1 pet 2:1-3 the sincere milk of the word …. 1 pet 2:1-3 the sincere milk of the word 1 pet 2:1-3...

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere Milk Of The WordThe Sincere Milk Of The Word

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

What Is It? It is “sincere” or “pure”

More than just milk that is not rancid or gone sour It is “unadulterated”…it has never been bad

It is the opposite of “guile” or “deceit” “To catch with bait; to deceive” Never found in Christ 1 Pet 2:22

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

What Is It? It is “sincere” or “pure”

More than just milk that is not rancid or gone sour It is “unadulterated”…it has never been bad

It is the opposite of “guile” or “deceit” “To catch with bait; to deceive” Always found in men Mk 7:22 Acts 13:8-10

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

What Is It? Christ is the only Man ever to be described as

“guileless” or “sincere” Doesn’t it stand to reason then that His word

would be the same? Jn 1:1, 14 Heb 4:12

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

When Is It Good To Drink It? To grow towards our salvation v. 2

We must “long for” or strongly desire it How much do we love God, His word? Psa 42:1 This salvation is ours 1 Pet 1:6-12

Planned by God…the direct result of our faith Longed to be understood by the prophets

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

When Is It Good To Drink It? To grow towards our salvation v. 2

This salvation is ours 1 Pet 1:6-12 Desired to be seen by the angels Possible only when one desires this milk and

puts away sinful things

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

When Is It Good To Drink It? To cure our spiritual malnutrition v. 1

Caused by actions & attitudes that saints must “lay aside” or “put away”

Actions & attitudes that aren’t spiritually healthy (malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy, evil


1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

When Is It Good To Drink It? To cure our spiritual malnutrition v. 1

Consider the Corinthian Christians A people with a sad history 1 Cor 6:9-11a

1:18ff 2:1-16 Their sins had been washed away 1 Cor 6:11b They were now ready to serve God

1 Cor 9:24-27 2 Cor. 9 1 Cor 10:13

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

When Is It Good To Drink It? To cure our spiritual malnutrition v. 1

“Sincere milk” has necessary spiritual nutrients It allows God’s people to behave as saints who

have already “…tasted the goodness of the Lord”v. 3 cp. Psa 34:8

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

Is There Ever A Danger In Drinking It? If we drink only milk and never press on

toward “meatier” portions Paul’s words to the Corinthians 1 Cor 3:1-2 The writer of Hebrews to his Jewish readers

Heb 5:11-14

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

Is There Ever A Danger In Drinking It? One can press toward the “meat of the word”

and still desire the “sincere milk of the word” If one is content to drink only milk, he will not

ever grow into his full maturity Eph 4:12-14

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

Conclusion Earlier in his epistle, Peter used the metaphor

of a birth to describe our new life 1:3, 23 “Newborn babes” a young, nursing infant “Long for” great eagerness for that which

alone is their food source

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

Conclusion The Main Point how much do we desire

the word of God? Not discussing “tolerating” but “desiring” Can we agree with Psa 1:1-2 and 119:103? If not, we have a serious problem with the word

of God and the One who authored it

1 Pet 2:1-3

The Sincere MilkThe Sincere MilkOf The WordOf The Word

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