12 quotes from matt cutts

Post on 08-May-2015






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12 quotes from Matt Cutts, the head of Webspam at Google that changes the link building. Know the quotes and change your way to get more visibility on Google. If anyone like to share more information apart from this, Leave it as comment.



From MattCutts

That Changed Link Building

“I wouldn't worry about going ahead and disavowing links even if you don't have a message in your Webmaster console.”

“Guest blogging is probably the sort of thing that you should be thinking about doing in moderation.“

"You should always have a well-rounded portfolio

of ways to get leads“

“ We're probably not going to update PageRank throughout the rest of the year ”

“ If there's any site you don't want to be associated with, you can just do a disavow “

“ Over time, we are going to give more and more information in those [Webmaster Tools] messages “

“ We're working on becoming more transparent and giving more examples with [Reconsideration Request] messages as we can.“

“ Sometimes people think that Disavow is the be all and end all, the panacea that's going to cure all their ills.“

“ If you don't provide adequate disclosure of paid content, we're willing to go up to and including removing the publication from Google News "

“ Typically, internal website links will not cause you any sort of trouble.“

“ If there is a link selling site and they get caught for selling links, and they just happen to be linking to you, the value of that link that the site was providing, it just goes away.“

“ It doesn't hurt you if you use a 301. “

For more details, Click here http://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/925-matt-cutts-linkbuilding.html

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