09 impact of terrorism on sme's & business continuity eagle foc

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


The Impact of Terrorism & Critical Incidents, Inc’ Business Continuity By

T: UK. (0) 843 155 0008E: drmarkdyates@aol.com

W: www.securityexpert.biz

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


The Issue

The tragic events of Post Sept’ 11th, in particular

July 7th 2005 in London, should make all HR

managers think carefully about how prepared

their business is for this kind of event.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


The Problem

Statistics suggest that almost half (46%) of London businesses

do not have a business continuity plan in place.

This means that those directly impacted, suffering a major or

even a minor loss may find it impossible to continue to trade,

particularly if they do not have terrorism insurance cover.

Source: Vanson Bourne research, October 2004

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Critical Incident Downside

80% of all businesses affected by serious incidents never re-open, or close within 18 months.

Business interruption hits companies in

Customer Relationships. Cash Flow. Reputation. Staff Moral.

Understanding incidents like fire, flood or computer failure, highlight where long term damage is done.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Small Businesses Hit Harder

The impact of any critical incident is likely to be more

pronounced for SME’s. The majority of SME’s operate in

specialised markets with limited product ranges & relatively

small customer bases.

Any short interruption to business can have a disproportionate

effect, totally halting output & leaving customers high & dry.Source: AXA Insurance.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Insurance The impact of this inability to trade will vary depending on the

insurance arrangements in place.

Both sums insured, and cover need to be adequate.

Without cover for both material damage and business interruption,

including an extension to cover denial of access, and with cover

extended to cover terrorism, these problems could result in the

business having to close permanently.Source: Business interruption.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


What Is Continuity Planning

It’s about anticipating crises that could befall a business &

planning for them.

It sets out clear roles & responsibilities.

It states who takes charge of specific roles.

It lists a series of contingencies.

Details clear emergency procedures to ensure risks to staff are


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Continuity Planning

Requires an assessment of all critical areas of a firm.

Business continuity management is a valuable management tool.

Understanding potential crises, their effects & knowing how to

overcome them is the basis for business continuity planning.

It’s also the best way to create firm company foundations to

ensure it is robust, flexible & fit for tomorrows business.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Continuity Planning - StaffIf staff are injured, either physically or mentally

When will they return to work?

Will they return to work at all?

Are there any liability issues towards them?

Did they lose personal property in the incident or the subsequent

clean-up operation?

Will the act of terrorism impact their ability to recruit new staff? immediate help, support and counselling for people more directly

involved needs to be addressed.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Continuity Planning - Customers

If customers were unable to contact a business in the aftermath

of the incident, might they move their business elsewhere?

If so, is it short-term or long-term?

What would happen to businesses if some customers find a

better service or product elsewhere?

Is a business seen as a high risk target by its customers?

Has the incident changed customers’ habits?

Business Continuity

Put simply, business continuity is about anticipating the events or circumstances that could hinder the running of a business, and planning to make sure that the business responds swiftly and continue to function in the event of an emergency.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


business continuity plan

A business continuity plan sets out clear roles and responsibilities,

for example those assigned to manage all liaison with



emergency services.

It lists a series of contingencies that enable key business activities

to continue in the most difficult circumstances.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


threats to a business

Examples of threats to a business are... A vital computer system is unavailable. Critical process machinery is damaged. Loss of key employees. The building, or part of the building, cannot be

accessed, and... Suppliers are unable to deliver.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Common Small Business Disasters

Fire/Flood Computer telecoms failure Key equipment failure People issues – illness,

resignation, maternity leave Denial of access to premises Product defects Bomb – terrorism threats Legal regulatory action Utilities failure

Emergency Procedures

Importantly, a business continuity plan also details clear emergency procedures to ensure that the safety and well-being of employees is a top priority.

Because it requires an assessment of all critical areas of a firm, business continuity planning is a valuable management tool.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Commercial Benefit Of A Continuity Plan

There is also the commercial benefit to consider.

Companies with business continuity plans are more attractive to do

business with.

For example

Large businesses that rely on the outsourced services of third parties will

prefer to work with suppliers who have a Business Continuity Plan in place.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Business Continuity Plans

Terrorism is only one aspect of threats that can adversely affect

a business’s ability to trade. AXA Insurance recommends that all

businesses should assess their vulnerability and reduce their

susceptibility by developing business continuity plans.

Source: Douglas Barnett, risk control strategy manager, AXA Insurance

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Terrorist Attacks

Major disruption

to businesses and


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Business Continuity Bespoke Guidance

Business continuity need not be complicated. AXA

Insurance has developed bespoke guidance

documents on business continuity for SMEs,

copies of which can be found at


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Potential Hazards

The list of potential hazards to maintaining a successful business after a

terrorist incident is endless.

All businesses should give serious consideration to producing a robust

business continuity plan.

For SMEs it is even more important as they may not have the resources

needed to fall back on.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Other DisruptionsDisruptions (not limited to terror) but including



Transport accidents



Social and environmental or any other event that threatens us.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Fail To Plan – Plan To Fail

Early in 2005, KPMG and the CBI surveyed businesses of all sizes

across London on issues such as transport needs, skills shortages and

how prepared they were for an attack on the city. In the SME sector

78% of businesses said they were prepared for an incident, but less

than a fifth said that they had a dedicated team to handle a major

incident, and barely a quarter of SMEs said they had managed to test

their business continuity plans.Source: Alun Bowen, partner for middle market in London, KPMG

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Pressurised Workload

While these findings show that some SMEs are aware of the risks

and are rising to the challenge of doing business in a major city,

their workloads are often so pressured that business continuity

planning and testing can slip off of the agenda. The issue of

business continuity must continue to feature highly on the

agenda, particularly as insurers are now seriously looking at how a

business plans for a major incident before insuring them.

Source: Alun Bowen, partner for middle market in London, KPMG

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Testing Plans

The recent events in London demonstrate the need for SMEs to

have more confidence that the plans that they have in place are

effective. Testing plans is an essential part of any strategy and in

a sector which is so fiercely competitive and failure to effectively

plan how a company will continue to operate in the event of a

serious incident could see the more prepared companies

running away with your business.

Source: Alun Bowen, partner for middle market in London, KPMG

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


IT Support Systems

Numerous IT Companies

specialise in support

systems for Business

IT continuity.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


SME Business Continuity

The proprietor, director or owner of an SME will have to work

out what solutions in business continuity are cost effective,

scalable and appropriate for themselves.

Business continuity should be about commercial advantage,

leading to enhanced performance and inspiring confidence, not

just about survival or picking up the pieces.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Disaster Recovery

Most large organisations have some sort of disaster

recovery plan for their IT. But where is the equivalent

HR disaster plan? If people cannot get to work and the

phone system in their office has been cut off, what

should they do?

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Remote Working Facilities

On a daily basis thousands of 'information workers' commute into

City offices to sit at an office desk and communicate to the rest

of the world using email and the phone.

With the right technology they accomplish this from home or

another remote location. So the provision of remote working

facilities should be a major part of the disaster recovery plan for

all employees, not just a provision for a few flexible workers.

Uncertain Times

We are all conducting

business in uncertain

times. Protecting the

future of the firm has to

be the number one

priority for every

business manager.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Firm - Too Small For A Business Continuity Plan?

The smaller your business the more important it is to have a

contingency plan in place. Any incident, no matter how small is

capable of impacting your business & profitability.

The size of any continuity plan will depend on the risks facing

each business – it will be as large or as small as needed.

The Real Problems

Incorrect mind-set - it will never

happen to me.

Procrastination – I’ll get around to it

next week.

Ineffective delegation – I’ll get

someone in the company to look at


We’ll test our plan sometime soon.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Managing a Crisis

Lightening Never Strikes Twice...

A business continuity plan is all about ensuring

that a crisis is managed effectively - before it

escalates to a disaster.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Business Continuity Summary

80% of all businesses affected by serious incidents never re-open, or close within 18 months.

46% of London businesses do not have a business continuity plan in place.

Less than 20% of London Businesses have a dedicated team to handle a major incident.

barely a quarter of SMEs said they had managed to test their business continuity plans.

Insurers are now seriously looking at how a business, plans for a major incident before insuring them.

Our Professional Service

Our Threat Management Unit will





Manage...Your Business Continuity Plan.

© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E:



© Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008. E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


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