10lce1143 bienvenue en france - french civilization, business culture ...€¦ · bienvenue en...

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10LCE1143Bienvenue en France - French Civilization, Business Culture and

Language - B1 - C2

DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : French Nb of hours : 15 hours

Teacher : Raphaël VILLATTE

Context / Overview

The knowledge of the French language and culture is essential for foreign students who want to integrate in acampus of higher education in France. The knowledge of french business language is usefull forcommunication with french speaking partners.Intermediate and advanced level: B1 - C1

Students will have the opportunity to work in groups with local students during fBS' Forum du NouveauMonde which exposes students to issues facing manangers of the future.

The organisation of activities and excursions in the city and the region will allow students to understandcultural and economic environment of the region.

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to:• introduce themselves (orally and in writing, CV) • request information • request and provide information relative to localization, directions, accommodation• talk about the past and future • talk about aspects of French civilization, Amiens and Picardy

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Interactive and communicative approach various activities: vocabulary, grammar, QCM, written and oral comprehension, oral and written expression

TFI exercises Roleplays, discussions, research work , projectsOutings,

Group Work with local fBS students


• Cultural aspects • Current events in France (politics, society, administration) • Features of the Picardy region (geography, history)

• Contacts and communication in a business context• Education system • Restaurant • Travelling • Grammar and vocabulary • TFI - TDF Test


• Attendance, participation • Homework • Final written test and oral presentation


Group Work Grades during the Forum du Nouveau Monde



Pentfornis, J-L 2007. Français.com Intermédiaire et Avancés. Paris: CLE Documents de presse et Internet

Short Presentation of Teacher

Raphael Villatte, academic teacher of French language and culture

10LCE1144Bienvenue en France - French Civilization, Business Culture and

Language A1 (-A2)

DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : French Nb of hours : 15 hours

Teacher : Brigitte BAUMGARTEN

Context / Overview

The basic knowledge of the French civilization and culture is essential to integrate in a campus of highereducation in France. A basic knowledge of french business language is usefull for communication with frenchspeaking partners.Elementary level: A1-A2

The organisation of activities and excursions in the city and the region will allow students to understandcultural and economic environment of the region.

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

• present aspects of French civilization, Amiens - Hauts de France - France

• introduce themselves (orally and in writing) • request information • talk about their habits, interests • request and provide information relative to localization, directions, accommodation• talk about the past and future

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Presentations, outings, sightseeing

• Interactive and communicative approach with various lingusistic activities: vocabulary, grammar, QCM,written and oral comprehension,songs, oral and written expression • TFI - TCF exercises • Roleplays, discussions, research work


• Cultural aspects

• Current events in France (politics, society, administration) • Features of the Picardy region (geography, history)

• Education system • Contacts in every day life • Restaurant • Travelling • Health, body parts• Grammar and vocabulary • Tests and exams (TCF, etc.)


• Attendance, participation • Homework • Final written test and oral presentation


• Anne-Lyse Dubois, BéatriceTauzin. Objectif Exress1. Le monde professionnel en français. A1/A2. Hachette2013. • Pentfornis, J-L. 2007. Français.com Débutant. Paris : CLE International.• Articles from the press, the Internet

Short Presentation of Teacher


10LCE1145French Business Language - B1 - C1 Intermediate - Advanced

DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : French Nb of hours : 12 hours

Teacher : Raphaël VILLATTE

Context / Overview

Foreign students studying in France are motivated to learn, improve and deepen their knowledge aboutFrench language et culture.

French language and culture are still important in the world,( history, politics, films, french speaking world).

It is a voluntary course of 12 h and is open to students who want to improve and to practice French BusinessLanguage

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able

• to communicate in everyday situations and to use specific business vocabulary • to read and understand texts, written and oral

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Various activities: vocabulary, grammar, written and oral understanding. • Research, project and teamwork • Written and oral participation.


Everyday, professional and business french


• Attendance, participation. • Homeworks. • Tests.


Press releases.

Internet. Television.

Jean-Luc Penfornis. Français.com. Méthode de Français professionnel et des affaires. CLE International.

Short Presentation of Teacher

Raphael Villatte

Brigitte Baumgarten

10LCE1146 French Business Language (FLE) Level A2 - B1, Beginner -


DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : French Nb of hours : 18 hours

Teacher : Brigitte BAUMGARTEN

Context / Overview

Foreign students studying in France are motivated to learn, improve and deepen their knowledge aboutFrench business language and culture.It is a voluntary course and it is open to students who want during the semester to continue learning about

• French Business Language • Aspects of Culture and Civilisation

Pedagogical Objectives

Level A2-B1:At the end of this course the students will be able to:- communicate in everyday situations and in professional contexts - understand simple authentic (oral and written) documents- use a range of vocabulary in everyday situations- use grammatical structures essential for communication (past tense forms, reflexive verbs, pronouns,prepostions)- better pronounce words and phrases in French

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Interactive and communicative approach according to the level and needs of the students • Various activities: vocabulary, grammar, QCM, written and oral comprehension, oral and written expression• TFI exercises • Roleplays, discussions, research work


Content :• Units chosen according to the level and students' needs • Business French • TFI• Current events

• French cuisine (outing)


• Attendance, participation • Homework • Test


• Berthet, Annie et al. 2006. Alter Ego. Méthode de français A1.Paris : Hachette FLE..• Parizet, Marie-Louise et al. 2005. Activités pour le CECR A1. Paris : CLE International.• Pentfornis, J-L. 2007. Français.com Débutant. Paris : CLE International• Articles from the Internet

Short Presentation of Teacher

Raphael Villatte

Brigitte Baumgarten

10LCE1152TANDEM - Language and Culture

DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : English Nb of hours : 12 hours

Teacher : Brigitte BAUMGARTEN

Context / Overview

TANDEM language learning is based on mutual language exchange between tandem partners (ideally eachlearner is a native speaker in the language the proponent wants to learn).

TANDEM language learning is supported by various materials and methods: work sheets, textbooks or simplyinformal conversation.

With TANDEM language learning by partnership (two people, supported by a counsellor) half the time isdedicated to one person and language, the other half to the other person and language. For example, aPortuguese and a German can talk half an hour in German and afterwards half an hour in Portuguese.

Pedagogical Objectives

The objectives (language, culture) have to be defined by each TANDEM partner.

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Mutual learning agreement • Autonomous working in partnership • Supervision • Assessment


To be defined according to personal objectives of each TANDEM partner.


• Respect of mutual learning agreement. • Oral presentation at the end

Short Presentation of Teacher

Brigitte Baumgarten

30DCP3001The Bigger Picture - Aspects of Civilization and Culture

DEPARTMENT : Professional Behaviour


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h 10 hours mini

Teacher : Brigitte BAUMGARTEN

Context / Overview

In context of globalization, it is important to have knowledge of general culture, to be able to analyse the past,to understand the present, to get a vision for the future world.

The content of the English teaching course is open and adapted to International Exchange and ChineseStudents, to give and deepen their general knowledge of specific aspects of French Civilization and Culture.

Pedagogical Objectives

• To widen students' horizons in French general culture • To communicate (oral and written) about aspects of French general culture • To build a personal opinion about some typical aspects of French civilisation and culture in comparaison

with their own culture

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Lectures, research work, presentations • Film documentary • Debates and discussions


Will be treated in class:

• Historical aspects • Artistic aspects • Political and geopolitical aspects • Current Affairs • etc.


• Attendance and participation • Group présentations • Articles and essay writing

Short Presentation of Teacher

Brigitte Baumgarten

30ENV3001Contract Law

DEPARTMENT : Environment


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Craig MACDONALD

Context / Overview

This course is aimed at Bachelor 3 students, who already have a good knowledge of the fundamentals ofmarketing, strategic marketing and business operations as a whole.

Pedagogical Objectives

Understand principles, recognize existing systemsAnalyze environment, recognize necessity of contract and conditions required, determine terms and clausesapplied to each type of contractRecognize the different methods used to harmonize the contract process, deficienciesHands-on drafting of contractBe able to choose between different problem resolution toolsDevelop teamwork, negotiation skills, problem solving, targeting win-win situation

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Group preparation intl contract - Understand contract terms, clauses and goals, ability to draft contractconditionsGroup negotiation contract conditions as buyer and seller - Negotiate contract to ensure favorable terms


The fundamental rules and policies of contract law ; the three sources of law: common law, legislation, andjudicial interpretation of legislationConsumer law – definitions, why,Sales contracts, service contracts, paymentCredit : consumer credit, real estate loansOverview of international sales contract (dis)harmonizationInternational trade rules & practicesAnalysis of the international sales contractConflict resolution – remedies, courts and arbitration, standardizationNego games – Negotiating purchasing and sales contracts


o Ouvrage de référence : Ray August, International Business Law: Text, Cases and Readings, 4th Edition, PearsonEducation International, New Jersey, 2004 Michael Joachim Bonell, An International Restatement of Contract Law -The UNIDROIT Principlesof International Commercial Contracts, Transnational Publishers, Inc., Ardsley, NY, 3d ed. 2005. Joseph F. Morrissey and Jack M. Graves, International Sales Law and Arbitration: Problems, casesand Commentary, Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 2008

o Sites internet :

Internet Law Library - Business, finance, economic, and consumer protection lawshttp://www.lectlaw.com/inll/92.htm

BBC Legal glossary http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/legalglossary/u.shtml

Legal Information Institute http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/topic2.html#commercial%20transactions Consumer Law Page http://consumerlawpage.com/resource/geninfo.shtml

Legifrance (French, English, Spanish) http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/html/codes_traduits/liste.htm

30ENV3002International Business Strategy

DEPARTMENT : Environment


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Pedagogical Objectives

Analyze the strategies set in place by the business un

Define a framework for future strategy

Clarify the management process leading to a coherent strategy

Improve writing and analytical skills

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Teaching Method- Lecture - Multimedia and PowerPoint- Case study - Individual and group research- Class discussion- Reading


Business Strategy Part I• Strategy, Operations, and Tactics • Strategic planning process- Internal & external actors and corporate objectiveso Hierarchical Levels of Strategyo Mission, Vision, Values- Competitive advantage- Market research- Resource analysis review- LCAG- Porter

o Competitive Analysiso 5 Forceso Generic Competitive Strategieso Primary Value Chain Activitieso Integration- BCGo Experience Curveo Growth-Share Matrix- GE / McKinsey Matrix- SWOT- PEST- Ansoff Matrix

Development Strategy Part IIo Fundamental Strategies- Cost structure - Specialization / Market Segmentation - Differentiationo Growth Strategieso Competitive Strategies

Marketing Strategy Part IIIo Objectiveso Competitive positioning and growth strategieso Distribution system decisions

Case Studies Part IV


- Class attendance and participation - Group case study, oral preparation and final paper


General Resources – Business Strategy http://www.netmba.com/strategy/

Other Useful Sites – Business Strategy coursehttp://www.cba.hawaii.edu/aspy/MKT391.htm

Business planshttp://www.planware.orghttp://businessplans.org

30ENV3005Business Intelligence

DEPARTMENT : Environment


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Pedagogical Objectives

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Work in groupVideos

Serious game


1 General introduction: Competitive intelligence, historical, roles, competition in economic theory 2 International environment and competitiveness: Internationalization, states competitiveness, informationand knowledge economy3 Competitive intelligence and organizations: Challenges, key internal and external business drivers, legaland ethical aspects, human source intelligence4 Knowledge and information management: Data collection, the research framework, systematic sources5 Protection of information assets and knowledges: Security information system, crisis management,intellectual property6 Influence et contre-influence: Foreign sources, assessing information quality, comparing and positioningcompanies, lobbying


Skills assessments :Student participationPractical workCase study


Books :

v Ben Gilad's Early Warning: Using competitive intelligence to anticipate market shifts, control risk, and createpowerful strategies published by AMACOM in 2003. Written with Gilad's customary brio and wit, this is aworthy successor to his influential Business Blindspots, Infonortics edition, 1996. v Larry Kahaner, (1998). How to Gather, Analyze, and Use Information to Move Your Business to the Top,Simon & Shuster.v Super Searchers on Competitive Intelligence: The online and offline secrets of top CI researchers, edited byMargaret Metcalf Carr and Reva Basch, Cyberage Books/Information Today, 2003. This contains interviewswith leading researchers revealing the tactics they use to gather information. v Prescott, J.E. (2003). User�driven Competitive Intelligence. Houston, TX: American Productivity and QualityCenterv Douglas Burnhardt (2003). Competitive Intelligence: How To Acquire & Use Strategic Intelligence &Counterintelligence (Management Briefings Executive Series), Financial times management.

• Articles : v Rapport du groupe « intelligence économique et stratégie des entreprises », Commissariat général au plan,1994.v La cyberguerre. Autoscopie d'une menace, Dossier thématique, Lemonde.fr, 2004v Quick en mode échec dans la guerre de l'information, knowckers.org, 20 mai 2011v Enquête sur l'expatriation des Français, 2013, Direction des Français à l'étranger et de l'administrationconsulaire (DFAE), Ministère des Affaires étrangèresv « Les diasporas comme ressources d'intégration dans l'économie mondiale » sujet de thèse de NataliaBUGA, 2006, université de Grenoblev « Le retour des “cerveaux” en Chine : quel impact socio-politique ? » Hélène Le Bail Wei Shen Novembre2008 Asie Visions 11 Centre asie v ANSSI, Stratégie de la France. Défense et sécurité des systèmes d'information, Paris, février (2011)v KALSTEH (Karl) et al., Information as a Strategic Tool to Improve Industrial Competitiveness, conférenceFID/H, Espoo, (Finlande), 24-25 août 1988, documents publiés in Information Services and Use, vol. 9, n° 4,novembre 1989. v NAKAGAWA (Juro) : Strategic Information Systems and Business Intelligence in Japan, in PRESCOTT(John) Ed. : Global Perspectives on Competitive. v ATTANASIO (Dominik) : The Multiple Benefits of Competitor Intelligence, in Journal of Business Strategy,mai juin 1988, p. 16-19.

• Websites:

v Association of former intelligence officer : https://www.afio.com/v strategic and competitive intelligence professionals (SCIP) : http://www.scip.org/v gartner : http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jspv zataz magazine : http://www.zataz.com/v France diplomatie : http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/

• Vidéos :

v https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g0eT0SpPbMv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gqq2sBWai4

30ENV3006Project Management

DEPARTMENT : Environment


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Develop Managers' responsibilities through full project cycle

Pedagogical Objectives

1) To know how to assess project cycle2) To know how to evaluate proper project follow-up3) To present how to anticipate project deliverable operation

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

- Preparatory Work or Prerequisite(s):Students should have a reasonable background in legal, accounting & finance, business & projectmanagement.- Work in class: 18h - Personal Work: reading and research 30h- Teaching Methods in class: Tutorial, group work, individual work, PowerPoint presentation by the Professor,group presentation, exercises, individual work


1) To know how to assess project cycle• Investment & strategical decision• Preparation• Execution• Deliverable reception• Operation2) To know how to evaluate proper project follow-up• Indicators• Reporting• Risks 3) To present how to anticipate project deliverable operation


Participation of students individually and as a team An examination of three hours in teams of 3 to 4 students

It consists of an analysis of customer solicitation material in respect to a BtoB international tender andpreparation of a response document in the form of an engaging shopping offer.


• A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Third Edition (Project Management Institute)• International Business: Environments and Operations (John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, and Daniel Sullivan)• International Business,5th Edition (Ricky Griffin and Mike Pustay)

30FIN3002Production Management



Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Craig MACDONALD

Pedagogical Objectives

* To understand the functions of purchasing and production in the corporate environment* To recognize, understand principles and use of following production management tools : Kanban,CAPM/CAD/CAM/CIM/EDI/ERP/MRP, SMED, TPM, JIT, TQM, Wilson & Pareto, ABC, NDT & other testingmethods, 5S, Kaizen, OPT, Lean Systems & TPS, Gantt/Pert, ISO, Six Sigma, FMS, Inventory controlmethods

* To use tools and knowledge acquired to recommend potential improvements in a manufacturingenvironment

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Group case studies and oral presentations Group case study - NPP


Introduction to Production Management Equip students to network effectively across the wide range ofspecialist professional functions in today's industrial enterprises.

Recognize different production systems, actors and environment of productionInventory Management Understand principles, familiarize existing tools & software Production Management, IT, Project Management and Decision-Making Ability to forecast and evaluateperformanceJust-in-Time (JIT) production systems – philosophy of production and progress Understand good SRMpracticesQuality assurance and control Utilization of different tools, problem resolution



Case Study NPP Teamwork,



Sites internet : http://www.glossaryofmanufacturing.comhttp://www.mazur.net/tqm/tqmterms.htm http://www.smthacker.co.uk/summary_business_processes.htm

Production Management, Craig Macdonald (PowerPoint)Factory game.doc « Case Study : National Powerpacks SARL »

Short Presentation of Teacher


30INT3001Law in International Affairs

DEPARTMENT : International


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Introduction to Law - Commercial Law - Judicial Law ;

Pedagogical Objectives

Presenting and understanding the issues of the Globalization, the Regional integration and InternationalexchangesUnderstanding the Basis and the Actions of the European UnionUnderstanding the functioning of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council, theEuropean Council, the ECB, the European Court of AuditorsAnalysing the free Movement Rules : free movement of goodsKnowing the basis and the rules of WTOIdentifying the International Trade Issues through Dispute settlement body


WTO/ EU /MERCOSUR/ ASEAN/ The economic and politic basis of the EUThe European InstitutionsThe functioning of the internal market and dispute resolutionWTO AgreementsWTO Dispute settlement


o Ouvrages de référence : VOGEL, L., European competition law, Buylant, 2015o NIHOUL ; VERDURE, European competition law, Larcier, 2009o BESSON, S. ; LEURAT, N., The European Union and International Law, Schulthess, 2015o KLABBERS, J., The European Union in International Law, Pedone, 2015o SNYDER, F., The EU, the WTO and China, Hart Pub, 2010o WEILER, H., The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA : Towards and Common Law of International Trade, OxfordUniv., 2015

o Sites internet : http://wto.org ; http://europa.eu ;

o Outils (logiciels etc.) : Diaporama

30INT3003International Communication

DEPARTMENT : International


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

This course is aimed at students in Bachelor 3 program, who already have a good knowledge of thefundamentals of marketing, strategic marketing and business operations as a whole.

Pedagogical Objectives

Link knowledge of cultural differences to creation of marketing support

*Awakened knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity

*Ability to « read » intended meaning via various methods of communication when in multiculturalenvironment*Utilize various analytical tools available to discern new multicultural environment and establishdécision-making process for interaction *Integrate hands-on approach to cultural immersion*Understand possible conflicts and other issues related to culture in the corporate environment*Develop teamwork, communication skills, problem solving

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Group preparation intl website analysis


I. Introduction- Snails and culture: Observations on the myths and realities of Franco-American cultural differences- why study intercultural communication?- general resourcesII. Cultural Conflict- ethnocentrism and stereotypingIII. Communication Styles- non-verbal / gestures - Importance of color in cultural communication- verbal communication§ dialects§ language standards§ rules of discourse

IV. Cross-cultural differences in norms and values- The idea of contextV. Theoretical methods of analysis- Kluckhohn - The Culture Pyramid- Mole VI. Practical Methods of Analysis in Industry LESCANTVII. Multicultural meetings - tipsVIII. Cross-cultural Issues in the Globalization of OrganizationsReentry / Reverse Culture ShockIX. Project presentations


Books: Gestures: The DO's and TABOOs of Body Language Around the World, Roger E. Axtell (John Wilyey &Sons,1998)�Body Language, Julius Fast (MJF Books, 1970)�Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman (Bantam, 1995)�Naked Ape, Desmond MorrisLove Signals, David Givens (Crown, 1983)�A Year in Provence, Peter Mayle (Knopf, 1990)�Developing the Global Organization, Robert T. Moran, Philip R. Harris, William G. Stripp (Gulf) HumanresourcesThe Art of Coming Home, Craig Storti (NBI, ) Expatriate Reentry Intercultural Communication: A Reader, Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter (Wadsworth, ) InterpersonalCommunication

Internet Websites:

http://www.intercultural.orghttp://www2.soc.hawaii.edu/css/dept/com/resources/ interculturalhttp://www.immi.se/interculturalhttp://intermundo.net/http://www.edupass.org/culture/http://www.bena.com/ewinters/xculture.htmlhttp://www.nwrel.org/cnorse/booklets/ccc/

Short Presentation of Teachers

Craig MacDonald

30INT3005Foreign Markets Intelligence Research

DEPARTMENT : International


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Market and competitor intelligence Research

• Students will understand why companies are going world wide at a high rate of Innovation,• Students may be interested to position their own countries' industries in the market place• Digging into Industries Big Data will help to better adjust trade and customer strategies

Pedagogical Objectives

The course will cover various Intelligence parameters related to Multinational corporates implemented aroundthe world. Students will finally understand the toughness of facing foreign markets if intelligence research wasnot a company's top most priority.

To better choose a dividend yielding market facing competitors objectives. To familiarize with the Stake Matrix and Follow-up Matrix to lead to a go, no-go decision.

Approach to world intelligence agencies , their recommendations.A differentiation of all Intelligence service agencies set up to better watch the world market to meet ourpurpose of business development.Finally, to focus on Market intelligence likely to provide data and tools analysis to the Parent company in viewof opening new markets.


Service and cosmetic - India Case study: India service and Luxury industries extending over the world

Energy and construction - China Case study: Energy and construction industries providers world wide

Communication and Car - United States Case study: Smartphone Communication and Car invading rest of the world

Pharmaceutical and Health care - South Africa Case study: Expansion of Pharmaceutical and health care over Africa

Sugar/ethanol and textile - BrazilCase study: The rise of the Organic industry in Brazil for energy and dress industries . Their expansion worldwide

Retail and car - France Case study: French Retail and car industries are well implanted world widedespite fierce competition


Competitor Intelligence Research & Market Intelligence by Mathew Harrison and Julia Cupman

30INT3006International Finance

DEPARTMENT : International


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

The objective of this course is to provide a rigorous overview of the fundamental principles of internationalfinancial management and investment. This course will focus on three main areas of international finance: theglobal financial environment and the most important international macroeconomic concepts, the foreignexchange and the currency risk exposure and hedging, and finally, the international portfolio investmentstrategies and international asset pricing. Topics of great interest like emerging markets, internationalfinancial crisis and contagion will also be discussed.

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of the course, the student should be able to master the theories and quantitative tools that arenecessary for global asset management and investment.

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

- Preparatory Work or Prerequisite(s):The students must have successfully passed a course on financial markets and a course on investmentanalysis and portfolio management or equivalent. Eventually, notions of derivatives could be useful. A goodbackground in quantitative methods (statistics, probability and econometrics) is also required.- Work in class: 18h - Personal Work: Exercises, assignments, presentation, reading: 30h- Teaching Methods in class: Tutorial, group work, individual work, PowerPoint presentation by the Professor,group presentation, exercises, individual work


Part 1: The Global Finance Environment1.1 Introduction to the financial environment1.2 Exchange rate determination (macroeconomic factors)1.3 Creation of the Euro-zonePart 2: The Foreign Exchange Market and Currency Risk Management2.1 Foreign exchange market2.2 International exposure to exchange rate variations and hedgePart 3: International Portfolio Investment and Asset Pricing3.1 International diversification and portfolio investment3.2 International asset pricing and performance analysis3.3 International financial crisis and contagion


Elements to be evaluated - linked to the pedagogical objectives: exchange rate risk measuring and hedging,international portfolio diversification- Methods of Assessment: exam (50%) + presentation (40%) + participation (10%)


Baker James (1998), International Finance, Prentice HallButler Kirk C. (2000), Multinational Finance, Second Edition, South-Western College PublishingLevich Richard M. (2001), International Financial Markets: Prices and Policies, Second Edition,McGraw-Hill/IrwinShapiro Alan C. (2002), Multinational Financial Management, 8th Edition, John Wiley PublishersSolnik Bruno (1999), International Investments, Addison-Westley Publishing Company

30LCE3007France - Civilization and Culture in French Cinema

DEPARTMENT : Foreign languages and cultures


Language : FrenchNb of hours : 9 hours Personal work :

lecture : 9h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h 6 hours mini

Teacher : Brigitte BAUMGARTEN

Context / Overview

National cinema production reflects aspects of civilisation and historical events of a country.

In an economic environment increasingly internationally focused, it is important to be open minded to culturaldifferences.

To vision French films in original version, can help give a better understanding of french culture andintercultural aspects.

France is considered the birthplace of cinema and was responsible for many of its significant contributionsto the art form and the film-making process itself.

France has a particularly strong film industry, due in part to protections afforded by the French Government.

France is one of the biggest film markets in the world and in 2013, the 2nd largest exporter of films in theworld.

This course is open to students of all French language levels.

Teaching language : French and English

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of the course, the students will be able :

Ø To give some titles, directors, actors of French cinema

Ø To give some information about French film industry and market

Ø To give a relevant and personal analysis of a chosen theme and film

Ø To improve knowledge of French speaking culture

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Film sessions • Short group présentations to aspects of French Civilisation • Written essay to express and discuss aspects


3 films will be screened in French original version with english subtitles :Ø Comedy : Le Diner de Cons (1998) - Typically French Humor ?Ø Drama : La Haine (1995) - Violence in french societyØ Nouvelle Vague : La Mariée etait en noir - Nouvelle Vague

Other french speaking films in original version, with or without subtitles (according to language level ofstudents) have to be promoted and analysed by student groups.


Ø Group presentation (in French or/ and English)

o Synthesis of Film

o Aspects of French Speaking Civilisation

Ø Written essay to express and discuss opinions on the different aspects of a film. This written paper can becompleted in French or English.


Films and possible themes of civilisation in French Cinema to be treated: Ø History - France during World War IIo La Rafle Ø Entertainement Industryo La Môme - Edith Piaf, famous French singerØ Social Comedy o Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table o Le Placard o Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu ?o Comme un ChefØ Women in French Cinemao Maïwenn : Polisseo Marion Cotillard : Deux jours, une nuito Audrey Tautou : Un Long Dimanche de Finançailles

o Jeanne Moreau : La Mariée était en noirØ Social Drama o Deux Jours, une Nuit (Belgium) - DVD with French subtitleso La Loi du Marché - DVD with French subtitleso Welcome - DVD with French subtitleso Les petits MouchoirsØ Festivals and Awardso Cannes Film Festivalo French films for Oscar nominations

Short Presentation of Teacher

Brigitte Baumgarten

30LRH3001Human Resource Management

DEPARTMENT : Leadership and Human Resources


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Soukeyna FAYE

Pedagogical Objectives

The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human behavior andeffectiveness in corporate and other organizations; staffing, performance evaluation, styles of motivations,company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork,collaboration and International Human Resource Management and measurement of organizationaleffectiveness. After completing this course, students will be able to: • Apply different concepts related to Human and Management perception • Define the purpose and nature of International Human Resource Management • Identify specific steps managers can take to plan, recruit, motivate and manage employees performance• Analyze different concepts related to international assignments.

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Introduction to Human Resource Management Multinational Corporations

Labor Markets, Global HR Planning, Staffing & TrainingGlobal Performance, Compensation, & Employee Relations HR International Assignments

Last Course: Group assignments


Introduction to Human Resource Management Multinational Corporations

Labor Markets, Global HR Planning, Staffing & TrainingGlobal Performance, Compensation, & Employee Relations HR International Assignments


Students are expected to participate in class discussions on IHRM topics, to come to class with questionsand comments on the assigned chapter readings.

Case study and Reading analysis

Staffing,Training and Development Exercises !


-Managing Global Workforce ( challenges and opportunities in International Human Resource Management) ;2nd Edition, Charles M.Vance and Yongsun Paik)- Strategic International Human Resource Management (Choices and consequences in Multinational PeopleManagement) ; Stephen JPerkins& Susan M Shortland

Short Presentation of Teacher

Soukeyna FAYE

30MKG3001Brand and innovation management

DEPARTMENT : Marketing


Language :


Nb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Kevin CHURCH

Pedagogical Objectives

Create a communication plan:Know how to create a brand and understand the brand– with analysis and diagnostic but also listening to themarket with flair. Be open to tendancies and be creative.

Create a media plan:Know how to create a media plan and look for impact.Find the right places to put the messages.Also usetools such as events and sponsorship. Be aware of what the competition are doing. Have a vision of the taskto be accomplished. Understand social media:Have a vision of how social media will fit into your plan.Know how to use each social media in harmony withthe target. Understand how different people use social media.

Presenting a plan:Work in a group and learn how to present one's opinions diplomatically. Learn to listen and create a team.Answer questions correctly. Learn how to create a brand in a team.

Innovate with a brand:Learn to think like a marketing manager who pilots his or her brand. Follow the procedures to create a brandbut also use creativity and flair. Know where new ideas come from. Know how to analyse the future of a newproduct..


1 Situate the product in its marketing environment Marketing analysis 2 Build a communication and image plan Communication analysis 3 Build a media, events and sponsorship plan Media Plan4 Presentation of a complete communication plan in groups Presentation techniques5 Innovation techniques and creation of new products Creation of products and brands6 Evaluation and analysis– the business case and marketing analysis

Evaluation and critical thought


Ouvrage de référence : Documents de Mr. K Church. Integrated Marketing Communication. Picton etBroderick.

Sites internet : www.booksites.net/picton Michael Regester – www.koganpage.com/ www.cipr.co.uk/books

Vidéos : Vidéos sur David Ogilvy. Livre de référence – Ogilvy on Advertising.

Outils (logiciels etc.) :

Short Presentation of Teacher


40FIN3001Event Management Strategy



Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Craig MACDONALD

Pedagogical Objectives

Event Strategy How to position an Event according to a Market or Company needs

Event Communication How to communicate towards attendees or Event Guests (B2C or B2B targets)

Event Organisation How to create and manage a GANTT or WBS

Event Marketing How to create an Event pricelist and how to sell Event Services


-Introduction : Event Categories according to B2C and B2B Goals-Group Case, phase 1 Knowledge about EventsKnowledge about Event Solutions according to Public or Corporate Goals-Event Marketing Strategies, part 1-Group Case, phase 2 How to use an Event as a Marketing Tool for Brand or Corporate stakesEvent Marketing Strategies, part 2-Group Case, phase 3 Event Marketing Tool CreationEvent Marketing Tool ROIEvent Communication Strategies-Group Case, phase 4 How to use an Event as a Communication Tool for Brand or Corporate stakesEvent Communication Tool Creation and ROIEvent Project Management -Group Case, phase 5 Event Project Management Tool Creation and ImplementationEvent Budget Management-Group Case, phase 6 (final) Event Budget Creation and Management


Ouvrage de référence : BOOKSo o Allen, Judy,

o The business of event planning, Eds. Wiley, Etobikoke, 2002.o o Campbell, Fiona, Robinson, Alison, Brown, Sally, Race, Phil,o Essential tips for organizing conferences & events, Eds. Kogan Page, London, 2003.o o Cartwright, Gillian,o Making the most of trade exhibition, Eds. Reed Exhibition Companies, Oxford, 1995.o o Conrad Levinson, Jayo Guerrilla Trade Show Selling, Eds.Wiley, New-York, 1997.o o Masterman, Guy, Wood, Emma H,o Innovative Marketing Communications Strategies for the Events Industry, Eds. Events Management SeriesElsevier, 2006.o o Skinner, Bruce, Rukavina, Vladimir,o Event Sponsorship, Eds. Wiley Events, Hoboken, 2003.o o Waterhouse, David,o Making the most of exhibitions, Eds.Gower, Hants, 1997.o o o Sites internet :

o o Looking for eventso www.salons-online.como www.foiresalon.como www.ccip.fro www.actuexpo.como www.eventseye.como o Institutions, associationso www.ufinet.orgo www.iaem.orgo www.mpiweb.orgo www.ffme.orgo www.guerrillagroup.como www.anae.orgo www.fscef.como o Looking for venues o www.reunir.como www.parisbienvenue.como www.paris-touristeoffice.como www.1001salles.como www.allosalle.como www.france-congres.orgo o Presse / Newso www.exponews.fro www.evenementiel.fro www.gmarketing.como www.arawak-marketing.como www.bedouk.fr

o www.voyages-d-affaires.com

40GRH3004Communication, Personal Leadership and Conflict Resolution across


DEPARTMENT : Human Resources


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Teacher : Lucille LANDRY

Context / Overview

This module will allow students to discover cultural diversity through communication styles and culturaldifferences. The students will be exposed to the basis of communication, culture and interculturalcommunication in order to increase their cross cultural communication skills and will learn some tools toresolve conflicts across culture. They will also learn about the practice of personal leadership and how thisconcept can help them develop mindfulness and creativity.

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

• Understand the concept of culture and intercultural communication and their barriers• Use personal leadership and its two principles and six practices• Work more effectively in a multicultural environment• Develop empathy and resolve cross cultural conflicts• Communicate and interact more effectively with people from different cultures

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

• Preparation or prerequisite: interest for different cultures and personal development• In class projects: presentations, group projects, case studies / negotiation activity• Personal work: readings, research, projects• Course structure: presentations, group work, case studies, final exam


• Presentation of intercultural communication, the different communication styles and the barriers tocommunication• Presentation of culture, culture shock, intercultural awareness, cultural empathy and cultural bridge building• Presentation of globalization, communication and marketing mistakes, cultural trends and Hofstede'scultural dimensions• Presentation of conflict resolution across cultures and the different styles of conflict resolution

• Presentation of Personal Leadership, the two principles and the six practices of PL and the utilization andunderstanding of the enneagram


• Attendance and participation (10%)• Case study / negotiation activity (20%)• Enneagram activity / presentation (20%)• Final exam (50%)


Ting-Toomey, Stella, Communicating Across Cultures. New York: The Guilford Press, 1999

Hofstede, Geert, and Gert Jan Hofstede, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York:McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Schaetti, Barbara F., Sheila J. Ramsey, and Gordon C. Watanabe, Personal Leadership: Making a World ofDifference. Seattle: FlyingKite Publications, 2008.Riso, Don Richard, and Russ Hudson, The Widsom of the Enneagram. New York: Bantam Books, 1999.Solomon, Charlene, M., and Micheal S. Schell, Managing Across Cultures: The Seven Keys to DoingBusiness with a Global Mindset. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.Friedman, Thomas, L., The World is Flat. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., 2007.

Short Presentation of Teacher

Lucille LANDRY has a Master of Business Administration from Université de Moncton and is a part timelecturer in the field of marketing. She also has a Certificate in Intercultural Foundations from the InterculturalCommunication Institute in Portland, Oregon and a Certificate in Intercultural Studies from the University ofBritish Columbia. Ms. Landry is the Manager of the International Mobility Service at the Université deMoncton and his a board member of the International Educators Association of Canada and the CanadianBureau for International Education. She is also a guest speaker in the field of intercultural communication inCanada, United States, Mexico and France.

50IBS3001Geopolitics, International Relations & Strategy

DEPARTMENT : International Business Strategy


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Geopolitical and strategic vision is introduced, with emphasis on space and time.Whether military, financial, political, industrial, scientific or communication, major operations are conductedon a specific scale (local, global, etc.) and they require an acute sense of timing. In addition, as it is acollective action, it implies the ability to lead.

Pedagogical Objectives

By the end of the course, students should be able:• To organize their knowledge in geography, history, political science, and management, to better understandtoday's world;• To articulate the linkage between geopolitics and strategy;• To gain command of new concepts to decode international politics and business.

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

- There is no prerequisite. It is suggested, however, that students skim through a few books (see attached bibliography).

- Interactivity with students: the latter will contribute to the definition of concepts (collective quizzes…). Thedistance between what was known before and what will be discovered cooperatively will then be clearlymeasured.

- Going back and forth between history and breaking news will help develop a perspective analysis of events.

- Three sessions will be devoted to hot issues selected by students (teamwork).


1st DAY: FOUNDATIONS1) The Success of the Word “Strategy” (since 1771)Main concepts (collective flash quiz included): the dual nature of the strategist; alliance, tactics, stratagem;theatre, centre of gravity, offensive and defensive; superiority of numbers, moral forces; character andleadership2) The Modernity of Geopolitics

Glossary (collective flash quiz included): geopolitics (a recent word: 1899) ; politics, geography, geopolitics;territory (landlockedness, principle of geographical continuity, buffer states, cleft and torn countries);geopolitical accumulation point; the event3) Teamwork: selection of issues4) Some patterns for a geopolitical description of the WorldFrom Mackinder's Heartland and Spykman's Rimland to recent models; geopolitical representations (YvesLacoste); geopolitical scale (JP Narcy) 2nd DAY: GOING DEEPER INTO CONCEPTS THROUGH CASES5) U.S versus EU Systems of Government6) ASEAN and 7) MERCOSUR8) Teamwork (continuation) 3rd DAY: GEOPOLITICS AND STRATEGY IN THE 21st CENTURY 9) Teamwork (presentations)10) Teamwork debriefing: practical and conceptual11) Tackling other hot issues: all students (and professor) working together 12) Conclusions


Appraisal is based on teamwork (sessions 8-10)… and on the dynamic participation in the seminar


Carl von Clausewitz, On War, 1832Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, 1865-1869Halford J. Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, 1919Yves Lacoste, La géographie, ça sert, d'abord, à faire la guerre, La Découverte, 1985Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of the World Order, Simon &Schuster,1996Jean-Paul Narcy (in a collective work), La géopolitique peut-elle encore expliquer le monde, Albin Michel,2000Jeremy Rifkin, The European Dream, How Europe's Vision of the Future is quietly eclipsing the AmericanDream, Penguin, 2004Edouard Glissant et Patrick Chamoiseau, L'intraitable beauté du monde. Adresse à Barack Obama, GalladeEditions, 2009Yves Lacoste, Géopolitique. La longue histoire d'aujourd'hui, Larousse, 2009.Jean-Paul Narcy (in a collective Dictionary), Méditerranées, Multipolarité, Unification du monde, EditionsAtlande, 2013

50IBS3002Marketing & Globalization

DEPARTMENT : International Business Strategy


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

Analysis of opportunities, distinctive characteristics, and emerging trends in foreign markets, including exploration of alternative methods and strategies for entering foreign markets; organizational planning and control; impact of social, cultural, economic, and political differences; and problems of adapting marketing concepts and methods. This is accomplished through real life planning and implementation of an international marketing plan designed to market a product or service in a foreign country or countries.

Pedagogical Objectives

By the end of the course, students should gain:A: knowledge and understanding• understand the major drivers of internationalization for business and marketing management orientations• realize the complexity of international marketing environment when doing business abroad• appreciate cultural significance on developing marketing strategiesB: Intellectual skills• recognize different market research methodologies and tools• distinguish and evaluate different entry modes in different situationsC : Practical and transferable skills• develop and present marketing plans in an international context

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

- Interactive “participatory” Lectures- Group case study research and analysis- Project-based approach using “Small steps” and consultative “Work-breaks”- Oral presentations and written project reports


1. Choosing an international business structure- strategy, competitive advantage and growth - why go abroad?- market entry strategies - how do you go abroad?- cooperative strategies

2. Choosing where to operate

- where should you invest?- current global situation – opportunity or threat ?- opportunities and challenges in emerging markets

3. Tools of the trade- prepare for battle: PESTLES & SWOTS - how are the ''P's'' adapted?

4. Governance of operations- how should these things be run?


Group presentation (45%), Case study (35%), Attendance, contribution in class, general attitude (20%)


Global Marketing, Third Edition, Warren J. Keegan and Mark C. Green, Prentice Hall, N.J. 2003. (ISBN 0-13-066998-9) The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization , Thomas L. Friedman, Anchor Books, May 2000.ISBN: 0-385-40034.International Marketing, Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, Irwin McGraw- Hill Global Marketing Management: A European Perspective, Warren J. Keegan, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, PrenticeHall

50IBS3003International Trade Law and Negotiation

DEPARTMENT : International Business Strategy


Language : FrenchNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

International Trade Law is the body of law that governs international sale transactions, negotiations andenforceability. A transaction will qualify to be international if elements of more than one country are involved.Since World War II international trade has grown extensively, seeing the increasing importance ofinternational commercial law. It plays a vital role in world development, particularly through the integration ofworld markets. We must also recognize that part of international trade law which is unwritten, includingcustomary commercial law; customary rules of evidence and procedure; and general principles of commerciallaw. This course is based on the study of « real » contracts, key clauses, key concepts. It aims to preparestudents to negotiate such contracts by identifying the key risks of international contracts, making them awareof the differences between the French and Anglo-Saxon legal environments and of the importance of culturaldifferences in the negotiation

Pedagogical Objectives

After completion of this course, students should be able to identify the key risks and key concepts ofinternational contracts. The students should be prepared to negotiate contracts in an international context.

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

- Preparatory Work or Prerequisite(s):Students should have a reasonable background in legal, accounting & finance, and business.- Work in class: 18h - Personal Work: reading and research 30h- Teaching Methods in class: Tutorial, group work, individual work, PowerPoint presentation by the Professor,group presentation, exercises, individual work, simulation of contract negotiation recorded by video


The course is divided into four parts: one for an overview of international trade rules & practices, one forintroducing legal and contractual concepts, one for studying legal practical issues and one for introducingnegotiation techniques, organization and cross cultural tools.

Part 1: Overview of international sales contract (dis)harmonization - International trade rules & practicesPart 2: Understanding key clauses of international commercial contracts 1. Co-contractors

2. Preamble3. Contractual documents & order of precedence 4. Design configuration & change5. Purpose6. Performance of the work7. Delivery location .8. Delivery date & Penalties9. Transfer of title and transfer of risks10. Export control11. Acceptance of the work12. Product warranty13. Latent defects 14. Offset15. Liability16. Insurance & product liability17. Effective date (or date of coming into force) 18. Contract duration19. Prices and escalation price20. Payment21. Penalty for late delivery22. Termination23. Force majeure24. Confidentiality25. Sub contracting & change of control26. Settlement of disputes27. Applicable law & language

Part 3: The cultural dimension of contracts 1. Comparing French and Anglo-Saxon Laws 2. The cross cultural dimension of negotiation

Part 4: Preparing for and negotiating commercial contracts - key concepts to know before starting negotiatingan international contract 1. Settlement of disputes and litigation. 2. identifying key risks of purchasing/sales contract 3. Barters 4. Buy back or offset: 5. T.O.T (transfer of technology) 6. first refusal right 7. Reverse auction 8. banking guarantees 9. Court of Justice / Arbitration.

Part 5: Nego Games (videotaped)


Group presentations and negotiations during class: 50% Individual tests: 50%


MOORE, C. and WOODROW, P. (2010) Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation, John Wiley &Sons

NAYLER P A, (2005), Business Law in the Global Market Place: The effects on international Business,Elsevier Science & Technology, 261 pages. SHIPPEY, K. (2009), A short course in international contracts 3rd edition, world trade press PAVEAU M, PAVEAU J, LEVY C, LEMAIRE J-P, (2012), Exporter, 23ème Edition Foucher, 704 pages.Partie 6

50IBS3004International Supply Chain Management and Logistics

DEPARTMENT : International Business Strategy


Language : EnglishNb of hours : 18 hours Personal work :

lecture : 18h tutorial : 0h practical work : 0h unknown

Context / Overview

This course is aimed at students enrolled in the MBA2 IBS, who already have a good knowledge of thefundamentals of marketing, strategic marketing and business operations as a whole.

Pedagogical Objectives

1 I. Introduction to the Course, and to International LogisticsII. An Overview of Logistics from the Simple to the Complex- Introduction to the supply chain process- Logistics' role in the economy and the organization Appreicate importance of supply chain management tothe firm, and logistics role within process

2 III. The notion of physical distribution and inventory management- Financial impact of inventory- Inventory management- Warehousing Recognize principles of inventory management, types of warehousing and storage, and toolsutilized in the movement of stock3 IV. Transportation and international logistics- Preliminary considérations- Export / Import documents- International trade terms- Customs operations Gain technical skills necessary to choose the applicable transportation mode, and theprocesses involved for successful delivery4 V. Supply chain information technology and tools- Order Processing and Information SystemsVI. Risk management in the supply chain - Security in logistics Understand information needs, mechanisms available to supply that information, andmethods to avoid losses5 VII. Customer serviceVIII. Cross-cultural Issues in supply chain management- Review of application of PESTLE to logistics & SCMIX. Future of global logistics Clarify potential conflict and possible solutions, présent and future, within thelogistics sphere, and focus on importance of cultural and régional différences6 IX. Project presentations Develop teamwork, communication skills, problem solving

Teaching Methods / Learning Experiences

Group présentation and file import project


Source product, forecast volume and price requirements, negotiation of terms, determine and sourceoptimum transportation mode(s), itemize all import and regulatory requirements, plan needs for warehousingand handling, provide detailed costing.


o Ouvrage de référence :

Stock, J. R. and D. M. Lambert (2001). Strategic Logistics Management (4th Edition), McGraw-Hill.Donna L. Bade (2015), Export/Import Procedures and Documentation 5th Edition, AMACOMYossi Sheffi, Supply Chain Management under the Threat of International Terrorism, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology


o Sites internet :

Corante, Technical News http://www.corante.com/CLO Express, Web Resources for Logistics Executives http://cloexpress.com/E-Commerce Times, 24 Hour E-Business News and Analysis http://www.ecommercetimes.comAmericanShipper.com http://www.americanshipper.com/eyefortransport -Strategy & technology oriented freight conferences, news, editorials, features, casestudies and white papers http://www.eyefortransport.com/SupplyChainBrain http://www.supplychainbrain.com/Traffic World http://www.trafficworld.com/Coface http://www.coface.fr

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