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31 31

Blue – 1

• Name three advertisements on televisionthat have a song or a jingle.

• Which do you like the best? What aretwo reasons why you like it?

• Watch a TV commercial for a car andname three of the car’s features.

• Find two advertisements for supermarketsin the newspaper. Name the twosupermarkets.

• List the products mentioned in each.• Which do you think is the better

advertisement and why?• Name three other ways of advertising

apart from television and newspaper.• Decide which form of advertising is the

most effective and give two reasons why.

Blue – 3

• Look at a $50.00 note. What are themain colours on it?

• Who is the woman on it?• Write why she is famous.• Who is the man on it?• Why is he famous?• Look at the $100.00 note. Write what

the main colours are on it.• Who is the woman on it?• What is she famous for?• Who is the man on it?• Find out why he is famous.• Where are our notes made?• Who designed them?• Name the type of currency used in three

other countries (e.g. dollar, euro).

Blue – 2

• Find a cleaning product in your home.What sort of packaging is it in?

• What are three things that are in it?• Find a breakfast cereal in your home.

Describe the packaging it is in.• What are three ingredients in it?• Find something in the kitchen that can

be cooked in the microwave. What is it?• How long does it take to cook in the

microwave?• What are three ingredients in it?• Look at some tinned food in the

cupboard. Which one catches your eyefirst?

• Why do you think this one caught youreye?

Blue – 4

• Find an atlas. Try to find and list acountry starting with every letter of thealphabet, such as Australia, Belgium,Canada and so on.

• Are there any letters that you couldn’tfind a country for?

• See how many of the countries you canfind the capital cities for. Write thecapital next to the country.

• See if you can write at least onelanguage that is spoken in each countrynext to it.

• If you want a real challenge, see if youcan add the currency for each country.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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32 32

Blue – 5

• Find an interesting article in amagazine. Read it carefully.

• Did you enjoy the article? Give yourreasons why or why not.

• Write why you thought it wasinteresting.

• Now rewrite the article in your ownwords, as briefly as possible.

• Make up six questions about the article.• Get a friend or your parent to read the

article.• Ask them if they enjoyed the article and

ask them to give their reasons why orwhy not.

• Now ask them your questions and see ifthey can answer them all.

Blue – 7

• Write a short story using these words:sunny, tall, pretty, outside, happy, hot,open, near, love, down and young.

• Underline these words in your story.• Now rewrite the story changing these

words to their opposites. So ‘sunny’ willbecome ‘cloudy’, ‘tall’ will become‘short’ and so on.

• Does the story still make sense?• Is it better than before?• Is it funnier now?

Blue – 6

• Name ten things that animals andhumans can both do, such as move,grow and eat.

• List five things humans can do that ananimal cannot.

• Now choose ten different animals.• Name two things each of them can do

that a human cannot.• Name five animals that humans can

train.• List three things that each of the

animals you named can be trained todo.

Blue – 8

• Choose your favourite sport and writeten rules for playing it.

• See if a friend can guess which sportyou chose by reading those rules.

• Now choose a different sport. Say howmany people you need to play it.

• Do the players wear a uniform? If so,draw what the uniform looks like.

• Write where it is played.• What skills do you think are necessary

to play this game?• Draw a picture of some people playing

the sport.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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33 33

Blue – 9

• Pretend you are a reporter for anewspaper.

• Write a story about two local peoplewho help others in some way.

• Include what they do to help others,where they help, how long they havebeen helping others and how you knowabout them.

• Design a special award for them.• List three things you could do to help

out in your community.

Blue – 11

• Find a picture of an animal in anewspaper or a magazine.

• Use the picture to write a silly story.• Underline all the nouns in the story.• Circle all the verbs in the story.• Count all the adjectives you used.• Count all the adverbs you used.• Did you use more adjectives or


Blue – 10

• Find out what a preposition is andwhere to use it.

• Write ten prepositions.• Write five sentences using two of the

prepositions in each sentence.• Find a short article in the newspaper or

a magazine. Now read it and underlineall the prepositions in it.

• What is the first preposition in thedictionary?

• What is the last preposition in thedictionary?

Blue – 12

• Use a dictionary to find three differentdefinitions of these words:

train run court catch• Write a sentence to show how each

word can be used in each of the threeways.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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34 34

Blue – 13

• Choose a cartoon character you like ormake one up.

• Using a series of six pictures, make upa cartoon sequence with dialogue. Tryto make it as funny as you can.

• Try it out on a friend or your parents.• Did they enjoy your cartoon?

Blue – 15

• Look in the mirror and concentrate ondrawing just the left half of your face.

• Now do the same with the right half.• Put the two sides together. Are they the

same or different?• Draw a friend or parent using the same

method. Were their left and right sidesthe same or different?

• Place a piece of paper down the middleof your face. Study the two sides,looking especially at your eyes, noseand mouth.

• Are there any differences? If so, what arethey?

• Try this with some friends and see ifthere are differences in most people.

Blue – 14

• Pretend you are going to open arestaurant. What will you call it?

• Where will it be situated?• Draw the outside of it to show what it

will look like.• What colours will you use inside?• What sort of people will you cater for?• What sort of food will you serve?• What sort of drinks will you serve?• Will there be any theme for your

restaurant?• Choose the names for six dishes to suit

your theme.

Blue – 16

• Make up a weekly plan, listing all theimportant activities that you are going todo each day.

• Write next to them the approximatetimes you will be doing them.

• At the end of the week, tick off all thethings you did.

• Write a list of any of the things youdidn’t get done.

• What are the reasons you didn’t getthese things done?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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37 37

Blue – 25

• Write the names of ten people in eachcategory.– movie stars– famous artists– well-known sportspeople– famous politicians– great musicians– famous singers

• Tick your favourite in each category.• Put a circle around the one in each

category that comes first in alphabeticalorder.

Blue – 27

• Write the twelve signs of the zodiac.• Name someone you know who was

born under each sign.• Draw the symbols for each sign.• List the months that go with each one.• Find your horoscope for today and see if

it does happen.

Blue – 26

• List your five favourite songs.• Who usually sings them?• Write how long you have liked each

one.• Pretend you are a disc jockey and

briefly write what you would say abouteach one before you play it.

Blue – 28

• Find and write a definition of ‘machine’.• List six machines you will find on a

farm.• Write the names of six machines used

for roadwork.• Find and write a definition of ‘tool’.• List six tools used in the garden.• Write the names of six tools used for

cleaning.• Find and write a definition of

‘appliance’.• List six appliances used for cooking.• Name six appliances that are for


ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auPrim-Ed Publishing Homework Activities

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Green – 1

• List four Australian birds.• Do a detailed drawing of one of them.• Write a detailed description of one of

them, including what it looks like, whatit eats, where it lives and so on.

• Name any birds that appear on ourcoins and say which coins they are on.

• Write any landscape features that arenamed after birds, such as the SwanRiver.

Green – 3

• Write ten verbs (‘doing’ words).• Now think of an adverb for each one,

such as ‘run quickly’, ‘speak clearly’.• Write a short story about an animal. Try

to use at least one adverb for each verb.• Underline each verb and circle each


Green – 2

• Write ten nouns (‘naming’ words).• Now give two interesting adjectives to

describe them. For example,‘a delicious, crunchy apple’.

• Write a short story about your lastholiday. Make sure you use lots ofdescriptive adjectives.

• Now underline all the nouns.• Now circle all the adjectives.

Green – 4

• Pretend that you own a pet shop.• Give it a name.• List the animals you sell.• Which animals are the most popular?• What sort of food do you need to feed

your pets?• What sort of care do you need to

provide for them?• Draw what the shop looks like.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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21 www.prim-ed.ie 21

Green – 1

• List four Australian birds.• Do a detailed drawing of one of them.• Write a detailed description of one of

them, including what it looks like, whatit eats, where it lives and so on.

• Name any birds that appear on ourcoins and say which coins they are on.

• Write any landscape features that arenamed after birds, such as the SwanRiver.

Green – 3

• Write ten verbs (‘doing’ words).• Now think of an adverb for each one,

such as ‘run quickly’, ‘speak clearly’.• Write a short story about an animal. Try

to use at least one adverb for each verb.• Underline each verb and circle each


Green – 2

• Write ten nouns (‘naming’ words).• Now give two interesting adjectives to

describe them. For example,‘a delicious, crunchy apple’.

• Write a short story about your lastholiday. Make sure you use lots ofdescriptive adjectives.

• Now underline all the nouns.• Now circle all the adjectives.

Green – 4

• Pretend that you own a pet shop.• Give it a name.• List the animals you sell.• Which animals are the most popular?• What sort of food do you need to feed

your pets?• What sort of care do you need to

provide for them?• Draw what the shop looks like.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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23 23

Green – 9

• Name three people who wear a uniformfor their occupation.

• Describe one of the uniforms in detail.• List three people who wear a hat while

they work for safety reasons.• Name three people who wear a hat for

health reasons.• How many different uniforms have you

worn and for what reasons?• Draw your favourite uniform.

Green – 11

• Name the smallest dinosaur you knowof.

• Name the largest dinosaur you knowabout.

• Describe each.• What did each eat?• Have you seen any dinosaur movies?• What was the name of one of the

dinosaur movies?• Which was your favourite of the movies?• Name any dinosaur books you have

read.• Which was your favourite?• Why was it your favourite?

Green – 10

• Which sports do you watch ontelevision?

• Which sports do you play?• Which sports do you like to read about?• List four rules for your favourite sport.• Who is your favourite footballer and

why?• Who is your favourite swimmer and

why?• Name any other sports star whom you

admire. Add which sport he/she playsand write why you like that person.

• Who is your favourite sportscommentator?

Green – 12

• What is the title of the last book youread?

• Who was the author?• Have you read any other books written

by this author? If so, what were thetitles?

• List three different authors whose booksyou have read.

• Describe the types of books they write.• Have you read any books by an author

that you didn’t enjoy? Write why youdidn’t enjoy them.

• List three types of books you enjoyreading.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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Green – 23

• Name two dangerous spiders found inAustralia.

• Name two dangerous snakes found inAustralia.

• List two dangerous things found inwater.

• List two facts about each of thecreatures you have listed; for example,where they are found and what they eat.

• Write one place where you have seenthese creatures.

• List one distinguishing feature abouteach that helps us to recognise it.

Green – 22

• Draw two orange vegetables.• List five vegetables that aren’t green.• Name five green vegetables that can be

used for salads.• Name five green vegetables that can be

used for soup.• Name a vegetable dish that you enjoy.• Find an easy recipe using vegetables

and write it.• Name the most unusual vegetable you

know and say why you think it isunusual.

Green – 21

• Name the most expensive type of caryou know.

• Name the cheapest type of car youknow.

• Design a car you would like to own.• List all the main features. Now say why

you would like these features.• List ten things you think would be

important features in a car if you weregoing to buy one.

• Write what you think is a good colourfor a car and give reasons why.

Green – 24

• Talk to your parents about when theywere growing up.

• List three things that were different abouttheir clothes.

• List three different things about theirtoys.

• Name three things that were differentabout school then.

• Now talk to your grandparents or anelderly person about when they weregrowing up.

• List three things that were different abouttheir clothes, their toys and their school.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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28 28

Green – 29

• Look in a magazine for three foodadvertisements.

• Decide if you would/wouldn’t like thefood and say why or why not.

• Choose an imaginary breakfast cereal.Give it a name.

• Write what you would put in it.• Design a box to put it in.• Now make up an advertisement for your

breakfast cereal.• Ask a friend if he/she would like to buy


Green – 31

• Write the seven colours of the rainbow.• Make up a simple poem of four or five

lines about each colour.• Which one of these colours is your

favourite?• Give a reason why you like this colour.

Green – 30

• Name three places you enjoy going tofor a meal.

• Write where they are found.• What are your favourite things to eat at

each?• How often do you go to each?• Name four things on the menu at each.• What are the main colours on the

outside of each place?• Why do you think these colours are

used on the outside?• What are the main colours inside each?• Why do you think these colours have

been used inside?

Green – 32

• Name five countries in which the peoplewho live there have an ‘n’ added to thename of the country such as ‘Australia –Australian’.

• Name three countries whose people arecalled something different from thename of that country, such as ‘Holland– Dutch’.

• Now list three countries where thepeople who live there are namedsomething ending in ‘ish’, such as‘English’.

• List a plant or flower associated withthese countries: Ireland, Holland,Australia and Canada.

• List a famous landmark found in thesecountries: Egypt, France and China.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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4 4

Red – 13

• Look for something in a can that weighsabout 400 grams. Draw the label on thecan.

• Look for something in a can that weighsless than 200 grams. Write what it isand say what it is used for.

• Find something in a bottle that holdsmore than 1 litre. What is it?

• Find something in a bottle that holdsless than 1 litre. Write the two longestwords on the label.

• What is your favourite thing that comesin a bottle?

Red – 15

• How many things are there that moveon wheels in your lounge room?What are they?

• How many things are there that needbatteries in your kitchen? Draw them.

• What is the most used electricalappliance in your kitchen?

• What is the most used electricalappliance in your lounge room?

• What is the most used battery-operatedthing in your bedroom?

• Do you have any toys that useelectricity? What are they?

Red – 14

• Find a toy that is less than 10 cm long.Draw it.

• Find a toy that is longer than 30 cm.Write a brief description of it.

• Can you find a toy that is exactly 20 cmlong? Say what it is.

• Measure the length and width of yourfavourite toy.

• Draw a toy that is very long.• Write the name of a toy that is very short.

Red – 16

• How many programs do you watchregularly on TV?

• Which do you enjoy most?• How many hours is it on every week?• Briefly say why you like it.• How many main characters are there in

it?• Describe the physical features of one of

the characters.• Which role does he or she play in the

program?• How long have you watched this


ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au

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5 5

Red – 17

• Look at a 5 c, 10 c, 20 c and 50 ccoin. Guess which one is the heaviest.Now weigh them to see if you are right.Write how much each one weighs.

• Describe one of the animals on thecoins. Write what you know about it—what it eats, where it lives, what it lookslike and any other details you know.

• Measure across each coin. Which hasthe shortest diameter?

• Which has the longest diameter?• What is the difference between them?

Red – 19

• How many clocks are there in yourhouse?

• Count how many of them are digital andhow many have a face and hands(analog).

• Are they all showing the same time?• How much difference is there in time

between the slowest and the fastestclocks?

• How many of the clocks have alarms?What sounds do they make?

• Draw your favourite clock.

Red – 18

• Find a $1.00 coin. Draw what is on thefront and back.

• Now find a $2.00 coin. Describe whatis on the front and back.

• Find an eye-dropper and see how manydrops of water you can drop onto thetwo coins before the water spills over.Have a guess before you start and see ifyou were right.

• Name three things that you could buywith a $2.00 coin.

• Write what you would buy if you had a$1.00 coin to spend.

Red – 20

• Find your favourite book and write itstitle. Using any two pages of it, look forfive words ending in ‘s’ and write them.

• Now find and write five words startingwith ‘a’.

• How many words end in ‘d’ on thepage?

• How many words can you see whichbegin with ‘e’?

• Write the longest word on the two pagesand find out what it means.

• Write the shortest word on the twopages.

• How many times is the word ‘the’ on thetwo pages?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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5 www.prim-ed.ie 5

Red – 17

• Look at a 5 c, 10 c, 20 c and 50 ccoin. Guess which one is the heaviest.Now weigh them to see if you are right.Write how much each one weighs.

• Describe one of the animals on thecoins. Write what you know about it—what it eats, where it lives, what it lookslike and any other details you know.

• Measure across each coin. Which hasthe shortest diameter?

• Which has the longest diameter?• What is the difference between them?

Red – 19

• How many clocks are there in yourhouse?

• Count how many of them are digital andhow many have a face and hands(analog).

• Are they all showing the same time?• How much difference is there in time

between the slowest and the fastestclocks?

• How many of the clocks have alarms?What sounds do they make?

• Draw your favourite clock.

Red – 18

• Find a $1.00 coin. Draw what is on thefront and back.

• Now find a $2.00 coin. Describe whatis on the front and back.

• Find an eye-dropper and see how manydrops of water you can drop onto thetwo coins before the water spills over.Have a guess before you start and see ifyou were right.

• Name three things that you could buywith a $2.00 coin.

• Write what you would buy if you had a$1.00 coin to spend.

Red – 20

• Find your favourite book and write itstitle. Using any two pages of it, look forfive words ending in ‘s’ and write them.

• Now find and write five words startingwith ‘a’.

• How many words end in ‘d’ on thepage?

• How many words can you see whichbegin with ‘e’?

• Write the longest word on the two pagesand find out what it means.

• Write the shortest word on the twopages.

• How many times is the word ‘the’ on thetwo pages?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auPrim-Ed Publishing Homework Activities

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Red – 21

• Write the letters of the alphabet in order.Now, starting with ‘z’ as 1 and ‘y’ as 2,work backwards to give all the letters anumber.

• Write a coded message to a friendstarting with 19, 22, 15, 15, 12, whichsays ‘hello’. Don’t forget to separate theletters and to leave spaces between thewords.

• Show your friend how to use the code.Now ask your friend to make up acoded message to you.

• Write your name using the code. Nowadd up the numbers you used.

• Try some of your friends’ names andsee if their numbers are higher or lowerthan yours.

Red – 23

• Find something in the house that is arectangular shape and draw it.

• Find an object that is hexagonal anddraw it.

• Choose a circular thing in your houseand write a description of it. See ifsomeone can guess what it is byreading your description.

• How many triangular things can yousee in your kitchen? Make a list of them.

• Are there any utensils in the kitchen witha square shape? Say what they areused for.

Red – 22

• Write all the words you can think of thatend with ‘metre’, like ‘centimetre’.

• Which of these is the longest?• Which of these is the shortest?• Write some rules to remember about

metres, such as:100 centimetres = 1 metre.

• Write all the words you can think of thatbegin with ‘semi’, like ‘semicircle’.

• Define what ‘semi’ means.• Draw one of the ‘semi’ words.• Do you know any other prefixes that

mean the same as ‘semi’?

Red – 24

Circle the words that don’t belong in eachgroup and give a reason for your choice.

• Sydney, Melbourne, London, Perth,Hobart, Brisbane

• daisy, pansy, petunia, bluebell, daffodil,nasturtium, paperbark

• cygnet, foal, calf, cub, kitten, rabbit,puppy, lamb, duckling

• run, skip, think, hop, sport, play, jump,swim, walk

• honest, beautiful, nice, lovely, mean,kind, caring, helpful, friendly

• aunt, niece, grandmother, uncle,nephew, boy, cousin, sister, parent

• large, enormous, big, tiny, gigantic,huge, immense, colossal

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

Prim-Ed Publishing Homework ActivitiesR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au

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8 www.prim-ed.ie 8

Red – 29

• Find ten verbs in which the past tense isspelt with ‘ed’, like ‘laughed’.

• Find ten verbs in which the past tense isspelt with ‘t’, such as ‘swept’.

• Find ten verbs in which the past tensechanges spelling instead of adding anending, like ‘write’, wrote’.

• Now write five things that you enjoydoing and list the past tense of each.

Red – 31

• Write six pairs of rhyming words.• Use these words to write a simple

rhyming poem.• Now ask a friend to write a poem using

the same rhyming words.• Find a poem in a book and write all the

rhyming words in it.• Write what your favourite poem is and

who wrote it.

Red – 30

• Write ten sounds that animals make.• Ask someone to guess what the

animals are. Did they guess them allcorrectly?

• Write five sounds that machines make.• Ask someone to guess what the

machines are. Were they right?• Draw two things that make a sound that

you like.• Draw two things that make a sound you

don’t like.• What is your favourite animal sound?

Red – 32

• Name three types of teeth that you have.• What is each type used for?• Write three rules for caring for your

teeth.• Draw some things a dentist uses.• Name three foods that are good for your

teeth.• Name three foods that aren’t good for

your teeth.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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12 12

Yellow – 5

• Ask someone to find ten objects.Blindfold yourself or close your eyes. See ifyou can guess the objects by just feelingthem. How many did you get right?

• Now ask someone to find ten samples ofdifferent foods and, while blindfolded orwith your eyes shut, see if you can tellwhat they are just by smelling them. Howmany were correct?

• Take one of the objects that you felt andwrite a description of it as though you weretrying to tell a visually impaired personabout it.

• Now write a brief description of the smell oftwo pieces of food and see if someone canguess what foods you were talking about.

Yellow – 7

• Draw a simple plan of your house.Label all the rooms.

• Mark in the doors and windows.• Put in any steps.• Draw in the main pieces of furniture

such as the beds, the lounge, thecupboards and any tables.

• Now add any outside features such asfences, a pool, gates, sheds andgarages.

• Finally, add any garden features suchas trees, statues, shrubs and large pots.

Yellow – 6

• Write a definition of ‘communication’ fromthe dictionary.

• Keep a list of how many different waysyou communicate in a day, such astalking, facial expressions, mime ortelephone.

• Draw a type of verbal communication(using words) that you use.

• Write a type of nonverbalcommunication (not using words) thatyou use.

• Which way of communication do youuse most often?

• What is a way of communication thatyou have never used?

Yellow – 8

• Draw a sketch of an imaginary bedroomyou would like.

• Write what colours you would use.• What special things would you have in

it?• Would you have a television?• Would you have a toyshelf or a toybox?• Draw the curtains and bedspread you

would choose.• Who would you let into your special


ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auPrim-Ed Publishing Homework Activities

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au 13 13

www.prim-ed.ie 13 13

Yellow – 9

• As you are coming to school or goinghome, keep a list of all the road signsthat you see.

• How many different colours are used onthe ones you saw?

• What shapes are used?• What do the signs mean?• What other colours do you know that

are used for road signs?• Why do you think these colours were

chosen?• Design a road sign of your own.

Yellow – 11

• What was your favourite storybookwhen you were young?

• What was it about?• Who or what was the main character?• What is your favourite storybook now?• What is it about?• Who or what is the main character?• Are the books similar in any way?• Who is your favourite author?• Describe the type of books this author


Yellow – 10

• How long does it take you to go from yourbedroom to your kitchen? Estimate thetime first then check to see if you wereright.

• How many steps did you take?• Estimate how long it will take you to walk

around the outside of your house.• Now time yourself and see if you were

correct.• How many steps did you take?• Estimate how long it will take you to walk

around the block.• See if you were right.• How many steps did you need?• Work out how long it would take to walk

100 steps.

Yellow – 12

• Look in the newspaper for a story abouta child your age. Read the story.

• Where did the story happen?• What happened to the child?• Was it a sad or happy story?• Draw a picture about the story.• Cut out the story and bring it to school.• Now write a brief account of the story in

your own words.• How often do you read a story in the

newspaper about a child your age?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

Prim-Ed Publishing Homework ActivitiesR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au 14 14

14 www.prim-ed.ie 14

Yellow – 15

• Keep a list of electrical appliances youuse in a day.

• Keep a list of items you use in a daythat use batteries. Which type of powerdo you use most?

• Estimate how many hours a day youuse an electrical appliance. Don’t forgetto include lighting.

• Do you have any other sources ofpower in your house?

• What are they?• What other types of power do you know

about?• What do you think is the best type of

power to use and why?

Yellow – 14

• Measure the largest room in your house.How many square metres is it?

• Measure the smallest room in yourhouse. How many square metres is it?

• Find an advertisement for carpet. Nowestimate how much it would cost tocover the largest room in carpet.

• Now look for an advertisement for woodflooring and estimate the cost of coveringthe same room with it.

• Now see if you can roughly estimate howmuch it would cost to cover three mainrooms in your house with carpet of yourchoice.

Yellow – 16

• Name six materials used to build yourhome.

• Which was used the most?• Which was used the least?• Were there any other materials used? If

so, what?• What are the strongest materials used in

your home?• What would you use to build a house

from and why?• Write some unusual materials that

homes in different countries can bemade from.

Yellow – 13

• Make up a secret code to share with apartner, using symbols and shapes, suchas:A B C D E F G H� � � ✖ ❋ � ❖ ✔

Send a message to each other and see ifyou can understand them.

• Find a copy of the morse code.• Say what it is used for.• Send a message to someone using it. You

can tap it out or write it out.• Don’t forget when you write a coded

message to separate each letter and leavea space between words.

• Make a list of any other codes you knowabout.

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auPrim-Ed Publishing Homework Activities www.prim-ed.ie 15 15

15 15

Yellow – 17

• Find four small wooden objects, foursmall plastic objects, four small metalobjects and four small glass objects.

• Guess which will float or sink.• Now place them in a tub of water and

see if you were right.• Draw the ones that floated.• Write the names of the ones that sank.• Now weigh them and see if the heavier

or lighter ones floated.• Name three things in your kitchen that

will float.• Write the name of something in your

bedroom that will sink.

Yellow – 19

• Using recycled materials, see if you canmake two different musical instruments,such as a drum or a shaker.

• Describe the sounds that you can makewith the instruments.

• Play along with your favourite piece ofmusic.

• Ask some of your friends to makeinstruments too and hold a bandsession.

• Draw the instruments you all made.

Yellow – 18

• Find four small square objects, foursmall round objects and four objects ofany shape.

• Trace around the shapes onto a cleanpiece of paper, overlapping some of theshapes.

• Look at the design when finished. Writewhat it looks like.

• Now make a different design with thesame objects, but this time make it looklike an animal. Did you succeed?

• Make up a story about your animal. Is itreal or imaginary? Does it have a name?What does it eat? Where does it live?What features does it have?

Yellow – 20

• Look at the fabric of your doona orbedspread. What type of material is it?

• Are the curtains the same fabric? If not,what fabric are they?

• Are they a natural or synthetic material?• What other fabrics do you have in your

bedroom furnishings?• What is your favourite fabric?• Write why you like it.• Are there any fabrics you don’t like?• Why don’t you like them?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auPrim-Ed Publishing Homework Activities

R.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.auR.I.C. Publications Homework Activities www.ricgroup.com.au 15 15

www.prim-ed.ie 15 15

Yellow – 17

• Find four small wooden objects, foursmall plastic objects, four small metalobjects and four small glass objects.

• Guess which will float or sink.• Now place them in a tub of water and

see if you were right.• Draw the ones that floated.• Write the names of the ones that sank.• Now weigh them and see if the heavier

or lighter ones floated.• Name three things in your kitchen that

will float.• Write the name of something in your

bedroom that will sink.

Yellow – 19

• Using recycled materials, see if you canmake two different musical instruments,such as a drum or a shaker.

• Describe the sounds that you can makewith the instruments.

• Play along with your favourite piece ofmusic.

• Ask some of your friends to makeinstruments too and hold a bandsession.

• Draw the instruments you all made.

Yellow – 18

• Find four small square objects, foursmall round objects and four objects ofany shape.

• Trace around the shapes onto a cleanpiece of paper, overlapping some of theshapes.

• Look at the design when finished. Writewhat it looks like.

• Now make a different design with thesame objects, but this time make it looklike an animal. Did you succeed?

• Make up a story about your animal. Is itreal or imaginary? Does it have a name?What does it eat? Where does it live?What features does it have?

Yellow – 20

• Look at the fabric of your doona orbedspread. What type of material is it?

• Are the curtains the same fabric? If not,what fabric are they?

• Are they a natural or synthetic material?• What other fabrics do you have in your

bedroom furnishings?• What is your favourite fabric?• Write why you like it.• Are there any fabrics you don’t like?• Why don’t you like them?

ISBN 978-1-86311-959-7

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