10th grade english letter april

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10th Grade English

10th Grade EnglishMr. suarez

How to Write a letter page 107

One Minute InsightIn How to Write a Letter, the author uses humor and examples from his own experience to describe the value of letter writing. He believes that letters are gifts to those who receive them. Also, letters help writers learn more about themselves. The author provides step-by-step instructions for writing a letter. He concludes by explaining that a letter reaches out not only to the recipient, but across time as well, to those who might read it in the future.

Reading for SuccessHere are different problem solving ideas.

Reading for Success: Literal Comprehension StrategiesThe first step in understanding a work of literature is to grasp its literal meaningthe basic facts and details the author is communicating. Apply the following strategies to understand the literal meaning of the selection. Apply word identification strategies. Divide unfamiliar words into syllables to find familiar word parts. Paraphrase. Restate a sentence or paragraph in your own words to be sure you understand it. Envision. Use details that the author provides to help you picture in your own mind the places, people, and events in a piece of writing. Try to experience sounds, tastes, smells, ^ and physical sensations, as well. Summarize. Pause occasionally as you read to think about and sum up the main points or events in the work.

Reading Strategies: Using Boxed Annotations and PromptsThroughout the unit, the notes in green, red, and maroon are intended to help students apply reading strategies, understand the literary focus, and make a connection with their lives. You may use boxed material in these ways: Please pause at each box and respond to its prompt before you continue reading. Read through the selection, ignoring the boxes. After they complete the selection, they may go back and review the text, responding to the prompts.

Reading Strategy: EnvisionAs you read it may help your understanding to envision the author's details and create a picture in your minds. PAY ATTENTIONWhen I read the paragraph on p. 108 that begins with "We need to write ..." I envision different people at a party. The details Keillor uses help me see in my mind a picture of groups of people, and Heather Hooten walking up to one of the groups and introducing herself. She's confident and probably smiling. The group seems happy she joined them. Then I see the other son that Keillor describes. That person mumbling a little, probably looking dc the floor and blushing. Envisioning the two opposite types of people highlight differences between people who find i to make conversation and express themselves and shy people who might express themselves better in a letter.Remember to Iook for the boxes that will help you envision as they read more of the essay.


Build Vocabulary: Using the Suffix -oryThe suffix -ory, which means "having the quality or nature of," turns a noun into an adjective. Something that is obligatory has the quality or nature of an obligation. Here1 are some other examples:satisfaction --------> satisfactoryexplanation --------> explanatory ;migration ...............> migratorypreparation .......> preparatory

Word Bankconfidence episodeanonymity siblingobligatory

Build Spelling Skills: Words That End in enceSpelling Strategy - The ENS sound at the end of words is often but not always spelled ENCE as it is in the Word Bank word confidence. Because the ENS sound can be spelled in different ways, you may need to memorize the spelling of words that end in ENCE. Here are some other words in which the ENS sound at the end is spelled ENCE.

Fill in each blank with a form of the underlined word ending in ence.intelligenceresidenceexperienceabsenceevidence permanenceoccurrence correspondencepreference

Fill in each blank with a form of the underlined word ending in ence.1. Ms. Waters was confident that we would raise enough money to buy new uniforms. Her ______________:_________was reassuring.

2. Evidently, a crime had been committed. Therefore, the detective began to collect _______.

3. I can understand why you would prefer to see Sam rather than Tony as class president. Just make sure that you express your ____________________ by voting.

4. Of course, my dog Sparky is intelligent. In fact, I think that he shows above-average ___________.

Complete the sentences by adding ence to each word part in parentheses. Write the new words on the lines.1. Writing letters can be a wonderful (experi)___________________.

2. A letter from a far-away friend can make up for the person's (abs) _______.

3. You can tell your friend about any (occurr) ____ , big or small.

4. The Postal Service delivers letters to your (resid) ____ daily.

CHALLENGEThe word anonymity from the Word Bank means "the condition of being a stranger, not known by name." Anonymity is formed from a combination of the word root -nym-, meaning "name," the prefix an-, which means "without," and the suffix -ity, which means "state or condition." Here are two other words that contain the word root -nym-.anonymous: given or written by a person whose name is unknown pseudonym: a fictitious, or made-up, name used by an author

Complete the following sentences using the word anonymous or the word pseudonym. Use each word once. Write your answers on the lines.1. Mark Twain, the ______ of Samuel Clemens, is one of the most famous names in American literature.

2. Because no one knows who wrote this poem, the editors listed the author as "__________________ " in the table of contents.

Literary Focus: Informal EssayAn informal essay is a brief, casual discussion of a topic. The writer of this type of essay uses conversational language to create a relaxed and friendly feeling. Sometimes, as in "How to Write a Letter," humorous ideas and detailsexaggeration, surprising analogieshelp to create the informal feeling. In addition to creating a sense of casualness, Keillor uses contractions such as we'll and it's to create a sense of casualness.

Read the following passage from "How to Write a Letter." Circle three words, phrases, or details within the passage that help to create a relaxed, informal feeling. On the lines below, write a sentence explaining what makes each of the items informal.A blank white eight-by-eleven sheet can look as big as Montana if the pen's not so hot try a smaller page-and write boldly. Or use a note card with a piece of fine art on the front; if your letter ain't good, at least they get the Matisse. Get a pen that makes a sensuous line, get a comfortable typewriter, a friendly word processorwhichever feels easy to the hand,

Look for more informal, humorous, and familiar words and phrases as you read, as well as other details that add to the essay's casual style. Use the organizer below to recordyour findings.FAMILIARCASUAL

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