11.,c!ll/tdl rc.,rnes - ntpc limited · 2020. 2. 10. · 11.,c!ll/tdl rc.,rnes ('im! -...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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~ ~

Manager National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza Sandra - Kurla Complex, Sandra (E), Mumbai-400 051


General Manager

11.,c!ll/tdl rc.,rnes ('Im! - "" ;m,r)

NTPC Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise)

~ ~/ Corporate Centre

Ref. No.: 01 :SEC:ITC-1 Dated: 07.02.2020

Department of Corporate Services Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Floor 25, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai-400 001

Sub: Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)(b) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015

Pursuant to Regulation 7(2)(b) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, please find attached the disclosure in Form C under Regulation 7(2)(a) of the aforesaid Regulations furnished by the Ministry of Power acting on behalf of the President of India, Government of India for off-market sale of 30,87,48,936 equity shares of NTPC through CPSE ETF managed by Nippon Life India Asset Management Limited.

The shareholding of President of India, Government of India in NTPC, after above sale, is 5,04,80,97,508 shares (51.02%).

Thanking you,

Encl: as above

Yours faithfully, For NTPC Limited

(Nandini Sarkar) ,o~pany Secretary & <ompliance officer


~ ~ : q.,e),Ml 'lf'Ff, ~ <1>1"<~""'- 1, s-Ri<;_1""" ~- <11,!\ ~ ~ ~-110003 .

~ ~ ~ : L40101DL 1975GOI007966, ~ .:i".: 011-24387333, 'Qicffl .f.: 011-24361018, ~: ntpccc@ntpc.co.in, ~: www.ntpc.co.in

Registered Office: NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, 7 lnstitutionalArea, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003. . Corporate Identification Number: L40101DL 1975GOI007966, Tel~phone No.: 011-~4387333, Fax No.: 011-24361018, E-mail: ntpccc@ntpc.co.in

Website : www.ntpc.co.m

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W1 vifc@ 1fq-;oJ , ~ +fill , -q~ ~ -110 001

S. K. KASS I Director

To The Company Secretary, NTPC Limited , NTPC Bhawan, Scope Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, India


Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 Fax : 2371-7519 Tel. :

Date: 07.02.2020.

Sub: Disclosure of acquisition/ disposal of securities under regulation 7(2) or the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (the "SEBI Insider Trading Regulations")

Dear Sirs,

Thi s is with reference to the setting up of the central pub lic sector enterprise exchange traded fund ("CPSE ETF") compri sing equity shares of cen tral pub lic sector enterprises ("CPSE"), which ,,as laun ched as the CPSE ETF mutual fund scheme ("Scheme") in March 2014. The proceeds or the Scheme were uti I ized fo r the purchase of the CPSE shares as represented in the constituent companies of the Nifty CPSE Index. The Pres ident of India , represented through different department s and ministries of the Government of India, had sold the shares at a discounted rate to the Scheme lor the benefi t of unit holders of the Scheme and the Scheme had in turn created and allotted units of th e Scheme to uni t holders of the Scheme.

The Department of In vestment and Public Asset Management ("DIPAM"), along with Nippon Lile Ind ia Asset Management Limited (formerly Relia nce Nippon Life Asset Management Limited). as the asset management com pany of the Scheme ("AMC"), has formu lated a sixth Further Fund Oller ("FFO 6") of the Scheme, whi ch has been offered to the pub lic for subscription in accordance ,, ith the SE BI (M utua l Funds) Regulati ons, 1996 and other app licab le laws, rules and regulations, as fra med fro m ti me to t ime.

In regard to the FFO 6, we wish to info rm you that the President of Incl ia, acting through the Min istr: of Power, Government of Ind ia, has so ld 30,87,48,936 equity shares of the Company to the A MC.

As req uired under Regul ation 7(2) of the SEBI Insider Tradi ng Regulations, we enclose with thi s letter, a d isc losure of the above sa le of shares in "Form C" (i.e . the relevant format under Regul ation 7(2), as notified by SEB I).

Thi s letter is in tend ed fo r the Company's info rmation and records.


n behalf of the President of India

of Power, Government of lndia

Di rector

1:ffi' • ~. ~ / S. K. KASSI ~ff I Director



Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015

(Regulation 7 (2) read with regulation 6(2))

Name of the company: NTPC Limited

ISIN of the company: INE733EO IO I 0

Details of change in holding of Securities of Promoter, Employee or Director of a listed company, and other such persons as mentioned in Regulation 6(2).

Name, PAN Cate No., gory CIN/DIN, of and address pers with contact on nos. (pro

mote rs/ KM P/

: direc , tors/ ; .

1mm I ediat

e relat ives/ oth e rs etc.)

-----------------------------r-------- -----------, --------,------- - ------------ ----

Securities held post I Date of /I Date of I Mode of Securities aeauired/disposed Securities held prior to aequisition/disp osal

aequisition / I allotment intimati I acquisition disposa l i ~/ on to I (market

J aequisition of compan ! purchase/

I-shares/ sa le of y : public/ rights/ _ shares, specify I I

preferential ,---------r----------f---~-----------+-----~-----+-------' offer / off

Type No. Type No. 1 Value Transac Type of I No. and From To market/ inter-of and % of tion security - 0; 0 of se transfer, securi of securi Type (for e.g. shareho ESOPs, etc.) ty (for share ty (for (Buy Shares, lding e.g. holdin

I e.g. /Sale /

1 Warrants

Share g I Share Pledge / , s, s, Revoke Converti Warr Warr / ble ants, ants, Invoke)

1 Debentur

Conve Conve I es etc.) rti ble rti ble Deben

I Deben

tu res tu res etc.) etc.)

t:ffi . cf>. ~~ I Director

~ ~ I Ministry of Power 'lffif ~ / Government of India ~ ~ -110001/New Delhi-110001


Na me:

The President of India (acting through the Ministry of Power




Ministry of Power (acting on behalf of the President of lndia, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delh i-11 0001.

Co ntac t Number:

011-23714 100


Prom oter

(3) --IC4-) Equity

I shares


5.35,6 8, -16. -I -1-1 Equity Shares

5-1.1-1 %

(5) I (6)

Equity 1 30,8 shares 7,48,


-----·- - ·-·· ·----~------~----·--·-·-'-·------·-··---····-'-·----

(7) I (8)

Rs. Sale 30,87,48 9,360

(i .e.30,8 7,48,936 shares of a face value of Rs. 10 each) 1


Equity Shares

( 10)

50,48,09 7,508

Equity Shares




. I

( 11)



( 12)



(IYT (14)

07.02 I Off market I sale of shares

I 2020

I i I / _______ _L ___ _L _____ _I ________ j ___________ ·-·'-···-------·-·-·--··-----·-

I. T he President o f India (acting through the Ministry of Power. Governm ent of Indi a) raised an aggregate net amount of Rs. from

the all otment of30.87.48.93 6 eq uit~ ~ha res of the Co111pa11~ to the MvlC.. ~. ct. ~ / s. K. KJ ~ff I Director

~ *'@q / Ministry of P, 'iffif ~/Government of ~ ~ -110001/New Delhi-·

-- --- -----

Details of trading in derivatives of the company by the Promoter, Employee or Director of a listed company and othe r such persons as mentioned in Regulation 6(2)

I Trading in derivatives (Specify type of contract, Futures or Options etc.) .- • Exchange on which the trade was executed R

I I I Sl.!ecifications

I Notional Value


( 15) I ( 16)


For and On Behalf of the President of India

Ministry of Power Government oflndia.

S. K. K ass i


Date : 07.02 . 2020

Pl ace: New De lhi

t:ffi. cf;. ~ IS. K. KASSI ~~ I Director

~ ~ I Ministry of Power ~ ~ I Government of India -.,t ~ -110001/New Oelhi-110001

( 17)



I Number of units I ( contracts * lot

Notional Value


I ( 18) ( 19)



Number of units ( contracts * lot size)

I (20) I


(2 1)


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