1. as a result, five different species: asteraeus eximion, a. peltatus, a. coriaceus, a....

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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1. As a result, five different species: Asteraeus eximion, A. peltatus, A. coriaceus, A. schlechtendalii, and A. reptans.

1. As a result, five different species FALTA VERBO (were included, are described here, have gone extinct, etc): Asteraeus eximion, A. peltatus, A. coriaceus, A. schlechtendalii, and A. reptans.

2. Este trabajo representa una revisión taxonómica del género Thrombopygium y una aportación a la sistemática del Orden Genitales, abordo cada elemento por separado y en última instancia su integración.

2. Este trabajo representa una revisión taxonómica del género Thrombopygium y una aportación a la sistemática del

Orden Genitales, abordo

cada elemento por separado y en última instancia su integración. NO SE PUEDE




es un pecado mortal que se llamaCOMMA SPLICE o




2. Este trabajo representa una revisión taxonómica del género Thrombopygium y una aportación a la sistemática del

Orden Genitales, abordo

cada elemento por separado y en última instancia su integración. NO SE PUEDE

2. Este trabajo representa una revisión taxonómica del género Thrombopygium y una aportación a la sistemática del Orden Genitales. Abordo cada elemento por separado y en última instancia su integración.

2. Este trabajo representa una revisión taxonómica del género Thrombopygium y una aportación a la sistemática del Orden Genitales; abordo cada elemento por separado y en última instancia su integración.

3. The sequences were impossible to align, consequently we excluded them from the analysis.

3. The sequences were impossible

to align, consequently we

excluded them from the analysis.

3. The sequences were impossible to align. Consequently we excluded them from the analysis.

The sequences were impossible to align, and consequently we excluded them from the analysis.

The sequences were impossible to align; consequently we excluded them from the analysis.

Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college

Kurt Vonnegut

Never use a five-dollar word when a fifty cent one will do

Mark Twain

4. Ascogusanus wakareo is one of the commonest parasites worldwide, its metacercariae are found in 99% of adult humans as well as in cockroaches.

4. Ascogusanus wakareo is one of the

commonest parasites worldwide, its metacercariae are found in 99% of adult humans as well as in cockroaches.

4. Ascogusanus wakareo is one of the commonest parasites worldwide. Its metacercariae are found in 99% of adult humans as well as in cockroaches.

Ascogusanus wakareo is one of the commonest parasites worldwide, and its metacercariae are found in 99% of adult humans as well as in cockroaches.

5. Our results were completely inconclusive, therefore we prepared them for publication with misleading graphs.

5. Our results were completely

inconclusive, therefore we prepared them for publication with misleading graphs.

5. Our results were completely inconclusive. Therefore, we prepared them for publication with misleading graphs.

6. Debido a que en los últimos 100 años se ha reducido el polimorfismo de los Anolis silvestres del 60% al 80%, en las iguanas del 30% al 40%, en comparación con sus parientes silvestres (Ekberg, 2006; Mastroianni et al., 2001; Fellini, 1997).

6. Los animales en cautiverio no se pueden considerar una forma de conservación, debido a que en los últimos 100 años, se ha reducido el polimorfismo de los Anolis cautivos del 60% al 80% y en las iguanas del 30% al 40% en comparación con sus parientes silvestres (Ekberg, 2006; Mastroianni et al., 2001; Fellini, 1997).

7. When correcting for the effect of size, it is clear that toe pads are subject to natural selection, furthermore, they are used in attracting mates.

7. When correcting for the effect of size, it is clear that toe pads are

subject to natural selection, furthermore, they are used in attracting mates.

7. When correcting for the effect of size, it is clear that toe pads are subject to natural selection. Furthermore, they are used in attracting mates.

8. Los centros de origen y diversificación son fuentes de germoplasma para nuevas plantas cultivadas (Pickersgill, 2007; Diamond, 2002; Harlan, 1992). Por lo cual dichos centros son considerados como zonas prioritarias de conservación.

8. Los centros de origen y diversificación son fuentes de germoplasma para nuevas plantas cultivadas (Pickersgill, 2007; Diamond, 2002; Harlan, 1992). Por lo cual dichos centros son considerados como zonas prioritarias de conservación.

8. Los centros de origen y diversificación son fuentes de germoplasma para nuevas plantas cultivadas (Pickersgill, 2007; Diamond, 2002; Harlan, 1992), por lo cual dichos centros son considerados como zonas prioritarias de conservación.

8. Los centros de origen y diversificación son fuentes de germoplasma para nuevas plantas cultivadas (Pickersgill, 2007; Diamond, 2002; Harlan, 1992). Por lo tanto, dichos centros son considerados como zonas prioritarias de conservación.

9. It is easy to tell species apart when examining the members of a community, however, it is not so easy when one takes a global perspective.

9. It is easy to tell species apart when examining the members of a community, however, it is not so easy when one takes a global perspective.


¿conjunción o no?


¡no es conjunción!

9. It is easy to tell species apart when examining the members of a community. However, it is not so easy when one takes a global perspective.

10. En términos de la distribución y estructura espacial de la variación genética, niveles de introgresión y distribución potencial de cada especie de Triatoma, vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas.

10. En términos de la distribución y estructura espacial de la variación genética, es necesario estudiar los niveles de introgresión y distribución potencial de cada especie de Triatoma, vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas.

11. The results were not statistically significant, nevertheless we report them all and make costly and time-intensive management recommendations based on them here.

11. The results were not statistically significant, nevertheless we report them all and make costly and time-intensive management recommendations based on them here.


¿es conjunción?


¡no es conjunción!

Conjuntive adverbs



Coordinating conjunctions


for and nor but or yet so

Correlative conjunctions

Both X and Y

Not only X but also Y

Either X or Y

Neither X nor Y

Whether X or Y

11. The results were not statistically significant. Nevertheless, we report them all and make costly and time-intensive management recommendations based on them here. The results were not statistically significant, but nevertheless, we report them all and make costly and time-intensive management recommendations based on them here.

12. We placed the lizards in cages, finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

12. We placed the lizards in cages,

finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

12. We placed the lizards in cages. Finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

We placed the lizards in cages, and finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

12. We placed the lizards in cages; finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

12. We placed the lizards in cages; finally, we cut off their snout ornaments to test the hypothesis that mutilated animals should have lower reproductive success.

13. En esta época al referirnos al ambiente, no solamente nos referimos al medio, el entorno y sus procesos, el tema también nos lleva a una problemática de deterioro.

13. En esta época al referirnos al ambiente, no solamente nos referimos al medio, el entorno y sus procesos,

el tema también nos lleva a una problemática de deterioro.

13. En esta época al referirnos al ambiente, no solamente nos referimos al medio, el entorno y sus procesos. El tema también nos lleva a una problemática de deterioro.

En esta época al referirnos al ambiente, no solamente nos referimos al medio, el entorno y sus procesos; el tema también nos lleva a una problemática de deterioro.

14. Un deterioro hacia el ambiente relacionado estrechamente con las prácticas de intervención que el ser humano ha desarrollado.

14. Un deterioro hacia el ambiente está relacionado estrechamente con las prácticas de intervención que el ser humano ha desarrollado.

15. Without knowledge of the patterns of covariation between species, it would be impossible, given the numerous contradictory theoretical predictions regarding blood-brain ratios, to ascertain the exact allometric scaling constant that describes this relationship, even if the characters involved are arbitrary.

16. We therefore decided to design more specific primers inside the coding region itelf. Because the universal primers of Knowles et al. (2003) resulted in very low sequence specificity.

16. We therefore decided to design more specific primers inside the coding region itelf, because the universal primers of Knowles et al. (2003) resulted in very low sequence specificity.

17. The current Mexican government policy on endangered species is incomplete as it stands. Which is why we believe that the NOM must be modified following the guidance provided by our results.

17. The current Mexican government policy on endangered species is incomplete as it stands, which is why we believe that the NOM must be modified following the guidance provided by our results.

18. The laboratory is about to shut down because of the holiday and if we don’t turn in our samples soon we will have to send everything to Korea.

19. Flying phalangers always know their way around the woods this is something they can always depend on.

19. Flying phalangers always know

their way around the woods this is something they can always depend on.

19. Flying phalangers always know their way around the woods. This is something they can always depend on.Flying phalangers always know their way around the woods, and this is something they can always depend on.Flying phalangers always know their way around the woods; this is something they can always depend on.

20. Having prepared himself well by taking a course on writing scientific papers and having exhausted everyone in the family with his requests that someone read his preliminary drafts, Osvaldo, who had never been a particularly good student in high school or university, knew he was ready to take on the greatest challenge of his life: he was sending his manuscript to the Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad.

21. Throughout history, classification and systematics were closely linked, there was little distinction between philosophy and science.

21. Throughout history, classification and systematics were closely linked,

there was little distinction between philosophy and science.

21. Throughout history, classification and systematics were closely linked, because there was little distinction between philosophy and science.

22. Working far into the night in an effort to salvage Jessica’s thesis project.

22. Working far into the night in an effort to salvage Jessica’s thesis project, they checked the structure of all of her sentences.

23. After the President of the Royal Society encouraged him and he seemed to be improving so much with each sequencing run.

23. After the President of the Royal Society encouraged him and he seemed to be improving so much with each sequencing run, our discovery of Venancio’s plagiarism came as a shock.

24. La demanda de artículos para vestir la imagen del niño surgió en 1975 y desde hace 10 años se piden vestuarios que no tienen nada que ver con lo religioso. Una muestra de que los creyentes siguen teniendo fe en esta imagen sin importar su vestido.

24. La demanda de artículos para vestir la imagen del niño surgió en 1975 y desde hace 10 años se piden vestuarios que no tienen nada que ver con lo religioso, una muestra de que los creyentes siguen teniendo fe en esta imagen sin importar su vestido.

24. La demanda de artículos para vestir la imagen del niño surgió en 1975 y desde hace 10 años se piden vestuarios que no tienen nada que ver con lo religioso. Este fenómeno es una muestra de que los creyentes siguen teniendo fe en esta imagen sin importar su vestido.

25. Our Institute has five departments, only one is known to have intelligent life.

25. Our Institute has five

departments, only one is known to have intelligent life.

25. Our Institute has five departments. Only one is known to have intelligent life.

Our Institute has five departments, but only one is known to have intelligent life.

Our Institute has five departments; only one is known to have intelligent life.



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