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“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to unlocking the potential [of geeks].”

– Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

Most Popular Presentations “LEADING GEEKS: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver

Technology” “PROJECT DISASTERS: Predict Them, Prevent Them, or Pull the

Plug on Them.” “MOTIVATING GEEKS: How to Motivate Technical Staff Without

Breaking the Bank.” “SECRETS OF GEEK PRODUCTIVITY: How Knowledge Workers

Deliver Value” “HEALING CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS: How to Successfully Re-

solve Client Conflict” “HOW MICROSOFT DOES IT! Introduction to the Microsoft Solu-

tions Framework”

Recent Clients Include:

Paul Glen A Professional Speaker for

Technology Powered Organizations

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and man-agement of technology organiza-tions. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North America, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty member in the MBA program at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Re-lationships: A Professional’s Guide to M a n a g i n g C l i e n t C o n f l i c t ” (Professional Service Publishing,


Professional Speaker for Technology Powered O


Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

Bettermanagement.com Cape Cod Technology Council Chicago Chamber of Commerce Compass Computer Group Computerworld Conferences Connecticut Technology Council Delta Dental Forbes Magazine Conferences Forum for Women Entrepreneurs Institute of Management Consultants Intesol Keck Graduate Institute Kinkos

Loyola Marymount University Marshall School of Business at USC Media Revolution Microsoft Network Insight Northrop Grumman PacifiCare PIMCO State Street Bank Richmond Events CIO Forum San Diego City Schools SEI Information Technology Trust Company of the West UCLA

Today every manager must learn to lead geeks. Dot.com or dot.bomb, it doesn’t mat-ter. Geeks deliver and support the technology that drives efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of real businesses. In fact, companies have become so depend-ent on geeks that 92% of technology professionals work for traditional, non-technical corporations and only 8% work in high-tech firms. Yet, most managers and execu-tives find that geeks are difficult to fathom and even harder to lead.

“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to unlocking the potential [of geeks].”

– Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You…

Why Traditional Approaches to Leadership Don’t Work With Geeks How Geeks are Different from Other Employees How Leading Geeks Differs from Leading Other Employees How to Motivate Geeks Immediately Applicable Approaches to Geek Leadership

“Insightful and delightful”

- James Champy, chairman of consulting, Perot Systems Corporation “Paul Glen provides excellent advice for managing geeks…. But his insights apply equally well to the challenge of leading any group of specialists for whom esoteric knowledge is more important than power, and expertise more determinative of social dominance than bureaucratic hierarchy, including actors, athletes, university faculty, musicians, doctors, and bond traders.”

- Steven Sample, president, University of Southern California “We ought to stop complaining about technical wizards and learn how to utilize their considerable talents. Paul Glen helps us to do that better than I ever dreamed possible.”

- Alan Weiss, author, The Ultimate Consultant Series “The old phrase ‘knowledge is power” is not quite correct. Understanding is power, and that’s what Glen provides.”

- David H. Maister, co-author First Among Equals

Also Available as a ½ to 3 Day Seminar

LEADING GEEKS How to Manage and Lead People

Who Deliver Technology

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999).

92% of Technology Professionals Work for Traditional Companies

Presentation Description

Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

Despite significant progress over the last decade, project success rates are still dismally poor. Only about a quarter of projects are completed successfully. The rest are can-celed completely or are finished substantially late, over-budget, or missing major fun-cationality. When used well, traditional IT project management approaches provide excellent information about what happened, but they're lousy at predicting the future.

In this presentation, Paul Glen will identify the five leading indicators of project suc-cess and show you how to use them to predict the future, prevent problems and emerge a hero in both camps with technologists and business executives alike.

“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to unlocking the potential [of geeks].”

– Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You …

Why projects fail The four key strategies for reducing the probability of project failure Why traditional project management approaches are not enough to

prevent failure What are the leading indicators of project success How to monitor leading indicators to prevent project failures

“Paul Glen masterfully and humorously teaches us how to create followership in this notoriously inscrutable but essential population. Ignore his rock-solid advice at your own peril.”

- Andrew Sobel, author of “Clients for Life” and “Making Rain”

“Highly talented technical people are a separate breed and managing them is a delicate art. Paul has done the improbable – he’s taken his experience and knowledge of tech-nical leadership and produced a ... treasure trove of wisdom for technical managers.”

- Rick Freedman, author “The IT Consultant”

“The old phrase ‘knowledge is power” is not quite correct. Understanding is power, and that’s what Glen provides.”

- David H. Maister, co-author First Among Equals

PROJECT DISASTERS Predict Them, Prevent Them or

Pull the Plug on Them

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999).

Using Leading Indicators to Guide Projects to Success

Presentation Description

Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Sales Professionals Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

When budgets are tight, it’s more important than ever to get the best performance from the people who deliver, support and deploy technology. But over the past dec-ade, managers have fallen into the trap of believing that motivation requires ever lar-ger bags of money. In fact, the most effective ways to motivate geeks don’t cost that much. Getting the best from your people requires clearly understanding what really motivates them.

“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to

unlocking the potential [of geeks].” – Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You…

Why Traditional Approaches to Motivation Don’t Work With Geeks How Geeks are Different from Other Employees How Motivating Geeks Differs from Motivating Other Employees Immediately Applicable Approaches to Geek Motivation How to Avoid De-Motivating Geeks

“Insightful and delightful”

- James Champy, chairman of consulting, Perot Systems Corporation “Paul Glen provides excellent advice for managing geeks…. But his insights apply equally well to the challenge of leading any group of specialists for whom esoteric knowledge is more important than power, and expertise more determinative of social dominance than bureaucratic hierarchy, including actors, athletes, university faculty, musicians, doctors, and bond traders.”

- Steven Sample, president, University of Southern California “We ought to stop complaining about technical wizards and learn how to utilize their considerable talents. Paul Glen helps us to do that better than I ever dreamed possible.”

- Alan Weiss, author, The Ultimate Consultant Series “The old phrase ‘knowledge is power” is not quite correct. Understanding is power, and that’s what Glen provides.”

- David H. Maister, co-author First Among Equals

Also Available as a ½ to 3 Day Seminar

MOTIVATING GEEKS How to Motivate Technology Professionals

without Breaking the Bank

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999).

Motivating Geeks is Different from Motivating Other Employees

Presentation Description

Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

Peter Drucker has called improving knowledge worker productivity the most impor-tant challenge that managers face in the 21st century. But how can you improve the productivity of knowledge workers when few people even understand how they de-liver value in the first place? In fact, many of the most productive geeks don’t even realize how they do it. In this keynote presentation, Paul Glen describes the twelve surprisingly different ways that geeks provide value to their organizations and teams. You may be surprised to realize that only one of the twelve is technical.

“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to unlocking the potential [of geeks].”

– Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You…

How Geeks Deliver Value Why Traditional Ideas About Geek Jobs Constrain Productivity How to Guide Geeks in Improving Their Performance

“Insightful and delightful”

- James Champy, chairman of consulting, Perot Systems Corporation “Paul Glen provides excellent advice for managing geeks…. But his insights apply equally well to the challenge of leading any group of specialists for whom esoteric knowledge is more important than power, and expertise more determinative of social dominance than bureaucratic hierarchy, including actors, athletes, university faculty, musicians, doctors, and bond traders.”

- Steven Sample, president, University of Southern California “We ought to stop complaining about technical wizards and learn how to utilize their considerable talents. Paul Glen helps us to do that better than I ever dreamed possible.”

- Alan Weiss, author, The Ultimate Consultant Series “The old phrase ‘knowledge is power” is not quite correct. Understanding is power, and that’s what Glen provides.”

- David H. Maister, co-author First Among Equals

Also Available as a ½ to 3 Day Seminar

SECRETS OF GEEK PRODUCTIVITY How Knowledge Workers Deliver Value

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999).

Improve Knowledge Worker Productivity

Presentation D


Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

Long term client relationships are the life blood of service businesses, but too often, professionals lose clients through conflict. This presentation will show you how to manage client conflict and restore relationships to health and profitability. Regardless of your job title, healing client relationships is a criti-cal part of your job. This presentation is based on Paul Glen’s book, “Healing Client Relation-ships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict.” “A superb, organized approach to resolving client conflict in professional ser-vice firms, quickly and surely.”

- Alan Weiss, author, The Ultimate Consultant Series

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You…

What to do when a client complains How to take control of conflict How to handle emotional clients Why clients become dissatisfied How to avoid making things worse How to prevent conflict

“Sooner or later, everybody ticks off a customer or client. [This approach will] help you do damage control and win back the client you thought you might have lost.”

- Dr. Mark Goulston, Syndicated columnist and author of The Six Secrets of a Lasting Relationship

“Arms the professional with the tools to keep clients by keeping clients happy. The Relationship Healing Process is a surefire way to take the fear and guesswork out of solving client conflicts.”

- Ian Bogost, Director of Technology, Media Revolution

Also Available as a ½ to 1 Day Seminar

HEALING CLIENT RELATIONSHIPS How to Successfully Resolve Client Conflict

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999).

Keep Your Clients When They Want to Dump You

Presentation D


Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

You can bring order to the chaos of software development or systems implementa-tion projects the way that Microsoft does. Microsoft delivers and installs an astonish-ing array of products. Now you can learn how they do it. The Microsoft Solutions Framework, their internally developed, uniquely flexible project management ap-proach is useful for software and hardware projects of all sizes…and doesn’t require using any Microsoft products. The Microsoft Solutions Framework is a pragmatic approach to the development and deployment of software and systems that scales from small projects to major enter-prise-wide efforts.

“Paul Glen’s insights and experience provide the keys to unlocking the potential [of geeks].”

– Warren Bennis, co-author Geeks and Geezers

This Presentation Answers the Questions…

How do you organize a project team for success? What tasks need to be performed and when? How do you handle the risks inherent in technology projects?

This Entertaining, High-Content Keynote Will Show You How Microsoft…

Delivers successful projects Enhances client and user relationships Aligns technology and business goals Plans, monitors and controls projects

“I would recommend this to anyone seriously interested in the software development process.”

- Jeb Bowdin, vp sales, Compass Computer Group “We were all enlightened and impressed with your knowledge...and your presentation skills that captivated our team members.”

- Samia Soliman, director professional services, Spectria

Also Available as a 3 Day Seminar

HOW MICROSOFT DOES IT! Introduction to the

Microsoft Solutions Framework

Paul Glen is an award-winning au-thor, Computerworld columnist, and professional speaker dedicated to improving the leadership and management of technology organi-zations. For more than 15 years he has advised clients in North Amer-ica, Europe and Asia. He has also served as an adjunct faculty mem-ber in the MBA programs at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of two books: the multiple-award-winning “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” (Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, a division of Wiley, 2002, Warren Bennis Signa-ture Series), and “Healing Client Relationships: A Professional’s Guide to Managing Client Conflict” (Professional Service Publishing, 1999). He has been certified as a Master Trainer in the application and adap-tation of the Microsoft Solutions Framework, one of only three peo-ple worldwide outside of Microsoft to be so honored.

Learn How Microsoft Manages Its Internal Projects

Presentation D


Paul Glen Profile

To Encourage, Inspire and Enlighten Executives, Sales Professionals Managers & Geeks Contact: Your Speaker Bureau

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