12. conversation starters, psu observation introduction, and unit 2

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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INTERACTIONS 130Spring 2015


Nikki Mattson


• Conversation Starters

• Introduction to the PSU Class Observation Project

• Pathways, chapter 2 (Life Sciences theme)


• Level 130 and 140 students who are seeking certification

must attend the REQUIRED IECP Certification Workshop

happening this Wednesday, February 4, at 3:00 in Boucke


Discussion - Problem Solving!

• What did you do when you couldn’t add your conversation

starter to the course blog last Thursday?

Conversation Starter 130A

• The skin is the body's first line of defense. It defends the

body from harmful bacteria, toxic chemicals, and the

vagaries (unpredictable changes) of weather. It also

prevents the loss of fluid, and thus helps to stabilize the

internal structure of the body and regulate the body’s

temperature. What do you think happens if the skin is

wounded or burnt?

(Biology, Zainab Almishaal, 130 A)

Conversation Starter 130A

• When working as an architectural engineer, it is

advantageous to be a team player. However, some

people prefer to work alone. I believe successful team

work depends on the flexibility of workers and their

understanding of teamwork. Do you prefer to work alone

or in a group? Can you think of situations in your field

where team work/cooperation with others is particularly


(Sarah Gaw, Architectural Engineering, 130A)

Conversation Starter 130A

Successful companies face many challenges such as

increasing their profits and overcoming marketing and

financial problems. What are some risks that affect growing

businesses? Can you think of any businesses that have

failed? If so, what factors influenced their failure?

(Amal, Business, 130A)

Conversation Starter 130B

• When I say to someone that I will apply to the department

of biomedical engineering, he/she usually says, “ Oh, you

will face a lot of challenges in this major,” I reply, “ Yes,

but I like these challenges”. From my point of view, when

people faces challenges, these challenges will motive

them to study harder and do their best. Do you agree or

disagree with my point of view? Can you think of specific

examples from your life?

(Biomedical Engineering, Maryam Felemban, 130 B )

Conversation Starter 130B

Ballroom dancing is a type of dancing that is done with a

dance partner/mate. In this type of dance, the partners

must spend a lot of time together practicing. Therefore, I

think it is best for your dance mate to be your significant

other. In your opinion, would you support your significant

other learning ballroom dance with somebody else?

(Dance, ChiaHsi Lin,130B)

Conversation Starter 130B

• The real challenge for professional mechanical engineers

is to collaborate with others and think out of your specialty

in order to solve complex problems. In your opinion, what

are other challenges that face professional mechanical

engineers? Also, what type of complex problems do you

solve in your field?

(Salim Bin Ghouth, Mechanical Engineer, 130 B)

PSU Class Observation Assignment

• Assignment Goal: To observe a PSU class of interest,

reflect upon and describe the observation experience, and

deliver a formal presentation (5-10 minutes via video with

PPT slides) describing the observation experience.

Step 1

• Choose a class to observe - complete this before class

on Tuesday (2/3)

• (see handout)


Step 2

• Ask the professor for permission to observe

(see handout for template)

• Send the email to your first choice by midnight on 2/3

• If you don’t receive a response by 2/5, send an email to your

second choice

• If you don’t receive a response by 2/7, send an email to your third


Step 3

• Observe the class (any time that fits your schedule, but

class will be cancelled on 2/11 and 2/12 to give you time

to complete your observations)

(see handout for more specific information about

observation etiquette)

Step 4

• Plan your 5-10 minute presentation and develop PPT

slides for your presentation

Step 5

• Videotape your presentation and submit the video to

Nikki via BOX ( place it in your assignment folder AND

send me a link) by 2/20 at midnight.

• Suggestions for video recording:

• Tutoring Center Reservation

• One-Button Studio (PSU Library)



Pathways, Chapter 2, pg. 21

• Discussion, pg. 21 questions

• Baby animal group quiz

Adult Animal Names

• 1. owl

• 2. cat

• 3. deer

• 4. goose

• 5. eagle

• 6. kangaroo

• 7. bear, wolf, lion, tiger, or fox

• 8. horse or donkey

• 9. goat

• 10. cattle, whale, or elephant

• 11. duck

• 12. frog or toad

• 13. chicken

• 14. rabbit

• 15. dog or wolf

Exploring the Theme: Reproducing Life


Pgs. 22-23 –read + complete questions 1-3

Listening and Vocabulary

• Pg. 24


• Choose 3 classes that you would be interested in

observing (complete the information in the table provided

on your assignment handout)

• Email me you phone number (if you haven’t already) so I

can add it to the Conversation and Tutoring Partner


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