1. george washington 1789-97: father of the country,...

Post on 27-May-2018






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1. George Washington 1789-97: Father of the Country, Rev War leader, Whiskey Rebellion, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay, Mount Vernon

2. John Adams 1797-1801, XYZ Affair (Notes), Alien and Sedition Acts (Notes),

3. Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809: Mar bury vs Madison (judicial Review), Lewis and Clark and the Louisiana Purchase Hamilton Vs Burr Monticello, Manifest Destiny

4. James Madison 1809 – 1817: War of 1812 (France and Britain Fighting –?) Harrison beats Tecumseh at Tippecanoe, Star Spangled Banner and Francis Scott Key, Whitehouse burned down, General Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans 1815

5. James Monroe 1817-1825: Florida is given to the US by Spain, Monroe Doctrine - the US will keep the Western Hemisphere safe, Missouri Compromise Forbid slavery N of 36.

Add Amendments 11- 27 if not done yet – Const. Packet

Hysteria/ Other Notes • XYZ Affair America almost goes to war with France

Bribery Representatives and Raiding our ships

• Jefferson buys Louisiana Territory from Napoleon 15 million – explored by Lewis and Clark 1804 with a little help from Sacagawea – today St. Louis Arch = Gateway to the West

• Hamilton and Burr Famous duel over something said – Would politicians today kill each other over something? Is that good or bad? What is a Second? Common paces? Duloop?

• War of 1812 (America gets involved because British are taking our sailors and ships and using them to fight the French. War actually goes to 1814, Treaty of Ghent signed ends the war – But Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) still fights the Battle of New Orleans 2 weeks after war.

Early Pres pop 1 1. Nominated by Washington this man became

the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 2. This event, that took place during the

presidency of John Adams, almost took us to war with France?

3. This War with Britain occurred during the Presidency of James Madison.

4 -5. These 2 early politicians were involved in a famous dual that left one of them dead?

6-10. During the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson the US bought the Louisiana Territory from this person? How much did it cost? What did it do to the size of the US? And who was hired to explore the Louisiana Territory? And where did the explorers start their journey?

Early Pres. Pop 2 1. This Document said that the US would keep the Western

Hemisphere safe from foreigners?

2. This Compromise outlawed slavery N. of the 36th Parallel?

3. This president was known as Old Hickory?

4. Who were 2 people at the Alamo?

5. Where did the battle of the Alamo take place?

6. Who was the US president when the Alamo battle was going on?

7. What is an Abolitionist?

8. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

9. This famous series of Museums was started during the presidency of Andrew Jackson?

10. Who was the Mexican Leader at the battle of the Alamo?

6. John Quincy Adams 1825 – 1829: Erie Canal, known as an

early Abolitionist, after being president he will be part of a

court case dealing with the Amistad slave ship.

7. Andrew Jackson 1829 – 1837: Jacksonian democracy – begin

to see more interest from the common man not just upper

class in the East more Western and Southerners involved.

The Alamo (), Spoils or Patronage, Smithsonian, Old Hickory

Cherokee Indians

8. Martin Van Buren 1837 – 1841: Trail of Tears, due to some

Jackson decisions (Indian Issues), Amistad Trial (N/S Issues)

9. William Henry Harrison 1841:Typeecanoe and Tyler too

slogan, gave the longest inaugural speech in history – Got

pneumonia, died about a month later

10. John Tyler 1841-1845: we began to trade with China and the

east, Texas is Annexed by the US


11. James K Polk 1845 – 1849: Young Hickory, Mexican

American War (Possibly read Ch. 9 Sec 4 – look at poster basics)

Important Generals Winfield Scott, and Zack Taylor, War ends with the

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and the US gains Arizona, Utah, New

Mexico, Nevada parts of Wyoming and Colorado. 1848 Gold

Discovered at Sutter's Mill, Forest Greeley Go West

12. Zachary Taylor 1849-50: Old Rough and Ready, Mexican

American War Hero – Fought in the Battle of Buena Vista

against Santa Anna, Compromise of 1850 (Slavery Issue),

49ers Gold Rush

13. Millard Fillmore 1850-3: Fugitive Slave Act

14. Franklin Pierce 1853-57: Bleeding Kansas

15. James Buchanan 1857-1861: last president before Civil War

1850 Compromise

Early Pres Crossword and

HS on the Smithsonian

16. Abraham Lincoln 1861-65: Early Abolitionist, Good lawyer, 1856

helps est Republican Party – Slavery is wrong, however Lincoln was

prepared to take it were it already existed but – Civil War Breaks out

with Ft. Sumter, Southern Confederacy, Antietam – Emancipation

Proclamation, Gettysburg – Gettysburg Address, 1st president to be

assassinated – John Wilkes Booth.

17. Andrew Johnson 1865-69: Symbol of Southern Unionism (Governor

of Tennessee – only southern Governor to side with the Union). Civil

Rights Act of 1866 (1st vetoed bill that is overrode by 2/3rd vote of

Congress), Impeached (Tenure of Office Act)

18. Ulysses S. Grant 1869-77: N. Civil War General, Not a great

President (Why), KKK starts, Memoirs

19. Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881: Very Independent Minded,

Reconstruction ends when Hayes becomes President N. Troops

Removed from south (Tilden vs Hayes Election),

wife Lemonade Lucy – Prohibition

20. James Garfield 1881: Assassinated by someone who thought that they were owed a patronage Job

21. Chester A Arthur 1881-85: Chinese Exclusionary Act

22. Grover Cleveland 1885-1889: Only Pres to serve 2 non- consecutive terms, interstate commerce act, protectionist

23. Ben Harrison 1889-93: Sherman Antitrust Act, The Oath of Loyalty/Pledge of Allegiance – (Francis Bellamy), 1st Billion Dollar Congress, McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 Takeover of Hawaii

24. Grover Cleveland 1893-1897: Out of touch at this time

25. William McKinley 1897-1901: President During the Spanish

American War - Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Platt

Amendment; Yellow Journalism, the Maine; Rough Riders,

Philippine Insurrection,, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt,

Assassinated by an Anarchist.

26. Teddy Roosevelt 1901-1909: Bully, From New York,

Rough Rider, Panama Canal Zone (Notes), Uses Sherman

Anti-trust Act – Trustbuster, Imperialism Somewhat

continues with him. Bull Moose Party

27. William Howard Taft – 1909-13: Cars instead of Horses,

First pitch thrown out by a president in a ML Baseball

Game, Loses in 1912 because Roosevelt gets involved in

the election, Later in life loses lots of Weight

becomes Supreme Court Chief Justice

28. Woodrow Wilson – 1913-1921: Federal Reserve Bank,

WWI (14 Points Peace Plan/league of Nations, Nobel

Peace Prize), Women Get right to Vote (19th Amendment)

16th,17th, 18th Amendments,

29. Warren G Harding – 1921-23: Hands off Politics, Looks like the President, Controlled by politicians, Tea Pot Dome Scandal, The Ohio Gang – Like Grant Trusted to much, Dies in Office (Heart Attack)

30. Calvin Coolidge – 1923-29: Nicknamed Silent Cal Ironically he also promotes the new media and technology of the age, does not do much basically lets big business work.

31. Herbert Hoover – 1929-32: Helped during WWI, Hoover though elected in 1929 when things are good. They will go bad Quick with the Start of the Great Depression which he will get a lot of blame for.

People Spending Money and Having a good time

32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: (FDR) 1933 – 45 – Democrat

NEW DEAL Policies, Fireside Chats (importance of Radio,

Pearl Harbor, D-Day, Yalta Conference, dies just before

the end of WWII – Elected President 4 times.

33. Harry S Truman: 1945 – 1953, Victory in Europe (VE-

Day) (VJ-Day), Becomes president very end of WWII really

1st Cold War President, Truman Doctrine - Contain

Communism, Marshal Plan, Berlin Airlift, The Domino

Theory, Beginning of the UN, and Korean War

Post WWII Cold War Presidents

34. Dwight Eisenhower – 1953-1961, famous commander of Allied Forces during WWII (D-Day European Front), Ends Korean War, Beginnings of Vietnam, Cuba and Castro, Highway System, U2 spy plane/Soviet Union

35. John F Kennedy (JFK) – 1961-63, more officers in Nam, Cuban Missile Crisis (13 Days), Bay of Pigs, Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald?, Jackie Kennedy (Onasis), Camelot, New Freedom

36. Lyndon B Johnson – 1963-69, Escalation of Vietnam (1964-5) – Gulf of Tonkin Incident,

Tet offensive in Vietnam , Warran Report, Civil Rights Bill of 1965, Ladybird, Great Society

37. Richard Nixon – 1969-73, Watergate Scandal, only President to ever Resign, saw himself as a World Statesman more then President, 1st President to Visit China and the Soviet Union (while Communist)

38. Ford 73-77, Vietnam end, Pardons Nixon

39. Jimmy Carter – 1977-81, Big into Humanitarian activities, helps create Dept of Education, Helps Minorities, promotes Social Security, Camp David Peace Accords with Israel and Egypt, SALT Talks to Reduce Nuclear Weapons, Iran Hostage Crisis

Possible Hysteria Clip

80s-90s and the End of the Cold War

40. Ronald Reagan, 1981-1989 – Reagonomics, attempted assassination John Hinkley Jr., Soviet US relations improve, Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall (Berlin Wall), Iran Contra affair.

41. George W. Bush, 1989-1993 – Berlin Wall Comes down during his presidency – Had a lot to do with Reagan and Gorbachev, Desert Storm and Saddam Hussein. Cold War Ends, and oh yeah doesn’t like Broccoli Hysteria

42. Bill Clinton 1993-2001 – Desert Fox – more problems with Saddam, Great Economic situation in America – tech inventions and housing, Brady Bill, Somalia-Black Hawk Down, Impeached - Lewinski Scandal

2000 and Beyond 43. George Bush Jr. 2001-2009, Al Gore, Sept

11th 2001 – Leads to War on Terrorism and Wars in Afghanistan (Osama Bin Laden), and Iraq (Saddam Hussein). Economy starts strong slows a great deal by the end of his presidency.

44. Barrack Obama 2009 – 1st African American President, economic issues

End of Iraq War?, Osama Bin Ladin


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