1. welcome mp -...

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Minutes of the GSSA AGM held on 21 July 2010, AGS Diamantstad Tabernakel, Kimberley 1. Welcome

Mike Peel welcomed all and thanked everyone for attending the Annual General Meeting.


2. Present and apologies Present: Akhona Zweni, Alan Short, Albertus Dyason, Amanuel Abraha, Basanda Nondlazi, Chris Dannhauser, Lisa Modisha, Cobus Botha, Collen Rabothata, Derryn Nash, Dieter Jordaan, Diress Alemu, Dudu Khena, Dudu Mhlanga, Eddie Goldschagg, Fidelis Washayanyika, Gilbert Pule, Hannes Botha, Hanno Kilian, Hennie de Beer, Hennie Snyman, Ian Little, Ian Rushworth, Igshaan Samuels, Isaac Mapaure, Itshokeng Tshweu, Ivan Riggs, Jakes Jacobs, Johan Zeelie, John Peel, Joseph Baloyi, Julius Tjelele, Justin du Toit, Kedibone Chueu, Keletso Mopipi, Khutso Mohubedu, Klaus Kellner, Leana Nel, Lebo Matlou, Leslie Brown, Lindiwe Mbele, Lisa Hebbelmann, Lize Joubert, Loraine van den Berg, Lucas Manaka, Mahlodi Tau, Malenyalo Batlhatswi, Michael Mokwala, Mike Peel, Minette van Lingen, Mmoto Masubelele, Moagi Keretetse, Mota Lesoli, Natasha Gabriels, Nelmarie Saayman, Nico Smit, Ntsikelelo Lester, Paul Malan, Paul Mazwi, Petros Ngwenya, Philip Botha, Riaan Jonker, Rikus Lamprecht, Rina Grant, Sigrun Ammann, Sikhalazo Dube, Sue van Rensburg, Thabile Mokgakane, Thabisisani Ndhlovu, Thami Mpanza, Tim O’Connor, Tony Palmer, Vhalinavho Khavhagali, Wayne Truter, William Diko, Willy Moeng, Winston Trollope, Yolandi Els, Yvette Brits, Zandile Ndlovu, Zewdu Tessema Apologies: Dave Grossman, Dave Goodenough, Peter Zacharias, Khanyi Mbatha, Mary Masafu, John Morrison, Duncan MacFadyen, Mark Hardy, Maureen Wolfson, Elly Sabiiti, Pete Scogings, Mark Surmon, Gus Maclaurin, Annelene Swanepoel, Susi Vetter, Pieter Wagner, Ralf Kalwa, Rouxdene Deysel The meeting was declared quorate.

3. Additions to and acceptance of the agenda 14. Norman Rethman Planted Pastures Award The agenda was accepted with the proposed addition.


4. Approval of the minutes of 22 July 2009 The previous minutes was accepted. Proposer: Tony Palmer Seconder: Leslie Brown


5. Matters arising

5.1 Strategic Planning Discussion MP wanted to know if any of the members would like to comment on the Strategic Plan presentation that was made during the keynote address. KK wanted to know whether there will be another strategic planning meeting or SWOT analysis. MP indicated that the next major review will be in 2012, but that the Strategic Plan undergoes an annual mini-review. He furthermore indicated that a summarized version of the keynote address will be published in the Grassroots and that members are welcome to send their comments to FdT.


5.2 International Rangelands Congress 2011 FdT informed the meeting that Council thought it a good idea to send a member of the GSSA to represent the Society at IRC 2011. The selected member should promote the Society at this Congress. An application form with guidelines and criteria will be available on the website.



Tony Palmer indicated that some GSSA members are not happy about the IRC arrangements and suggested making a formal complaint. This feeling was supported by Winston Trollope and Klaus Kellner. Tony Palmer was asked to draft such a complaint letter and send it to FdT. Alan Short requested that some solutions also be added to this letter.

5.3 Congress 46 2011 LvdB presented the report (attached). Congress 46 will be hosted at Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute from 11 – 15 July 2011. An invitation to the Congress has been included in this year’s programme. The theme for the congress will be – Advancing rangeland ecology and pasture management in Africa. The venue for the scientific program, meals and functions is Grootfontein and has been booked. This includes breakaway rooms, meeting and catering facilities. A draft program for the Congress has been compiled: • Monday

– Registration + Meet and Greet • Tuesday

– Keynote addresses + Sessions (please give ideas) + Dinner (Karoo theme evening)

• Wednesday – Sessions + Mid-Congress Tours + Technology transfer to farmers + Spitbraai

• Thursday – Sessions + Gala dinner

• Friday – Post-Congress Tours

Accommodation arrangements in town will be delegates responsibility. The option however exists to arrange for stratification of accommodation and booking via the GSSA. In addition the Annex hostel could be made available to students.


6. Treasurer’s report Justin du Toit presented the Treasurer’s report (attached). Budget The actual income and expenses for the last year and budget for 2010/11 were presented. Some questions were raised regarding the use of the term “guru” in the proposed budget. This was explained and accepted. A question was raised concerning the availability of GSSA memorabilia e.g. shirts, mugs etc. JdT indicated that we have made a loss with memorabilia in the past. Alan Short seconded the remark. A suggestion was made that instead of having things branded for a specific Congress the Society should rather just brand it with the GSSA logo and make it available to the whole membership. Klaus Kellner wanted to know what happened to all the memorabilia that was made for the previous IRC Congress. FdT indicated that she tried to sell the memorabilia over the last six years, but people weren’t particularly interested. It was used instead as gifts for keynote speakers and for delegates at various GSSA functions. Alan Short wanted to know if members are aware of the tool available for the hosting of GSSA events. JdT explained that any member may request to host a farmers day etc. under the banner of the GSSA. A protocol for this process is available on the website. Anyone can send a request to Council for approval. The budget for the event will be run by the GSSA and the profit divided between the individual/institute and the GSSA. Rina Grant asked whether we should not consider making funds available for SADC



individuals to attend Congress. JdT indicated that this expense is included in the Congress budget and that the GSSA supported three students from SADC countries to attend Congress 45 2010. A member wanted to know if the exhibition space at Congress is sold. FdT indicated that all the exhibitors pay a fee to the GSSA. Membership JdT proposed a membership fee increase of 4% for all the different categories. The proposed budget and membership fee increase were approved. Proposed: Alan Short Seconded: Rina Grant MP thanked JdT for his inputs.

7. Editor’s reports

7.1 Scientific Editor Freyni du Toit presented the report on behalf of Susi Vetter (attached). Alan Short felt that it is a problem to access articles pre-1988. FdT indicated that all articles are available on INGENTA and Informaworld. Tim O’Connor wanted to know if the Journal freely accepts contributions from countries outside of South Africa. FdT indicated that all submitted articles are reviewed by the Scientific Editor for applicability. MP thanked the Editor for all her hard work.


7.2 Publication Editor: Grassroots JT presented the Publication Editor’s report (attached). Alan Short thanked Julius Tjelele for his hard work with regards to the Grassroots.


8. Website Editor’s report Anuschka Barac presented the report (attached). She indicated that the website will have a new design from beginning of August. This look will also include links to Facebook and Twitter. A suggestion was made to have information about tertiary institutions who present grassland sciences available on the website. Alan Short felt this was a very good idea and stressed the fact that Council needs to follow up on this matter. AB thanked Leana Nel for updating the website on a regular basis. MP thanked everybody concerned with the website.


9. PRO report Cobus Botha presented the PRO report (attached). He asked for comments from the members of the Society. Tim O’Connor wanted to know what the criteria were whereby the SADC countries who received promotional materials were chosen. CB indicated that they have not yet contacted all countries and asked the meeting to please send contact details for institutes



and individuals in SADC countries to FdT. Alan Short felt that a targeted campaign of our neighbouring countries is a very good idea i.e. by identifying an issue and hosting symposia under the auspices of the GSSA. MP supported this idea. Mike Peel thanked Cobus Botha and Igshaan Samuels for their joint effort towards PRO related activities.

10. PAC report Leslie Brown presented the PAC report. Membership The PAC currently has 41 members in good standing. The professional members in good standing received membership cards. Composition of the PAC All the members of the PAC Committee resigned and LB indicated that he will be contacting individuals to serve on the Committee. SACNASP LB indicated that Norman Casey is the new Chairman of the Council. The GSSA is now a “Voluntary Organization”. If not successful in registering one could also go through the process of RPL. A document explaining all the processes is available on the SACNASP website. LB indicated that he is available to help with registration if any of the GSSA members are struggling with the process. MP thanked LB for trying to sort out the issues concerning SACNASP registration.


11. Trust report Chris Dannhauser presented the Trust report (attached). John Clayton resigned as Trust treasurer and Cobus Botha was newly appointed. MP thanked CD and Trust for their inputs.


12. Election of office bearers

12.1 Vice President One nomination was received for Vice President Wayne Truter was elected Vice President.

12.2 Honorary Secretary One nomination was received for Honorary Secretary. Nelmarie Saayman was elected Honorary Secretary.

12.3 Honorary Treasurer One nomination was received for Honorary Treasurer. Justin du Toit was re-elected as Honorary Treasurer.

12.4 Additional members


Eight nominations were received for additional members. 1. Vhalinavho Khavhagali 2. Zandile Ndlovu 3. Natasha Gabriels 4. Ian Rushworth 5. Anuschka Barac 6. Hanno Kilian 7. Lisa Hebbelmann 8. Yvette Brits Non-voting attendees were appointed to collect the ballots and count the votes. Vhalinavho Khavhagali, Ian Rushworth and Anuschka Barac were elected as additional members.

13. Congress 47 (2012) Igshaan Samuels presented a proposal to host Congress 47 2012 at Club Mykonos in Langebaan, Western Cape Province (attached). A question was raised concerning the cost of Congress. IS replied that the cost will be similar to previous congresses.


14. Norman Rethman Planted Pastures Award WT made a proposal for an Award to be presented at Congress for a planted pasture student who presented the best paper. This would improve the profile and expertise of the planted pastures field. This proposal was accepted by the meeting. The Award will be presented from Congress 46 2011.


15. Date of next meeting Next meeting to be held during Congress 46 2011.

16. Closure Mike Peel thanked the members for having the opportunity to head the Society. He thanked all Council members and especially Freyni du Toit for their inputs during the last year.

President Secretary

Date Date










Grassland Society of Southern Africa Scientific Editor’s Report on the African Journal of Range & Forage Science for 2010

Susi Vetter 22 July 2010 Editorial Board James Bennett (Coventry University, UK) and Alan Short (Agricultural Research Council) joined as Associate Editors during 2009, bringing the total number of Associate Editors to 8. There have been no other changes to the Editorial Board. In the process of upgrading to an online submission system (see below) we have changed the title “Assistant Editor” to “Associate Editor” and that of the “Scientific Editor” to “Editor-in-Chief”. These terms are consistent with other international journals. Manuscripts received, rejected and accepted A total of 55 manuscripts were received in 2009, of which:

- 24 have been published - 25 were rejected (16 by the Scientific Editor – including a set of ten manuscripts submitted

by one set of authors which reported separate aspects of the same two experiments – and nine by reviewers)

- 4 were withdrawn or asked to revise but never received - 2 are under revision by authors and are due shortly.

Volume 26 Eighteen papers, 5 research notes and 3 book reviews were published in 2008. Issue 26(3) contained a special suite consisting of a guest editorial and six papers by authors from South Africa and Namibia on integrating approaches to monitor, map and address land degradation and desertification. Referees Sixty reviewers contributed to reviewing manuscripts for the Journal. They were: Archibald S, Brouwer C, Bunning S, Crane JH, Darkoh MBK, Donald G, du Toit JCO, Dube S, Fritz H, Fynn RW, Goetsch A, Guevara JC, Hove L, Hunt L, Kotze TN, Krug CB, Lunt ID, Mapaure I, Marchini A, Mbatha KR, McGregor B, Milton-Dean SJ, Morgenthal TL, Morris D, Ndlovu LR, Oettle N, Parr K, Picker M, Pretorius DJ, Ringrose S, Ripley B, Rooney WL, Rushworth IA, Schupp EW, Seely M, Shiponeni N, Short AD, Skarpe C, Stafford-Smith M, Swemmer AM, Thomas R, Tomlinson K, Uys RG, van der Waal C, van Rooyen AF, Van Zyl A, Vranic M, Wessels K, Winslow M and Zeidler J. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Strategic Plan for the Journal At the strategic meeting for the Journal held in July 2008, the main issues identified for action were raising the profile of the journal, improving submission rates and reviewing the aims and scope of the journal. The latter was done in 2008. To achieve the other two strategic objectives, the position of the Scientific Editor was expanded, with effect from January 2009, to include tasks such as soliciting contributions from high profile authors, commissioning review articles, book reviews and special issues, and initiating a mentorship programme to encourage more quality contributions from less experienced researchers.


So far one invited review article on fire management is in preparation and a further two will be commissioned for next year’s issues. Eight book reviews have been published and two are in preparation. One special suite of papers was published in issue 26(3). A concept document for the mentorship programme was drawn up and contact with potential sponsors made, but no outside funding has been secured as yet. Some authors whose manuscripts required major revisions were offered mentorship, but all revised their work with help from colleagues and/or the editor-in-chief. One author, who had made several submissions to the journal which needed much work, was identified as a candidate and expressed interest, but unfortunately died. The mentorship programme will be advertised in the coming Grassroots. The aim is to pair up authors needing assistance with planning, analyses and/or writing with experienced researchers in a relevant field with the required expertise. Funding will be available for one or two meetings. Mentors will rewarded with co-authorship, and we will endeavour to identify mentorship partnerships where there is scope for a mentor to make sufficient input to warrant this. ISI rating As of January 2009, the African Journal of Range and Forage Science is now indexed in Thomson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports® (JCR). Its first JCR impact factor will be calculated based on 2009 and 2010 data and released in 2011. Online submission system The online submission system ManuscriptCentral was customised for the African Journal of Range & Forage Science in 2009 and all editorial staff trained in its use. The system became operational in January 2010 and is working very well. The technical support from Taylor & Francis (the co-publishers with NISC of the journal since 2009) has been excellent. Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) performed a pilot peer review process of South African scholarly journals in the agricultural and related basic life sciences in 2008-9. A draft report of each journal, which remains confidential until the final report on all journals becomes available later this year, has been released for input from each journal’s editor. Although the report is confidential, ASSAf has agreed to allow key findings to be presented to the GSSA membership. Overall, the report on the African Journal of Range & Forage Science was favourable, and the key points are summarised below: Review of the journal’s editorial process, publication and production quality: The Editor and Assistant Editors are recognised researchers from South Africa. Editorial Board and Advisory Panel include a reasonable scattering of members from abroad. General quality is good with an emphasis on South Africa and African research but broad applicability. The journal caters for a rather focused field, but nevertheless publishes a consistent number of papers per year. Sixty-one research papers in the period under review, that is, 20 per year, is adequate considering the focus. There is a consistent contribution by respected scientists and the journal does represent a good sample of high-quality work. Focus is both local (SA) and broadly regional (Africa) which is entirely appropriate. The journal fulfils an important niche, as it has work relevant to land use managers, farmers, agriculturists and scientists. While many of the authors are local, a respectable number of papers are drawn from elsewhere in Africa – and from authors further afield (e.g. Norway, Sweden, and Scotland) with an interest in South African/African range and forage science. Considering its international indexing/recognition, this journal is well-respected among scientific publications of a related nature. Papers are worthwhile in terms of highlighting local issues and the journal is consistently in demand by students. A number of papers published in this journal could also be published elsewhere, such as in the South African Journal of Botany, perhaps in the South African Journal of Science and even in overseas journals such as Oecologia. Good citation practice,


presentation, layout, style and copy-editing interventions which are comparable to similar journals across the world, and typical of the NISC formula. The cover image is African and perhaps gives a sense of the parochial, but the print quality and presentation are good. Suggested Improvements: - Inclusion of scholarly features, editorials and reviews relating the African context to the global would perhaps make the journal more accessible to overseas readers. - Invitations to targeted overseas researchers may enhance the visibility and citations of papers in the journal. - There is an overall impression of ‘greyness’. The use of (even) monochrome photographs, where justified, would raise the attractiveness of many of the papers. Panel’s consensus view:

1. The journal should continue to be listed on the so-called DoHET ‘list’ of accredited journals (over and above its entitlement to this, under policy as an ISI-indexed periodical).

2. The publisher/editor should be invited to consider joining the evolving SciELO South Africa platform.

3. The recommendation identified in the journal’s strategic review (soliciting papers from high profile researchers, mentorship programme, attracting more submissions so a more stringent review process can be followed, soliciting book reviews and review articles) were supported by the review panel.

4. The Panel believes that the journal should increase the number of peer reviewers per manuscript.

Closing remarks The journal seems to be recovering from its slump in 2008, thanks to a hard working editorial team, excellent administration by Freyni du Toit, a very good working relationship with the publishing editors at NISC and the advantages offered by the new co-publishing agreement with Taylor & Francis, among them the online submission system. The review by the ASSAf panel is encouraging and it will be interesting to see the full report to assess how AJRFS compares to other South African scholarly journals.














BALANCE SHEET 2010 2009 TRUST FUNDS Equities R 369,266.40 R 319,114.50 Cash R 246,686.93 R 286,586.61

R 615,953.33 R 605,701.11 INCOME Share income R 9,697.91 R 18,123.52 Interest received R 10,006.85 R 28,785.30 R 19,704.76 R 46,908.82

EXPENSES R 8,965.43 R 19,651.63

INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE R 10,739.33 R 27,257.19






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