1 day intensive seo analysis

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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©2014 SEOinhouse.com

1 Day Intensive Analysis

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Approach We Will Take

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You will fill out a very detailed intake questionnaire that will tell us more about your : •  Business •  Your different types of customers and their goals •  Your site •  Specific SEO concerns •  What you already know are issues (so that we focus on telling you new information)

Step 1: Debrief & Knowledge Transfer �

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Step 2: Deep-Dive Exploration�We will review the site to identify initial thoughts and recommendations Internal JAM session on observations and findings

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Step 3: If needed, Clarification Call �Quick Q&A Call to get clarification on things we are questioning, confused on or need history. This will be a tentative 30 minute call mid-day. We will cancel if not necessary.

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Step 4: Flesh Out Findings & Action Items�Finish the deep-dive to ensure all major opportunities are identified Define action items findings Prioritize action items as High, Medium or Low Quick List of Findings Documented

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Step 5: You Review Findings�Review the findings and recommendations Send us your questions to be discussed on the Q&A Call

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90-minute walk through of findings and plan of action Call is recorded via GoToMeeting and sent to you

Step 6: Q&A Call �

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Steps 1-4: Day 1 Step 5: Day 2 Step 6: When you are ready


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Elements of SEO that will be considered

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Potential crawling and indexing issues Potential coding issues Potential design issues negatively impacting SEO Page load time issues and opportunities Duplicate content issues Unexpected duplicate content issues Robots.txt usage Header Tags usage Meta Descriptions implementation and text quality Title Tags implementation and text quality URL structures Redirects Errors

Example Elements Evaluated�URL structures Redirects Errors Content depth, quality, strategy Dynamic site high risk issues Data reported in Google and Bing Webmaster Tools Data reported in analytics Search engine index evaluation Site architecture Information architecture More as needed

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About SEOinhouse.com

Consultants, not an agency… there’s a difference

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Founded by a Former In-house SEO Jessica Bowman worked in-house at:

Yahoo! Enterprise-Rent-A-Car Business.com

Built a company to help in-house teams in a way she couldn’t find

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We are a Trusted Advisor to the biggest brands online

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We thrive in massive sites, legacy Systems We’re engaged for challenges that stump senior level SEOs

We give advice that will work in your world

We know how to navigate large organizations

large corporate environments

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Dive in Where You are Many of our clients have well-established SEO teams with seasoned SEOs of 5+ years We don’t take you back to square one, you’ve been there

We define where you’re at today, and start there

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Get in, make an impact, then Step Aside Most of our contracts are not multi-year retainer engagements, they don’t need to be We move you forward and set things up so that YOU can run the ship

We do have clients who engage us year-after-year, for specific projects

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Different Business Model than agencies

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12+ years of enterprise-level SEO experience

Doing enterprise-level SEO is a beast, it’s different We’ve been doing it for 12 years Most projects have someone with 12+ years of experience

All projects have at least one person with 10+ years of enterprise-level SEO experience

We have former programmers on our team

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Boutique SEO consultancy You work with the expert, not an account rep We all know your project, intimately

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