1 the el paso regional induction consortium. 2 welcome to the cooperating teacher summer academy...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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The El Paso Regional Induction Consortium


Welcome to the

Cooperating Teacher Summer Academy

• Sponsored by UTEP’s Teachers for a New Era and the El Paso Regional Induction Consortium

• Welcome and Introductions

• Housekeeping (agenda, breaks, lunch, bathroom location, Parking Lot, etc.)

• Here’s a rundown on the day


Today’s Agenda

• A.M. Rationale

• Quality Coaching

• Break at 9:45 – 10:00

• The Coaching and Observing Cycle

• Lunch at 12:00 here at Region 19


Afternoon Agenda

• P.M. Coaching

• Content Discussions through scenarios

• Dilemmas of Practice using Critical Friends Groups Protocols

• Sign agreements

• Closure at 3:30


Why we’re here

• State Board for Educator Certification

• SBEC Regulations• 19 TAC Chapter 228

• The educator preparation program is responsible for providing mentor and/or cooperating teacher training that relies on scientifically-based research, but the program may allow the training to be provided by a school district, if properly documented.

• Terminology• We’ve gone from “intern” back to

“student teacher”• We’ve gone from “clinical

faculty” to “cooperating teacher”• In secondary, we’ve gone from

“Block II” to “Internship II” to “Student Teaching II”


Jot Thoughts

• Brainstorm the following roles– Student teacher

– Cooperating Teacher

– District/Campus/ Principals

– University Mentors/Field Experience Staff


Roles and Responsibilities

for Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) • Attend summer training

• Attend a mid year meeting to debrief and discuss the use of coaching logs used with UTEP’s student teachers

• Work collaboratively with partner schools’ Lead Cooperating Teacher to implement the coaching and observing cycle on my campus

• Provide professional development to UTEP’s Cooperating Teachers at your assigned schools, plan dates with Lead Cooperating Teacher for workshop and together train cooperating teachers on the coaching and observing cycle

• Provide professional development for UTEP’s student teachers in Block I/Student Teaching I on the coaching and observing cycle to use during their observations of school faculty/cooperating teachers

• Serve as the district’s representative and liaison between UTEP and the Lead Cooperating Teachers cooperating teachers, student teachers and university mentors

• If the Lead Cooperating Teacher is unable to collect coaching logs then the TOT may collect coaching logs and email them to UTEP’s Induction Coordinator. Ensure the coaching and observing cycle is implemented at the campus


Roles and Responsibilities

for Lead Cooperating Teachers • Attend summer training

• Attend a mid year meeting to debrief and discuss the use of coaching logs used with UTEP’s student teachers

• Work collaboratively with district’s Trainer of Trainer (TOT) and Cooperating Content Teacher (CCT) to implement the coaching and observing cycle on my campus

• Provide professional development to UTEP’s Cooperating Teachers at my school in my department, plan dates for workshop and train cooperating teachers on the coaching and observing cycle

• Serve as the school’s representative and liaison between UTEP and my department/content area

• Assist Lead Cooperating Teacher in collecting coaching logs and email them to my district’s Induction Coordinator. Ensure the coaching and observing cycle is implemented in my department


Roles and Responsibilities

for Cooperating Content Teachers

• Attend fall training at Region 19

• Provide feedback for the Lead Cooperating Teacher to give input on the use of coaching logs used with UTEP’s student teachers

• Work collaboratively with the Lead Cooperating Teacher at your school to implement the coaching and observing cycle in your department

• Submit coaching logs to the Lead Cooperating Teacher onyour school campus. Implement the coaching and observing cycle with UTEP’s student teacher


Phase 3: Eight Weeks of Student Teaching (ST)

First Two WeeksStudent teacher will:Observe CT using the Coaching and Observing Cycle

Debrief w/ CTDiscuss lesson w/ CT

CT and ST begin to plan together. ST will: Observe CTDebriefDiscuss lessonST helps plan next lessonST becomes part of the planning process

Next Two WeeksBegin team-teaching:ST begins to direct student behavior if needed

ST begins to share ideas in the lesson planning

ST begins to do the majority of the teaching while CT monitors and helps out in sticky situations

For the next Five Weeks, ST begins to present the lessons (still planning together):CT begins with what’s working

CT then gently makes recommendations for improvement

CT keeps recommendations manageableCT provides feedback

ST takes over the majority of the planning and teaching (with some supervision by CT for a while):CT still offers guidance

CT allows ST to stretch wings with new ideas—even if CT doesn’t agree

ST takes over planning and teaching with CT continuing to observe

CT runs their own errands

CT includes ST in grade level meetings with staff and faculty

CT assists ST with report cards and progress reports

Next Two WeeksST begins to return class to CT:ST gradually releases one class back to CT or one subject area

ST begins tutoring students and working with small groups

Phase 1

Phase 2Phase 4

Phase 5

Final Week (1) ST has released classroom to CT: ST observes CT

ST observes other teachers in the school

“The student teacher will GRADUALLY assume classroom duties to teach full days for 8 weeks and then GRADUALLY return the class back to the Cooperating Teacher (CT) in a 5-Phase Framework.


Enduring Understandings

Tami Greggerson SISD

Effective coaching involves many different

quality characteristics

Using a structured process such as the

coaching cycle supports reflective

conversations and professional growth.





Great Coach

Oprah Winfrey

Great Coach


Quality Coaching

A quality coach like_________because_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Characteristics of a Quality Coach• • • • •


Wanted a Quality Coach!



CASt Tool 1


Guided Practice of the Coaching Cycle







Data to collect: Seating Chart, Movement, Interaction, and/or Behavior Patterns

• Who is on and off task and for how long?

• Does the teacher call on boys and girls equitable?

• Does the teacher ask higher order questions of some and not others?

• Where does the teacher direct questions?

• How the teacher moves around the room?

• Which students move around the room?

• To what degree different students are engaged in the content and activities


Content, Strategies, and Alignment

• What is the content of the lesson?• What is the sequencing and organization of the content for student

learning?• Does the subject matter incorporate multiple perspectives?• Does the lesson challenge students to think critically?• How does the lesson build on prior knowledge, the life experiences of the

students, their interests and developmental learning needs?• How does the student relate to the activities and material?• What is the implementation of a particular curriculum or instructional

strategy?• What are the methods of instruction the teacher uses to convey the content?• How are students provided access to the content based on their learning

needs?• What are the range of tasks that engage the realities and experiences in the



Possible Data to collect: General Classroom Data

• How the teacher expresses expectations of students• Connecting student’s experience with prior knowledge• The types/quality of questions the teacher asks (Bloom’s)• How the teacher gives directions • Wait time• Lesson design and instruction/activity/methodology• Checking for student understanding • Differentiating, adaptations and modifications based on

student needs• How the teacher assesses student understanding and responds

to confusions• The content and how it is presented


Scenarios and Dilemmas of Practice for the

Coaching Cycle


Jot Thoughts • Revisit you post-its for the following roles– Student teacher

– Cooperating Teacher

– District/Campus/ Principals

– University Mentors/Field Experience


How has your thinking changed?



• How to send the Coaching Logs to UTEP

• All documents available at “Paso Del Norte Teacher Support Network” and the EPRIC workshop

• CtASt II_interactivelog.docx

• Sign Agreements


Thank You

Go Miners!

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