130912 spmi panel preso - negotiation

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This was a panel opener preso I did for the SPMI - SIngapore Project Management Institute. Organized as Paul's Top 10 Tipservations (tips/observations).


Presentation Notes Title of presentation Paul’s Top 10 Tipservations

Speaker Paul Southern, Pasoco Pte Ltd

Content manager Paul Southern, Pasoco Pte Ltd

Presentation date/time Thursday 12 September 2013, evening

Length of presentation 10 mins (excluding Q&A)

Name of Event Negotiation for Project Leaders: Knowing when to hold 'em, fold 'em, walk away and run

Location of Event SMU | 60 Stamford Road | School of Accountancy | Level 2 | Seminar Room 2.2

Audience Public, non NDA. SPMI chapter members.

Press Announcement http://www.pmi.org.sg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=207:20130912-panel-discussion-negotiation-for-project-leaders-knowing-when-to-hold-em-fold-em-walk-away-and-run&catid=78:current

Host Rashid Mohiuddin, PMI Singapore chapter

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Paul Southern

• Negotiation in business –25 years in ICT Customer-facing

–6 continents, 6 million miles

–Mature & emerging, big & small, new & old, internal & external

–Bizdev, sales, delivery, close/exit

• Negotiation everywhere, eg: fiancé, family, teachers, the taxi driver, etc…


Tip #1

Know when to hold ‘em, fold em, etc…

• KNOW. Not guess, decide, blunder.

• Before you’re at the table.

• Decisions in the heat of the moment are rarely great decisions.

• It’s (usually) ok to revert.

• Have a playbook, rehearse whatif’s.

Tip #2

Know who their King is

• Who’s making the final, final, final, final decision.

• Their King may simply want to meet your King.

• May be their internal thing but try to get some credit.

• The King is a person too.

Tip #3

Know your strengths

• Every person/company has strengths.

• Not all others recognize that strength… find someone who does.

• Being small can be a strength.

Tip #4

Know your Goto’s

• Don’t expect Goto’s to know, understand or care (hopefully they do).

• Expect to be selling.

• Meet the Goto’s on their terms.

Tip #5

Don’t be afraid to call for help

• Especially in unclear empowerments.

• There is no excuse for not communicating, not asking for help.

• Be proactive.

Tip #6

White knights may not be the solution

• Motivated or mercenary?

• Are they truly empowered or is there an ugly turf war in the exec office?

• Do they have to live with it afterwards?

Tip #7

Beware the twilight zone

• The last 72 hours are the wierdest, most dangerous.

• White Knights often appear.

• Quarters may be ending, emotions are high corners cut, cave-ins, etc…

Tip #8

Winning may be costly / destructive

• How you won may have greater impact afterwards than winning.

• We work with people.

Tip #9

Even bad outcomes have some good

• Search for the good bit.

• You may need to spin it a bit.

• Experience is valuable – it’s better to try and fail than to not try at all.

Tip #10

Win-wins are either elusive or spun

• Decide the win-criteria before you play.

• Win-wins require different criteria.

• A win-win is the eye of the beholder.

Tip #11

We negotiate with people

• People of value, with lives, family, other interests.

• People chosen to do this job.

• Sometimes we can change the counter-party.

Tip #12

Friends can help, a lot

• Know who your friends are.

• Search for common or adjacent interests.

Tip #13

Trust matters, a lot

• We work better with people we like.

• We work better with people we trust.

• Trust is earned (over a long time).

• Trust can be destroyed in an instant.

• Your reputation matters, a lot and for a long time.

13 Tipservations Before, preparation

During, when stakes are high How you play, character

Thank you Paul Southern


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