091 spring

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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R o c k y M o u n ta i nSociety of Botanical Artists

s p r i n g • 2 0 0 9


Quarterly Newsletter F irst Chapter oF   the as


 What a gooy spring this has been …  e had VERY early arm eatherthat enticed the early spring oersout only to be covered in sno andcold and olloed by a little hint o 

  arm and another rush o cold. Te early arm teased thelovely spring green out all around, only to turn it bron a e days later … not the bron o autumn that inspires botanicalartists!!I hope you have ound inspiration in RMSBA’s shos i youcannot nd it outside yet. Te Rare exhibit, currently at DenverBotanic Gardens, is a onderul place to start. Te eort,anxiety and concern required to get it together ere orthit. As RMSBA’s rst juried sho, it has set a high standardor our uture eorts. Carol ill took a couple o years to getit together and it shos. Tanks to everyone ho embracedthe idea o putting together this start on educating the publicabout our rare plants!Mary Jo Ramsdale shepherded our rst sho and sale at

 agaa’s Garden Center. It as a terric sho o diverse aysto present botanical subjects. Te best thing about our shosevery year is seeing ho much the individual and collectivetalents o our members are groing. And agaa’s itsel provided some o that inspiration that snoy days oiled.

 Tis sho also gave many o our members the opportunity toparticipate in a hand’s on ay.Later in this nesletter, you ill see that Annie Reiser has setup meetings or the rest o the year that ill get us togetheragain hile learning ne skills. I hope you are anticipatingthese meetings as much as I am!So, even though spring may toy ith us a bit more, there are

options ith RMSBA that ill inspire you to ork on yourart and learn ne skills to take it in a direction you might nothave anticipated! I ill look orard to seeing you at thesemeetings! Botanically yours,

 erry RuiterPresident

2Upcoming Meetings“ Te best thing about our shos every year is seeing ho much the individual and collective talents o our members are groing.”

2About RMSBAFirst Chapter o the ASBA

3Upcoming MeetingsSummer, Fall and Winter Meetings

3F.Y.I.April, May and June

4F.Y.I.From Renee Jorgensen at Art Source

4  Susan T. Fisher Workshop

Floer Portraits in Pastel

5Pigs Fly Workshop

“  We are having Martha Kemp   visit us again, as e have had NUMEROUS requests or her!.”

6/7Exhibits Report & Schedule“Attendance at the RARE exhibit as estimated to be over 250 people and the Gates Court Gallery as one croded place! ”

8ally o agaa, Computer Helpul Hints and Editor’s 


9  RMSBA Spring Meeting

“ When is a piece done?”

11Common Botanical Illustrator“ Te best thing about our shos every year is seeing ho much the individual and collective talents o our members are groing.”

Above illustrations

courtesy of: Heidi

Snyder, Marjorie Leg

Susan Rubin, Libby

and Jane Kinsdale

2 0 0 9  R M S B A M E M B E R S H 

L I S T  E N C L O S E D 

( AT  T H E  E N D  O F  T H E  E L E C T R O N I C  V  E R S I O N  &  I N  T H

M I D D L E  O F  T H E  P AP E R  V  E R S I O N 

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 Te summer 2009 meeting ill be held at the Denver BotaGardens on June, 28 rom 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and eatures artiexercises ith Renee Jorgensen. Join us or an aternoonplein air sketching on the grounds o the Gardens, olloed

an exercise session tailored to keeping artists’ muscles loose acomortable. We all kno hat it’s like to get so involved in

 ork that beore you kno it, e realize e have been sittor too long crumpled over, ith hands in a death grip on tools, and barely alive because e have nearly orgotten to bre! Renee ill give us valuable tips and demonstrate exercisesrevive our muscles, posture, and body so e can render best detail ork ever! Please come to the BI Classroom C designated spot in the Gardens BA) or rereshments anquick intro to the day at 1:00 p.m. Ten e’ll spend an hor so o sketching and return to the classroom (or designa

spot) at 3:00 p.m. or our ocus; valuable artist-related exerciand tips you’ll ant to remember! Handouts ill be providA DBG entry ee ill be required. Our all 2009 meeting will be held on September 13 at SuDiMarchi’s lovely home studio in the country just northBoulder rom noon - 4:00 p.m. (a light lunch will be serveAnnie Reiser will teach you to coptic stitch a special artist jour– designed exclusively or our BI color mixing classes. Paper amost materials will be provided or a ee o (to be determine You will need to RSVP to Annie Reiser by September 4 i y

  would like to participate; annieandrol@q.com Cell: 720-86296. We need to know how many will attend to purchenough materials, arrange the space or this creative project, aprepare the lunch. Susan’s garden is a special treat you won’t wto miss! Walk the grounds or a break and admire her inspiroral vignettes. A materials list will be sent at a later date.

At our winter 2009 meeting, we will celebrate the close o   year by gathering at Susan Rubin’s house (2235 Dexter Denver, Colorado) on December 6, 2009, rom 1:00 to 4:00 pin the aternoon. Visit with the RMSBA colleagues you m

not have seen or a while, meet new members, talk about shoand art in general, and drool over Susan’s beautiul new hoand, especially, her studio. Susan says, “Don’t get too excited way smaller than the old one!” Bring the latest works you wolike to share as well as a avorite hors d’ouvres or sweets the season. We will hold elections or openings on the RMSBBoard, and invite all members to participate in committee wo

Please think about how you might participate!

Te Rocky Mountain Society o Botanical Artists ounded in 1997 ishe rst chapter o the American Society o Botanical Artists and ispen to all persons interested in botanical illustration.

RMSBA Ofcers 2009President ......................................................... erry RuiterVice President ................................................. Susan Olson

ecretary ......................................................... Jan Boyd Haringreasurer .........................................................Vicky MacWilliamMarketing ....................................................... Julie SprinkleMembership Chairperson ............................... Sharon GarrettPrograms Chairperson .................................... Annie ReiserExhibits Chairperson ...................................... Carol illLogistics (Rereshment Chairperson) .............. Susan DiMarchiWebMaster ..................................................... Susin RubinNesletter Editor ........................................... Katie Nichols

To join the RMSBA, please contact Vicky MacWilliam,Treasurer Tele.: 719.495.2986

E-mail: hgvmacwm@worldnet.att.net285 Freeman Drive • Black Forest, CO 80908

Your $75.00 membership includes regular individual membership inhe RMSBA* and American Society o Botancial Artists* and entitlesou to receive both the ASBA and RMSBA newsletters,s well as participate in all open exhibits and unctions. Memberships or the calendar year. Memberships received ater the frst o 

December in any year will be applied to the ollowing calendar year.

Nesletter Submission Deadlines Nesletter Published

 January 12th Winter

April 12th Spring

 July 12th Summer

October 12th Fall

Questions or contributions, please contactKatie Nichols, Editor E-mail: katienichols@comcast.netTel.: 303.513.5453

636 Gray Way • Arvada, CO 80003

ArtworkisdonatedtoRMSBAforexclusiveuseinthisnesletter. Any other use is strictly prohibited ithout ritten

authorization o the artist. TemembershiplistisprintedinwholeintheSpringEdition o the nesletter.

Reproductionofthisnewsletterisprohibitedwithout rittenpermission rom RMSBA.

 Wewelcomeyourarticles,calendareventsandimages.Pleasesubmit all text as an electronic le in .DOC (Word), .XLS(Excel), or the body o an e-mail. Please submit images in digitalormat; .JPG, .IF, .PDF and at least 300 dpi (resolution; dotsper inch) in color.

ab heRMSBa

upmg Meegs

Programs Coordinator: Annie Reannieandrolf@q.c

Hm: 303-772-1721, Cell: 720-841-6

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In early 2010 DBG ill have a juried Botanical Illustra20-year Anniversary Sho and Celebration o our succeprogram. Te theme or the entries ill be Colorado NFlora. Tis sho is open or all BI-graduates since 1990 the program as established by Angela Overy. I you graduprior to 1990 please let Mervi kno.

 ASBA and RMSBA links to workshops/classes

 .amsocbotartists.org .botanicalartists.org

General Links to Events and

Workshops/Classes at:



2009 • Café Botanique Lectures

 .cb-lectures-mervi.blogspot.comTime: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Place: Morrison Center, Denver Botanic Gardens

(SE corner of York St & 11th Ave)

• May 6 (Wednesday): Charles Smith, Color Marketing

Group: TBA (Abstract and further information)

• May 21: Patricia Koelbel, PhD, TTU, Lubbock, Texas:

Natures Palette (Abstract and further information)




INDEPENDENT LECTURES &WORKSHOPSFor more inormation and registration, please contactMarjorie Leggitt, 303.394.0566 or mcl@leggittdesign.com

LECTURES:“Te Science o Art: Recreating Earth’s Ancient Plants”Tursday, April 23Denver Botanic Gardens, Mitchell Hall6:30-8:00pm$8 Members/$10 Non-Members

“Tulips, Pineapple Trees and Dinosaurs”Saturday, May 16Rocky Mountain Dinosaur ResourceCenter, Woodland Park, CO2:30-3:30pm

Price: Free ith museum admission [Seniors (65+)$10.50, Adults $11.50, Children 5 – 12 $7.50]

WORKSHOPS: Extended day• BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATION ANDPAINTING at Appledore Island, MaineInstructors: Marjorie Leggitt & Patricia SavageMonday, June 22 through Monday, June 29, 2009 (1 eek)Appledore Island, MainePrice: $1225/per person, double occupancy Oered through Cornell University andthe University o Ne Hampshire.

***For more inormation and to register, go tohttp://.sml.cornell.edu/sml_cc_botanical.html

• ZEN OF FIELD SKETCHING-Capturing the Colorado MontaneInstructor: Marjorie LeggittSaturday and Sunday, July 18-19, 2009 (2 days)8:30-4:30pmEvergreen, ColoradoPrice: $185 ith optional gourmet lunches

• BACK TO BASICS: Drawing with Confdence

Instructors: Marjorie Leggitt & Susan Rubinuesday- Friday, July 21-24, 2009 (4 days)9:00-2:30pm (hal-hour lunch)Volunteers or Outdoor Colorado (VOC), DosChappell Room, Washington Park, Denver, COPrice: $350

WORKSHOPS: Single day• MOVING ANIMALSInstructor: Marjorie LeggittFriday, September 18 (1 day)9:00-2:30pm

 Te Denver Zoo, DenverPrice: $70

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F.y.i -

Our members have been oered a substantial savings onustom picture raming through Art Source & Design, a local

holesale art gallery and ne custom raming company locatedhere in Denver. In an eort to create a visual cohesiveness orgroup shos, several rame samples ere chosen accordingo the American Society o Botanical Artists guidelines. Art

Source & Design has over 3,200 rame samples on their allsnd have selected seven samples or artists to choose rom. O ourse, artists are elcome to pick rom other rame designs at

varying discount levels. Give Renee a call at 303-936-4212 toet up an appointment, or stop by  1111 W. Evans Avenue to

vie selections o mat boards and raming options. We look orard to being o service to your membership.

 Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists March 22, 2009

Fine Art Frame Pricing


Art Source and Design is a wholesale company providing art and fine custom

framing for the interior design industry and artists. We ar e prepared to provide your 

membership with custom framing services and are happy to extend to-the-trade  

industry discounts.

We were given the fra ming guidelines recommended by the American Society of 

Botanical Artists; and have chosen a variety of fr ames and mat samples that will work for 

gallery and exhibition viewing standards.

Attached you will find reference sheets with photos of the frame samples and

 pricing sheets for your convenience. Our business hours are Monday thru Friday 9:00 am

- 5:00 pm. Please feel free to call for an appointment or, if in our neighborhood stop on


We look forward to working with you in the near future.


Renee Jorgensen

Custom Framing Designer 


continued from page 3

Flower Portraits in PastelPastel Workshop ith Susan . Fisher

 July 10, 11 and 12 rom 9am to 4pmClass Fee = $180

Begin with quick studies that create a roadmap to a fnished piedo exercises in color selection to increase your personal co vocabulary and learn how to make no-ear choices to a fnishpainting. Individual attention and instructor demonstrati will boost your confdence and improve your work. Join Susan in this one-o-a-kind experience to paint in the WFloers store on 12th Avenue at Madison Street. Individ

still lies using the stores unique blend o garden, git and homerchandise ill be created or each student in several areasthe store, an exhibit and reception or participants ill be hon Sunday, olloing the class.Contact Ronda Ballard 303.320.4553 or e-mrondaballard@cox.net or more inormation and to sign up

the orkshop.

b Reee Jrgese frm ar Sre d RMSBamember 

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RMSBA Mt. Evans Artists' Retreat 2009

 July 16-18, 2009

n't miss this wonderful opportunity to study with Martha at the Denver University High Altitude Research Lodge on MEvans. These workshops are held the third week of July to provide you with the maximum Rocky Mountain High ExperienThis is the BEST weekend for seeing wildflowers in full bloom. The mountain is lush this time of year.

Your workshop fee includes lunch and dinner on Day 1, three meals on Day 2 and breakfast and lunch on Day 3. A niceselection of entrees and snacks, which includes vegetarian (not vegan) choices at every meal, is provided. All meals are serv buffet-style. Lodging is included for 2 nights in dormitory, single or double rooms as available. You may request a single room or your roommate on the registration form. Linens are provided.

The lodge is large, well furnished and comfortable, and there'll be timefor peer interaction, hiking and hanging out! Classes are held in the Lab,with full-spectrum lighting and drawing boards provided. The workshopis limited to 15 participants. Further information to make your retreat agreat 'time-out' from hectic lives is provided on confirmation of your registration.

Plan to arrive on the first day of your workshop around 9:00 AM tocheck in and stow your gear. Classes begin at 10:00 AM on Day One, 9:00AM on Days 2 and 3. Lunch breaks are 1 hour, and there is ample time

and daylight for field sketching or other outdoor activities. Classes end at 5:00 PM Days 1 and 2,and at 4:00 PM on Day 3 of the workshop.

We look forward to seeing you!

$395 per RMSBA Member, $455 per non-Member 

For questions, call us at PH: 303.438.9565; for full information, reservation form and paymentoptions including credit card go to contact us at or  complete the registration form below and return with your check made out to 'Pigs Fly Workshops'.Our FAX is 303-438-1244; Mail: RMSBA Mt. Evans Retreat - Graphite, 10374 Julian Court,

Westminster, CO 80031. Thank You!

 Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________State:_____________ ZIP:________________________ PH:_______________________________________E-mail ________________________________________________ 

RMSBA Member fee: $395 Non-RMSBA Member fee: $455Total Amount Enclosed: $____________registration + $40 materials fee = _________________ I prefer Vegetarian Non-Vegetarian MealsRequested Roommate: _____________________________________________________________________________ Roommate's Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________ 

 Each year the workshop fills up quickly so do plan ahead!

 Please register me for Martha Kemp’s Graphite Workshop


Registration Form RMSBA 2009 Artists Retreat with Martha Kemp ~ Graphite

www.pigs-fly.com, pigsflyworkshops@aol.com,

q q

q q qI have food allergies:________________________________ 

Martha Kemp ~ No Color, No Kidding™

For Martha, the world is black and white, and thatsuits her just fine. Her mastery of the tonal rangeavailable in greyscale informs all her artworks,

 providing amazing depth and tender detail. Kemp’sworks have garnered Gold Medals from the RoyalHorticultural Society each time she has exhibited there

have received ASBA Awards of Excellence and arefeatured in (Schiffer  Publishing) She is also the recipient of the ASBA DiaBouchier Founder’s Award for Excellence in BotanicaArt, a once in a lifetime achievement. Her works arecollected internationally and are included in the HuntInstitute for Botanical Documentation permanentcollection. She has taught her techniques in her well-received “No Color, No Kidding™” class for five year

A warm and supportive teacher, Martha is a masterwith greyscale. Her stunning portrayals of plantsexplore the full gamut of tonal range. This 3-day classincludes demonstration, individual support and critiquand lots of time to draw. Learn to select the right pencas well as to use blending and modifying tools. Marthwill share her techniques with you, and help you

develop your own methods of working with graphite.Do

Today’s Botanical Artist .

 Detach and mail 

 Art education above the ordinary


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Exhbs Repr & Shedle

Exhibits Coordinator: Carol annieandrolf@q.c

Hm: 303-772-1721, Cell: 720-841-6

Rare, Imperiled Plants o Colorado ScheduleDenver Botanic Gardens

March 7 - May 17, 2009

Steamboat Art Museum

May 22 to September 30, 2009uesday - Saturday 11a.m. to 7 p.m.Sunday 12 to 4 p.m., Closed Mondays.Member’s only Reception Tursday p.m., April 21Public Reception Friday p.m., April 22 - 5:30 to 7:30

Center o Southest StudiesFort Leis College, DurangoOctober 2009 - May 31, 2010Reception November 14

Business o Art CenterManitou Springs

uly 1- September 30, 2010Reception July 2, 2009

Other 2009 RMSBA Exhibits:Fith Annual Fall Sho and Sale at Echter’sArvadaSeptember 11- 20, 2009

Member’s Exhibit- Koelbel Library LittletonNovember 1-30, 2009

RARE Reception Rave!

RMSBA’s RARE, Imperiled Plants o Colorado exhibiteception at Denver Botanic Gardens on March 15 as aesounding success! Guests began started arriving ell beorehe 1:00 p.m start and immediately started queuing up tourchase merchandise. Attendance as estimated to be over50 people and the Gates Court Gallery as one crodedlace!

Our guests included Rare Plant Conservation Initiativemembers, DBG members, riends, amily and botanic artupporters. Te DBG Exhibit organizers, Lisa Eldred, Kim

Manajek and Lily Parra, ere on hand making sure everything

as going smoothly.Many thanks are oed to the RMSBA members ho contributedo the reception! First and oremost ere the cashiers, Susan

DiMarchi and Peggy urchette. Neither artist entered the Rarexhibit, but both volunteered to sta the merchandise salesable. We had sales in excess o $6000 in only 2 hours! Andhat as only prints, cards, tee shirts and catalogs! Many thankslso to Dorothy DePaulo, her daughter and granddaughtersor helping ith sales. Sharon Garrett, Jan Boyd Haring, Katie

Nichols (and hubby) ere also orking their tails o during theeception. Special thanks to Vicky MacWilliam or getting our

credit card charging system set up and operating. I kno th ere others helping as most o the time there as a long linepurchasers. HANKS to all o you or pitching in!In addition to the catered ood provided by DBG, Susi aGreg Olson contributed ine to the reception to keep

guests rereshed and happy. Tank you to all ho contributed to this project and event, rthe artists to the ramers, merchandise managers and cashi

 Tis as truly a group eort!

Other RARE Exhibit Nes:RMSBA donated approximately $450 dollars rom card saat the reception to the Colorado Rare Plant ConservatInitiative to help pay or printing their nal report.

  Te RARE exhibit ends at DBG on Sunday, May 17 moves to Steamboat Springs or receptions on May 22 a23rd. A reception or Steamboat Art Museum members be Tursday p.m. and the public reception is on Friday, M

23rd. Our artists are invited to both, members to the Fridreception. RMSBA merchandise, cards, prints and tee sh

 ill be available or purchase at their adjacent git shop. Texhibit ill be at S.A.M. until October 1, 2009.

 Te S.A.M. ill be sponsoring a “plein air” paint out in AuguChecking their ebsite or details and dates hich ill posted soon!.steamboatartmuseum.com

RARE MerchandiseDenver Botanic Gardens and Steamboat Art Musecooperated in publishing the abulous catalog. It is much mthan an exhibit catalog. It also includes interesting inormatabout each plant and here in the state it is located. A liminumber o catalogs ere printed, so don’t ait to purch

 yours! Te catalog is available rom DBG or $19.95 plus sales Contact Lily at exhibits or inormation about purchasingcatalog. exhibits@botanicgardens.org orparral@botanicgardens.org or phone Lily at 720-865-3636.It ill also be available at the Steamboat Art Museum git shalong ith note cards, tee shirts and prints. RMSBA is nhandling nor proting rom any catalog sales.

RMSBA ill be selling RARE note cards and tee shirts at o

Fall Echter’s sho in September. For more inormation abtee shirts contact Jan Boyd Haring. Contact Katie Nichols inormation about note cards.

RARE prints and originals may be purchased rom DBexhibits ofce through May 17, 2009.

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RaRE Exhb Phs DB

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Hello Artists,

Our efcient reasurer, Vicky MacWilliam has already abulated our receipts or our First Annual agaa Exhibit:

otal sales or 4/3-5/2009: $2,614.46.

Tanks to all o you or sharing your amazing creativity,ontagious energy and orking at the sho. We have set aentative date or our days next year: April 15-18, 2010. Were orking on making improvements or 2010, and elcomeour input. We’re looking at creating some previe displays at

agaa’s to promote the exhibit

We are also considering linking up ith agaa’s special eventsnd the various societies such as the Rose Society, Arican

Violet Society, the Daylily Society and the edible plant groupor ne opportunities to exhibit and sell on a smaller scalehroughout the year.

Congratulations on a successul aair.


Maria J. (“Mary Jo”) Ramsdale303) 690-1947


tll s fr he Frs altgw Exhb  cmper Helpfl H

I’m happy to say that I’ve had several inquiries ith helpine members ith computers/applications. I’m alays happytry and help you out to the best o my ability and i I don’t han anser or you, I’ll do my best to nd one.

Suzanne Wuerthele inquired about help on learning Applayout program Pages. She as putting together the RAArtist’s Ino Book or the Exhibit. She is airly ne to a Mas she has in the past used a Windos platorm.

  Julie Sprinkle and Annie Reiser had a small lesson in usSalesorce.com’s Mass E-mail application (most likely yreceived the e-mails rom them). I think overall it as a golearning experience or Julie and Annie. I you have a desto learn ho to do Mass E-mail (and your a board membcontact me and e can go through the process.

On another note, hen Heidi Snyder, Sharon Garrett aDorothy DePaulo helped out ith putting all o the RAnote cards together (HANK GOODNESS!), they expresan interest in learning Adobe Creative Suite. I’m illingteach or a small ee. I can really only support small groups (mo 3 people) as I don’t have the space or a large crod. I yare interested in learning about CS4 or any other applicatiocontact me and e can set up a time to learn.

Edr’s nI’ve given the nesletter a acelit! I did this to help accomodall o the inormation I received or this issue (hopeully next issues ill have as much too!). Plus, I recently upgradeda the ne Adobe Creative Suite 4 package and I’m learningo the ne and cool tools the package has to oer. I also anto “clean up” the look and make it easier to vie. My questiis, do you think I accomplished this or not? Let me kno, I lto receive eedback.

Also, i I have made a mistake in anything ithin the nesletplease let me kno. I try to do my best, but I do and can mmistakes. When you do inorm me, I’ll post it in the next iss


Katie Nichols

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RMSBa Sprg Mee


RMSBA Spring Meeting Minutes held March22, 2009Location: 1:30 PM Koelbel Library, CentennialDocumented by: Jan Boyd Haring, Secretary  29 RMSBA members attended the 2009 Spring Meeting.

•  Our member Charles B. Smith ill be the guestspeaker at the May 7th Caé Botanique Art/Sciencelecture series. Charles ill be doing his presentationon color and ho it aects the human system.

•   Te ASBA Conerence ill be held in Phoenixthis year – close enough to attend!

•  Annie Reiser presented the completed2009 Meeting Program Schedule.

•  Rare Business: Carol ill Tere ere 250-300 people at the DBG Rarereception. We sold over $6000 o product in tohours: 34 prints, 120 boxes o cards, 87 catalogs, 8

 -shirts, and Susan Rubin sold her original piece.•   agaa Exhibit: Mary Jo Ramsdale reported attendance at

21 artists, but had several slots to ll in or ork days. Tesign-up sheet as passed around.

 reasurer Report: Vicky MacWilliam had checks or printssold at the DBG Rare sho. o those artists ho haveover $600 in sales ithin a tax year, Vicky ill be reportingthose gains.

•  Meeting presentation: Susan Rubin on “ When is a PieceDone?”Strategy is needed to complete a piece.Planning : Determine rame size and image to t standardsizes. Follo criteria or sho venues. I you are makingprints or publishing, the image may lose color in the

process.Executing : Work clean. Don’t muddy up the colors.

 Watch your shados so they aren’t too bright or the rshade.Finishing : Complete piece ith time to look at it. Ask

someone to take a look at your piece or you. Scan it othe computer and experiment ith contrasts and colorsaturation. Use Photoshop to desaturate the color. Ti

 ill sho the true values o the piece. Prints atten animage, be sure to have plenty o contrast.Perspective: Be sure to have dierent dimensional plairont, middle and back. Atmosphere: Green/Blue glaze ill bring things oraViolet/Blue glaze ill push things back.Labeling : Beautiul calligraphy looks good. Bad tracinlooks amateurish. ry using your on handriting.Framing : Can do it yoursel, but do it ell. Use no noarchival materials inside the rame. Bright colored matcan be overused – dull don the colors to neutral shadeCan also use shoe polish to dull don bright rames.Pricing: A general guideline is Width x Height x PricePoint= Price o artork Example: Price point may be $10. Framed piece is16”x20”. 16=20=36 united inches.36 united inches x price point=$360. Your pricing may

 vary by artist experience, venue, type, density, and yourattachment to the piece.

Many thanks to Susan or her tips and advice.

•  Renee Jorgensen is orking at a volume discount ramshop called Art Source & Design (please se article onpage 4 o this nesletter). Teir business is holesaleonly, but she has put together some packages or RMSBmembers. She revieed services, rame options, matoptions, plexiglas, and no limit on amounts. urnarountime ould be to to to and a hal eeks. Tis is a

 onderul opportunity or RMSBA artists to cut theirraming costs. Renee’s ork number is (303) 936-421

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The Wild Bunch”

Steamboat Art Museum

May 22 - September 30, 2009

Reception: Friday, April 22, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Studio Botanica ill bexhibiting artork eaturingild oers at Steamboat

Springs this summer.Members Peggy urchette,Susan Rubin, Heather Myers,Bonnie Anthony and Carolill ill be exhibiting ild

oer paintings in a variety o tyles in this exhibit.

Mr r cledr 

10“Termopsis” Courtsey of Susan Rubin

Rare Exhibt’s next stop - Steamboar AMuseum, until September 30,2009

RMSBA summer 2009 meeting ill be hat the Denver Botanic Gardens rom 1:004:00 p.m.. DBG entry ee required.

Deadline or Summer nesletter

Fith Annual Fall Sho and Sale at EchteArvadaSeptember 11- 20, 2009

RMSBAs all 2009 meeting ill be held September 13 at Susan DiMarchi’s lovhome studio (4876 Valkyrie Drive, Bould

CO 80301) in the country just north Boulder rom noon - 4:00 p.m. (a light lun ill be served.)

RARE Exhibit’s third stop is at the Ceno Southest Studies at Fort Leis Colleuntil May 31, 2010

Deadline or Fall nesletter

Member’s Exhibit- Koelbel Library Littleton

November 1-30, 2009

RMSBA   winter 2009 meeting, we celebrate the close o the year by gatheriat Susan Rubin’s house (2235 Dexter SDenver, Colorado) on December 6, 20rom 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

RARE Exhibit’s last stop at the Busino Art Center, Manitou Springs unSeptember 2010

May 23rd

 June 28th

 July 12th

Sept. 11th

Sept. 13th

Oct. 6th

Oct. 12th

Nov. 1st

Dec. 6th


 July 1st

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How and why did you become interested in Botanical


My recent involvement in our BI program got started hena riend at ork sa some o my artork and commented

that the Denver Botanic Gardens had classes in this type o illustration. Long beore I even kne that botanical illustrationas an established art discipline, I as most attracted to anddraing in the style o the botanical illustration tradition.What has been the one piece that you are most

happy about?

I ould have to say my  Lesquerella congesta, or Dudley BlusBladderpod. Tis is a recent colored pencil on mylar that Iorked up or the Rare Plants exhibit. I actually “like” otherillustrations I’ve done better, but I’mmost happy about this one. It asa special experience or me to gorom start to nish on a plate thatrequired me to research the plant,hunt it don in the herbarium asell as in its natural surroundings, doeld sketches o my plant in variousstages, and portray this minusculesomehat uninteresting specimen ina piece pleasing to the eye as ell asscientically accurate, conveying itsunique botanical characteristics. In

a ay it represents the culmination o my BI certication. Iould never have been so disciplined o an artist to go throughthat or one o my previous orks.What are your other interests; gardening, etc.?

I love nature in any orm. I’ve spent years on the backs o horses, soaking in the beauty o the nature e ere ridingthrough, here in Colorado and in southern Germany, here Ilived and orked or over 12 years. I also like to camp, hike, andgarden, spend time ith my dog and more recently ith ourgrandchildren. I love to cook, so herbs and their many uses havealays ascinated me. I’m an avid reader and also like to collectbooks ith beautiul illustrations/artork.

What is the medium that you really enjoy and easily ow with?

I’ve alays loved drating – so graphite and colored pencil aremy preerred choice o media. I rediscovered my love or penand ink hile taking classes at the Botanic Gardens. In act,I’m currently orking on a pen and ink illustration (based onan art journal rendering that I thought ould ork ell due toits strong linear character).Do you have a challenge to accomplish?

Yes, I ant to challenge mysel to ork more oten in atercolorand even acrylic. I have some “big ideas” literally. I’d like to

expand my artistic expression to sizes beyond our stan11x14 ormat and maybe loosen my style to capture the esso my subject in a more spontaneous, lively, and resh

 Watch or a melding o my avorite artists in that ne sDo you have your certicate from DBG in Botan

Illustration? Yes, I completed the program in February o 2008.What are the other items in your life that you woul

like to share?

I recently moved to Longmont but still ork in Boulder, and use my art background on the job to develop educationoutreach materials, graphics, and illustrations or the NatiOceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I ork tulltime and have been ith the organization or ten y

since e moved back to the Srom Germany.

 While residing in Germany, I reelance artist and potter shoinlocal galleries until I became a teaI received my M.A. in Gerat CU and taught there or m

  years beore returning to Germto direct the CU/Regensburg sabroad program. In Germantaught English as a Second Langat international businesses in around Regensburg.

I signed up or the BI program because I’m at that stage in

lie here I kno ho important it is to pursue your passi  hich or me includes applied arts. My husband Rol ahave been married or 28 years and e have 2 kids, 3 schildren together and 3 grandchildren rom that caboodle. I dare not orget our dog Sunny, born in Germany, going obut ho still passes as a risky youngster!Who/what is your inspiration/muse?

Many artists rom history have been inspirational to me; JHoenagel, Maria Sibylle Merian, Gustav Klimt, GeoO’Keee, and Edard Hopper, just to name a e. But I to admit that recently I’ve been draing my inspiration RMSBA riends and colleagues. I am in ae at the talen

this group hich includes our BI Program teachers ho taught me so much. It ouldn’t be air to leave out my husb

 ho shares my interest in art and ho has been a long-supporter o my dabbling in ber arts, ceramics, and no BWhat is your favorite plant/ower?

 Tat’s hard to anser because I love them all so much! I Ito choose, I’d have to say that roses o any kind are in a tie mushrooms o any kind.

“Rhubarb” Courtsey of Annie Reiser 

cmm Billsrrs - ae Reser frm Lgm


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7636 Gray Way •Arvada, CO 80003www.botanicalartists.org

“Gooseberry” Courtsey of Susie Olson

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