. and Wfc ' Ralph Burdick were guests. i i i P f

■"“ [prUes were received ^ y Mrs. Frank “ ‘ T h o m u and Wallace Jelilson. and

second high by M n. H. L. Abrsm* Z ’ son and Bob Williamson. ' ' . 2 * TryouU I> w been compleUd for• j prtndpaU In the grade school op-

m tU i^W lndm lU s or HoUand,- Thoae chosen wete: Jamee D a t ^

S Robert Fulton. Elbert Riee, M ail- lyTT-PaW r-O ertidlne-EU U .— U »

_ Rose Goft, Billy Spaeth, .WrUU “ sum ger. The operetu wltt be given

some Ume In February.


£ ! SAN FRANCISOO. JM . «his The Associated PressLiia- bu tterU t fluoUtions frotn ^

'ou TOT OEoAxi. . ^ODSE.NOBTn oil spirrn 8IDK

t o “a n d f e d e r a T g r X d e s

j 5 t B f c O W W M R A , M * r -

I N C . • , .

■^■W AN T-A D -R ATK r, » A m f O l tw « ^ D*» J

- e ix i w i w e * I ~ *

. 88U% : Olseouiit J!• F o r C w b - . - ;

K , fsars.“K i« ‘W 5 J fhSTn iorjffl-y«« J

iN P g n rwftWT »D5 !

^ ■ B a r s s . r ; = = l ' es;s assm.— - s . g 3 T " # l« “ a ' ! = | >s a . ” ; '’- e f e ' - = ” ;

- - T O .« g r ^ = » - in r w » B t ' i . - ~ » j

----- ------- **Vl •

fimltt'T* for a*lt - . .............. , ” «

;tiuirurtim . ,. . m .. — . - . . . H .K ; . " : M * K ! S r T = = i ' ;s s „ “ y j a " * ’ ■- : - _ .! .Untint BtOfiW i« ,■•trmtif <Miiitn intf 9uBBli«i,— .. n 11

. waut> ind StrrfM - - « •« ,- E S S S S S S i , c r = - S -J RmI aiiiU WinUd — MI B ~ .- . r~ w a

S - * j k ; " « £ = s ■.» aVuitfd 10 »■■» ,W*"t»d Jlliwl?* ,roir“U « or ” <* ,

*THS NFWa W18HM r 6 MAfCs” ! !

tt okw (0 nadert of ttw elaul* tM DU* Utit thir» tl ( itnol

•1 mronnattoi] eoneemlni ,*blln<] kU,’ tha t U. MTmtM menU tlffiwd vltti a boa oum bu lo ean of the Kern.

Personals 4 '" DO -

THat taanjr leg and back aehea • I liavs their orlgLn In Uu foot.

-------H aw jrouf f«el CTtmltud f w l t -Com ctlve Foot Bureau, 130 No. U *!n St.

Lost and Found 5 iL O C T -"B O erO N B O R ^ T A ji

bulldog, femtle; answers to nun* or Dot. H as white dot on back of head. Ve&rlng collar. Call L. W.

___- H ftgklns p ^ e f y - J J U o a l - r e a m l . . r :

— T 0 T 7 N D ~ T IB E ~ X N b “ FUM“ 0 N ' M ain St. Owner m a ; bavo by Iden* Ufylng and paring ad. Ph. 0385EU.

_ H C J C r o _ J E _ j HOLSTEIN. HE1P« -on. Owner m ar havo s tn i« br paj- Ing adr. a sd feed. H ml. «att, H

' So. WaiH, Sohool. W. Burfman. ,

O B , PEBMANiNTS IlJO TO W. K la u Beauly Shop,-^S fllh Ave. i

• Baat. P h . ' l W ; ..........................

SPECIAL PplMANENTS $liO. OU W. PWth Avenuo Beauty 8h«),

■ - <1D aijl Eaat, Ph. WflW._________

ed our work know th a t our metb' oda and the iklU ot out operaion a rs auoerlor Xou may no* ha»e oae ot our oU wavea tor u low aa tliO Ontwfordt Beaut; Salon 113 Main A*o South Phoi}6 1S74.



WY P O '


^ i t i o S E W e Re I h e^ GOOD OLO D M S , g WALT. IF WOU Z W ERE QOlMG TO


I ■. _____ ^

3 Autoi for Sale ' 7It J* ♦ •

^ ^ a t u r d a y ^

s t S p e c ia ls . :* T tW JS -N O OARRTWO ♦

_ J • ' OBABOB *,» i o Char, coaeh. good a t r . '*

. „,, te a -* ., Tord coaeh. good— . IW ♦I • •50 8liid«. 8*d^ lood_____ l » - «>• • - W lMrd pkup .ro K - = s = r » » - «

« • » WWp,« <p#, good— W II i ^ 'n C h e T .e e J t .V J l c .____I » Ua&jrOlbcra

i » ■ JO H N O'CONNOK «I * U SE D C A R ^C O ^-^-^*

I « « « « « « * « « « »

i * V= 8 Specials •I * i m ?ord d t lu u aedan. « i ;I ^ l i s t Ford delUM coach. «! Z New motor, new. Urta and ^

* h e a te r ___________ W •I *34 Pon] de lu u eoach. A -l *> » (hap*. 14.000 mllea. heater 405 «[ » 1983 Ford eoach. "H motor U i « '■ * 1ff*C Sry iIe 'riM ah-= :== .--3»-*> . I tao Cts«T. road iter_____ 33S «

* 1K9 Orahiffl aetfin..........189 ^I 1939 Ford coach _________ ICO *! * 1850 Chev. truck________IMI * 1920 Naab coupe .... 145 *I * Many OUitr Cbaaper CaraJ * • OHgNET MOTOa 0 0 . * '

* T f ia w w -M T S a f f r^ - '— J

lOJ# W. A. COOPS- .. H ul Watgf Heatefr<«.««tone . . ^1 Perfect Rubber, t m

I The AUTO MARTNext to Krle Waltaa

Z . WB B U Y -gELL-TRA D 8 ’

f Female Help Wanted 10~ BTWOORAPHSR - BTATB AOB.

»perlenc«, marrted or tingle. low> eat p rlce -i^ lln r to sta rt on. w rite P. O. Box 7>7. Twin FaUa.

=r Help. Male or Female 115 AND "W M B N W AN tri>" —_ Tho State Barber College wantan , men and woman to UM c o u ru inn« barberlng. Tho preaent claaa la fill*o f ing r a p l ^ . Thow wlahlng to en-W. roll to complete and he rcadg tot.I------- potiiluns.Dy the next Board exam*—. f r iaU o M .!^M :d o :» 'lm m » iraU --)N ty. This achool la under bood ton - giyc a complete eourw in B a rter-’h. Ing. Convenient terma ttiaj’ be a r­

ranged. 119 N. lOUi St., Boiae,— Idaho. •

^ Situations Wanted 14'W E R iE N C T n) o m t WANTO

=T' housework. Can aUy nlghu . Ex-

- Money to Loan He« • MONEv ' t o ^LOAN o n .DWELL-

Inga. Loweit rate., long terms— quick aemee. Sanger-Jonea. Ph

£ •_ : Fnr SfllMaiMgllflnPniis-17-h. f o r Q U I C K S ^ ^ w o B ^ - ) n gain, McCormaek-DMrlng 23-36 i*e tractor In l i t claas oondlUon. Uake aa an otter—cash or trade. Nelson A. ;I3 Pierce. Jerome, Idaha Ph. 88 or

3»-W .

"u •*nu CAU r o i u a (n .r t" -n M M

. _ '________________

V P P U P D J N ^ T ^ - niJflY-r___ J.S E N D FOR / O D O C T O R ^ MB'

B w w ~ / t.......... I

G ^ C

' A ^ R V , A |• M A M D C W 5 C K V— ■

m E V E R V T H IM G I f I> 1 f^ R O M R IM g “ 1

I G E A R T to J “ ,m e a q a d i m q r s T " ^

t I For Sale Mlsoellantoin 17- (CMUa.»« C r f ClaaM)

I m BEAD BORSCa AND MULXft>- J - 'lU n n tro B i-a T n .-o id T o -g m o o a

s Iba. Also 15 aiU good work h t i -« oaia, and M good hone* ‘u d mule« . .ooUan. Oo* Orada Balglaa StudM eolt, 3 jrra. old. Wa wtU tr«d* for^ anything worthwhUe. Wanted to* buy. fome hay and alraw. O hu.* Hughea and Oene Huihaa, Ownera.

*« - Farm en Corral, Twta Falli.ld*ho.

- * HAY IN BTAUa UH U m V P ^ . * ,;.Ph: oW .n 3 , L ..J, Miller. . , *

" * p 'l . i - 7 -------------J FO E SALE^ Number of good uied baal«n

- and raogaa — !"■ ■ ■ -; MTN. STATES IMP. CO,

|-y ill Ii?9a

f z P tS lW ;. .P R B B B U B S m tm : p m a u n tank, pump rod. weU cyl-

* -Indera and repair*. K rengell* ganlware.___________

* ABOOT 30 TONS HAY AND 40 •X . acrta bean lU-tw. 8 ml. So. Twtn I ralla. stfl P. E. Dean. 310 3rd Are.* N. or Ciaudg Sldd tn oo place.

* rFIRE-W aO R A U O B-aiTY RESI. « dence with thingle root, written « 'I n old line itock companies, 70o

• for 3 re a rt ; compodtlon roof die;* _ U ttn J a t .M c ..J .A .R o b e rU u P h* Ml.

I|» Harry Musgrave «BOYS, SSLLS. TRADES «

on all farm machinery, equip* «


» » » » » » » » » » » » » » »

r a p c k BED TAKP-w -ikChtT.- tm ckrPhrO Tt^Jt; >

OSED MAVTAO WASHER, LQCE new, only W4£0. Terms. Saapsoa

. . . Muuo Co. ,

- PURE aORQHUU MOLASaESnow a t the Publlo Market.

-----SREUQEL ..COLORADO WHEEL3E. cornigators. Guaranteed to cor> iw- rugate any altaUa or sod. Kren- rite -g e l 'a Hardware.— ...... ..........; ------

= WHY PAY WAR PRICES?I I A carload ol Muretco In bulk.

Buy w bft you need, brtng back whaV you Have Jett We loan /ou

- t , a brush to put It on with tree., " r McMurtry Houu Paint, «•PM1. Hour Enamel. Hoor and Llo-

_ oleum Varnuti dries In two- * hours—A large itfy^ wi>ii

S £ r = ^ M O 0 N ^ S —WIN FALLS PHONE 0

a r- T IU CUI. ro a B(sui.T8--rboM n ito. -

Ex- K ____

^ 11 i A R K j

’ 6S ' ■ n r H w HPh ' -•*

_ ao R N /SQ\

ike j ~ A IA. r e g r o P i * m ^ m \or ll lllirillliffll

T H E G V M P S - L E

5 - /aUlCK.; PHONE T H E N !- L ^T e R lN G -C O M P A N y -* ^

THEM TO SE N D } M E e V E R Y T H lN lS ^ 'f. \ T H E Y H A V E .'

^ - w S S ^ 'U l i V r n t S A ^(sWI ~ ^SgU N E ALLEY—AS /3

r V O O 'D D IG iM T O T H E T R A M S M tS S lO M , g p

_ G E t^ iE R A T O R A M D g 1 W A T E R P U M P A N D f l '

. G O O V E R TW E V W I R \ M Q ’

■. • -= r: :x := T ^ —-TTTTrzr—

I7| ForSale,Ml8oellannusnI) |Ceatt>*»< ftw i <*««!»?>

PURNTTtnUI - NEW AND OSSOW» ~ ru rtilf iir t '6 n B H 8 a ire B * » -n an * 'HO _4iae(rl*.r*ni«*r-eo*l.uon*^elrea-. u - iator* »sd o th tr bootaboid fum- uie -uhing& M eean.PB • .S to n N o 1. ud Ph I t s . Stor* No L for = s 5 s s s = = s =

u. Wanted Miscellaneous 17-Aho! WANTTO-LOAN OF I300. ABSO-— Vl T?y M«u4ty. wm_na»_KU ®* to lnv*atif*U a t one*. Wilt* H ot : _ - . - l , c if* Newa.

= FURNIUR* WANTED - W l BUY UMd rurm ture. coal rangaa. ito tw and tee boxe* W* pay ewh. ^

' a Moon’a

J Fnili8-aH(Lyeaa(alila.11S jS SX T U A N .'llO M I BtAOCT SSD

Dellclotu. m . ml. eaat of Twta I g oa Klmbarly Road. D. B. Vo*-

T» ElectrioAppllanoes 19■»« £ ,I0H T L Y 08ED REFRIOBRA-

tors, aubatantiai discount. Eaay 5". terma. Bampion Muale Co.

«S FoTsafeTr Trad^ 21Ph A-l PIANO, S A li’ OiT t RADEFOR

T ih e e ^ •EqUIre~at“ U30 4U> Ave.— East.__________________________

‘ * YOONO MARES'. 1 ML WEST, 8* No. F ire Polnta.

1 TRADE 40 FOR ACREAOE CLOSE* In. w rite Bx. 2M. care Newa.

— FumlturrlorSalt—23~4«|liEPbSSEBeEl> f u r n i t u r b " 'o f •J all klnda. SO used rangea. .Prloei

range from 110 up. Moon'a.

Jat^^OOOD^BEU PIANO,' 175 m u l l s ' Sampaon Muale Co,

KK Radios and Service.23-A» a ........................................................— OOOD—^ B D — RW 108<— SAfiiV ~ terma Sampaon Muslo Co.

S ^ I A L BAROAIN’ PRICES ON ZT uaed Radios Moon’a Talot A Fum -


Bee 0 Brown Muilo Co

S’ Want^t^Bu^ - 25‘ IM FEEOJNO'PIOS. T. 0 . LAND- “ e tl. R t. 3. Twin Falla._________

• rURNlTURE.W ANTBD-W E BOYUMd tum iture. coal ranges' 'stores

0 aod ice boxes We bay cash Phone

“ * H. B McFarlln. Rt. S. Buhl.' ’

i _ SET OUR BIDS ON RED CLOVER ' B and a ltalta seed before- seUlBg— Olobe Seed and Feed. Twtn PaUa-

la b icB S T CASH Pr ic e p a id f o ra hldea, pelta. turs. Twlo Palla Junk y Houae.

n. Hou6e&4oHiwt— er-• J FTOmSHEDTTTiooiirMODERNlU house, also garage. 135 eth Ave. E. J Ph. 1300. • . - ________

N Aparllnenti M5 ' rR o S r p T O N IS H E D1 Oxford. 426-Main Ave. N.

I 3 ROOM MODERN FURNI8RE0I I apt. Bungalow Apts. 2nd Ave. E

J rORNlSKED, JUSTAMERE INN. j} Ph. 490 and Oasis. Ph. 971.

n - T O CAU roB M u n T e - - n e a i a

E t ’ E M E A T C A ,

p M I ■ r





eryonP17 Rooms lor Rent Z9I) _______ . • '— FURNACE HEATTD BEDBOOU.“ . .d l n n e r .U .d M i r ^ O i . t t t j ; , ___

n*. njEEPlNO R O O U T O S 'S S H T r^ l « • Third awBue wwt. F h ;»»».


-A Wanted to Rent -31O - ACREAGE WTTH #•, l-ROOM nu. —hffiiif Cipal>U-p*rty..«rltli iU «i1| k a Job and good r«tiTaoofctoc*Ud » t— Twin PaUs }( yeara. W rlt*M K (0.

-:car,4 ;ew «.— ’ ---------

m 5 ROO.M MODERN HOOBILPSR- manent tenants. Pb. k Blntoo.No. ____ _

Real Estate lor Sale -32

Ml>l» ♦ W«' h > n > t x i 40,1m. ¥ « * * proved In Pleasant V*1>*y- *• __ * Thla*piace U prloed r*a*oo* ¥— ¥ able and cat! to handled o n * • 1 9 * small down payaeaU- • 4»

* 10 acres close to town WOO. ¥ lA. * 4 acrcs close to town UTM. 4 UJ * 8 acrei close to town MOOO. •

* Building lota, city property, «

^ * For a ta ir deal t6 boUTlbe“ * ‘‘ ' V buj'er and the aeller, tee ua. «

« aUDLER. WEOENER C a «* Elks Bldg. Phene 910 #

^ » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »

_ GOOD BRICK B U IL D IN G IN igg Twin Falls, $7000. Now under lease

paying nearly 10 per eent o s the— m\-eiiaent. F. o . Grave* di Son;

^ FORnf-AORSS-WlTH-Od^HARBe OF water on Salmoo tract for aale a t loea 11320 with $»> down. Forty acres

on Nortti aide, well i m n ^ . all M - -t-ieneed-end-4n-heyr«i*der-*mtiV

orchard, lawn. ele. Prie* 14300 with ^ 1400 down. Address O. A. Bremer, 7 ^ 901 N. 18th S t , Boise, Idaho.^ TU I c a u r o i atauiTa''>riiuN* tt

ra Bonus AppUcatm - . ___________ . • '





“ n m a . VERNA TAYLOR (letl) andJM American Legion'* national legla

^ c io red mailing out Ihe f ln t of_ W aabtagtoa. O. C., atU r paasagen -(/P ) P h o t i


- ^ T E L b - T H E M - M O N E V i B - r N O O B J E C T !> S P A R E



\ N O W A L L V O U AMC O O I S L O O K T O g 'E M

: S S E IF V O O V e 0 AKJW G O T C A S , O IL , ra W OU '

/ A IR A M D W A T E R , f i B E p

I ^ p

-Call Y.s i Real Estate lor Sale 32— ( a . i i . . . ^ n . . C « ™

FEDERAL LAND BANK FARSs— -^m -Tw tn-F»ai.-j*roase.-o<»4ing.Ill m i i i p) T.tnfrtitt fny

aale on easy paymenU and low ~ InUrest ratea. See L. A. Wamer. r a or Ph. 0103-JU. . .

^ OOOD-40rFAm-IMPROVEMENT8. 11 , WO per acre, I 3M0.00 down. j . E.


d y .-------------------------------------------------g For Sale Uvestock 36— r '^ F m « » n o s . l WEANERS,’ '3 B . ml. So, 1 w en Smtth P a r t E. J , Meunler.________ ____


K good mlik cow. Eatl SaUn, U E , H So. Kimberly. ^

-{j* a*-W8 A y8ftT plO arPH ^O tM «m r-^

Jf GUERNSEY HEIFERS, HEAVY♦ i^ a g e ra and cowa. P h . L. J , MU-

* HORSES FOR SALE, BROKE AND J unbroke. Morrtaoa. MurUugh.

• REGISTERED OUERNSEY COWS.♦ fresh or wlU be soon. Also tome

_ ypyni. >»ulU. a jtm t^ea* t_o f JU o.W aen. Vanee Nayfor.« ■______

h i O M i r a ~ i BIIIOPEIlTailL;he --------on; ROPERT. J a a 81-R ay D. Arm-— -ttToaBr-pilnetpti-ol-RHpeTt—tigti ~ school, on Tbuwday announced the *® Donor roll f v th e u wecjcT period *] tb a t closed l u t w ee t S8 atudenCi

having won honor roll distinction. ‘ I; Highest honon: Lola Chamber*

T alii,-M artafet < ^ a w n . 'herSce ‘7 Diamond. Marjorie Kali. Deon llan-

sen. Von Harrtaon, ShUtoy HoIUn- _ ger. Macey Molt, Eva Nelson. JUry IU NlchoU, Vld* Nutttag, MavU

a t i o n R u s h S t a r t s

^ i l B B I

md M bt JCatblyn Barefa, olerka In Ihe eglslatlTe eommlKee. beadqoartera, are

of the soldiers' iionsa applieatlona a l ge of (be bill over th e p tttld en fa veto.

— i - ' i - ■E 1 I/ I : P’ ^ 1 ' _

\ V l

_ . A \ \ ~

slD 1 N O U F O R G E T ^ J U S T D O W M A T aIW R l U . i f a d S T A T IO M A N D Jl U V e ^ O T ’E M A L L ^ = P O R E V O O S T O P

- - —

Poultry and Supplies 37 2 . E u S S o t B K O m i; T tm iO Y Bu _and-BiU( Oflitaglon cockerela..lH >1. MLNJLBuiacabndge.Mra.Clll.'« - l « d “0«nniy.-------------------- -ow

SebttfplMli, ShlrWy Tnnwr. X«qVaa EW7. U V ta Zebr.— -------

e- Hifh heaens JautlU • Ooffman'.tiTlyn Dooilai. AUe* BtiL Oarma

= Kloepfer, Ruth Llai.JehB Mitchell.— che«tB ir»m ioor-M nd»d--piut 36 WayntRanumTRowMd Rom; Freda _ Sihtok. He>n Bmllb,'Margaret'Tri- :3 vtao. .....................

Boson: Blanch* Boatright, Siva _ OltardtU. Norm* Oneml. EUlnt X Ranten, Delia Hoaglasd. Ploratia

T Hunphdtt, Lee Ruaphrlta. i a r - ' garet Hunter, Virginia Judd. B y-

Ue.-Let*-MaBMR-PutUtM-M*st;— LauelleMtadenhau, JoaephinoMon- VY chtr, Bob Murphy,. BUly Nelaon, Ul- Fim Nultlnf, Barbars OUw, Nada

peanen, Qloye Peart. Hattie Phil-— Upa, Frieda Plooker, Amil4 Reed. ^ Adolph Schenk, Maxine short.

nrancet Snyder, Irest Weedop, HlU “ d* Witherspoon.



RURERT, Jan. 31—Rupert Ro- la ^ club member*, each with a

. . farmer friend. maUnf * company 1 of over IS, oelebraUd Orban-Rml JL sight with ■ dinner asd prortm . ^ at the Caledoslas hotel Weda*«Uy.

n . , Hany B.-Oolwen. preddfait of th* iib •chbm nsidtd.-ftvtarTt-W er-wi: ^ coming y ld iw Albert-H,-L*e w u lod ToSlaiasler, ■

Mr*. WUUrd m r n r d , p u t Po- er» mona lectoer. fpoto-tm 'rWhat tb*

^ M. E. WIUli, president of the’Mtol-I- doka County Beet Orower*' uaocta-^ tlon, Ulked on the augar beet In-.2 dustry. apeaklng .on local condition*^ ccn tfinlnuhtrocatni ol.tbB.raul— sugar factory.,

Johs Remiberg, ]r. former- aUU seed comfflluloner, told of'methods needed to keep the aoU ta Minidoka couniy in constant heavy crop pio-

_ dudsg-condlllw aod.refleired.the. ' preaent eecnomio condition* aa re­

lating to agriculture.Musical numbert for th« trtnlsg

wars preaenUd .by Oharlea WhlU aker ot Big Bend dliuiet «ho aa&t two barlton* lolot, Mrt. Bds» Sin- .cUlr, aeecapanylog. and the HtlUi tarally orehettra, M r.JD 02zi>A iu

• aen'Helllg and four aona of Hey- Jiuni— gave—prohettrs—*eleetl6f5 through the dinner hour. Commun-

- -tt7-UDginn«rT2id:«BjoyWwiUi: Mra. Slnelalr pretldlng a t the pUso.


V A N T E m




Daily Cross- *1 .


S B ACROia Sotulien of Ysi— •- , - r - , I II

'■ "SSSSS f e f e K g g l ia CeKiiiu M r plH lSi s

— a Trtuw. INIOIN g T B IL yairr tsl« H O t 1 ^fflMiitr P m ris

iVV'*"' g g g A g i18. Card Sim* | H |H M A K I tl. On (hr ihit- |C | | IP E I f E

--------------itrtd-ild*— V M g A H sJl Rmtlih rlrer lAINIE M T J |

• i» c l u L T U R

17, I’lrt cl « lata- • •90 Vardili b u n rour

1 . Jt U i c » r i -------— p«tal« 1U»«f * *VrmiBt 41 OaV'e*^'* ”

11 j'ouiifr « . Ii«avjr oort •Vr&djcl 41. Al>ielut«

11.. bed tlk«n*M' conl4ln»r <1. BhahMpaara’t : n Kind oC fur rlvir

K. >IiI* child 41 Oo up; jr. )>tbll to. Centtnd •


I j f

I ^

J I I «

_________ I,_______ ____________

i . D l R E C T O ^ . ^ ? i jft i E f S n T A B W o o rim j-p H D iir T

■ *irto'ln w w n »:= : r : :


bridge d u b met thU «Mk • ( tte h c a m M iv a t r o t jy w a w B np^

la LesU* Dt*s r ^ n d sigh loan J. award. ■' ' ' '

Rogeraos«HoHlittr Towstesd elsb wUl meet ta the BoUUtar tchool tnd*

» Itorium. Fehmary-fl, a t a p .-m .T — ^a Arthur Knudaon, ton 01 Mr. a d d . u Mrt. M. N, Knudson, h u estoU td r- a t tb t O b l n ^ of Idaho a t M ot-

S r ^ f t o r t T B I I f f 'd r ^ a m p i ' . tJSffll” t t -the wwfc t nd-TtttOnrb8T«.--t-r~:— Q. Mist May Davuport of f ile r tpen t 11, Saturday Timing fileeds ta BoQla* la te r a sd flclnlty.ll. — —----- —i

U CEN U O AT BKOBBONB. . rt SHOSHONE. Jan . 8 1 '- M airfigo II. seenie t litued here reeently iscluda:

Keith L. Rand and Delerla Welat. both of Richfield; Jamea Backer a sd U ia Asderaos, both of Kimberly:

- Forbet-MaeOoaald oL 8hoibO M .ud^ Irm a Woody of Hageraian: u u r l

IS Yoder and M ujorle Fay Prtee, bo th • of Eden..

0- ' ■ ' ' , . ' = s a g g a s ..

rv Ugal Advertisements a N o n n ^ o r s n E B i r n b a u o n,7. rUUeULOSUBB OF HOBTGAaS

Peter Pearaoa, Plaintiff,1* —Tt.—rt- Fay ' c a r m r x w u rc a a tr B g n rttt r -

« - J S i S i 'E a S r » - ^schanbtrgtr, A dalalitratee-ot-tha E tutA of W, 0 . wyKoff, Deoaued.

»» ............... • • O tfesdan t* .:■Ht' - t WBBT Uia Tiy-fBtu r D r i i r uttfBr - >1* ef tala a sd decree ot forfldesore. ta- A- tu e d 'o u t of the DUtrlet ooort o t n- the Elerenth JudlOal D U ^ Stato

above named platatlff obUlned %I decpe* agalnit F v Co* and L eou t

« I Cox. hi* wife, Amy D. Jennlnta and :o- Bewltt W. Jennlngt, ber hutb*sd he.!and-t^P.-SebanbarB*r.'^AdmtaUtr.- t« - |a to r ef th* *iUU o t W. C. w y to tf .

dteeaaed. defeadant, o s tbe 9rd d a r I ot January, i m , which ta ld deerae

^ ,waa. 0Q‘ the third day of JaauaiTt I t- '1838, which u ld tveorded ta Jude* >14 m en tB o o k lT a faa ld O o u tt.a tp a« a In- U l. I *m eomausdad to te ll an iU| th a t eertaln lot, place or paieel o t ill ! l i nd aituated-Ln e Oo ^ f r ^ |r f |T w ^

UJ- Lot e, in B l ^ 1, < r t^ u r te r '* lih ' -Bub-diiU loo-ot M oorman'A ddl*-'- M. tloa to tbe City ot Twin F a lU ,.

Idaho. fimffrtiTu to the idat “ thereof w recorded ta the otflee _ of the Oouaty Recorder ot Twta W ■ FtUa Ooualy, Idaho;

NoUee U hereby gives, th a t on th* W -d a y - e r - w b n i« m 8 3 » r i f T O o'clock A. M.. of tha t day, ta fro st of tu* c uai'uiuiiw in m uny~ur Twta FaUi, County of Twta F tU t I WlU, ta obedience to laid order o t aale a sd decree of foreeloture. aeU tbe above dticnbed property, o r *o much thereof u rm ay be scce tauy le *atUfy pUintlffa decree with la -, te re it thereon and coiU, to the blgheat bidder for c u h , lawful money of the OnlUd SUUt.----------- E . F.-PRATSR,

_ D * te d January 10. A. ___

1-Word Piizzle

Veeltniay*a Puote 1 CMltirr etaal- t. PTM . . . .

k iq I ^ b ^ I u I m I IrtLoEBS fl c *•I Y T^EBIX V 5 a son niauai

HleiuysjliH a k«« erxUl

n^TM **•I I |M < i II yil 'i I - -Impiamwt-------U s H P A' P b R **-

- »i. ineiiiMiiM «>• -- - —' 11 Olmlnullv* irndos< 1|- I - ---

■ DOWN 4». On " ^.L D l8l»m.c, “ - “ “K b lw .lJ l

'• I f I S - J i : S S r , r - . .i. Olwrderlr tllhtm«d 4T. B7 birtb

a o . ” ■*“

S i i i i iS i w s c f l i iJ M U t l tA w a jM W itL

■ n e r In F i r s t - A i d

C o n te s t

■- T * lnM U C h«m b« i)fC on im erw gUTCfaUU bUTMU WDI BW>nl *

pbQUtf (0 tllS VllUMrl •niSot.iilo^Boy_Beout tnuna eom* |

' p e tlw tn 'ft. U l o t e A f u t u n o I t t u S u k e l U m

ana-w tds 8oout-0 - iu i. it wm *b- n o u e ed !oQowlti« k mMtlng o( Uw

~ d u m b e i'i d trecun a t luochran yet- , t«rt»y. . - I

Amby ym lertlk . tx tt, «xecullve,‘ J _ » 4(!re*»*<l «•« cli*nU)tr'3 dlrecw ii j 2 y f l( te y . iS F 5 ip 5 « F o r n o i :m i t i s : _

'to U o n m tho Scoul-O .iul wlUeh — I j to be ^eM In Twin PalU n a t r pebniaiT 1. ScouU ihroutbout Uw r tlghi-counir M«* M« eipecKd U> L tu e n d Uld Uk« p m in an all-dAy p n « n m ot eompeUUoa and e i« - elM*.'

T tu pUque {or Uw ILnt aid con-“ W inced. U S ll

to IwcoM ttui ptnnuwDt pow uloo 'e f 'U ia t«UD wlsntnt U for tw o jru n .

oT t ; Koiler, Jeronw-CoopenttTB — crtamenr m anagtr In Twlo Fall*. ISTlUd Uu cbunbcr's n e m b m to c a ttend an annual meeting o( Twin nei m u Oooperatir# Datnmen'a aoo* etaUoQ a t n ie r &e» T<ietdA]r.

■ ' . . _ entJ

i G M i i i r i

wot-------- Kll

■ CO»nfy Shnw Hear «•

Approach Last Year to ^ 10-Year HiQh _ { ^

— Itocli(nU oa-«I -n«« aoUir va* — . h id e i IB Twin ftUla county U st ' TMT tou led l;3M. whlelt w u a

g n a tc r niUBber Uum Ior any y e tr alnce i m wben I M sew motor

-TaHlclM..ven. nglitextd. aeeordlns. C to oonjpUaUoni-announced-by W . Ol« O. ahrout, deputy eounty aaieuor. Mt

_ lndadedJaO h«.com pU aU on».w *w ^ automobttei; no(o r trucki a ad err

-^ o to rq re le a .^ -------------------- --------- m

T ba recoRU abowcd 'reglitraUoa _ U s t year ot 1 ^ 0 asw auioowbUes.

M ’&jfck<-»oanxmotoreycJ*i;------- -----

Over a IChyear period. U u com- pUatloiu ibowed, regUtratloni of eew motor Tehlelea In UUa county . rvcorded a low n a rk with iU In

_ i a « . Tha num beLO(,rttU traU oM , Uiat~p»rU»d a .

’ t o 19M Uiere wera fA a i to IM I “J tb tra w tn la m s Utere wera ^ 14M: in t m Uiero »«(« iM f. tn USO Uur* irsre l .m ; In IN I Uiero m r a SO; In 1U3 User* were lU : . 'In 19)3 Uiere ware 4B4;' In lB3i <°J tbera were MM-


, ------ . . tzA pool of IM hoc* welBhlns S«.- ^

NO poundi which Twin Palli U to- atoek MarkeUnd aaaocUUon loaded a t Buhl and Twin PalU w m pur­cbaaed btr* yealerday,.by a Call- A lom la packer buyer to r I3M5-M. ^ Banrey & Hale, county agent and aecretary of the aaaociatloD, an* nounced l u t evening. Twesty-etgbl ahlppers conUibuted to the pool.

:------ntty4our-moro4u>8a.vexa.loaded ^a l Burley to nulce up a threo-deck % ahlpment. ,


- f l i r l B - W a l k m r O n -------- i :R o a d F a t a l l y H u H '>

M aite Penrod,'aj. aad"0 !«a Aiid*— ilotll. 19. «Cfe U la li; Injured «h‘en ^

atruck by an automobile u Ui«y waOxd 'a lo tig 'a highway IS mUcs ~ northwe»t of here tonlghU

Oeorge A. Singleton, d r ln r ot tbe tc car. w u «iol held. lo




' ' A iT u iL U M P ■ , .......M fin

— ------- ^ T O V B - = = s = r ^ . 7 5 : =................ N U T - i - : . «. 2S

P E A 7 .0 0 ,

LESS SOOT -S h ip p ed in B ox C s r a - t S lo r _____________ A lw a y s G c i C le

r AcroBS th e " T r a c k s F r o m 'i t ^ | 7 5 B .B L L W P J

i W U I i e W i l H s j IBy KOBKBT 4 I7 IU IN |


J?1 wiib I .h a d ancM ton Uke Btin- ^ . ker*a. T^ey mako blm f« l like be

w u jo i l u good M anybody wben _be knewi be ala*t." p ,

EIGHT fiUliiy IK !s im iF R ii

--------- b ,

s i r F r a n c i s . D ra l< e E s ta te '

S w M e R e a c h e s C lim a x ^

---------- I n - F e t ie r a i C o u r t ^_____ 0(

CHIOAOO, Ja n . 31 'm - B ght n e n were held responilble by a feden l coitrt Jury tonight for the ; 61r P iincU Drake e itato promotion n ' fraud which proaecutora charged U enUced tU » ,0 0 0 froni the.pockeU Q o f^ ,« 0 (> -A Jn e r tew i-Jn v « ito ra _ _ _ -O n-U telr a h o u l d m ^ Jury-plaeed ~ Uw onui fo r Uie g in n tle acheme wblcb promoter* claimed would re* ' tum |S,000 for 11 from Uw myUileal tleheg.ot Uie .Kllia lwth i n .HM L nm t _

Tha deteodanta conVtcled were: Pl C lear H . Bartxell. o{ Leaven-

worm penitentiary Canfield H art- • aell, of New York. hU bn)Uier: A.R antorr, o f Wenatchw . Waih.; m u K. KMIH1 o fM ia u o n . w i r r “Joaeph H. Hyuber, Lester B. Otimart. Delmer 0 . Short. aod Otlo Yant. aU I H artuU lleuteoanU In Uie Chicago pr headquarter*. toi

• nt

P U N ^ A i S S‘

OBSEN — Funeral lenlcea for J l Oleon.Oreen. 39-mon|h»«<W.Mn of , iMr. and Mr*. WUbur Qrten, wUI 'z ba.heW -at 3 o'clook Monday a lt- J* emoon a t th e Twin ¥»Um monuirr,

lh« rtlr»rtlnn flf Uii»'T. D H *!• church.

^ 10

C LU B P R O ? R i l T O R M s

: G A M B L IN Q C H A R Q E F IN E "[ ■ ^ - r - ' , uj Owen Mulvaney. proprietor o f th e

eourt e lrly yeaterday m oraliit and • upon pleading guilty to a e h a ^ of P , operating a gambling houie w u d<

flofd ISO and » cmU by PoUee Judge a Claud S U w art Q<

Ten othera wero tlned |tO each [ for gambUng. ei


_ a

guUty In JiuU cT of the Peace Ouy ~ . T. Swope'a court tn Twin PalU y^>

terday and w u lentenced to pay ^ t u Une and U.40 eotU. - Hubert ^ BffllUi, lU te m t i l c otflcer, signed

’ Uw complaint. “ i ______________

,• A n o t h e r M i l l i o n F o r !

i I d a h o W P A P r o j e c t s ■

SALT LAKE O m . J u i . SI W | - . W. U. Brununett, J r , Worka Pro- » ? gnsr-AdmlnUtratlon auU tan t field a ■ rtprexnUUve. announced today s

that $1,000,000 VlU be added to the . 13,800.000 WPA allocaUon for Idaho. *

The fundi wlU be available wlUib- tK«Mw«k»-<nd-wll>-»iwrMa»-ldahoi*- ^ o t project worktra 8300 to

- NO”

. has lived in every s ta te of uie-unim n tnsJM lUlMo H a n J .----------------------

^ ------- HEINDEEIt TO O l lL tOSLO Ofv-fiixteen reindeer front

northern Nora-ay are being ahlpped « lo Chile, where they are to be uud

lo rtub lU h a new reindeer herd.

MTY COALi T L E S S H o t B u r n i n K

; o a l - , _

' DINES. 'WYO. \

I C K Ssark

Tard Ddlvercd 100 Iba.00______ $ 9 .7 5___ .^ C O c« 7 5 := = tn r-e .G O = ^ .. . .5 0 c _______ ,.2S .._« .__ 9 . o n u . : _ 4 5 c .00_______7 .7 5 ________ 40c

B.T)0!i'r : z : ? j a r '

' - LESS ASHJlo red .ln C o w e d ■ Bins—Yoq Clean, D ry Coal.

P a s se n je r .D e p o t' m P f M g T r ... I " P h . 3 ? ^

: . p n w rA L iL B d a h /Y

innrsnJiW IIIC E S ,Well Nearlnii-Completion. as .

Bid for Tank and Tower ' “ ■|! Awarded - '

' B3*IBIRLY, Jan. I l - W l tb Uw S r o u n d laid for conurucUog o t a ^ mo(lem conuaunlty water lyiU m bet*, work U under way and bids ir* -beliiB ^4*t-for-tti4 -D w r.M »W - project which la under sponaonhlp o f U i e W ^ J

. U. B. OUI aulTOO M IM «1- J U se board, h u received word trom b J . V. O tter. BoUe, PWA director, j tb a t Uw PWA b u .approved award o t tbe cootraet for coniuuetloa ot a steel tank and tower to the PttU - « burgb-D u Uotnea Stoel company ot Dea klomcK Iowa. T ank and tower i WU1.M U W roc.dSmbuUhg u w w ai * ter from- a w tn now being drtUed. , n w bid w u le e ii.

' WeU U nearing compleUm, being drilled by J . A. Schoonover of Dur- I' ley. who mada Uie low bid o t 39000, ti and OfflclaU report Uiat w ithin 30 b daya a co n tac t for Uylng pipe and I InstalUng pumping equipment wlU d be awarded. a

T U aystem U the result o t a long eampalsn on U w -parw ot'K lm brriy . nM eaU and neeettiuced paauge „ ot 130,000 In bonds to go wlUi the i t v r tn a ix i funda. WllUam MerrlU a o( Twtn PaUa la In charge of oon- z,

iiilLGETS. ■ -B IlE IO ra liPreliminary investigation u

Reveals Cause of Tram i _______ Accident_______ H

.J . ' ~ n

SUNBURY, Pa., Jan . 31 yn - A preliminary Invutlgatlon ahowed . tonlgbt U u t a br^tKn rail ahot the ; R « a ^ company'a night exprtas. . “Uw WUUamiporter." olf a bridge, ,| earn ing Uuee penona to the ir „ deam and Injuring 31 oUiers.

The loeomotlve and four coachea <i of the flve*car train dived trom the e ipan a t CUmant'a ataUon Uat n lgbt. u to iilunge to ,Uw snow-clad banka of Uw Sumuehanno river and twist acrou 'U w 'd ry 'b^ a t theo td^Penn- ^

’ lylvanla canal and the SusQuehan- f in ''tra llr~ainm iiofti>nfnorttt*and-' south highway." 'li

Wcffc Threnib W tb t ' g

Reacuera labored through a raw ; tub 'sero night and weU.Into a blus- * tery dawn before they wero sure "

Uiat aU paswngcrs vere ou t of the , battered sleel coachea.; Hit an i;___ _____________ :H Dr. Ouy B otnrnir33ri»r^uiiam a- ;

port, brother of Dr. Paul Bothfusa,J deputy sU le secretanr of healUi, “« Washington Danshaw. o t Tam a- ^

qua, the fireman. -h WlUlam Ramp, ot Tomnqua, the ^

englneman. c,

WPA Workers Ask ' Balance For Living:

- POOATOXO. Jan . 31 m - As- J

’ famillea on WPA tolls, the Amerl- >'* can Cltlaens' Protective association 14 asked tha t a sUle store be catab- eJ llshed here to balance living condl- t“ Uons wlUi (he wage. <

--------------------- --------------- tSON FLAV8 AT DOCTORING 1: HOLLYWOOD (/}•>—Robert Tay­

lor, ton of a Nebraikn physlcUn, h uplayed a doctor six limes since bc- o

g ginning his screen carcer. 1

NEED A OOOD COOKT 1- HOLLYWOOD (A-) ~ Mary EUU. a >- who considers herself a good cook. I Id always personalty trains the cooka ( ly she hires. " e

M € N ! ^



DOons~o? i i r

P E N |O u B ^ B D E E E K

BR€VITI(ES* „ ■ ■ " ’

He hu^bwn 111 for aom* thao p a s t ^

S - r a r i o f t « a v * a - ^ « . l J b ; t B H h , - i ^ w swr of ui6 c n m t i r t f - o i r jT m ^ -

rene litre, h u gon* to U uahfla ld . r Ortgon on a two w**k* tr tp .; j

Cautily Agent B etw a* - Harrey u « s . i{alr,-countr»teasloa a « te t, U

home from Moaeow where ha at- n tended a biennial cooterene* o t ex- = g U nsm irorkf/a. ,,,

p Belsrai >>00 Nebraaka — M a FlJ . p. johiuton. Twin PMU, and - Mn. 0 . C. Johnatoo. FUer.-IiaT# '

n BKOoit*nled Uie body‘' ' ^ * o ! * * a S \ JohnHtm. who d ir t recenUy, - - T'

' KlftlrkUns Meet — H trry W. ^: Bell, U«n»«f, dlsirlct o m a l t e r for• Uie itiienwUonal .Brotherhood, of 20

' m «iui8 the d w tr T ^ wlremea hi >• and eoiiifaciora her* Uat e tenlag. m

h«I Underwrilw* to BteH — 8 ouUwm- Idaho Life Underwriter* wUl meetI. for luncliron thU noon a t th e Park |i0 hotel. W. 11. Bakes, dlrecUw o t Uie el1 Idaluv bureau of Insurance and' hla p, 11 dtpuiy. U af, wUl addresa the

assoclalloii. d,• — U

-Jlrth-A nr>w mc«t«-D r.-a iid Mr*. R 0 . B. Scott yeslerday reeelred word o t Uk birth of a son, Chariea David Scott. Thursday, to Mr. and Mra. Cl C h a ik s~ C n te n '8co ttr Mr. ScoU, bi aon of Dr. and Mrs. Scott, U a a In- cc structor at Slanforf unlvcralty, m

Leagoe rrtparea PUy—The Senior gpwonn tcague-of the MeUiodlsc “ £plxoi>al church wlU present a a Ihttc 'sc t m y^ rjT ec im e^ drama,

], xTtiB su a a tc B<!(iueat.",hyjjy«tnir. H . pitipairlf. a t,a -n :c loclc_ tonanow i

evening In Uie church auditorium.

tUUtary Coonea Otfered — First ^ “ }eswnJ"iii” a"correspa«lfliua toorw g; 1 In the aviation ground achool. of- „

lered membera ol Company E . 119Ui « Englneen, vere dUtrlbuCed a t the ^ mid-weekly meellng of non-com- p mlaionfd ellicen ITiuraday eve- jh

: nnig..................- 7 — -------------------^

\ ' VUlt In Cuba — Mr. and Mra. D. R. Churchill, Twin FatU, who

’ are spending Uie winter In Florida,' recently traveled lo Miami from «'■ Havana, Cuba, accordlng"to” worff al received by Irlends here. Tbey have B

also vlilUd the Singing Tower a t n » Tampa, which w u eaUblUhed by bii Bok. Itie well-known magoaln'e piib-- Usher, now-deceased. ..................I . Named.Deleiale — M lu E d i t h

' Clark, dsuchier ot Mr. and-M rs. D• F. Clark, 'i'win FalU. prominent tn 1 lise yea^niramaUe actlvltrea a t'lhe

lixal high school, h u ^ e n named• one ot che delegates' lo represent

- Coiorario Wnmen'a ffillctf> _n_» it r fifth annual Rocky Uounialn Speech . conference to bo held a t the Unlvera- , Ity of Denver, February 13. -

’ Qoartet Entertains — Lloni club member*. m eetlnaJocJuncacm yw-

' enterta in^ by a quanet c o m p ^'' ot Mrs. Oeorge Montooth. Mr*. Ray­

mond O ra v e s , Fred Deer and Dr. Orrln FuUer. They aang two number! from "Naughty Marietta'

“ and gave a comedy skit, “Opru." ac­companied by Mlaa Marjorie Stark. Oeorge Monlooth waa program chairman.

'i Elected D lrector-M lu Alice Jean OUndon, daughter of Mr. and Mra.

:. J. 11. Olandon, freshman a t the

1- Moiihtaln press - conference for the n 11)37 annual convention. The confer- >. ence U sponsored by college Joumal- I- Ula from nine Rocky Mountain

staut. Ulss Olandon R’a i editor of the "Bruin," local high school pub­lication, lost year.

>s PatienU Admllted - Vem Melt- I- on. Twin Falls; Bnanuel Hranae,

Hansen; Lawrence Matson, Twin PolU; M uter Frederick HUson. Twin Fails, all aurglcal pallenu,

s. and Dan Froit, Twin Falls; llarry k. Fisher. Kimberly; M n. Ray Bev* u ercomb, Mra. Olen Moon, Mr*. Hom­

er Woody and Mlsa Leila Lincoln.



P R IC E D T O C L E A R !

$ 3 , 5 0

What a buyl The Identical • coat usM in Byrd’a totest Polar expedlUonl Vours

. “ tt^m M t^M hlT iiensatlon .pricet Remkmber —

IN 8 A . M . S H A R P !

MU* O A IU M /A l« s B s s = = S 5 ^ ^ a B a M

Page Dr. Dafoe! . 1'~U'* planty UuUUng »o 'doubU or n o th ln r bet, Iwt lu w - ,•you Jw taU b o ai my sheep? J .W . _

^fflgffTlewman hlUrioualy 2 li>e wbrldTn geiHfH n u t n l l t ^ *

BUI. u ererybody know^ 6*. ^ tievea In "pUcln* hU m oneT on ^

— E I< B ir« l* lir« m Umbed-Wed— n,- nesday a t Uw Newuan raneb four miles c u t of WcndelL Elgbty-ttt of tbe ewe* had twins: on* ■ baq u a d ru p le U ,an d th e e lg h ty ^U i „ had a singleton. Uu plkerl- ^ n

i» of Twin TtiU. medical paUcnta € h.r.^been_adm ltted to tlw Twin _ pans county geni?rai: Hoapital. _

U eew d ! • W ed -M artin t ie r . , liiin of Filer and Annie PetTM-of *1 Duhl obUilned a marriage Ucenu a t Rl Twin FalU counly recorder'* ottlee w yeilerday. _ ....... .. «

Pane Snatched — Esther Bmlth. ~ 20fl ElghUi avenue eu t.-ye ite rdaynrffTtr* '**** i<nM»nlt»Ml m»nhad accosted he»-jiear the 0 . W. and M. company store and had anatobed her puTte containing a »10 blU. •

lier* on V bit — Elmer OlvoU. slate iralflc. officer a l Multan and eldest son of Henry C. Olvena, Twin Palls county deputy sheriff, who w u i h « and killed Ift-pJrtormance ot duly I u t November JJ, arrived ye*- terday lo vUlt hU mother. Mra. Rochel Olvena. and oUier reUUve*.

Bbi. Car ColUde-A ear driven by CUude P ra tt coUlded with a ichool bua, owned b rthr& lagel AutomobUe company and driven by Paul Har* mond, a t the IntersecUon o t Second avenue and SUlh street weat, }-cslerday moming. BoUi c a n and a tire hydrant were damaged..........

Leave ItoaplUI - Mra. E. L -Moi* ander and son. Buhl: MUa Jenny Hoopi.' 1VIHTaTli;~M Us “ PauUne- Bulkley.-Buhl; ■ Mrx-W lU-W rightr Twin FaUs; M siter John Slpkeni, Pller, Mrs. J . C. Knott. Eden. aU luntlcal tuUenU, and M uter John cox. Twin PalU; Mh, Joeeph How" ard. Twin FaUa and MUa Bdna Hints; Twin FaUs, medical patient*, anti Mrs. Al Hankins and non, Tilrln FalU. havo been dismissed from tbe Twin FaUl county general hos* piai:--------------


Rabbit growen of Twin Falla county will meet a t two o'clock thU afternoon a t the home of -A. -N. Bonwell a t Curry. Anyone having nbblla to market are requested to bring Ihem.

(w h at t h b ” HwOJriMW CMM T-l M A W - -

. A Guarantee th a t OUARAN-' TEES! O real Car Valucal Sur- prUlngly lltlle c u h tor Fine Can!•33 CheiTolet Sedan ..... .......$365■31 Fori Coupe __________ »J75•31 Ford Fordor SW an — »250•34 Terraplane Coupe.....— «W*30 Pord Fordor S e d a n ------- $2U

•30 Ford C o u p e ................ —IHS•34 Ford V -8 Fordor Sedan-..M7S•30 Pord Coupe -------- --------»105

' "SI Chevrolet Coupe ---------- 1371• ■31 Ford coupe --- ----------- 1233• -st Ford V -8 Fordor Sedan .. *450

•33 V-B Coupe. -36 llcenae ...»325 •34 Pord V-8 Tudor Sedan... M25

• •30 Ford Coupo ...... - ........... »liO• *31 Ford Pordor Sedan ........ «00‘ •29 Ford Coupe ......---------- *135

•35 Pord V-8 DcLuxe F o r d o r ...................... ...........»2M


. -38 Ford T ruck------ :,V ~ ~ « K r

. *35 V-8 Truck, dump body.,. 1750 ■31 Pord Truck,

• 131W.B.. DW ....................I2M"33 Chevrolet P ick u p -------- »273ja u an L .'m i.cfc .187 vfs., d w ... .....ras•35 Ford V-8 Pickup ........ t475•33 V-8 Truck.

157 W B , DW _________ W85•*»-Ford-Pickm>-=---...r ' g!i.mT-tia6-~^4‘ V-8 T m c k .----- '

I I M 'w i j ' , DW __ -------- » 5tr

1’35 V-8 lYuck.- 131. W 3 , n w — ..........woo.

C u h or Terms I t Pa>-» to See Your Pord Dealer Plrit


C O M P A N Yro n . rOBD DMlrr,

Twta lteh.o

T h e Q u i c k e s t W a y

- — ^ t o B u y o r S e l l • '



T h r ^ T o t m ^ l r i ' ^ "

■ o o i o i K m o i U B o C j i i r i i ^ 2Ptreman from three dtUi* e t e u te m

c o f ^ t h 7 m o r t * a l « i ^ « history of Uil* eatUe tovn a fte r It destroyed a Urg* bualneu block and -

Firemen from PopUr. Medicine U k e and CulbertJon and robm teen battled Uw H a ie th (ub-ienrweaU i- er.. Loaa «u_fi*Umated tmoffkUUy a t tM,000.

Only One Bidder -----ForOil Companies

. LOe A N O n JS . Jan , j r «V -A n a l ^ p t (0 ^ 1 a t pubUo aueUon Uie Rlchfletd OU compaoy of CaUtomU and Uw .Pan A m ntean Petroleum «omp*oy, In rtcelrerahlp fo r alx

D r i v e I n a n d P a r i

= H P D I E & P T a r ^Broken Slice

> L arge N o. 2Vi Cans

49cP E A C H E S

- - l-iti o r W h o le -

.39c.S Y R U P -

SU yles Golden Table

1 fial. Pail.. 9c |----------- B E A N S

R o d e o .Q u e e n ......

-----------------C O H N _ _ ^Yellow Golden Bnnlam

3 S ;* .2 7 cT O M A T O E S

E x tra S tandard Pack Larj;c No. 2>/> Can

10cH O M I N Y

Van Camps?j,(i rn n ____

3 C n iM .l . . . . . 45c M A T C H E S

6 Bosch lo a Carton


_ P . a n ^ e F l o u r

8 i . . i > a , r 3 9 c



— ■ ^ f f A g c a

- M EAl


I 6c . o S C u .

A c o r n ^ ^ o r t e n i i

F a l l s T B t m d P i u


- 6 C Lb. ■

- £ ! ^ l s - B r a n d - H a l

F a l l s B r a n d B a c


“ .....Sc Lbr^ F n l l . R o i t i p B m !

B o n n d C u t e B e e

_ y ta n ,. |a l l* d .tf )d k y .. . .L j : . t

'. oif M B . HU.oft«r < H l f t Mttffie fo r .t , Ul* combined properU** w aa 'abort

by more Uian I10,000/)00 of-U »ia»,> -

!I * lp e c U il lu te r 'w u u a m A.'Bowea. « I g = s = - ~

il-M IL ITA RT u m d


I ----------F E B R U A R T - 3 . iT ic k e ts , 75c C o u p le . R e s e rv e

I -------------------— W e a r Y o p r I> C 0 M P A N Y E r l l 6 T H - E N G l I . D E P , ^ T M E N T I

i r k 3 r d a n d S h

= = ^ O R ^ G E S = - -

L arg e , J u ic y a n d S w e e t

T 2 9 c D .« . 1

, C A B B A G E

” ' R eal N ice S o lid H e a d s

? ! 2 V t c P u n d I '

- - C a n U £ l o w e rW ell B lea ch e d

s ______________^ P o u n d 1

" LETTUCEL arg e , So lid H e a d s - : -------

C E L E R YrC a lU o m ia -------------------

B ig «ui\cheM

! .......... 2 5 c

^ L & M O N S "

L a rg e S ize

2 5 c DOZ.

1— L a r g e P a c k a g e o f P c e t '8 G ra n u - 4la te d S o a p .......

2 G ia n t B a r s C r y s to l ' W h ite S o ap F r e e W ith

E a c h P a c k a g e * 1— L a r g e P a c k a g e o f_ _

! i r ......... !.......1 9 c_ 10 B a r s o f C r y s ta l

-------- S o a p - .-:::...... .4 C a k es P a lm - « o live S oap A ^ C

» U X H & 3 l G . - C 0 V i m

EAT SPECIikll D a y S a i u r d


. h 5 c Lb.

ning .............................u r e t a r d


. . ' 6 c i , b .

[ a m y ^ - H n i g ^ t « W h f t i f t

B c o i i i b y H a i g - S l a b .

~ ~ P O R K ------------

— f — - 1 6 C T 3 B r - | -

e f , W I b . o r O v e r . . . . „

e e t , 1 0 i b . W 6 v »

J wnuam P. Jaaw*. t o : e n i ^ tS; ..........

. eata tSe. B. J. Wa«*v-*i».

Jy b a S TInvited ~lONDAT N IGHT,, A T 9 O’D O C K ---------- _le orflceni anJ SOTlce Men

S ™ ' aND MEDICAL■ DETACHMENT...................

m i M E A T W ^ D E P T . B ^ P H O N E 2 9 H

Hioshone S t re e ts

H P L O U R =iE R O M A — G uaranteed 'Or Your Money Back------


3 Lb. ■ 19c' s u g a r --------

10r.“ 55cOATS " “

-— - 7 l»eac6clTTirand

i-9- b-itoit,-.H33c_M n .K

Any Brand

4 Tall Cans.. 25C=— r b F i ' E s r ^Maxwdl House1 Lb. Cm .... 25c 4 Lb, Can .... 99C

See O ur B ig —1 0 c t a b l e

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COCOAH ershey’s

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