1. manet - bartender · 2012. 1. 31. · auguste renoir - a girl with a watering can (1876) 26....

Post on 19-Sep-2020






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1. Manet - Bartender

2. Manet - Railway

3. Manet - Railway - Detail - Puppy

4. Manet - Lunch on the Grass

5. Manet - On the Beach

6. Manet - On the Boat

7. Monet - Impressions at Sunrise

8. Monet - Rouen Cathedral - Daylight

9. Monet - Rouen Cathedral - Full Sunlight

10. Monet - Rouen Cathedral - Day

11. Monet - Rouen Cathedral - Dull Weather

12. Monet - Rouen Cathedral - Rain

13. Monet - Houses of Parliament V

14. Monet - Houses of Parliament VI

15. Monet - Houses of Parliament II

16. Monet - Houses of Parliament III

17. Monet - Houses of Parliament - Fog

18. Monet - Houses of Parliament IV

19. Monet - St. Lazare Station

20. Monet - Terrace at St. Adresse

21. Monet - Waterlillies

22. Monet - Waterlillies (1906)

23. Monet - Waterlillies II

24. Monet - Actual Gardens at Giverny

25. Auguste Renoir - A Girl With a Watering Can (1876)

26. Auguste Renoir - le Moulin de la Galette (1876)

27. Auguste Renoir - Roses

28. Edgar Degas - Ballet Dancers

29. Edgar Degas - The Dance Class (1873)

30. Georges Seurat - Sunday Afternoon (1884-1886)

31. Georges Seurat - Sunday Afternoon

32. Georges Seurat - Sunday Afternoon (Detail II)

33. Georges Seurat - Sunday Afternoon (Detail)

34. Georges Seurat - The Parade (1889)

35. Georges Seurat - The Parade (Detail)

36. Georges Seurat - The Parade (Detail II)

37. Georges Seurat - Parade (Detail II)

38. Georges Seurat - The Circus

40. Paul Cezanne - Self Portrait

41. Paul Cezanne - Chateau (1904)

42. Paul Cezanne - Chateau Noir (1900)

43. Paul Cezanne - Mounte St. Victoire (1900)

44. Paul Cezanne - Mounte St. Victoire - Brush Strokes

45. Paul Cezanne - Mounte St. Victoire (Detail)

46. Paul Cezanne - Still Life with Plate of Cherries

47. Paul Cezanne - Still Life

48. Paul Cezanne - The Card Players (1892)

49. Auguste Rodin - The Thinker

50. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell

51. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (Detail - The Three S

52. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (Detail - Ugolino)

53. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (Detail II)

54. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (Detail III)

55. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (Detail)

56. Auguste Rodin - The Gates of Hell (San Francisco)

57. Van Gogh - Self Portrait

58. Van Gogh - Photo

58. Van Gogh - Self Portrait II

59. Van Gogh - Self Portrait III

60. Van Gogh - Eye (Detail)

61. Van Gogh - Irises

62. Van Gogh - Sunflowers

63. Van Gogh - Sunflowers II

64. Van Gogh - Bedroom at Arles

65. Van Gogh - The Night Cafe (1888)

66. Van Gogh - Church

67. Van Gogh - Starry Night III (BEST)

68. Van Gogh - Starry Night (Detail II)

69. Van Gogh - Starry Night (Detail)

70. Paul Gauguin - Tahetian Women (1892)

71. Paul Gauguin - Tahiti

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