12 reasons your pinterest page sucks – and how to fix it

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Pinterest was the fastest growing social media site in 2013, according to a recent study. It also generates more sales than Facebook and Twitter. Many big brands have taken advantage of Pinterest, and now have a huge following. So, why are your pinterest marketing efforts getting you nowhere? Check out the many ways your pinterest page may suck - and what you can do about it at http://socialbeesmedia.com/12-reasons-your-pinterest-page-sucks-fix/#more-360


1. Using Your Personal Profile.

Convert to a Business Account now! But why? There are a number of great reasons why converting to a business account is necessary. It enables you to brand your business more effectively, resulting in more traffic. But also, you can then take advantage of the Pinterest analytics features, which will give you information on how well, or not! your pins and boards are doing in terms of virality, re-pins etc.,

2.  Not Verifying Your Website

If you verify your website, the full URL will show in the page description. It also makes it easier for people to click through to your website, resulting in more traffic.

3.  Vague Profile

You have up to 160 characters in the page description, which is more than adequate to include a brief summary of your business and how you can help your clients. Many people are still not taking advantage of this, which is seriously affecting whether they are appearing in searches. This is your opportunity to really tell people what your Business is about, and how you can help them. Don't forget to add keywords, which will help you to get found in searches.

4. No Pin It Button

Get a Pin It Button on your website! Then with just one click, people can pin directly from your website to their pinterest page. This further increases your reach, and traffic, without you having to do any more work. A win win situation I think!

5. Not setup Google Analytics

How effective is your Pinterest account in driving traffic? Which pins are getting the most traction? To really get serious about Pinterest as a traffic source for your business, you need detailed analytics. That is where google comes in!

To see the last 7 reasons your Pinterest page sucks (and how to fix it!), then click on the link to the blog post:

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