10 absolute rules to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeksblueprintawesome.com/ebook.pdfways to lose 10 pounds...

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10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook



Foreword 3 Disclaimer 4 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) 5 Introduction 7 #1 Cardiovascular Aerobic Workout 8 #2 Strength-training 9 #3 Intensity 10 #4 Increased Metabolic Rate 14 #5 Adequate rest 15 #6 Nutrition 16 #7 Timing 19 #8 Yoga 21 #9 Shift of Mindset 24 #10 Action 26 Extra Chapter: Genetics 28 About the author 29 Testimonials 32 Resource page 33

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook



About this book

Thank you for downloading 10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks!

I am Lock from Blueprint Awesome, a collaboration with more than 300 health,

relationship and self-empowerment professionals on the industry. I was interviewed

by Business Insider some time ago, resulting in the article "5 Reasons Why You’re

Not Achieving The Fitness Results You’re After".

Readers had requested me to elaborate on the information in the interview. With my

team in Blueprint Awesome, we came up with a sustainable weight-loss fitness

programme and an accompanying ebook that told the truth for what it is. No

shortcuts, no expensive gimmicks, just hard facts proven by years of scientific

research and result-based experience.

This programme saw considerable success with our corporate clients, whom we

charge at least USD$120 an hour for our instructors to conduct fitness classes and

personal development talks in corporations and schools.

This year, Blueprint Awesome has decided to spread some love and give away this

USD$49 ebook for free.

Do enjoy this book and please take care of your body as you try out the 10 Safe

Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. If you have existing injuries or disorders,

get your doctor’s advice before attempting any of the concepts.

The concepts in this book are simple, but they might not be easy to maintain at first,

especially for readers who have not exercised for a long time or people with existing

injuries or disorders. If you feel weak or unwell when attempting the concepts

shared in this book, STOP IMMEDIATELY and observe your condition. Seek

medical help if necessary. The author of this ebook assumes that the reader is in

good enough condition to achieve moderate to intense physical activity.

Blueprint Awesome would rather you stop this 2-week challenge anytime you

are unwell than have you injure yourself. You may choose to lower the intensity

level of the physical workout and choose to give yourself a safer and longer

timeframe to work with. Health and fitness is a marathon, not a sprint.

If this ebook has benefited you and you would like to share the love, please share

the link with your loved ones and ask them to sign up our free newsletter:


10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook



The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other

material contained on this ebook/website are for informational purposes only. The

purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge

of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical

advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with

any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before

undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical

advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Reliance on any information appearing in this ebook/website is solely at your own


We will share 10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. The concepts are

simple to understand, but truthfully, not easy to adhere to at first. It is never easy to

change, to get out of our comfort zone. You do need some discipline for these 2

weeks. After which, when these concepts gradually become part of your lifestyle, it

gets easier.

That’s why they say, ―Fitness is a lifestyle.‖ It is not really one major flaw that hinders

our success. It is a whole bunch of small things that trip us up. We don’t drink

enough (I’m not talking about wine or beer), sleep enough, eat too much of one thing

and skip another. We work too hard, play too much, do one thing, but not the other.

This book teaches you what to do.

Warning: any workouts or lifestyle changes that bring fast results are usually

accompanied by some risks. Being more active is very safe for most people.

However, some people should check with their doctor before they start

becoming much more physically active. If you are planning to become much

more physically active than you are now start by answering the seven questions in

the box below.

If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, you may use the following questions as a

guideline whether you can proceed trying out the concepts in this ebook.

If you are over 69 years of age, and you are not used to being very active,

check with your doctor.

Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. Please read

the questions carefully and answer each one honestly: YES or NO.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook


1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition OR high blood pressure

and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?

2. Do you feel pain in your chest at rest, during your daily activities of living, OR

when you do physical activity?

3. Do you lose balance because of dizziness OR have you lost consciousness in the

last 12 months?

4. Have you ever been diagnosed with another chronic medical condition (other than

heart disease or high blood pressure)?

5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be

made worse by a change in your physical activity?

6. Are you currently taking prescribed medications for a chronic medical condition?

7. Do you currently have (or have had within the past 12 months) a bone, joint, or

soft tissue (muscle, ligament, or tendon) problem that could be made worse by

becoming more physically active?

Please answer NO if you had a problem in the past, but it does not limit your current

ability to be physically active.

8. Has your doctor ever said that you should only do medically supervised physical


9. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, DO NOT APPLY THE


Talk with your doctor by phone or in person BEFORE you start becoming much more

physically active or BEFORE you have a fitness appraisal. Tell your doctor which

questions you answered YES. You may be able to do any activity you want — as

long as you start slowly and build up gradually.

Or, you may need to restrict your activities to those which are safe for you. Talk with

your doctor about the kinds of activities you wish to participate in and follow his/her

advice. Find out which community programs are safe and helpful for you.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook



if you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a

fever – wait until you feel better; or

if you are or may be pregnant – talk to your doctor before you start becoming

more active.

If you answered NO honestly to all questions, you can be reasonably sure that you


start becoming much more physically active – begin slowly and build up

gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go.

take part in a fitness appraisal – this is an excellent way to determine your

basic fitness so that you can plan the best way for you to live actively. It is

also highly recommended that you have your blood pressure evaluated. If

your reading is over 144/94, talk with your doctor before you start becoming

much more physically active.

PLEASE NOTE: If your health changes so that you then answer YES to any of the

above questions, tell your fitness or health professional. Ask whether you should

change your physical activity plan.

Lock, Blueprint Awesome and its employees assume no liability for persons

who undertake physical activity. If in doubt, consult your doctor prior to

physical activity. Your health is more important than superficial results and


10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook


Oh, so You have Fat on your Tummy?

Don't worry, this usually happens to most human beings. Of course, we have been

conditioned by media and society to think that a slim body is attractive. As

insignificant as it is in the bigger picture (like being more concerned about fat in the

arteries than that under your stomach), being slimmer has its benefits:

lighter body puts less stress on your weight-bearing joints like knees and back

improved self-confidence

people treat you better and you generally become more successful in career

and life because of social bias

Maybe you downloaded this ebook because you want to learn more.

Maybe you downloaded this ebook because you aren't having results.

You have been working out.

You have been dieting.

You tried the vibrating machines.

You tried the magical slimming pills created from the ground flesh of smurfs.

You combined voodoo and acupuncture.

Nothing seems to work.

Your weighing scale does not indicate satisfactory weight-loss.

Your wallet had grown considerably lighter, though.

Maybe you are doing something inefficient or ineffective.

You just need to know the correct concepts. The concepts are simple, but sticking to

them is not easy. You will have to abide by all the ways listed in this book diligently

before you can lose your stubborn 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

lock | © all rights reserved | blueprintawesome.com/ebook


# 1


You cannot make a specific body part grow smaller by working it all the time. You

cannot spot-reduce. Working your arms a lot does not make your arms smaller.

Chewing food a lot does not make your cheeks more chiselled. You won't get a

smaller tummy by doing 1000 crunches.

Doing crunches moderately do improves your core muscles which protect the spine.

Doing excessive crunches causes stress to the vertebrae and rewards you with

spinal injuries.

The fastest way to burn calories is to do a cardiovascular aerobic workout.

Cardiovascular = heart and blood vessels

Aerobic = body absorb and transport oxygen

Sprinting, cycling furiously, swimming fast, dancing like a crazy person. Notice I did

not say "jog slowly, cycle leisurely, float around, sway gently".

The more oxygen an activity consumes, the faster your heart beats, the more

calories burnt.

Cardio workouts like zumba and kickboxing get adrenalin and endorphines pumping.

Group exercise inspires friendship and comradeship, which promotes mental health.


Any form of exercise comes with its risk if done improperly.


Focus on good form and body awareness. Regulate your intensity levels so you do

not work yourself beyond what your body can take.


Cardio activities slims you down faster than just doing crunches or working any one

body part.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 2


As much as cardio is the fastest way to slim down, we need a well-rounded workout

to burn calories faster.

Ladies usually shy away from lifting weights. I do not want to be like the Hulk, they

say. If only it is that simple. After spending the past 21 years lifting weights and

training my body, I am probably as big as a building now, if this mentality holds true.

Don't worry, most females do not have that much testosterone in the first place to

become as muscular as the guys. After lifting weights, our muscles might look bigger,

but this is only temporary, caused by engorged blood vessels.

If you are a guy, what are you complaining about? Studies have shown that having

proportionate muscular frame improves your attractiveness and perceived

competency. That's social bias for you, bro.

Strength-training, besides improving long term health, builds good quality muscles

which burn more calories than fat. Imagine your car is equipped with a Ferrari engine.

Every step on the pedal consumes so much more fuel than the other cars. You want

your metabolism to burn more calories than you eat if you want to slim down.

It is no longer enough to be slim. Strength is the new slim. It is now deemed more

attractive to be healthy, toned and strong.


Weight-lifting with bad form causes more harm than good.


Gain knowledge about body mechanics and focus on good form every repetition.


Strength-training builds muscles for health and muscles burn more calories,

therefore you slim down faster and just doing cardio alone.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 3


If you are walking, you will burn some calories.

If you jog, you will burn more.

If you sprint, you will burn even more.

This is not quantum physics. This is not rocket science. Compare a 5-minute sprint

to a 30-minute slow jog. Which is going to burn more fuel:

an idling car,

a car moving at a slow and steady constant speed,

or the bloody Batmobile?

Have you ever seen exercises consisting only of slow movements, does not increase

your heart rate, and does not challenge you? They burn anywhere between 30 to 80

calories. Macdonald's McChicken Meal contains 983kcal. Keep up your slack

workout, no worries. Let's work out for 9 continuous hours to burn off that one meal.

What? You eat more than one meal a day?

Good luck. May you live long and prosper.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 3


Some vibrating machines claim to jiggle your belly fat into non-existence. They may

help to strengthen the core or legs a wee bit or improve some bone density but

research shows that they do little for burning calories, weight-loss or sculpting

muscles. There are other vibrating machines that are much more fun to use.

Certain slimming spas wrap you up like a dumpling and/or steam you like a... erm,


Forgive my limited vocabulary. I bring shame upon myself.

Anyways, grilling you like roast is not going to make you lose weight. Unless they put

a blowtorch to your stomach, your waistline is not going to have any significant and

lasting change. You are, however, paying good money to sweat buckets and fool

yourself when you step on a weighing machine. Sorry, you will regain that water

weight, unless you abstain from water for the rest of your life.

Fun fact 1: this is how MMA fighters and boxers make themselves lighter for the

scales when they have to get weighed to be eligible for a weight-class.

Fun fact 2: this is how some celebrities and models make themselves look good

during a photoshoot. They fast, so they can look slimmer and more defined. Add

some camera angles, lighting and shadow, and viola! What people see on the

magazines is an unattainable standard of beauty that no one can achieve.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 3



This is known as a High Intensity Interval Training.

We shall call it the Blueprint Awesome Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout ©, otherwise

known as ©sprintingyourassoff©.

Don't be silly. There is no © copyright for this kind of things. This is basic science,

which I am now giving you for free. Do not let anyone tell you that this is some

extraordinary AfterBurn Effect that they invented and is only exclusive to their


Blueprint Awesome does not endorse wasting money on fluff.

1) Do appropriate warmups for your joints, muscles and heart (light jogging or move

your arms and legs up and down like marching) for 5 minutes. Longer if necessary.

2) Sprint 10 seconds, jog 10 seconds.

3) Repeat for 10-30 sets or until you accumulated 5-15 minutes worth of sprints.

Tweak the number of sets, sprint timings, rest times, intensity levels to get faster


4) Cooldown and stretch for 5 minutes. Longer if necessary.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 3


It is not how long you exercise. It is how intense your exercise is. All the breaks in

between are necessary for you to do your next intense set with good form. Do it in a

safe manner that is appropriate for your fitness level and heart condition.

Besides burning calories and fat, HIIT workouts also strengthen the heart and lungs.

Over the next few days, gradually increase the number of sets, sprint time, range of

movement and/or decrease rest time when you are strong enough to handle the

higher intensity. If you can sprint at top speed for 30 seconds, results will come

faster. If you can sprint at top speed for 60 seconds, you are probably an alien or a



High impact causes accumulated impact to joints, especially ankle, knees and back.

High intensity workouts, by nature, bear much risk, unless precautions are taken.


Land softly. Wear shoes with enough support. Alternate options include jogging,

high-knee running, swimming, cycling, dancing. Do these activities intensely for

quicker results. Lower the intensity level for slower but safer results.

Notify your partner about your workout. Have someone physically keep an eye on

you if possible.


A workout that doesn't challenge you, doesn't increase your heart rate and doesn't

make you breathe hard is useless and a waste of time if you want to slim down fast.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 4


The HIIT workout above heightens your metabolic rate for the next 8-12 hours. This

is called the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. Also known as

oxygen debt, EPOC is the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its

normal, resting level of metabolic function (called homeostasis). Also known as

oxygen debt, EPOC is the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its

normal, resting level of metabolic function (called homeostasis).

Fitness entrepreneurs have hijacked this concept for years and tried to rebrand it as

something they discovered. "This is the Afterburn Effect that burns your calories

even after your workout! Only because you did my Super Workout!"

Not true. This is just science that any fitness professionals worth their salt would

know. So don't get fooled by all these claims. Don't waste your money on such

programmes. You can achieve this same effect by doing Blueprint Awesome's

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout, better known as sprintingyourassoff.


Studies suggest (but not proven conclusively) that heightened metabolic rate may

lead to accelerated aging. Just like driving a car at top speed and wearing out its

engine. That's why yogic breathing techniques focus on slow breathing to slow down

body functions and decrease metabolic rate, theoretically increasing longevity.


Moderation. Anything done overboard is always bad.


An intense cardiovascular aerobic workout increases your metabolism and burns

calories even when you are resting.

Good stuff.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 5


Do you sleep enough? Our body recharges and recovers from workouts during sleep.

Less sleep means shorter recovery phase, reducing benefits from workouts. Also we

are less likely to work out when we are fatigued from lack of sleep.

Do you over-train? It is possible to train 6 days a week, but only with sensible

planning. If you sprint 10 miles every day, you will definitely lose weight. And you will

also definitely lose your kneecaps. What, you think all the impact is magically

absorbed by your fat which magically disintegrates? Exchanging health for

superficial results is not a good trade.

Results are obtained not during the workout but during your rest time.

When you are tired, it is hard to give your 100% for Blueprint Awesome's Ultimate

Fat-Burning Workout. Not enough rest causes psychological instability which lead to

overeating. We seldom eat because we are hungry.

We eat because we are ____________ (happy/sad/angry/bored/stressed).


Shut down your laptop and phone and go to bed.

Have at least 6-8 hours of good sleep.


You miss your favourite TV show.


Buy the DVD.


Sleep is as important as nutrition and exercising for weight loss.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 6


1) What you eat becomes who you are. You can't slim down by eating junk food. You

can't stay healthy by eating only a particular food and ignore the rest.

2) Not all carbs are bad. Carbs do not make you fat. Overeating and lack of exercise

do. You still need some carbs for balanced nutrition and provide energy for your day,

or else you will feel weak and lethargic. You need an appropriate amount of carbs,

considering your lifestyle, age and physiology.

Simple carbohydrates are basically sugar and should be avoided, for example:

refined white rice, sugar and cookies.

Eat complex carbs like kidney beans, broccoli, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

3) Drink more water. Dehydration causes thirst pangs which we mistake for hunger

pangs, leading to unnecessary eating. Avoid soft drinks and any flavoured


4) Focus on balanced nutrition instead of calorie-counting. Instead of eating less,

think about eating right. Even though this ebook focuses on weight-loss, it is

Blueprint Awesome's ultimate goal to shift your mentality from superficial vanity gains

to health improvements for a long healthy happy life.

5) Being slim and attractive brings about self-confidence and self-esteem, which is

great. However, your health is your most important commodity.

6) Learn about effective weight-loss systems like the Fat Diminish System. You get

to know about the truth about certain vegetables. And their 4 minute Belly Shredder

is one of the best around.

7) There is no magic pill. There is no super fat-burner food.

Learn to read nutrition labels.

Be sceptical of packaging screaming, "Low Fat! Low Sugar! Organic! ".

This is just marketing BS.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 6



Use a smaller plate. We do not fill our plate according to how hungry we are. We fill

our plate according to how big the plate is.

Cut down on processed food. Even polished white rice and refined sugar are

processed food. Eat whole food. A chicken is a whole food. An apple is a whole food.

You cannot find a species called Chicken Nugget or Fish Cake in the animal planet,

nor did Newton sit under an apple pie tree.

Refer to Diagram 1.1 below:

Diagram 1.1 – extracted from World Health Organization Publication Issue #805, page 37

Eliminate excess oil, sugar, salt, snacks and junk food from your diet.

Prepare your own food so you have full control over the ingredients. Create a

balanced diet of protein, carbs, fats, dietary fibre and minerals like iron, calcium and


Learn more about what makes a healthy nutrition plan.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 6



You might be at a loss what food to eat.

You might give yourself an unbalanced nutrition plan, thus hampering results.

Your cooking might suck a lot, causing loss of appetite, happiness and the will to live.


Do your own research. Study. Read as much as you can from multiple sources.

Get a proper nutritionist. A nutrition plan differs for everybody, because we are all

physiologically different.

Fitness professionals like us, despite knowing a little about nutrition science, are not

certified dieticians or nutritionists.

Thankfully, Blueprint Awesome has a few certified dieticians and nutritionists on the

team that we consult when writing such articles, but you mustn't trust everything



Abs and healthy bodies are made in the kitchen.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 7


Eat like a king for breakfast.

Eat like a prince (or princess) for lunch.

Eat like a pauper for dinner.

Do not skip breakfast, because you have been fasting the past 7 hours during sleep.

Your body needs fuel to function properly. Skipping meals causes the body to think

you are starving, thus it retains fat and be more stingy about using your fat store.

Skip tea and supper. The food you eat during such meals are usually devoid of

nutrients and full of sugar, like pastries and snacks. If you really need to munch on

something, get healthier alternatives like almonds and fruits.

Don't go crazy on fruits, though. Fruits contain organic sugar, which is still better than

processed sugar, but is still going to convert to fat if you do not put in the physical

activity needed to use up those extra calories.

Some people think that eating 5 small meals is better than 3 big meals. However, it

is unproven that breaking your meals into multiple smaller portions scattered

throughout the day helps in slimming.

Eat your last meal at least 4 hours before you sleep. Gives your body some time to

burn away some calories before your metabolism drops.


Your body may not be used to a change in eating timings.


Ease into this new routine. Consult a dietician or nutritionist.


Avoid eating too late at night.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 7


It is better to work out in the daytime. Most calorie-burning work is not done during

workouts, but after, thanks to your heightened metabolism. However, metabolism

drops during sleep, so the benefits of your workout are diminished.

If you have no time or if you are a vampire, then a night workout is still better than

zero workouts. But seriously, I have never seen a fat vampire before.


An intense cardiovascular exercise (anything that makes your heart beat fast for an

extended duration, like sprinting, swimming, watching porn) heightens your

metabolic rate for the next 10-12 hours, increasing calorie-burn. Time your workout

so you do not sleep within this time frame. Pace your intensity, so you do not end up

fainting. Being unconscious drops your heart rate too.


You scrimp on your sleep, which affects your physical, mental and emotional state.


Have at least 6-8 hours of sleep. See #5.


Work out in the morning is better than working out at night.

Working out at night is still better than not exercising.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 8


Overeating is mostly caused by psychological reasons:




emotions like happiness, anger, sadness and depression

(NOTE: Sometimes overeating is caused by physiological reasons like

hypothalamus disorder, though.)

Overeating - and therefore obesity - can be controlled by regulating one's emotions.


Breathe slowly

Inhale as slowly as you safely can, exhale for the same duration. Some slow yoga

breathing techniques increases carbon dioxide levels in the lungs, which is an

important element for calming the nerves. The mind relaxes, taking away the

psychological causes of overeating, creating a healthier and slimmer body.

Even watching people do yoga does make you feel better.

I feel better already.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 8


Cat and Cow stretch

This stimulates the thyroid gland in your throat, balancing out your metabolism. This

also promotes healthy spine. This pose is not suitable if you have spinal, knee or

wrist injuries.

Cow pose:

Tilt chin to ceiling. Arch back like letter U. Point tailbone up. Breathe in. Be aware of

pressure and compression of the neck.

Cat pose:

Tuck chin to throat. Round back like letter N. Point tailbone down. Breathe out.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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# 8


Child’s Pose

This Child's Pose variant stimulates your digestive system by massaging your

intestines, among other visceral organs. Pressure and massage promotes blood flow,

which sends nutrients to your organs, assuming you are already eating healthy.

In kneeling position, put fists on tummy and lean forward in a Child's Pose. Rest in

this position up to 5 minutes.

Thighs press fists onto stomach, creating just a small space for organs to move


Regulate and slow down breathing. When you inhale, your lungs expand, pushing

the diaphragm, creating a tighter space inside your stomach cavity, thereby

massaging the organs.

If there is pressure on the knee joints, you can place a towel under kneecaps or

behind the knees. This pose is not suitable for people with spinal or eye problems.

Stop anytime if feeling uncomfortable.


Any physical exertion bears some risk of injury, when done incorrectly.


Educate yourself on the scientific aspects of yoga. Learn the biomechanics of yogic

asana poses and the associated risks involved. Join a yoga class.


Yoga helps with weight-management because it affects your psychological state.

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# 9


1. Measuring instead of weighing

Weight-checking is irrelevant and out-dated. Unless you are an MMA fighter making

weight or you are a piece of luggage back from a factory outlet store, your weight

does not prove much. It is akin to measuring the distance between the middle finger

and the base of the palm to determine the length of one's penis. It is like weighing

your head to determine how smart you are. The weighing scale exists because it is

convenient, but readings do not mean much.

Blueprint Awesome helps clients to fully understand what they actually want. Most

people realize:

"I don't actually want to be light, so much as I want to be slim."

"I don't actually want to be slim, so much as I want to look and feel attractive."

"I don't actually want to lose weight, so much as I want to be healthy and

strong for myself or my loved ones."

Let's chuck the weighing scale aside. Use it if you are curious, but not as a

measuring stick of success. Use it only if your weight issues cause strain and pain to

your joints like the knees or back. Use a measuring tape instead.

2. Education

Be open to learning new things. Knowledge is not stagnant. New things are

discovered every day.

Do not leave your health in the hands of others. Take control of your life. Read as

much as you can about health and nutrition. The more you read, the better you are

at sieving out the facts from the myths.

Learn how to read nutrition labels.

Learn how the body works.

Learn the various methodologies out there, the pros and cons.

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3. Healthy scepticism

Be sceptical about everything you know. Do not accept information blindly. Our

knowledge is only as current as the last time we read. Continue to read and expand

your knowledge in your chosen fields. What we thought we knew could be proved

wrong tomorrow.

Be sceptical about packaging. Be wary of products that claim to be healthy, organic,

miraculous, low fat. Take these marketing claims with a pinch of salt. Food

companies do not get into the business to make you healthy. Most companies get

into the business to earn money.

4. Health is your most precious commodity

Models fast and dehydrate themselves before a photoshoot, so they look slimmer

and their muscles have more definition. Playing on camera angles, lighting, shadow

and not to mention copious amounts of Photoshop, they create a skewed,

unattainable standard of beauty. Many people ruin their body in their quest to

achieve this.

Blueprint Awesome’s ultimate goal is to promote a sustainable lifestyle, so that you

can achieve your physical goals safely and healthily.


You will never be the same person again. When your mindset changes, this changes

the way you live and behave. This can be either positive or negative change.


Educate yourself. The more you read, the more discerning you are. Absorbing good

knowledge and shifting your mindset will change your life for the better.


Change your mind, change your reality.


Shift your mindset to nutrition instead of dieting.

Shift your mindset to become strong instead of slim.

Shift your mindset to become healthy instead of thin.

Shift your mindset from losing weight to gaining health.

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# 10


This is the end of the ebook. Knowledge is power but it is useless to you until you

take actions that bring you closer to your goals. Inaction is the number 1 cause of

lost dreams and unfulfilled goals and regret.


Any cause has an effect. Any action has 3 outcomes: positive result, no result or

negative result. Taking the wrong action might lead to undesirable results.


Do not get too caught up in the destination. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the friendships

and experiences on your journey. Count the memories, not the calories.


―The distance between dream

and reality is called ACTION.‖

―Action is the foundational key to all success.‖

– Picasso

―Knowing is not enough, we must do.

Thinking is not enough, we must apply.‖

– Da Vinci


Let’s get sprinting.

We’ll see you 10 pounds later.


10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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If you have followed all of these 10 Safe Ways diligently for these past 2 weeks and

yet seen no results, Blueprint Awesome has failed to live up to the claim. We humbly

seek your apology. Please delete this ebook. If anything in this ebook has benefitted

you, retain that. If you find that some parts do not make sense, discard that.

While you did not lose any weight, we assure you that your heart and lungs have

benefitted from the workout.

Blueprint Awesome wishes you all the best in your journey and may you achieve

your goals very soon.



The 10 Safe Ways are simple but they are not easy. For you to achieve this much in

such a short period, shows that you have strong willpower. With determination and

discipline like yours, we are confident that you can achieve anything you want.

Now that you have achieved your short term goals, take a step back. It is too taxing

on the body to work out intensely every day. Your knees cannot take such stress. It

is not sustainable.

Your next step is to formulate your workout routine for the next 6 months. The long

term goal is to be stronger, healthier and happier.

In the coming weeks, our Blueprint Awesome email newletters will share health,

fitness, career, financial, relationship and personal development tips with you.

We do not profess to be experts in everything, but when we find out about other

experts in the various fields, we will share their knowledge with you.

Thank you for reading 10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks.

Yours affectionately,


Senior Editor at Blueprint Awesome

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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Some people are born with genetic disorders like telekinesis; some are born with the

power to control magnetic fields. Others have less marketable genetic disorders like

hypothyroidism, which affects metabolism. For such unfortunate people, the whole

weight-loss affair is out of their hands. No amount of hard work is going to change

genetics. They still need to work out regularly for health benefits, but they might

never attain the figure they desire.

Fun fact: my good friend claims that she is allergic to exercise. I nod sympathetically

and tell her I too am allergic to stupidity. She cries a lot and does some strength-

training by throwing heavy items at me. She then calms herself by eating some ice


In all fairness, she is diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that telekinetically

levitates fried chicken and cakes to her mouth. Poor thing.


Some of us get the short end of the stick in the genetic lottery. We can curl up and

give up, or we can grit our teeth and crawl forward. For people with genetic disorders

or legit reasons, you might never attain your ideal physique.



Get yourself another goal.

Find yourself a bigger dream.

Life is not merely about the amount of fat you have.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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About the author

My mum died when I was 4. I was the shortest guy in a room, giving me some major

inferiority complex and low self-esteem. I couldn't speak to people with stammering. I

changed schools several times as I stayed with different families during the course of

my childhood. I was bullied in school and always at the losing end of fights. I was

afraid to talk to the girls I liked and when I did, I failed to capture their romantic

interest. I was unattractive.

All of this changed when I did something. It didn't happen overnight, nor did I

suddenly realize how to change my life. It was just a small goal, but it was the spark

that caused chain explosions, turning me from a geek with confidence issues to a

motivational speaker, fitness professional and business owner, changing lives every


That small goal was learning how to fight. I decided to get physically fit. I had enough

of being pushed around. I thought that if I attained my ideal physique and became

more macho, maybe I would be more attractive and people would like me better.

I was wrong.

Achieving my physical goals, by itself, did not make me attractive. But my small

achievements gave me confidence and that made me more attractive than the

negative whiner I used to be. For the first time in life, I started to make friends

because I became a fun person.

I could still be wallowing in self-pity today, if I hadn’t taken the first step to achieve

my physical goals. It did not take any effort to blame the world for my misfortunes

and hate everything. But that doesn't add value to anyone's lives.

In the process of training my body, my heart and mind evolved. I became brave

enough to stand up to challenges. I grew confident enough to stand up for myself

and stand up for others. I became driven enough to achieve my dreams. A spark led

to a chain reaction. I began to learn how to improve other aspects of my life: career,

love and personal finance. I devoured self-help books. My quest for knowledge led

me to where I am today: happy, healthy and full of dreams.

You have heard of the phrase ―mind over body‖? Well, in yoga and in science, this is

a 2-way street. The mind affects the body (example: nervous system) as much as

the body affects the mind (example: how the mind relaxes when someone massages


I attribute my success to the time I took the first step to improve myself physically.

When you start to make your body stronger, your mind does evolve as well.

This is what you will experience in the next 2 weeks.

10 Simple Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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I am not a millionaire (yet) but these recent years, I am living the life I wanted. After

quitting my job to chase after the girl of my dreams, I walked away from stability to

become a martial artist, yogi, writer and wanderer. I used to earn USD6.50 an hour.

Now, thanks to generous people around, I am making a 6-digit income a year.

In the past 5 years, I have had some amazing experiences:

danced with the northern lights

scuba dived in Iceland

explored the interior of glacier

said hello to the Loch Ness monster

seen most brilliant rainbows

saw wild bear slipping and falling on snow

played with wild deer prancing on fours

squirrel eating hallucinogenic mushrooms

examined the mysterious sailing rocks

ran around naked in Death Valley

slept on the streets of Europe for 3 months

visited Everest Base Camp

scaled Tibetian peaks

swam in volcano lake

Enjoy this book.

Enjoy the positive changes in your life.

Reinvent yourself into the person you want to be.

Then go out there, fulfil all your dreams and do some good.

Yours affectionately,


Blueprint Awesome

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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When you change your body, you change your life.

10 Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

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