080308 paris feb08

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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'Paris Beneath My Feet' 10 days in Paris, Feb 2008

Beautiful light qualities in the Institut du Monde Arabe

...but the best thing about Paris was the company

We were all there to learn and the Spaniards here are never afraid of a good architectural argument

We did most of Paris by foot and here is us waiting for the metro..

Paris Metro provides great busker entertainment, but David doesn't seem too impressed

“Villa La Roche” First couple of days were filled with Le Corbusier architecture, and I don't think I have ever really appreciated him till now. This was the light-bulb moment for this trip.

Clara enjoying the Corb chair in Villa La Roche

This is the Corbusier building I loved best. His own apartment provided so many 'ah ha!' moments.

West facing room... + Spaniards

Kajsa loving the chair at Villa Savoye

“It's Blue TOO!” Xavier pointing out the blue reflection at Villa Savoye

Walking...walking.. keep walking...

Fabio and Crepe. 'Crepe au Nutella' was an absolute institution. We have found the best crepe store where the guy just slightly undercooks the batter so you get the fluffy jelliness...mmm

This was such a random night. Without planning to, we met the Spaniards at the Place de la Concorde. When you are a tourist in Paris, it is a very small world

Big table, snails, wine and great company... very con vival... just how I like it :)

Flynn had spotted this amazing green structure thing from his train window...

And true to the architecture student culture, we trespassed onto the construction site :) Love this part of being a student. Love it!

Construction sites are the best part of the learning experience...

Sofia, Clara and Xavier...more walking...

I was pretty homesick till now, so it was really exciting to find some reminders of home. So excited! (Guy on the bike doesn't get it.)

“The perfect model man” Corbs must have been small, his ceilings are so low. Quite strange for the Swedes tho.

“Baguette!!!!” (and Meg)

Joey and I in front of the Centre George Pomidou. They have the most amazing collections of modern art!

Picniking in the piazza outside the Centre George Pompidou. Eating out in Paris is quite expensive so baguette, salami, cheese and foie grais was the staple. Poor mans lunch, but we felt like kings.

I love this piazza as a public space. It gently slopes into the Pompidou and it was such a gorgeous day!

“Swedes in the Sun” a very rare sight. Jonas, Kajsa and Annette lapping it up.

All of s taking up the entire bench at the Brancusi Exhibition

Malin, Jonas and the Tour Eiffel

The Simone de Beauvoir Bridge. The coolest bridge in Paris. So sensuous, I love it.

Alex trying to look suave...

Our lovely 5th year diploma student Tour Guides – Henrik and Alex. They had much patience...much much patience... even for Swedes

Drinking by the Seine, the last night before the Swedes and Spaniards left.

“Jump” and covered the Eiffel Tower... good air tho...

Jump again, I'm not entirely sure why we jumped for the Eiffel Tower?

At night fall it was beautiful. You really begin to understand the new spatiality created by the industrial lattice

All of Paris at our feet... we went up the Tour Eiffel, just before the lights went on and watched the city change. It is a completely different understanding of the city.

Can you see? Meg Joey and Flynn mesmerized...

Notre Dame in the mist of the morning

Flynn, Me and Joey and the Dame

We're going in... and Meg's excited!

Us aussies, Versailles and the Mother-of-all-axes

Big French boule. It was the most divine bread. Rustic crusty yet so soft and cakey on the inside

Picniking (true to our Paris tradition) on the 'Temple of Love' in Marie Antoinette's Estate

Hall of Mirrors, Versailles

“Fried not baked”, but really good after a night out

Flynn. Nothing to add

Our Amelie day at the Sacre CoeurAnother absolutely gorgeous day.

Outside the Louvre, Meg decided to donate her lunch to a lady who looked a bit empty handed

The experience of the Mona Lisa is somewhat strange...

The Saint Chapelle...When you think you've seen it all... you haven't. Took my breath away

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