0 adapting content for chws to mobile phones: multimedia for chws

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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HIT Governance Subcommittee

Adapting Content for CHWs to Mobile Phones:Multimedia for CHWs

#Dimagi & CommCare#1We develop open source mobile technologyWe make software solutions that do not require software developers to deployWe focus on creating solutions for resource-limited settingsWe are not content-experts; we always work with an implementing partner to develop a deployable technologyAbout Dimagi

#CommCare: Mobile Phone-based Job AidRecord Client information

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Reena is overdue for her follow-up treatment please follow-up with her.Follow-up with clients

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Provide Multimedia counseling and Disseminate informationBuild / Modify ApplicationManage Your Data and Workforce#Multimedia#4Multimedia for Community Health AppsTypes of multimedia to consider:ImagesAudioVideoMultimedia can have two major functions:Aid in communicating concepts to clientsAssist CHW in use of the application


Images and Audio for each question canaid CHWs and reinforce training#

Audio playback and icons in options can make counseling sessions more engaging#

Icons and audio playback in the menus aid with navigation in the application#Benefits/ConsiderationsBenefits:Can make counseling sessions more engagingCan increase credibility of CHWCan help CHW remember to fully address topicsCan make sensitive topics easier to broachConsiderations:Takes time and resources to develop contentSometimes physical materials are superiorFrequently require training to use effectivelyMay alter the interaction between CHW and client if CHW relies too heavily on multimedia#Audio MessagesAudio messages can be directed to user (provide instruction) or to client(provide counseling)Not everyone wants audio!Need to be understandable:Appropriate languageClear recordingsNeed to be engaging:Useful informationNot too long

#TestingTesting your app is crucialDiscuss your ideas with other peopleSpeak to CHWs and their clients early on- they can provide very useful feedbackDont be afraid to make changes but better earlier than later


Importance of Field Testing#Some of our organizations are also doing rigorous validation of audio messages and assessing more than just accuracy of content, but also tone of voice, perception by beneficiary, appropriateness of dialect or use of local phrases/words. For our site that uses video based counseling in CommCare, we did rigourous validation and testing with three types of health workers (BBCWST Bihar see Mohinis report).12Key Takeaways: Multimedia for CHWsWork with the CHWsDetermine if the CHWs need help navigating the form(s) and interpreting the questionsParticipate in their activities to get a sense of their workflowAsk what the CHWs think about the use of multimedia

Assess the programs resourcesFind out how much time/money to create/format media content is availableDetermine if there are existing materials/resources that can be used or adoptedMaking a training plan about the effective use of media

Test, Test, TestInclude users and local stakeholders early onBudget sufficient time for field testing and iteration#


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