131 mt_1 practice questions

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131 MT_1 Practice Questions


  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    IB 131 Lecture MT #1 Practice Questions from Chapters 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

    Instructor: Tom Carlson, Dept of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley

    IB 131 Lecture Chapter 1 Practice Study Questions

    Match the following: Questions 1-1 through 1-5 A. superior B. lateral C. anterior D. proximal E. deep 1-1) The chest is ________ to the abdomen. 1-2) The knee is ________ to the foot. 1-3) Muscles are ________ to the skin. 1-4) The eye is ________ to the occipital region. 1-5) The femoral region is ________ to the plantar region. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: 1-6 through 1-16 1-6) The ankle is ________ to the thigh. A) distal B) proximal C) lateral D) deep 1-7) A coronal section through the human body can A) pass through both the nose and the occipital region. B) pass through both ears. C) provide mirror right and left images. D) lie in a horizontal plane. 1-8) The structural changes that occur as one ages? A) developmental anatomy B) pathological anatomy C) regional anatomy D) surface anatomy 1-9) The cervical region is the A) thigh. B) calf. C) neck. D) head.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    1-10) Which organ is not found in the ventral body cavity? A) heart B) liver C) spinal cord D) urinary bladder 1-11) An example of an organ is A) a fat cell. B) the intestine. C) epithelium. D) the cardiovascular system (but not the circulatory system). 1-12) Which organ system includes the spinal cord? A) skeletal B) muscular C) nervous D) integumentary 1-13) The femoral region is the A) buttocks. B) hip. C) thigh. D) toes. 1-14) A physician viewing an injury to the back would look at the patient's ________ side. A) lateral B) posterior C) cranial D) ventral 1-15) A frontal plane is the same as a ________ plane. A) midsagittal B) transverse C) coronal D) sagittal 1-16) Another name for the midsagittal plane is A) parasagittal. B) oblique. C) coronal. D) median.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    Answer Key Chapter 1 1-1: A 1-2: D 1-3: E 1-4: C 1-5: D 1-6: A 1-7: B 1-8: A 1-9: C 1-10: C 1-11: B 1-12: C 1-13: C 1-14: B 1-15: C 1-16: D

    IB 131 Lecture Chapter 4 Practice Study Questions 4-1) Functions of this type of tissue include secretion, absorption, and filtration. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-2) Cells lining the digestive tube are of this type. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-3) Bone and cartilage are made of this tissue type. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-4) Pseudostratified columnar is of this tissue type. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    4-5) The heart is composed primarily of this tissue type. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-6) Much of the body's adipose tissue is found in the hypodermis. A) TRUE B) FALSE 4-7) Skeletal muscle is characterized by obvious striations (seen microscopically) and multinucleate cells. A) TRUE B) FALSE 4-8) Multilayered epithelia are named for the cell shape found in the basal layer. A) TRUE B) FALSE 4-9) A type of connective tissue that is not a connective tissue proper is A) dense irregular connective tissue. B) areolar tissue. C) adipose tissue. D) cartilage. 4-10) The thinnest type of epithelium is A) simple squamous. B) pseudostratified columnar. C) stratified squamous. D) stratified columnar. 4-11) This tissue type consists of cells containing myofilaments. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-12) Fat is a form of ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    4-13) Cartilage is a form of ___________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous 4-14) The major function of stratified squamous epithelium is A) diffusion. B) absorption. C) filtration. D) protection from abrasion. 4-15) A pseudostratified epithelium is always A) simple. B) ciliated. C) stratified. D) cuboidal. EXAM KEY, Chapter 4, Tissues:

    1) A 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) C 6) A 7) A 8) B 9) D 10) A 11) C 12) B 13) B 14) D 15) A

    IB 131 Lecture Chapter 6 Practice Study Questions 6-1. Epiphyseal plates typically close at the time an infant learns to walk. (TRUE or FALSE) 6-2. Examples of flat bones include the ribs, sternum, the bones of the head surrounding the brain case, and the scapula. (TRUE or FALSE) 6-3. Membrane bones form directly from mesenchyme without being modeled in cartilage. (TRUE or FALSE)

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    6-4. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of cartilage is the A) osteocyte. B) osteoblast. C) osteoclast. D) chondrocyte. 6-5. A long bone that has a fractured midshaft is damage to the A) diaphysis. B) epiphysis. C) articular cartilage. D) meniscus. 6-6. The kneecap, or patella, is an example of A) a flat bone. B) an irregular bone. C) a sesamoid bone. D) calcified cartilage. 6-7. Osteoid is A) the mineral part of the bone matrix. B) secreted by osteocytes. C) the entire extracellular matrix of bone. D) the organic part of bone matrix before the hard bone is present. 6-8. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the A) osteocyte. B) osteoblast. C) osteoclast. D) chondrocyte. 6-9. A bone is flexible and can resist stretching mainly because A) the bone is spongelike with many hollow spaces, such as the central and epiphyseal marrow cavities. B) the collagen fibers in adjacent lamellae are aligned in opposite directions. C) the internal and external surfaces are both covered in irregular connective tissue fibers. D) the trabeculae of spongy bone are aligned along stress trajectories. 6-10. The type of cartilage that forms the embryonic skeleton is A) hyaline cartilage. B) fibrocartilage. C) elastic cartilage. D) calcified cartilage.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    6-11. In the repair of a simple fracture, the step that follows formation of a hematoma is A) formation of a bony callus. B) inflammation. C) formation of fibrocartilaginous callus. D) bone remodeling Answer Key to Chapter 6 Practice Questions: 6-1. False 6-2. True 6-3. True 6-4. D 6-5. A 6-6. C 6-7. D 6-8. B 6-9. B 6-10. A 6-11. C IB 131 Lecture Chapter 7 Practice Study Questions Question #s 7-1 through 7-7: Match the following: A. mandible B. sphenoid C. occipital bone D. temporal E. ethmoid 7-1. This, along with the maxilla, functions in chewing. 7-2. The petrous region is part of this bone. 7-3. This bone has the mental foramen. 7-4. This bone has "wings." 7-5. The foramen ovale is bounded to the posterior by the foramen spinosum and anteriorly by the foramen rotundum. (True or False) 7-6. The superior orbital fissure is part of the sphenoid bone. (True or False) 7-7. Which of the following bones of the axial skeleton is paired? A) fifth thoracic vertebra B) rib 3 C) the sacrum D) the sphenoid

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    7-8. The largest fontanelle, forming the largest soft spot on a baby's head, is the A) anterior. B) posterior. C) mastoid. D) sphenoidal. 7-9. Which bones are divided by the sagittal suture? A) occipital and parietal B) frontal and parietal C) temporal and parietal D) both parietal bones 7-10. This bone has nuchal lines, the hypoglossal canal, and condyles. A) mandible B) occipital C) sphenoid D) temporal 7-11. Which of the following bones does not contain air sinuses? A) the frontal bone B) the ethmoid C) the maxilla D) the mandible 7-12. In the alveolar regions of the mandible and maxillae, the alveoli are A) glands (salivary glands). B) tooth sockets. C) lips. D) the palate. 7-13. Which of the following is not a facial bone? A) lacrimal B) zygomatic C) parietal D) mandibular 7-14. What does the tubercle of a rib articulate with? A) vertebral body B) transverse process C) vertebral lamina D) costal cartilage

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    7-15. The difference between cranium and skull, if any, is that A) the skull contains the hyoid bone but the cranium does not; otherwise they are the same. B) the skull contains a facial region as well as the cranium. C) the cranium does not include the floor of the skull. D) the cranium contains the orbits, but the skull does not. 7-16. Which part of the temporal bone projects medially and contains the inner ear? A) styloid B) petrous C) squamous D) zygomatic Answer Key to Chapter 7 Practice Questions: 7-1. A 7-2. D 7-3. A 7-4. B 7-5. True 7-6. True 7-7. B 7-8. A 7-9. D 7-10. B 7-11. D 7-12. B 7-13. C 7-14. B 7-15. B 7-16. B IB 131 Lecture Chapter 8 Practice Questions 8-1. The ischium forms the posteroinferior region of the hip bone. A) TRUE B) FALSE 8-2. Which of the following statements about the patella is false? A) Imbedded in the tendon that secures the quadriceps muscles B) It is a sesamoid bone. C) It acts to protect the anterior region of the knee joint. D) It directly articulates with the femur, tibia, and fibula.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    8-3. Which of the following statements concerning the fibula is false? A) It helps stabilize the ankle. B) Distal end forms a malleolus . C) It is the smaller of the two leg bones. D) Located on medial part of leg. 8-4. In anatomical position, A) the head of the radius is medial to the ulna. B) the radius is lateral to the ulna. C) the styloid process of the radius is medial to the ulna. D) the ulna is lateral to the radius. 8-5. Which of the following bones is not part of the appendicular skeleton? A) patella B) femur C) sacrum D) navicular 8-6. Which of the following bones of the appendicular skeleton is unpaired? A) humerus B) clavicle C) os coxae D) none; all appendicular bones are paired Answer Key to Chapter 8 Practice Questions: 8-1. A 8-2. D 8-3. D 8-4. B 8-5. C 8-6. D IB 131 Lecture Chapter 9 Practice Questions 9-1. This joint is a hinge joint and primarily involves articulation with the ulna rather than the radius. A. elbow joint B. shoulder joint C. sternoclavicular joint D. hip joint E. ankle joint

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    9-2. This joint involves the acetabulum. A. elbow joint B. shoulder joint C. sternoclavicular joint D. hip joint E. ankle joint 9-3. The lateral movement of the arms away from the body is called A. abduction. B. adduction. C. flexion. D. extension. 9-4. This joint allows for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. A. elbow joint B. shoulder joint C. sternoclavicular joint D. hip joint E. ankle joint 9-5. This joint involves the glenohumeral ligaments. A. elbow joint B. shoulder joint C. sternoclavicular joint D. hip joint E. ankle joint 9-6. The largest ball-and-socket joint in the body is the A) hip. B) shoulder. C) knee. D) interphalangeal joint. 9-7. Which of the following does not correctly pair the type of joint with its degree of mobility? A) suture: synarthrosis B) symphysis: amphiarthrosis C) synchondrosis: amphiarthrosis D) synovial: diarthrosis 9-8. The only class of articulation with a joint cavity is a A) fibrous joint. B) cartilaginous joint. C) synovial joint. D) synostosis.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    9-9. By plantar flexing your feet at the ankle joints, you will A) stand on your toes. B) stand back on your heels. C) stand on the medial margins of your feet. D) turn your big toes laterally.

    Answer Key to Chapter 9 Practice Questions: 9-1. A 9-2. D 9-3. A 9-4. E 9-5. B 9-6. A 9-7. C 9-8. C 9-9. A

    IB 131 Lecture Chapter 10 Practice Questions Match the following 10-1 through 10.4: A. skeletal muscle B. smooth muscle C. cardiac muscle 10.1. This type of muscle makes up the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach and uterus. 10.2. This type of muscle is found in the heart. 10.3. This type of muscle contains intercalated discs. 10.4. This type of muscle attaches to bone. True or False for 10-5 & 10.6: A. TRUE B. FALSE 10.5. Skeletal muscle fibers are multinucleate, because they arose from a number of embryonic cells. 10.6. The Z disks define each sarcomere at both ends.

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    10.7. Striated muscle refers to A) skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. B) cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. C) skeletal muscle and smooth muscle. D) skeletal muscle only. 10.8 The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) stores A) calcium. B) sodium. C) ATPase. D) myosin. 10.9. The only muscle cells that branch are ________ muscle cells. A) skeletal B) smooth C) cardiac D) red Answer Key to Chapter 10 Practice Questions: 10-1. B 10-2. C 10-3. C 10-4. A 10-5. A 10-6. A 10-7. A 10-8. A 10-9. C

    IB 131 Lecture Chapter 11 Practice Questions 1. The hamstrings consist of the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus. A) TRUE B) FALSE 2. The common origin for many of the flexor muscles of the forearm is the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. A) TRUE B) FALSE

  • IB131LectureMidterm#1PracticeStudyQuestions.Instructor:TomCarlson


    3. In this arrangement of fascicles, the fascicles insert into only two side of the tendon. A) multipennate B) bipennate C) unipennate D) parallel 4. The deepest muscle of the anterior abdominal wall is the A) external oblique. B) transversus abdominis. C) internal oblique. D) rectus abdominis. 5. A prime mover of foot inversion is the A) peroneus. B) abductor digitorum. C) tibialis posterior. D) soleus. 6. Muscles of this type are straplike in appearance. A. parallel B. bipennate C. convergent D. unipennate E. circular 7. An example of this type of muscle is the orbicularis oculi. A. parallel B. bipennate C. convergent D. unipennate E. circular

    Answer Key for Chapter 11, Muscles Practice Exam:

    1) A 2) B 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) A 7) E

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