
Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Deasil Street10.4

Simon Lewes and Nasirs – he checks in on them.

Simon thought he’d check in with Betty upstairs, was she okay? Did she see the news? He warned her and Patrick not to sleep too heavily, no pills or ear plugs. Just in case.

Simon was right to be wary for his elderly neighbours.The sirens began wailing at 2am.

Marley didn’t know the details, but all of his squad had been called in immediately. He checked his equipment one last time and then left to do his duty.

He saw the orange glow above the town as he went through his front door and knew it would be a long and dangerous night.

Megan saw the orange glow in the distance over the centre of town out of her bedroom window, and rushed next door.

She asked Edward if she and her family could shelter in his basement. She knew it was a massive ask, that he hadn’t shown her his hideout to extend the knowledge of it to her whole family… but she couldn’t ask for shelter and leave her family outside.

Edward surprised her. He asked why she thought he had included so many beds down there? He wanted her safe, and would never ask her to abandon her family. She should go and get them right away.

For once, her family didn’t argue. Perhaps it was the sound of screams and sirens brought on the wind... They grabbed their dearest possessions and family portraits. Warren harvested the plant Megan had bought them. It was a blight-resistant life fruit, and he wouldn’t risk its destruction.

Warren wished he had fireproofed their basement back when he had the money, turned it into a proper bunker like Edward had. They could have holed up on their own property. As it was, if the fires reached them they would lose everything.

Teresa was in pieces over not being able to help all their friends in the Street, her childhood friend Bernice’s family, her sons girlfriend Annette and Ariette… but Edward couldn’t accommodate everyone. Warren told her to count her own blessings and hope for their friends. With any luck, the massive fire burning Appaloosa wouldn’t get as far as them.

Megan, Edward and Allain had sent the Bailey family down into the bunker first, telling them they would join them when the fire got dangerously close. When Teresa heard the Poesons shouting and Megan running down the hidden spiral staircase she sent her family scuttling for their beds. The fire had reached Deasil Street.

The fire had blazed out of control and left the centre of town where the arsonists had started it.

Not only had it spread along the roads and through gardens towards Deasil Street in a straight line from town, it had circled round the back of them through the vast open spaces of the local grasslands.The extremely sunny and dry weather of late meant the grasses of Appaloosa plains set alight all too easily.

Ariette managed to get her daughter of out of bed before the smoke killed them both in their sleep, and managed to shout to Annette to flee with Peps. She’d join her soon.

Annette did as she was bid, and was relieved to find Peps stable had not yet gone up in flames. She mounted her horse, praying her mother would join them quickly. But Peps took fright at the heat, and galloped away, with Annette helpless on his back, screaming for her mother.

Malika had headed away from the main blaze and was patrolling the outer areas of town raising the alarm. To her horror her young neighbour Julian came running up to her, terrified.He’d wanted to join the Kasitovas on their evening out, but had got lost.

She took him down to the beach – the closest safe zone she could think of. She had to help others, so told him that if the fire got too close and set fire to the wooden pier, he was to go swim in the sea.

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