10 - design patterns - part1

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Creational PatternsStructural Patterns


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013


    Introduc)on to

    OO Design Pa3erns

    Victor Rentea

    December 9 & 16, 2013

    Part 1 Object-Oriented Programming Course "Politehnica" University of Bucharest

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    IntroducEon Principles of Good OO Design CreaEonal PaJerns Structural PaJerns Behavioral PaJerns AnE-paJerns




    Part I

    Part II



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Cohesion = the degree to which the elements of a component belong together

    - High Cohesion: simple and reusable code

    Coupling = the degree to which components depend on each other

    - Loose Coupling: changes dont ripple throughout the code

    Introduction to OO Design

    Two Basic Concepts


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =common solu*on to a recurring problem

    Shared Vocabulary - Talk less, understand beJer

    Understand ExisEng Code - ExisEng applicaEons or Frameworks

    Produce Quality Code - Apply proven soluEons to classic problems

    Introduction to OO Design

    Design Pa3erns ? What & Why ?


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Introduction to OO Design



    Image from Head First Design PaJerns ISBN: 978-0-596-00712-6

    (Swiss, IBM)


    (USA, IBM)

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    IntroducEon Principles of Good OO Design CreaEonal PaJerns Structural PaJerns Test

    Contents Part 1



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Acer all, the code actually works The design is bad when it doesnt stand


    Design for change

    Introduction to OO Design

    But what is bad design ?


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =pull out and isolate changing parts of your system

    Contain impact of changes - Leave working code unaected

    " Tax computaEons, external services, visual

    Principles of Good OO Design

    Encapsulate What Varies


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =depend on abstrac*ons rather than implementa*ons

    Interfaces tend to be more stable Enjoy alternaEve implementaEons

    " List, Map or File

    Principles of Good OO Design

    Program to Abstrac)ons


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    to use behavior or state from another class

    Avoid class explosion - No mulEple extends

    Behaviors can be switched dynamically

    Extend only when is-a holds - Manager is-a Employee

    - Employee is-a CallableByPhone

    Principles of Good OO Design

    Favor Composi)on over Inheritance



    MyClass OtherClass



    depends on your applicaEon domain

    " class Duck { private Fly y; private Quack quack; }

    " class DuckThatQuaksAndFlies extends Quacking, Flying

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Single Responsibility = a class should have only 1 single responsibility (reason to change)

    Open/Closed = lower the impact of adding new funcEonality on exisEng code

    Liskov SubsEtuEon Interface SegregaEon

    = keep interfaces as minimal as possible (dont tell if not asked)

    Dependency Inversion = decouple high-level modules from low-level components

    Principles of Good OO Design

    SOLID Principles


    ~high Cohesion

    your domain logic

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    When to decouple varying parts of the system ? Premature Encapsula)on is the Root of all Evil

    Adam Bien

    Upfront - where changes will most certainly occur

    Later on - At extreme: only when it is absolutely necessary YAGNI [eXtreme Programming]

    Principles of Good OO Design

    Overengineering PiWall


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    AbstracEons Simplicity (defense against CHANGE)

    Principles of Good OO Design

    Designing is a Tradeo


  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    IntroducEon Principles of Good OO Design Crea)onal Pa3erns Structural PaJerns Test

    Contents Part 1



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =have only one instance of a class in your applica*on,

    which is stored in a static eld Used to share data Closed Code

    - Hard to replace, e.g. for tesEng

    - Boilerplate

    AlternaEve: - Container manages instance lifecycle

    Creational Patterns


    15 " MulEthreading + Lazy init Singleton

    public class Singleton { private static Singleton INSTANCE;

    private Singleton() { /*initialization*/ }

    public static Singleton getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new Singleton();


    return INSTANCE; }

    private String myIP; }

    Singleton s = Singleton.getInstance();

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setName("John Doe");

    List labels = new ArrayList();



    Address address = new Address(); adress.setStreetName("Viorele");


    =create an instance in a human readable way - No (useless) auxiliary variables

    - Based on Method Chaining:

    (every with() method returns this)

    Best as inner class

    public class CustomerBuilder { private Customer customer=new Customer();

    public Builder withName(String name) { customer.setName(name);

    return this; }

    public Builder withLabel(String label) {


    return this; }

    ... public Customer build() {

    return customer; }


    public class Customer { private String name; ...

    public static class Builder { private Customer customer=new Customer();

    public Builder withName(String name) { customer.setName(name);

    return this; }

    public Builder withLabel(String label) {


    return this;


    ... public Customer build() {

    return customer; }



    Creational Patterns

    Fluent Builder

    16 " .build() can validate the instance

    Customer customer = new Customer.Builder() .withName("John Doe")


    .withAddress(new Address.Builder()


    .build()) .build();

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    ConcreteProduct1A ConcreteProduct1A

    =dene an interface for crea*ng families of objects but let Factorys realiza*ons choose the realiza*ons to instan*ate - Examples: XML DOMJSE, JMSJEE, DbProviderFactory#


    +createProductA() +createProductB()


    +createProductA() +createProductB()

    Creational Patterns

    Abstract Factory


    interface AbstractFactory

    +createProductA() +createProductB()

    interface ProductA


    +createProductA() +createProductB()

    ConcreteProduct1A creates return new ConcreteProduct1A();

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Singleton - Guarantees at most 1 instance of a class per applicaEon

    - by which you can share data throughout the enEre applicaEon

    Fluent Builder - Lets you create instances in an easily readable way

    Abstract Factory - Lets you create families of related objects,

    - that can then work together

    Creational Patterns



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    IntroducEon Principles of Good OO Design CreaEonal PaJerns Structural Pa3erns Test & ExplanaEons

    Contents Part 1



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =convert the interface of an external class into another interface the code expects

    AnE-CorrupEon Layer - Decouple from external contracts

    @Override public String operation(Date date) { String s = // format date as string

    int result = adaptee.externalOperation(s); String adaptedResult = // adapt result

    return adaptedResult; }

    Structural Patterns




    interface AdaptedContract






    +externalOperaEon() delegate


    public int externalOperation(String dateStr)

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =placeholder intermedia*ng interac*ons with an object - Remote invocaEons (e.g. web service client proxy/stub)

    - AOP uses it for cross-cuzng concerns like Access Control, TransacEons, etc In containers like EJB or Spring, injected references are Dynamic Proxy

    Structural Patterns



    interface Subject







    Can be created at run-Eme with java.lang.reflect.Proxy

    delegate HTTP

    actually uses

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    =aAach addi*onal responsibili*es to objects methods - Implement the subjects interface,

    in the methods, execute custom logic

    before and acer delegaEng to the real (wrapped) instance


    Structural Patterns



    interface Subject






    actually uses



    +request() delegate

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Adapter Proxy Decorator

    Purpose Adapt an interface/contract

    Intermediate interactions

    Attach responsibilities

    Implemented Interface

    Client-needed Invoked Object (Subject)

    Invoked Object (Subject)

    Remote capable (local call) (local call)

    Overloaded Semantics

    Anti-Corruption Dynamic Proxy

    Structural Patterns

    Whats the dierence ?


    Execute code before/after/instead of the actual call ~ AOP

  • 24

  • Cnd vreau s , folosesc , iar n cod


    Fluent Builder





    Program to Abstrac)ons

    compoziie, nu motenire

    Single Responsibility

    Interface Segrega)on

    denesc o metod abstract createChair():Chair (Chair e o interfa) 2

    scriu clase care se modic dintr-un singur moEv 7

    expun metode care transform apelurile i le deleg instanei int ncapsulate. 4

    i marchez constructorul ca private i stochez instana unic ntr-un cmp static 9

    Method Chaining: metode care seteaz cmpuri i ntorc mereu this 1

    mi protejez codul de schimbri n implem. sau s pot alege implementarea la run-Eme g

    decuplez creerea unei familii de obiecte i

    convertesc o interfa la alta, sau m izolez de un sistem extern a

    adaug responsabilitate pe anumite apeluri de metode j

    creez i populez un obiect ntr-un mod uor de neles d

    folosesc comportamente sau stare dintr-o alt clas ntr-un mod exibil c

    proiectez componente uor de neles i de refolosit h

    decuplez logica aplicaiei (domain logic) de detalii mrunte de implementare e

    permit cel mult o instan dintr-o clas b

    intermediez interaciunile cu un obiect (de exemplu, trimind apelurile peste HTTP) f

    dau clientului o instan surogat (nlocuitor) ce implementeaz interfaa obiectului de apelat 10

    ncerc s depind doar de interfee sau clase abstracte, nu de implementri concrete 8

    ncapsulez obiectul int, implementez interfaa lui delegnd apelurile la instana ncapsulat. 6

    n loc s extends acea alt clas, in o referin la o instan a ei ntr-un cmp membru 3

    creez interfete dedicate pentru clieni, care le ofer acestora exact ce au cerut (nimic n plus) 5

    j 6

    Dependency Inversion

    expun interfee concise, stabile i simplu de uElizat de clienii mei k

    n clasele de domain logic evit s depind direct de clase de infrastructur, e.g. HTTP, DB, XML, HTML 11

    13 minute

  • creez interfete dedicate pentru clieni, care le ofer acestora exact ce au cerut (nimic n plus) 5

    scriu clase care se modic dintr-un singur moEv 7

    i marchez constructorul ca private i stochez instana unic ntr-un cmp static 9

    Method Chaining: metode care seteaz cmpuri i ntorc mereu this 1

    denesc o metod abstract createChair():Chair (Chair e o interfa) 2

    expun metode care transform apelurile i le deleg instanei int ncapsulate. 4

    dau clientului o instan surogat (nlocuitor) ce implementeaz interfaa obiectului de apelat 10

    n loc s extends acea alt clas, in o referin la o instan a ei ntr-un cmp membru 3

    ncerc s depind doar de interfee sau clase abstracte, nu de implementri concrete 8

    ncapsulez obiectul int, implementez interfaa lui delegnd apelurile la instana ncapsulat. 6


    Fluent Builder





    Program to Abstrac)ons

    compoziie, nu motenire

    Single Responsibility

    Interface Segrega)on

    permit cel mult o instan dintr-o clas b

    creez i populez un obiect ntr-un mod uor de neles d

    decuplez creerea unei familii de obiecte i

    convertesc o interfa la alta, sau m izolez de un sistem extern a

    intermediez interaciunile cu un obiect (de exemplu, trimind apelurile peste HTTP) f

    adaug responsabilitate pe anumite apeluri de metode j

    mi protejez codul de schimbri n implem. sau s pot alege implementarea la run-Eme g

    folosesc comportamente sau stare dintr-o alt clas ntr-un mod exibil c

    proiectez componente uor de neles i de refolosit h

    expun interfee concise, stabile i simplu de uElizat de clienii mei k

    Cnd vreau s , folosesc , iar n cod

    n clasele de domain logic evit s depind direct de clase de infrastructur, e.g. HTTP, DB, XML, HTML 11

    Dependency Inversion

    decuplez logica aplicaiei (domain logic) de detalii mrunte de implementare e

  • Cnd vreau s , folosesc , iar n cod

    m izolez de un sistem extern, sau s convertesc o interfa la alta

    Adapter ncapsulez obiectul int i metodele dorite transformnd apelurile i delegndu-le instanei respecEve.

    proiectez componente uor de nteles i de refolosit Single Responsibility Principle

    scriu clase care se modic dintr-un singur moEv

    adaug responsabilitate pe anumite apeluri de metode Decorator ncapsulez obiectul int i i implementez interfaa delegnd apelurile la instana ncapsulat.

    decuplez creerea unui obiect Factory denesc o metod abstract createChair():Chair, (Chair e o interfa)

    creez i populez un obiect ntr-un mod uor de neles Fluent Builder Method Chaining: metode care seteaz cmpuri i ntorc mereu this

    expun interfee ct mai stabile clienilor mei Interface Segrega)on Principle

    creez interfete dedicate pentru clieni, care le ofer acestora exact ce au cerut (nimic n plus)

    folosesc comportamente sau stare dintr-o alt clas ntr-un mod exibil

    compoziie, nu motenire

    n loc s extends acea alt clas, in o referin la o instan a ei ntr-un cmp membru

    intermediez interaciunile cu un obiect (de exemplu, trimind apelurile peste HTTP)

    Proxy dau clientului o instan surogat (nlocuitor) ce implementeaz interfaa obiectului de apelat

    mi protejez logica aplicaiei (domain logic) de detalii mrunte de implementare

    Dependency Inversion Principle

    evit s import n clasele de domain logic clase de infrastructur, e.g. HTTP, DB, XML parsing, HTML

    mi protejez codul de schimbri n implementare sau vreau s pot alege implementarea la run-Eme

    Program to Abstrac)ons Principle

    ncerc s depind doar de interfee sau clase abstracte, nu de implementri concrete

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Introduc)on Principles of Good OO Design Crea)onal Pa3erns Structural Pa3erns Behavioral PaJerns AnE-paJerns

    What we covered



    Part II

    Part I

  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    Head First: Design Pa3erns Eric & Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, 2004 (all of it)

    Design PaJerns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Socware Gang Of Four: E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides, 1995 (Applicability, Par:cipants and Consequences secEons)

    PaJerns discussed: hJp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_PaJerns (catalog at the boJom of the page)

    SOLID Principles: hJp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID_%28object-oriented_design%29 GRASP: hJp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRASP_%28object-oriented_design%29 GoF Design PaJerns in Java SDK hJp://stackoverow.com/quesEons/1673841/examples-of-gof-design-paJerns

    Want to dig more ?



  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2013 OO Design Patterns | December 2013 @ UPB

    EJB 3 JPA Spring Java EE Design PaJer. Java EE6 XML, XSD & JAXB RESTful WS

    SOAP WS Servlets & JSP HTML5/CSS3 Mobile Apps JSF and many more


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