01 - vene mezenterice - variante anatomice

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  • AJR:168, May 1997 1209

    Anatomic Variants of MesentericVeins: Depiction with Helical CTVenography

    Oswald Graf1GilesW. Boland1John A. Kaufman1Andrew L Warshaw2Carlos Fernandez del Castillo2Peter A. Mueller1

    OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to describe the variable anatomy of mesentericveins on axial CT images and on volume-rendered CT venograms that use maximum intensity

    projection and shaded-surface display.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Fifty-seven patients undergoing helical CT ofthe pancreas

    were included in the study. The mesenteric venous system was analyzed in 54 patients. Three

    patients were excluded because the helical CT data were unsatisfactory.

    RESULTS. On helical CT with maximum intensity projection and shaded-surface display,

    the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) was seen as a single trunk of variable length in 4() patients.

    In seven other patients. two mesenteric trunks merged separately with the splenic vein. In the

    remaining seven patients. the SMV was occluded by tumor. The inferior mesenteric vein drained

    into the splenic vein in 28 patients (56%). into the SMV in 14 patients (26%). and into the sple-

    nomesenteric angle in nine patients (18%).

    CONCLUSION. Both axial and volume-rendered CT venograms accurately reveal the vari-

    able mesenteric venous anatomy. CT venograms may replace conventional angiography in pre-

    surgical planning.

    Received June 11, 1996; accepted afterrevisionOctober 21, 1996.

    tDepartment of Radiolo9y-WHT 220, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, 32 Fruit St, P.0. Box 9657, Boston,MA 02114. Address correspondence to G. W. Boland.

    2Oepartment of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,

    Boston, MA 02114.


    0361-803X/97/1685-1 209

    American Roentgen Ray Society

    C onventional and helical CT are thecurrent imaging methods of choice

    to evaluate the pancreas and the

    peripancreatic region. Axial images provide

    most of the essential information. especially

    when determining the potential resectability of

    pancreatic neopla.sms [1 , 2]. To date. however.

    many surgeons still request preoperative con-

    ventional angiography. Their stated reasons

    include accurate depiction of vascular anatomic

    variants and depiction of the disease process

    and its relationship to splanchnic vasculature on

    anterior-posterior and lateral views. which give

    a more pictorial quality to spatial information

    than do axial (1 images 13-5 1-

    More recently. contrast-enhanced helical CT

    with three-dimensional image reconstruction

    (CT angiography) has become increasingly

    important to evaluate the vascular systeni. This

    method permits diagnostic vascular imaging

    with less patient morbidity and at a lower cost

    than conventional angiography [6. 7J. The

    application of this new technique has concen-

    trated on the arterial system in various regions

    of the body [8. 91. and few reports describe its

    applications in the venous system. Previous

    studies have evaluated the portal vein and its

    intrahepatic segmental branches with three-

    dimensional helical CT rendering techniques

    I 10. 1 1]. However. the superior mesenteric vein

    (SMV) and its tributaries. which represent criti-

    cal anatomic structures, especially in pancreatic

    disease, have not been evaluated with volume-

    rendering techniques. The purpose of this study

    was to show the ability of helical CT venogra-

    phy to accurately depict the mesenteric venous

    system. For this pur)se. we analyzed the nor-

    mal anatomy and anatomic variants of the supe-

    nor and inferior mesenteric vein on axialimages and on volume-rendered CT venograms

    using maximum intensity projection (MIP) and

    shaded-surface display (SSD). Furthermore. we

    correlated the anatomy shown on CT veno-

    grams with the anatomy seen during conven-

    tional angiography or surgery.

    Subjects and Methods

    Fifty-seven consecutive patients (37 men, 20

    women: 3()-X3 years old: mean age. 64 years old)with known r suspected disease of the pancreas

    were referred for CT and were included in thestud. Forty-one patients had neoplastic disease of

    the pancreas (36 adenocarcinomas, two islet celltumors. two ampullary carcinomas, one metastaticdisease ). Eight patients had chronic pancreatitis.

    Another eight patients were scanned for suspected

  • Graf et al.

    1210 AJR:168, May 1997

    disease of the pancreas and subsequently were

    tOtlfld flot tO have pancreatic disease.

    ihe pancreas and the Piril)itcreatic region were

    exaniined in detail using a dual-phase helical CT

    prt(cl in both the arterial and the portal venous

    Phases. Fur the purpose of this study. mesentericveins were aiialvzed from the portal venous phasedat:t set. CT scans were performed on a 1-liSpeed

    Advantage scatiner (General Electric Medical Sys-

    tenis. s1ilv,aukee. \Vl ). Initial Iocaliting Iosv-milli-

    ampere-second precontrast axial images were

    performed from the diaphragm to [.3. The cephalad

    i1argin of the helical scan volume was chosen 2 cm

    abt)\e the origin of the celiac trunk. The caudal

    slice was chosen 2 cm below the uncinate process.

    This positioning equated to i scan range of I ()- I I

    cut in the z-directioii in the 57 patients. One hundred

    sixty ailliliters of nonionic contrast riiediuni

    (Omnipaque 3(X): Nycomed. New York. NY) was

    injected at a llO\ rate of 4 ml/ec into an ainecubital

    \,eiil ( I -(- to 20-gauge needle) by a power injector

    ( Niedrad. Pittsburgh. PA . The first helical CTsequence was started I l sec aller the initiation of the

    injection. and the secoiid helical scan for venousphase inlaging was started fit) sec after initiation ofthe infection. Helical scanning paraiaeters for venous

    phase scanning included l4() kVp. 2(X)-22() mAs, 3-i,ilifl collinlatI(in. i pitch of I .3. and I -naii overlap-ping reconstri.iction. Patients held their breath forapproximately 27-30 sec. A narrow field ofview (20cia ) centered over the origin of the superior niesen-

    teric arteri svis used.

    Reconstnicted data were transferred to a worksta-

    tiOfl (Advantage \Vorkstation: General Electric Mcd-

    cal S stems I for pstprocessing to show the nonnal

    5,eiR)tis anatomy ind variants with three-diitiensional

    rendenng techniques. A radiologist performed all

    volume-rendering maneuvers. MIP generation

    required remos al of the aorta and txine posterior to

    the splanclinic vessels using cutting techniques.

    Generation of SSD images required measurement of

    Hounsfield units by regions of interest placed on the

    axial images at the splenoportal junction. in the

    SMV. 3 cm below the splenoportal junction. in distal

    intestinal branches of the SMV. and in the proximal

    and distal intiior mesenteric vein (IMV). Advanced

    fx)stprocessing algorithnis (cut and remove func-

    tions. filter floaters. erosion) were applied to erase

    structures outside the regions of interest (e.g.. spinal

    coluiiin) or overlapping structures (e.g.. aorta. opaci-

    lied pancreatic parenchyma. mesentery).

    In 54 patients axial scans and CT venograms were

    considered to be of sufficient quality for evaluation of

    the mesentenc venous system. Helical CT data (axial

    and three-dimensional reconstructions) were unsatis-

    factory in three of 57 examinations because of eitherbody habitus (one patient) or poor cooperation with

    breath-holding (two patients). Anatomic details of the

    SMV and IMV were analyzed on MIP and SSD pro-jections of all axial source images by four radiolo-

    gists. CT venograms were correlated with findings at

    conventional angiography in 15 patients. In 19

    patients who underwent surgery. axial images and CT

    venograms were additionally reviewed by two sur-

    geons aid correlated with findings at surgery.


    The time to generate MIP images was

    approximately 10 mm, and generation of SSD

    images required approximately 15-20 mm.

    The anatomy shown on volume-rendered CT

    venograiTis corresponded to the anatomy

    shown on axial source images. In the 15

    patients who also underwent conventional

    angiography, the CT venograms correlated

    with the venous anatomy shown on the con-

    ventional venograms. In the 19 patients who

    also underwent surgical exploration, surgical

    findings confirmed the anatomic pattern seen

    with CT venography.


    In 28 of 54 patients a main trunk of variable

    length (5-50 mm) was observed before its

    division into two intestinal branches (Figs. I

    and 2). In 12 of 54 patients a division of the

    main trunk into right and left intestinal

    branches was not observed within the scan-

    ning volume (6.5 cm below the splenoportal

    confluence) (Fig. 3). In seven of 54 patients

    the main trunk ofthe SMV was absent and two

    large mesenteric branches drained directly into

    the splenic vein (Figs. 4 and 5). In the remain-

    ing seven of 54 patients the main trunk of the

    SMV was occluded by tumor and venous

    drainage was by collateral pathways (Fig. 6).

    The gastrocolic trunk, which is a tributary of

    the SMV, was revealed in 47 of 54 patients; in

    the other seven patients the gastrocolic trunk

    could not be seen because oftumor invasion. Of

    these 47 patients the gastrocolic trunk drained

    into the main trunk ofthe SMV in 25 (53%) andinto the right intestinal branch of the SMV in

    the other 22 (47%). The distance from the ter-

    mination of the gastrocolic trunk into the SMV

    or the right intestinal branch to the splenoportal

    confluence ranged from I I to 39 mm (mean, 24

    mm). Although the gastrocolic trunk was visi-

    ble on the anteroposterior MIP and SSD

    images. anatomic details were best visualized

    on the axial source images and on axial MIP

    images (Figs. 3B and 6B). On anteroposterior

    MIP images tributaries to the gastrocolic trunk

    (anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein,

    right gastroepiploic vein, right colic vein) were

    frequently superimposed by the SMV. On SSD

    images the tributaries were frequently erased by

    a threshold effect.

    The first jejunal branch of the SMV drain-

    ing the duodenojejunal flexure and the first

    jejunal loop was observed in 41 patients. This

    vessel drained either into the main trunk of the

    SMV (22 patients) or into the left intestinal

    branch (19 patients).


    The IMV could be seen in 51 of 54 patients

    on axial and MIP images. On SSD images the

    proximal segment was occasionally erased by

    Fig. 1.-Normal mesenteric veins in 56-year-old man ex-amined because of abdominal pain with no evidence ofpancreatic disease.A, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection ofvenous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CT scanshows superior mesenteric vein (smv)formed by right(R)and left(L) intestinal branches. Splenic vein Isv) and por-tal vein (pv) are clearly seen. Inferior mesenteric vein(open arrow) joins smv just below confluence withsplenic vein. Left colic vein (curvedarrow) drains into in-ferior mesenteric vein. Gastrocolic trunk (large solidarrow) drains into right intestinal branch. Superior me-senteric artery (smailsolid arrow) is also seen.B, Anterior shaded-surface display of edited data from Ashows portal vein (pv), splenic vein Isv), superior mesen-teric artery (smv), inferior mesenteric vein (open arrow),right (RI and left (LI branches of smv, and gastrocolictrunk (solid arrow).

  • Fig. 2.-55-year old man with pancreatic carcinoma in-vading superior mesenteric vein (confirmed at surgery).A. Source axial image from contrast-enhanced helicalCT scan at level 2 cm below splenoportal confluenceshows right intestinal branch (straightsolid arrow) of su-penor mesenteric vein (SMV) adjacent to tumor. Largerleft intestinal branch of SMV (open arrow) and superior

    mesentenc artery (SMA) (cuivedarrow) are normal.B, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection ofvenous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CT scanshows narrowing of right branch of SMV (small solidstraight arrow) and main trunk of SMV (large solidstraight arrow) because of tumor invasion. Left branchof SMV (open straight arrow) is normal. Short segmentof SMA (solid cuived arrow) is seen, as well as inferiormesenteric vein (IMV) (open curved arrow).C,Anterior shaded-surface displayofedited data from Bshows narrowing of right branch of SMV (small solidstraight arrow) and main trunk of SMV (large solidstraight arrow) because of tumor invasion. Also seenare left branch of SMV (open straight arrow) and IMV(open curved arrow).D, Portal phase from conventional cut-film SMA angio-gram (left posterior oblique) shows invasion of lateralwall of SMV (arrow) by tumor.

    Fig. 3.-Normal mesenteric veins in 68-year-old womanwith colon cancer metastatic to liver but no evidence ofpancreatic disease.A, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection(MIP) of venous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CTscan shows single large superior mesentenc vein (SMV)(large straight arrow), gastrocolic trunk (small straightarrow), and jejunal vein (caned arrow).B, Restricted axial MIP from same study shows jejunalvein (solid caned arrow) and gastrocolic trunk (smallsolid straight arrow) joining SMV (large solid straightarrow). Right colic vein (open straightarrow) drains intogastrocolic trunk. Portion of middle colic vein (opencaned arrow) is seen anterior to SMV.

    Fig. 4.-Variant but otherwise normal superior mesen-teric vein (SMV) anatomy in 64-year-old woman withpancreatic carcinoma.A, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection ofvenous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CT scanshows right (RI and left (L) intestinal branches of SMVmerging directly with splenic vein. Inferior mesentericvein (IMV) (open arrow) drains into splenic vein. Portionof superior mesenteric artery (SMA)(solid arrow) is seenbetween branches of SMV.B, Anterior shaded-surface display of edited data from Ashows right (RI and left (LI intestinal branches of SMV,IMV (open arrow), and SMA (solid arrow).

  • Fig. 6.-Occlusion of superior mesenteric vein (SMV) by pancreatic carcinoma in 73-year-old woman.A, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection (MIP) of venous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CT scanshows occlusion of SMV by tumor (black arrow) and dilatation of gastrocolic trunk (white arrow).B, Restricted axial MIP at level of gastrocolic trunk (straight white arrow) and middle colic vein (cuived white arrow)shows tumor invasion of SMV (black arrow).

    Although most radiologists depend on axial phy, a noninvasive technique, has shown

    source data when interpreting CT scans, many promise in its ability to reveal the arterial sys-

    Graf et al.

    1212 AJR:168, May 1997

    Fig. 5.-Variant but otherwise normal superior mesenteric vein (SMV) anatomy in53-year-old man with pancreatic carcinoma.A, Restricted anterior maximum intensity projection of venous phase of contrast-enhanced helical CT scan shows two large intestinal branches of SMV forming single confluencewith splenic vein.Inferiormesenteric vein (straight arrow) joins leftbranch ofSMV. Artifacts from plastic biliary stent (curved arrow) are presentB, Anterior shaded-surface display of edited data from A.C, Portalphase from conventional cut-film angiogram (rightposterioroblique)ofsuperior mesenteric artery shows inflow of unopacifled blood from splenic vein (arrow) at level ofconfluence with SMV branches.

    postprocessing maneuvers. The IMV drained

    into the splenic vein in 28 patients (Figs. 2 and

    4), into the SMV in 14 patients (Fig. 5), and

    into the angle of the splenoportal confluence in

    nine patients (Fig. 1). The left colic vein,

    which is a tributary of the IMV draining the

    region of the left colic flexure, was visualized

    in 45 patients (Fig. 1).


    surgeons find it essential to preoperatively eval-

    uate the disease process and its relationship to

    surrounding structures in a three-dimensional

    manner. This need has led to an increasing

    demand for three-dimensional image recon-

    structions in various regions of the body [12,

    l3J. In vascular, thoracic, and abdominal sur-

    gery, many surgeons still require conventional

    angiography for obtaining spatial information

    about the vasculature and its relationship to dis-

    ease processes. Recently, helical CT angiogra-

    tem, including the celiac trunk and the SMA.

    This study establishes the ability of CT venog-

    raphy to show the mesenteric venous system.Helical CT angiography requires matching

    the helical scan to maximal vessel opacification

    to obtain optimal three-dimensional images. To

    reveal the mesenteric venous system using

    helical CT venography, we chose a scan delayof 60 sec alter initiation of a relatively high-

    dose and high-flow contrast injection before

    starting the helical Cl scan. Although we did

    not study lower contrast injection rates, we

    believe that a high rate is necessary to optimize

    vessel opacification. Furthermore, an injection

    rate of4 mI/sec was readily accomplished in all

    our patients. We limited the duration of the

    helical scan and the breath-hold to 30 sec. Heli-

    cal scanning parameters including collimation,

    pitch, overlapping reconstructions, and field of

    view were chosen specifically to optimize

    reconstruction of axial images into three-

    dimensional images. With this technique, high-

    quality venous-phase axial images and recon-

    structed CT venograms were obtained for most

    patients. Poor image quality in one patient was

    likely due to low photon statistics because of

    excessive weight. The technique is unlikely to

    be successful in uncooperative patients, as evi-

    denced by two patients in this study.The axial images and both volume-render-

    ing techniques, MIP and SSD, clearly revealed

    the anatomic variants of the mesenteric veins.

    Additionally, the reconstructed CT venograms

    accurately depicted the spatial anatomy of the

    mesentenc vessels and their relationship to

  • Helical CT of Mesenteric Veins

    AJR:168, May 1997 1213

    surrounding structures, and the CT venograms

    correlated well with findings at angiographyor surgery. This study suggested that CT

    venography is now able to replace angiogra-phy as the primary technique to visualize

    these structures before surgery. The primary

    purpose of this study was not to evaluate thistechnique as a method to determine resectabil-

    ity. Further studies are needed to determinewhether CT venograms are as accurate as

    conventional angiography in detecting infor-

    mation about disease.

    Postmortem studies [14-16] and other CF

    studies [17-2 1] have reported that the SMV

    was represented as a single common tnrnk of

    variable length formed by its chief tributaries,

    including the ileocolic, gastrocolic, right colic,

    and middle colic veins. In this study, a single

    common superior mesenteric trunk was

    observed in most patients, but in seven of 54

    patients (13%) the main tnmk ofthe SMV was

    not present and a large right and left mesenteric

    branch merged separately with the splenic vein

    to form the portal vein. This variation has been

    recognized in the angiographic literature [22]

    but to our knowledge has not been described in

    CT studies. Misregistration of this variant in

    prior CT studies was most likely due to the use

    of a wide collimation, a longer scan duration,

    and lower IV contrast flow rates and therefore

    to poorer opacification of mesenteric veins. The

    left mesenteric branch, which drains separately

    into the splenic vein, may have been interpreted

    in previous reports as being the IMV [2, 13].The IMV itself, which under normal conditions

    has a relatively small diameter, may not have

    been identified at all.

    Previous CT reports have documented that

    the gastrocolic trunk uniformly drained into the

    anterior right lateral wall of the main trunk of

    the SMV [20, 21]. In this study we found thatthe gastrocolic trunk drained into the right lat-

    eral wall of the main trunk in approximately

    only half the patients and in the other half

    drained into the right intestinal branch of the

    SMV. Similarly, the firstjejunal branch drained

    into the main trunk of the SMV in approxi-

    mately half the patients and in the other half

    drained into the left intestinal branch.

    CT venography is an elegant method to

    depict the course of the IMV in the left

    paraduodenal space. Usually, its course can be

    visualized only with conventional angiogra-

    phy after catheterization of the inferior mesen-

    teric artery. Its major tributaries are the

    superior hemorrhoidal vein, the sigmoid vein,

    and the left colic vein. The former two veins

    usually unite to form a common ascending

    trunk beforejoining the left colic vein [14-16].

    On cross-sectional imaging the IMV was visu-

    alized running in the left paraduodenal space

    and forming an arc cephalad to the duodenoje-

    junal junction before termination [23, 24].

    This anatomic pattern was also clearly shown

    on MIP images in most patients. On SSD

    images the IMV was occasionally erased

    because of postprocessing maneuvers. The

    IMV terminated into the splenic vein in 56%

    of the patients in this study. In 18% of the

    patients the IMV drained into the splenoportal

    angle, and in the remaining 26% the IMV

    drained into the SMV.

    In conclusion, helical CT can produce

    high-quality axial images using a narrow colli-

    mation and overlapping reconstructions in com-

    bination with a high-volume and high-flow

    injection of contrast media. Furthermore, vol-ume-rendered CT venograms generated from

    the axial data sets depict the spatial anatomy of

    the splanchnic venous system well-an advan-

    tage that may aid presurgical planning. This

    information is generated from the latter half of

    the dual-phase helical scanning protocol. Cor-

    responding arterial anatomy is obtained by

    generating volume-rendered images from the

    first helical scan. A limitation of this scanning

    protocol is that only a reduced volume is

    scanned and no information is obtained from

    organs and structures outside this volume,

    such as when large parts ofthe liver lie outside

    the scan range. Information about organs out-

    side the scan volume is provided by a further

    CT study or other imaging techniques. How-

    ever, the intention of this specific examination

    is the trade-offof noninvasive CT angiography

    versus conventional angiography, which is

    performed in many institutions in those

    patients who will undergo surgery.


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