10 easy questions answers

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Easy QuestionsAnswers

Rules: There are 10 easy questions

+1 for each correct answer

Two star questions in case of a tie

Send your answers to markshin@live.com or in my facebook inbox

Quiz open till Thursday, 2nd February


Q 1:

Give me a phrase


In ancient times people voted with black and white beans; each one putting a bean in a jar.

But an odd stupid one can knock down the jar to reveal the result.

Hence the phrase appeared Spill the beans

Q 2:

Story behind the creation of what?

For a * point id the two gentleman.


1st one Harry Stafford

2nd one John Henry Davies

Story:By 1901 Newton Heath LYR Football Club incurred great amount of debt and was ordered to shut down. The club staged a four-day grand bazaar at St. James Hall, Oxford Street to avoid bankruptcy. The club needed to raise £1,000 in 4 days. But due to lack of interest by the end of the third day it seemed that the venture would prove unsuccessful.The 4th day Harry Stafford ,Newton Heath's captain, had the idea of using his St. Bernard dog, Major, to raise money. He wandered amiably between the stalls with a collection box strapped to his back. It was hoped that the dog would attract donations. On the fourth day of the grand bazaar Major escaped from St. James Hall. He eventually found his way to the home of John Henry Davies . John Henry Daviesliked the animal and decided to buy the dog for his daughter. When he traced the dog's owner, Harry Stafford told John Henry Daviesabout the financial position of Newton Heath. The two men became friends and decided to make a takeover bid for the club.In 1902,he bought the club and renamed to Manchester United and the rest is history.

Q 3:Connect:


These are some famous predictions by Nostradamus

Q 4:

Put Funda [a * point for identifying both]


World’s 1st video game was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann(man doing

something on a machine) which was a cathode ray tube consisting of knobs to adjust the

trajectory of a missile

Q 5:Cartoon depicting what?


Death of Marilyn Monroe

Q 6:



Cole Porter's famous musical Kiss Me, Kate was an adaptation of

Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew

Q 7:What is the outcome?


The phrase Inquilab Zindabad

This phrase is first used by Maulavi Hasrat Mohani at a labour strike in Kolkata

Q 8:Give me a sport?


Rackets or Racquets

It was described on the Pickwick Papers; being played on the Fleet prison(where it

developed) using hard balls.

Q 9:Give me a common sporting term used in these games



Q 10:Ending with a sitter: Connect:


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