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Post on 05-Aug-2018






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Southern and Eastern Asia Unit TestDirections: Choose the correct answer for each of the questions.

Part I: Economics (SS7E9 and 10)

1. Why do most countries in the world today fall somewhere between a market and a command economy?A. Some government control has never been successful.B. Government control always makes a market economy more profitable.C. Most consumers prefer government control to free market.D. Most countries have found they need a mix of free market and government control to be successful.

2. Most economic decisions in North Korea are made by:A. Korean industrial leadersB. North Korean ParliamentC. Korean peopleD. Premier Kim Jong-Il

3. The Japanese economy has to make up for the country’s lack of:A. EducationB. PopulationC. Natural resourcesD. Fish

4. The economy of North Korea can best be described as:A. TraditionalB. CommandC. MarketD. Mixed

5. Poor decisions made about how to organize farming in North Korea have resulted in many years of:A. DroughtB. Farmers refusing to workC. StarvationD. Arguments about what crops to grow

6. Which has been a constant problem for India’s economy?A. A GDP that has not grown in many yearsB. Lack of a strong middle classC. Expense of maintaining a large militaryD. Overpopulation and poverty found throughout the country

7. Why has Japan specialized in the area of technology?A. It has few natural resources and little farmland.B. It has a poorly educated population.C. The money earned is used to support the military.D. The country has little in the way of fishing.

8. Premier Kim Jong-il has spent a great deal of North Korea’s money on:A. EducationB. MilitaryC. Medical care D. Foreign trade

9. The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were examples of China’s attempt to:A. Improve the economyB. End communismC. Sell more goods with the US

D. Control population growth

10. What is a main reason for people to exchange currency?A. to have foreign moneyB. to use American dollars to trade C. to make more money by trading currenciesD. to buy and sell goods and services with other countries

11. What is an example of a physical trade barrier in Southeast Asia?A. Quota on South Korean televisionsB. Tariff on Japanese carsC. The Gobi desertD. Embargo on North Korea

Part II: Political Systems (SS7CG7)

12. Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in an autocracy?A. The legislatureB. The peopleC. The rulerD. A small group of powerful leaders

13. Which country has an emperor today?A. IndiaB. VietnamC. ChinaD. Japan

14. Which best describes Japan’s government?A. TheocracyB. Absolute MonarchyC. Constitutional MonarchyD. Federal Democracy

15. Which Asian countries have democratic governments?A. India and JapanB. North Korea and JapanC. China and VietnamD. North Korea and China

16. In a unitary system, most of the power is in the hands of the:A. Central governmentB. Local government bodiesC. King and cabinetD. Voters

17. Which term describes how political power is distributed in China?A. Aristocratic governmentB. Confederation governmentC. Federal governmentD. Unitary government

18. What group makes most of the important decisions in the government of the People’s Republic of China?A. Wealthy landownersB. The Red GuardC. Chinese citizensD. The Chinese Communist Party

19. Which best describes the Chinese government?

A. Absolute monarchyB. Federal democracyC. Constitutional monarchyD. Communist government

20. In a parliamentary system of government, how is the leader chosen?A. By the political party with the most members in the legislatureB. By the national court systemC. By inheriting the positionD. In a vote by the citizens

21. Which statement about political parties is true about China?A. There are many political parties.B. There is only one legal political party.C. The leader of a political party cannot be president.D. Those running for office may not be in the Communist Party.

22. Which Asian country could be described as an autocracy?A. JapanB. North KoreaC. South KoreaD. China

23. Which country is the world’s largest democracy?A. ChinaB. IndiaC. South KoreaD. Japan

24. What responsibility is required by law for Indian citizens over the age of 18?A. marriageB. votingC. military serviceD. attending college

Part III: History of Southern and Eastern Asia (SS7H3):

25. What is ‘Nationalism’? A. A sense of belonging that is based on the constitution.B. Loyalty to a group with whom one shares a common history, culture, or religion.C. Loyalty, pride, and devotion toward one’s country.D. A feeling of belonging to a group that is highly educated & wealthy.

26. What was involved in Mohandas Gandhi’s plan of civil disobedience?A. Violent demonstrationsB. Passing new laws in the Indian National CongressC. People should refuse to obey a law they felt unfair, but do it without violence.D. He felt it was best to go along with the British laws and do nothing.

27. India was controlled by which European country for over 300 years?A. Great BritainB. FranceC. ChinaD. Germany

28. In which year did India gain its independence?A. 1947B. 1901

C. 1997D. 1951

29. What was the goal of the Vietminh League?A. Independence for VietnamB. Worldwide communist revolutionC. To defeat the US in the Cold WarD. To bring more industry to Vietnam

30. The U.S. helped rebuild the economy of which country after World War II?A. ChinaB. VietnamC. North KoreaD. Japan

31. The US intervened in Korea and Vietnam to stop the spread of:A. CommunismB. Human TraffickingC. Weapons of mass destructionD. Democracy

32. Which country has a communist North and a democratic South today?A. GermanyB. JapanC. KoreaD. China

33. Who established the People’s Republic of China in 1949?A. Ho Chi MinhB. Kim Jung-ilC. Mao ZedongD. Mohandas Gandhi

34. Which program was designed to make farming more productive in China?A. Great Leap ForwardB. Cultural RevolutionC. Red GuardD. Long March

35. Student protestors were attacked by Chinese government troops and many were killed or arrested here in 1989:A. Red SquareB. World Trade CenterC. Tiananmen SquareD. 38th Parallel

Part IV: Geography (SS7G9, SS7G11, SS7G12)

37. Which river flows through Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and several other countries?A. Yangtze (Chang Jiang) RiverB. Mekong RiverC. Ganges RiverD. Huang He (Yellow River)

38. Which mountain range includes Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world?A. Andes MountainsB. AlpsC. Himalayan MountainsD. Ural Mountains

39. Where is the most densely populated urban area in the world?A. Tokyo, JapanB. New York City, USAC. Delhi, IndiaD. Beijing, China

40. Why do so many people in India live in the Ganges River Valley?A. To keep away from polluted industrial areasB. It’s the only place in India to find work.C. The river provides fertile soil for farming.D. It’s the only source of fresh water in India.

41. Why is the Ganges River so polluted?A. Untreated sewage pours into it.B. Animal carcasses are thrown into it.C. Trash is thrown into it.D. All of the above.

42. What major environmental problem are both China and India facing?A. Air pollutionB. DeforestationC. Nuclear wasteD. Desertification

43. What is the seasonal wind that can bring heavy rainfall that leads to flooding?A. HurricaneB. MonsoonC. TornadoD. Tsunami

44. Which religion originated in India and follows the teachings of one man?A. HinduismB. IslamC. BuddhismD. Shintoism

45. Which of the following religions is considered to be the oldest in the world?A. IslamB. HinduismC. BuddhismD. Shintoism

46. This belief teaches that one is reborn after death:A. KarmaB. ReincarnationC. Five PillarsD. Vedas

47. Which religion believes karma affects status in the caste system?A. BuddhismB. ShintoismC. IslamD. Hinduism

48. What are the Five Pillars?A. rules of the caste systemB. the laws of reincarnation C. C basic beliefs of IslamD. Hindu texts

49. Which religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad?A. IslamB. ConfucianismC. HinduismD. Buddhism

50. Whose Golden Rule of Behavior was “What you do not like when done unto yourself, do not unto others”?A. JesusB. ConfuciusC. MuhammadD. Siddhartha Guatama

Southern and Eastern Asia Map TestDirections: Use the political map below to answer questions 1-7.

1. Which country is located at the letter A on the map? ______________________________2. Which country is located at the letter B on the map? ______________________________3. Which country is located at the letter C on the map? ______________________________4. Which country is located at the letter D on the map? ______________________________5. Which country is located at the letter E on the map? ______________________________6. Which country is located at the letter F on the map? ______________________________7. Which country is located at the letter G on the map? ______________________________

Directions: Use the physical map below to answer questions 8-14.








8. Which river is located at the letter H on the map? ____________________________9. Which river is located at the letter I on the map? _____________________________10. Which river is located at the letter J on the map? ____________________________11. Which river is located at the letter K on the map?

____________________________12. Which river is located at the letter L on the map?

____________________________13. Which feature is located at the letter M on the map?

_________________________14. Which feature is located at the letter N on the map?









Directions: Use the physical map below to answer questions 15-21.

15. Which feature is located at the letter O on the map? ____________________________

16. Which feature is located at the letter P on the map? _____________________________

17. Which feature is located at the letter Q on the map? ____________________________

18. Which feature is located at the letter R on the map? ____________________________






19. Which desert is located at the letter S on the map? ____________________________

20. Which desert is located at the letter T on the map? _________________________21. Which feature is located at the letter U on the map?


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