113010 gov bureaucracy 100m

Post on 24-Jun-2015



News & Politics



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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 11/30/10, Topic: Bureaucracy2) Next line, write “Opener #50” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost<1-5>too easy (3 is perfect)

3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

Agenda1) Complete Simulation2) Introducing the Bureaucracy 3) Military IntroductionFriday: Film Workshop

What you will be able to do:1) What is the bureaucracy?

Mock Quiz1) When a president orders the bureaucracy to do

something, without congress’ permission, it isa) Illegalb) Called a signing statementc) Called an executive order

2) When Congress passes a law AND the president wants to give his/her opinion on the law, it is

a) Not allowedb) Called a signing statementc) Called an executive order

Review 1) Legislative Branch: Research laws, creates

laws, and investigates if laws are being carried out by the executive branch

2) Executive Branch: President overseas the bureaucracy in executing the laws of Congress

3) Judicial Branch: Interprets the constitutional and laws for the country when people disagree to their interpretation.

Review, Title: “Executive Branch Notes”

POTUS (Executive


White House

Staff (Chief of Staff,

Advisors, 1000+)“West Wing”

Cabinet: Dept Secretaries

Departments + Agencies

(Bureaucracy): 2 million (4000 appointed, rest

thru merit+testing)

Notes #50a, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 1) Obama’s White House (Executive) Office:

a) Chief of Staff: (Pete Rouse)b) National Security Advisor: (Thomas Donilon)c) Press Secretary: Speaks to media (R. Gibb)d) Director of Speechwriting: Speaks to media (Jon Favreau)

e) Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement: (Kal Penn)

Notes #50a, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 2) Bureaucracy (Bu): Part of Executive Branch,

govt dept + agencies that execute the laws. 4 mil+ workers (top 4000+ appointed by pres)

3) Bu Secretaries: Secs hired/fired by Pres at any time. Sec balance loyalty to pres and their dept

Choosing Your Secretaries, Consider: Loyalist, Rivals, Skills, Political Advantage

Often first pick Secretaries of State, Defense, Treasury based on loyalist or rivals, and skills.

Pick Lesser Secretaries for political advantage.

Journ #50a, “Cabinet Selection Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: Choose loyal members1) You need the bureaucracy (dept) to do what you order

2) Loyalty means efficiency, things get done

PRO: Choose a team of rivals1) You want to surrounded by people who will bring new ideas

2) Diversity in political ideas means better govt, + one that more ppl trust

Notes #50b, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 2) POTUS’ Work Schedule: Executive Office Staff: DailyCabinet of Secretaries: Weekly (+ case by case)National Security Council: Key Ex Office + Seccase by case (intel briefing daily)VP: Weekly

3) Federal Register: Contains rules Bu’s add to laws (Cong + Pres often leave laws vague, so Bu make laws enforceable)

4) Hearing: Like Cong., Bu have hearing before making rules, citizens/lobbyist can give input.

5) Freedom of Information Act (1966): If citizens request gov info, burden on gov to prove there is a privacy or security reason not to reveal.

2) Defense Department: Military policiesDoD workers are Bu (but soldiers ruled by independent military rules)

a) Secretary of Defense: Robert Gatesb) Central Command (Mid East): James N. Mattisc) Commander in Afghanistan: David Petraeus

NSA Advisor:Tom Donilon

Sec of Defense:Roberts Gates



9) Iron Triangle: Former Bu’s often get hired by the businesses they regulate, + business leaders often get appointed to lead Bu’s

Military Industrial Complex Video

Iron Triangle Military Industrial Complex


Bureaucracy Corporations




V-22Planned Cost: $2 BillionFinal Real Cost: $30 BillionControversy:History of crashesInability to safely crash land with out no power

Journ #50b, “Military Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: We can not cut the military budget1) America faces more complex threats now than ever

2) Cutting the budget would cost millions jobs

PRO: We can cut the military budget by at least 50% (save $350 bil)1) We will still be the world’s largest military 2) We can focus on fighting terrorism, and cut “Cold War” weapon programs like carriers

US Aircraft Carrier (Nimitz Class)90 fighter planes, 3000 personnel$4.5 Billion

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