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  • 8/11/2019 021018 Price Gridtestbeds Us View



    Coordinating New Grid Proposals

    Larry Price


    18 October 2002

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    9/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 2


    HIJTB and GLUE

    Ruth Pordes, Fermilab

    Representing the Grid Interoperability Working Groups:

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    9/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 3

    Joint Technical Board

    No meetings held since last HICB in order to continue progress on GLUE Stage I deliverables.

    Search for a Co-chair may finally be over - Ian Bird - LHC Computing Project GridDeployment Area Manager is proposed (and would accept) the responsibility.

    We ask for your endorsement of this.

    Plan to hold JTB meeting to propose 2 new GLUE/JTB sub projects in the next couple of weeks -revert to usual slot of 4 pm INFN - 7 am Pacific time on 1st Monday of each month.

    Proposed new sub-projects

    Distribution and Meta-Packaging Validation and Test suites.

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    9/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 4

    Distribution and Meta-Packaging

    Interoperable distribution and configuration utilities identified as a definite need by all the recent trans-atlantic

    demonstration and validation work.

    EDG uses RPMs as the packaging standard and LCFG as the distribution tool.

    VDT uses PACMAN as a meta-packaging and distribution tool which can support RPMs, Tar files, GPT

    packaging etc.

    VDT includes some RPMs from EDG releases. DataTAG supporting pacman for interoperability needs.

    For the IST/SC demos products will be supported as RPMs and through pacman as needed.

    Support for this group comes from:

    EDG technical management (Bob Jones), Trillium WP4 manager (Olof Baring), LCG DataTAG All these projects would contribute to the work of the group.

    Proposal (agreed by DataTAG WP4, iVDGL interoperability and line managements) is that co-chairs are Flavia

    Donno - LCG and Alain Roy - VDT. Members to include Olof, Saul, ..

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    9/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 5

    Validation and Test Suites

    Current status:

    LCG hired a Validation and Test manager as part of the Grid Deployment area. EDG extending test, regression and validation tests in collaboration with LCG Globus-iVDGL test harness developed as part of GLUE VDT test scripts

    LCG 1.0 includes validation of accepted/deployed middleware.

    GLUE project proposal states that will hand ongoing responsibility of interoperability to grid

    middleware projects - EDG, VDT.

    Proposal is to initiate a collaborative project in this area between LCG, VDT, and EDG under the

    umbrella of the JTB.

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    9/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 6

    GLUE - Overview

    Glue is currently managed and mainly staffed by the 2 projects with interoperability in their deliverables:

    DataTAG WP4 and iVDGL. goals, scope and deliverables V0.1.2 posted in June http://www.hicb.org/glue/glue-v0.1.2.doc and

    referred to in Edinburgh. Stage I:

    Phase 1: in test and incorporation in software releases. Phase 2: ~30% done. need to address new components: RLS, job scheduler to take in to account

    Data Distribution

    Phase 3: (authorization, data handling, packaging) Discussions and collaboration started

    V0.1.3 (Oct 11th) edits from Antonia (EDT WP4 manager). Introduces start of goals for GLUE Stage II;

    Interoperability of the next releases of DataGRID and VDT. More effort on interoperability between the users and the Grid as a collection of different grid


    Interoperability between users and grid includes job descriptions, job monitoring, datalocalization, quality of service specification

    Nee Any Glue code, configuration and documents developed will be deployed and supportedthrough EDG and VDT release structure

    Once interoperability demonstrated and part of the ongoing culture of global grid middleware projects Glue

    should not be needed.

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    7/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 7

    Reminder of nature of EDG and VDT ReleasesEDG Releases are the collected tagged and supported

    set of middleware and application software packages

    and procedures from the European DataGrid project

    available as RPMs with a master location.

    Includes Application Software fordeployment and testing on EDG sites

    Most deployment expects most/all packagesto be installed with small set of uniform


    Well developed mechanisms for softwareinstallation, validation and release.

    Includes rebuilt and configured Globussoftware with a few modifications.

    VDT - Virtual Data Toolkit - Releases are the

    collected tagged and supported set of middleware and

    common utilities from the US Physics Grid Projects

    (GriPhyN, iVDGL, PPDG) . VDT scope is currentless than that of the EDG:

    Does not today include collective andhigher level services such as User

    Interfaces, Storage Management.

    Configuration Procedures less evolved Meta-packaging and distribution

    mechanisms follow component model.

    Uses published releases of Globus asBinaries + versioned experimental patches

    if needed.

    EDG and VDT: base layer of software/protocols were/are same:

    GLOBUS :X509 certificates,; GSI Authentication; GridFTP MDS LDAP based monitoring and resourcediscovery framework GRAM job submission protocol and interface.

    Authorization: LDAP VO service

    CONDOR: Matchmaking (classAds); Grid Job Scheduling ; Planning Language (dagman)

    File Movement: GDMP; GridFTP

    Storage Control Interface SRM

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    8/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 8

    The Glue project - the people involved day to daySergio Andreozzi DataTAG Schema, Glue testbed Carl



    Olof Baring EDG WP4 Schema, Information




    EDG WP2 Schema, Data Movement and


    Rick Cavanaugh GriPhyN,


    Applications Doug Olson PPDG Authentication, Authorization

    Roberto Cecchini EDG,DataTAG


    Ruth Pordes PPDG,iVDGL

    Testbeds, Applications



    DataTAG Glue testbed, job




    DataTAG Applications

    Ben Clifford iVDGL,Globus

    MDS development Alain Roy iVDGL,Condor

    Virtual Data Toolkit packaging,support.

    Ewa Deelman iVDGL,Globus

    Schema, VOOperations

    Dane Skow PPDG Authentication, Authorization


    DataTAG Authentication,Authorization

    Scott Gose iVDGL,Globus

    Testbed operations, Gluevalidation tests

    Alan DeSmet PPDG,


    Applications Massimo


    EDG WP1 Schema, Job Scheduling

    Flavia Donno EDG,


    Applications, Job

    Submission, dataMovement





    Schema, Monitoring

    Sergio Fantinel DataTAG Applications Arie




    Storage Interface (SRM)

    Enrico Ferro DataTAG Distribution,Applications


    DataTAG Authentication, Authorization

    Rob Gardner iVDGL Applications, Testbed Regina Tam EDG WP5 Schema


    PPDG Applications BrianTierney


    Schema, Monitoring

    John Gordon EDG WP5 Storage Schema andServices


    DataTAG Applications

    David Groep EDG Authorization CristinaVistoli

    DataTAG Schema, Coordination

    Leigh Grunhoefer iVDGL Authentication,Testbed


    iVDGL Software Distribution,Applications

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    9/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 9

    A & A

    Authentication further needs:

    Automated procedures to disseminate revocation; adddress issues of security of private keys.


    LDAP V0 servers + automated generation of gridmapfiles work for now.

    Plans to evaluate of EDG 1.2.2. LCAS and VOMS in the US (PPDG-SiteAA, VDT) and for

    GT 2.2 CAS testing in the EU.

    Need to develop full support for Virtual Organizations - membership of multipleorganizations, dynamic policy based authorization to sub-groups in a VO, Authorizationby service and/or resource etc.

    Plan that the PPDG SiteAA project will report status and recommendations for the path PPDG

    should take at our December 19th steering meeting in ISI/Caltech.

    Would like to invite some European counterparts.

    Would like to stimulate some concrete project proposals.

    European meeting in December will be attended by US representatives.

    (If you can stomach much mail on the subject join the PPDG SiteAA mail list!)

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    10/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 10

    Job Submission

    In Place Today: Basic Interoperable Job Submission in both directions between EDGVDT

    One can directly submit a job to a GRAM or Computer-Gateway - identifying the locationof the input and output data. This has been tested between EDG and Globus installations using testjobs - Globus test

    harness - and application jobs - CMS and ATLAS simulation, D0 analysis.

    Initial interoperability tests of dynamic job scheduling have been done in both directionswith CMS MOP between DataTAG CMS testbed nodes and US Florida CMS nodes

    Resource Discovery basic interoperability in final test -

    the Glue Schema - the structure and attributes of Information loaded into the MDSLDAP database. (for the EDG among us: R-GMA schema are mapped to/from MDSschema.).

    Information Providers (static and dynamic) fill values into MDS LDAP schema. Resource Broker/Planning

    EDG 1.2 Resource Broker and User Interface have been used on VDT sites and

    through Altas-Grappa portal. Available as 3 standalone RPMs and can be included inVDT if need be.

    EDG 2.0 Resource Broker and VDT Condor-G negotiator/dagman well aligned.Details of interoperability to be discussed at meeting at Fermilab 18th October.

    Chimera discussions at early stage.

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    11/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 11

    Glue Schema

    Compute Information - nodes, clusters, jobs: CE V1.0 Schema available

    included in VDT 1.1.3 release - separate package during development and testing. adapted EDG resource broker (consumer) in test. WP4 Information Providers in test on glue testbed. MDS Information Providers using Ganglia in test by Globus.

    Storage Service Information: SE V1.0 available

    will be included in VDT 1.1.3. EDG WP5 Information Providers in progress. Proposal to make separate RPMs of IPs so can be included in future VDT releases.

    CE-SE relation for job scheduling: CESEBIND V1.0 available. This basically expresses the

    relationship between Storage and Compute resources for use in Planning and Scheduling.

    Above Planned for inclusion in EDG November release

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    12/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 12

    Glue Schema cont..

    Network Information (NE)about to start. Will be based on common work between IERM-BW

    (Les Cottrell/Warren Matthews) work with UK WP7 and PPARC (Richard Hughes Jones,Peter Clarke).

    Remaining issues from CE/SE are those of VO and User information. String reference included

    in SE but ongoing discussions of what is the correcr approach.

    All schema described in UML and implemented in LDIF.

    Work remains to

    Write policy and user documentation Test with R-GMA for EDG; Continue collaboration with CIM. Meet with Nordugrid to see if they will incorporate Glue Schema in a future release.

    The Nordugrid schema currently define Compute Resources and are simpler than theGLUE Schema.

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    13/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 13

    Job Description, User Interfaces and Portals

    Interoperability requires that a submitted Job (Data Processing or Analysis Job either from the

    command line, program calls or through a graphical interface) may run on any Authorized

    resource that provides the requirements - whatever these may be from the User, Application

    Infrastructure, VO, and OS.

    We would also like Interoperability to mean that the User can be sitting at any site to submit the

    job and retrieve the results.

    Recent successes:

    EDG UI/RB jobs submitted from ATLAS Grappa portal. (requires UI and Grappa web

    services on same machine) EDG RB jobs submitted to VDT sites for CMS MOP jobs. VDT site submission of CMS MOP job to EDG RB. Globus Gatekeeper submissions between EDGVDT sites. EDG job submission and RB on CMS VDT machine in US VDT client installation added EDG RB, and JSS and submitted job to testbed

    Proposal to look at common User/Application/System Job Description Languages and ideas for

    well specified portal services are in early stages

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    14/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 14

    Data Storage and Movement

    Disk and Tape Access and Management

    Interoperability tests (using GridFTPand SRM V1.0) within the US

    between (2 at a time!) Fermilab,

    JLAB, LBNL, Wisconsin have

    started with some success. It is hoped

    that tests with EDG sites can start


    SRM V2 final spec is goal ofDecember workshop at CERN.

    No commonality on Posix I/O layer

    and semantic access to data. There aremultiple definitions for this in use:

    RFIO, DCCP, XIO. This needs to be

    looked at as part of the December


    Data Movement, Management and Access

    In place today (EDG,VDT): GridFTP,GDMP - both well tested between

    VDT EDT installations.

    Experiment Higher level services fordata management and access tested by

    the experiment testbeds: MAGDA,ALIEN, REFDB/BOSS, etc etc.

    Waiting for RLS frozen release (orlate beta) for GLUE testing to start.

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    15/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 15

    GLUE PHASE I Validation

    In Place today: Demonstrations showing interoperability at one time and location:

    Component level tests - AA, GRAM, GridFTP, GDMP, MDS two node application test - MOP, ATLAS

    In progress for tomorrow: Multi-site application demonstrations with automation in

    installation and configuration in progress for November conferences

    ATLAS simulation

    CMS MOP and Virtual DataNeeded for next year: Ongoing system demonstrations. Formal Validation that needs to be

    ideally done for each new release of software and system change

    EDG test scripts VDT test harness and scripts

    ? Need more work here

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    16/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 16

    Intergrid Demonstrations for IST2002 and SC2002 -


    Goal is to demonstrate Applications and Test programs operating on a grid of computers and storage

    across EU and US sites some of which have EDG 1.2 release installed and some of which haveVDT 1.1.3 installed; including some US sites with EDG and some EU sites with VDT.

    Working week run by Rob - iVDGL coordinator - and Flavia - then DataTAG WP4.3/4.4 coordinatorheld at Fermilab 2 weeks ago resulted in much work by all and Experiment Applications allsuccessfully tested standalone.

    Since then core team working full time to package, deploy, test, and run demonstrations on as many

    WorldGrid nodes as possible:Flavia, Sergio, Sergio, David, Marco, Silvia - DataTAG

    Rob, Jorge, Saul, Leigh, Vijay, Alain, Nosa, Scott - iVDGL

    Gerry, Dantong, Rich, Alan - PPDG

    Will be another working week before IST2002 (4-6 Nov) in Rome.

    This is a major effort which is resulting in demonstratable trans-atlantic demos.

    WEB site: http://www.ivdgl.org/demo

    Mailing list: igdemo@datagrid.cnr.it

    Archive: http://web.datagrid.cnr.it/hypermail/archivio/igdemo

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    17/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 17

    Demos of Monitoring and Experiment Applications

    Monitoring across all sites using:


    ATLAS simulation jobs submitted through EDG/JDL and/or GRAPPA portal running on ATLAS-

    EDG, ATLAS-VDT and CMS-VDT sites.

    CMS simulation jobs submitted with IMPALA/BOSS interfaced to VDT/MOP, EDG/JDL and/orGenius portal.

    SDSS and CMS virtual data jobs.

    Demo testbed with Common GLUE and EDG schema and authorization/authentication tools

    VO (DataTAG and iVDGL) LDAP Servers in EU and US. Identified Repositories with software distribution - DataTAG and iVDGL. Demo testbed with Common GLUE and EDG schema and authorization/authentication


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    18/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 18

    Grid Middleware: LCG-1, HEPCAL, and GLUE

    LCG-1 requires identification and validation of Grid Middleware

    by end of 2002

    Overall requirements on Grid Technology stated by HEPCALdocument from SC2 RTAG in June.

    Detailed response from EDG given in August/Sept; Detailedresponse from US VDT, CMS/ATLAS S&C managers inSept/Oct.

    Joint summary from LCG GTA area - Fab, Miron, Ruth, Marcel -

    for SC2 in November.

    Bottom line reported by me at the grid deployment boardhttp://www.hicb.org/glue/LCG_GDB_100202.ppt is

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    19/369/19/2014 R.Pordes,Fermilab 19

    Summary - from GDB

    The issue of grid interoperability, grid middleware interoperability, interfacing, protocols and common solutionshas been identified.

    There has been signficant progress in terms of understanding and starting to address the technical and political


    A base interoperating infrastructure which is being tested with existing experiment applications is in place onwhich to build and deploy a first LCG production grid.

    There is a recognition that there is still much work remaining to make this base complete in detail and robust inoperation.

    Significant problems are being encountered in any end-to-end grid system or testbed deployment and operation.

    Fault detection and reporting, diagnosis and troubleshooting will take a lot of manpower and will benefit fromattention to interoperability issues.

    Recent EDG slide:Recent Problems: MDS Instabilities: Top problemknock-on problems for users. problems with match making. finding replicas Moved back to manualconfiguration of II. Script used to monitor status of sites.

    - Logging & Bookkeeping: Buckled under very large number of simultaneous requests.. Abuse of dg-job-statusall. Can improve with purging database.

    - Testing for 1.2.xJob Manager (GASS cache): Rate problem gone when using fork job manager. Bug found with pbs backend scripts. reported to Globus and fixed need to repeat testing Haventconfirmed or denied: EDG GK works with new job manager.. Combination works with WP1 job submission.

    - MDS: Dynamically-linked MDS 2.2 works; gross failure modes gone. Statically-linked MDS is not possible because of LDAP. Will need to deploy parallel Globus trees to have this work.

    Recent US CMS Testbed 1 day test list of issues:condor-g gahp_server crashing on ramen (fermi), tracked down to globus library bug (globus i/o misusinggram close, or visa-versa)- for unknown reasons, condor-g working on tito (could be b/c of older condor-g from older vdt, could be network/sys c onfig, unknown), so we move there- jobs going on hold, unable to restart -- due to jobmanagers at florida crashing and leaving corrupted state files -- fixed by jaime after many test/debug cycles- some jobs got stuck on old jobmgrs with corrupted state -- we made them start over from scratch by either hacking their contact string in queue, or by removing them and submitting the rescue

    DAG- impala's createcmsimjobs no longer recognizes -g option -- solved by backing out to older version- MOP's stage-out still relied on gdmp (i had thought we fixed that a while back) and gdmp is hosed, so we had to make it do an on-demand g-u-c (wrapped in ftsh) like the stage-in stage did- fd's and inodes getting dangerously high on testulix, upped the levels higher- had to upgrade to latest DAR at worker sites (auto-install-from-master script is alleged to no longer work but we didn't try)- impala had references to cmsim125.1 in config files, needed to change them to cmsim125.3- some sites still have local globus/condor config mistakes preventing jobs from running- network outages at UW slowed progress but the software recovered properly- power outages at UW slowed progress but the software recovered properly- worker sites changed during the run (ramen was rebuilt, testulix cluster passwd file corruption, someone accidentally condor_rm'ed jobs on ramen) ausing jobs to be lost and forcing us to useDAGMan rescue files at the master site to re-submit them to MOP- globus job-manager bug where it stops polling/updating job status and constantly reports the same status until killed and restarted by hand- some globus job-managers report unable to find files in GASS cache -- no diagnoses yet, jobs nuked & resubmitted from MOP master site- DAGMan crashed and was unable to recover one small DAG; bug not diagnosed yet, had to be recovered by hand (!)- when DAG was recovered, too many simultaneous publish stages (~25) started at once; they might have completed eventually but to be safe we caused them all and released them five at a timeuntil the finished- zombie globus gatekeeper processes were hanging around on testulix; diagnosed as globus i/o bug but not a show-stopper yet so ignored- zombie globus job-manager proceses were hanging around in testulix; diagnosed as globus i/o bug but not a show-stopper yet so ignored

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    9/19/2014 20

    European Grid Programme


    Fabrizio Gagliardif.gagliardi@cern.ch


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    New EU FP6 Budget overview

    ICT RI-Budget in FP5 (to compare): 161m

    Additional budget for Grids in other IST areas

    300m fo r Gant, Grids , o ther ICT

    Research In frastru ctu res in FP6


    Grids:30m Others:41m(including admin.Costs)

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    Indicative roadmap of calls

    1. Budget from Structuring the ERA Programme (200m)

    Year 2003 Year 2006Year 2005Year 2004




    2. Budget from IST (100m)

    Year 2003 Year 2006Year 2005Year 2004

    ?m ?m

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    9/19/2014 23

    EGEE initiative Goal

    create a general European Gridproduction quality infrastructure

    Build on

    EU and EU member states majorinvestment in Grid Technology

    Several good prototype results

    Goal can be achieved for a minimum of100m/4 years on top of the national andregional initiatives


    Leverage current and plannednational programmes

    Work closely with relevant industrialGrid developers and NRNs

    Build on existing middeware andexpertise




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    Research challenges include, but are not restricted to:

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    ese c c e ges c ude, bu e o es c ed o:

    Advancing fundamental research and the technical state of the art of IT andassessing its impacts on other fields of science and engineering, including:

    o Extending the capability to process, manage, and communicate

    information on a global scale beyond what we imagine today. Thisincludes new paradigms for communication, networking and data

    processing in large-scale, complex systems.

    o Understanding how to extend, or scale up, the network infrastructure toinclude an extremely large number of computing and monitoring systems,embedded devices and appliances.

    o Exploring new research directions and technical developments to enable

    wide deployment of pervasive IT through new classes of ubiquitous

    applications and creation of new ways for knowledge acquisition andmanagement.

    o Exploiting the power of IT and networking infrastructures to enable robustsecure and reliable delivery of critical information and services anytime,anywhere, on any device.

    Expanding our capacity to respond through IT to new opportunities and to lowerthe lag time between concept and implementation. This includes work directly

    focused on education, workforce, and productivity issues as well as scientific andengineering research.

    Providing new computational, simulation, and data-analysis methods and tools tomodel physical, biological, social, behavioral, and mathematical phenomena. This

    can include the creation of novel hardware, the development of computationaltheory and paradigms coupled with research on a target application, or theenabling of distributed, dynamic data-driven applications and data-intensive


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    HEP Data GRID in Asia

    Yoshiyuki Watase

    Computing Research Center


    HICB/GGF5 Chicago

    13 Oct. 2002

  • 8/11/2019 021018 Price Gridtestbeds Us View




    Network Infrastrucutre

    GRID Activities Korea




    Possible collaboration


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    2014/9/19 28

    Network Infrastructure

    NII- NY



    Japan NII) -NY : 2.4G x 2 Jan. 2003

    Japan US: 622M x 2 TRANSPAC)

    Korea US: 45 M

    Korea Japan: 2.4G Jan. 2003

    China IHEP) Japan KEK): 128 kbps HEP)

    China US: 10 M

    Taiwan Japan: 155 M

    Taiwan US: 622 M Dec. 2002)


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    2014/9/19 29

    Asia-Pacific Advanced Network:APAN (May 02)

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    GRID Activities at Korea

    People at

    CHEP:Center for HEP at Kyungpook N U

    Universities: Soul N U, Yonsei U, Korea U Donchil Sun (CHEP/KNU)




    KEKB/Belle, K2K

    Testbeds for EU DataGRID, iVDGL

    Working Grid enviornment at CHEP/KNU - SNU


    to US APII/APAN 45 Mbps

    to EU TEIN 2Mbps -> 20 Mbps

    to JP APII/APAN 8 MbpsGENKAI Project 1 Gbps (Jan. 2003)

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    GRID Activities at China

    People at

    IHEP(Beijing), Univ. s

    Chuansong Yu(IHEP) Experiments

    LHC/CMS, Atlas

    BES(Beijing Spectrometer)

    Testbed under preparation

    32 x 2 PC farms+ RAID + Tape( with CATOR)

    Grid environment test within site


    HEP dedicated line to KEK 128kbps -> 2

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    GRID Activities at Taiwan

    People at Natl Taiwan U, Natl Central U, Acadmia Sinica

    Ping Yeh(NTU), Simon Lin(AS) Experiments

    LHC/CMS(NTU, NCU), Atlas(AS)


    Testbed Comp. Center at AS

    Network to US 622Mbps (Dec. 2002)

    to JP APAN 155Mbps

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    GRID Activities at Japan

    People at

    KEK, ICEPP(U. Tokyo), Titech, AIST(Tsukuba)


    LHC/Atlas, KEKB/Belle



    for Atlas ICEPP(U Tokyo)KEK

    for Gfarm KEK- TitechAIST

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    R&D in Japan

    Gfarm Development by AIST, Titech, KEK

    Architecture PC farm with large local disk/node

    Large data file is divided into fragments and stored in thedisks by read-in

    Data file integrity is managed by the Gfarm metadata DB

    Data I/O by parallel file system

    Affirmative process scheduling for data residence

    Service daemon process: gfd is running at each node

    Authentication by GSI

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    Cluster and Network setting for SC2002 Bandwidth Challenge (9/3)



    3com 4924

    10 Gbps

    By courtesy of


    SC2002, Baltimore

    Indiana Univ.









    OC-12 x 2

















    10 GbE


    Star Light

    Pacif ic NW Gigapop





    Tsukuba WAN


    GbE -> ?10-12 nodes

    5 TB, 1 GB/s


    15 nodes

    180 GB4-6 nodes2 TB, 400 MB/s


    Gfarm Demonstration at SC2002Data transfer, data replication over transoceanic network

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    Grid activities are starting in each country

    Testing between a few institutes International test: for LHC/Atlas, CMS in 2003

    Possible collaboration for KEKB/Belle

    KEKKorea KEKTaiwan

    Network is emerging for heavy application users.

    Testbed in collaboration with CS people

top related