1 the triceratops. 2 table of contents physical appearancep.3 diagramp.4 hunting and eating...

Post on 20-Jan-2018






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3 Physical Appearance There can be several things for describing what a Triceratops looks like. The Triceratops was 30 ft. long and was 10 ft. tall. Since the height of the Triceratops is 10 ft. tall and I am 4 ft. 8 inches, the Triceratops is 5 ft. 4 inches taller than me. The Triceratops has a strange like body. It had 4 sturdy legs, a bulky body, and a very frill rimmed boney neck with the weight of 6-12 tons. Comparing the Triceratops to a human, the human must look way smaller to the Triceratops. The Triceratops is close to weighing as much as a Semi Truck. The Triceratops had a head with a bit of protection. The head was 4- 5 ft. wide, had sharp horns, and a cool looking head plate. The Triceratops’s head was very large and surprising. The head itself was way larger than me! Clearly the Triceratops body was huge, protective and unique.

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