1 acoustics dsp

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Basic Acoustics +

Digital Signal Processing 

September 11, 2014

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Road Map! •  For today:

•  Part 1: Go through a review of the basics of (analog)



Part 2: Converting sound from analog to digital format.

•   Any questions so far?

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Part 1: An Acoustic Dichotomy 


 Acoustically speaking, there are two basic kinds ofsounds:

1.  Periodic

•  = an acoustic pattern which repeats over time


The “period” is the length of time it takes for the

pattern to repeat

•  Periodic speech sounds = voiced segments + trills

2. Aperiodic•  Continuous acoustic energy which does not exhibit

a repeating pattern

•   Aperiodic speech sounds = fricatives

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The Third Wheel 

•  There are also acoustic transients.

•  = aperiodic speech sounds which are not continuous


i.e., they are usually very brief

•  Transient speech sounds:

•  stop release bursts


clicks•  also (potentially) individual pulses in a trill

•  Let’s look at the acoustic properties of each type of sound

in turn…

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•  How is a periodic sound transmitted through the air?

•  Consider a bilabial trill: 

 Acoustics: Basics 

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What does sound look like? 

•  Air consists of floating air molecules

•  Normally, the molecules are suspended and evenly

spaced apart from each other


What happens when we push on one molecule? 

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What does sound look like? 

•  The force knocks that molecule against its neighbor  

•  The neighbor, in turn, gets knocked against its neighbor

•  The first molecule bounces back past its initial rest position 

initial rest position 

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What does sound look like? 

•  The initial force gets transferred on down the line 


position #1


position #2


The first two molecules swing back to meet up with each

other again, in between their initial rest positions

•  Think: bucket brigade 

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Compression Wave 


 A wave of force travels down the line of molecules•  Ultimately: individual molecules vibrate back and forth,

around an equilibrium point 


The transfer of force sets up what is called a

compression wave.

•  What gets “compressed” is the space between molecules


Check out what happens when we blow something up! 

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Compression Wave 

area of high pressure


area of low pressure


•  Compression waves consist of alternating areas of

high and low pressure 

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Pressure Level Meters 

•  Microphones

•  Have diaphragms, which move back and forth with air

pressure variations


Pressure variations are converted into electricalvoltage

•  Ears

•  Eardrums move back and forth with pressure variations

•  Amplified by components of middle ear

•  Eventually converted into neurochemical signals

•  We experience fluctuations in air pressure as sound 

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Measuring Sound 

•  What if we set up a pressure level meter at one point in the



pressure level meter  

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Sine Waves 

•  The reading on the pressure level meter will fluctuate

between high and low pressure values

•  In the simplest case, the variations in pressure level will

look like a sine wave. 



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Other Basic Sinewave concepts 

•  Sinewaves are periodic; i.e., they recur over time.

•  The period is the amount of time it takes for the pattern

to repeat itself.


 A cycle is one repetition of the acoustic pattern.•  The frequency is the number of times, within a given

timeframe, that the pattern repeats itself.

•  Frequency = 1 / period


usually measured in cycles per second, or Hertz 

•  The peak amplitude is the the maximum amount of

vertical displacement in the wave


= maximum (or minimum) amount of pressure 

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 A waveform plots air pressure on the y axis against time onthe x axis. 

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Phase Shift 


Even if two sinewaves have the same period andamplitude, they may differ in phase.

•  Phase essentially describes where in the sinewave cycle

the wave begins. 

•  This doesn’t affect the way that we hear the waveform.

•  Check out: sine waves vs. cosine waves! 

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Complex Waves •  It is possible to combine more than one sinewave together

into a complex wave.

•  At any given time, each wave will have some amplitude


•  A1(t1) := Amplitude value of sinewave 1 at time 1

•  A2(t1) := Amplitude value of sinewave 2 at time 1


The amplitude value of the complex wave is the sum ofthese values.

•  Ac(t1) = A1 (t1) + A2 (t1) 

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Complex Wave Example 

•  Take waveform 1:

•  high amplitude

•  low frequency

•  Add waveform 2:

•  low amplitude

•  high frequency

•  The sum is this

complex waveform:



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 A Real-Life Example 

•  480 Hz tone 

•  620 Hz tone 

•  the combo = ? 

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•  One way to represent complex waves is with waveforms:

•  y-axis: air pressure

•  x-axis: time

•  Another way to represent a complex wave is with a power

spectrum (or spectrum, for short).

•  Remember, each sinewave has two parameters:

•  amplitude



•  A power spectrum shows:

•  amplitude on the y-axis

•  frequency on the x-axis

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One Way to Look At It •


Combining 100 Hz and 1000 Hz sinewaves results in

the following complex waveform:








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The Other Way 


The same combination of 100 Hz and 1000 Hz

sinewaves results in the following power spectrum:








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The Third Way 


 A spectrogram shows how the spectrum of a complexsound changes over time.







•  intensity (related to amplitude) is represented by

shading in the z-dimension. 

1000 Hz 

100 Hz 

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Fundamental Frequency 

•  One last point about periodic sounds:

•  Every complex wave has a fundamental frequency (F0).

•  = the frequency at which the complex wave pattern

repeats itself.

•  This frequency happens to be the greatest common

denominator of the frequencies of the component waves.

•  Example: greatest common denominator of 100 and

1000 is 100. (boring!)

•  GCD of 480 and 620 Hz is 20.

•  GCD of 600 and 800 Hz is 200, etc.

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 Aperiodic sounds 


Not all sounds are periodic

•  Aperiodic sounds are noisy

•  Their pressure values vary randomly over time 

“white noise” 

•  Interestingly:

•  White noise sounds the same, no matter how fast or

slow you play it. 

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Fricatives are aperiodic speech sounds 



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 Aperiodic Spectra 


The power spectrum of white noise has component

frequencies of random amplitude across the board:

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 Aperiodic Spectrogram •  In an aperiodic sound, the values of the component

frequencies also change randomly over time.

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 A transient is:•  “a sudden pressure fluctuation that is not sustained

or repeated over time.”

•  An ideal transient waveform: 

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 A Transient Spectrum 

•  An ideal transient spectrum is perfectly flat:

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 As a matter of fact 

•  Note: white noise and a pure transient are idealizations

•  We can create them electronically…


But they are not found in pure form in nature.

•  Transient-like natural sounds include:

•  Hand clapping


Finger snapping•  Drum beats

•  Tongue clicking

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Click Waveform 

some periodic


initial impulse

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Click Spectrum 

•  Reverberation emphasizes some frequencies more than


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Click Spectrogram 

some periodic


initial impulse

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Part 2: Analog and Digital 

•  In “reality”, sound is analog. 

•  variations in air pressure are



= it has an amplitude value at allpoints in time.

•  and there are an infinite number

of possible air pressure values. 


Back in the bad old days,

acoustic phonetics was strictly

an analog endeavor.

analog clock

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Part 2: Analog and Digital 

•  In the good new days, we can

represent sound digitally in a


• !

 In a computer, sounds must bediscrete.

•  everything = 1 or 0  digital clock

•  Computers represent sounds as

sequences of discrete pressurevalues at separate points in time.

•  Finite number of pressure values.

•  Finite number of points in time. 

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 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 


Recording sounds onto a computer requires an analog-to-digital conversion (A-to-D)

•  When computers record sound, they need to digitize

analog readings in two dimensions:

X: Time (this is called sampling)

Y: Amplitude (this is called quantization)



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Sampling Example 

0 20 40 60 80 100-100000



nominal time























Thanks to Chilin Shih for making these materials available. 

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Sampling Example 

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Sampling Rate 

•  Sampling rate = frequency at which samples are taken.

•  What’s a good sampling rate for speech?

•  Typical options include:


22050 Hz, 44100 Hz, 48000 Hz

•  sometimes even 96000 Hz and 192000 Hz

•  Higher sampling rate preserves sound quality.


Lower sampling rate saves disk space.

•  (which is no longer much of an issue)

•  Young, healthy human ears are sensitive to sounds from

20 Hz to 20,000 Hz 

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One Consideration 


The Nyquist Frequency 

•  = highest frequency component that

can be captured with a given sampling


•  = one-half the sampling rate 

Problematic Example:•  100 Hz sound

•  100 Hz sampling rate 

samples 1 2 3 

Harry Nyquist


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Nyquist’s Implication 

•  An adequate sampling rate has to be…

•  at least twice as much as any frequency components in

the signal that you’d like to capture. 

•  100 Hz sound


200 Hz sampling rate 

samples 1 2 3 4 5 6 

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Sampling Rate Demo 

•  Speech should be sampled at at least 44100 Hz

•  (although there is little frequency information in speech

above 10,000 Hz) 

•  44100 Hz

•  22050 Hz


11025 Hz (watch out for [s])

•  8000 Hz


5000 Hz 

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