01 quiz sin

Post on 06-May-2015






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Bible Study Questions

The sin problem

1. Babies are born with a clean slate morally. They only become condemned when they first make a decision to do wrong.

2. The sins that people commit makes them sinners and in need of a savior.

3. When you become a Christian, God removes your old sinful nature and replaces it with a new perfect nature.

4. The Bible uses several words to describe the sin problem. These may be grouped as:

a. Sin

b. Iniquity

c. Transgression

5. The people living between the time of Adam and Moses were transgressing God’s law.

6. Man was created to have dominion over this world.

7. Sin originated with Lucifer in the garden of Eden.

8. When Adam sinned he was the only one that was affected since no one else was yet born

9. I was not around and in fact I was not even born when Adam sinned so I could not have sinned when Adam sinned.

10. The Bible uses Adam and the effect of his fall as an example or a pattern of Christ redemption and its effect on us.


1. Babies are born with a clean slate morally. They only become condemned when they first make a decision to do wrong.

2. The sins that people commit makes them sinners and in need of a savior.

3. When you become a Christian, God removes your old sinful nature and replaces it with a new perfect nature.

4. The Bible uses several words to describe the sin problem. These may be grouped as:

a. Sin

b. Iniquity

c. Transgression

5. The people living between the time of Adam and Moses were transgressing God’s law.

6. Man was created to have dominion over this world.

7. Sin originated with Lucifer in the garden of Eden.

8. When Adam sinned he was the only one that was affected since no one else was yet born

9. I was not around and in fact I was not even born when Adam sinned so I could not have sinned when Adam sinned.

10. The Bible uses Adam and the effect of his fall as an example or a pattern of Christ redemption and its effect on us.

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