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ITEC0724 Modern Related Technology on

Mobile D. : Cloud Deployment Model + Migration

and Mobile Cloud Computing

Lecture Notes #2

Lecture Outline Cloud deployment models Business case Moving applications to the cloud

Application attributes Cloud service attributes System abstraction Cloud bursting

Mobile market Adopting mobile cloud applications


Cloud Deployment Models (NIST)

Public clouds Private clouds Hybrid clouds

3The models by the US National institute of standards and technology (NIST)

Public Clouds

Infrastructure is for public use Own by organization selling cloud

services Potential advantage

No risk in infrastructure Potential disadvantage

Lack of security


Key public cloud providers

Google Google Docs, Google App Engine

(GAE) EMC Corporation

Parent company of VMWare, one of the leading companies in virtualization

Microsoft Azure Platform Amazon Web Services (EC2 and S3) Salesforce.com (force.com)


Private Clouds

Basically, it’s a cloud infrastructure set up, managed, and upgraded by an organization or community for their own use (private use)

Potential advantage Full control of all resources and

technologies such as security Potential disadvantage

Infrastructure cost


Technology for Private Clouds

Commercial vendors are entering in this domain quite fast Vmware

Open Source providers are also there Eucalyptus, Ubuntu



Hybrid Clouds

Combine multiple clouds (private and public) Each cloud retains its unique

characteristics, but bound together as a unit

Potential advantage Security and Infrastructure cost

Potential disadvantage Policies compliance???,


Other types of clouds

Virtual private clouds (VPC) Run on top of public cloud Leverage VPN technology to

customize network topology and security setting

Advantage – infrastructure and security

Example, Amazon Web Services


Other types of clouds (2)

Community clouds Serve a common function or purpose

of multiple units Share common concerns such as mission,

policies, security and regulatory compliances

Units can be within one organization or multiple organizations

Advantage Cost – shared infrastructure cost Security – higher level of security and privacy


Business cases

Dimensions to consider to save cost Ongoing operational cost reduction The value of preserving capital The value of upsizing on demand The value of downsizing on demand The value of agility The value of reuse The value of coolness


Operational Cost Reduction


Upsize and downsize on demand


Case Study on Oil & Gas Industry

The migration use-case of an IT System From a company’s in-house data

center To Amazon EC2

14System Overview

System Deployed in the Cloud

Infrastructure costs Company C paid £104,000 to Company B

for the system in 2005, £19,200 of which was for the system’s infrastructure.

In addition, C paid B £43,000 per year for system support and maintenance, £3600 of which is for the running costs of the system infrastructure.

Over a 5 year period, the total cost of the system infrastructure is therefore: £19,200 + (5 x £3,600) = £37,200


Price Comparision Amazon EC2 provides an option of using

either small or large server instances depending on the amount of CPU power and RAM required.

In Cloud, 37% cheaper compared to 1 small and 1 large server instance


Support and Maintenance

In 2005, 218 Support calls have been made regarding the operation of the system.

The majority were about software problems. 45 calls were related to the system’s

infrastructure. 38 calls – backup problems 5 calls – network problems 2 calls – power outages at B

In cloud – 21% eliminated


Stakeholders’ Impact Analysis

Stakeholders’ impact analysis is a method of identifying potential sources of benefits and risks from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.


The steps to do business case

Understanding the existing issues Define value points Model “as is” Model “to be” Assign costs Define hard benefits and soft benefits Define risks Create business case (save cost?)


Moving applications to the cloud

Deploy Application to the cloud? Entirely or Part of the application is on the

local system and another part is in the cloud Migration involves

Functionality Mapping - Identification of potential benefits associated with migration

Analysis of critical features of application Analysis of features supported by cloud provider

Nature of target cloud platform Evaluation of supported tools and technologies


Application attributes Attributes to analyze for porting

applications to the cloud Application Availability Data management Cost Maintenance Security Scalability Interfaces


Application Attributes (2)

Quality attributes associated with application Abstraction, configuration, interoperability, modularity,

reusability, language support, monitoring support, staffing requirements, tool support.

Quality attributes associated with availability Fault management, Geographic location, resource pooling,

resource access, reliability, uptime.

Quality attributes associated with scalability Caching, licensing, lifecycle management, load balancing,

replication, resource provisioning

Quality attributes associated with cost Development cost, resource cost, staging cost.


Application Attributes (3) Quality attributes associated with data

management Data exchange, indexing, online/offline access, portability,

query, state, store type, data structures, transactions.

Quality attributes associated with security Access, auditing, authentication, cryptography, identity,

regulations, remote access, security rules, trust relationships.

Quality attributes associated with maintenance APIs, Configurations, Deployment.

Quality attributes associated with user interface

Ease of use, interface features, user interaction.


Cloud Service Attributes

Features associated with application Accounting schemes, operating system

support, database support, resource pooling mechanisms, site location, redundancy and replication, relation management, virtual machine types, APIs.

Platform features Application support, deployment

environments, Internationalization (languages and locale), programming langue support, testing, API and command line interfaces.



Cloud Service Attributes (2) Infrastructure features

Availability, network support, load balancing, reliability, replication, database support.

Which cloud types to select?


System Abstraction

Target should be able to provide abstraction of all required physical resources through virtualization.

Example, Medical imaging system


Cloud Bursting

Cloud should be able to serve access capacity when required.

Example, Reservation system


Following types of application are more suitable for cloud

Not mission critical. Not handling core business operations. Not dealing with sensitive data. Can tolerate high network latencies and work on

low network bandwidth. Following industry standards. E.g. using

standardized tools for object to relational mappings.

Do not require detailed customization for each tenant.

Organization involved in porting have full knowledge of application and its associated domain.


Mobile Cloud Computing



- Need ubiquitous Devices

Cloud Computing

-Need Ubiquitous Apps->Performance + Storage

Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile Market


Number of Subscribers


Challenges in Mobile

Resources Battery life Storage Bandwidth

Communication Security mobility


Adopting Mobile Cloud Applications

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Definition

“Mobile Cloud Computing at its simplest, refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and the data processing happen outside of the mobile device. Mobile cloud applications move the computing power and data storage away from mobile phones and into the cloud, bringing applications and mobile computing to not just smartphone users but a much broader range of mobile subscribers”. (by the Mobile Cloud Computing Forum)

Briefly, MCC is a model where processing is done in the cloud, data is stored in the cloud, mobiles device serves as a presentation platform or a display


MCC Architecture


Advantages of MCC

Advantage of cloud to mobile computing Thinner devices -> less processing,

consume less power, and have better battery life

Improving data storage capacity and processing power

Avoidance of vendor lock-in. Inherits some advantages of clouds

Dynamic resource provisioning, Scalability, Reliability and Multi-tenancy


What to be when cloud come!

Less processing power, memory and storage but needs to be aware of bandwidth and display resolutions.

Featured phones with light weight operating systems.

Smart phones with sophisticated operating systems. e.g., iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian.


Android Market


Apple iCloud



iCloud Application


iBookCalendar, Mail and

ContactsDocuments in the CloudApps

iTunes in the Cloud

Photo Stream Backup

Find My Friends and Find My iPhone

iPhone Application Hosting by Amazon

Picture from Alexandra Institute 41

iAWS Manager

Picture from Alexandra Institute 42

Summary Application requirements and cloud

features should be carefully analyzed while migrating applications on cloud.

Quality attributes support by cloud provider plays a vital role in successful migrations.

Business dimension of application migration is as important to consider as technical aspects.

Mobile leverage cloud in terms of performance, storage and cloud’s features


References Chapter 1, 14 of Course Book: Cloud

Computing Bible, 2011, Wiley Pub. Inc. Cloud Migration: A Case Study of Migrating

an Enterprise IT System to IaaS, Khajeh-Hosseini, A., Greenwood, D., Sommerville, I., 2009

Chapter 4-7, 10. 11, 20 of Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise, Linthicum, D., S.

A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications, and Approaches


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