1. why a csisa aas alignment by craig meisner

Post on 12-Dec-2014






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Why a CSISA--AAS Alignment?

Because we need to reform!

Cannot do the same old same old or business as usual anymore

Need to adjust to the way the farmer thinks of his/her farming system—not a commodity monolith but a system

Not just fish alone, but an aqua agricultural system

It ain’t just the fish, but the people behind the fish that matters

It is not just training what we know, but training what THEY want/need

Yes we know aquaculture is a transformative technology that rapidly brings people out of poverty, but….

It is also about the empowerment of both men and women in agriculture

And it is also about nutrition, vegetables and whole family health

• When I arrived at WorldFish in September 2012, I did not know anything about the CRPs and the current CGIAR reform (stuck in 2005)

• I was intrigued by the AAS program which stood out from the 16 bilateral programs of WorldFish

• They seemed to be off by themselves, doing their own thing, not interacting as the other projects were doing among themselves

• I think these 2 days are vital to integrate the CSISA program within the AAS. Not otherwise!

• Whether we like it or want it, CGIAR reform is going to happen. We must understand and comply as best as we can.

• These 2 days will stand out in the history of WorldFish Bangladesh and we will make history happen!

• Let us go forward to discuss, argue, debate, disagree, but come to consensus in the end of the day.

• I have my own blunt suggestions I will be making during the 2 days and encourage everyone to be open, blunt so that our MUST WIN for a successful AAS can move on

These are the reasons why: people with whom we can interact, influence, learn from and


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