1. ”unplugged” base programme · 1. ”unplugged” base programme three dimensions deserve to...

Post on 20-Sep-2020






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1. ”Unplugged” base programme

Three dimensions deserve to be monitored at this level:

i. The sessions application (i.e. if each single session and its suggested components have

been implemented and when in the time course)

ii. The size of the exposed group (i.e. how many children were present in the class)

iii. Qualitative aspects (i.e. subjective judgment of children interest, of own performance,


iv. Other concurrent health education activities beside EU-DAP


i-iii. A process monitoring form (see Annex 1) must be completed for each unit in each

intervention class, i.e. the final number of forms should be equal to (number of sessions x

number of classes) in all intervention arms.

The task of monitoring the application of the basic programme will rest on the teachers in the

corresponding classes. In fact, the class will be the unit of application and observation in this

instance. The local programme coordinator has the task to instruct the teachers to complete the

forms and to dispatch them.


- the teachers should be instructed to complete the form immediately after each session

- the collection of the forms should be done at least each month during the intervention time

The local centres may also offer the opportunity to complete the forms online, giving a reserved

access to each school to the Centre’s own web-site.

iv. Each semester, a form reporting all health education activities ongoing in the trial classes

should be completed (see annex 4) through a telephone interview or other direct contact

between the local coordinator and the teachers.

2. The parents’ programme

Three aspects should be reported from this activity:

i. participants : number of participants; number of children with at least one participating

family member

ii. activities actually carried out


iii. Qualitative information, i.e. the conductor’s subjective

judgment of the meeting’s components

iv. Other concurrent health education activities beside EU-DAP


i-iii. The task of monitoring the parents’ programme rests basically on two people:

a. a representative of the study team at the local centre

b. the conductor of the meetings (if not coinciding with the person above)

The unit of observation will be each parental meeting. This means that each centre should

produce a number of observations equal to (3 x number of schools in the parents’ arm).

At the end of each parental meeting, the conductor and/or the local coordinator will complete

the form in Annex 2. The local coordinator is in any case responsible for keeping a calendar of

all meetings, for collecting the forms, and for sending them to computerization.

iv. Each semester, a form reporting all health education activities ongoing in the trial classes

should be completed (see annex 4) through a telephone interview or other direct contact

between the local coordinator and the teachers.

3. The Peer-to-Peer programme

The activities to be monitored in this programme pertain two distinct levels:

1. Above-school level (i.e. training of the peers)

2. Class level

The monitoring of a. is to be done as a separate checklist at the level of the Centre. Therefore

these instructions concern the class-level activities.

This arm is the most complex one, as several aspects deserve to be monitored in the application

of the P2P programme:

i. Adherence to the proposed meeting scheme

ii. Subjective judgment of performance of the meeting (peers)

iii. Subjective judgment of performance of the meeting (teachers or coordinator)

iv. Supervision by the teachers

v. Critical events (e.g. drop out of peers, etc.)

vi. Other concurrent health education activities beside EU-DAP



i-v. To simplify the procedure, it is advisable to use a unique instrument at the class level,

separately by each meeting (Annex 3.1-3.7). The forms will be completed both by teachers and

by the class peers, in separate sections, and will be collected at least monthly by the local


vi. Each semester, a form reporting all health education activities ongoing in the trial classes

should be completed (see annex 4) through a telephone interview or other direct contact

between the local coordinator and the teachers.

4. The control classes

Monitoring possible health education related to drug prevention in the control classes is

necessary in order to account for:

1. Contamination i.e. the adoption of programmes similar to the one to be tested

2. Intensity of exposure, i.e. control classes may theoretically have longer, even if not similar,

exposure to health education curricula

Obviously, other school and class factors with impact on drug use may also differ between

intervention and control schools, but we cannot monitor everything, and we have to rely on the

random selection and random assignment to the arms.

One difficulty with control schools rests on the fact that it is necessary to monitor the activity

during the whole academic year preceding the first follow-up survey. In fact, since these

schools are not bound to any time schedule for their health education, their programmes, if any,

can be delivered anytime from the beginning to the end of the year. Another difficulty is

presented by the fact that the teacher who conducts the programme is not known beforehand,

and we are interested in knowing about the class exposure, not about the curriculum of a single



The most cost-effective procedure for monitoring class activities in the control schools seems to

be the following:

1. Obtain the name of a “contact teacher” for each class in the control arm

2. Alert the contact person that information on the health education curricula in the class will

be collected at the end of each semester by a structured telephone interview. Therefore

he/she is to try to gather all relevant information on such activities during the semester.


3. At two time points during the school-year (before Christmas

vacation and before the end of May) the local coordinator will inquire about the presence,

content, and duration of any health education in a given class using the form in Annex 4 as


4. NB. The same form and procedure is to be used to assess other possible health education in

the intervention classes (see corresponding paragraphs).

5. Monitoring the teacher’s training

This task will encompass two sets of information:

a. structure of the course (Annex 5)

b. participants’ evaluation (Annex 6)

The local coordinator in each course wave should collect both the forms. Annex 6 should be

summarized using the same template, but reporting cumulative frequencies (e.g. how many

teachers gave the rating “good” to a particular item).

Each centre have to fill in a list of all teachers participating to the course to be able to complete

Annex 5.

6. Monitoring the questionnaire survey process

Each centre shall carry out the questionnaire survey according to the final guidelines from

Hamburg meeting. The following steps of the survey shall be monitored and reported.

i. During the days before the submission of the questionnaire, the list of student

participants (Annex 7.1) has to be filled in with the names and surnames (and addresses

where possible) of all the students of the class. This form has to be carefully kept by the

local centre.

ii. At the end of each survey (i.e. after the pre-test and the first post-test) the local

coordinator shall fill in the form in Annex 7.2

iii. At the end of each survey (i.e. after the pre-test and the first post-test) the local

coordinator shall transmit to the Central Coordinator in Turin the questionnaires and the

summary form at Annex 7.2

For explanation of definitions, see below.

Eligible= all students who should complete the questionnaire if they were reached (i.e. all those

with parental permission, capable of understanding the language and to write, etc.)


Not eligible= students who cannot provide valid answers to the

questionnaire (e.g. mentally retarded, without parental permission, etc.)

Participants= eligible students who complete the questionnaire form in each single occasion

Non participants= eligible students who do not want/are not able to answer the questionnaire in

each single occasion (e.g. absentees)

7. Dropping out of entire units (schools/classes)

In such complex projects it is not unlikely that entire units (classes or whole schools) refuse

continuing participation in the course of the study. These events should be reported to the

Central Coordinator as soon as possible (telephone or mail), followed by detailed information

on the dropping unit(s) contained in Annex 8.

8. Monitoring tasks at glance

The following table summarizes the monitoring tasks due during the application of the

programme in the different study arms.


Study arm/ Procedure Local


Teachers Peers Others

Control Telephone interview

or other personal

contact (Annex 4)

Collection of


(Annex 4)

-- --

Basic Collects forms 1

Annex 4

Annex 1

(Annex 4)


Parents -Annex 2


- Collects forms 1

- Annex 4

Annex 1

(Annex 4)

-- Meeting


Annex 2


P2P Collects forms 1

Annex 4

Annex 1

Annex 3


(Annex 4)

Annex 3 (part) --

Teacher’s training Annex 5

Collects annex 6

Annex 6 -- --



Annex 7.1 and 7.2

-- -- --

Drop-out of units Annex 8 -- -- --

NB: Each form should be pre-printed at the Centre level with the name and code of the

Centre, and/or school /class to which it will be dispatched

Annexes 5, 7, and 8 are for internal communication only, therefore they do not need to be

translated into the local language


AAnnnneexx 11

Form for process monitoring of the Basic Programme

1.1 Report on ”Unplugged ” base programme UNIT 1: xx-UNIT NAME-xx

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________________

Date (dd/mm/yy) └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

This unit was carried on in approximately: └┴┘ hours └┴┘minutes

Number of students participating in this unit: └┴┘

The following activities were performed: please, tick the boxes corresponding to the activities actually carried out during this particular unit. Please report the reasons for skipping any activity among the free commentaries. Activity Activity code

Opening 1A Activity 1 1B Activity 2 1C Activity 3 1D

Activity 4 1E Your subjective rating on the work with this unit:

None/Moderate/High/Very high/ Not at all Moderately Fairly Very much Students’ interest Interactivity level How comfortable the teacher felt teaching this unit

Anything you feel worth to report on the work with this unit (include reasons for skipping/modifying particular activities, etc)

AAnnnneexx 22

Form for the process monitoring of the

parents arm

2.1 Report on parents’ meeting programme: 1. Understanding better the teen-ager

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘ Conductor (name) __________________________________________

• •

dd mm yy Date └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Attendance Class 1 Class2 Class3 Class 4

Total nr. attendees └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ Nr. of children with at least

one family member attending └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Duration of the meeting └┴┘hours └┴┘ minutes Was the meeting successful? Please rate each of the following aspects separately, think particularly of participants’ interest, communication in the groups, etc.

Not at all Moderately Fairly Very much Not performed

Lecture Role plays Group sessions

FREE commentaries:

2.2 Report on parents’ meeting programme: 2. Parenting a teenager means growing up together

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘ Conductor (name) __________________________________________

• •

dd mm yy Date └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Attendance Class 1 Class2 Class3 Class 4

Total nr. attendees └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ Nr. of children with at least

one family member attending └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Duration of the meeting └┴┘hours └┴┘ minutes Was the meeting successful? Please rate each of the following aspects separately, think particularly of participants’ interest, communication in the groups, etc.

Not at all Moderately Fairly Very much Not performed

Lecture Role plays Group sessions

FREE commentaries:

2.3 Report on parents’ meeting programme: 3. A good relationship with my child also means setting up rules and limits

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘ Conductor (name) __________________________________________

• •

dd mm yy Date └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Attendance Class 1 Class2 Class3 Class 4

Total nr. attendees └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ Nr. of children with at least

one family member attending └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘ └┴┘

Duration of the meeting └┴┘hours └┴┘ minutes Was the meeting successful? Please rate each of the following aspects separately, think particularly of participants’ interest, communication in the groups, etc.

Not at all Moderately Fairly Very much Not performed

Lecture Role plays Group sessions

FREE commentaries:

AAnnnneexx 33

The Peer to Peer programme

3.1 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

1 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.2 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

2 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.3 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

3 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.4 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

4 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.5 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

5 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.6 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

6 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

3.7 Report on ”Unplugged ” P2P programme

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________ Responsible Peers (names): 1.___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________

Please complete all fields in the table below as indicated, for this particular scheduled meeting. The fields in blue are to be filled by the P2P team, while those in yellowby the appointed teacher.


nr. Was it hold?

Date Dd mm yy

Duration (min)

Main topic Students’ rating 1

Reason for not holding

(see codes)2

Teacher’s supervisio


Teacher’s report1

7 Y/N Y/N

1 rating: 1=not at all useful/satisfactory 2=little useful/satisfactory 3= rather useful/satisfactory 4= very useful/satisfactory 2 CODES for column 7 (why the meeting was not hold): 1= P2P drop out 2=illness or temporary hinder of P2P 3= Class non attendance 4=Other Free commentaries, students: Free commentaries, teacher

AAnnnneexx 44

Programmes in control classes

and supplementary information from

intervention classes

4. Health education in control classes and supplementary information from intervention classes

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘ Responsible teacher (name) __________________________________________

Please, complete the following class form for the current semester

Fall 2004

# Dates (from – to)

Any prevention activity?

If yes, specify: Total duration2

(hr) 1 - No Yes 2 - No Yes 3 - No Yes 4 - No Yes 5 - No Yes 6 - No Yes 6 - No Yes 7 - No Yes 8 - No Yes 9 - No Yes

10 - No Yes 1 Write the month in arabic numerals (e.g. October=10) 2 sum up all the different activities that were carried out (an approximate estimate is enough) Anything else you want to report?

AAnnnneexx 55

Report on teachers’ training

5. Report on teachers’ training

CENTER ____________________ STUDY CODE└┴┘

Nr. of full courses (2.5 days) └┴┘ •

Dates (mm dd) 1. └┴┘└┴┘ 2. └┴┘└┴┘ 3. └┴┘└┴┘

Participants a. Number of expected to participate └┴┘

b. Participated in the whole course └┴┘

c. Participated in part of the course └┴┘

d. Didn’t participate └┴┘

Were the courses ? residential not residential

Units chosen by the conductor for demonstration (please check all what applies) •

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Was the proposed agenda always respected? Time Yes No (explain why)

Content Yes No (explain why)

• How many of the non-participants to the 2.5 days course(s) attended the

reduced training? (none=00) Nr └┴┘

AAnnnneexx 66

Assessment of teachers’ training

CENTER ____________________ STUDY CODE└┴┘

6. EU-Dap teacher’s training assessment sheet

Please assess your satisfaction: Satisfaction with ...

Very satisfied






Not satisfied

at all 6

- organization of the workshop - information on the theoretical background of the programme - practical information on the implementation of the programme - trainer as teacher’s model - the working atmosphere - my own contribution to the workshop - relevance for my work as teacher in EU-DAP - relevance for my work as a teacher in general What did you consider most important in the workshop?

What made the work easier?

Anything you didn’t like? Any suggestion for improvement?

Any further support you may need as EU-DAP teacher?

DATE (dd/mm/yy)└┴┘└┴┘└┴┘


Thank you

AAnnnneexx 77::

Report on participation to the questionnaire


7.1. List of students of questionnaire survey

CENTER ____________________ CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL ____________________ CODE└┴┘

CLASS _____________________ CODE└┴┘



Pre 1st Post

2nd post
















7.1. List of students participants - cont’d


elig.Pre 1st

Post 2nd post
















7.2. Report on participation to the questionnaire survey

CENTER ____________________ STUDY CODE└┴┘





































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AAnnnneexx 88

Report on drop-out of trial units (classes)

8. Report on drop-out of trial units (classes)

CENTER ____________________ STUDY CODE└┴┘

SCHOOL CODE └┴┘ CLASS CODE └┴┘ DATE of the event (mm-dd) └┴┘└┴┘

Reasons for non continuing participation (more than one answer is possible) A. TEACHER

lack of time/organizative problems insufficient training personal reasons other (describe briefly) ……………………………………………………………………………………


organizative problems new programme other (describe briefly) ……………………………………………………………………………………


class majority refuses programme class majority refuses survey/not eligible for survey major shift in class composition other (describe briefly) ……………………………………………………………………………………


opposition to the programme opposition to the survey other (describe briefly) ……………………………………………………………………………………


top related