
Post on 18-Jul-2016






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Pastor’s Notes: Hello from your Pastor's Wife.

While our Pastor is away in

Honduras, I thought I would

send you some encouraging

words this week.


If you’ve purchased a package of Halls cough drops lately, you’ve probably noticed that on each

individual cough drop wrapper there are messages. Halls calls them a “Pep Talk in every drop.”

There are little encouraging phrases like: Tough is your middle name, Buckle down and push

yourself, Don’t give up on yourself, Conquer today, Push on, Fire up those engines, Power

through, Get back in there Champ!

We all know that having colds, sinus infections, coughs, allergies, and upper respiratory

infections can make us feel absolutely terrible. They often cause sleepless nights and agonizing

days. However, sometimes even though we are sick we must carry on. Like me, you’ve probably

gone to work sick because you just couldn’t be out. So we drag ourselves out of bed, take a dose

of cold medicine and head out with a handful of cough drops. Like me, you’ve probably counted

the hours and minutes until you could get home and lay your head down. Knowing this about

people, the “Halls” cough drop company has decided to add encouraging words to help us make

it through our difficult day. While the cough drops won’t really heal our cold, cough or infection,

they do help us get through the sickness. The added “Power through” and “Push on” messages

also can help us to make it through our day.

Sometimes in life, we face difficult days. There is pain and discomfort. Sometimes we feel like

we can’t hold our head up. Sometimes we feel like staying in bed and hiding under the covers.

However, we have someone giving us a pep talk too. God tells us we can make it.

Isaiah 41:10 says “So do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am God. I will

strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 3:3-5 says “But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head

high. I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I

wake again, because the LORD sustains me. This reminded me of a Kirk Franklin song.

Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

November 18, 2014

"My Life Is In Your Hands"

You don't have to worry

And don't you be afraid

Joy comes in the morning

Troubles they don't last always

For there's a friend in Jesus

Who will wipe your tears away

And if your heart is broken

Just lift your hands and say

Oh I know that I can make it

I know that I can stand

No matter what may come my way

My life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it

With Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way

My life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials

They seem to get you down

And all your friends and loved ones

Are nowhere to be found

Remember there's a friend in Jesus

Who will wipe your tears away

And if you heart is broken

Just lift your hands and say

Oh I know that I can make it

I know that I can stand

No matter what may come my way

My life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it

With Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way

My life is in your hands

Every two years there is an election for our Church Administrative Board. This year, there will be at

least 3 men coming off the board and 2 seats that need to be filled because the members serving were

filling a vacated position. The qualifications to be considered for the Administrative Board are as

follows: For a member to serve on the Church and Pastor’s Council, they must be:

1. A loyal member of the church, adhering to its teachings

2. Baptized in the Holy Ghost (with the evidence of speaking in other tongues)

3. Faithful in tithing

4. A regular church attendant

5. One who works in harmony with the local, state, and general church’s program and

reflects a cooperative attitude toward the progress of the church.

*should two members of the same household be elected, only the member that received the

highest amount of votes will be eligible to serve on the board.

These qualifications, along with a sign up sheet, will be in the church lobby for the next 2 ½ weeks.

This should give ample time for you to prayerfully consider is you’d like for your name to be placed

into consideration for the Administrative Board. Voting for the board will take place on November


We will be having a special Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday evening, November 25th at 7:00

PM. This will take the place of our Wednesday evening service (no service on Wednesday of

that week). There will be no classes for children and youth. Everyone will be in the sanctuary

so that we worship and offer our thanks….together! Make your plans to be part of this with


Mark your calendars:

Miracle on Poole Street – Saturday, Dec. 6th

@ 6:00 PM (meal is for the

community but want full church involvement!)

“This is Christmas” Choir Musical – Sun. Dec. 7th

@ 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary

Children’s Program “A Royal Rockin Christmas” – Sun., Dec. 14th

@ 10:30 AM

Church Wide Christmas Fellowship – Dec. 21st at 6:00 PM. Bring canned good

to help replenish food pantry….bring finger foods and desserts to enjoy together.

Our church Married Couples Retreat is scheduled for January 29-31 in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

Arrive at your leisure on Thursday the 29th. Sessions on Friday morning, provided lunch on

Friday, Session on Friday evening and Saturday morning. We had a great time last year.

Please go ahead a reserve the dates….we’ll get the cost info to you as soon as we can. Your

spouse and marriage is worth this time!

Prayer List

AMERICA, Lucas Lundberg, Tommy Wallace, Houston & Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson, Tonya Gibson, James Tillman, Kay Simmons, Larry Buchannan, Curtis Thackston, Brenda Brittian, Patrick Teague, Cindy Taylor, The Beck Family, The Smith Family, The Nabors Family, Destiny Leonard, Ella Weathers, Mertice Whitmore, Ronnie Ball, Lisa Cooley, Darryl Crowe, Wayne Cox, Eddie Foster, Kim Roberson, Tim Horton, Wanda Jackson, Joyce Sloan, Larry Trotter, Bubble Goen, Margie Duncan, Betty Frazier, Dot Priester, Donald Laster, Samuel (SJ) Woodruff, Allen Bragg, Peggy Abercrombie, Dale & Julie Lollis, Chris Vassey, Sammy Tallent, Daryl Crowe, Alberta Brown, Carolyn Browning, The Waldon Family, Jim Roach, M.L. Knighton, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear Fall Colors on Sunday.

We're down to needing only 12 hand sanitizers, 12 car air fresheners and 80 chip clips for our Miracle bags! We are so thankful for all that has been donated! This night is truly going to be a blessing to those who attend. If you would like to help serve,

please let Vickie Porter know right away! We still need some more grocery, gas or restaurant gift cards!

The Choir & Media Department will present "This is Christmas" on Dec. 7 at 6:00 pm. "This is Christmas" will be something to invite family, friends, and co-workers to. It will include fun Christmas songs, moving video, lots of new choir songs (plus a couple of favorites from years past), and more! Most importantly, the gospel of Jesus Christ will be presented in a powerful way. The choir is working very hard to make this night the very best it can be!

Toy Closet Help Needed!!!!!!!!! We only have 2 1/2 weeks to finish stocking the Toy Closet since we are having it open on the same day as Miracle on Poole Street. We are in desperate need of the following items: *Little Girls--- socks and hairbows * Little Boy Toys--- All kinds * Little Boys and Little Girls---- Hats and Gloves * Teen Boys---wallets * Teen Boys---DVD's (please make sure these are rated G, PG or PG13 ONLY) HELP IS ALSO NEEDED WORKING THE TOY CLOSET. *A sign-up sheet is in the hall beside the cloak room. *Bicycles were donated by the police department and repairs are needed on them. MEN--I NEED YOUR HELP WITH THIS. *Help is also needed to help set up the Toy Store and work the store when the parents come to choose items. Dates are: Wednesday, December 3 @ 10 AM---Men work on bicycles Wednesday, December 3 @ 10 AM---Ladies set up Toy Store Saturday, December 6 @ 11 AM---Anyone finish setting up Store Saturday, Decemver 6 @ 4:30---Store is OPEN FOR PARENTS

We are always looking to improve our meeting place and we are now looking for a deer, duck, turkey, or bobcat mount. If you have one that you would like to donate or know of someone who does, please do not hesitate to call me at 864-706-3877, or any of the band Of Brothers so that we can make arrangements for it. See yall soon!

JOY CLUB: Our next meeting is set for Dec. 11 at 6:30 PM and the sign up sheet is on the SAM BULLETIN BOARD. Please go by and sign up if you plan to attend our Thanksgiving/Christmas meeting. This will be catered meal so you need to make sure you are coming before you sign up because we will have to pay for those who show up as well as those who do not. We are asking that everybody dress in Christmas colors and come expecting a great time.

Mainstream Ministries will be having a Bon fire at the new pavilion on the new church property Friday November 21st. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served at 6:30 and will include s'mores and hit chocolate. Please bring chairs, the kids and a friend to enjoy a cool evening around a warm fire with fellow Christians. The cost is $5 per person and there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway at church

Youth Praise & Worship Practice, Wednesday Night at 6:00 PM. We will be having a Youth Bonfire Service on Wednesday night, November 19th at 6:00. December 12th - Christmas Scavenger Hunt- 6:00 PM December 17th- Youth Christmas Party

Sunday night at 6:00- Christmas Play Practice for ages 2-13! Please make sure your child is at practice, thank you to all the parents and grandparents who are dedicated to getting their kid to practice! WE APPRECIATE EACH OF YOU!

Saturday November 15 Lunch to community... If you are preparing food it needs to be at the CLC at 8:30 Saturday morning. We will start packing lunches at 9:00. Everyone is invited to come and be apart of sharing God's love with the community! Thank you for all the donation and to all who helped prepare food. If you have a baby that is between the ages of 0-2 and would like for them to participate in the Baby Parade this year, you can pick up the forms in the nursery. All forms must be turned into Ms. Donna by December 7. The baby parade will be on December 14 at 10:30. If you have any question contact Ms. Donna. Thank you to all who have donated boxes. We have enough now :)! Upcoming Events: November 15 Extreme Kidz Thanksgiving lunch to community December 13 @11:00 Extreme Kidz Dress Rehearsal for the Christmas Play. December 14 Baby Parade @ 10:30 December 14 Extreme Kidz ages 2-5 Presents “It's all about the Cross” and Extreme Kidz 6-13 Presents “A Royal Rocking Christmas”.

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Sunday Greeters- Pat Chappell & Robbie Gwinn

Sunday School Greeter – Robert D. Sloan

CLC Greeter – Paul Lundberg

Crossing Guard- David Hoyt

Head Ushers – Charles O’Shields & Bobby Brown

Finance Committee – Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown

Usher Team #3– Buddy Arnold, Freddie Bright, Lamar Crowe,

Tracy Grant, Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons

Wednesday Bus Pick Up: Phillip and Jason Bus Take Home: Clint and Daniel

Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas

Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June

Late night: Donna and Patsy

Nursery—Wednesday-Izzy Nichols AM –Ann Knight & Zoe Blackwell PM-Izzy Nichols

Kidz Christmas Play Practice – Sunday at 6:00 PM – ages 2-13

Music- Wednesday- Lavonda Stonell AM-Allen Durham PM-Praise Team

Praise Team-Gold Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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