1. conjugação (verbo de exemplo stop'): i/you/we/they have stopped he/she/it has stopped as...

Post on 17-Apr-2015






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1. Conjugação (verbo de exemplo ‘stop'):   I/you/we/they have stoppedHe/she/it has stopped

As contrações são: I've, you've, we've, they've he's, she's, it's

2. Usamos o "Present Perfect Tense" para nos referirmos a algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que mantém algum tipo de conexão com o presente. O verbo principal encontra-se no "Past Participle“ (verbo+ed ou verbo na 3ª coluna da lista. Quando usamos o "Present Perfect", estamos pensando no passado e no presente ao mesmo tempo.I've broken my arm. (=My arm is broken now.)(Eu quebrei minha perna.)

3. Usamos o "Present Perfect Tense" para afirmarmos e/ou perguntarmos/negarmos se algo já aconteceu alguma vez, se já aconteceu antes, se nunca aconteceu, se aconteceu até certa data, se não aconteceu até certo período, se algo ainda não aconteceu.

Have you ever seen Elvis Presley? (=você já viu, alguma vez, o Elvis?)

I've never seen Elvis Presley. (=eu nunca vi Elvis Presley)

I think I've already done it. (=eu acho que eu já fiz isso)

Infinitive Past Past Participle Translation

be (am,is,are) was,were been ser,estar

become became become tornar-se

begin began begun começar

buy bought bought comprar

choose chose chosen escolher

come came come vir

do did done fazer

drive drove driven dirigir

eat ate eaten comer

find found found encontrar

get got got/gotten obter/ficar

have had had ter

know knew knew saber/conhecer

learn learnt/learned learnt/learned aprender

leave left left deixar,sair,partir

make made made fazer

meet met met encontrar,se conhecer

see saw seen ver

speak spoke spoken falar

take took taken pegar,tomar,levar

tell told told contar

think thought thought pensar

understand understood understood entender

win won won vencer

write wrote written escrever

Let’s Practice!

1 Complete the table.

base form simple past past participle








2 What has happened? Complete the sentences:

1 The woman

2 The girl

3 The man

4 The boy

3 Look at the table and complete the information. Then write questions and answers.

Have you ever... Sam Helen

bought a camera? Y N

eaten Japanese food? Y N

seen a banana tree? Y N

lived by the ocean? Y N

fallen off a bike? Y N

Ex.: Sam / buy

Has Sam ever bought a camera?

Yes, he has.

1 Helen / eat

2 Helen / see

3 you / live

4 Sam and Helen / fall

4 When Andy visits a new place, he always buys a souvenir.

1 Judy Rio de Janeiro?


2 Judy New York City?


3 Judy Quito?


4 Judy Honolulu?


5 - The following people have “just” completed an action.

1. Bob / visit / his grandma.

2. Jimmy / play / in the computer.

3. Sue and Walter / wash / their car.

4. Andrew / repair / his bike.

5. Tom and Alice / be / at a restaurant.

6 - In a contest, people get the chance to do something they've “never” done before. This is what the participants told the jury:

1 Fergal / never / sail / in the Pacific.

2 Jason / never / watch / a world-cup final.

3 Connor / never / be / to Canada.

4 Clare / never / meet / Mickey Mouse.

5 Lisa and Holly / never / cycle / around Europe.

7 - Write questions in present perfect simple. Use “ever”.

1 you / answer / the question.

2 Walter / call / us.

3 Jenny / lock / the door.

4 you and your family / be / to London.

5 Maureen / watch / this film.

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