13~a t()vicj - bnaps

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· ··------~-~--------··--·----


T()VICJ Vol. 3, No. 10

This Issue:

November, 1946






Official Publication of the

Whole No. 31

British North America Philatelic Society

__ _..._ ________________________________ , __ .. ________ _




* ·: THINK---When You Read This Page m ;: These Offers May Not Come Your Way Again. ~


· · First Day Covers (cachet by Artcraft) are really scarce. More collectors are ~ ME Complete Set only $4.25 buying than ever befor e. Stock limited. if. ~ Laurentide, Red , roulette .. ... ....... 2.00 m*· ll! Laurentide, Red, perf. .... .. ........ .. 1.00 ~ SCARCE BOOKLET PANES Jack V. Ell iott (Swastika) ........ .. 1.25 ~ Elliott-Fairchild, Blue ................ 1.25 ~.'.:1. ~ Victoria, Edward and a ll the rest in Ellott· Fairchild, red, perf .......... .. 2.00 ,.. W,_: stock. Booklets of many. List Free. Fairchild, P.lue ................. ..... .. .... 1.00 'f. !$! Fai rchild, Tete-Beche. pair . .. ....... 2.50 if. ~ 1 ODD LOT OF COVERS Western Canada ......... ............... .so ~ ~ Western double perf. rare .......... 1.00 i-f. !$! Small 3c ( 4), I c, 2c. 3c NumP.ral , Western jubilee .......................... 1.00 1~ ~ maps single, pair, strips of 3, 4, 6 Weste rn Jubilee, double pe rf ...... 2.00 ~ iii (rare thus). 12 covers in a ll- Yukon .. ....... ............................... .. .50 iii ~ only $3.00 Klondike ............................. ......... .50 ~ !$! Commercial, via air .......... .. ........ 1.50 iii lti NEWFOUNDLAND Commercial. air free .................. .75 ~ ~ Commercial, orange .... ... ............. 1.50 if. W. STATIONERY W. *, We have others too. iii ll! I c and 3c Victoria Wrapper, liE iii d

50 Holmes Handbook and Catalogue iii m unuse • cut sq uare ·········· ···· . on Canada and B.N.A. De-luxe in * m 3c and 5c Victoria Envelopes, real morocco limp leather, ~

!$! unused, entire .................... 3.00 very ;if m cut square ............. ............... 1.00 large margins. ~ m I c Edward Post Card, us-.d...... .. ..'iO d lit ~ lc Edward design sc. Al7, used . 10 Pricc-$ 11 .00 postpai ~ ·

!$! * w. w. m DRESS UP YOUR COLLECTION ~ m * lS! These Historical Pieces Should Be in Every Collection of Canada. liE m m ~ They Will Make Your Collection S~and Out. ~ iii Canada Royal Visit "Pen·ny Black" Cen~enary ~ * Set of 9 r.eally beaut1"ful poster st.amps >.< :..; Special C<'o1cellation l\S(!d only in Ha!l1· .v. ii! in colors, showing their Majesties, the ~ W, Royal Princesses, Coat of Arms, Flags, ilton, May 6, 1940. Covers showing ~ ll! Pte. this beatltifully, for only .... W. P · 25 d 15 I lcii W. nce- c postpai c postpai< lcii

ll! * * * ~ Can.:1da's First Postmaster-General-Appointed 1763 ~ ~ \Ve have a very f" w wrappers showing th is man w!1o held the unique position elated ~ ~ above and as well held the similar position- First Postmaster-General of the U. S.. hl ~ having been appointed in 1 753. ~ m These wrappers show the head of Benjamin Franklin, 1706 - 1790. lcii m Price- 25c postpaid ~ ~ ·--······················------ a it! .. i.ti VICTORIA STAMP CO . ~ ~ Londo n 40 On~ario Canada ~ w. ~ it! ~ l+iw.w.w.w.w.!f:l+:i$:W.~t-:w.w.w.l•a~::w.ll>.w:»:w:l+:»:w.w.~+:;;:w.w.w.w:w.w.lf.w.w.w.w.w.w:w.w:w.w.w.n.:w.l$:a:*:w.w:w.w:ll:lf.»:ll:w.:;:


13~4 T()VICJ Official Journal of

The British North America Philatelic Society


Vol. 3 No. 10 Novi£~riJErt, 1946 Whole No. 31

Published Monthly $2.00 per Year

Editor: JACK LEvr:-.E, 510 Liberty Avenue, Brooklyn 7, N. Y. Associate £(li/Or: RxcHArtD P. Ht:nr.EY, 45 Allen Street, Buffalo 2, N. Y.

ADVERTISING RATES Insertion 6 Insertion•

l='ull . Page ............................ $8.00 $7.00 Half Page ............................ 4.75 4.00 Quarter Page ...................... 3.00 2.50 Single Column Inch ............ 1.00 .85

12 Insertions $6.00

3.50 2.00

.75 Copy Must Be Receivea by 1:ith of Month P1·eceding Publicati.mt.


· - 011'FICEilS -

Pteside"t: W. n. Hol"f'~A:'\X , 77-18 95th Av., Ozone Park 17, N. Y. \'ice-President: J . R. BARRACLOUGH, 454 Mt. Stephen Ave., Westmount, P.Q • .Secretarv: J . LEVINe, 510 Liberty Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y. '1'1·easurer: W. C. Pr,·nmMAN, 80 Cranberry St., Brooklyn 2, N. Y. Sales !11-anager: H. R. Mli:YEns, 101 West 60th St., New York 2S, N. Y. Li'1>1·arian: R. J. Dul'iCAN, Box 118, Armstrong, B. C., Canada

The N. Y. Group meets the 1st TueSday or each Month at the Collectors Club. 22 East 35th Street, New York City

The Philadelphia Group meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays or each month 1821 .Arch Street, Philadelphia, ,Pa.

Sales Manager, BNAPS D ear Sir:

Very many thanks for )'our pto\npt attention in lien ding \ne a Circuit I 1 was very pleased with same, and hope you will b e able to send some more, whe:t possible.

1 belong to several stamp clubs but I musl: say that 1 find the Officials and services of BNAPS surpass any I've had dealings with. Mind you, I' m not complaining about the services of any of the others.

1 expected to give BNAPS a year's trial, but believe me, I'm in it for keeps. So, here' e Success to th·e club and the Officials who are making it such a fine organizatiot'l.

Looking forward l:o the next circuit and a banne't year for your depart­ment, I am

Sincerely yours, A. P. RANGER


130 ________ ~--~--- BNA TOPICS ·-=-----

Member Joe. C. Martin, #248, sends us the above odd and interesting Newfoundland cover. It is a registered cover mailed May 20th, 1901 and addressed to Selkirk, P.E.I. The interesting feature of the covet·, as one can see, is that the registry rate was prepaid with two of the 5c Victoria Inland Revenu~ Stamps. 'l'he letter certainly did postal duty as evidenced by the backstamp and the •postmarks on the front, which are charac-teristic o·f that time. •,• •:• Editor, BNA '.{'OPICS Dear Sir:

This letter should have been written wme t ime ago, as it concet·ns the artic!e by "Click" (Part III), in the ~larch, 1946, issue of BNA TOPICS.

With reference to the 8c Numera ls, B-rown-Orange, I wish to advise that I .have in my collection a very fine mint block of four. Several years ago, an outstanding dealer in this city. had at least one sheet of this shade. It is very difficult to secure and con~E.­quently valuable.

I must add that I heartily agree witlt the many suggestions made during recent months, in the hope that t·he Scott catalogue w.ould be improved. Referring to the Eame article by "Click" whet·ein he suggests a proper listing for Scott #'s 85 and 86, I must note that both these shades exist imperforate as I have them both in blocks of four.

1 am enclosing a letter fot· Mr. Daniel C. Meyerson with photo copies attached, and would appreciate it if you would forwat:d it to him.

Yours sincerely, \-V. Non]I{A:-f Fox


Send for 1946 Price List

' 1253 MoGlll College :~NTU~~blio:~ ~9~p CO. Mont.oal, Quoboo I

-~~~.-.o--.~~--.o~O._,I.._~~~-o-6~--o.-.~CI-CI_ D_,



Dy Wr~·r·urw r · s. B<KltlS

Twu Volumes: Published by Chambers Publishing Co., J<alnmazoo, ;.\flclr.

For· JJ.\'.1 TOPICS

By Jack Levine

This work contains so much new intomratlon that it Is lml)OSslble for this •·cvl('\1 t•r to attempt a complete coverage or all the fi('lds discussed In it. He reports soml' or the Information be finds In the book and offers his opinion generally on the entire contPnlR.

AllY reviewe•· will be better able to judge this book if he carE?fully t·eads t.lw Pr·pfac•• and Introduction in which the Author explains the purposes and p.".nciplcs which gulrlfld him. H e admits to errors and omissions and specifically disclaims the book as "llw las l wor·d".

The discussion of thl' Early Postal Hlslo•·y of Canada is compact and comprehE?nslw. introducing many side-lights heretofore little known. The coverage or the Postal Mark­ings and "Handstruck Postage Stamps" Is likewise very comprt>henslve and is enhanced by pr·o!use illustration. The chapter on the Canada-U. S. Postal Relations throws much new Jlght on this complex phase or Canada. Here again we are provided a profusion or Illustrations, including as it does no less than 57 covers, ('ach explained for rates and markings.

Tn the chapters on the stamps of the 19th century, this reviewer finds an amazing amount. or new lnformatl<'n- some of it. sensational and much or It perhaps neve r befot·e published. In the PencE? lssul's, we are offe•·ed proof that only Oil<' plate was used rcr ea::h denomination,and also proof of the size of the plate. Documentary evidence Is pro­vided to establish when wove paper was first used; when the lrni>rint was added ; whPn the contr·actors began perforating the stamps; etc. Re-entl'les, varieties and rates ar(• a ll copious ly illustrated. The First Decimal Issue is given similar· consideration and treatment with the subject amply documented and illustrated.

Mr. Boggs presents a n'asonably satisfactor·y explanation to the perplexing probiPm or I ho number of plates used for the First Dominion lssues, th!' Large and Small Qul'l'n'3. HIR !;lolutlon of the reason for reducing the s ize of the stamvs Is surprising In its nlm­pllclly yet consonant with the facts as known. Tlle division of the Small Querns l11to Fir!'t Olt<Lwa, Montreal, and S!'cond Ottawa J)rintings is a n('w classification and Rhoultl Kllnrulatl' further· study or these issues.

In the ~laple Leaf Issues. an understandable explanation Is offered for the 2c Nu· m('ral types. The cont roverslal Port H oods Provlsionals come In ror an interpretation to establish their status as equally good, If not better, than other Canadian bisects. Th,.. dlscusFion of the King Bclwar·d VII Issue Introduces some new data on plates or 400. Thl' Edward Coil stamps art> also a source or new information. The 1911·28 "Admiral 'l'Ytl!'" Issues are carefully considered fo1· dl<' differences, imprint and plate marldn!(R, tlrlntlng-s, etc., with many enlargements in illustration. The Issues from 1930 to rial(' all r·C'celve review with the usual pertinent lnf<>rmation providt>d. Mr. Boggs h1tJ·ocJuc~s the nam <' "Dated Dies" Instead of "Secret Dates',' whi·ch obviously are not very ~I'CrN. Th<> 201 h Century Commemoratives are discussed in a single chapter and each ~ ~~u!' lnc!udl's data on purpose, plates, p1·inting, varieties, etc.

Booklets a1·e given th<'lr just share or study and her·e again we are provided wllb !'Omc n('w infor·mation In the fo1·m of how many were issued. We had quite a sun>rlse in INtrnlng that ove1· 11.000.000 of the Edwa•·ds wer·e issued.

R<'gistered U!tter· Stamps, handst1·uck and adllesive, receive detailed study wllll many original documents Introduced lo throw new light on this subject. Tho Special Dnllvcry, Postage Dues, l'randstruck and adhesive, \Var Ta.x and Airmails are all COlt· sirll'r'ed. Postal Stationery In all its t)has<>s is thoroughly treated with many Instruct In• illustJ·atlons and a very fine classification of the envelopes.

In the cancellation fiE?Id a g1·eat deal of new infor·matlon Is provided. rrypPs of vostal ma1·kings, obli terations and fatrcy cancellations are all amply diEcussed and again lho~:~c helpful illustrations a1·e in profusion. Railway Postmar·ks ar·e exhaustively studle<l and illustrated, as are the Steamboat and Steamship markings.

The study of the Postal Development or the Northwest T erritories and the listing of the Post Offices reveals much that is new on this interesting phase or Canada's stamJlt<. Official Seals, Dead Letter Office Ma•·klng, Free and Legislative J<'rank Markings, Pn!· cancels and Meters a•·e all discussed in the final chapters,


Supplementing the first volume in a second consisting of the documentary evidence for many of the statements in volume one. :VIuch of this evidence has never, to this reviewer's knowledge, been published before. The various charts of the plate layouts could furnish the student with many hours of serious study. ·

Throughout the book, listings are presented with a factor system of valuation and a keying with the two standard English language catalogues, Scott and Gibbons, whiclt helps in the interpretation cf the tables.

We have brle(ly discussed this work and we doubt whether any one reviewer can adequately cover every field discussed in the book. The many new interpretations of· fer.ed cannot be judged quicldy and must be read again and again to grasp the full im­plication. It is this reviewer's opinion that each phase of collecting as studied in this book merits· a separate review and report to the reader. The collector'S patience has been amply re·warded with this :fine publication.

·:· ---- ·:·

ROYAL -VISIT PLAT~ NUMBERED BLOCKS '!'hose interested in "Plating" the Royal Visit Issue will find the prices paid at tht~

recent Sissons & Wegg auction sale of conslde1·able interest. The semi-difficult positions still continue a gradual advance while the two really difficult. positions of the 3c, viz., Pit. Nos. 3-3 and 5-4, show a marked uptrend at $10.50 and $10.00 respectively for the four positions of each plate numbe1·.

A complete plating of the 2c brought $9.00. Individual prices to the last nickel are as f.olows:

One cent~Pit. Nos. 1·1, 3-3 and 4-4, $1.00 per block .. Pit. No. 4-3 brought 90c per ' block.

Three Cent- Pit. No. 1·1 went fo1· $1.25 per block, while 2·1 and 4-1 sold for $1.40 ve1· block. Pit. 1-3 of the same difficult numbers sold for $2.15 per block.

It is assumed that these are all blocks of 4, though listing does not specify thili\.

Eflitor, BNA..IOPICS

Dear Sir:

--- - ·:· A. K. GliiJ\Omll

l recently read an issue of the ']'o,·onto Philatelic Jo·urnul and found some very interesting l·nformation which explained some of the vagaries which have puzzled rno <thont --the eal'ly Canadian Tobacco Stamps. I presume the information will be enlighten­ing to others.

"Duty on tobacco in Canada was first imposed in 1864, under Act of 27th and 281 h Victoria, chapter 3. To designate the tobacco on hand, which. was exempt from tax, a provisional stamp was used, diamond-shaped, and printed in green. with D in angles fo;· dntia-ble, and M for manufactured tobacco. The f1rst labels used to indicate the payment of tax on tobacco were similar to the above and printed in red for Excise, or duty on home manufactured, and blue for Customs, or duty on imported tobacco; the colors of the stamps being a distinctive feature denoting the use to which they are applied.

The stamps in black are used on tobacco :;old direct from the facto1·y. When the manufacturer makes up a large stock for which there is no ready market, and does not. wish to pay the duty long in advance of i.ts sale, he Is r equired to send it .to the govern· ment warehouse, where it is stored at trifling cost, and may be removed wheneve1· a marltet is found by paying the duty, the stamPS for which ·are red. Following the above. which we call the 'garter' series, came small lozenges, and ribbons with lozenges printed in the· cente1·, which appear to have been used conteml)Oraneously wfth the garter sef'iE>::; for sev~ral years."

When you consider selling ..• you cannot do better than write to the int-emaaonal auctioneers that solll


S~ East 57th Street H.R.HARMER :New York 22, N. Y.

· Patronize TOPICS Advertisers



Alden C. Johnson, philatelic author, and formerly general manager or Marks Stamp Co., 'l'oronto, Canada, announces that he has S('vered connections with ~larks Co. and has open<'d Ills own stamv business. His add ress Is 11 CarmlchnPI Ave., T01·onto.

DNAPS It came as a sho~k to learn of the

death of J. T. Pepper, Uptown Stamp Shop, 1402 Yonge St., To•·onto. ~h. Pep­per was well known In philatelic ch·cles. Miss E. Gardne•· will continue to operate the sto•·e, which In my opinion Is one of the nicest stamp sto•·es In Canada for its size. BNAPS

While in attendance at Sisson & \Yegg's a uction in TOI'onto, we noticed a good many of the bldrters were a ll members or BNAPS. All the good matel'!a l wus not sold to the bidders as Jim was able to buy a nice il em whfctt hC' s howed me. A block of four, Canada, 5c Deaver, #Hi, fu ll gum, unhinged. A real gem, If ever there was one. It cost lVtr. Siseons $300.

BNAPS S uggestion fo•· BNAPS In regard to

our participation In the Tnlernational SIJow 1947. How about a set of colored kodachrome slides of D.N.A. s tamps ancl pieces that are famous, and that would also show the diff<'rent major varie ties, etc., fo•· lecture wo•·k. These slides could then be ren ted to membe•·s after the show to give talk in local clubs, and thus stim­ulate inle•·est in B.N.A. stamps.

BNAPS ) lore Canadian imperforates are show­

ing up. The latest to b<' offe•·ed ls the 1937 issue complete, Scott #231·236, 241· 245. In addition, the "Royal Visit" issue of 1939, Scott # 246-248, bas appeared in the same condition. These stamps were offered at very high prices and so far at this writ ing, no buyers. '

nNAPS I came across some D. C. Law stamt)S

which may eith<'r b<' an Eighth Issu e or a new die, probably the fo •·m<'r . These stamps are a 10c, 50c and $1.00. 'rhey portray the tall, thin "Justice", the same as appears on the Seven th Issue but there Rl'e disti nct diagonal lines on the hilt or the wo•·d. and there a re square sha­dows at the feet. Catalogues I have don't mention these nor do lh<'Y mention a 30c, orange, · fOJ• the Seventh Issue.

BNAPS With the lJ. S. reducing its airnmil

rate to 5c, couldn't It be that Canada will do likewise? If so, wouldn't that mean a short ll~e fot· thl' 7c?. Who knows?

Another memory of my ~ew York tr·ip. While visiting Dan and Bill Meyerson, we became interested, or should I say involved, in the Newfoundland "Guy" Is­sue. Scott, Gibbons. Boggs all note this issue aappearing in both per·!, 13 Yz and 14. The Meyerson boys have the enlirl' set in the per·t 14, but to date, have only the 7, 9, 10, 14, 20, 24 and 32c values in the perf H. Dan and Bill would certainly appreciate hearing from anyone about other perf 14. values.

W& buy all kind• o! collections and accu· mulations or JJ<Istage stamps, pro,·lded Ut~Y are worth $50 o r more. &o11d lor our free bookie!, " If You Have St:•mp~ to S••ll '' , describing 011 r rr co appraisnl~, top pl'lce• nud Jtrompt pnyllotllll. !load It for you r 1••·o· teet ion i><>f•>ro .•·ou ,.,.11 . Sent Jo'rte on llo~tJClll.

H. E. HARRIS & CO. Transit Bu ildin1 Bost on 17, Mass.



Founded by A lbert H . H arris Is in Ita

Year of Uninterru pted P ublication and is recognized aa the Lead ing

British R eference Jou rna l for Collectors . ... ... ... .

Subscription: 10 ahillinga per an.num for 26 fortnigh tly iuuea. Payable by money order t hrough you r post·

office, or by draft on London.

• • • • • Harris Publications, Ltd. 4 4 5 Stra.nd LONDON, ENG.

134 _ _____ ----- BNA TOPICS


309 Boyce, :\faxwell H., 706_VJ Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Ill. 310 Eastman, George H., Box 143, Imperial, Calif. 311 Hadley, Raymond F., 443 Lombardy Road, Dt·exel Hill, Pa. 312 l.A>Baron, Owe-n V., R 1. \Vilder, ldoho. 313 Paine. Harold L., Oxford Apts., :'11-oose Jaw, Sask., Canada 314 Stewart, namsey, 5 Abbey Mount, Edinburgh 8, Scolland .

APPLICATIONS FOR -MEMBERSHIP Cryderman, M. W., Box 93, Dauphin, Man., Canada (DC) B.N.A. Dy J. Levine. No. 1. Homalne, 'l'lleo. K., P. 0. Box la, Fairfield, Callr. (C) B.N.A. Drillsh Possessions anfl

U. S. By R. P. Hedley, No. 164. . Abbott, A. H., Beavet· Lodge, Alberta, Canada (C) BK.A., U. S., Gt. Britain & Colonies.

By R. J. Duncan, Ko. 37. Day, Lloyd R., 18 Lome St., Huntsville, Ont., Canada (DC) B.N.A., U.S., Bt·itish Colonies.

Latin Amet·ica. By J. Levine, No. 1. Walsh. Rev. David J., Stuy\·esant, N.Y. (C) D.KA. Religious stanl()s. By J. U>vine. Ko. i .

ADDITIONS TO EXCHANGERS LeBaron, Owen V., R 1, Wilder, Idaho (CX) CAN, ~FD-A'mails. Postag!', Dklts, Coils.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS Gates, Henry, 5300 West Outer Dl'lve, Detroit 21, MictL Hoffman, Hei nz, 15735 Vaughan Avenue, Dr-trolt 23, :\Hch. Macnab, R. S., P. 0. Box 2962, Wlnnlp('g, Man., Canada. Sullivan. K H .. 3017 Quadra Street, VIctoria, B. C .. Canada.

·:· ·.·

OFFICIAL NOTIC~S ThE' Ballot Committee, having completed their count of the votes cast for the amenrl­

mf'nt to ARTICLE XII, submit the following report of the results: 62 ballots were voted and t·etu rned. G2 votf'd 'YES' in favor of thl' amendment.

() voted 'NO' against the amendment.. (signed) 1(. ilfilltt.~l', Jl . W. / , l(g,91' l/, 0. Wed

The t• equlred two-thirds volE' of all membet·s casting a ballot having been received, r<'POrted, and published in JJS. l '1'01'/('N, the following A:.VlENDMF~NT to ARTICLE XLI I!< thereby affirmed and fot·thwlth In effect: so that it now reads

'l'his Constitution and By-Laws may be amf'tHled as hereinartet· provided. Amend­nwnts may be pt·oposed by (a) the Annual Meeting (b) by petition duly signed by ul least 15 members in good standing. . A J)t'OI>osed amendment must be received by the Secretary who shall cause same to be published in BS.l TOI'ICN. A ballot on the proposed amendment shall be nmllf'd to each member in good standing not Jess than 30 days nor more than 60 days aftet· the proposed amendment has been published. The ballot s hall provide spaces to Indicate the vote for or against and may include any a rgum!'nts pro or con otrered by members, upon such conditions as the Board of Governors may [lt'<'Scrlbe. B'allot shall be tabu lated by a committee selected for that purpose -by Presiden t and a 1·eport of the vote s hall be published in JJ 'Nil 'l~OPTCS. A 2/3 vote of all membet·s casting a ballot shall bE> necessary for t hi' adopt ion of the am<'n<iml'nt. JA('K L•·:v rN t~. Secretary

• ol< "' •

NOMINATIONS Tho following names have bet>n placed in nomination by membt>•·s fo•· the designaleol

office. THIN f.'{ XOT .t FJ~.IL LIWI'. Further nominations may bf' f'ntered witb the Secretat·y, not later than l\ovembf'r 15, 1946. Additional nominations will be published in the D<'(•ember issu'e or n.N.A. 'I'OPH'~. 'l'he S~>cre1at·y t'eC'elvlng no word- to the


contrary, will cause these names and those which will appear in the December issue to be entered on the Official Ballot for the Election of Officers, 1947·1949.

FOR PRESIDENT: Edward A. R ichardson FOR VICE PRESIDEN'l': Richard P. Hedley F OR SECRETARY: Jack Levi·ne FOR TREASURER: William C. Peterman 1•'011. BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Reverend John S. Bain

Kelson S. Bond Frank W. Campbell Bert K. Denton Walter R. Hoffmann Vincent G. Greene Harold R. :\feyers Daniel C. Meyerson Ian C. :\!organ Lawrence D. Shoemaker

·!· --- ·:· J .\CK L•·:vrxi•:, Secretary

SALES DEPA.RTMENT NEWS H. R. M1·:nus, Sales llfanager 101 West 60th Street N. Y. 23, N. Y.

At· the New York Group meetings much interest is shown in the Sales Books and some substantial purchases have been 'made. Philadelphia is well represented now: aud there should be a Sales Manager for that Group. Getting you•· circuit via the "Group Route" is the most conomical wy. How about it Philly? Will you select a S.M. for YOUI" City?

Books are retired when any of the following conditions have been met: 1. Vihen most of the stamps have been bought. (No one likes to get a book half empty). 2. When your book has made the "1·ounds" of all members interested in it. 3. At the request of the owner. The last is important, as it shows that the owner has control over his vrol)ert.y and can claim it at will. ·

Sales books are priced at 5 for 25c, postpaid. If less tllan ftve are wanted, please add postage. The books are sold at actual cost. Plese do not ask for sales book with·

· out enclosing remittance, as .no provision has been made for carrying small accouni'S, and bPsides school has stat-ted, and junior may need a notebook.

-:· ---- ··· Dear Me1nber:

I've enjoyed the honor and privilege of serving you as Editor for some time and in all that time have never ventured any editorial or messages. I ask that you under· s tand and appreciate the concerns which pr.ompt me to break that precedent.

Every membe1· must admit that our Society has progressed. Om membership num­bers ove1· 300. Our magazine Is improving. Our Sales Department is showing increaser! activity. Our Library is steadily growing. OUJ' s tatus is recognized, our reputation is honored. \Ve know that our services are not complete nor what we would want them to be, but we feel sure that U1ey will be. \Vhat we may not realize is that a few cannot effect this eventual situation; only all of us now, and those who join late r , can produce that successful condition. EVE-RYBODY MUS'!' TAKE PART.

It seems so surprising in its simplicity. Our membership is over 300. lf e1;cry rncm IJcr woulft enroll C£ new -member we wr>nl<l have over IWO! If some of us wouldn't stop at one; H some of us wouldn't feel we can't! You nmst know a collector who, like yourself is interested in B.N.A. Where else can he have so much association with similar interests, with congenial collectors. I cannot emphasize enough how important a la rge membership is to the efforts and intentions of our Society to provide the best services.

As easy as i t is for our membership to g t·ow, so is it easy for our magazine to grow. :\lfembership depends on you, so does the maga:'.ine. TOPIC.& i.'l your mauuzinc! Evet·y cont1·ibution to it, be it an article, column. letter, notice or photograph, is by and from members. W e do not. we cannot, l,)aY fot· articles. We must and do depend entirely on you for an interesting magazine. It isn't . easy for eve1·yone to present m writing the knowledge and information he possesses. It is easy for anyone to share some s upposed small bit or knowledge ev.en though it .won't fill pages of print. It is easy for anyone to ask a question about something he doesn't but woulcl like to lmow. I t is easy tor anyone to report some bit of news OJ' inf01·mation he has learned. A photograpll tells much, asks much. A comment, opinion, correction or affirmation is certainly wel­come to the members and the wri ter. It really i.~ Stll'Prising in its simplic ity if EVERY· flODY TAKES PART. lf 10e fetil the fault i.y YU.1trs. The J;:ditor

.. '· ~- ~~~/ 6';(nLr~~v. . ./~/ #H ,-j, n~-r /./;/;.n/,) n-#l

~;-?/~~~ .. -1~.;-,.&. v1- _.'?~·7' ~,;, //;.7'/y ;n_y ~;Ad ~/Lyh~/.."=- : ; . v , ...

'-~ ;r~. /-z~-~,,~_.;./ / ?7-r ~~r.:y.,ft"T" A;J~·/J,u-~_,;1.,~) ~t"/_,n~.JY

•. fY;f; .,lr-nuJ/v.fi4~Al ~//,IJ. rT ~/' /11~•/tr.n~y· ./.~~~)·~.fi· . ~ / , j/ .

./M..fl/1.,/./ /h'i> In h?U~~" /.h·JI'h~0.4.#f..t, k/,./.A,. Y/r~~ih) /'-· . / / / '

tldJ ~n-ir?.k.r, ~~~ · ,;~~'V'u.,/ 11/ _;IA~.,Ih"~U~~~

A'?~ ll~Nr//" /77~•9:. ~~~~ k/)r"/h;;r, .

~Th;~,_ >rfi~.n_ /he-"'/~~u'~' ~Z//7~,~) ·•/.;lf/Jip, :~~'j'- ,-,.,_4dw4 k'-"':,7hii7A/ ~': ~,4 . :P. ,/;(n'! ~ . .!>-?> ,en? /u_../ /, Iff-a h"''7' #> .'#(_ "'":/

. .-/4.:;4 ;;.~ .d.# ;h 7/i /r n., u:?->u·~ ~/.;.,.~ ,;(~.v~~.J ~ . • t .

/~?'"/A., ,~r~./-~// .n/ /vdL-Un.r.:,.' /h;~~-;,_,1/-n~r.n.,y • ,/ ._-(P'li·/ J.n~// ~/! ,k~.,.:-!;2)~


It Isn't often that one has the good fortune to run in to a really Interesting find wh ile on the hunt for early m ilitary covers. About a year ago, I purchased t.he con·es­uondence or an officer, Majo•· A1·c·hlba ld Got·don, (written to his wife and daughte•· 1 \ Ir~ln11d) while serving with the 27th Ennesklllen Regiment of Foot during the invasion oi Canada. in 1769 and 1760.

The leiters are very Interesting as they describe the life at thl.' differen t posts ancl the troubles encountered en route to :\fontrea l. They we1·e written from Crown Point. Fort Edward, Fort George, Fort Ticonderoga (which he commanded In 1760). and f•·OtH Camp Monlt·eal. in which letter he describes the surrender of ::\lontreal on the 8th Se11· tember 1760. This is probably one of the earliest Canadian ::\'lllltary covers on reco•·,J. from )-£ontreal at least.

BNA TOPICS ----~-----------------------


l:JN il }(ecor(L


Published by Fn•d Jur1·ett, Box 214, 'l'oron t.o, Canarta. Loos!' leaf s heNs ( ml m•'Q· g1 aphed), 8 }f' x 11", fastened at upper left corn!'r.

VOl,. I, No. 1. ~OI'E>mber 1930. No. 2, December No. 3, January 1931. !'\o. 4, 1-~ebruary. No. 5, March. No. 6, :\iay. !'\o. 6 has :\fay on the cover but April on the Inside. (Ed. NolP. JJN1l Record Is available from the BNAPS L ibrary.)

•••••• B. K A. CONTE~TS

Novembe1· Issue : Dnrrrl';ll' COLl:MRtA "27" llii•:NTIF!ED Plnn; L rwr o~· BNA PI\OOJ•','i 1859. 17c Dr.uE Decembor Issue: w 11 0 M .\lo(F'.'l Ot!R ST. I 1\fl'S E.11tt.n:wr D.\TF. OF Ht:GTSTli.\TIOS PonT Hom> PRonsJo~ M .<; C.\1111101" Ht: AD C .\1\'(' t:l .l .. \TIO;\" 0~

Nt:\\'FOl:NDLA:SJ) Jlllllt(lrJJ Issue: POII'I' HoOIJ PROVTSJO:V.\t.S CA 1\'1'11; 11-MA<'DON AJ.D Pll()()lo'S ESSAY- }(' CAJ'iAJlA J870 CPR 'l't:U:Oit.\l'H FuA . .,. I.- s '"'' .\ 1.\HI.(I·:n NI;;WJ'()I'J'WLAXIl $1 AIRUAII , COI. llMJIIA Am :M.\u.s (Ff:n. M .\u.) 10e Bt.A('K Bu0\1'1\ 1859 C .\N(' t:LLA'no:v "14" Pebl'llary T8Slte: 4 Hl:\"tl Nl' Mt:tl.\1: .. <; ON' 1859 Ts;.:n: Wnn El'iOitA \ 'ED CAX.\IM 1868 lHSUI·: PA1'11TC' IA A ntWAYS KNI' Ili~IIIXJ•: STINIW~ Am MAn. M,,~ I TOIIA L.1w Puoovs R.\T~: M .\UKINOS CO.\TI('()OI( 1.\' Dot:HI .]~ or.\ I. ::\lo~·rn&.lt- S Ti\IOHT-LrxR Pmn:U.\ICK 'l'ono~ ro STEA:UDOAT LA<' IIl l'it: ANXH'T.RSARY Poli1'l1AuK "MISSt:X"r" POSTlllL\ RK 15(', 1868. HEAYTLY Rlll iii<;O 1859. lOt. FrnsT PnTX'I'li'\(; 1897 JliJIILI::Jo: MYSTI~HY STA:Ill' Nl•:w•··ousuJ.AND 50c A llt.\I An. C.IX.IOA 5(' VtOLE'r G1:oucn;. FI.A'I' PniNTI.:-;o .llarch Issue: R t:\'J RKil I N t'OR:Il.\ TIOX 0" i\1.\s !TOll.\ L.\ W.i Posn•o~ Do-rs C.\S.\Do\ 2c GuEt:.' 1888. DH-.1-:c-rm P1·:1u·onATIOX. Do:~r. OF CAI'ii\IJ.\ Brt.L


CMH'Iii.S 8c G11~:v. No. 48 May 1 ssue: CAN All\ 5e VroLF.'I' HoT.\UY PniX'I'IXG S1'Ait C.\N('~;T.J .. \TlO;\' DO()IO.t:·r BLOCKS 1868 Sctur'T W.\TntMAUK N•~wFouz..oLANo 15c AIUMATr.- 21\o I sst:E

FORGERIES 1897 JUIIll.i!:" FORGEIUI,;S (Nov.) NEWFOl:.\'IILA.\'0 S J·:.\L (~OY.)

N1·:wt ou:"'DtAxu Cm.t' :ILHJ.\ A nou n. (Dec. ) 31' Dl.l; l, BUI'I'ISI I COLC l.\111!1\ (Mill'.)

VARIETIES & RE·ENTRIES 61· Yl·:u .ow Bnowx (Nov.) 1859. J2Y2c G1u;;E::-l (Nov.) 5!' B f:.\VER. M .\TX n~:·I,X'I'ICY (Nov.) KI !'\O EoW.\Kn 1<· H .\THTl."iE (Nov.) 12r- BRTDGE. 1928 (Dec.) N1·:w TYPF. E.III:\' .II:IJS Ex1•ut~'>8 Flto\.'iK

(Dec.) 1868·6c (Dec. Mar.) 5(• BJ•:A \'F.It·vVA'I'I·:nv,, 1.1. VARH:TY (Dec. ) J7c. 1859 (Dec.) lOc. 1859 (Dec. May) S Pt:Cl.II. IST's S T l'llY ov 12c BLt:t: M.\1'

(Dec.) V .\KIETY 3C' Gt:<Hwt: (Dec.) 1868. 12Y,<' V.\lliETY (Dec.) P osTAOF. D l:F.. S<"OTI' # 227 (Dec. Feb.

May) V ,\lm ,:ory El>\1'.\llll 10(' (Dec.) 4·LEAJo' YzC' lh:· I,:'I'I' IUI·:s (Dec.) lQC' JlJBII .EE ( Dec.) 6e HHOWN 1891·93. R IN:NTICY (Dec. ) lc' GREEN 'Vi\u TM.: (Dec.) 15c 1868 V .IIUF.'rY ( Jnn.)

UNRECOHDED VARIETIES 61• AI IIM.\11. ( J an. ) 1<· GltEF.l\' W.\R 1'.1x (Jan.) GJ:;OliUI:: 5l' VJOI'. I•:T noT.\IIY (Jan.) 5c• DE,\Vt:ll WITH D IUII0•::-1 S (Jan.) 10(' 1859 (Jun. May) R l>·t:.'i'l'IC Y 6c ( J an.) UI,.I; X'I'llY 5<• B I·:Av lm (Jan.) 2(' G"ouot; illKw D11•: (Jan.) 2c C.\K)HXK #86A (Feb. :\fay) 8<· REOISTERKil (FE'b. ::\Iar.) O::otiOE le Con . Pt~ut· 12 Hmm .. (Feb.) 201' C .\X.ID.\ Hl·:ill'~~n (Feb.) 2t· C .IHliTTI'iE Con. Pl:nt· 8 Vt:uT. (Feb.) El'iGiti\VIXO SLII'~ 1:'1 Cl' IUIE:'I'I' C .\SAil.\

(Feb.) J u un.1' 1' 20f' 1897 (Feb.) Nl·:w~·oL'O DJ.ANn 1923 1s~>LIJO: (Feb.) 1(' GmuGE H K·t:X 'I'ICY (Mar.) Bn. CoLl::IIBIA 3<· DJColn:x Cnow:-~ (1\lar.) 8<' GEOt!Ot: BJ.n: (::\1ar.) )<' OR.\XGt: GKOJWL\~ PosT C .\UDS (:\iar.) ST.ITTONERY V.\nn:nt~'l (May) l c GEOROE PL.\·r~~ II VALm:nEs (May) A POSS!BLt; EXl'l AXATION 0 1' RI, · I;:VTI!I I:::S

WHICH A!tl•: X()'l' HI~·El\"I'ICTJ(S (:\'lay) ]868. J.1C V "\ltmTY (May)




8 f SUR E YOUR Gl r TS

M~\l £ ARL ~ AND







JUt'( 15"'~ 1 9~0 M-35'.





IlE L' EM8Ell1Sf.MENT - OU FOYfR­AI'R IL · J ~·26· AVI\IL

MONTREAL - WINT E'R ­~ SPO RTS~ JAN · FE. B • 1~23 .

:\1 5 M 10 M 15

M 20

M~!= JAW ·EXHIBI\\\)\\· JUNE-25-26- 2.7.'

By ('. JJ. [). Oarrclt

"Made in Galt Exhibition" (~ot lllus.) 1!121. "Mad<> In Guelph Exhibition at Gut> lph Armory" (Not ill us.) l !J22. "Mall Early and Take Advantage or Mid·Day ~fails" Edmonton 1921!, 1929. Hal:­

rax 1922, 1930. Hamilton 1923. London 1926. Lethbridge 1924. Moncton 1927. :\'loose Jaw 1923, 1928. Niagara Falls l92o. Ottawa 1922. Regina 1923, 1933. San1ia 1924, 1928, 1929. Snskatoon 19!l8. ToronLo 1923, 1928. Victoria 1930, 1931. Winnipeg 1925, 1934.

"Mail Eal'ly. Be Sure You •· Gifts Arrive in Time". The re a ro 14 drawings of Stlntlt Claus. Some towns used five different forms. FORM 1. Portage La .Pra rlc. 1933 •

" 2. Calgary 1932. Edmonton 1929. Prince Rupe1-t 1931. Saslcu.toon 1927.


Toronto 1!128. 3. Torcnto 1926. Vancouvl'l' 1928, 1929. Winnlp<>g 1927. Arctic Red

River. 4. Halifax 1926. London 1927. Regina 1928. Toronto 1929. 5. Calgary 1927. Lethbridge 1931. Regina 1926, 1933. 6. Hamilton 1927. WinniJ>eg 1926. 7. Edmonton 1933. 8. Calgary 1930. Edmonton 1926. Kamloops 1932, 1936. Prince Rupert


M 21

M 25 . M 30

M 35 M 40

M 45

;l\'1 50 M 55

M 60 M 65 M 66 M 70


9. Calgary 1!>29. Kamlcocs 1931. Victoria 1926, 1927, 1933. Winnipeg 192<l . .. 10. Vancouvet· 1927, 1930, 1932.

11. Edmonton 1927 .. Kamlcops 1929, 19!:0 Sas:mtoon 1933. Vancouver 1931. Victoria 1923.

12. Calgary 1926. Ottawa 1927. Winnipeg 1929. 13. Edmonton 1931, London 1928. Regina 1927, Vancouver 1933. 14. Calgary 1931. Edw..onton 1930. Ottawa 1926. Prin~e Rupert 1933.

Regina 1932. Same, Bilingual. Tht·ee forms.

FORM 1. :.\fontreal 1926, 1928, 1929. " 2. :VIontreal 1930.

3. Montreal 1927, 1928, 1930. "Mail Early- Deposez Vos Correspondances de Bonne Hem·e" :.\fontreal 1927. 1928 . "Mail Your Christmas Parcels Early". FOll:.\l 1, as illus. dash after Christmas:

Brandon 1923, 1933. Calgary 1933. Edmonton 1923, 1932. Fredericton 1931, 1932. Fort Williams 1933. Halifax 1922, 1928. Kamloops 1928. Lethbridge 1927, 1928. ?.-fontreal 1922. Moose Jaw 1927, 1928, 1932. Ottawa 1925. Pri·nce Rupert 1929, 1930. Saskatoon 1924. Toronto 1922, 1923. Vancouver 1926. Victoria 1931. Wind~or 1927. Winnipeg 1922, 1923, 1926, 1933. FORM 2, \vith dashes as before parcel. Hamilton 1925. Kamloops 1933. L€thbl'idge 1928, 1930. Owen S.ound 1927. St. Cathel'ine 1931. St. John 1925. Saskatoon 1926, 1932. Victoria 1929, 30, 32.

"Manitoba's Diamond Jubilee. July J5th, 1930" Winnipeg 1930. "Memberl'hin Campaign Join Kcw. Enrole Vous Campagne de Recrutemcnt". Mon·

treal 1939. . "Mettez Votre Adreese Sur Vos En-tetes e>t Emvelopoes.-:Have Street Address On

All Stationery". :.\fontreal 1930, 1931. Shet·bro()ke 1925, 1926. Trois Riviet·s 1928. '

"Moncton First :VIariti.me Air Pageant". (Not illus.) 1929. "Montreal Home Beautiful- Exposition--de L'embe:lisement du Foyer-April

12-26, Avdl" 1924. "Montreal Winter Sc.orts Jan-Feb-1923'; 1922, 1923. "Moose Jaw Exhibition- June 25-26-27" 1936. "Moose Jaw Stampede" (Not lllus.) 1916. "Motorists Try Cout·tesy" Toronto 1936, 1937, 1938. Winnipeg 1938.

~)-.Q~O....o-.~·-,._..,.·~)~)~)ewl'>(!--~---l) ..... ~.,._.o--.ooc:-~oc::>t)...O._.IMICIJ>~~._..,l

. LABRADO~ Isn't t\lere a BNAPS member s-omewhere who has one or more LABRADOR

covers he will part with? I want anything and everything from there and if you will submit it priced, you will hsar fr om me promptly.

ROY W. TRICKEY 14CO East 23rd Stre·et DES MOINES 17, IOWA


15 Cent 1868, Lilac, No. 27 # 4, 6, 9, 12. 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27.

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, . 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 52. 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.


REG. BARRACLOUGH Box 115, Place D'Armes, Montreal

M ention "TOPICS" When Answering an Ad

140 ---------~-~~--=B:::._N.A TOPICS


nares 2c ver word. Min. 15 worcls per ad. Three times at price o~ 2. 500 words at will 34.00 payable in ndvance. Scott's numbers ueed unle: s otl:erwlse a:;pe· cified. Wlt.L DUY well centered mint slngle~All British America ·Colonies. Send with pl'lce. Prompt reply assured. Wm. Narson, 30 West 190th St., Bronx 63, New Yot·k. WANTED-NEWFOUNDLAND--Scott #60. 3c Slate, inall colnr varieties. Sin· gles, pril t·s . blocks used. Forward with your price. Jas. T. Culhane, 813 E. CbE>Iten Ave., Philadelphia 38, Pa. : •

'CANADIAN REVENUES-Federal and Provinces I espe:lally want varieties-­impet·fs, part perfs, plate, die, etc. J. Levine, 510 Liberty Ave., Brooklyn 7, ~ew York. W ANTED-=--"'c,.,A"N7A.,-,;::Dc:-IA~N.-:-:P:-re-c-a-n-c....,el:-s-: -:D:::-0;:,-:-:U"'B:-;-L-;E""D;::-A""N"""'D:-:--:IN""V;-;.-:::E:::R::--;T::E::-D~V:-:-A-:-;;R""I-;:;E:::T""I.,.,.h;""t>-. £o'orward with your price 01· preference In exchange. Jack Levine. 510 Libeny Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y. COVERS-Newfoundland Stampless o1· pre-stamp and any used prlot· to 18110 . .Dan C. Meyerson, 765 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn 13, N. Y. ~A:::IKATCHEWAN LAW STA:\1PS- lst Prlnting-75c, po31tion#l7- $2; #1, 6, 16, 18- $3; #3. 4, 5, 18. 1'/l pay your price and 'l'HEN ple~se t:llhcr. send mt or tell me where I may try to get photostatic copies of any ?n1tltiple pieces. l ' Jl gladly pay all costs. J . Levine, 510 Lloerty Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y. SOMEONE must have a pre·stamv CO\ er of !\ewfoundlano tllat 1 can use. Just drop a line to A1·thur B. Moll, 1240·72nd t>t., Brooldyii U,' N. Y. WAN'l'ED-NEWFOUNDLAND ONLY. \VboleEale source ot supJJIY, also good singles on 20 day approval. Kenneth 1\IInuse, 1226 Grand Concourse, ::\ew York 5ti, .!\. Y. CANADlAN PO:sTAL :S'l'ATIONEHY- JJ:arly \ tc,or.an and la.er L~tter Cards, Post Cards, Wra;:>pers and Early Su:mp Embossed Envelop~s. Can~dlan Re,·enues and Po~tage. Inquiries Invited. D. L. Eaulch, 16~ Chatham S. reet, Brantrord, Ontario. WANTED-!\ewfoundland 5c blue, rouletted :;cal. ::>cott #40. Used Patrs, stri!;s or bloclts. Dan C. Meyerson, 765 Eastern Parkway, Brooltlyn 13, N. Y. NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES- Let 1:1e lmow whatever you have.- J-:-\.-. "'"B,-.--=1171o--,I,.,.J, 1240·72nd St., Brooklyn 28, N. Y. CANADIAN S LOGANS-Covers and !l x 4's in exchange for anything or any year not listed. C. Garrett, Box 512, Cranbrook. B. C. BISON EXCHANGE& CORRESPONDE~CE ;:;C-:-L-:-:U;;:B:-. --:::0:-r-ga:-1-.11-ze:-ti;--:1:-::9""3~2.---;D:::t:-. E'-S

$1.00 a year. Members in all parts of the World, including 1\lalta, Cypl'Us, Uganda, etc. Time will prove your collection will grow fast wi th thl:; int.e:·· national exchange and by mutual agreement with its foreign partners. secure ~ew Issues, 1st Day Covers, etc., at face. Swap used duplicates. Application form from Pennsylvania State Manager. Charles CowE:ll, B·E·C 4720/1. Sum· medale Avenue, Philadelphia 24, Penn. WANTED, CANADIA~-2c and 5c n=-e-g--:1-st-1·-a-:-ti:-o-n-, '"'F""1::-:t-o- F=::-,-n,-mln t. Sf ngles or multiples, also used multiples on or otT cover. Send or write to Walter S. Bayley, 48 Roselawn Ave., Toronto 1:!, Canada. WANTED- Canadian used blocks- Ailissues. Either sencl stamps or dcscrip·

. tlon together with your price. H. W. Lutsey, 137 Voorhis A\•e., P.l\·.er Edge Manor, N. J . THE- VAN D=-=I-=E:-::-rv"""rAN.,..,...,-c"'"o::-:v""·E= n- c=L""'u:-:c.B OF AUSTRALIA-The object of this club is to bring collectors and corresJ>ondents in all carts of the Wot:ld In clo~e touch with one another by publishing their names and addre£ses, t.ogE>ther with their hobbies . in the club magazine, "The Co,·er Collector". which Is Issued quarterly and circulated amongst the members or the club. Dues $1.00 per real'. Ccn· ta: t Char·Ies :\'IcDonough, 3213 No. Howard St .. Philadelphia 40, Pa.




EV~RY TIM~ TH~ r-- HAMMER ~"""!'-'----;.__---


At the Auction Rooms of

Ji Specialised Stamp <--5ale

!Robson Lowe Ltd. 50 - PALL MALL - LONDON - SW - 1








No. Plat• lllock Single

135 19 17 Confedera tion -... ~-~ ---.. .. .. -- $5.00 $1. 50 $ .04

141 -8 Con fed . & Historical ................... 6.00 4.00 1. 00

190 I Oc Cartier ..................... ............ . ....... .. . 75 .60 . 15

192-94 Conference --- ---------- ------ ------- 2.00 1.60 .40

202 5c Posta l Union ------------------- - 1. 25 1.00 .25

203 2 Oc Regina ..... ..... ............ ...... 3.25 2.60 .65

204 5c Royal William .................... 125 1.00 .25

208 3c Cartier .............................. .75 .60 . 15

209 I Oc Loyalist --------·------------ ----- 3.50 2.80 . 70

2 10 2c New Brunswick -----------.. . ...... 1.00 .80 .20

2 11 -16 Jubilee --------------- ------------ ----- 7.50 4.00 1.00

23 7 Coronation ...................... ....... ............... .25 .20 .05

246-48 Roya l Visit ............................ .90 .70 .17

C4 Conference ------------------------- - 5.00 3.00 .75 I E3 Confederation --·------- -------- -----·-- 5.00 2.00 .45

B. N. A. List: No. 26, 3c Poslage

J . N . SI SS ON S 204 Glenrose Avenue TORONTO .sl CANADA

top related