10 tips on communication skills

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

MMM Training Solutions


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

1. Conceptualizing your Message with Clarity:

2. Understand the Other’s Paradigm

3. Recognize Barriers to Communication

4. Communication is a Partnership

5. Communicate Clearly, Concisely and Coherently

6. Appropriate use of Tone and Body Language

7. Conviction & Passion Persuades

8. Eliciting Feedback

9. Reflecting on the Feedback

10.Effective Listening


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Conceptualizing your Message with Clarity:

Every time you have to communicate to a stakeholder

or your colleagues, ask yourself if you are clear about

the message you want to communicate. Remember,

your message does not involve just words, it includes

feelings and emotions surrounding the situation about

which you are communicating. Proactively choose the

emotion you want to convey through your message.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Understand the Other’s Paradigm:

The objective of effective communication,

especially in a workplace, is to ensure that the

receiver perceives the message the way you

intend. So, if the onus is on the communicator,

then it is imperative that the communicator

understands the receiver’s world. The more you

understand their paradigm, the easier it is to

communicate the message in a fashion they



10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Recognize Barriers to Communication:

In today’s globalized work scenario, there is a

mélange of barriers that impedes effective

communication. Top most on this list, is the cultural

barrier. It is impossible to understand another’s

culture totally but you can strive to understand the

receiver’s world. Understand how your

communication needs to be altered to get the

desired result.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Communication is a Partnership:

Establishing trust and rapport positively impacts the

effectiveness of communication as it permits the

communicators to be relaxed and comfortable. While

communicating observe closely the other person’s

body language and mirror it by altering your own.

When you are the listener, encourage the speaker

with positive body language that expresses interest.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Communicate Clearly, Concisely & Coherently:

Avoid ambiguous words and phrases and ensure clear

diction, enunciation and inflection. It is important to

keep the message short, and simple. Resist the

temptation to say or write more. Information overload

is a sure recipe for miscommunication and confusion.

Stick to the central theme of your message.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Appropriate use of Tone and Body Language:

Be sure your facial expressions, gestures and other non-

verbal cues suggest the appropriate emotion that you

want to convey. The most important aspect of the non-

verbal cue is your tone of voice. Be aware of the pitch and

rate of speech that can determine the emotions you

convey through your voice. In written communication,

choice of words determines the tone of the message. Be

sensitive to how the reader may perceive your message.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Conviction & Passion Persuades:

Messages that require people to take action,

especially when it is against what the listener

believes in, are fueled by the conviction and

passion with which your message is

communicated. Here usage of appropriate

metaphors can, not just add beauty to your

speech but also can be persuasive.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Eliciting Feedback:

Ensure your communication includes requests for

feedback. Inquire to finds out if you were able to

get your message across authentically. Here, the

objective of feedback is primarily to check their

understanding of your message. If they did not

understand you, you can alter your communication

to establish complete comprehension.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Effective Listening:

Listening plays a more significant role in communication than

spoken communication. Always listen with an open mind. You

do not have to agree to what is being said but it is important

to understand what is being. Active listening includes

questioning, paraphrasing and summarizing the message.

While listening to messages with high emotional content,

practice reflective listening. This enhances the relationship as

you display empathy when using reflective listening.


10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

Reflecting on the Feedback:

Your success in workplace communication hinges on the

whole-hearted attempts you make on establishing win-win

outcomes. This is only possible when you reflect on the

feedback you receive from the other person. Do not allow

critical feedback and criticisms, which are just part and

parcel of any working environment, to affect you

negatively. Always look at the bigger picture. If you have to

convey a critical feedback, ensure it addresses the issue

and the person.



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