10 tell-tale signs you're ready for voip

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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VoIP technology is the backbone for any Unified Communications deployment. These tell-tale signs will tell you if you're ready to finally invest in the foundation for the future of communications for your business.


0Tell-Tale Signs

You’re Ready

For oIP



Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com


Your business communications are fa ili n


Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

FF… if simple activities such as accessing voicemail feel like chores.Capabilities enabled by VoIP, like receiving voicemail as an email increases your responsiveness.


Your business utilizes remote or mobile workers…

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

.. and you don’t want your clients putting forth effort to chase them down. VoIP enables employees to be accessed by one phone number from the device of their choice, wherever they are.


Your customers are less than satisfied…

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

… due to slow issue resolution.

Access to the right information at the right time is the key to great customer service. VoIP enables this in Contact Centers by introducing presence and integrating voice capabilities into business apps.


Your business has more than one location…

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

… across the city, state, or country.

Long distance phone calls are costing businesses an arm and leg. Leveraging VoIP can save businesses at least 50% on telecom costs. [Some save up to 85%!]


Your legacy phone system doesn’t integrate well with new technology…

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

“Playing together” was a learned skill as kids, but gets tricky in an IT environment. Technology changes so quickly that hardware and software from 3-5 years ago requires great expertise to be integrated with technology of today.


Your users are demanding better tools and capabilities…

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

VoIP is the backbone to unified communications. Employees are seeing incredible advancements in UC with their personal devices and are using them instead of the issued corporate technology that lacks vital capabilities.

We want more!!


Your desk phones collect dust because your users are on their cell phones…

… while sitting at their desks.

VoIP enables the kind of mobility that users expect to have access to.

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com


Your company has the environment to deal with VoIP drawbacks…

Resilient power supply is critical for a VoIP solution. If the electricity goes out, the whole phone system goes with it. Building redundancy into the power supply will help avoid costly outages AND network down.

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com


You’ve done a network assessment…

It is the most comprehensive way to check your VoIP readiness.

[Hint] Some companies offer these assessments in a pain-free, non-invasive way…

[Bigger Hint]… It’s VDN!

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

1You have a robust network that can handle increased bandwidth…0.

Without a strong network, call quality will suffer. Echoes and choppy sound are a direct result of heavy network traffic and insufficient bandwidth. PS. A strong network is also vital for keeping VoIP up and running..

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

Do you have the expertise to design, implement and manage a VoIP system in-house? ?

There are many ways to leverage expertise so that your VoIP solution just works!

The good news: You don’t need it!

Voice & Data Networks, Inc. www.voicedata.com

Call us or visit our website [www.voicedata.com] to learn how you can make this a reality for your



Psst… Don’t forget to ask about the

Pain-Free Network Assessment!

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