11 october el clarín

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El Clarín de 11 de octubre del 2015


  • The process of conversion is a marvelous, special, miraculous process. A powerful

    witness by the Spirit causes people to have a, mighty change of heart, and seek to be members of the Church. Once this change of heart has occurred, we then need to

    teach our investigators THE COMMANDMENTS to help them live the gospel for the rest of

    their lives. In Preach My Gospel we read that, By obeying the commandments, people will grow in their testimony of the gospel, show that they have, broken hearts and contrite spirits, and begin to repent

    In Lesson 4, we are instructed to teach 11 Commandments which will help them

    become true disciples of Christ and, endure to the end. Cecil B. DeMille, director of the epic biblical film The Ten Commandments, said in a speech at BYU,

    We are too inclined to think of law as something merely restrictivesomething hemming us in. We sometimes think of law as the opposite of liberty. But that is a false

    conception. That is not the way that Gods inspired prophets and lawgivers looked upon the law..God did not create man and then, as an afterthought, impose upon him a set of arbitrary, irritating, restrictive rules. He made man free and gave him

    the Commandments to keep him free.Isnt it interesting that every single one of THE COMMANDMENTS brings a specific and

    unique blessing if obeyed:

    1. Obediencefirst law of heaven which protects us, allows the Spirit to be with us constantly, promises us blessings, shows we are truly disciples of Christ, and shows we

    take seriously the covenant we made to follow Him.

    2. Pray Oftenwe are given the incredible privilege of speaking openly and honestly with the Father of our spirits and the God of the universe; He then guides us and lifts

    us and helps us make good decisions. It also makes us feel closer to Him.

    3. Study the Scriptureswhen we pray we speak to God; when we read the scriptures, He speaks to us and lets us know His will so we dont have to wonder.

    4. Keep the Sabbath Day Holyour Sabbath Day behavior is a reflection of our commitment to honor and worship God. By keeping the Sabbath Day holy we show

    God our willingness to keep our covenants (PMG). By resting one day in 7, our bodies

    are refreshed, our spirits are recharged and we start the new week energized and

    capable of getting much more done.

    Message From Presidente Dayton

    Teaching the Commandments Helps People Live the Gospel

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

  • Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

    11 de Octubre de 2015

    5. Baptism and Confirmationthese sacred and special ordinances are physical, palpable, tangible evidences that we are truly, seriously ready to become a disciple

    of Christ. Stepping into the water, getting wet, becoming completely immersed and

    coming forth is beautifully symbolic that we are starting a new life.

    6. Follow the Prophetobeying this commandment is tacit recognition that you accept the principle that God speaks to men on earth in every dispensation (especially this

    one). It also implies that you recognize that the Restored Church is blessed to have

    the only man on earth who has all priesthood keys and is authorized to use them.

    7. Keep the Ten Commandmentsthis is the fundamental moral code that governs all decent governments and peoples today. Without obedience to these laws, there

    would be chaos and the natural man would reign supreme. It also recognizes that

    our God reigns supreme and there is no other God beside him.

    8. Live the Law of Chastityimplies that we recognize and embrace the principle that the procreative powers given to men are sacred and are to be used only in the

    context of a loving marriage relationship between a man and a woman. They

    should never be used trivially, casually or recreationally.

    9. Obey the Word of Wisdomthis law recognizes that our body is a temple in which the Spirit dwells. It should not be harmed by ingesting or inhaling noxious and

    damaging substances. It should be appropriately fed, rested, exercised, cleaned and

    cared for in a thoughtful, respectful manner.

    10. Keep the Law of Tithingour Heavenly Father knows the natural man pretty well. He knows that a mans pocketbook is very dear to him. Commanding us to give a

    portion of our hard-earned money is a way to teach us to be unselfish and prepare

    us to live the law of consecration one day. Someone who can give up some portion of

    their earnings to their God is truly ready to live a higher law.

    11. Fasting and Paying Fast Offeringsmuch of the mortal probation has to do with subjecting the flesh to the will of the spirit. Going without food for two meals once each

    month is a good way of strengthening ourselves spiritually by exercising the strength

    of the spirit. Paying a generous fast offering demonstrates our desire to care for the

    poora hallmark of the Christian disciple from the beginning.

    Teaching our investigators to live these 11 commandments is an important part of the

    process of helping them endure to the end and prepare for celestialization. I am so grateful for a loving Father who gives us guidelines and commandments to set us free.


    Presidente Dayton

    El Clarn de El Faro

  • Attributes of Jesus Christ Generosity

    Message From Hermana Dayton

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Generosity is carefully managing our resources so we can freely give to those around us.

    When we give to the poor and those in need we honor our Heavenly Father.

    Stewardship is also involved in generosity. A steward is one who is entrusted with assets

    from God and is responsible to make wise investments with them. In the parable of the

    wise steward, God was pleased with those who doubled their resources. He was not

    pleased with the one who gave back what he had given him and condemned him. We

    should understand that all we have is given to us from the Lord and the Lord wants us to

    use not only our material possessions but our time, talents, and ALL he has given to us to

    bless others, especially in building up His kingdom. If we are generous with our time and

    give our ALL to the Lord we please our Heavenly Father. In 1Corinthians 9:7 we read,

    "God loveth a cheerful giver".

    The rewards of generosity are many. Those who are generous receive far more than

    they give. I've noticed that people who are generous radiate a glowing

    countenance....the light of Christ. They seem to have abundant energy and a special

    confidence about them.

    We can become generous by dedicating all of our resources (time, possessions, and

    strength). We can be frugal and spend little time on ourselves so we can focus on the

    needs of others. We can also give when we are prompted by the holy ghost to give. If

    we give to bless and not receive public recognition the Lord is pleased. I love this short


  • The Hand That Gives Gathers

    To give out of desire for praise is vain.

    To give out of necessity is pain.

    To give out of love joyfully is great gain.

    In missionary work we can apply the Christlike Characteristic of Generosity by--

    --Generously sharing what we have--the Gospel of Jesus Christ --with all we come in

    contact with.

    --Generously giving our time and talents to bless the lives of those around us.

    --Generously praising the good that we see in others.

    --Generously thanking Heavenly Father for ALL he has given us and blessed us with.

    --Generously sharing the material items we have --food and clothing--for others.

    --Generously serving our investigators, ward members, companions.

    President Dayton and I feel so grateful for the way you are generously giving back to the

    Lord in your diligent efforts in the mission field. We are inspired by your hard work, your

    dedication and feel blessed by your inspiring examples of goodness and generosity.

    We pray for you daily and feel such gratitude and love for each of you.

    Much Love--

    Hermana Dayton

    Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

    Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience

  • Bautismos/Confirmaciones/Misioneros

    11 de Octubre de 2015

    Eran contados y se inscriban sus nombres



























    Bautismos 7 10 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 8 8 0 4

    Confirmaciones 6 11 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 6 10 0 4

    Fechas bautismales 97 120 123 118 90 105 105 132 123 136 95 77 129

    Inv reunion sacramental 193 187 202 221 222 211 213 213 174 195 212 166 184

    Lecciones con un

    miembro774 799 789 735 742 698 722 762 731 738 681 562 684

    Lecciones con un m. p. 52% 52% 51% 50% 52% 50% 48% 52% 51% 51% 51% 44% 44%

    Nuevos Investigadores 480 477 554 532 480 440 515 474 444 487 455 441 572


    Confirmaciones esta semana


    Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 4

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

    fecha este ao378

    El Clarn de El Faro

    Raquel Rodriguez Muoz Terrassa A lderes Cox y Barton

    Noelia Ceron Mesias Valencia 3A lderes Dunn y Baumann

    Jorge Arturo Prieto Solano Bilbao A lderes Stapleton y Batis

    Durga Poudel Bilbao A lderes Stapleton y Batis

  • And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

    CINCO: lderes Dunn y Baumann


    TRES: lderes Skousen y Dunn

    Hermanas Hollenbaugh y Cragun

    lderes Cox y Barton

    lderes Ponce y Ipsen

    Hermanas Lamoreaux y Morillo

    Hermanas Salvado y Rathfon

    Hermanas Lee y Plant

    Hermanas Wiseman y Roggiero

    Hermanas Stout y Sebasti

    lderes Burton y Parker

    lderes Vickery y Alleman

    Hermanas Handy y Arauco

    Hermana Storer

    lderes Murley y Reddish

    lderes Cifuentes y Christopherson

    lderes Oliver y Turner

    lderes Streadbeck y Hamren

    Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

    Hermanas Burkett y Ratliff

    Gabriel Barcelona 1A

    Cesar, Xiomara Badalona 1A

    Marco Badalona 1B

    Rigina, Michael Badalona 2B

    Martin Gerona A

    Katy Vic B

    Adrian Zaragoza 1A

    Jose, Edson Lleida A

    Consuelo Lleida C

    Alicia Santander A

    Chris Santander B

    Monica Vilafranca A

    Dani Tortosa

    Samuel Valencia 3C

    Tania Catarroja B

    Abduli Logroo B

    Priscila Palma 1A

    11 de Octubre de 2015

    Compaerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

    Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

    El Clarn de El Faro

    The Zone

    Los Baleares is in The Zone!-With an average of 10.2 new investigators per

    companionship!Vitoria is in The Zone!

    -With an average of 9.9 member present lessons per companionship!

  • I have just learned of the passing of my grandmother via an email sent to me 10 minutes ago so the miracle I want to share is that of General Conference. One thing that stuck out to me

    was the emphasis on the Plan of Salvation, especially in the opening session. Now I know why. I love how despite the Lord's servants are addressing the world, it is still at the same time so personal for each individual who listens with an open heart and clear mind

    guided by the Spirit. Conference through the eyes of a missionary was something else. I have never enjoyed conference as much as I did this weekend, in my life. I am grateful for living prophets and for the Plan of Salvation and the power, strength and solace we can recieve from it. Included in the miracle of conference was that our progressing investigator Adrian attending two sessions and absolutely loved it. I am so grateful for him and the opportunity and responsibility the Lord has given me to bring about this mans' salvation. He was prepared by the Lord for us. He will be baptized on the 17th of October.

    Revelation 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. My companion and I found his verse last week and I love it. It is a testimony to me because we were both guided to find it and we received the impression that our investigator Raquel needed to hear this verse. She is going to be baptized this weekend and she has

    had tears so to saw over past decisions and she has been repenting to feel better. However, as the prophets testified in general conference, the repentance process is not always easy, and it can hurt, but it is always worth it. The wounds healed by the Atonement STAY HEALED.

    I would also like, at this time, to express my appreciation to the kindness and love that was shown to me as a new missionary when we were entering the mission home last week. Traveling for many hours and entering into a whole new lifestyle as well as culture was nothing short of a shock, but I appreciate the kindness and love that was shown to us by yourself,

    Hermana Dayton, and the office elders. Thank you for doing what you do in order for us to be able to be here and make that transition stage smooth. This week was great! It was challenging; however, it was also extremely rewarding. I love my companion. Elder ____ is an incredible trainer. He has helped me adjust to the city, the eurpoean lifestyle, and all each one of those entails. Granted there is still a great deal that I do not know and understand, but he is bearing with me as I try to adjust. The adjustment period has been hard for me with a whole new language which I am no where near proficiency yet, a new city I am trying to love, and new people and culture I am trying to love as well as understand; nonetheless, I know that this is

    the Lords work and as I submit my self to him he will take care of me.

    13 de abril de 2014

    The Miracle of Baptism

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

  • make the decision in his head to be baptized and follow alongside his wife. He knows its true, but feels like he needs to know more and prepare more. But we know that he is ready and that this will be the greatest blessing he has every received! To be able to be baptized with his wife and create a family in the Gospel.

    How great this work is! I love missionary work!

    And until proven otherwise I'm gonna think that my dad taught and maybe baptized his grandpa. Wouldn't that beextra kind of God? Anyway Antonio loved conference and accepted a fecha for the 24th.

    My companion is incredible! Thank you so so much for sending her to me! I am learning so much and we are seeing so many miracles because we are both being obedient and working hard. We contacted seriously everyone in our path this week, and it has paid off, as we were able to find eight news this week. A miracle this week was that we were going to search for a future with whom we had scheduled a visit, but he must have given us a wrong address, because he didn't live there, but a woman and two daughters did, and they are ready to hear the word of the Lord! She promised to eradicate and pray about the Book of Mormon, and she said that when she knows for herself that these things are true that she would be baptized.

    This weekend, we are going to see three baptisms here in _____!!!!!! Joshi, Durga, and Arturo will be getting baptized! Durga and Arturo have given us the definite yes and Joshi just needs to

    The Miracle of Baptism

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    This miracle was this week was with our fecha, she didn't want anything to do with the church but we had a great lesson with her and a member bore one of the strongest testimonies and you could see the sprit change her. We have Xiomara going down this Saturday. She is super good and will be a great member. My companion is so great! Such a great missionary and loves the members and investigators. I need to repent of being a little nervous and scared and getting into a new area. But I love how my companion is helping me open and be myself and obedient.

    We are doing passbys and knocking doors because we have an hour before conference starts on Sunday. We knock the door, some guy opens but doesn't really say anything after we're like, we're missionaries are you creyente? But then this bedroom door opens and it's this 18 year old kid that's like, I am! And we invite him to conference and he says he'll come. So then he comes! All by himself. We were gonna go pick him up but he came early. His name is Antonio and he's Dominicano. His grandpa is an active member back in his country.

  • Mission News

    Were excited to welcome lder and

    Sister Morejon as the new office

    couple for El Faro.

    11 de Octubre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    The dedicated Zone and Sister Training Leaders from the Spain Barcelona Mission met in the monthly missionary leadership meeting, where they were taught by President and Sister Dayton and the Assistants on how to increase the rate of baptismal fechas coming to baptism, as well as improving presentations on the Book of Mormon story.

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