#1 microwaves cause molecules to vibrate. vibration creates friction, which produces the heat that...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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#1 Microwaves cause molecules to vibrate.Vibration creates friction,which produces the heat thatcooks the food. Appropriate cooking containers includeplastic, glass, paper. Not metal.

#2 Microwave cooking time is the time the food needs to cook with microwave energy. Standing time is the time food continues to cook after the microwave has stopped.

#3 Stir and rotate foods for even cooking. Covering Foods holds in the moisture,Helps foods to cook more evenly. Cover with plastic wrap, paper towel, waxpaper or lid.

#4 To prevent burns usepot holders and direct steam away from body.Covering food while cooking prevents food from splattering in the microwave.

#5 Some foods (i.e. eggs) cannot be cooked in their shell in the microwave. Pierce potatoes to prevent exploding in microwave.

#6 To extinguish a grease fire use fire extinguisher, lid on pan, baking soda, salt. Avoid water or flour.

#7 Dull knives are dangerous and less efficient than sharp knives. Keep clothing away from direct heat. Avoid plastic on range. Point handles away from the front of the range.

#8 Clean up spills immediately to avoid falls. Lift lid on hot foods away from you. Use hot pads or mitts for handling baking pans.

Store heavy items on lower shelves.

#9 Mixing chlorine with any product containing ammonia will create deadly fumes. First aid for a first degree burn – place under cold running water. First aid for severelybleeding cut - apply direct pressure.

#10 To avoid electrical shock – avoid any water and electrical contact. Use dry hands to disconnectappliance before cleaning.Electric shock – disconnect the power source before approaching injured person.

#11 Dish washing order – rinse and scrape first, glassware before silverware, plates and bowls, pots and pans last.

#12 Average American diet – more fat salt sugar and calories than recommended. Average American diets are lower in fiber and whole grains than recommended.

#13 Salt and sodium is usually added to processed foods and beverages and diet drinks. Highconsumption of salt and sodium is contributing factor to high blood pressure.

#14 Each food group provides some, but not all of the nutrients you need.No one single food or food group can provide all nutrients. Eatinga variety ensures you get all nutrients.

#15 Grains group provides complex carbohydrates, fiber B-vitamins and incomplete proteins. Vegetable group provides fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins A, C and K.

#16 Fruit group provides complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C and potassium. Oil group provides fat.

#17 Milk group provides complete proteins, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin and usually fortified with vitamins A and D. Meat group provides complete proteins, B vitamins, minerals including iron.

#18 Dietary intake goal: carbohydrates – 55-60% total calories; fat not more than 30% of total calories; protein 10-15 % total calories.

#19 Discretionary Calories—The balance of calories remaining in a person's "energy allowance" after consuming sufficient nutrient-dense forms of foods to meet all nutrient needs.

#20 Simple carbohydrates are also called sugars. Complex carbohydrates are also called starch. Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram.

#21 Nerve functions, muscles and skin all require vitamins to function properly.

Vitamin A – enhances hair, Skin and helps prevent night blindness. Sources – Darkgreen and orange vegetables.

#22 B-Vitamin complex- Helps turn carbohydrates into energy, and for a healthy nervous system.

Thiamin – helps maintain healthy nervous system. Prevents beri-beri. Sources – enriched and whole grain breads and cereals.

#23 Riboflavin – Sources – whole grains and milk products.

Niacin - Lack of niacin causes pellagra. Vitamin E – protectsmembranes of white and red blood cells.

#24 Vitamin C – Helps to form collagen which holds the cells together, aids in healing. Prevents scurvy. Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes are good sources.

#25 Vitamin D – manufactured by the body with exposure to sunlight. Works with the body to build, maintain healthy bones and teeth; usually added to milk products. Called the sunshine vitamin.


#26 Folate (folacin/folic acid) is one of the B complex vitamins. Folate helps prevent neural tube birth disorders. Neural tube damage occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy.


#27 Water soluble vitamins—C and B (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, (folacin/folic acid) Fat soluble vitamins—A, D, E, and K


#28 Most minerals become part of the body, i.e. bones and teeth. Others are used to makesubstances that the body needs. Usually needed in tiny amounts, but are critical to health.

#29 Macro minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium which are needed in greater quantity in the body.

Trace minerals are iron, iodine, fluoride, zinc, etc. Needed in lower quantity.


#30 Calcium and iron are the most common mineral deficiencies in the United States.

Calcium deficiency causes osteoporosis.

Iron deficiency causes anemia.

#31 The functions of water: Water carries vitamin C and B complex vitamins in the body. Carries waste products through the body. Regulates body temperature through perspiration.

#32 The functions of water: Water carries vitamin C and B complex vitamins in the body. Carries waste products through the body. Regulates body temperature through perspiration.

#33 Vegetables provide the following nutrients: Vitamins A, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium. Contain no cholesterol, low in calories, fat and sodium.


#34 Air, heat and water destroy nutrients in vegetables. Wash vegetables to remove pesticides that might remain on the skin.

#35 Preparation methods that preserve the most nutrients for vegetables include: Microwave, bake, steam, stir fry, simmer, and sauté.


#36 Select fresh fruits and vegetables that are firm, free from decay, crisp, smooth, dense (heavy for size), free from bruises and good color.Seasonal fruits and vegetables are lower in cost.

#37 For fruits and vegetables buy only what you store and use, will last about 1 week in refrigerator. Fruits ripen and spoil faster at room temperature over refrigeration.

#38 Cut surfaces of fruit turn brown (oxidation). Prevent oxidation of fresh fruits by dipping or covering them with liquid containing ascorbic acid.


#39 Functions of fats: carrier for vitamins A, D, E, and K, reserve supply of energy; adds flavor in food; satisfies hunger, protects internal organs from shock and injury, insulates the body.

#40 Cholesterol is essential for many body processes; cholesterol produces hormones and bile acids. It is found in animal tissues, but is never present in plants.


#41 Body has HDL (good) cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.High levels of LDL cholesterol is one factor related to heart disease and obesity.


#42 Saturated fats come from animal sources and are solid at room temperatureSaturated fats raise the LDL and HDL levels of cholesterol in the blood.

#43 Polyunsaturated fatty acids – lower both the LDL and HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

Examples include corn oil, soybean oil and safflower oil.

#44 Fat is a concentrated source of energy – 9 calories per gram. Recommended consumption levels are 30% percent of total calories from fat.

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