05 combined characters(2)

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Kalligraifi kapittel 5 pictophonetic characters


Kapittel 05 Combined characters (2)- Pictophonetic characters

xíng shēng• Pictophonetic characters ( 形 声 - "form and

sound")are one category of combined characters.

• A Pictophonetic character is made up of two parts: "semantic part" (indicating meaning of the character) and "phonetic part" (indicating the pronunciation of the character )

Semantic phonetic Pictophonetic character

• 90% of Chinese characters are pictophonetic characters. Although their amount is quite big, they are not difficult to understand and pronounce if we are familiar with the basic independent characters(pictograms & simple ideograms).

semantic phonetic Pictophonetic character

Char. Meaning Char. Pron. Char.

Pron. Meaning

氵 water +

木 mù =沐 mù to wash one’s hair

氵 water +

林 lín =淋 lín to pour

艹 grass +

采 cǎi =菜 cài vegetable

艹 grass +

牙 yá =芽 yá bud

木 wood +

乔 qiáo =桥 qiáo bridge

日 sun +

青 qīnɡ =晴 qínɡ sunny

• The development of Chinese language is complicated. Some characters has changed their pronunciations developments. So we can find out that the phonetic part of a character doesn't represent the exact pronunciation of the character.

semantic part phonetic part Pictophonetic character

Char. Meaning Char. Pron. Char.

Pron. Meaning

speech + jǐng = jiǎng to talk, to speak

fire + yīn = yān smoke

jìn近 near

mào帽 hat,cap

Takk for i dag!

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