1. revision: match the inventors with their inventions thomas edison paper making cai lun light bulb...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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1. Revision: match the inventors with their inventions

Thomas Edison paper making

Cai lun light bulb

The Wright brothers (莱特兄弟) plane

Samuel Morse explosive( 炸药 )

Bell steam engine

Nobel telegraph

Watt telephone

A farmer who lives in Guangzhou invented a plane-car at home, which can be used as a car and a plane. He’s explaining his invention on the Aircraft show in Zhuhai, Guangdong.

A: They don't know how to cook.

2.Pre-reading IQ questions: 1: Why do lions eat raw (not cooked)meat?

2:An old woman has lived in one-story house before.Her body is very short. Afterwards,she moves into a big building and lives in the ninth story.However, when she comes back home each time,she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off,then she walks to the ninth story. Why? ( 有位老妇人 , 从前住平房 , 并且个子非常矮 , 后来她搬进了一个很高的楼里 , 住在第九层 , 但是她每次回家 , 她总是乘电梯到第六层就下来 , 然后走到第九层 . 为什么 ?) Answer:Because she was too short to press the ninth button. ( 她太矮了不能按到第九层的按钮 .)

Unit18 Inventions ( Period 3 Reading )

What will you of next ? think



2). Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1.What’s “ Creative thinking”?

2.What can creative thinkers find by looking at a problem in many ways?

3.What can improve our understanding and make it easier to get new ideas/ possibilities?

4.Why may what we know and what we have learnt limit our thinking?

5.Are good ideas accident? Why?

3) .Answer the true or false questions .

1.( )Most inventors have a high IQ.

2.( )The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand new ideas.

3.( )It is impossible to learn how to be creative.

4.( )The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.

5.( )Inventors try to avoid failure.

6.( )The more ways we have of looking at a problem,the more likely it is that we can find a solution.

7.( )Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.







4 .Post-reading

1. Can you place the examples into the right paragraph?

1.According to Leonardo da Vinci,problems which had seemed impossible could be solve if he changed the way he described the problem.( )

2.Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.( )

3.Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.( )

4.Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity,preferred images to numbers.( )

5.Samuel Morse,the man who invented the telegraph,got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.( )






2).Language points:

1. IQ ( Intelligence Quotient):comparative measure of intelligence 智商 eg.He has a higher IQ than Tom.

他比汤姆智商 高。2. Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible”or “crazy”solutions.

rephrase—phrase again 重新措辞 ;allow for—take into consideration 顾及 , 为… 做准备,考虑到 eg He missed the target because the wind hadn’t been allowed for. 他没有射中靶子,是因为没有考虑到风。 It will take you an hour to get to the station ,allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去,你要用一个小时才能到车站。3. If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that do not provide a complete answer ,we may get stuck.

reject— put aside , throw away,refuse to accept 排斥,抛弃,拒绝 After the transportation his body rejected the new heart. 他的身体对新移植的心脏产生排斥。 She rejected his offer of marriage. 她拒绝了他的求婚。 get/ be stuck 陷进去,卡住,使停住 The bus was/got stuck in the mud. 公交车陷进泥里了。 We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.

4. be aware of---having knowledge or realization eg. We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.


5.They are the result of a long process of trial and error. trial and error --- 反复试验,不断摸索 eg. The worker learned some skills by /through trial and error. 这个工人通过不断摸索掌握了一些技能。

3) .Practice Choose the best answer1.All the world believed the fact is wrong that Taiwan Island____ away from China.

A.ran B.operated C.went D. broke

2.He often gets some creative __when meeting some problems.

A.thinks B.thinkings C.thinkers D.thoughts

3.---You must be careful and don’t get ___this matter.

A.involved in B.involing in C.to be involed D.have involved

4.It’s easy for you to __the wire to that computer.

A.connect B.join C.join in D.combine

5.In washing this cloth,be sure to __the temperature of water.

A. Allow for B.pay for C.account for D.answer for

6.It was several minutes before I was __what was happening.

A.aware of B.fond of C.realized D.prepared for

7.In order to get the exact result ,the scientists made ___.

A. A lot tries B.trial and error C.to do experiments

8.When she was sent to boarding school( 寄宿制学校 ),she felt as though her parents had __her.

A. Refused B. rejected C. hidden D.conducted

4 .Sum up (moral education)

5. Discussion and report

useful expressions:

1.Is there anything you would like to invent?

2.What’s it made of ?

3.What dose it look like?

4.How dose it work? / How would people use it?

5.I make it in order to…/This machine is used for…/It can be used in the way that…

6.It’s a good idea/Sounds reasonable but../Well done!

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