lvr · web viewthe unstoppable growth of cryptocurrencies like ethereum and bitcoin has led us to a...

Post on 12-Jul-2018






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Page 3 – Abstract

Page 4 – Introduction

Page 5 – Why LVR?

Page 6 – How It Works

Page 9 –Project Roadmap

Page 10 – The Lavenir Team

Page 11 – Conclusion & Disclaimer

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AbstractWelcome to the REAL cryptocurrency revolution.

The French term “La Venir” literally translates as “The Coming” or “The Future.” The unstoppable growth of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin has led us to a point where cryptocurrency trading need not be an unpredictable, extremely volatile affair as it once was. As cryptocurrencies grow in use and popularity, they are becoming recognized as real commodities to be traded in real time, with real profits to be made. As the world’s biggest financial institutions begin to trade cryptocurrency futures, and cryptocurrency exchanges gain more traction by the day, it is time for you to get in on this action in a simple, effective and brilliant way.

Lavenir (LVR) is a lending platform that is the next step in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. Where the concept of cryptocurrency lending has been previously attempted with varying degrees of success, Lavenir brings together a perfect match of financial industry experience, design excellence, and seamless user experience. Now you can invest in professional cryptocurrency traders and receive a share of the profits made, based on a preset interest rate. If you are conversant with the process and feel of working with currency and commodity traders, LVR will be right up your street, and with good reason.

The borderline-fraudulent claim often made by cryptocurrency trading services is that they use “bots” to execute profitable trades with wildly optimistic interest rates available for lenders. Lavenir makes no such claims and does not sell dreams to prospective investors. What Lavenir has is a team of real people with several years of experience in trading cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments including stocks and bonds. Lavenir aims to enable ordinary investors – regardless of their level of engagement with the cryptocurrency ecosystem – to create a stable and consistent pipeline of returns on their cryptocurrency investments and thus create a steady source of income to improve their lives.

Cryptocurrency has rapidly evolved from being the future to become the present. Lavenir is the next step in this story of economic evolution. This white paper will address this process of change, the problem in the cryptocurrency market that LVR solves, and how to be a part of Lavenir’s unfolding success story.

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IntroductionFew words have generated as many frenzied followings and column inches as the words ‘Blockchain’ and ‘Cryptocurrency.’ Since entering popular lexicon in the mid-noughties, the concept of blockchains and distributed processing has captured our minds in a way comparable to the advent of air travel and the Internet. To provide the needed entry point into an explanation of exactly what Lavenir is, and its unique proposition in the world of cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to establish a basic understanding of the terms and concepts commonly used in the Blockchain ecosystem.

First of all the term ‘Blockchain’ simply refers to an electronic ledger shared across several storage nodes. This ledger is not solely present in any single location but duplicated across a vast and ever-expanding network. This ledger contains a record of transactions in the form of ‘blocks’ – small data packages containing permanent records of certain data. Each node in the blockchain has a complete list of the entire chain, and this list is updated after every transaction.

A ‘cryptocurrency,’ sometimes called a ‘token’ is a representation of a digital asset, which is built on blockchain technology. All major cryptocurrencies such as the ubiquitous Bitcoin and Ethereum operate on more or less the same basic principles – there is no centralized issuer, they are open-source, and they run on a global peer-to-peer blockchain network. This basis leads to some desirable features, most prominent of which are security, anonymity, and inexpensiveness.

BLOCKCHAIN USEFULNESSBy being de-centralized and distributed across a global blockchain, cryptocurrencies are – at least in theory – ‘un-hackable.’ Any alteration of data on an individual node will not affect because hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other nodes with the correct data exist simultaneously in the blockchain, rendering the individual change ineffective. Once information is successfully stored on a blockchain, it cannot be deleted or altered, which effectively makes cryptocurrencies immutable.

Transaction confirmation using blockchain technology is also substantially cheaper than would be the case with central confirmation and oversight, which often comes with the added risk of server failure or security breaches. Blockchains make transaction processing exponentially safer and less expensive. The lack of a single central point reduces the risk factor for failure and makes processing quicker.

By their vastly distributed nature, blockchain transactions are also completely anonymous, which is a major concern for many users today at a time when transaction fraud and identity theft are real threats. Cryptocurrency users can maintain strict and total control of their personal information online because unlike the electronic form of conventional fiat currencies which have identifying personal information attached to them, cryptocurrencies have no private information whatsoever, and the only records needed for the system to function are block transaction records which make up the blockchain.

By these advantageous features of cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology, financial trading in cryptocurrencies is taking off in grand style, with institutions like the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) offering cryptocurrency futures contracts, and several cryptocurrency

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exchanges taking off simultaneously. Amidst all this growth, there remain some stubborn issues that somewhat inhibit the growth of cryptocurrency trading beyond its present status, and it was in an attempt to solve these problems that Lavenir was conceptualized.

Why LVR?The major point of difference between Lavenir and other cryptocurrency lending platforms lies in its sustainability and long-term growth potential. In any fast-growing industry, there are likely to be a substantial number of fly-by-night investment schemes and unsustainable platforms promising unrealistic returns to investors who are over-sold on the possibilities. Inevitably, these tend to end up in disappointment as the unfeasibly high rates of return very quickly dry up, leaving a trail of losses and broken promises.

The team behind LVR is a collection of credible Banking and Finance industry personalities who approach cryptocurrency investment with the same level of integrity and due diligence as Wall Street traders dealing in energy futures. Lavenir offers a range of investment terms and rates that match the long-term vision of the platform as a stable, secure and reliable way of delivering returns on cryptocurrency investments, and ultimately, a dependable source of income for investors.

The interest rates offered on the Lavenir platform are typically lower than what would be found on BitConnect or comparable lending service, and this is deliberately maintained, to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the site and consistent returns for investors. Like any seasoned investment vehicle, the Lavenir strategy places a very hefty premium on the long-term and considers it better to offer investors moderate but sustainable interest rates than to compromise its ability to remain financially solvent.

Unlike some cryptocurrency lending programs that have interest rates that fluctuate after the loan investment has been made, due to complicated, opaque formulas used in calculating returns, Lavenir

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interest rates are locked in at the time the loan is made and do not fluctuate. Furthermore, LVR interest payouts based on a locked-in interest rate are guaranteed on a day-to-day basis, which makes it an investor’s preferred type of destination – stable, predictable and consistent.

This, of course, does not mean that cryptocurrency market fluctuations do not happen. As with any other dynamic market, prices remain constantly fluid, but the LVR investment strategy allows for such movement so that higher profit and lower profit days balance themselves out, and the site and the platform will profit long-term.

Another reason why Lavenir is set to become the cryptocurrency investor’s preferred platform is that unlike many of its contemporaries that accept only Bitcoin, Lavenir allows investors to make deposits in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC) and Ripple (XRP).

How It WorksNow the good part.

How does it work?

To summarize the entire process, an investor deposits their cryptocurrency to the platform in any of the afore-listed formats accepted by Lavenir. They then make a loan to the platform for that amount of cryptocurrency, and an interest rate is locked in. Loan terms vary from undefined to 365 days, and investors have the option to cash out their payment at any time.

Lavenir’s network of professional traders then uses the investor’s money to trade and make a profit which covers the stipulated interest payment. At the expiration of the loan term, or at a time of the investor’s choosing, the principal cryptocurrency amount and its accrued interest may be cashed out, or the interest may be paid out and the principal amount reinvested, depending on what the investor chooses.

The major types of cryptocurrency trading executed on the Lavenir platform are Arbitrage trading and price forecasting based on price chart analysis.

The latter trading model is self-explanatory, while Arbitrage trading is essentially the instant trading of cryptocurrencies for a practically risk-free profit, based on the exploitation of regional price differentials. When this process involves trading on two exchanges, it is called a two-legged arbitrage, and Lavenir has a network of professionals who are skilled at carrying out this trade.

Profits are shared with investors at an agreed upon interest rate. Interest rates are locked in at the time the loan is made and do not fluctuate. As referenced earlier, Lavenir cuts out the complicated interest formulas, temperamental interest rates and lack of earning guarantee for investors. Using a locked-in rate, actual trading profits made by the platform may fluctuate based on normal cryptocurrency market movements, but higher profit and lower profit days will balance out, and the site and the platform will profit long-term – which is great news for investors.

At this point, it is imperative to point out that this service differs markedly from the type of loan offered on other platforms where investors must purchase a token issued by the site before they can lend, and

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then hope the value of that token appreciates to make a profit. With Lavenir, investors lend actual coins and receive interest on those actual coins.

Although Lavenir tokens are not needed to invest on the site, Lavenir plans to develop an on-site cryptocurrency and fiat exchange where users can easily buy and sell LVR tokens. The tokens are simply held for ownership of the platform and to receive dividends from trading profits made by the site. A fee will be charged for each transaction made on the exchange, and these fees will also be shared with token holders.

The offered interest rates range from 0.3%-0.5% a day (which aggregates to about 10%-15% per month), and interest is calculated and updated daily. Crucially, investors have the option to cash out their investment and withdraw at any time, a sharp departure from the practice of tying their coins down for a specified number of days which is customary practice elsewhere. This gives investors an extra level of flexibility and trust.

If however, investors wish, they may choose a term for their loan at the time of lending, and the funds will remain on loan until that lending period expires. Investors who choose this option will receive bonus interest on their loan. Investors can have unlimited active loans at any given time. At the end of the loan period (if a loan period is selected), the amount of the investment plus interest earned is automatically credited to the user's account.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to make investment deposits on the LVR platform using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Ripple, Litecoin and Monero, and as the platform grows and evolves, coins may be added to or removed from this list to match the needs of investors.


No defined investment period (cash out any time): 0.3% a day

90 Day Investment: 0.35% a day

180 Day Investment: 0.4% a day

270 Day Investment: 0.45% a day

365 Day Investment: 0.5% a day

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ICO Details

The ICO will begin on April 4 12:00 PM UTC and conclude on May 4 11:00 AM UTC

60% of investments made during the ICO will be used for the creation and maintenance of the Lavenir lending platform. 20% of the funds will be used for marketing and to pay fees to have the Lavenir token listed on exchanges*. The remaining 20% of the funds will be held for future development of the site.

The total token supply is 10 million Lavenir tokens.

Of this:

-a maximum of 8 million tokens (80%) will be sold during the ICO.

-The Lavenir team will retain 1.5 million tokens (15%).

-500,000 tokens (5%) will be used for bug bounty programs as soon as the beta version of the site is released

If the ICO does not sell out, the number of tokens retained by the team will be reduced to 15% of the total supply, and the number of tokens reserved for bug bounties will be reduced to 5% of the total supply based on the actual number of tokens sold. The excess tokens will be burned.

ICO Price: 1 ETH=1000 LVR

ICO Address: 0x0dcFDb9f5496Ed7F62dd0Ac019C7dAf184A66aef

To watch the token in your Ethereum wallet, enter the following information:

Symbol: LVR

Contract Address: 0x7095e151abd19e8c99abdfb4568f675f747f97f6 (Do not send Ethereum here)

Decimals: 18

Tokens will be sent directly to the Ethereum wallet used to invest immediately after the Ethereum is sent.

The LVR Token is an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. Investments will be made directly to the Ethereum ICO address from the investor's wallet. Tokens will be disbursed through an Ethereum smart contract. As previously mentioned, they will be sent directly to the Ethereum wallet used to invest immediately after the Ethereum contribution is sent. It is very important to note that under no circumstances should an investor send Ethereum to the ICO address directly from an exchange because they will lose access to their tokens.

A 30% bonus will be given to investors who invest in the first 72 hours of the ICO. A 20% bonus will be given to investors who invest within the first 7 days of the ICO. A 10% bonus will be given to investors who invest within the first 14 days of the ICO. The ICO will last for 30 days. Minimum investment: 0.01 ETH

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Lavenir tokens represent ownership (or a share) of the platform, and only the Lavenir token holders have ownership of the platform. Token holders will receive a proportional amount of the profits generated through the site's cryptocurrency trading and on-site exchange fees paid quarterly. Profits will be paid in Ethereum to all token holders. A smart contract will be written to process dividends to token holders. Further information on this will be made available in the period leading up to the first disbursement of payments.

In addition to this, token holders will also have voting rights to vote on site proposals (examples: adjust daily interest rates on investments, add or remove a cryptocurrency from investment options, adjust on-site LVR token exchange fees, offer additional services, etc.) In so doing, token holders will have a major impact on the decisions made by the site. They can even submit their proposals for other token holders to vote on, in which case a minimum of 50,000 LVR is required to submit a proposal.

The beta version of the Lavenir platform is currently under construction and is expected to be released within 2-3 weeks of the ICO ending. Announcements will be made regarding bug bounties within 1 week of the beta site is launched. Following the launch of the Beta version, all lending services offered will be fully functional, and the site will be ready to accept investments. Beta testing is currently scheduled to last approximately 8 weeks before the alpha version of the site is released.

Project Roadmap .

May 2018: Complete development of investment platform and beta launch with bug bounty program

May 2018: Begin making deals to have LVR listed on cryptocurrency exchanges

July 2018: Alpha launch of platform

August 2018: Implementation of a referral system: earn rewards for promoting Lavenir and referring users to the site

September 2018: Writing of rewards contract to pay dividends to token holders, first disbursement of dividends

October 2018: Addition of an on-site cryptocurrency exchange to buy and sell LVR tokens

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January 2019: Addition of an on-site fiat exchange to buy and sell LVR tokens

February 2019: Introduction of voting system on site proposals

May 2019 (and beyond): Introduction of new investment opportunities, providing more ways to earn returns on your cryptocurrency holdings

August 2019 (and beyond): Form business partnerships to promote further growth of the platform

The Team


Soham Gibson

Perry Roberts


Cameron Clark (former executive officer, Ameriprise Financial Services)

Clyde Gibson (Certified Financial Planner, TD Ameritrade)

Regina Schmidt (Team Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch)

Marc Webb (Investment Banking Analyst, Davidson Investment Advisors)


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This is Lavenir’s team of professional investors and traders who will trade cryptocurrency invested on the platform and manage ICO funds

Tommy Sanders

Erica Warren

Zachary Clark

Billy Craig

Herman Stephens


These are the designers and programmers responsible for creating and maintaining the Lavenir platform

Josephine Cruz Holly CaldwellEddie Chandler


Lavenir is the cryptocurrency revolution the world has been waiting for:

Without an expert understanding of the cryptocurrency market or the blockchain ecosystem, investors can make use of Lavenir and earn steady and consistent profits from cryptocurrency trading at their convenience.

Investors can make deposits with a wide selection of accepted coins and cash out at any time.

Investors have a good range of loan terms to invest in.

Investors have access to locked-in interest rates that are not subject to wild fluctuations.

The investment strategy of Lavenir is tested and has a low-risk factor.

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References .Arbitrage Trading -

Comprehensive Blockchain Glossary A-Z -

Arbitrage Trading (2) -

CBOE Cryptocurrency Futures Contract -



The Lavenir service and the Lavenir website are provided strictly on an “as available” and "as is" basis. We make no assurances or representations of any type, direct or otherwise, as regarding the operation of the service or the content, information, materials, or products displayed on the website.

We make no express or implied representations or warranties regarding the Lavenir service and website, or the products or services provided therein. As such, any implied warranties of Lavenir merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement are expressly disclaimed and excluded. In addition, we make no representation that the operation of our service will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors be they direct, secondary, related, penal, or consequential.

Lavenir, its officers, representatives, employees, managers, and salespersons, shall in no way be accountable for any loss/damages (direct or indirect) rising out of or in connection with your use of or your inability to use the Lavenir service and website, even if we have been duly advised of the possibility of such damages.

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