10 ways to make your website work harder

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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10 ways to make your website work harder

In today's B2B marketplace, technology has made the information that marine buyers seek freely available.



The buyer – not the marine vendor – now controls the purchase cycle.

70% of buyers' journies are complete before they even contact a vendor.


It seems like a tough call for shipping industry vendors.

If buyers don't want to talk to you, how can you influence them?

What can you do to convince them that you've got what they want?

Make your website work harder.



10 ways to make your marine website work harder


1. Be responsive It's now critical that websites adapt to whatever device they are viewed on. Our research has highlighted that 44% of the top 100 shipping websites are responsive. To be buyer-friendly, you need to be mobile-friendly.


2. Be engaging Buyers want information, but they also want their discovery experience to be engaging and enjoyable. Dull websites say dull people and products. Design techniques like parallax scrolling deliver an interactive, innovative viewer experience. Your brand and your offerings are seen as credible, relevant and compelling.


3. Be easy Having a single page website means faster content loading. It saves time for your visitors, making their experience more continuous and fluid. Anything that makes a prospect's life easier helps convert them into a customer.


4. Be chatty Having a website with a properly integrated blog has been shown to increase visitors by 50% and time on site by 70%. Creating and sharing quality content attracts interest that you can convert into purchases.


5. Be prospect-centric If your content is all about you and your products, you're living in the past. Buyers today want solution-based content that demonstrates how you can meet their needs – not endless product specs.


6. Be flat to stand out Flat design is a minimalist approach that simplifies web interfaces by removing extra elements – such as shadows and textures – that create a 3D look. The result is a sharp, clean website that doesn't distract visitors with unnecessary effects.


7. Be structuredUsing a grid layout enables you to present text and images without your visitors becoming confused about where they should be looking. A good structure is essential for a good user experience.


8. Be double-minded Using a split screen layout enables you to either present two equally-important content areas at the same time; or cleanly separate one content area into two sections (such as text and visual media).

9. Be card-designedWebsites using card designs not only enable you to communicate information effectively, but also provide a simple solution for ensuring your website works well across all platforms and screen sizes.


10. Be illustrative Using illustration can be an engaging alternative or addition to photography. It enables you to be distinctive and individual, while providing an interesting way to present information, instructions, facts and figures.



Here to help» we're the B2B specialist agency for the marine industry» our content marketing expertise encompasses every

B2B discipline, including website design and build» with our cost-effective skills, you can differentiate your

brand and generate sales

+44 208 735 9115tim@mabox.co.ukmaboxmarine.com@Mabox_Marine

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