1 floridalibraryjobs. org miserviciodebiblioteca.org statewide portals: policies, practices,...

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FloridaLibraryJobs. org FloridaLibraryJobs. org

MiServiciodeBibliotecaMiServiciodeBiblioteca.org.orgStatewide Portals: Policies, Practices, PoliticsStatewide Portals: Policies, Practices, Politics

ALA Annual ConferenceALA Annual Conference

June 26, 2004June 26, 2004

Orlando, FLOrlando, FL



Mission: Encourage the recruitment of professional staff to

fill vacant positions in all types of libraries through a centralized statewide job placement program

Key Goals: Provide a searchable listing of job openings for

professional library positions in Florida libraries that require an ALA-accredited Master's Degree

Provide a searchable listing of resumes for library professionals seeking positions in Florida's libraries


FloridaLibraryJobs.org Key Portal Partners:

FL Division of Library and Information Services Information resource provider for the Florida Legislature and all state

agencies; Coordinates and helps to fund activities of public libraries; Provides a framework for statewide library initiatives; Provides archival and records management services; Preserves, collects, and makes available the published and unpublished documentary history of the state

SEFLIN, Inc. Non-profit membership organization of 26 Southeast Florida

libraries/library systems with more than 3,000 library staff at more than 300 library locations; Dedicated to planning, implementing, and evaluating cooperative library services for a service area of more than 5 million residents; Strives to pioneer innovative continuing education and technology services to support all types of libraries



Policies: What libraries are eligible to participate?

Any Florida library may post a position if they register for an employer account

Who maintains the portal?SEFLIN, under contract with the FL Division of

Library and Information Services, operates the portal

Florida libraries provide & maintain job postingsJob seekers provide & maintain resumes



Policies: Who is the primary audience for the portal?

Florida Libraries – Posting professional library positions

– Identifying potential applicants via posted resumes

Librarians Seeking Jobs– Identifying vacant professional library positions

– Posting resumes for review by library employers



Practices: What is the technology used?

Cold Fusion Programming Language– For ‘Dynamic’ Web sites that are customizable to the

individual user (e.g. password access; account management)

– For database-driven Web applications

Fuse Box Programming Methodology– For ‘modularized’ programs that are more readily expandable

and more adaptable to the evolving needs of users.



Practices: How has the portal evolved?

2001/2002 LSTA Grant– Jobs in Southeast Florida Libraries

Gateway to Information through Florida Library– Libraries use the services of a statewide recruitment and awareness

program to address needs for staffing 2003 LSTA Grant

– Development Statewide Library Recruitment and Resume Bank 2004 LSTA Grant

– Promotion of and Improvement to Statewide Library Recruitment and Resume Bank



Practices: If starting over from scratch, what would

you do differently? Allow more time for pre-development user

studiesSpend more time beta-testing the Web services

before deploying them for public use


FloridaLibraryJobs.org Politics:

State Goal, Outcome, and Activity Established Through Statewide

Planning– Gateway to Information through Florida Libraries: An Outcomes Plan, 2003-2007

(Florida’s Strategic Plan for Library Development)» “Develop recruitment web site to include job openings and resume bank.”

Regional/Organization – SEFLIN Board of Directors Identified Recruitment as Key Issue

– 2001/2002 LSTA Grant» Jobs in Southeast Florida Libraries



Politics: If there are other portal projects in the state,

how does this portal relate to them?Division of Library and Information ServicesJobs in Southeast Florida LibrariesFlorida & Caribbean Job LinksLisjobs.comALA American Libraries – Hot Jobs Online


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Mission:

Improve access to library services between people who speak Spanish and the libraries of Southeast Florida

Key Goals: Deliver a Spanish language library portal that provides

single search access to WebPACs and other resources in the Spanish language

Deliver a Spanish language library directory and map service


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Key Portal Partners:

FL Division of Library and Information Services Information resource provider for the Florida Legislature and all state

agencies; Coordinates and helps to fund activities of public libraries; Provides a framework for statewide library initiatives; Provides archival and records management services; Preserves, collects, and makes available the published and unpublished documentary history of the state

SEFLIN, Inc. Non-profit membership organization of 26 Southeast Florida

libraries/library systems with more than 3,000 library staff at more than 300 library locations; Dedicated to planning, implementing, and evaluating cooperative library services for a service area of more than 5 million residents; Strives to pioneer innovative continuing education and technology services to support all types of libraries


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Policies:

What libraries are eligible to participate?Southeast Florida Libraries

– Búsqueda por Biblioteca

Who maintains the portal?SEFLINSEFLIN Member Libraries

– Directorio de Bibliotecas» Florida Atlantic University


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Policies:

Who is the primary audience for the portal? Southeast Florida Library Users

– Hispanic Population = 1,986,881 (38% of SE FL population) » Spanish First Language Learned to Speak = 90%» Language Most Comfortable Speaking is Spanish = 74%» Spanish Language Spoken Most Frequently at Home = 81%

Southeast Florida Library Staff– Assisting Spanish Language Library Users Search Library Resource

» English Subtitles– Ready Reference to Resources, Organizations, Use of the Spanish

» 'ALT key' codes for typing Spanish characters



Practices: What is the technology used?

Cold Fusion Programming Language– For dynamic, database-driven Web services

WebFeat Federated Search Software– Single Search of WebPACs and Other Web Based Resources

Professional Translation Services– ‘Human’ translation, with identified standards for quality


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Practices:

How has the portal evolved? 1999/2000 – SEFLIN Identified Need to Develop Regional Library

Portal 2000/2001- MyLibraryService.org Developed with Support of

$265,000 LSTA Grant 2001/2002 – MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Developed with Support

of $185,000 LSTA Grant 2002/2003 – Library Portal Enhanced with Support of $200,000

LSTA Grant – Development Statewide Library Recruitment and Resume Bank

2004 – Spanish Language Versions of the Florida Electronic Library Under Development


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Practices:

If starting over from scratch, what would you do differently? Spend more time researching the information

needs of the target populationBudget more funds toward the promotion of the




Politics: State

Demographics Statewide Interests Serves Underserved Population

Regional/Organization – SEFLIN Demographics Library Outreach Regional Cooperation


MiServiciodeBiblioteca.org Politics:

If there are other portal projects in the state, how does this portal relate to them?Florida Electronic LibraryEl Nuevo Herald Library Portals

– Boynton Beach Public Library

– Miami-Dade College

– Palm Beach County Library System


For More Information:

Tom Sloansloan@email.selfin.org

Charles Mayberrymayberry@email.seflin.org

SEFLIN Web Site http://www.seflin.org


Thank you for your time and attention.

Gracias por su atencion y su tiempo.

ALA Annual ConferenceALA Annual Conference

June 26, 2004June 26, 2004

Orlando, FLOrlando, FL

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