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Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Open Distributed Systems - Lecture 5

Mark Baker

School of Computer ScienceUniversity of Portsmouth

Tel: +44 (1705) 845826

Email: Mark.Baker@computer.org

URL: http:/www.dcs.port.ac.uk/~mab/


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Contents - Concurrency

• Semaphores and Shared Memory.• Process Co-operation.• Mutual Exclusion• The Ornamental Gardens Problem.• Critical Sections.• Producer - Consumer Problem.• Dining Philosophers.• Locking/optimistic



Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Semaphores and Shared Memory

• Semaphores are not used to exchange data between processes; instead they are used to synchronize two or more processes.

• They prevent two processes from simultaneously accessing a shared resource.

• Consider a semaphore as an integer value variable that is a resource counter.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Semaphores and Shared Memory

• The value of the semaphore is a number to indicate whether the resources are available or not.

• A semaphore has only two values: 0 and 1.• Since the use of semaphores is to provide

shared resources synchronisation, the semaphore value must be stored in the kernel as shown in the next slide.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Semaphores and Shared Memory


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Process Co-operation

• In single CPU systems, critical regions, mutual exclusions, and other synchronisation problems are generally solved using methods such as semaphores and monitors.

• These methods are not well suited to use in distributed systems because they generally rely on the existence of shared memory.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Process Co-operation

• Two processes that are interacting using semaphores must both be able to share the semaphore by having it stored in the kernel, and then execute a system call to access it.

• If, however, the processes are running on different machines, this method no longer works, and other techniques are needed.

• In distributed systems it not even easy to determine whether one event occurred before another...


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Mutual Exclusion

• Systems involving multiple processes are often most easily programmed using critical regions.

• When a process has to read or update certain shared data structures, it first enters a critical region to achieve mutual exclusion and ensure that no other process will use the shared data structures at the same time.

• In single-processor systems, critical regions are protected using semaphores, monitors and similar constructs.

• We will look at a few examples of how critical regions and mutual exclusion can be implemented in distributed systems.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Mutual Exclusion

• Now consider the problem of threads working (processing and updating) some data that is shared.

• In particular, think about the problem of interference and its solution using mutually exclusive access.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

The Ornamental Gardens Problem

• A large Ornamental Garden is open to members of the public who can enter through either one of two turnstiles.

• The management want to determine how many people there are in the garden at any one time.

• They require a computer system to provide this information.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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The Ornamental Gardens problem


West Turnstile

East Turnstile

People Count

• We will represent each turnstile by a thread and provide an object to store the count.

• Each turnstile displays the number of people it has let into the park

• The concurrent program consists of two concurrent threads and a shared counter object.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Ornamental garden Program












east,west people


The Turnstile thread simulates the periodic arrival of a visitor to the garden every second by sleeping for a second and then invoking the increment() method of the counter object.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Ornamental Garden - pseudo code

main() {

int counter;

Thread turnstile(){ // Thread Def.

for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)

counter = counter + 1;


turnstile turnstileE, turnstileW; // Thread Dec.





Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Ornamental Garden - Count Object

class Counter {

int value_= 0;

public void increment() {

int temp = value_; //read


++temp; //add1

value_= temp; //write



• The simulated interrupt simply calls yield() randomly to force a thread switch - this is to make sure the demonstration works on all JVM.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

The Ornamental Gardens problem

• In this example program, each turnstile is represented by a thread that updates a shared counter object.

• This version does not work correctly as can be observed, increments to the counter are lost so that the total number of people in the garden is not the sum of the people who entered through the turnstiles.

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Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Ornamental garden program - display

After the East and West turnstile threads have each incremented its counter 21 times, the garden people counter is not the sum of the counts displayed. Counter increments have been lost. Why?


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• The problem in the Ornamental Gardens program is that we have permitted the increment action by the West Turnstile to overlap with the increment action of East.


EAST = (increment EAST)WEST = (increment WEST)

andincrement = (readadd1write)


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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concurrent method activation

Java method activations are not atomic - thread objects east and west may be executing the code for the increment method at the same time.



read value

write value + 1

programcounter program


PC PCshared code


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Ornamental garden Model

Process VAR models read and write access to the shared counter value.

Increment is modelled inside TURNSTILE since Java method activations are not atomic i.e. thread objects east and west may interleave their read and write actions.















Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• Consequently the following is a legal execution trace:Wread Eread Wadd1 Wwrite Eadd1 Ewrite

• It can easily be seen that this results in losing an increment on counter.

• For correctness, we require that the increment actions do not overlap.

forall e : (Winc Einc) or (Einc Winc)


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Interference and Mutual Exclusion

Destructive update, caused by the arbitrary interleaving of read and write actions, is termed interference.

Interference bugs are extremely difficult to locate.

The general solution is to give methods mutually exclusive access to shared objects. Mutual exclusion can be modeled as atomic actions.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Critical Sections

• We can avoid the problem of interference by making actions indivisible or atomic.

• The piece of code that must appear (from the point of view of some other process) as an atomic action and is called a Critical Section (CS).

• If processes P and Q both contain critical sections whose overlapped executions could interfere with one another, then we need to ensure these sections are executed under mutual exclusion.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Critical Sections

forall e : (CSiP CSj

Q) or (CSjQ CSi


• For all pairs of processes P and Q and repetitions of their critical sections i and j.

• We say that two operations are serialised when they may be executed in either order but without overlap.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Critical Sections in Java

class Counter {

int value_=0;

public synchronized void

increment() {

int temp = value_; //read


++temp; //add1

value_=temp; //write



•A method can be made a critical section in Java by prefixing its definition with the keyword synchronized. • The corrected code for the Counter class becomes: Netscape Hypertext



Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Java Synchronized Statement

• Java associates a lock with every object.• Consequently in the previous example the

Java compiler inserts code to acquire the lock before executing the body of the synchronized method and code to release the lock before the method returns.

• Access to an object may also be made mutually exclusive by using the synchronized statement.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Java Synchronized Statement

• For example, an alternative (but less elegant) way to correct the example would be to modify the Turnstile.run() method:

public void run() {







Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Mutual Exclusion - Summary

• Concepts:– Interference.– Critical section.– Mutual Exclusion.

• Practice:– Synchronized methods.– Synchronized statement.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• A monitor is a language construct which provides automatic mutual exclusion to the variables it encapsulates.

• Variables may only be accessed via monitor access procedures which are critical sections.

• Consequently, only a single thread may be executing inside a monitor at any one time.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Monitors in Java

• Any object may be a monitor in Java by making all its methods synchronized and its data attributes private or protected.

• Consequently, the data encapsulated by the object can only be accessed via its methods.

• Because this access is synchronized, mutual exclusion is enforced.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23

Example Monitor in Java

class Counter {

private long value_ = 0;

public synchronized void inc() { ++value_;}

public synchronized void dec() { --value_;}

public synchronized long value() {return(value_);}



Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Condition Synchronization

• In addition to mutual exclusion, monitors need to handle the more general problem of inter-thread synchronization.

• Hoare in his classic paper* on monitors proposed condition variables which are simply FIFO queues of suspended threads. *Hoare C.A.R.(1974), Monitors: an Operating System Structuring Concept, Communications of the ACM, 17(10), 549-57.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Condition Synchronization

wait(c) - Suspend execution of calling thread - place thread on condition queue(c).signal(c) - Resume execution of thread at the head of c.

• They are called condition variables (queues) since they are used to signal that some condition within the monitor holds, i.e. value_== 0 or buffer_empty.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Synchronization & Mutual Exclusion

• Although only one thread may be executing inside a monitor at a time, a wait operation - which suspends a thread inside the monitor - will allow another thread to enter the monitor.

• Waiting threads effectively exit the monitor.

• If this was not the case and a suspended thread retained the monitor lock then no other thread could enter the monitor - the waiting thread could never be resumed.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Synchronization & Mutual Exclusion





Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Condition Synchronization in Java

• Java provides only one condition queue per monitor .

• The following methods are provided by class Object (the base class).– public final void notify() - Wakes up a

single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor queue.

– public final void notifyAll() - Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor queue.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Condition synchronization in Java

– public final void wait() throws InterruptedException - Waits to be notified by another thread, when notified, the thread must wait to reacquire the monitor before resuming execution.

• These operations fail if called by a thread which does not currently “own” the monitor, i.e. has acquired the monitor lock by executing a synchronized method or statement.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• Semaphores are the synchronization datatype defined by Dijkstra - Dijkstra E.W. (1968) Co-operating Sequential Processes. In Programming Languages, Academic Press.

• It is based on an integer variable to count the wakeups saved for future use.

• A semaphore could have a value 0, indicating no wakeups were saved, or some positive value if one or more wakeups are pending.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• Dijkstra proposed having two operations, DOWN and UP - generalisations of SLEEP and WAKEUP.

• WAIT – if the value of the semaphore is > 0 then decrement it and allow the process to continue, else suspend the process (noting that it is blocked on this semaphore)

• SIGNAL – if there are no processes waiting on the semaphore then increment it; else free one process, which continues at the instruction after its WAIT instruction.

Semaphore S;

S.down() // - when S>0 decrement S;

S.up() // - increment S;


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Signalling using Semaphores

• The demonstration program has two threads: Thread A signals the semaphore using up() and Thread B waits for the semaphore using down().

class Signaller

implements Runnable {

Semaphore sema_;

Signaller(Semaphore s) {sema_= s;}

public void run() {

while(true) {

for(int i=0;i<60; i++)




class Waiter

implements Runnable {

Semaphore sema_;

Waiter(Semaphore s) {sema_= s;}

public void run() {

while(true) {


for(int i=0;i<10; i++)


}}}Netscape Hypertext



Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Producer - Consumer Problem

• As an example of how these primitives can be used, consider the Producer-Consumer Problem (bounded-box problem).

• Two processes share a common, fixed-sized buffer.

• One of them, the producer puts information into the buffer, and the other, the consumer, takes it out.

• Trouble arises when the producer wants to put a new item in the buffer, but it is already full.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Producer - Consumer Problem

• The solution is to put the producer to sleep, to be awaken when the consumer has removed one of more items.

• Similarly, if the consumer want to remove an item from the buffer and see that the buffer is empty, it goes to sleep until the producer puts something in the buffer and wakes it up.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Producer - Consumer Problem

put get


Buffer Consumer

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Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Correctness of Concurrent Programs

• A concurrent program must satisfy two classes of property: safety and liveness.– Safety Properties: Assert that nothing ‘bad’ will

ever happen during an execution (that is, that the program will never enter a ‘bad’ state).

– Liveness properties: Assert that something ‘good’ will eventually happen during execution.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Correctness of Concurrent Programs

• Liveness is concerned with making progress in a program - situations which prevent progress are livelock and starvation.

• Deadlock can be considered to impact both safety and liveness.

• Liveness properties are in general more difficult to prove than safety properties since they are dependent on the scheduling properties being used and require reasoning about infinite sequences of actions.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Readers - Writers

• Through synchronize , Java provides exclusive locking.

• However, in many programs it will be correct for a number of threads which do not modify a shared resource to access that resource concurrently (Readers).

• Threads which update the state of the resource (Writers) will still require exclusive access.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dining Philosophers

• Dining Philosophers Problem: Five philosophers sit around a circular table.

• Each philosopher spends his life alternatively thinking and eating.

• In the centre of the table is a large plate of noodles.

• A philosopher needs two chopsticks to eat a helping of noodles.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dining Philosophers

• Unfortunately, as philosophy is not as well paid as computing, the philosophers can only afford five chopsticks.

• One chopstick is placed between each pair of philosophers and they agree that each will only use the chopstick to his immediate right and left.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dining Philosophers










Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dining Philosophers


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dining Philosophers - Specification

DINERS = PHIL0 ||...|| PHIL5 || CHOP0 ||...|| CHOP5

PHILi = (i.think i.get.i i.get.(i~1) i.eati.put.I i.put.(i~1)PHILi)

CHOPi = (( i.get.ii.put.i[] (i1).get.i (i1).put.I ) CHOPi )

wherei~1 = (i+5-1)%5i1 = (i+1)%5


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Philosopher implementation

• Each philosopher is a process with its own thread of control.

• CHOP is implemented by the monitor class Chopstick - the choice in CHOP is provided by the get()operation which allocates the chopstick to the first philosopher to request it and blocks a neighbours request until the fork is released by put().


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Philosopher implementation

• The notion of first is realised by the synchronization lock which ensures that only one thread can be executing in get() at any one time.

• What happens when eating and thinking time is reduced in the demonstration program?

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Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• The Dining Philosophers program deadlocks when every philosopher has obtained his/her right chopstick.

• No philosopher can obtain his/her left chopstick and so no progress can be made - the system is deadlocked.

• A thread/process is said to be in a deadlock state if it is waiting for a condition that will never become true (e.g. left chopstick becoming free).


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• Note that the potential for deadlock exists independently of the thinking and eating times.

• However, the probability of deadlock occurring increases as these times are reduced.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Deadlock: necessary and sufficient conditions

• Serially reusable resources: the processes involved share resources which they use under mutual exclusion.

• Incremental acquisition: processes hold on to resources already allocated to them while waiting to acquire additional resources.

• No pre-emption: once acquired by a process, resources cannot be pre-empted (forcibly withdrawn) but are only released voluntarily.

• Wait-for cycle: a circular chain (or cycle) of processes exists such that each process holds a resource which its successor in the cycle is waiting to acquire.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Wait-for cycle





Has A awaits B

Has B awaits C

Has C awaits DHas D awaits E

Has E awaits A


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• Deadlock can be avoided in the Dining Philosophers system by making one of the philosophers pick up his/her chopsticks in the reverse order (i.e. left before right).

• Can you suggest alternatives strategies for avoiding deadlock in the dining philosophers program ?

PHIL0 = (0.think

--> 0.get.4 --> 0.get.0

--> 0.eat

--> 0.put.4 --> 0.put.0

--> PHIL0)

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Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Distributed Concurrency Control

• We already covered simple case of single-system mutual exclusion.

• Now consider concurrency control in a distributed system...

• Techniques Used:– Locking.– Optimistic Concurrency Control.– Timestamps.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• The oldest and most widely used concurrency control algorithm is locking.

• In its simplest form, when a process needs to read or write data as part of a transaction, it first locks the data.

• Locking can be done using a single centralised lock manager, or with a local lock manager on each machine.


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• In both cases the lock manager maintains a list of locked files and rejects all attempts to lock files that are already locked by another process.

• Since well-behaved processes do not attempt to access data before it has been locked, setting a lock on the data keeps everyone else away from it and ensure that it will not change during the lifetime of the transaction.


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• Locks are normally acquired and released by the transaction system and do not require the intervention of the programmer.

• This system is very restrictive and can be improved greatly by distinguishing between

• read and write locks.• Read locks make sure the data does not

change, but does not exclude other processes reading the data.

• Write locks locks are exclusive !


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• One issue with locking is the granularity of the lock - is it an entire file, record, memory page, object, data item…

• Obviously the finer the granularity, the more precise the lock and the greater the potential for parallelism.

• On the other hand, fine granularity requires more locks, is more expensive to support and is more likely to lead to deadlocks.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Dead Locks

• Locking techniques can lead to dead locks.• For example, if two processes acquire locks

and then need to acquire each others lock before they can release their own, a state of dead lock will occur.

• Dead lock can be overcome by some type of queuing scheme of by having timeouts and aborts on locks.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Conditions for Dead Locks

• A resource request can be refused:– The systems concurrency control policy is such

that objects can be acquired for exclusive use or some specific use.

– It is possible for a process to be refused access to an object on the grounds that some other process acquired it for exclusive use.

– An example is that a process may request exclusive access to an object in order to write to it but is refused because the object is currently locked for shared access.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Conditions for Dead Locks

• Hold while waiting:– A process is allowed to hold objects while

requesting further objects. The assumption is that the process will wait for the resource until it become available.

• No preempton:– Objects cannot be recovered from processes. A

process may acquire an object use it and release it.

• Circular wait:– A cycle of processes exists such that each process

holds an object that is being requested by the next process in the cycle and that request has been refused.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Optimistic Concurrency Control

• The idea behind this technique is simple - just go ahead and do whatever you want to without paying attention to what anybody else is doing. If there is a problem worry about it later…

• In practice conflicts are rare, so most of the time it works OK.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Optimistic Concurrency Control

• This technique manages conflicts by keeping track of which files have been read and written.

• At the point of committing, it checks all other transactions to see if its files have been changed since the transaction started.

• If it has, the transaction is aborted, if it has not the transaction is committed.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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Optimistic Concurrency Control

• The advantages of this technique are:– deadlock free.– maximizes parallelism as there no locks.

• The disadvantages are:– The technique sometimes fails, in which case

the transaction need to be re-run.– Under conditions of heavy load, the probability

of failure may go up substantially, making this technique a poor choice.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

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• A completely different approach to concurrency control is to assign each transaction a timestamp at the moment that it begins.

• Every file in the system has a read and write timestamp.

• It will normally be the case that when a process tries to access a file, the file’s read and write timestamp will be lower (older) then the transactions timestamp.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23


• This ordering means that the transactions are being processed in the proper order, so everything is OK.

• When the ordering is incorrect, this means that a transaction that started later has managed to access update and commit.

• This situation means that the current transaction is late (working on an older copy of the data) and must be aborted.


Division of Computer ScienceDivision of Computer ScienceMark BakerMark Baker

Mark.Baker@computer.orgMark.Baker@computer.org 04/18/2304/18/23


• We have been looking at synchronisation in distributed systems.

• We have looked some of the methods of providing exclusive access to data.

• Hopefully now have some idea of the problems associated with distributed processes concurrently trying to access some shared resource.

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