101 life changing healthy habits

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Developing healthy habits can be easy when you have a game plan. The problem is, most people don't know where to start. That's why I made this list. It has 101 built in habits that you can easily incorporate into your busy life. This slideshow has 101 Tips that will help you ingrain powerful, lifelong, healthy habits into your life.


H e a l t h y H a b i t s

P resented by

J a s o n B r a c h t


General Healthy Habits


#1 Brush And Floss Your Teeth

We often don’t realize the kind of role oral hygiene plays in increasing our lifespan. Scientists have discovered that regularly

brushing and flossing your teeth can add as much as 6 years to your life. So pick up your brush and floss,

and get cleaning!


#2 Stand Up

Get into the habit of doing things in a standing

position. For example watching your favorite TV show, folding your laundry, taking a phone call etc. can all be done while standing



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#3 Put On That Sunscreen

If you’re moving out, put on a sunscreen now. It not

only prevents you from fatal conditions such as cancer, but also helps in

looking younger


#4 Brush Your Teeth Immediately After Dinner

Adopting this habit will help you put a mental full-stop to your eating day and

prevent any late-night cravings


#5 Put Down That Cigarette

Putting down that cigarette now will do a world of

good to both your health and your pocket. We know it’s difficult, but take that

first step now!


#6 Book A Medical Examination

Pick up your phone and book a medical

examination for yourself right away. Although such routine tests may require

you to pay upfront, they can save you a tremendous amount of money and

worries in the longer run


#7 Get That Me-time You So Need

Moving non-stop from one task to the other can take a

toll on your health. Why not put aside all the work

for a few minutes and indulge in some me time right at this moment?!


#8 Step Out

Stepping out and experiencing the liveliness of nature can make you feel good about yourself in an

instant! So, step out, take a walk and enjoying the fresh air. Such simple pleasures are sometimes priceless


#9 Encourage Others Too

Avoid being self-centered and encourage the person next to you as well. Take your children and other

family members along with you as you head out


#10 Brush Your Tongue

Although brushing teeth and flossing are both good habits, you must also brush

your tongue regularly. It doesn’t take much time! If not cleaned regularly, the

rear area of the tongue can become a breeding ground

for germs and bacteria, causing diseases and bad



#11 Get Physical

Regardless of what your idea of exercise is, whether it is a one-hour jog every morning or some sweaty

time under the sheets with your better half, you must

move your body to stay healthy. Any form of physical exercise will

improve your mental well-being too


#12 Pop In Some Vitamins

Although vitamins can be expensive, they’re an

indispensable investment when it comes to your

overall well-being. Regularly consuming vitamins can steer you

clear of several medical conditions such as

osteoporosis and more


#13 Put That Extra Drink Down

Indulging in too much alcohol every now and then can be detrimental for your

health. However, consuming it in moderation may be harmless. So, stay within your limits and put that extra drink down right



#14 Step On The Scale

Regularly checking your weight and keeping it in

control can go a long way in increasing your lifespan. Therefore, step on that weighing scale now and find out if you

are overweight, underweight or just



#15 Pause And Observe The Symptoms

Pause whatever you’re doing this moment and

try observing the symptoms of

unexplained conditions like fever, shortness of

breath, headache, unexplained weight loss

etc., if you have any. These should be

addressed right away


#16 Sneeze Into Arms

Experts say that it is better to sneeze into

your upper arm or the crook of your elbow (instead of hands)

whenever you don’t have a tissue handy. Use of unclean hands in such situations can easily

spread the germs


#17 Jazz Up Drinking Water And Make It More Drinkable

If drinking water regularly seems boring,

add some slices of orange, cucumber, kiwi

or lemon to make it interesting. You can pop in a few raspberries or

strawberries too. This’ll make the water more

tasty, healthy and interesting


#18 Wash Hands

Make it a habit to wash your hands as often as

you can. Doing so lowers the risk of getting

sick and spreading germs. Always use a good soap and leave

your hands under running water for

minimum 20 seconds to rinse it off properly


#19 Drink A Large Glass Of Water First Thing In The Morning

Adopting this quick habit can make a world

of difference to your overall well-being. It’ll

rid your body of harmful toxins every morning


At The



#20 Empty Your Inbox

Let’s admit it! All of us have our inboxes

overflowing with unread emails. Actually, we may

never get the time to read them. So why not clear out all that junk

and make a fresh start!


#21 Bike To Work

Why make environment suffer because of your

laziness?! Take out that bike gathering dust in

your garage and cycle to work today!


#22 Take A Short Break

Sitting on your office chair the whole day can

be very bad for your health. Take a short

break right now and do the same after every 30 to 45 minutes. Doing so

will help you relax, stretch a little and divert

your mind from the stressful office matters


#23 Avoid The Lift

Avoid getting into the lift and rather take the stairs in your office

building. This will help you burn some extra

calories all through the work week


#24 Connect With That Stranger At Workplace

People feel less stressed out at workplace if

they’re connected to their peers. Don’t wait for others to take the first step. Rather, take that initiative on your

own now


#25 De-clutter Your Office Desk

A cluttered up office desk gives a very bad impression about you

and is also not a pleasant sight. Get up

and de-clutter your desk this moment


#26 Capture Every Idea

We all get ideas at the strangest of places.

Don’t allow them to drift away from you. Instead,

capture them in your notepad or Smartphone

for later use


#27 Get Up And Walk Around

Sitting still in one place throughout the working day can be very bad for

the body. Get up and walk around, even if for a few seconds every now and then. Get up! What’s

holding you back?


#28 Learn To Say No And Don’t Bite More Than You Can Chew

There’s no point in letting the work pileup just because you can’t

say no to your superior at work. Make up your mind and say no right

now if you’re well aware that you won’t be able to

handle more


#29 Stop And Ask Yourself If You Really Love Your Job

We get so involved in our day-to-day work

routines that we forget the true purpose of it all. You need to stop and ask yourself if your current

job really makes you happy or not. If not, you must start looking for a



#30 Give Your Eyes A Break

Staring at your computer/laptop screen for endless number of

hours, combined with a slumped posture can take a toll on your

health. Give yourself a couple of minutes’ break

after every 20-30 minutes


#31 Turn Tasks Into Manageable Steps

Sometimes even simple day-to-day tasks at work can get overwhelming. Take out a few minutes and break them down into smaller steps that can be accomplished



#32 Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for every task accomplished

can keep up your motivation levels and

improve your productivity


#33 Evernote

Track your day with a tool like Evernote to increase productivity and improve planning


#34 Get Rid Of Distractions

Human brain is naturally inclined to

procrastinate. You can guard yourself by simply

doing away with all possible things that

distract you from work


#35 Handle The Most Difficult Task First

Finishing the most difficult task right at the beginning can make the remaining tasks easier. So handle the hardest

one first


#36 Employ The Two-minute Trick

Any task that may take you two minutes or less

can be quickly dealt with and ticked off the list


#37 Listen

Rather than jumping the gun and mouthing your opinion during every discussion, try to hold onto your horses and listen instead. You’ll

thank yourself for doing that later


Healthy Habits

at Home


#38 Decide To Cook Instead Of Ordering In Or Going Out

Although an occasional meal from outside

doesn’t hurt, you must try to eat at home as

much as possible. That way you’ll save money and know what all is going into your food


#39 Make Some Quick Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies bought from the stores

are generally full of harmful chemicals, bad for your pets and family. A quick look at some of the online videos can help you create your

own cleaning supplies


#40 Turn Off The Television

Watching television throughout the day can

make your lifestyle quite sedentary. Turn off your television right now and do something else more active such as reading a

book, talking to your loved ones or taking a



#41 Pick Up Your Pace

You can make your everyday chores at home healthier by picking up

your pace and thus increasing your heart rate. Why not make a competition out of the time taken to dust or

sweep a room?


#42 Hang Your Laundry Out

Another way of indulging in some active housework is by taking

out all your laundry and hanging it outside (instead of using a

dryer). Doing so will exercise your muscles and contribute to the

environmental cause too


#43 Shorten Your Shower Time

Shortening the time you spend in showers will

not just help you conserve water and cut down your water bills, but also prevent your skin from drying out, thus making you look healthier and younger


#44 Remove The Clutter

Get started with the de-cluttering process of your home right now.

Make up your mind and just start it! Trust us,

you’ll feel good!


#45 Eat With Your Family

Eating at least one meal a day together with your family can help you slow

things down and stay connected to your roots.

This has a positive impact on your health



#46 Put Together Your Medicines And First Aid Supplies

Often our medicines and first aid supplies lay scattered at different

places in home. Take out 5 minutes and put all of

them together in one place/box


#47 Get Organized

Stop for a moment, take out a paper and a pen and then jot down all your tasks for the day.

Getting organized helps save a lot of time and money. It also reduces

the stress levels


#48 Appreciate What You Have

Many of us are so busy chasing things we don’t have that we forget to appreciate what all we do. Take out 5 minutes

and appreciate whatever you have. It’ll make you

feel good


#49 Leave Shoes At The Door

Practiced commonly in Japan, this age-old custom has many practical benefits.

Leaving shoes at the door keeps the home

free of outside dirt and pollutants


#50 Microwave Your Kitchen Sponge

We all think that toilet seats are the most germ-laden items in a home. Wrong. It is the kitchen sponge that tops that

list. Microwaving it for 30 seconds every

evening can rid it of all the germs (make sure it’s



Mental Habits


#51 Take It Easy And Book Yourself A Vacation Now

Stress can be very harmful if ignored. Take some time out of your busy schedule and get away from the day-to-day stress by taking a

short vacation with your loved ones


#52 Reach Out Now

We all face tough times every now and then.

Don’t feel depressed and reach out to someone

you trust immediately. If there’s no one you can

turn to in your immediate surroundings, reach out and take help of some counsellor or



#53 Laugh It Out

Unexpected things happen to all of us.

Learn to laugh about them and never take

anything to heart


#54 Pray

Spirituality can connect you to the deeper and

more meaningful part of your life. Praying can help you focus, relax and concentrate on things that are most

important in your life


#55 Give Your Brain A Good Work Out

Indulge in some activity that gives a good

workout your brain. Doing so will keep it healthy and help you stay sharp, happy and active, no matter what

your age is


#56 Call Up And Speak To People You Love

Pick up your phone and call up people you love

and care about. Expressing your feelings

to them will help you stay calm and happy


#57 Be Optimistic And Think Positive

Shun the negative thoughts coming to your

mind right now, and replace them with the

positive ones. Maintaining an

optimistic outlook can add many years to your



#58 Count To 10 Or More When Angry

We all get those bouts of anger every now and

then. Anger is not good for health. Counting to

10 or more can help tame your temper. It

distracts the mind from the current situation and

makes one calmer


#59 Strike A Power Pose In Front Of Mirror!

Yes, that’s right! Try doing it and it’ll

instantly make you feel better! Perhaps, a super

woman/man posture with legs split apart, while brushing your

teeth will do!


#60 Send Motivational Notes To Yourself

Expose yourself to positive thoughts even

when you’re down in the dumps by sending yourself pre-set

motivational notes. Look up the app store on your phone, you’ll definitely

find an app for that!


#61 Do A Mental Detox

Cut out all gossip, scary TV shows and news

channels from your daily routine. All these

sources fill your mind with hatred, fear and



Fitness &



#62 Involve Your Kids And/Or Spouse

A quick decision about involving your spouse or

kids into your daily exercise routine can

work wonders for your overall fitness


#63 Wear Ankle Weights

These can put some extra pounds on your

body and make you burn extra calories when on

the move


#64 Opt For Biking

Biking is an excellent and one of the most

enjoyable methods of getting a good cardio



#65 Play With Pets

Playing with pets gets you the exercise you’re

looking for and gets them the attention they

so need


#66 Take A Walk

Stepping out of home and taking a short walk,

even if till the end of your lane, can get you

some good exercise


#67 Explore The Neighborhood

You can do this by jogging, biking, on foot or using a roller blade. You’ll learn about the

goings-on in your vicinity as well as get some good exercise


#68 Play Some Sport

Apart from making you fitter, playing some sport can be fun and help you make social connections



#69 Make Your Workouts Social

You don’t need to work out all alone. Involving

your friends or neighbors into your

daily workout routine can make it more



#70 Use Protective Gear

If you work out vigorously or play some field sport, ensure that

you are always wearing the right kind of

protective gear to prevent injuries


#71 Use Free Hand Exercises

It isn’t necessary to spend money on costly

gym memberships to get into shape. You can

learn and perform some quick free hand

exercises to reap the same benefits


#72 Volunteer

Make a quick decision and volunteer for social

activities such as planting trees,

community services etc. These will put both your

mind and body in the right perspective


#73 Try Something New

Be open to new fitness routines and innovative ways of staying fit. You

might just discover some new hobby!


Daily Nutrition

& Food

Related Habits


#74 Don’t Miss Breakfast

Make it a point that you never miss breakfast. Set a reminder if you have

to. Breakfast is the most important meal of the

day and helps you lead a healthy life


#75 Have Some Fruit 15 Minutes Before Dinner

People who have some fruit before dinner tend to eat less at the dinner table. We suggest one

apple or peach


#76 Have A Cup Of Tea

If you’re fond of coffee or some other hot

beverage, switch to tea today. Tea is cheaper

and healthier


#77 Incorporate Juicing Into Your Diet

It’s a perfect way to get vital nutrients delivered directly to your cells in a



#78 Ignore That Diet Chart

Unless you make some permanent changes to your lifestyle and daily diet, you won’t get any long-term results. So,

ditch that diet chart and set some realistic diet

goals for yourself


#79 Have Some Wine

Having a glass of red wine every day with

dinner is known to bring about some excellent heart related benefits.

But remember, moderation is the key



#80 Veggies Over Meat

You can improve your and your pocket’s health significantly by opting for a vegetarian diet. Vegetables and grains are cheaper, healthier

and environment friendly too


#81 Eat Frequent And Small Meals

Eating frequent and small meals will keep your cravings in check and prevent you from going overboard. This

habit will also keep your metabolism active throughout the day


#82 Avoid Junk Food As Much As You Can

Junk food is well known to be high in calories and fats, apart from being loaded with

unwanted chemicals. Make a healthy choice now by avoiding the



#83 Buy And Eat Fresh Food

Fresh food items are more nutritious than

frozen food. What more, they’re cheaper too!


#84 Eat slowly

Don’t rush yourself when having your meals.

Eating slowly helps in digestion and also makes you eat less


#85 Cherish Variety

A well-balanced diet is one that comprises of

different variety of food items. So, cherish this variety and embrace it


#86 Eat Smaller Portions

Scaling back on your portion sizes can help you digest better and

keep you healthy


#87 Have A Glass Full Of Water

Have a glass full of water half an hour

before your main meal – Just like the apple trick, this will also help you

eat less


#88 Distinguish The Cravings From Real Hunger

Whenever you feel like eating in between the

main meals, ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to have an apple. This’ll help you determine if it’s craving or real hunger


#89 Eat The Fibers First

Opting to eat the fibrous food items on your plate

first will prevent you from going overboard

on the calorie rich foods


#90 Lookout For Healthy Recipes Or Restaurant Ideas

Set aside at least 5 minutes per day, and dedicate them only to

search for healthy recipes and healthy

restaurant ideas


Smart Shopping



#91 Be A Smart Shopper

Rather than acting on impulse and buying whatever’s on sale,

pause and think whether you require that

particular item or not


#92 Check Labels

Always read the labels on food items to check their expiry date and to make sure that they’re

healthy for you and your family


#93 Take Your Own Shopping Bag

Make it a point that you always carry a reusable

bag whenever you go out shopping. These are

excellent for environment and also

prevent you from going overboard when



#94 Make Meal Reservations

Planning your meals ahead of time and

making prior restaurant reservations when going out shopping will help

you eat on-time and not indulge in endless shopping sprees


#95 Avoid Processed Food Items

These items may be appealing owing to their

ready availability and convenience, but when it comes to the matter of

health they’re far inferior than freshly

cooked food


#96 Avoid Items That Are Heavily Packaged

Buying items which are packaged in more

plastic than required is only going to contribute

to environmental damage. Refrain from

buying such items


#97 Buy Local Produce

Produce available at the local farmers’ market is

normally healthier, cheaper and fresher in comparison to all that’s

available in stores


#98 Avoid Consuming Bottled Water

We don’t mean that you stop drinking water! However, rather than

buying pre-bottled water every time, carry a

reusable bottle with you whenever you go out


#99 Lookout For Used Items

You can save a tremendous amount of

money and also contribute to the

environmental cause by buying used items


#100 Pay Your Bills On Time

Paying your monthly bills on time can reduce the unwanted stress and hassle caused by past

due bills. Why not set up automatic online



#101 Buy Only What Is Required

Seeing so many different items at the grocery

store can tempt you to buy more than what is

actually needed. Unless you control yourself, you

may end up spending and wasting more



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